HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1895-7-26, Page 7F .(', O T. News (rota Csntral Africa is, slow in resoling the outside wer14, but the Iatege reports by oarayanfront the great oontrol region imutodiotoly south of the Sabana have all the interest of romance, They •, ;'Mate that ono Rabah, a termer slave and lieutenant of Zebohr Pasha, governor of Darfur under the old Egyptian regime, is making himseit an empire of the 1•'lohem. medan ptatee of Central North Afrioa, and to already in full possession of the Suite. nate of Bornu. It appears that Rabah, when the Egyptian hold on the Soudan was broken by the Mandioto, Red west. ward to Bsghinni with a smell, but well' armed following, and having conquered the country and attracted to his standard oonelderableforoe, advanced on. Borne. The Sultan opposed his progress with a great army, but was defeated in a bloody' battle near Ruka, and the forces 'subse- queutly raised by hie nephew and successor met with the same fate, When the traders eft Dikoa Rabab'e headquarters, be' was nfull possession of the territories of the i sultan, which enoirole Lake Tidied and extend to the Niger, had aooumnlated great wealth in gold, silver, and ivory, t had a large army which obeyed him a boo. lately, and was recognised everywhere as uadieputed ruler of the land. In person he iea tall, spare negro, of great energy, but of simple tastes, possessed of the courage, fertility of resource and power to command men necessary to a successful freebooter, and fights for himeelf aline and for plunder. Itis more than a year now singe he was act heard from,and it possible, or conrae, that his meteoric career has already Dome to en end ; but it is equally possible that h may be still conquering, that he may have enlarged his sovereignty' by the conquest of other states, and that he may do what has never been done in Afrioa—establish an empire. In Asia it has been done time and again, but the unending tribal wars in Africa have never thrown up a Genghis Khan or Tamerlane to carve out an empire with the sword, though the MatabeIe and Zaino have produced chiefs who might easily have done so had they ever enter- tained the ambition. It is surprising that they did not, or that among the Arabs of North Africa some leader with the ability and following to found a kingdom Ilaa not appeared; and that one has not may be due rather to ohne than to a lack of cohesion in the black rano which would prevent the organization of armies on a sufficient scale. It is possible, however, that Rabah may have both the ability and ambition, and that under his conquering soimeter there may arise south of the Sahara an empire occupying the great central region between the Niger and the Nile, now occupied by the black Moham- medan states. It is difficult to .realize what new conditions such a change might bring about, for with the strong and well .armed armies Rabah might put in the field, France would have to fight for her hinter- lands, both in North and West Africa, and to abandon for the time her dream of en African empire atretohing from the French Congo throes the oontinent. Given time and money, she would, no doubt, scatter Rabat's forces, though it would require French aoldlero, and not Senegalese, to do so,but whether the French peasants would give their sons and their savings to found an empire in the Soudan is another question. The outcome of Rabah's enterprise in Boron is thusa matter of no slight importance to Europe. THE STEAMER CIBOLA .BURNED. The ahlo Cut Adrift and named to the Wnter'a Edge—A Plumber oe 100111- - dogs In Lewiston Destroyed—Loss Moro Than Ono Iluudred Thousand Dollars. A despatch from Lewiston, N. Y., sage ' Shortly after one o'clock Monday morning a fire started in the steamer Cibola, of the Niagara Navigation Company, which was moored at the 'wharf. The crew were all asleep, with the exception of the watch• m; .i, and steam was down. In a very few minutes the crew turned out, and every effort was made to stop the further progress of the flames. The timbers of the cabins burned rapidly, and the heat was so intense that the man were driven ashore. Owing to the look of steam pressure, the pumps could not be properly handled. It was then seen that there was no hope of saving the steamer, and her moorings were out and she was allowed an drift down the river. The spectacle was magnificent, were it nob marred with the thought that so much valuable property was being destroy- ed, estroyed, The flamesrose high in the oar, linking up the mute and rigging, and making a roar like the great cataract. The ship will he a total loss, She is now slowly drifting down with the current; burning close to the waters edge. Before the lines were out the heat of the flames and the sparks eat fire to the wharf and freight shed on the river level. Tie blaze soon extended to the hotel above the landing stage, and the houses adjacent. The fire appliances were totally Madequ. ate to cope with the devouring element, which soon spread to the railway station. The buildings were mostly of wood, and burned fiercely. Some houses were pulled down, and after almost superhuman efforts the firemen, aided by the willing hands of the crowd, succeeded in retying the town.. Ab one time it was thought that the whole place would be ,destreyed. The loss is pretty heavy, the principal iterh being bile steamer Cibola. The total lose will he more than one hundred thoneand dollars. Done by a Blind Painter. A most wotderful bib of work: Those things wore palated by a blind pointer. Whet were 1 (Chose blinds, jTHE NEW IN . UMBEL L THA PRY LATEST 1DROIiI ALJ, OVER THE WORLD, Matereatin ttmorn8 ,About our own eeeentrr, Mreat Britain, the Batted Staten, and A11 Farts 01 the b7lebe, Condensed Ofsd Aesorlell nor Ilea' headings C,P.R, land sales are looking up. Bush liras are reported en' Manitoulin Island. There were heavy deelinee in the Anglo. Canadian trade in Jupe. 7.{he Globe hotel, Winnipeg, was destroy od by fire on Saturday, Mr, Warden King, a prominent bueineaa man of Montreal, is dead, Tho Government has made important changes in the fisheries regulatione. A anbeoription in aid of Trish Home Rule has been started in Montreal, A oar load of show home and cattle from Ontario has reached Winnipeg. For the half year ending June the 30th 2,352.imn igrenbs arrived ab Winnipeg. The sea serpenb exhibited himself to two fisherman near Hamilton Beaoh. Tho first carload of oheeee ever exported from Winnipeg was shipped to Montreal. The latest orop reports give essuranoe of a bountiful harvest all, over the North- West, Wentworth County Council, is taking legal abeps to separate from Hamilton in regard to the administration of jusbioe. President Sir Charles Rivera Wilson will arrive in Montreal about August 17 to investigate: the Grand Trunk affairs. • A four-year-old boy named Paulson was run over by an electric car in Winnipeg on Saturday and died a few hours after of his injuries.. Archbishop Cleary has issued a circular to the clergy. of Kingston ltiooese :asking for aid for the Irish Parliamentry party in the forthcoming elections. The City Engineer of Toronto has recommended improvements in the water works system the cosb of which will exceed six hundred and seventy thousand dollars. Dir. 1Yilliani Smith, Deputy Minister of Marina, brings with him from England proposals from the Allan Company for the eetablishment of a seventeep.knet Atlantic steamship service. The Elder -Dempster Line steamer Mexi- co, having en board the first cold.storage shipment of Canadian butter for England, was wrecked in the Straits of Belle Isle. The crew are safe. Capt. P. Lamothe, of Alton, Ill., lite commenced proceedings to recover six thousand three of land in Ontario, which it is claimed will revert to him in 1897 on the expiry of a ninety-nine years' lease.. The city of London is located on part of the land. OREAT n0IT b111`. Gen. Lord Roberts has declined the pos- ition of Commander -in -Chief of the British army, according to bhe Manchester Guard - lam. The Queen is taking a keen interest in the elections, and will be supplied with all the results by a spacial wire running to Windsor oaatle from London, According to London 1 anity Fair, the Queen has expressed a strong condemna- tory opinion regarding the so-called New Woman, especially as to thestyle of her dress The Queen has ordered that extensions be made to Frogmore lodge, which will become the residence of Prince and Princess Henry of Battenberg in the event of her death. A newspaper has just been started in London which is printed on a postal card. The first number has four illusbratione, a comic tragedy, a few jokes and puzzies,and some advertisements. The general elections in Great Britain practically commenced cm Friday, with the return of thirty-six unopposed candidates, including thirty Conaervativee, three Liberals, and three Parnelitas, The officers of the Italian Raab last week were feted in the most "hearby inanners both at Portsmouth and in London. The Duke of Genoa and other Italian officer, were presented to the Queen at Windsor on Saturday. Walnut Omits are in demand in London for the purpose of adulterating ground cinnamon, and bring more than whole wel nuts. The powdered shells are not distin ,gcuishable uuleso the microscopic examine tion is an unusually careful one. mooraD STATES. Samuel L. Clemens (Mark Twain) is poor, and in very bad health. The Washington Marine Hospital is advised that yellow fever is epidemic at Porto Rico. Forest fires have been raging in the vicinity of Alpena, Mich,, for the last ten days, and much valuable timber has been destroyed. In Logan county, Kansas, the farmers have what they call "thistle bees," at which time all hands turnout and fight the Russian thistle. The New England Magazine thinks that Boston ought to have a monument to either Cromwell or Calvin to represent the spirit of Puritanism. Rawhide pinions are being planed some of the eleotrio care at Kalamazoo. It will render them as near noiseless as it is possible to make them. Five persons worn drowned in Lake Geneva, W ieooneiu, by the swainping of the steam launch Despatch in the tinned which swept over the section, Rev. Dr. eleAnallyof St. Louis, senior editor of The Christian Advocate, and one of the most prominent men in the southere Methodist Ohuroh,., is dead, aged 78. The French liner La Normandie, which has arrived at New York, had an eventful paesago. An explosion of coal gas killed one of her firemeu,and the crew had an all• night battle with a, fire in the foreheld. A farmer near Sandwich, Ili„ ploughing. the other day 10 a field, unearthed n deer's rib, An Indian's arrowhead was hothead' in the rib S0 tight that it could not be removed. Within a few days of Grab using scales for weighing gold coin, instead of daunting it, as heretofore, the Seattle Customhouse has rejected more than $2,000 of uuder. weight ogiu, All employee of the Beaton and Maine railroad have been forbidden, by an order just issued, from using tobacco in any form while en duty, and when off duty if wear. ing uniform or railroad badge," The City Council of Roolrforthas rodueed the pay of all officers on the pollee foroe wile have not served two years X200 per year, malting it $800, Tilts follows the oub made in the salaries of the prinolpels Pe the Public schools, Tho boos barbers of St. trouts have decided too test the validity of. the Sunday closing law, They fled it le a great damage to thew business, as well sea groat Mon - virulence to the public, Their agtusel are oonfident of winning their cage,. Atel Borman, of Cadillso, Aftoh„ while via] ting Sweden, hispatiye country, reached the age of enrolment in the army, and failing to present a pasoport, was drafted, Hili father, Axel (4. Burman, after two years, has brought about his release. Iteporte from the commercial agenoiee'of Mesare, Bradstreet and Dun agree that the businees for the first half of July has beeo fairly good. Prices generally oontlnue strong, though values have declined in a few minor lines, Iron and steal are higher, and print clothe and oobbon are firm, Woolens are also firm, but dry goods are quiet, Clearing hoose exchanges for the past fortnight have been 31 per oenb. in advaooe of the returns for the oorreepond. ing period of loot year. Leather and hides are firm. "Labour troubles" are becoming a0 important factor in the trade situation, and wages show in many lines a steady advance. In the South trade is quiet, but at Chicago it is above the average, and at St. Louis, Kenna City, and Omaha prioae are firmer and the movement good, Severe earthquake shooks have been experienced in the Caspian .and Ural dia. tracts of Russia. The newly -established Mail at Frankfort. on.the Main is the only English nswepaper in Germany. An unknown an succeeded in penetrat- ing ing into the Royal palace in:Madrid,where he shot himself in the breast. Shipowners are oomplaining of the high tariff charged in the case of vessels passing through the Kaiser Wilhelm canal. A cloudbr n st estro ed recently hal o the village of Claimed, In Roumania. Many persona perished. Other villages suffered ale°,. e Foreign papers said that Prof. Leyden, the famous German physician, received $21,000 for attending the late Czar in his last illness', Mr. Homy M. Stanley says the world's greatest need just now iia railway through Africa, from the Mediterranean to the Cape. The Japanese have learned the art of making Lucifer matches and have taken away the vast trade of India in this article 'from Europe, wR , G. LLUP'S TBIBIT.IATIONS. After supper Mr, Gallup took hammer and nails and weal out to make some re-. pairs to the pig -pen, leaving lrirs, Gallup singing the doleful ballad sf Barbara Allen them washed the supper diehea. Seven or eightminubee had passed: and Mr. Gallup had just deoided that he must drive throe nails In the end of one board and two in another, when Mrs. Gallup came running down the path with her face as pale as death and her eyes hanging out as ff they would drop on her toes.: The "Sgnire" happened to be looking toward the house and saw her advancing, but he epab'on his hand and 'picked up the hammer and prepared to go ahead as if nothing bad happened, "Samuel," she gasped as she reached him and sank down on the grass, "one or t'other of ue won't live bo hearthe clock strike 9 this oyenin' 1 It may be you or it maybe me, but the summons is sure to come 1 Let the pig -pen go while I talk to ye' I" Mr. Gallup straightened up,. drew a board toward himand gave an old nail three raps on the head with his hammer, an didn't exhibit the slightest interest inirs. Gallup's talk.. "Jest as you went out," she Continued, blowing her none so the skirl of her dress as a warning that tears and sobs would follow—" jest as you went out t went down. cellar to see if them peach pickles was softnin' up any. You know I made them after Mrs. Martin's receipt and never felt quite sure about 'em.t I was gain' towards the crock and never thinkin' of anybhin' when all to once a black oat spit ab me and jumped outer the window. Yes, 1 heard her spit and saw her as plain as I see you, and 1 tell you, Samuel, that was no cat belongin' to this nay burhood I It. - deed, it was no Livia' oat at all, but the epeerib of one sent to bear the summons 1" Mr. Gallup stood and looked down on her for a moment while his jaws slowly worked at his quid of toba000, but he hadn't a word to say about the est. Mrs. Gallup's tears came, and the sleeves of. her dress had to %newer for a handker• chief. "As I saw the cat the summons must be for me P' she said, as she tried hard to choke back her emotions, "Tat was the way Mrs. Hopkins and Mrs. Bebee was both warned, you know. Both went down cellar and saw strange black cats, and within a few hours they were dead. Samuel you don't think it could possibly be s black oat from Tarrytown, do you—one It ie estimated that while the anuuaI which got strayed over here 1" revenues of all the countries of Europe are Mr, Gallup wanted a piece of board sev- $2,980,000,000, their expenditures are en feet long to fit a particular spot. The $3,700,000,000. piece he had at hand was only six feet long, and he was wondering how he could add the other foot, and he didn't appear to have heard her question. She got her eyes clear of 'kers and moved out of his way and went on : r," Yee, Samuel, I've got to go hence. I did want to live to see how the sowcum- bers and squashes would turn oub this year, and to try that new remedy fur 'tater-bugs, but •when the Lord sends a blank oat after me it means that I must spread my wings and fly to that land where oowcumbera and 'tater-bugs are not. Fire has destroyed two hundred and Don't you want to Dome into the house and thirty houses in the town ;of Sambrew, kinder pet me afore I go 2 Mebbe F11 be Poland. Two thousand pereous are ren- asked up in Heaven what you was dein' dared homeless by the conflagration. when I expired, and I'd kinder hats to say that you was fixin' the hog-p$n." 'Mr. Gallup decided to try the six foot board over the seven -foot hole, and trust to luck for shortage. He gave a gleam: at Mrs. Gallup, noticed that she was using the leaf of a burdock to wipe her red nose on, and then began driving the first nail. Come to think it.over, you neede't pet ms," she said, as the hanuuer ceased to fall. " I've lived fur thirty-seven years without pettin', and I kin go to my grave the same way. You'll gib married emu, of course, and you'll go around chuckle' yamsecond wile under the chin and pinchin' her ear and oallin' her your daisy, nut I shan't be mad about it. Pal be op in Heaven, bangin' on a gob.. en harp and singin' as hard as 1 kin, and , ahon't know whether you act like a dune.. or a jestioe of the peace. Samuel, d'ye sp'se they hey quilt-frarnes in Heaven • Mr. Gallup was about to drive another nail, but the gmestionstartled him so that be dropped it among the weedsand grass, and got down on his knees to make a search. Ho was still pawing around when Mrs. Gal- lup leaned up against the ho= -pen and sob- bed seven or eight times, and, then goo the' better of her emotions and finished. "Because if they hes', I'd rather make bed quilts than to play on a harp. I never The pion for erecting a gigantic Bis- tried to play on anybhin' bub an accordion, inarok monument at Blankensee, near and I'm afraid tate other angelewill thither Hamburg, on the steep shore overlooking at me. However, I'll try my beet, of amine. the Elbe, is taking shape. it is proposed Let's see 1 To -day is Thursday. 1f I ax - to collect a million marks for the purpose pare to -night you kin bey the funeral co by public subscription, Sunday afternoon, and in that way you won't lose any time from bizuess. The roads are party dusty, but I. can't help that. When the Lord sends fur any ma he's got to go, no matter what the weather is. I was•teikin' with Mrs. White 718101• day, and she said you'd probably paint the front door steps fur your second wife, Rev you decided on the color, Samuel 1'. bir. Gallup gave over bis hunt for the nail and fished up another from his hind pooket and drove it into the board. He wsa very slow and deliberate about it, but hire, Gallup pulled hernose and wiped her syee and patiently waited for him to finish. Then she said: "I'd paint 'em sky blue, 11 I was you. That's a rejoicin' Dolor, and of course you'll be rejoicin' that I have soared away and that you've got a young wife. Before/ go I want to tell you that Mrs. Davison owes mea sup of white sugar and a nutmeg, and that the spontcame off the teakettle this monde' and I had to tie 11 on with a string. You otter put a new hinge an that henhouse door, and you needn't wait till arter the (nueral if yon don't went to. The hens orter be looked out fur whether I'm livin' or dead, Are you listenin'to me, Samuel?" Mr. Gallup was busy with the fourth nail, and pounding on the board had also loosened a knot and left a hole, and ib probably didn't oeour t0 him that Mrs. Gallup was within forty miles of the spot. "Weil," she staid as she rose up and looked over into the pen at the spottee) pig lying down after his feed, "I'll go into the house and be all ready. If yon come in before my mortal opserit Iltee away I'll tell you who liar borrowed my flatirons and. wbo owes me three drawins of tea, If you. don't it will be jot the same, and you kin go ahead with the funeral and gib second wife. Good-bye, Samuel—I'm gent' to soar 1" When she lied gone' MnGallup nailed a three-foot board over the one -foot hole, pulled up a lot of pig -weeds and threw into the pen fee a relish, and as he eanntered towards the house in the deepening twi- The steam nutter of the British cruiser Speedy foundered while on its way from Southampton to Spithead, Three persons were drowned. Intense heab prevails throughout Italy, and several deaths caused thereby have been reported. At Palermo the mercury regis- tered 111 degrees in the shade. Forest fires burned over 80 miles of valuable timber in Newfoundland, and deetroysd a number of buildings. The recent rains extinguished the fires. Emperor William last week had a good time in Sweden, when King Oscar and his family took great pains to signalize their friendship for the German Emperor. It is generally believed that Japan will use a large part of the war indemnity which China is to pay her for the purpose of materially increasing her , avy. A French paper reports the Prime Min - later of Spain as saying there will be no decisive operations in Cuba for the present. owing to the exactions of the climate. German warships have arrived at Tan- giers with orders to insist pen the payment by the Government of Morocco of an in- demnity of eight thousand marks for the murder of a German citizen. It has been. discovered that the Luxor obelisk in the Place de is Concorde, in Paris, is crumbling away under the infin. encs of the atmosphere. The obelisk was taken from Egypt to Paris in Louie Phil- ippe's reign, Dr. Tomaszewaki, the regimental surgeon belonging to the Laudwehr, residing at Sohmiegai, Germany, has been dismissed from the army on account of his refusal to fight a duel with 'an apothecary of the same town. Prince Henry of Prussia has sent a num• ber of bottles filled with water from the River Jordan to the Minister stationed on Heligoland, to be used for baptismal par. poses. The Hohenzollerns are always baptized with water of the Jordan, San Pelayo is the patron saint of the village of San Mateo, near herrol,in Spain. His image was to have been carried about ins prooeseion the other day,but a dispute that arose as to who should carry it tamed knives, revolver,, and sticks to be used, so that forty persona, including the prieete, were wounded before order was restored. Secret Societies Banned. A despatch from Chicago says :—Cath- olic members of the Knights of Pythias, Oddfellows and b°ons of Temperance were authoritatively placed under the ban of the Roman Catholic Church by a published order which went into rifted on Sunday and was read from all the pulpits of that church ill this diocese, Archbishop Peahen has been notified by Mgr. Satolli that the erliob is to be observed to the strictest let. ter. It affects 8,000 Knights of Pythias and several thousand Oddfellowe avid Sons of Temperance, Too Late. ka go an til aw fir co be The house had been aroused by a burg. r. Ur, Joneo saw a man wlbh a mask ing through thepookets of his pantaloons, d, as quick as thought he shot at him, e intruder, making good his escape. Why, ached Hiro. Jones, thoroughly the, what did you snare me for? I saw a man robbing my pookets and ed at him. Well, he didn't get anything, said she, mplacenbly, How do you know 0, I tried 'tan myself before we went to ight be heard Mrs. Gallupsinvfug "Golden Gatos and knew that silo still lived, LARGEST IN -Tim WQRLD, New ibtedl Arch Silage to be stunt as Niagara rails—it Will (Rave an mon nondred nod'rhlrt) Race flpitn. A despatch from Niagara Falls, Ont„ says -Tho annual =otiose of the Niagara Balla and ()Litton `buapensioa Bridge Qora- panics were held .on hath the American and Otnadlac sides of the river on Taesday, The matter of the new ebeel arch bridge was generally, disowned, and the plane looked over. These salt for an $80 feet. Span, which is said to be the largest single span in the world. The bridge will he built to the same grade as the present Sus- pension bridge in order to bring it to the level of the Canadian bank. President Smythe wee ' then after the meetings, and said :-" We 401301 want to say much about the new bridge just at present, But you can say that we mean business. We taco nine that there is a great future before Niagara Palle, and our companies intend to keep abreast of the time and be prepared for the rapid growth of Vile territory on both sides of the river. Just when we will begin operations 1 do not ears just now to state, but you ran say that the directors have authorized the advertising for bide for the masonry work. The commencement of the new bridge will be in the near fubure." It certainly lathe tie if this "near future" of President Smythe' would be nearer then was anticipated by the public. The oom- pally intend to be all right before going ahead in this great undertaking. It means the investment of a large amount of money, and there can be no risk or chalice of mistake,Itie the intention of the Companies to have the most perfect bridge in the world of its kind. For Twenty-five Years klr..T. TP: JYylcema•n 8t. Geoge, New Bruoawiak, After the Grip No Strength,No Ambition f'lood's Sarsaparilla Cave Perfect! Health. The following letter is from a welbknowe merchant tailor of St: George, N. I3,: "C. I. Hood & Co., Lowell, Mass,: "Gentlemen -I am glad to say that Hood't Sarsaparilla and Hood's Pills have done me C great deal of good. I. had weevers attack or the grip in the winter, and after getting over the fever I did not seem to gather strength, and had no ambition. Hood's Sarsaparilla proved to be just what I needed. The results were very satisfactory, and I recommend this medicine tt alt who are alalltcted with rheumatism or other L� 9� par. r blood Q eS JR affiictlons oousod bySpoisonillaand poor . I always keep -Hood's 8arsapa lila in my house and use it when I need a tonic, lire also keel Rood's Pills on hand and think highly of there J. W. DYRESIAN, St. Gaorgo, New Brunswick 7 yFCOod's pills are purely vegetaela, and tk I . e , 'et IIree. .,;l r n ilea. 'I � p ^r .,n t v a 11 druggists Luxury In Alaska. OWD ERn Host—Will you have strorber s, mum 1 Alaska ask Tourist—Deur strawberries fn. Alaska 1 Yes, indeed will, But what is + that you are pouring on them ? It doesn't rie THE COOKS BEST FRIEND A, KW 0 I look like cream. 1 w LAI3nEST SALE IN CANADA. Alaskan Bost—It's blubber, mum. b s� t. P" 'stance ct ihGb The Ietest discovery in the scienti- f3o wolf lis that nerve centres located in or near the base of the brain con- trol all the organs of the body, and when these nerve centres are deranged the organs which they supply with nerve fluid, or nerve force, are also deranged: When it is remembered that a serious injury to the spinal cord will cause paralysis of the body below the injured point, because the nerve force is prevented by the injury from reaching the para- lyzed portion, it will be understood how the derangement of the nerve centres will souse the derangement of the various organs which they enpplywith nerve force; that is, when a nerve centre ie deranged or in any way diseased it is impossible for it to supply the same quantity of nerve force as when in a healthful condi- tion hence the organs which depend upon it for nerve force suffer, and are Unable to properly perform their work, and as a result disease makes its appearance, kb least two-thirds of our chronic diseases and ailments are doeto the imperfect action of the nerve centres at the base of the brain,, and not from a derangement primarily originating in the Organ itself. The great mit and not the nerve centres, which are the cause of the trouble. The wonderful cures wrought by tbo Great South Amerioan' Nervine Tonin are due alone to the fact that this remedy le based upon the fore- , going principle. It sures byrebuild- ing and strengthening rho nerve centres, and thereby increasing the supply of nerve force or nervous energy. This remedy has been found of infinite value for the cure of Nervous- ness, Nervous Prostration, Nervous Paroxysm, Sleeplessness, Forgetful. nese, Mental Despondency, Nervous. naso of Females, Hot Flashes, Sick Headache, Heart Disease, The first bottle will convince anyone that a cure is certain.. South American Nervine is with- out doubt the greatest remedy ever discovered for the cure of Indigestion, Dyspepsia, and all Chronic Stomach Troubles, because it acts through the nerves. It gives relief in one day, and absolutely effects a permanent] cure in every instance, Do no4? allow your prejudices, or the prejtl. dines of others, to keep you from using this health -giving remedy. It is based on the result of years of soientiSo research and study. A teat° of pbyaioiana in treating these single bottle Will oolivine° th ► 1p,tset 4t0Ve a is that they treat the organp itloredulone. A. DVIAIl1l$Ay 'WVlloiesalo and itetail lAgent for Ilrusf;eld.