HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1895-7-26, Page 3J uLr 20, 1890gmamplemicatommoug w Town Directory, Meevrenu 0111.110311. --Sabbath Servieee at 11 a in Red 0;30 p, m. Sunday Sohool at 2:80 p re, Rey, John Rose, 13 A, pastel', ST, JO11N'S 0iiulwu,—Sabbath Services ab 11 a m and 7 p m. Sunday Sohool at 200 p. m. Rev, A. K, Griffin, Mame- bent. METI!O»IST 0i :tori, -•.Sabbath Services at 10;30 a m and 0;80 o m, Sunday Sohool at 2:80 p in, Rey, G. H. Cobble. dials, 01 A, 13 D, peter. Rows; OATuoLlo Cnonali,—Sabbath Serviee third Sunday in every month, at 10:80 a In. Rev Joseph Kennedy,, priest. SALVATION Assn.—Service at 7 and 11 a m and 8 and B p m on Sunday and every evening in the week at 8 o'olook, et the barracks. ODD F1t»nowe' Lo70E every 7,'hursdey evening, in Grabam'e block, MaeoNIa LODGE -Tuesday at or before full moon, in Garfield bigok.' A O T W Limon on the 3rd Friday evening of each month, in Bias. hill's block. C 0 I' Donee 2nd and last Monday evenings. of Boob month, in Blaehil!'e block. I 0 F, 2nd and last'Friday in Odd Fellows' hall. L 0 L 1st Monday in every month: in Orange Hall. BONS OF SdOne.3D, let and 3rd Tues- days of each month, in odd Fellows' Hall. K. O. T. M. Loose, 1s6 and Bed Thurs. days of each month, in Vansbone block. Home Crime, 2nd and 4th Friday even- ings in'Blaehill's HAIL Pose Onnee: Offige hours from 8 a. m. to 6;80 p. m. Meonnxros' InseerUTE.—Library in Holmes' bleak, will be open from 0 to 8 o'clock p. m, Wednesdays and 3:80 to 5 and 0 to 8 Saturdays. Miss Dolly Shaw, Librarian. TOWN Oorxcz»,—W. H. Kerr, Reeve ; W. H. McCracken, Robert Graham, R. Leatberdale and B. Gerry, Councillors ; F. S. Scott, Clerk; Thomas Kelly, Treasurer-; D. Stewart, Assessor and J. T. Roes, Oolleotor, Board meets the let Monday in eaola month. SOHoox, BOARD.—Rev, Ross, (chairman,) Dr. McKelvey, Dr. Graham, A. Reid, A. Hunter and J. N. Bendall ; Seo.-Treas., It. Rosso Meetings 2nd ,Friday evening in each month. Punnm Sonoor, TRACIIERS.—T. H. Cam- eron, Prinoipal, Mies Braden, Mies Downey andMies Cooper. BOARD or HEALTH.—Reeve Kerr, Clerk Scott, A. Stewart, T. Farrow and J. N: Kendall. Dr. McNaughton, Medical Health Officer. WHEN THE NOTE FALLS DUE. You may say that life is trouble When the clouds ere in the blue ; But a fellow finds it doable When the Note Falls Due ! • Sorrow's nothing bub a bubble That will vanish from the view ; But it's trouble, trouble, trouble, When the Note Falls Due d And the corn -it goes to stubble, And the rose—it withers, too And it's trouble, trouble, trouble, When the Note Falis Dae 1 Go it single file, or double, There'll be work enough for you In a living world of trouble, When the Note Falls Due I FIGS AND THISTLES. ' The light we do not walk in will soon leave no. Whoever gets life in Christ helps to give it. Thereare no tollgates on the highway - of holiness, whoever knows God is a magnet for Him. God is always alone to those who need his help. Half.heartedneee makes no prayers that God Oen answer. The man who chases bubbles never has any time to rest. A cry le what the heart says when the lips cannot speak. He is the greatest men who does most for hie fellowmen. The man who is ruled by his feelings cannot walk straight. The most respectable sinners are the mostdangerous ones. The devil's hand drops when a good man gets on his knees. God always makes the road in which he wants his pilgrim to travel. Morality is only the polish on the can. dlestiok. It is not the light. The more an enemy hates us, the more our kindness will hurt him. Count that day lost on which you have nob let your light shine for Christ. How It must puzzle rho angels to see a preaoher looking for an easy plate, The devil has to fight herd to bold his own anywhere near a praying mother. Keep in touch with Christ, and he will help yen to tough others for their good. The millennium would be here now, if we all lived rip to what we demand from others. God is disappointed,' if we are bot do- ing anything for Him except making a Boise in cnnah. We may not all he able to do great things, but we can all 130 faithful' in little ones. Whatever the Chrietian does will be religious work, if he does it as Christ would have him do it, The fact that the devil is ,against a man, ought to be good evidence that he is on the Lord's aide. When a man gets religion right, the firsb to find it out will he those who live the neareet to him. Skeptios may try to tear the Bible to pieces, but every consistent Christian life proves that it is true. It 10 beoauge the devil 0041 make ;AIM Self loop like an angel of lig16, that the hetbls against flim leas lambed Se lees, The Haan whe isn't religions enough to do right when 1141%14 watolted, isn't re. ligioue when he ie watched, The World is in the dark about God, and the fleet business of every Christian :should 1 u O bot hl • „ to eet : 't right. To be religious ehould 111000 to be like Christ and bo do as be did, One of the greeteet anolnios the saloon has ie the mother who tenches her boy to pray, PP'0E12, Peter lived on the prairie, When he was three years old the not railway train came through. Uncle Peter parried the small boy to see ie. A train -boy threw a peach to Peter. He ata it, and laughed and squealed with delight. "Don't throw away the stone," said Thuile Peter, "We'll plant it." Peter's chubby, brown little band pat. ted the soft earth over it, That limb :see, eon'he wabehed the green shoot break through and send out a few leaves, The next eeaeou it was tall enough for Peter to jump oven it, The next 1t was so tall he oould'not, When Peter was eight years old there were coven peaches on his tree. One for each of the family, and not one of them tasted anything so good before. He planted all the stones. To -day Peter is a big boy, He has eight well•grown neaoh trees,whioh carry health and delight to all the neighbor. hood, And he has a young orchard com- ing on which will some day bring more money than all his fabher'e crops. FEMININE SHOULD1'TS.' 4 delegate atthe recent National Con. ventlon of Women compiled the follow. ing"ebcaldn'ts," during the reading of paper, and fust when she ''shouldn't" be doing anything of the kind ; You shouldn't be extreme. You shouldn't sacrifice your individual- ity attheshrine of fashion. You shouldn't allow your dressmaker to stiffen your summer gowns, except with the very lightest and most pliable material. You sbonldn't" wear ten shoes with a silk or dressy gown. You shouldn't wear high stook collars with a how, which make you look as though your head was tied on—they are passe.' You shouldn't wear a floral collar if your complexion ie faded or inclined to yellowness. You shouldn't have your gown measure more than seven yards around the hem ; five and a half if you are small, four and a half if you are sensible and small. You shouldn't carry a flower, lace, or chiffon -trimmed parasol in town, except for oarriage nae. You shouldn't wear a sills oe satin bodiee with e linen Goat and skirt. You bhouldn't wear silk or velvet for travelling ; washab'o materials or bril- liantine are the best. You shouldn't wear bloomers without a skirt, unless you wish to look vulgar. You shouldn't wear a cloth oap in the summer, either for cycling, golf er ten- nis. It collects the duet, and is very Iwarm. Straw and duck is more up -to. date and comfortable. You shouldn't ignore fashion altogether. Yon needn't be in the fashion if you do not want to, and happen to be an excep- tionally pretty woman. w'N,YI' FIEF tuns L1KC, If there is anything in the nlot•ld that an elephant loves better than a peanut it is an orange, and if any boy who reads this, wishes, when he goes to the circus, to give the massive oreatnre an especial treat, instead of paying five oente for a bag of peanuts to put in the elephant's trunk, let him pnrobase for the same money one good-sized orange, and present that to the small eyed, fiat -eared mon. eber. A number of years ago, in a book which was oalled "Leaves from the Life of a Speoia! Correspondent," Mr. 0'• Shea, the author of the book, gave the following desoription of an adventure he had with a herd of elephants. He said : "A young friend asked me once to show him some elephants, and I took him along with me, having fire: borrowed an apron filled with oranges. This be was to carry while accompanying me in the stable, but the moment we reached the door the herd set up such a trumpeting— they bad scented the fruit—that he drop- ped the apron and its contents, and scut- tled off like a soared rabbit.' There were eight elephants, apd when I picked up the oranges I found'I had twenty-five. I walked deliberately along the line, giv- ing one to each. When. I got to the extremity of the narrow stable I turned, and was about to begin the distribution again, when I suddenly reflected that if elephant No. 7 in the row saw me give two oranges in succession to No. 8 he might imagine he was being oheated, and give me a smack with his trunk—that ie where the elephant .falls short of the human being—so I went to the door and began at the beginning as before. Thrice I went along the line and then I was in a fix. I bad one orange left, and I had to get back to the door. Every elephant in the herd had its greedy gaze focused on that orange. It was al! my life was worth bo give it to any one of them, What was I to do 2 I held it tip conspicuously, cooly peeled it and ate it myself. It was most amusine, to notice the way those elephants nu ed each other and shook their ponderot'isidcs. They thoroughly entered into the humor of the thing," Canadian .Ne iv ,e. Excursions to Port Dover this year are largely patronized. Taxes in Ingersoll this year will be 21 7.10 mills on the $. Lake Erie produces More fish to the more than any other body of ivaber in the world, A Saguia bicyclist collided with a bow the other day, resulting: in a broken leg los the cow. Wm. Roberts caught a trout in the Port 7,tyers° creek' the"other day that Weighed 2; lbs. Capt. Jon Saundete, of Kingston, Nae drowned while : crossing in a rowboat from Ogdensburg to Prescott. It is reported that owing to the great drought around Tilsonbgrg the cattle are Bolling at $2' to 10 emelt, and one hundred head of sheep only brought 000, Quite a neither of farmers from. the Zorrae are down South baying stock. TBE BRUSSELS PQiST The Geolph ljleolrio Railway is being pushed forward, Mr. Sleeman inbendd o flava the line eoreplebed in front of the Dairy building et the 0. A. College in a few days. OAxnenAil1011413v1Dllr 10 •ro 00 DiiNOTEs, - Blower's, to tnnlliiea with melt betble O£ Drt. Agnew'e Cetarrah Powder, dilfnees this Powder over the 001±000 of the nasal. passages, Veiniest: and delightful 10 nee, it relieves Inetanbly, and psrmanenb• ly mires Catarrah„ Hay Fever, Colds, Headaoli s, Sore Throat, '2Oneilltis and Deafness 00 cents at G. A, Deadmap"e, The Toronto Autumn Oriminel As. sleep, at which the Hyman' twios will be placed on trial for the eeeond time for the alleged murder of Willie Wells, will not open until Nov, 8, Owipq to the case Win a remnant, it will 'probably conte en near the opening, and either Justice Ferguson or Chief Justine Armour will preside, Six weeks have been Set apart for the Assizes, Justioe Street, who pre. sided at the first trial, will not preside et the Autumn. Assizes. Ohaneellor Boyd will preside ab the trial of Thomas and Heeele' Gray, charged with the murder of David Soothe, at Obonabee. The Peter. bore' Assizes :open on Sept. 24. ,The Chancellor will therefore Hays' ab leash three murder cases this yoar, having al- ready presided at: the trial of Clara Ford and of Jules Sauvez, the Cartier trapper who shot hie chum. In addition he may be called on to try one or two at the To- ronto Assize% as there are four murder eases on the calendar. When the disbriot surrounding London woe a primeval forest, with only a mat- tered clearing for the eariy settler's log btlb here and there, rattlesnakes were to be met with every day. But ae the proud forest monarchs began to fall before the hardy woodman's axe and thehush land gave way to fields of waving grain these venomous arotaloids oontinued to grow , scarcer and soareer until of late years David Jamieson, of Week Luther, had One of hie lege broken a. few days age in a very strange manner, While drawing some rail outs out of the swamp with a heree, he ran up to the animal and hit it with a small ebtele, When, by the PM* the borne trade, the clip eama .off the whifiietree and the end flew bash With suet: forest, that in striking bion on the shin it broke the bone of the leg. Ramer m Six House.•--DJstreseing kid. nay and bladder diseases relieved an six 110u1e by the "Great South American Klduey Cure." Phis new remedy is .a great surprise and delight, on account oe its exceeding promptness in relieving pain in the bladder, kidneys, beak apd every part of the urinary passages in male or female, It relieves retention of water and pain in passing it almost im- mediately. Ifyou wanbgniok relief apd euro this is your remedy. Sold by G. A. Deadman, druggist. MONEY TO LOAN. Any Amount of Money. to Loan on Farm or Village Pro- perty at ro-pertyat 6 & 64 Per Cent., Yearly. Straight Loans with privilege of repaying when required. Apply to A. Hunter, Division Court Clerk. Brussels. the assertion has been freely made that as far as Middlesex and surrounding' counties were ooneerneil the specie hail . become extinct. But they are not entire. i ly exbinob yet, and the ohildren of farm- er Franke, of lot 22, con. 8, Caradoo, bad abunbanbevidence of the feet the other day. On the back of their father's farm is part of a large marshy Oath which covers about 700 acres. In a portion of this woods, where the braes are not so thick,there is a very prolific raspberry patch, Friday morning Mr. Frank's 18. year-old son and 12.year.old daughter went out to gather the berries and, were meeting with considerable emcees. Sud- denlylhe boy heard a muffled, whistling sound, and looking around he saw a large rattlesnake with its poison fangs extend. ed just about to strike his sister. With rare presence of mind be jumped to her assistance, and pulled her away in the niok of time. Then be procured a stick and threw it, hitting the reptile on the neok and stunning it, At this moment Col. Payne, who was making an inspect. ion of the property, happened on the scene, and he and young Franks finished his snakesbip. It proved to he between four and five years old, and measured 37 inches in length. Col. Payne broughl it home with him, and it will likely be ad- ded to the collection of the local Entomo- logical Society. Another rattlesnake, but a year or more younger, was killed in the same woods a short time ago. CIO ¶p q U re prepared to take any quantity , of Wool either for Cash or Trade. We have a large Assortment ofd Tweeds, Flannels, la. , Ca xpetSl Blankets, Yarns, Knitted Goods, Bcc., to choose from. We are llIso prepared to take in all kinds of. „. „ Manufacturing, Roll Oarding, Spinn- ing, ing, Weaving,g p Fulling, Dressing, &c. HOWE & Co., Next door to B1ashill'e Butcher ho TH 0 MOST SUCCESSFUL REMEDY,I FOR MAN OR BEAST. Certain in its effects and never busters. Read proofs below: KENDALL'S SPAWN CURE. Rost2 Carman Hendorson Co., ill., Feb.21, GI. nr. D. J. irlbo. your Rooks ad Sirs-Please0000 havaue,agreat dealf your IrondNl's sperm Curo with cod success • it 19 a wonderful medicine, I onceoad a inure that bad au p b Occult tand ave bottles cured Ler. I keep a bottleo =hand h umd all the time. Yours truly, 0100. POW t , KENDALL'S SPAWN CURE. Dr. e, .1.:IEsbetnCO. Oev's:ox, Mo., Apr. 9,102. Cefiasisustlioce'•Ieill''Spava0re wimuch aeyour eo 2 think it the best Liniment I ever used. Have rd. moredoae Oerb, one Blood G„uvin and killed two Bono ebavins. Have rseonuaended 11 to sereno or my friends who are much pleased with and keep it, Respectfully, R, RAs, P. O. Licata. For Sale by 011 Dru001ns, or address. Dr. 73. J'. .K.ENDB.LD 0O%10411 -T, i eeossuROH FALLS, VT. 11 AND .Creamery ergs We have in stock a large assortment of Milk supplies of every description. IE you want a good article we can give you the Best that's made. If you require anything in this line call 'on us. SII Kmds of Joljfflug Attended to and work executed Neatly, Cheaply and Expeditiously. EAV'ETROUGFHING, IRON ROOFING - AND FURNACES Our Specialty. All Work Guaranteed Satisfactory, Pull line of Shelf Goods, Cutlery, Lamps, Brushes. Fly Screens, &c. We handle Cook, Coal and Box 3tovez of the Best Manufacture and sold at close margins. Special Attention given to—" -Ir'Ordered Work in the Tin Shop. Best American. and Canadian, Coal Oil, Castor Oil andt/1iaoh ine Oil. A share of the Patronage of the Public asked for. WILTON & TURBIILL. ti We have received the greater. Dart of our Spring Stock of Boots and Shoes, comprising the Finest and most Stylish Footwear that the market affords, In Ladies' 1llisses' and Children's Black and Tan Oxford Ties we are showing ex- ceptionally good value. In Ladies' Gaiters; etc., we have a fine line which are very popular just now. Ladies' Misses' and Children's Button Boots in endless variety, at prices to suit the times. In Gents' wear we have all the leading styles in Dongola, Shell Cord and Calf. Boys' and Youths' School Shoes at prices that defy competition. Call and see our Ladies' White Canvas Oxfords. BRUSSELS. Rips Sewed Free of Charge. GREAT BARGAINS I Raving purchased the Wall Paper stock of Jan. ' o. and combined it witIi my own, I have now the Largest, Cheapest and Best Display ever made in Brussels. Special Bargains Given during this Month To save trouble of moving in connec- tion with the erection of new store. You can save Dollars by dealing with me in Wall Papers, Borders and Window Shades. Paper hanging done in First-class Style. SPECIAL PRICES ON ALL LINES OF OT Parasols Reduced in Price, Summer Hats and Fancy Stra,vs Reduced in Price, Light Weight and Summer Dress Goods Reduced in Price, Summer Coats and Vests, and Suits Reduced in Price, . Flannelette Shirts Reduced in Price. No room to Enumerate Articles and Prices. Call and secure a Bargail..q' AA STRACHA