HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1895-7-26, Page 6ru0bUili p^— ,EVTBY FIIIDAY MOBNING On time for the2oariy manse at tfT)o o Rost" Strain TIIbi1Shins BMW, ToSUMM IT ST., ]31 anon, OTT.. Trinras 'or r SA8101101r0 o10.--'Qne dollar a 10 adva8A0e. Tb0,date to which ovary subscription to poic7 ie denoted by the data on the address label, A.nvnvvrorne EA'rkis.—`fere ollowingq °otos will bo oharged to these who advertiao by the your: own Flt, Q mq, a mo One Qolumu „ 800,001 880.00820.0-0 plpJall ,r02,00 20,00 12.00 lti liter " 20 .00 2200 8.00 s 22.00 8.00 6.00 Eight cents per line for first insertion and throe cents per line for Gaon subsequent In. 0000108.. Ali advor'tioement8 measured- Nonpareil-12 easuredNonpareil-12 lines to tile inch. Business Cards, eight linos and under, 82 per annum. pdvertioements without 000olfic direc- tions, -will be lnogrted until forbid, and. charged a000r•diagly, Instructions to aliangw or discontinue an advertisement must be left at the counting room onlma Posa' not later than '1'uestlay of ea0h week Th1s io imperative. W. ii. 31ERI•i,, Editor and Proprietor, Misfricf W'roxetex•.. Miss Maggie Miller was visiting friends in Goderiob. She matte the trip on her wheel. A communication was reoelved by • our Council from the County Clerk, showing amount required from the village for Co. tax to be $140.27. Frank Wright, of Turnberry, killed a large copper snake which measured four and one.half feat in length, and was as thick as 080008020200518. The Salem Methodist ehuroh will be reopened for divine worship on Sunday, July 28th. Bev- E. A. Shaw, of Bel - grave, late pastor of Wroxeter circuit, will prance at 11 a. m. and '7 p. m. On Thursday of last week, the "Un. ions" went over to Harriston and played a friendly game of baseball with the "Brown's" of that town. At the finish the score stood 14 runs to 3, in favor of our boys. T. F. Miller went to Toronto as a dele- gate of the A. F. and A. M, Lodge here, to be present at the 46th annual Com- munication of. the Grand Lodge of Masons of Canada. He was accompanied by his brother Robert. t' enniortfx. Rev. aural Dean Hodgins attended the meeting of Masonic lodge in Toronto last week. An attractive e e s cmeton to Goderich and boat sail on July 81st, under the sae. pities of the Y. M. 0. A. Thomas Downey took the prize for the Orangeman coming the greatest distance. He arrived in town by "the special," from Chicago on the 12th. Mrs. Kirkman, of this town, hos re. ceived a letter from Wm. McQueen, of South River, Muskoka, stating that the library books sent from the Presbyterian Sabbath school in this town, for the use of the South River and Grey Eagle schools, arrived safely, and was greatly appreciated by the obildren, and grown people ae well, and that all joined in sending hearty thanks for the timely gift. Rev. J. W. McMillan, of Vancouver, British Columbia, and formerly of this town, has accepted the pastorate of St. Andrew'echeroh, Lindsay, and his in. duotion will take place the latter part of August. ]Exeter. • The pavement on Main st. is nearing completion. The Exeter Public Library reading room is being well patronized. R. H. Collins attended the A. F. and A. M. Grand Lodge, meeting in Toronto last week. W. H. Reynolds, of Hensel], has been appointed overseer of the carpenter work of the new Methediat church here. Ed. Rossie, of London, has been plea. ing eleotrio bells in the three hotels and in numerous private houses in town this week. John Matheson, who has been con- ducting a general store here for some years, is removing his stock to Otter - villa, The voters' list for the village of Exeter is about completed, and contains the names of 590 voters, 254 being eligible to serve as jurors. Chas. Knight, station agent, was taken suddenly ill with cramps in his stomach and for some time it was thought that it might result fatal. Mr. and Mrs. D. French loft here on Wedneeday morning of last week to in• apeot different Houses of Refuge in the adjoining counties preparatory to taking charge of the House of Refuge for Huron County. Gotietrick. Marlton has completed the fishing boat for Danville, and it will be launched in a few days. In answer to a requisition oontaining nearly 70 names, Mayor Butler proclaim• ed Thursday, July 25th, as oivio holiday. The breaks in the breakwater are gradually sinking, and if not soon attend- ed to there will be a big tumble into the river. At a meeting of the Goderich Cyole Club Frank Humber was appointed captain, vice Fred. Stokes, removed to Seaforth. Judging from what we bear, a large number of campers will pitoh their tents on the ehore between here and Bayfield during the next week. R, W. Bros. Jos. Beck and R. 1iad• cliffs and Bro, Geo, Porter were in To- ronto last week attending the meeting of the Ontario Masonic Grand Lodge. At the recent examination for Kinder- garten teacher at Toronto, Miss Grace Johnston obtained a certificate with honors. Miss Johnston studied for some time with Miss Thomson. Goderiob has gained an unenviable reputation in regard to its wide.opencow by-law, and a publio meeting of rate- payers to insist upon the oonncil taking immediate soden should be called. The dilly.dallying of the town fathers bas given the town a.bad setback this Sum. mor, .n, bear's oh oaptnred by the grow of the wooer, Aurora up shore last wnok ie now in the peesee010n of II, i9 , Snell 00., who are making a pot of the y0111109r for his early days. Waiting under one of the apple trees, near the Rip, Neill the other morning for the steamer, the ohm! .00netable of IIuron gave the early history of the dooke, apd the above mentioned tree now growing, a point in the ei2onmstaneee he remembers olearly, tie be partook of green apples un, der it just fifty years elude. San Avenn1287.—Themany friends of the fancily of John hillier, .and former ac uatntanoes of hie eon.in•law, Chao. P, Jefferson, were shocked to hear of the sudden death of the latter at hie home in Parry Sound. The following particulars were telegraphed here :—"An explosion occultedhere inamaohi ne shop by which iPh b Ohaa Jefferson engineer, was mortally wounded and three other men slightly injured. A cylinder wan being healed when it euddenly exploded with terrine' foroe. It was found that it contained water, unknown to the workmen.:- Part of the end of the huilding was blown out, Jefferson received injuries from which he died °'three hours afterwards. Alex, Adair woe out on the faoo andh sad John Wood alightly out and one other slightly burt," The remains were brought here for interment, the funeral being on Wednesday evening at 6 o'olook. Deceased was a member of the I, 0. 0, F„ and the funeral was oondueted by Huron Lodge No. 62. Mach sympathy is felt for 'Mrs. Jefferson in this sad, early termination of a happy married life. I uekno'cv. The street'watering inLuoknow is now done by James MoOlueky. Bishop Baldwin was the guest of Dr, and Mrs. Elliott during his visit to Luck - now. A gentleman. from Toronto said he had been at a good many large gatherings, but nowhere had he ever seen such a fine looking lot of young ladies and well pre. served older ones than he saw in Luok- now on the 12th. We are sorry to ]earn that owing to the injuries received iu the recent run- awayaooident, Dr. 3. S. Tennant was. unable to go to the Old Country as a member of the High Court of Iudepend• ent Fnreeters, last week. George Lawrence and Crow Wilson ar- rived home from a two weeks wheeling trip to Waterloo, Niagara Fella, Buffalo, N. Y. ; Erie, Penn. ; Cleveland, Ohio ; and Detroit, Minh., returning home by way of London, Clinton and Goderiob. Clinton. Flax pulling has started. Efforts are being made to form a Golf olub here. lion. J. C. Patterson has donated the sum of $15 towards the prize list of the Huron Central. It has been decided to remove the fence from in front of the Rectory, and boulevard and the front. Theadditi n o to the rear e t of tbe Hotel Clarendon is about completed, aid makes a great improvement. The following were recorded with the town clerk for the six months ending June 30th :—Births, 17 ; marriages, 4 ; deaths, 9. The G. T. R. announces an excursion to Toronto on the 2nd of August, at a fare of $2.25, tiokete good until the Mon- day night following. A meeting was held Friday evening, of the joint quarterly and trnetee boards of the Rattenbury St. Methodist church to consider Ile erection of a new church, or repairs to the present building. A few days since 'T', Jaokeon, jr., fell from a bicycle, injuring himself severely. He had an insurance policy in the Can- ada Accident Co., and his claim for damages was sent in on the 0th, and on the 11th he got a cheque for $20. Peter Perdue is the inventor of a plow attaobment, by whioh straw, etc., is re. moved from the mouldboard, and the plow is kept from chocking. It has been thoroughly tested and is said to be a good invention, being under eaey000trol of the plowman, • He is getting it patented, and already has oliere for its purchase. Cymric]. San New+. Essexwantsa board of trade. Mies Bridget Canary was killed on the G. T. 11„ track near Cobourg. Brantford officials have adopted the ytem of killing taglese dogs by electri- city. More injunctions are being applied for against the Hunter street tunnel at Hamilton, Cornelius Murphy will probably be taken from Hamilton jail to Chicago to he tried on a charge of forgery in a few days. The Crown Attorney of Kent has op. plied to the Attorney -General's office for a detective to investigate the Seward's bush mystery. Forest fires burned 80 miles of vale• able timber in Newfoundland, and destroy ed a number of buildings. The recent rains extinguished the fires. Chatham is the thirteenth city in On• tario. It is to be hoped that its number in the list will not interfere either with its good looks or its good looks - Ingersoll boys who put carpet tacks on e roe in ordere see pneumatic time ASt.'1!llomaeman here a mitten poe- seseing el* feet, W. J. Weare, SVilllaiiteRord, Grey do„ used a eaneelled etfunp on a let ter ; .it coet him 510. Tho 1111ufs000'' of Militia hap decided not to give any tents for the nee of the i20y'e I3rll;ade, 1 A eturgepn was netted in Lake Boron, near Sarnia, the other day, who)), weigh. ed 159 pomade, It wail 0 feet 9 inches long. A 200 pound bear was killed neo liespeler, in Waterloo oonnty on July 2n after an exerting oluiee. It turned o afterwards that the bear had wave from an organ grinder. A 7•yoar.old son of Joseph Verrone ,ol Maidstone, was fatally gored by a co on Friday evening, A,wound six inob in lengthma i e wee ds nth abdomen. died Saturday morning. o open.' H The bag of Amerioan silver, which $va detained at the Windsor oustome offio on"a count of there being a duty of 2 per omit, on it under'the revised. tariff' o 1694, has been taken book to Detroit, L+ mmorUAn.--Ohas, J. Booth, Olirewood Cal., Gaye : °I have used Ayer'e ]?ills i my family for eeveral years, and hav alWale found th ern ye am mast effectual in Oh relief of ailments arising from a disorder ed stomach, torpid liver and constipate bowels, The warfare between the rival warden of the Anglican, rimed) at Burlington centimes to manifest itself in petty en oroaohments of prerogative on either side On Saturday the new wardens took th look off the door and pit on. a naw one but the old wardens ' got wind of the movement and bad the old look replaced the eame evening. Gov. W. H. Moore, of Elgin jail, hos called attention to the unluoky number '13," whioh played a prominent part at the Welter and Henderehott execution, Mr. Moore bad that day been jailer 13 years; there were 13 prisoners in the ail ; Welter and llendersbott had been under sentence 13 weeks, and the drop ell at 9.13. IMBI IATiSII Cur= IN A DAY,—South American Rheumatic Oure for Rheums - ism and Neuralgia radically cures in 1 o 8 days. Its action upon the eyetem s remarkable and mysterious. It re- moves at once the cause and the disease mmediately disappears. The first dose ready benefits. 75 cents. Warranted by G. A. Deadman. The Minister of Juetioe has recom- ended the remittance of the sentence of award Bowers to one year, and the overnor-General has acted upon the ivies, McEvoy, Wilson a Pope, Lon. on, counsel for Bowers, received inti- ation of the action taken. Bowers was nteocod on Oat. 10th, 1894, and ,with e time allowed off for good conduct he ill be liberated about the middle of ngust. The reduction of the sentence 111 be generolly favored. The unfortun- e prieoner,.it will be remembered was a aident of Biddulph township, close by e scene of the Donnelly tragedy. He d been threatened with some calamity r having takeg n upamort mortgaged farm g dthinking an assault was eontemplat� upon himself and family by a crowd sembled on the road in front of his ace late at night, he discharged a re - Ivor to frighten the intruders. The 11, however, killed a young man 'named m. Cain. Bowers was first indicted murder, boy the Grand Jury returned ill for manslaughter. The prisoner's mily have had a hard struggle since the air, having been left penniless. d d 1l w es 0 s e f t t R m E G d ill 88 tb ]v w at re th ba fo an ed as pl vo he forW ab fa off 2S 008., 00 els. and $1.00 Bottle. One Gent a dose. It is sold on. a guarantee by all druggists. It owes lnelpient Consumption and is the beet Cough and Crone Ours. Sold by .0.80. 2001, Arusslet, 2russele. of d' t ALLAN LINE. of bicycles punctured have been allowed Y LINE. !$ to go under suspended sentence. W. A. Lamed won the Canadian championship at the Niagara lawn ten- a���� ole tournament. Ere. Sydney Smith, of I �Sailings l 3 78.0'.5. • Ottawa, won the ladies championship from Mille HnAiT DI02400 REMOVED IN 80 Mix. msg.—All cases of organic or sympathetic heart disease relieved in 30 minutes and quickly cured, by Dr. Agnew's Cure for the Heart, One dose convinces. Sold by G. A. Deadman. It has turned out that GO Chinamen have sent back their certificates of ad- mission to oompatriots at Vanoonver, who have used them to seam their own ad• mission, thus defrauding'' the oustome of $50 eaob. "Have tried others but like Ayer's best," is the statement„made over and over again by those who testify to the benefit derived from the nee of Ayer's Sarsaparilla. Disease never had a great- er ememy than this powerful blood. purifier. It makes the weak strong. FAST PIG Kt/nom—All previous records were surpassed at the Ingersoll pork factory last week ; 416 hoge Milled and dressed in 1 f hours, 465 in 2 house, 865 in 8} hears, or at the rate of about 4 per minute, 2,400 per day, or (ono hog every 14 seconds being some of the new records eetabliehed. LIVERPOOL, LONDONDERRY '46 MONTREAL SERVICE. Prom Prom Prom Liver•pe'i ST7:Atronlra, 'Montreal Quebec Daylight. 0 a m. 4 Juip 27 Laurentian 20 July 208 July 11 Parlslau 'l 18 ” Mai Roilau 8 Aug, 0 Avg. 25 " Numidiau - 10 ' 11 1Ang. Sardinian 11 " 18 , 8 Laurentian 24 " di 15 " Parisian 01 " 1 Sap, 22 " Mongolian 7 Sep, 7 20 " Numidiau 14 " 15 " RATES co' PAS0A012,—.0abin, $50 to 500 ; return 5110 to 5162, Second Cabin, $80; return, $55, Steerage, 515. ta"Passengers may go via Montreal and return by New York or vine versa. For farther information all to rates, t&o„ apply to • W. H. KERR, AGENT, BRUSSELS. 0 till IIIII1111IIlllul� IID�IIIIII II111111I IiI ' 1111111 Iilllpl l Ilplplll1611111I I IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII I i m IIII IlliIiIlll Mo "14I_Iilt y III0111IlikIu1om 11( t i��ll ISI 16J! 6I III Ill IIIi1 i UIIi�li IIIII I Illlll111INI 166t ID1611 IIIJIoeI II uu>IDpi Ilollll p� howl 61 l I�IIIIVI Ill rrlAMWORTH AND CHESTER, JJLL WHIT] ROARS FOR SERVICE. The undersigned will keep for service on North Half hot 20. Con, 7, Morris, a thorn' bred'Pamworth 13 oar, recently purchased from the well known breeder, ;no. Bell, Am- ber. Also a Chester White guar. Terms, 81.00 to be paid at thna of service with priv- ilege 0f Totemic if necessary. 0a-tf s. waLr>.nR, Proprietor. r r T a 0 . 1 BOAR FOR SERV10E.—THE Undersigned will keep for service on Lot 20 Den, 0, Morrie, the thorn' bred Un- proved White Yorkshire Boar "Selected," bred from J, 10. Urethqur's sweepstakes sow at Cbtcago Fair, ''Perms, 51.00 to be paid at the turning if nece eeservice',Pedigrprivilege e may be eoen 00 application. 11013T. NICHOL, BULL FOR SERVICE.—THE undersigned 0111 beep for service on Lot 7r, Con, 5, Morris, the tboro'-bred Dur- ham bull 'Red Robin." Terms -81,25 to be paid on ]December lst, 1805. T. CLEGG, A. G. EASObf, , 41.8m Proprietor, Lot 7, Con. 5.' STOOK FOR THE DAIRY. -IN Breeding for milk or butter do not waste time on anything short of the best. No charge for the service 01 my Jersey Bull if his dam will not make from 75 to 100 lb e. more butter in a year, than the dam of any bull of any breed within three miles. G. A. BRADMANT. Brussels, McLEO D'S System nenovatoz, AND mune TESTED REMEDIES SPECIFIC AND ANTIDOTE For Impure, Weak and Impoverished Blood, Dyspepsia, Sleeplessness, Palpata• tion of the Heart, Liver Complaint, Neur- algia, Loss of Memory, Bronchitis, pen• Gumption, Gall Stones, Jaundice, Kidney and Urinary Diseases, St. Vitus' Dance, Female irregularities and General De- bility. LABORATORY GODERICH, ONT. • • 'J. M. McLEOD, Prop. and Manufacturer. Sold by JAMES FOS. Druggist Brussels. T When you want a Stove, Tin or Granite -ware, or Hard- ware, Paints & Oils, ' ---CALL AT --- HUNTER'S Hardware Store Where you will, from this date, get a EMT of Tiv: PERI Mt Off alt Cash Purchases,. Fine Roman, Artists' Can- vas in Stock, A. HUNTER.' ;pizzg HATS & CA ,TVLY 26; x890 We have just Received a large donsi ggnment of Hats 1ti s and Caps the leading . Shapes and Shades' forg Sprin and Summer wear. Spring Call and see our Balmoral Cap,. the Newest tiling in the Market,.. Prices Better than Ever Before.. 0URes .. rin Are also coming to Hance.. Prices Right 1 • Styles Right Satisfaction Guaranteed ! loom D. C. SS, IE �P�dlll�''�(ICl' � �I�(I➢CP, Brussels and Wroxeter. atF of Toronto, Established 1871. to m • The Policy Contract issued by this Association is.perfection itself, UNCONDITIONAL, ACCUMULATIVE, AND AUTOMATICALLY NON -FORFEITABLE., It leaves nothing further to be desired. Bates and full infor- mation furnished on application. `fie. zx. mann, Agent, Brussels. NOW ELO 0 LLEly Still to the front and this Season want more WOOL ! WOOL ! WOOL ! For which we will pay Higher Prices than Last Season Big Bargains in Woollen Goods. You eau depend on us paying HIGHEST CASH PRICE P6SSIBLE, or in ex- changing Wool for Goods we will pay a few ciente extra, and guarantee to sell goody at Cash Prides. SOB our ohoioe range of TWEEDS, made from medium fine wool, ' whioh wo offer at 40 oonto per yard. (This is;a soft snap.) We have 'lowered our Southdown Stocking Yarn and all wool Bed Blankets 5 cents per ib„ also have re- duced our prices in other linea Before disposing of your Wool we invite you to oali or make enquiry and you will find that the Listowel Woollen Mills offer the beat value. Our stook is the Largest, Best Assorted and Cheapest in Canada, ;Come and try oar speeial line of Trine Wool Flannels at 25 cents, will not shrink in washing. Give tie a trial and we feel satisfied that you will find you have come to Ole right fao- tory with your wool. We pay special attention to our oaslom, department in Card- ing, Spinning, eto. Hoping to have the pleasure of seeing you and your neighbors this season, we remain, Yours truly, ry M+e illy is 33E-tOO SON., 1351?, S. --Remember we do not employ any Peddlers and our goods can be got only by oaling at the Faotory, a0 do not be Iced astray by Peddlers travelling through the country claiming to have our Goode. 707 rel rel iia ,'ate ile Di m' l0 nil wi wt WI ar th TI gr ba tt 1 m tl 88 01 0 a A 1i u 2 t t T a e a 0 e