HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1895-7-26, Page 4DULY 20, 1894
BY-LAW NO, 66,
or the Township or Grey, b the Comity of ibron,
A Bylaw to provide for drainage work iu the Township of Grey, in the County of
Huron, being part of a drainage meanie originating in the adjpining Township
of Afeliillop, in the said County, the initiating llfunloipality, and for borrow.
ing on the credit of the said the Munioipnlity of the Tgwnehip of Grey, the sum
of 6244,00, being the proportion of the total sum of $5,493,00 whioh the said
drainage :dame le 10 Dost, to be contributed by the Baia lust named lilunioi•
polity for completing the same,
Provipiopaliy adopted the Twgety.third day of July, A, D. 1895,
elusive of feathers! mu crit cot umber of the resident and non-resident owners (ex
o ' nal owners) ae shown by the 'eat revised aseeeement
roll of the property hereinafter set forth to be benefitted by drainage work in the
said two Municipalities of the Townebips of MoBiliop and Grey petitioned the coup•
on of the said Township of 74gIIillop praying that a drain might be made to drain
the following lands, namely : Late numbers 1 2 8 4 6 6 7 and 8, all in the 14th con-
ceeeion, also Lote numbers 1 2 8 4 k and 6, and the North one-third parte of 7 8
and 9, all in the 13th oonoeeaion, also Late 1 2 and 8, all in the 12th conoeeeion, all
in the eaid Township of MoKiliop, also the Town Line or highway between the Town-
ebipe of MoIiilley and Grey, the highways between the 18th and 14th concessions,
and between the 12th and 13th concessions, and the eide road or highway between
Lots 5 and 6 in the 14th oon0eeeion, aleo all in the said Township Of MoBiliop:
And whereas, thereupon, the eaid, Council of the Township of MoBiliop proonred
an examination to be made by James A. Bell, O. E., being a person competent for
snob purpose, of the area proposed to be drained, and the means euggeeted for the
drainage thereof, and of other lands and roads liable to assessment under the pro.
vieione of "The Drainage Act; 1894;" and also procured plans, epeoifioatione and . es-
timates of the said proposed drainage work to be made by the eaid James A. Bell,
and an aseeeement to be made by him of the lands and roads to be benefitted by such
drainage work and of other lands and roads liable for contribution thereto, stating ae
nearly ae he could the proportion of benefit and outlet liability (there appearing to
be no injuring liability( which in his opinion would be derived or incurred in conse-
quence ofsuchdrainage work by every road and lot or portion of lot, the eaid assess-
meat so made in so far as it relates to lands and roads in the eaid Township of Grey
being the assuagement hereinafter by tide Bylaw enaoted to, be neeesssd and levied
upon the roads and lots or parts of lots hereinafter in that behalf apeoially set forth
and deeoribed, and the report of the said James A. Bell, C. E., in respect thereof and
of the said drainage work, ie as follows
ST. THOMAS, JANUARY lla'w, 1895.
To the Reeve arta Council of the Township of McKillop
GEuTnEioN,-Aoting under the instructions received from your, Clerk in August
last, I beg to report that I have made a survey for a drain in the North East part of
your township, with a view of affording an outlet to, and benefitting the swamplands
in that locality. After examining the territory to be benefitted; I have located a
drain commencing on the North aide of the road allowanoe, between the 12th and
13th conaeaeions, and at the limit between lots Nos 1 and 2. It thence rune North-
erly along the limit between said lots Nos. 1 and 2, to the South side of the road al-
lowanoe, between the 13th and 14th conoessions, and thenoe Westerly along the
Southerly side of said road allowanoe to the easterly side of road allowanoe, between
lots Nos. 5 and 6, and thenoe Northerly along the Easterly aide of the road allowance
between eaid lots Nos. 5 and 6 to the boundary between the Townships of MoBiliop
and Grey, and thence continuing on the same coarse into lot No. 22, in the 18th con-
cession of the Township of Grey a distanoe of 500 feet, thence North.westerly to the
head waters of Beauchamp Creek, and thence following the Beauchamp Creek to the
road allowanoe between the 17bh and 18th c000essions of the Townabip of Gray where
it intersects the junction of what is known ae No, 2 Government Drain and Beau-
champ Creek. The total length of the proposed drain is 20,020 feet. The location
of the drain along this route will materially benefit the lands and roads adjoining it,
and will serve ss an outlet for the construction of lateral drains, so that the whole of
the swamp lands East of lot No. 8 oan be effectively drained into it and rendered fit
for cultivation. I Ind the swamp land in this looaliby very level, with a slight in-
clination towards the 13eauohamp Creek, the inclination being greater in the 14th
conceesion, and in order to give the drain as much depth as possible in the 18th con-
cession and serve as an outlet for the swamp lands in the 12th concession, it is neves•
eery to oonetruot the drain through the 14th conesesion,: deeper than would beneces-
sary for lands in that concession alone, but as the swamp lands in this locality are
covered with a growth of moss and vegetable deposits, wbioh will burn off, a deep
drain is very desirable. I have specified that the drama be constructed in the outside
limit of the road allowanoe so that it will interfere as little as possible with the bra.
veiling public. I have provided and included in my estimates the clearing np of the
road allowance along the drain, the grubbing of the centre of the road 16 feet wide,
and the grading of the earth thereon. I have also provided for the construction of
bridges for the use of the owners of the lots adjoining the drain. The accompanying
plane show the locution of the drain and the lands effected thereby, and the profiles
show the size, depth, inclination, eta, of the proposed work.
My estimate of the Dost of the work in the Township of Grey, is as follows :-
Section No. 1, 2852 cubic yards
2, 2044 "
Total .. 4896 onbio yards at 13 cents,
One half of culvert on bonndariee,
Private bridge on lob No. 22 in 18th eon.,
Private bridge on lot No. 21 in 18th eon.,
Total cost of work in the Township of Grey,
Estimate of cost of work in the Township of MoBiliop :-
Pt. Section. No 2, 3049 cubic yards
• No 3, 6553 "
• No 4, 5783
' No 6, 4745
' No 6, 4268
No 7, 8429
" No 8, 2125
Total 28,892 onbio yards at 18 cents, 93755 96
Clearing, grubbing and grading the earth along road
allowanoe between lots 5 and 6 in the 14th eon.,
Clearing, grubbing and grading the earth along road
allowanoe between the 18th and 14th oonoessione
One half coat of culvert on boundary,
Culvert on road between 13th and 14th cone.,
Private bridge to lot 5, in 14th oon.,
Private bridge, N 3 lot 5, in lath oon.,
Private bridge, Elot 4, in 13th oon.,
Private bridge, WI. lot 4, in 13th con.,
Private bridge, N 3 lot 8, in Mb eon„
Private bridge, E 3 lot 2, in lath oon.,
Private bridge, N3 lot 2, in 13th oon.,
Cost of work in McKillop,
Coat of work in Grey,
Total cost of work,
To this add for surveys, examinations, plans, pro-
files, estimates, speoificatione and assessments,
Superintending constructions,
Publishing and registering By-law, twp. of Grey,
Publishing and registering By-law, twp. of McKillop,
Clerk's fees, twp. of Grey,
Clerk's fees, twp. of MoBiliop,
Assistance in survey,
Making a total of
-. $636 48
15 00
10 00
10 00
$671 48
800 00
240 00
15 00
25 00
10 00
10 00
10 00
10 00
10 00
10 00.
10 00
94406 96
671 48
$5077 44
160 00
100 00
20 00
80 00
10 00
45 60
60 00
$5492 44
This I assess against the lands and roads that will use the drain as an outlet, or
will benefit thereby as follows
Lot or pt.
No. of
Asst. for
980 00
60 00
Total assessment on lands,
One half assessment in town Iine between
Grey and McKillop, $75 00
Total Assessment in Grey,
Asst. for
$3 20
6 40
6 40
6 40
6 40
9 83 20
65 40
6 40
6 40
6 40
9167 80
91 20 76 20
$244 00
Lot or pt. No. of Aeet. for Ana for
of Lot. Con. Gores. Benefit. Outlet.
NptN31 14 60 Spal 31N31 14 48$ 945
2 14 185 $ 20 00 144 00
8 14 184 50 00 132 80
4 14 182 60 00 110 85
5 14 181 180 00 108 90
6 14 180 160 00 84 00
N 3 7 14 893 18 50
E3S37 14 442. 1350
N3 8 7 14 449 896 70
S } 8 14 89 6 70
1 18 160 15000 300 00
W32 13 2 13 75 160 00 112 50
26 00 106 00
9 7 50
158 50
194 00
182 80
160 85
288 90
284 00
18 50
18 50
18 60
6 70
450 00
262 50
150 00
Lot or pt.
of Trot.
W.9 S§8
W 4
No, of
Co8n. A reee,
18 25
18 50
18 60
18 18 1112
18 873
N 16 18 18
100 30
N 3 7 18 50
Nt a 18 50
N 3 9 18 50
E#1 W}1 12 25
W i 1 12 25
)23 12 100 50
W 3 3 12 59
Asst, for
9 50 00
10 00
34 00
50 00
18 00
Assessment on lands
One half aseesement on townline
between MoBiliop and Grey, $ 76 00
Road between 'lots 5 & 6, oon 14, 860 00
Road between cone. 13 and 14, 720 00
Road between Dons. 12 and 18, 75 00
Asseeament on roads, ..
Total assessment in'Mo%illop,
Total assessment in, Grey, . ,
Aeet for
9 97 50
32 60
02 40
57 00
74 80
41 25
le 80
48 00
12 00
12 00
80 00
00 00
60 00
60 00
240 00
100 00
25 09
vi 'Total
9147 00
62 60
02 40 •
188 49
74 89
988 80
06 00
12 00
12 09
00 00
00 00
00 00
78 00
240 00
100 00
26 00
, 08478 55
$10 00 870 00
19 00 780 00
15 00 . 90 00
$1775 45
244 00
Total Aeaessmeut, .. ,. $5403 00
That portion of tbe drain viitbin the limits of the Township of Greyis to be kept
Geese', in repair and maintained by the Municipality of Gy, by aseesementeon the lands
and roads in the Townships of Grey and MoBiliop, and in proportion to the assess-
manta above, leaving out all
That portion of the drain within. the limits of the Township of MoKillop is to be
kept in repair and maintained by the Municipality of the Township oe McKillop, by.
assessments 00 the lands and roads in said Township of Mo%illep, and in proportion
to the above assessments in said township, leaving out all assessments for benefit.
All of which is respectfully submitted.
I have the honor to be, Gentlemen; your Obedient Servant,
JAS. A. BELL, 0. E.
And, whereas, the said Council of the Township of McKillop, after the receipt of
the said Report and upon consideration thereof, decided that the drainage of the said
area described inthe said report was desirable and thereupon by. By-law provisionally
adopted on the 25th day of March, 1896, adopted the said "sport, place, epeoifioatione,
eseesements said estimates and declared and provisionally enaoted that the drainage
work as therein indicated and set forth should be made and constructed in accordance
therewith and authorized the borrowing by the said Municipality o7 the Township of
MoKillop of the money required to be contributed by the said Township for the said
work and by the said By-law duly assessed the said lands and roads to be benefitted
in the said Township of McKillop In a000rdanoe with the said report.
And, whereas, the said By-law being Bylaw Namber 82 of the said Township of
MoBiliop has since been finally passed.
And, whereas, pursuant to the provisions of the said "The Drainage Act, 1894,"
the Coanoil of the said Township of Moltillop duly served the Reeve of the said
Township of Grey with a copy of the eaid report, plans, epeoifioatione, assessments
and estimates and the same were not appealed against and are now binding on the
said the Municipality of the Township of Grey, and the said last named Municipality
is now required to raise the eaid sum of $244.00 being the proportion to bo contributed
by the said last named Municipality for the said drainage work, and to pay over the
same to the Treasurer of the said the Manioipality of the Township of AthEillop for
the purposes aforesaid.
Therefore, the said Monicipal Connell of the said Townabip of Grey, pursuant
to the provisions of the said "The Drainage Aot, 1894," enacts as follows :-
1st. The Reeve of the said Township. of Grey may borrow on the credit of the
Corporation of the said the Township of Grey, the sum of 9244,00, being said Mun-
icipality's proportion of the funds necessary for the said work, and may issue deben-
tures of the Corporation to that amount in sums of not lees than 950.00 each and
payable within twenty years from the date thereof, With interest at the rate of four
per centum per 'annum, that is to say, the said interest at the rate aforesaid to be
payable annually on the first day of January in eaoh and every year during the our-
reooy of the said debentures„ such debentures to be payable at the Standard Bank,
Brussels, Ont., and to have coupons attached to them for the payment of interest,
and upon receipt of the said sum of $244.00 the same shall be at onae paid over to the
Treasurer of the said the Township of Matillop for the purpose aforesaid.
2nd, For paying the sum of 9140.00, the amount charged against the said lands
in the said Township of Grey for benefit, and the sum of $27.80, the amount charged
against tbe said lands for outlet liability, apart from lands and roads belonging to or
controlled by the Municipality (there being no injuring liability), and for covering
interest thereon for twenty years at the rate of four per centum per annum, the fol-
lowing total special rates over and above all other rates shall be aseeased, levied and
collected (in the same manner and at the same time ae other taxes are levied and
collected) upon and from the undermentioned lots and parts of lots and the amount
of the said total epeeist rate and interest against each lot or part of lot respectively
shall be divided into twenty equal parts, and one such part shall be assessed, levied
and collected as aforesaid in each year for twenty years after the final passing of
this By-law during which the said debentures have to run.
o ,14
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A 'Muter in Paries.
Alli, 8, T. T1cli1,Goj p RETURN
9'1fiblf TUB WQlfltil',o 8A9f',01'
A itaporipye Interesting Interview 'Walt
Illiu--$erste $1,101e110e Anti. In6orit11.,
Mien or i;ancral 'i'nlue,
From the n6001'504 Vrooevllle, Pqt,
G. T, Fulford, who is understood to
have been doing great things iu Paria
during the past winter and spring, intro.
dicing Dr. Williams' Pink P111e, has
reached home with hie family, and on the
evening of his arrival was interviewed
by a Recorder reporter, and leaked to give
an a000unt of himself•
"well" he said, io reply to a quoetion
on the status of the Pint Pill bitsines
in France, "o£ course, it isn't altogether
Buoh au eaey matter tointroduoeaforeign
article into a etrange market, but I don't
think we Dan complain of the progress
made, and it is gratifying to report that
some, at least, of the Parfa doctors arc
open to r000gnize a medicine of which the
inbrineie merits Dan be demonstrated to
them. One of the bust of them -at Ver.
the Paris suburb where the
Emperors used be keep their court -has
given favorable testimony through tb
press of quite wonderful cures through
the use of Pink Pills in his preotioe ; and
the Religieuses, an order of Nuns like
the Sisters of Charity, have aiso made
an extensive 11130 of Pink Pills. fu their
charitable, work,.aud given strong testi-
menials as. to their good effects."
"How do you find business all around ?"
"Pretty good. We have sold in the
past twelve months' a little over two
million three hundred and sixty thousand
boxes of Pink Pills."
"That is a pretty good order isn't it 7"
"It is the beet twelve. months business
yet. Lok for a minute at what the
figures mean. If all the pills were turhed
out into a beep, and a•person set to count
them, working ten hours a day and 6 days
a week, the job would take -I have reokon-
ed it -4 years, 21 days, 6 hours and 50
minutes, counting at the rate of 100 a
minute. Or if you wantfurther statistics
it is somewhere about two pills a 'Bead
for the combined popnlabion of Canada,
Great Britain, Ireland and , the United
States. I don't give these figures to glori-
fy the business, you will undoretand, but
to enable you to make the foots tangible
to' an ordinary reader"
"Does Great Britain do its share in the
business 7" asked the reporter,
"Yes, I think we have had a record
there. The healed a leading advertising
agency in London to whom I showed my
figures, told me than no business of the
kind had ever reached the same dimen
sforts in England in as. short a time ; for
though we have only been working in
England for two years, there are but two
medicines there that have as largo a sale
as. Pink Pills, and ono of these is over 30
years old, while the other has been at
work at least half that time."
"How do you account for the way
Pink Pills have 'jumped' the English
market then 7"
I cannot attribute it in reasonable
logic to anything but the merits of the
Was everything lovely, asked the re-
porter drawers there any crumpled rose -
leaves in the couch ?
"Can't grumble, except in ane way.
There's a certain amount of substitution
in some of the retail stores, and there is
a man in. Manchester, England that I
have had to proaeeute on the criminal
charge for it,"
"But what do the aubsbitntors :do --do
ey duplicate your .formula under some
bher name!"
' No, not a bit of it ; that is the worst
eatare of the fraud. No dealer oan pos-
bly know what is in Pink Pills ; and
he did, he couldn't prepare them in
small quantities to sell at a profit. They
not common drugs, and by no means
eap to make, I suppose I have spent
om ten to twelve thousand dollars since
took over the trade mark, in trying if
e formula could be improved and spent
96 12
4 82
Total for Benefit, $140 00 927 80
Total for Outlet, 27 80
Roads of Municipality, 76 20
Total .. $244 00
3rd. For paying the sum of 976.20, the amount assessed against the said roads of
the Municipality of the Township of Grey and for covering interest thereon for
twenty years at the rate of four per centum per annum, a special rate onabe dollar
sufficient to produce the required yearly amount therefor shall over and above all
other rates be levied and oolleoted (in the same manner and at the same time as taxes
are levied and oolleoted) upon and from the whole rateable property in the said
Township of Grey in each year for twenty years after the final paasingrof this By-law
during wbioh the said debentures have to ran.
4th. This Bylaw shall be published once in every week for four encpessive weeks
in THE BnvesELs Pose newspaper, published at the Village of Brussels, in the County
of Huron, an adjoining Munioipnlity, and shall come into force upon and after the
final passing thereof.
i HEAD. 1
Take notioe that the foregoing is a By-law proposed to be finally passed by the
Munat the
hour ic fel Couourncil of the o'olook in the afternoon at of the Township Haon the 1711 ll. Anof y one intending to
apply to have the said Bylaw, or any part thereof, quashed, must not later than ten
days after f the final
passing thereof, hereof
p serve
g a cot
ice '
neon the
on the ler
.p Reeve and up-
on k of the said niop
u of alit
of his iutention to
make application for that purpose to the High Court Townshipt Toronto during the six weeks
nest ensuing the final passing of the said Bylaw.
The Court of Revlsion for the bearing of Appeals or other complaints against
the said By-law and the. assessments thereby made, will sit at the Township Hall, in
the Village of Ethel, in the said Township of Grey, 00 Saturday, the Seventeenth day
of August, 1895, at Eleven o oiook in the forenoon, at whioh time and plane let all
parties interested attend.
WILLIAM SPENCE, Township Clerk, Township of Grey.
share of it for nothing." ,
"What do you mean by 'for nothing ?'
"After I acquired the trade -mark I saw
at if the thing was' to be made a mo-
s it was imperative that'I should have
()best tonic pill that could be gotten
Consequently I obtained the advice
d opinion of some of the most noted
en in medicine in Montreal and New
ork--and expert advice of that sort
mss high. I made the changes in my
ormule, suggested by these medical
enlists, and the favor with which the
bile received the medioinedemonstrates
at it is the most perfect blood builder
d nerve tonin known. However, I was
an to still further improve the form-
a, if that could be done. and have since
eat a great deal of money with that end
view. On going to London, two years
to place Pink Pills, I went into it
gain, with the beet medical men there,
you know, the medical expert is not
friendly to proprietary medicines ;
d least of all to a flood one ; and I don't
e the dootor's either. It isn't good
their business if a man can get for 60
is medicine that will do him more
d than $50 in doctoring. Consequent•
advice came high, but I obtained the
bee there is, not only on this continent
in London and
Whsn I went to Paris Last winter I
aced my formula and a supply of Pink
Is in the hands of one of the most not.
dootors in that city fora three months
a in his practice, with a view to get -
suggestions for improvement ; ab the
of that time his answer was 'Leave
a lope, it cannot be bettered. You now
e a perfect blood and nerve medicine,"
s opinion cost me 10,000 francs, but I
eider it money well spent), as it deter -
es the fact that the formula for Pink
e is now as complete as medical
nee can snake it. And oomiug back
the question of'suhabitntion and imita.
s ; what nave told you will prove
at a poor thing it is for a man Who
s to a store for Pink Pillls.to let some-
ng else he pushed onto hila in place of
-mors especially if it is a wan out
g like Bfaud's Pills -a formula in
French pharmacopoeia that has been
ek number for years until afew store.
hers tried to push it on the strength
ink Pill advertising. You can take
on) me that a storekeeper that tolls
one that Biand'e pill (which is not a
rietary at all, any one can make it
wants to) is in any way a eubstituts
Pink Pills, ie an ignoramus and never.
It to be trusted to sell meeioiue ab all.
tuggiet ea ignorant Be that certainly
poison someone one day./
ot�o°o rit3r'"a g °,s g a a5'E 4.�'m a ,pp•p'w` FrR'°p Mb .aha
p a ^ ul " w ane w r ro �.17i a7 rn ° '.' Q' �*' `° t�'v S, d &1 C,, lV, .,° I.,, E: ,,, I kse
ory� ° yC n'=�Hoda`H o8aG bud yRo"'yrocply a, OPP
roro� a E o rnsacttr y' 8..+°ob>"^. ki o" as - 08 Ir
�° m �"C.54t rE,,. i ro� ...g ro re 4 W ,h tS9 69.g.: i. c.N A.. r. any
t,51,1 g,z O R a 7.,114 ° y � P. re . S ry v c °•,s e .. that
pp.r �.
aV5.4 8iv*c�co,�'p' nH �'g pang:g a oorlt
$piniMP..„g Er„rn ''-varem9.,'� CO !✓'p rrm,°„h'.roi Ad
O �(z''SRroe*>aw�?G',a7ao^a�wt�nw�,t�tf..
fit to put up a prescription and .'qvi 1
I in to Star Lang
ROA FA 2LtI.fa S'1'f:Ah(SlliPS,
Babwoau ]7ew Wait ,and Livorpcol, via
9Oeonsbowu,880ry Wednesday.
As ills eteamere Otitis 1144 carpi' Only a
etrlotlY limited number iu the WEPT 044
500000 041108 a000mmadatiopa, 1140Daleg
passougors are reminded that an oar1Y ap.
eeonatrf berths e,ply ilia sea-
W. H. Kerr,
Agent, Brueee)a,
JUNE 25 Good to return until AUG. 24
JULY 9 " " SEP. 8
JULY 23 " "' SEP. 22
-- _ 1888'.
Prins Albert
Red Deer
�� 00
fielders of July 0th and 23rd Ilxoursion
Tickets will be in good timeto attend the
wionipeg.Industrial Fair, July 78th to 20th,
and Grand Territorial Exposition, Regina,
July 2911 to August 1011.
British Columbia
Red Cedar Shingles
North Shore
Pine and Cedar
Brussels Planil
ff 1��115
Also Doors and Sash of all Pat.
terns on band or made to order
at Short Notice.
Estimates Ji'urniebed for all
kinds of Buildings. Workman-
ship and Material Guaranteed.
Tho underelgued is prepared to Insure an
kinds of Village property, at the lowest rates
in the following first -clave companies, viz::-
"Laneashfre," of Manchester,
Capital 8 Million Pounds. Stirling.
"Sun," of London,
Established A. b. 1710. - Capital 7 Million
"Wellington Mutual," of Guelph,
Established 1840.
Also 520,000 to Loan on good Forma security
at 8i and 0 per cent, for 8. or to yoare.
88.4 , J. A. Creighton.
The undersigned will keep
on hand a constant supply
of White Fresh Lime suit-
able for all Building and
Plastering purposes,
Also North . Shore Pine
Lath and White Brick for
D. A. Lowy,
Bflll'! Silotit 1
It will soon be known I am tau-
ing all kinds of Photos, Cray-
ons, Pastelis and Water -
Pictures taken as natural as Life
of Fathers, Mothers, and
Babies, Grandfathers and
Great -Grandfathers, and
Gentlemen with
their Ladies.
Pictures of your houses and stock,
Lawns, Groups, Pic-nio Par-
ties, in fact all kinds of, out
and indoor work in the .
Highest Style
of Art.