HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1895-7-26, Page 8It Costs INTothizza ;it costa mottling to have onr,epginhne re. 1 aing the best remedies ws Olt for ver• foie file which flesh is heir tee We are ;0180,ye glad to give you information that will 11511) You in choosing tin best, In the matterof Fly Papers, far iustanoe, there is a great differeaoe. If you want uomething that will quickly. Kill the Flies then buy a package of the Fly Poison 2bper eooh as we are handling. We have r.iibo for the purpose Insect Powder, or if you want to keep them from lalling seemed get some of the Stinky or TANGLE +'FOOT, We sell this; two sheets for 5 cents. It lay oost a line more than the paper bub it does good ,work. Will be glad to amp. v You. �►y: S. A. DADM/t10l, Druggist, Bookseller and Graduate Optician. RRAPIR TRUNK RAILWAY. SOUTHERN EXTENSION W. G. & B. Trains leave Brussels Station, North bed Smith, as follows: Grave Soon:. GOING 1901011. Math 6;50 a.m. I Mixed 9:45 u.' . seeress - 11:59 a.m. Mall 9:18 p.m, :?Sneed 0100 p.m. Express ....., 0.48 p.m, r, ,ctl ,c%s 1Jle�ns, A. chide amang ye takin' notes, Ass' faith he'll print it. " BAENr1t's show in Stratford next Tues• ,ty. lakes' cape found. Enquire at Tan 3asr. One, Gun Club did not get the giver onp at-Seaforth last Friday, Messes. BAnaER & YANeTONE Shipped a lar of live hogs on Thursday of this week. TUE town Band was out to the garden ysrty at Wm. Bryan's Tuesday evening. FLAX pulling oommenoed this week and will be pnehe;i along at a lively rate until the erop is harvested. • P. Scoee's valuable 3•year•old trotting •gull, M. A. C., Oarlike bred, died thls -Week. He was the malting of a good lone. SEVERAL Brnsselites talk of taking in abs Foresters' excursion from Wingham no Sarnia and Detroit on Saturday of neat week. :I0sx now it appears to be quite a popu- n style so wear your arm in a sling, no 200 than five or six Brnsselites conform. a.g, unwillingly, to this order of things. THE Wingham Summer roes, held on Thursday and Friday of this week,. are 'attracting the sporting element of this Duality. 7?he race horses in training dere are away to Wingham. Tan stone foundation at the school mese is completed and is a substantial 'doe of masonry. The joists are now e ebape and ready for the brickwork, striah was begun on Thursday. DAvm B. Moons, of Morrie, who le re- &bbng from farming. has purchased Dr. OEtvanagh's comfortable residence and bulf acre of land, Turnberry street, and rail takepoeseesioo next Fall. The pries add was $1,500. 1101ST Friday evening as Herbert Den - a8. and Frank Lowe were returning from s'eaforth on their bicycles the wheel of Ras former struck a stone, in Doming d's.xn Grieve's hill, and threw the rider. badly sprained wrist was the result. EARLY CLoeING.—G, A. Deadman and :'etas. Fox, druggists, have arranged to afese their respeotive drug stores at 8.0'. Seek p. m. each night, Saturdays ex - ',opted, the evening previous to. a pub. as holiday, and ask the attention of the pxblio to this change, which gore into effect next Monday evening. AN Aaroerno ANSWER.—Oce of the bftetory questions at the repent Entrance deseminatioo read thus : —"Describe the =atoms of the ancient Britons," A caw -*�.nfate in East Bruce gave the following rousing answer :—The anolent Britons rag a "whole" in the ground in whioh to lee, then they dug another "whole" for fire•plaoe and carried the .smoke out `1n pails. ▪ 0xouzoAL $Lues. Rev. G. F; Salton, tbwnuerly of Brussels, pastor of the .Paatral Methodist church, Stratford, than s..dom there is no more enthusiastio •apclist in the city, performed a feat the ether day that demonstrates the superi• oaity of the bicycle as a -means of loco• �stion over sash antiquated mea05 of :navel as railroads, etc., and incidentally showed that he is a souther whom local eraok.a-jaaks will have to figure with urban they set out to tell of long rides in lest time, The clerical oynlist left Strat- bd for Goderioh on Monday morning lest, getting oub of the city a few minutes sober the 5;50 train for Goderiah. Trav- ,i20ing at a goodly pane, he oaughtup with *strain, and held Itis own, reaching Sinton the same time as the train. 'mewing Clinton, Mr. Salton gained on •ttlmiron horse and arrived at hie deaths - tenon some minutes ahead of the train. l Wi..Salton, with becoming modesty, de. heed to give the time of the run. Tonovxo INDUSTRIAL FAru.—An anbrok• see record of successes in the past is the 'elect possible guarantee that the Toronto lkazhosbrial Exhibition of 1895, which epos on the 2nd of September, will be a splay of unrivalled attractiveness. 'Many improvements in the buildings and 40tonnds have been made to 'farther the awavenienoe of exhibitors and the public, urmd.wibh the return of an era of pros. lenity the enterprise of the management well doubtless be rewarded by a thorough Appreciation of the indurpments offered. Vim volume of exhibits 'his season will Jkeiarger and more diver-ified than ever : ib'a0ore, and special abtrae' ions of a brit - tact and exciting cbarao er will be pre. ewasee6;. inoludiog the novel military .ex0taole, "The Relief of Luoknow,' with someone Oriental aooeseoriee and pyro- na tnio effects on a scale of grandeur and tautety hitherto unegnalled. The eye - card cheap railway fares and Opeoial raumreiont from far and near enables all Oleic the Fair at trifling coat and awaoyone should take advantage of the ,'igTpertunity, ae it embodies all that is .bes•A worth geeing and knowing in meoh. 'anneal progress and scientific invention. ,Al'lentries close. 011 the 100Ii of August. BRV'sEZ6 Oroheetra will .play at a gardenn party et Wroxeter Tuesday evening of next week. le unnd last Week byd°rolling thumb !Hee is enable to work in the meantime axeept• tag in overeoeing. A mom meeting of Beruasle Connell Was held loot Monday evening, to pass the by.Iaw in eonneetioa with the new aohool holm clebentiree. A 'imam pto.nie was held by the families of G. A. Deadman end Gee. Rogers' on Tgeeday afternoon. A pleas. ant time was enjoyed. • Tau Clinton Newe-Reoord says Brussels PoeT has entered upon an year of pitblioatiou and deolaree tha as sound in wind and limb as ever. PoeT ie a good tool paper and gives ovidenoe of prosperity. 31oxtese evening A. Reid, J. McAl T. Ballantyne, To. Shaw; A, Stem D, G, Roes and Angus Lamont able an Organization meeting of a 0am the Sons of Scotland at Wroxeter,. were 17 Winghamites also in attend Camp Hawiok starts with 26 Oh members, Mr, Ballantyne tools hie pipes along and treated Glee audione some of the auld omega, PASSED THE ENTRANCE,—The folio are the names of the successful p belonging to Brussels Public School wrote at the Entrance :—Carrie Bing Edna Dennis, Mary Friendship, J MoLauoblin, Bella Laidlaw, H Dennis, Fred. Blunter, Lorne Pri Fred. Hayoroft and D.111oLauohliu, don't know the order of merit, as marks obtained are not yet in our session. Pun= Sermon LEAYINa.—The folio pupils who wrote at Brueseleon the he .School Leaving examination passed :—K. Cooley, E. Webster M0Lauohlin, L.ltioLennan, Fred. son, G. S. Watt, Ira Gerry, Fred. Gil J. Mcoraoken, S. Orerar, R. Carry, A Lamont and Jae. Hoy. Lorne Dun and Georgie Howe who also wrote obt ed Entrance standing. The candid have received their standing on po dards but the oflloial list for publico hos not shown up yet, neither has report of the Entrance. Niue pupil Brussels Public School were owes in the Public School Leaving which good record for both scholars andteao Reimer HowE, C. E., inspector for Canadian Fire Underwriters Aesooiati paid Brussels an official visit on Tues —The other titis Tun every pine, ()ban, nded p here anoe. anter bag. 5 to wing upils who ston, Basle erbert ngle We, the pos. wing Pub. have pin, Ilan Ilan ford ado - etas; stat tion the sof sfnl is a her, the on, day the re - ung ed. b of an nes and of old et. ale be. of ns he of se- re, air it ey re• n. oof, m ce et an r- he it b r - is of d, b- 1. 0 ti r • ay. and made a thorough inspection of fire appliances, fire limit, &o, At his quest the Reeve had the fire alarm. r about 10 o'clock and the engine was ape ily taken to the platform at the foo Elizabeth street where it worked for hour throwing water through two li of hose at the corner of Elizabeth Thomas streets. With the exception a break in a length of hose there .Mo not be much fault found with the to The inspector's report and the ached for classification of towns will be laid fore the ()outsell. It is on the report the Inspector that the rates of the vario Lass companies are graded as to t class a town will be placed. Some the requirements are °copied with a on siderable increase of expense if alo ly adhered to. HOWE or REFUGE,—The briokle.ye Haywood & ooPryor, have completed th work of the walling of the House and is admitted by all who see it that th have sustained their deservedly good potation as first-class meohanios. Co tractor S. S. Cooper has erected the r which is well braced and strong and fro its hipped form offers the least resietan to the force of the winds which mu necessarily be very strong at eo great elevation. A very fine view of the su rounding country ie afforded from t roof. The slate is now on its way and is expected to have all closed in tight the first of next month. To satisfy e quirers as to why the building was oa ried no higher a most potent reason that the Government regulations do n now favor the erection of a third story o this class of bnildin'g, a most human rule when it is borne in mind that dos of inmates are principally the of deorepit and feeble, to whom the olim Ing of stairs is a task of pain and difficu ty. The building now stands forty-tw feet above the grade line, and only look somewhat fiat on account of its grea length. Contractor MoBeth is on to th barn in full force this week. T. Waike has built the foundation in a most sable faotory way: ADDRESS AND PAEsENTATIoN.--Thured evening of last week the members o Western Star Lodge, Independent Orde of Odd Fellows, No. 149, showed the ap predation of the services rendered by R M. Dickson, who is removing to Detroit by preeenting him with an elegant Past Grand's Jewel. It is in the form of a star and on each point is one of the em Mems of the Order. A suitable insorip. tion is engraved on the back. The fol- lowing address accompanied the gift :— To R. Ili. Dickson, Brussels, pat. : DEAR Sia AND BROTHER,—. We, the members of Western Star Lodge I, 0. O. F„ No. 149, have learned with unfeigned regret of your contemplated removal from Brussels. A large measure of the noose attendiug this Lodge is due to your valu- able services so freely rendered and we feel confident your place will be very diffioult to fill. We desire, however, to show our appreciation in a more practi- cal form than the utterance of kind worlds truthfully spoken and therefore ask yon to accept thea jewel as a small expression of the regard Brussels Odd Fellows have for you. Io the future you may be associated with a larger number of tbree-linked•brebhren than surround you to -night, but we assure yon that their friendship aanuob be truer and though absent from 05 you will not be forgotten. We hope to often have the pleasure of a fraternal visit from you and we need hardly say that cur best wishes for your future suooess accompany you. May Friendship, Love and Truth be guiding stars in your life and along with a Daughter of Rebekah --or Eva—may you in peace, plenty and pleasure pass down to patriarohial days. Signed on be. half of the Lodge, R, G. Wxl,sooe, N. G. ; W. BRIGHT, Secretary, Brussels, July 11,'95. Mr. Dickson made a most suitable reply, in which seasonable hike in the onward march of the Lodge were interspersed in his expressions of tlianke to the brethren. B. Coolirane made the presentation, Mr. Dickson has been a very zealous and successful Worker in the Order end his removal will leave a blank not easily filled, Tan POST joins with hie many Mende in Brussels in wishing him great noose in hie new home. THE BRTXSS1 T)llt mina! Inentlhly 0508108 Wee held in the R, 0, °Murch last Seri/bath, Tar dex gang had a 11a8093l niatoh'ou the Livingston farm on Thursday after, 85011, 550001t7r1 Lacrosse loam was in town. 'en Wednesday. They took the train here for Fergus where they were defeated.. Wai, Salm eompletecl the painting of Beattie 13ree, bus. for Wingham and the vebiole rune batten home last Wednesday, Mr, Smith did a good job,' PALDIERSTON will' be, a strong drawing Ord next Thursday in oonneotion with their oslebration. On the Program 15 bicycle races, '1anroese, baso ball, Bre- works, trades' procession, 1.3th Batt, Band from Hamilton, see, The editor of Thio PoeT iteenowlsdges the receipt of e oompllmentary badge, NEwsrsroRrAL,—The Aoloe Free Press has celebrated Robber birthday and is tailing along ab a lively rate. Wo wish it oontinned prosperity.—'This week the Wingham Advance ohangee hands, Jamas Zloty having sold out to John Oornyn, There is room for considerable improv. mint.: We have not heard what Mr, F)euby will turn hie attention to. He deserves a Government "sit"', more than many who get them. Lion lint, Grand Organizer Milne, 02 the .& 0. 0. W., will address a public meeting in the Town Hall, Brussels, Friday evening of this week, oommeno- ing at 8 O'olook. The residents' of Brno - eels and surrounding country cordially invited to attend as Mr. Milne is well pouted in the working of the Order, hav- ing occupied the position of Grand Master for a number of years and is now a Supreme Lodge oifioer. He is 8 gopd speaker. Go and hear him. No charge. CniLD SAVING Woax.—Any person de. airing to adopt a Canadian child will bear of some very suitable eases by writing Rev. O. W. Waob, Brighton, Ont., who has several children placed in his oars for adoption into good Christian homes, He bas some bright little boys of three and under. They are Canadian children and are deserving of good homes. Per. sone applying will please send name and address of their pastor'. Ministers and others knowing of orphan or destitute children in need of assistance, Mr. Watob will be pleased to correspond with and advise in the matter. Finanoial' aid and clothing in behalf of orphan and destitute children will be appreciated and applied as the donor desires. DEATH of A. L. Monnet, Q. 0,—A cablegram was received at Napaneo on Siunr.l,v, from Liverpool, announcing the acute of A. L. elorden, Q, Cl„ Crown Attorney fur Leouox ani Addington. He left Napanee about three weeks ago, intending to spend the Summer in Bur. ops in the hops of regaining bis strength, but the voyage proved too much for him apparently. Decevsed was the senior member of the firm of Morden and Rut tan, and was greatly esteemed and re. s voted. 13e was a prominent worker in the Methodist church, and his death will be a great lose to that body. He was un- married. His sister, Mrs. Thos. Syming- ton, of Napanee, was wibh bine when he died. Softening of the brain was the cense of hie deabb. He was about 65 years of age. Deceased is a cousin to H. J. Morden, Standard Bank. Brussels. Business Locals. LONG, clear bacon at MoOraoken's. BLANK note forms for sale at Tan Pose Publishing House. Fon las shoes, °heap and good, we take the lead. I. C. Richards. Smarm harness, fine range of them and very cheap. I. C. Ricbarde. Vere beet Pea flarvesters at J. J. Gilpin's, Brussels, for $10.00. RErAms in shoes and harness attended to promptly. I. 0. Richards. LIVELY 000 on children's wagons at THE Poso Book Store. 2 boy's veloci- pedes for sale. Call and see them. Do you want to stop using tobacco 7 If eo, ries No -To -Bac. We refund your money if not as stated. G. A. DEADA AN, Samoa's ore is sold on a guarantee. It aures incipient consumption. It is the beet cough cure. Only one cent a dose. 25 ole., 60 ole. and 91.00. Sold by James Fax, Druggist, Brussels. FLEW' PLOWS.—Hugh Williams & Son are the Agents for the well known Fleury plows. They also keep all the necessary repairs. Call at Williams' Livery Stable, Brnesels. The Fleury plow received the gold medal and diploma at the World's Fair, Mits. T. S. HAwares, Chattanooga, Tenn., says, "Shiloh's Vitalizer "saved my life.' I consider it the best remedy for a debilitaed system I ever used." For dyspepsia, liver or kidney trouble it excels. Price 75 rte. Sold by Jas. Fox, Druggist, Brussels. THIS IS CONOENTmATION.--One pill a dose, one box 25 cents. One pill relieves constipation. One box Mires an ordinary case. Ono pill taken weekly neutralizes formation of uoio acid in the blood, and prevents Bright's kidney disease and Diabetes. True only of Dr. Chase's Kidney Liver Pills. SODA WATER FOUN0Ani,--J, McAlpine has, at considerable oast, put one of them into his restaurant and can now put up the best Summer drinks known. He has reduoed los atom to 30 oents a quart and will give very special rates in fruits and confectionery to pic-nicand evening parties. A REALAM/CARLE Cunn.—J, W. Jennison, Gilford, spent between $200 and 9800 in consulting doctors ; tried Dixon's and all other treatments but got no benefit. One box of Ohaee's Catarrh Cnre did' me' more good than all other remedies. In fact I consider Myself oured, and with a 25 pent box at that. Ben:men s CIMETEny,—To whom it may concern :—Flavingbeen appointed care- taker of Brussels cemetery, I wish to make it look as respeotable as possible. This, however, oannot be done without the co-operation of those who have' rela- tives or Mende buried therein. Now is bus time to show your respect for the de. parted and also to improve the property yon bold there by fixing up your lots and by straightening the monuments or tomb. stenos emoted to the memory of yodr departed. For the paltry sum of 25 dents I will etraigbtsn all tombstones, that do not need cementing, and for 60 cents will straighten and oeesent those that require it. I will ale° for 50 cents straighten all monuments that need it and keep them straight for one year. Lots also fixed up and taken erre of a6 reasonable rates. Address all oommuni. tailor' to Ronr, ARMSTRONG, Look box 44, Brusoel0. , JULY 26, L$96 mooradammommonomommisompoimpoiwompow ST4.7117)./1,81) .7117) ,81, : B4X. ' OF 04ti1X,4D , ZFePsa•%lZ,Zf3=--Zs HEAP QFI IQE, m TORONTO. ASSETS, (Seven Million Dollars) V1,0000300 ' CAPITAL (A011911404) r • . , 02,000,000 pen/daft alb prinoipaf,freiftfs in Onfarfo, Qeebcq, DTattftgba,17nttad States al Etzpiaatti pARis anEEN A General Banking Business Transacted, Farmer's' Notes Discounted. Drafts Issued and ColIeotione made on all pointe. SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT, Interest allowed on deposits of 91.00 and upwards from dat of d withdrawal and compounded half yearly, aposit to Babe of SrEOIAL ATTENTION, OFTEN TO "r1Tll1 COLLECTION Or FARaiERel SALE NOTES. Bvoryfacility afforded 0uebomers' living ata dietanoe. J. A. STEWART MANAGER. TXIE''Ai1ZIxtIA1 COIIORA,DO BE1:1114 ' Behinds us that the 0-ILL/ES 84 -SIVEXTEI B5t BIetunifoe RS Transact a General Banking Business: Drafts Bought and Sold oil all points in Canada, United States and Great Britain. FARMERS NOTES DISCOUNTED. SALE NOTES AND MORTGAGES A SPECIALTY. Sa3'dwa& AMR DNA* . rAr2MEAT. Interest Allowed on One Dollar and Upwards at OorrentBates. Interest Com- pounded Twice a Year, Being' Added to the Principal at the end of the Months of October and April. Special Arrangements made for Time Deposits. o We effect to write Insurance hi eta English or Canadian Companies, or in Mut.. teal COmPanlee as .may be desired. B:OENTS FOR CANADA AND UNITED STATER : THE CANADIAN BAMS Or COniIEROIA w,TWEEn waterproof goat found in Bras - vele on Tuesday, July. 2Brd. Owner may have same by proving property and pay- ing for this notice, Pose Publishing House. 1ARL's Clover Root, the great Blood. Purifier gives freshness and clearness to the complexion gent cures constipation, 25 ole, 50 ate and 91.00. Sold by James Pox, Druggist, Brussels, FAauEas wanting hardy, native stook. to plant this coming Fall or Spring may pay for it in work. We want men with or without experience on full or part time, Salary and expenses or commie. sion. Write at once for further infor- mation. Brown Brothers' Co„ Conti. nentsi Nurseries, Toronto, Ont. 48.8m BORN . O iutie.—In East Wnwanosh, on July' 15th, the wife of Mr. Wm. Currie of a 80b. Stumm—In Brussels, on July 21st, the wife of Mr. Thos. Sneider, of a son. MoMARTxN.-In Brusseis, 00 July 23rd, the wife of Mr. Robt, McMartin of a eon. xa.a.raxaa, - Ducabow_WetsoN.—At the manse, Mil. verton, by the Rev. John gay, Miss Annie, daughter of Mr. Alex. Wilson, to W. J., eon of Mr. John Dooklow, both of Elms. a2an- STnnEs.--In Morris, on Joly 19th, George, son of Ross Stubbs, aged 2 years, 2 months and 15 days. W' .24.6. Industrial, Toronto, Sept. 2.14 The Western, London 12-21 Provincial, Montreal, " 12 21 Hay, at Zurioh, " 23.24 South Huron, Exeter, " 23-24 South Perth, St. Mary's, " 24-25 Mitchell, at Mitchell, " 24.25 Clinton, " 25.26 Turnberry, Wingham, " 25.26 East Huron " Brussels, 26.27 Northern, Ailsa Craig, " 26.27 Kirk ton, Oct. 1- 2 Territorial Exhibition, Regina, July 29th to Aug. 7 LRV6smye> M.liRZMIM GI, Fall Wheat Spring Wheat....,....., Barley.. ...... Peas Oats .,.... Wool Butter, tubs and rolls Eggs per dozen Flour per barrel.. Potatoes (naw) Hay per ton. Hides trimmed Hides rough Salt per bbl., retail Sheep skins, eaolh Lamb skins each Apples per Mil Hogs, Live Wool 75 75 40 55 30 18 11 9 450 5 00 100 1000 12 00 2 00 1 00 00 20 • 40 15 40 1 62 1 25 4 25 4 50 18 • 02 78 78 45 57 81 18 12 Lxyynpoo0, July Md.—Cheese steady ; demandmoderate ; flnestAmerican white, new, 88e 6d ; finest American colored, new, 38s 6d. Butter, finest United States and good nominal, Ingersoll—Offerings to -day 4,152 boxes, principally June make ; no sales ; 8, o bid ; good attendance but market quiet. Belleville—Offerings at the cheese board to -clay were 2,005 boxes white and 350 boxes colored. Sales on board, 780 white and 100 colored, at 80. Ton ONTO, JULY 23. --Market . quiet. Wheat—One oar of winter reported sold wort at 80o, and red, G. T. R. 'wok report- ed offered at 77,}o ; No. 1 Manitoba bard offered west at 93ie. Flour—Car lots of straight roller offered, Toronto freights at 93.75 ; Manitoba bakers' offered at 94,- 25 here, and patents at 94.50. Peas—Odd care to millers, west, quoted from 58o to 50c. Oats—Cat lits of white sold, Thigh freights, west, at 82,fo, and one car sold, middle freights, west, at 84c. Barley— Offerings practically nil. EAST BUFFALO, N. Y., July 28.—Cattle —The receipts of Cattle dace last report were all consigned through, and as a re. suit there was but little doing. The market was remarkably steady. Hogs -- receipts, to oars. The market was dull for all kinds. Yorkers 95.55 to good mediums, $5.45 to $.45 ;. common to good heavy ends, $4.85 to 95 ; rough, $4:50 to $4,70 ; 13155, $5.60 to $6.65 ; stags, 98.75 io $4.50. Sheep and lambs— Receipts, 31 ears. Only 1 ear fresh 01' rivals. The market ruled. dull and nn: changed, with but littlo demand from any source. and weathers, $8.50 to $4e good oto tprtms handy webers, 93.25 to $3.50 ; fair to uton tood o fair, $1.550 to 62 ; cu92.75 tolla, 50o to $1; clipped yearlings, fair to choice, 92.75 to $3.60 ; culIs and common, 92.25 to $2.75 ; fair to good, $3.25 to $4.40 ; springlambs, good to best, 64.5010 05. Toemero, July 23.—The Toronto live stook -day was dull and easy. Cables were no higher, and demand from the buyers here was not heavty. Re- ceipts were large -60 cars, inoluding .900 Bogs and and 85 calves. Export cattle met with slow sale, and the fact that the quality was poor, kept demand down and prices low. The best sale was 20 head weighing an average of 1,180, pounds, sold at 4c less. Some sold as low as 3}o per pound, but the ruling price was 3Ec to 4}o per pound. Choicer butchers' cattle were scarce. The best sold at Go per lb. This was the exception, and the ruling price for picicail lots of to -day's offerings were Sic to 890 per lb. Common sold at 2 o to 2o. Stockers and feeders were quiet. A few light stockers were bought for Antwerp at 2}o per lb. No feeders were offered. Mihail cows and springers were quiet. Prices were nominal, $20 to 930 each. Sheep and lambs were dull. Lambs sold at $1.50 to 92.50 each. Ex- port.slheep were quiet at 30 to Seo per lb. Hogs were a ]fttis firmer for all of- fering, and sold readily. Best bacon hogss atl$4.75 ;stn east 94.25 and 94.50 stags est 2c to no per lb.. and sows at 390 to 40 per lb. THE PEOPLE'S COLUMN. BRUSSELS POST OFFICE Savings Bank takes Deposita from 81.00 to 81,000 and allows 81 per sent, interest, T. FAIR W . 17-3m kostmaeter. C OMFORTABLE BRICK House for Sale situated. on Tum - berry -street, Brussels. Immediate possess- ion. Good stable, well, cistern, 4 acro of Laud, fruit trees, do. Apply to Mita, R. WAL ii17R, 41• No: 8I, John Street, _ Brussels seals mHRESHING MACHINE AND Gott=N G0I111/11/0 G0TFxr Fon SALE.— An Abell Enggine travelled four years; a Stratford Booker .pbreebing Machine travell- ed two years, Dearly as good as new, A Waterous Enpine Works twenty inch Pre1011 Behr etooe for grinding grain, only done our own- grinding, better than new, our own make of elevators, price at the works 8200, 5n buy 476.00 separate suit the wttolo outfit or will sell. 1I� SDEN S01ITE, 55.61 Brussels P. 0. REAL ESTATE. TilARM FOR SALE.—THE UN— A. DERSIGNED ')Stere hie .75 acre farm for Sale, being Eastart of Lot22, Oon.13, Grey, About 5O acres bleared, balance bush, Good frame house, bank barn, 4545 feet, orchard, well, 45. In good state of cultivation and further npa0b18UIaxgst3as oto price, harvest, deo. apply to 60.4 DUN CAN 11IcTNNES, Proprietor, Craubrook P, 0, � .( ARM FOR SALE. -THE ITN- f010200GNED offers for sale his 55 aero m being West half of North halt of lot 14, con, 8, Morris. There ie a good' log. house, with frame kitchen bank barn 1 sr - chard ; well, &o. 46 cores cleared and under good .state of cultivation, Possession'given next November, For further particulars as to -price, terms, &.o, apply 011 the promisee to ROBERT HUGHES, Proprietor, 44.62 , or Brussels P.O. Notice • to Oreditors; ' IN THE SURRoaATE COURT or THE COUNTY Or Hinton, IN THE ESTATE Or ALEOAND Eli MCDONALD, OF THE TowNsnxr OF GREY,. FA1te1GR, DEORAe1n, Notice is hereby given pursuant to Chan 110,.04. 3; 0,,aod amending 5010 ; that all ere- - liters and others having claims against the estate of the above 1/102251 ALEXANDER MODONALD, doeeased, who died on or about the Twenty-eighth day of June, A, D.1895. are required to deliver or send by post pre- paid to G. F, Blair, Brussels,. 5olioiter for Thomas. Straeban and; Alexander Forsyth, the executors of the deceased, en or before. the First fray of Anguet,1895, a statement in writing Outlining the namos, addresses and description and full particulars of their claims and the nature of their meatiest (it any) held by them, and in Sdefault bbereof and as 8000 after the said let day of August as the same eat be conveniently done, the said exoontors Will proceed to distribute the assets of the said deceased among thoar- tise entitled. thereto, having regard only to the olafms of Which they 'ball thouhave had notice and they will not Ile liable for the assets of said estate or any ,part thereof 00 distributed, to any pollen of whose claim they have not Lad notion at the time of snob dfetribnttoe. Bated s at Bruste18, July nth, 1605, 1-Solieitorllor Esgoutors, Season is close at hand and we desire to 81mind you that we have, this 'mason, the very Pug. set artigle that ono be purellased anywhere. We guarantee every pound to bo cllemioally pure. Only 25o, per pound Fox's Drug Stare, OProsxTE QUEEN'S HOTEL, LEGAL'AND CONVEYANCING. ,p L. TAYLOR, BARRISTER -+-e1• Soltoitor and Conveyancer., Pollee. lions made, Ofilee—Vanstone'sB1o5a, Brun. eels. - 81-3m AAT M. SINCLAIR, 110, &o. BOtt eeorVanet 0e e- Block, 1S door north 01 Central Hotel, Private Funds to Loan. G F. BLAIR, BARRISTER • • Solicitor, fico, (]eta of Gnxrow Proudtoofa Otlloo, Goderiob,) Chloe oyer Gillies & Smith's Baak, Bruseele.. Money to Loan, 49 DENTAL. DR. DAVIDSON, Honor Graduate Toronto University, Licentiate Royal College. Dental Surgeons.. `Crown and Bridge work a specialty, Modet- •ate Fees. Satisfaction Assured, Ofnoe over Barrett's barber shop, Turnberry St,, Brun. gels. • VETERINARY. D. WARWICK, e • Honor Graduate of the Ontario Veterinary College, is prepared to treat an diseases of domesticated animals In a o0m- pbtent manner. Particular attention paid to veterinary dentistr, Calls prompt!yy at- tended to. Oracle and Infirmary—Four doors north of bridge 'Purnberry at., Brussels. MEDICAL CARDS. J• C. MA. �L R. C.P., ONEdinburgh, M.M O. P. S. Ont. Residence and office. in Wilson's Block, corner of 01111 and Turnberry Ste. J• M. ARMSTRONG, M. D. Physician, Surgeon, Atooucher,etc. Faculty 5 of Member off Coronto llegeofUniversity ions and Surgeons, Out, OFFICE—Next door to MoDobald & Co., Walton Ont. BUSINESS CARDS. H. MOCRACKEN, • IseurerofMarriageLiosnees. Office at his Grocery, Turnberry street, Brussels. RN. BARRETT, . Tonsorial Artist. Shop—Next door south of A. M. McKay de Co's hardware eters. Ladies'and ohildrens hair cutting a specialty ROBERT CUNNINGHAM. 1115010.1705, FIRE AND MARINE. GUELPH. T. FL.ETCHE'R, Issuer of Marriage Licenses, OFFICE AT JEWELRY STORE. L No Witness Required. T. FLETCHER, Brussels. WELLINGTON MUTUAL IN. In - sureness e• ffeetedrs 0on all To no and Farrin Property at very low rotes, I5.6m 3. A. CREIGHTON, Agent, Brussels. it HUNTER, Clerk of the Fourth Division Cour Co. Huron. Conveyancer, Notary Public Land, Loan and Insurance Agent,. Funds invested and to loan. Collections made' omee in Swale's Block, Brooke MISS O'CONNOR, R. T., Teacher of inet1•tl1eotaimu0ie on Piano or Organ. Will visit Wingham Tues- day and Wednesday of oath week. Bost, drone on Princess Street, Brussels. rrl A. HAWKINS, M. C. S. M. 1. • Organist in St. John's March, Bros este, and pupil, in the Arb of Teaching' of A. W, Thaver,Mus.11oo„Now York, will give lessons to pupils either en piano or organ, at hisparlorover A.R. Smith's store, Botts, 5els.. Vooallonsane also given. Terme mod- erate. AUCTIONEERS. :FORGE KIRKBY, Licensed Auctioneer. Balsa conduct orlon reasonable tome. Farrell and farm stook s.specialty. Orders left at Trull POST Publish ingHouse,Bru0801e,or sen tto Walton P. O., will receive prompt attention. �.j S. SCOTT AS AN ACTOTION- .L' -• EEn, wi11. 0011 for better than men iu is sbime and leas barren lima any other Auctioneer in East Huron or ba won't charge e anytbieg. Dates and ordors can always be arranged nt,tltla otilae or by personal application. STONE ! STONE Any quantity of Building, Corner, Rubble, Sil 1 and Bridge Stone for Salo Quarried` and ready for loading at. Bruseele Quarry. For price mud terms apply to 37.tf JNO. MITO$ELL, Box 150 Brussels, GENTS WANTED WHO DE— .A. rime to darn from 815 y, 081 anteed. Canadian an growth polling serliStook, Salatyo r O1nm1e52 Srpold Nursery Stook, salary i- toby. fan paid weitly, Exclusive, ye at tory. Honneomo outfit frog, Write us at ones for tonne, 41.14 E. 0, GR6.R495, Nurseryman, Toronto, Ont,