HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1895-7-19, Page 10cots Edossnets nothing to have our opinion re. • igiewAing the beet rernedies we sell for ver- Waltxcells whloh,Seah ie heir to. We are -^ci'awwyr,'e glad to give you hiformetion that werfiittiOlp yea in choosing the ,best. Ill eflactreotter of 'Illy Papers, for lnetanoe, Base is a great difference. if you want raiething that will gaiokly 111 the dies :Owed'bayst,pacisage of the Fly Pakten z+agenr each ae we are handling, We have +riino for this purpose Ipeeot Powder, or if s avant to keep them free felling Manedget time of the Sticky or TANG1'.4EPOOT. 'QR•sell this two shade for 5 cents, It :may east a little; more than the paper but roes. good- work. Will be glad to sup- Warr up- gw1ar.you- . A. DEADMAN, - Druggist, Bookseller and Graduate Optician. SI'HAND TRUP�i�RML 'r AY. SOOT0EBN nxTENstoN w. a, & a. Crain leave Brueaels Station, North 1 E& Routh, ae follows:13-01140 Bon'ra. GOING NORTE, ,'.i5apie.,..._.... MixOd 0:19:45 a.m. Lmosons 11:59 a.m. Mail a.m.8),,0. 3xa.;ae.-._9:00 p.m.111 Express 0:45 p,m, A Oilers among ye takin' notes, 911' faith hall prent it.. Tan Pow is 22 years old this week. 'ffffe tan was the Baud concert last Fri- ,, .irrsg' night ? •:ii'Fwo Band stand at the Town Hall. was isw.utod this week.NEW k NEitchen bas been added to the -maddenee of S. T. Plum, Flora street. � siraTAnLE Wnrenx ie keeping an eye on moa persons who trot their horses over.he :ts¢aTge. W. BLASE/EL has bad a new fence put r along the East side of hie residence, ,,ratan street. "Tau report of the Entrance examine - '.::rata will not be ready for publication an. °ei: about August let. '"Fr,onzxcn G.,' James O'Leary's poo• arg•raare,foaled at Goshen, Indiana, and woo:riser owner boasts of a filly from ••i%lander." •t5lwvEEAL Arabians have been canvass - ...reg this section of country during the ieer-z. week and selling their wares from •. -z.uruso to house.::h 'xoaon TaousoN has disposed of hie 1"isas St. Bernard dog to Chas. Watt, of 3d•ezwdford. The animal was taken to its maw home on Wednesday. BRUSSELS Gut1 Club purpose going to dsseforth on Friday of this week to take :resit in a Olay pigeon contest in that town '1e tine ownership of a silver cup. :BENT Boos. have yut up a large store - rouse in their hill yard for the storage of eenx4i•ng. The market for this aommodi- 1 gniet •owing to the failure of the 'Tmst1 crop- ^'Te's not a pill you need," said he, ,-Nor yet a porous pad ; - last get a hustle on to thee And try a column ad." MEeSns. CLEGG & DAMES [shipped four - -•berg of export cattle from Brussels on d1 'otdap. They were billed for Loudon - vI.tngiend. 'Thos. MnLauohlin, R. K. Rose cost ' oo• Perrie accompanied the ship- •nvn.t. .Moran IN.—Couneilior Leatherdale was ;ia owner of a Jersey calf three months -1'a° •that he bad sold to a gentleman at C.Te�tatford for 318, and to be forwarded elbsrtly. The oalf got hold of some rope seal. by the bricklayers at Mr. Leather• ,'Blues and obewed and swallowed a short -aerfi„ about 4 feet, causing her death. 'Me veterinary found it undigested in tie am imal'e stomach. lt:;emnxw.—Wednesday noon Benjamin .,:haver attempted to descend from a hay- =OW ay 9e05T in 3, & J. Livingston's barn and r'ennohed for the rope of the hay fork to %mist him. He missed it and fell a die• "nsa'ce of 30 feet to the ground floor, injur- .:n g his back. He was unconscious for a amid.xtoile but le doing as well as amid be ex• rooted alter such a fall. rani ueaa Ann Tau NI\E ?—The second zoom of baseball between nines captained r7 A.. R. Smith and R. N. Barrett was eOoyed on Victoria Park Wednesday ef. 00500:00 end resulted in a win for the t mer by a snore of 10 to 11 in 5 in - =Sags. Jas. Thompson and. Noble Gerry .arerc at the points for Mr. Smith's side badJ. Grewar and W. Grewar for their ::opponents. The ntembere of, the re. apective clubs were, Indians—•A. R. .arnitio, 0. Barkley, N. F. Gerry, C. Shaw, T. -Curry, J. Thompson, W.Stew- dart, J. Arden and Jas. McCallum. Coal imiavers—R. N. Barrett, W. Grewar, W. aG 'ri'IIith, J. Grewar, J. Jones, J. Duncan, • W. Armstrong. 0. Phillips and R.Roach. ,r',nOTGAEO.—James Ross, uncle to Rev. :'v.1�.a Ross, B. A., of Bruseele, died at hie rls'adence, King street, Guelph, on Tues. f • :Baty, 'after a severe illness of some six or --ween months. The deceased was the -arts of the late John Leith Ross, writer to ser. Signet, of Arnage, Aberdeenshire, beeetland, where be was born in 1817. FEB wee educated at Marisohal College mind University, Aberdeen, gradaating A. ad. •.10 1835. The following year he aame to Canada, tattling in the township of 0li<ohol, county of Wellington. He took .o.ia active interest in public affairs, and 1 3lt•Gd the office of Reeve of the above ainebip from 1854 to 1859, and that of �arden of the county of Wellington, :258.59. -'tie represented the North sating of the county of'Vellington in the 1'1eoaineial Parliament of Canada, 1869. 101.. and afterCoofeder„ ion was member • of •tbo Dominion Parliament for the : teatce riding of the same county from t 1889 801878, soon after which he retired ',awn public life. For between 80 and 40 ;getooe Mr. Ross was an elder of the Pres• term terien tbnroh, and at the time of hie tem* was a member of the eeeelon of :Mesa users' church, Guelph. The funeral iessere.brace on Thursday, Rev. Mr, Ross rirta,ndrng. -Deceased leaves a wife and rlltra,e children. The daughter is a mitt- 0 •.wlbma-ry in China ; the ablest son engaged :;+x iaf4•oep rebelling in Montana and the •yoifstgeet4t Barrister, Arm of Rowan J - :Bost , ttoromte. Hine the date of Beet Huron Fail Fair in n1Gnd-.-',1;hureday .and Eridey, .Sept. 20 and 27. , Mott the weather ie giviug the stone =wept a good obaaae On the foundation Of the new 001101. I, 0, RIojjtnpe has been improving, ilia reaidonee with a new coat of paint. A, , Sample did the work in his usual good lnanllel•, PARI0Dian DAtisnov lute already ridden 1,000 mile% on his Woggle this eoseon. Be evidently gebe the worth of his money out of 1130 wheel, Musses. P.suitaan S: Kteime shipped it ear of fine horses for export trent Bras - eels on Thureday. George Turnbull, of Lietowel, exaompaniecl them, Pnonr. FoeTEn, the St, Louie weather man, eaya the Winter of 1891.0 will he a long, cold, "hard" Winter over the whole Of the United States and Gunnies As. T. Ross, American express agent, Itaa plaoed a dandy new wagon on the road,' the old one having served it'e day, Jae. Walker made the new turn out. Oosome, --Grand Organizer Milne, of the A. 0, U. W., will pay a visit to Brea, eels on Friday of next week, 2011I inet. IIe le well posted in the wonting of the Order and ie a very sueoeseful oauvaeser. Air the Windsor races "Wanda," Beat- tie Bros.' trotting mare, took 4t11 place In the 2.15 race and "Maple Leaf," Jae. O'Leary's pacer; 4th in the 2.28 class. 2.14 was touched in one beat in the last named rape by the winner. Tnxs week "Maple Leaf," "Saranao"` and "Chloe,' the latter owned by Mr. Metcalf, of Kingston, are being worked on the ball mile track here prior to their taking part in the Wingham races next week, "Reddy" ie touring it in the Un. Mod States. TlinaeDA- of last week A. Mann end 0. Jackson, aommernial travellers from To. routo, were is town on a tandem bicyole. They eave considerable time in thiia mode of travelling from town to town ae they are not depending on trains. A bicyole built for two ie rather a more sociable way of travelling than going it alone. TELL me not in accents mournful, Advertising doesn't pay 1 For that saying is a "abeenut," Growing older every day, And existent facts belie it, For yon'll see, if you are wise, That the only men that "get there," Are the chaps who advertise. • Tun Grand Trunk gave ample aoaom• modation on the 12th and ran their trains at seasonablehoure. Ten coaches were attached to the engine of the special on the W. G. & B., under the Dare of Con- ductor MoOailum, whioh headed for Luoknow with 82 passengers from Ethel, 135 from Brussels and 90 from Bluevale. The train arrived here on the return trip at 7:20 p. m. TEE Glut's OBOE.—Advices from St. Catharines state that it is beleived there will be a fair orop of grapes after all, and that the fears regarding total failure through frost and reference to limited areas, ae it ie now found that the vine - pude in some sections have a heavy bang of fruit, so that a fair yield, or, say, two thirde of a Drop, may be expected. Good prices are looked for, and those who have a good hang of fruit are feeling jubilant over the outlook. Tau APPLE ()BOR.—Notwithstanding the disheartening report of the apple crop some time ago, owing to damage by frost, latest advieoe from sections west of Toronto state that the yield promises to be much better•thau was at one time expected. East of Toronto the prospects are poor in some eeotious; but it must be remembered that those districts are not very important. Maine Baldwins, it is reported will not be over two-thirds of last year's crops. The Maine crop is gen- erally included in the Canadian report, for the reason that the great bulk of the apples in that State ie handled by Can• adiane.—Montreal Trade Bulletin. THREE Lntns.—Thursday evening of last week D. D. G. M. Robertson, accom- panied by a number of. Wingham Odd Fellows, came to Brussels and, after the initiation of a new member, Metalled the officers for the current term as follows : A. McKay, Junior Paet Grand ; B. G. Wilson, Noble Grand W. Smith, Vioe Grand; W. Bright, Recording Secretary ; Jno. Amens, Permanent Secretary ; F. S. Scott, Treasurer ; Jas. T. Ross, Warden ; S. H. Jackson, Conductor ; Thos. Strachan, Chaplain ; Arthur McGuire, Inside Guard ; Wm. Martin, Outside Guard ; S. Wilton, i R. Thompson, Supporters N. Grand ; j B. Cochrane, (Su )ertere V. Grand ; W. Grewar, 1l 14 Jj Scene Supporters ; Jaas.. Moore, oo J. A. McNaughton, Physician. 1. S. Scott, representative to Grand Lodge. At the close of the Lodge the visiting brethren were entertained to lunch at MaAlpine's restaurant. 17 members have been initiated during the past term and still there's more to fol- low. The Degree Team does its work in good style. Oma—The residents of Brussels were sadly surprised on Wednesday by a tele- gram conveying the sad intelligence that Adam Good, a former well•known and highly reepeoted resident ofl3rueeele, had died at the Toronto hospital on Tuesday evening. He had gone there from Sea- orth for treatment in the removal of an abscees, located at the base of the right lung, and the operation was successfully performed en Saturday, 6th inst. For a week after he appeared to do well, when he took a bad turn and passed away quietly, as above stated. The remains were brought to Brussels Wednesday evening, beingaccompanied by Mrs. Good, Mies Adie 'ironstone and James Good, of Toronto, who were with him during hie illness, The deceased re. moved from Bruesels last Fall to a plot of land near Seaforth, which he had pur- chased. Elie health had nut been good for the past year and he had been reduc- ed almost to a skeleton. He came to //russets 17 years ago and was in the em- ploy of George Good and afterwards eon. ducted business for himself and hie straightforward manner and Christian character were everywhere recognized. Mr. Good was united in marriage to Mies Mary Vanstone 1171 years ago and elle and. 8 sons and 2 daughters survive. The funeral took plane on Thursday afternoon from the residence of W. F. Vanetone and wee largely attended. 1evds, Messrs. McRae and Griffin conducted the eervi• es and the pall bearers were A. M. Mc. Kay, H. Donnie, D. Meiklejohn, J, Ir. win, J. T. Rose and W. H. Kerr. Mre. Good and family ate deeply sympathized with in their loneliness Tod eadneas, A Niaw Yoga newspaper prediale that standard bioyclea will be sold neat you. for $80and perhaps less. It is stated that a certain New York firm will have 400,000 bieyoles to put .on the market (text Spring at 480, Do you want a life 10001 n05 policy fu whioh there are no restrictions 00 to resideeoe, travel or occupation 1 a policy which is nonforfeitable after two years, if so ask to sec the Confederation L9fe'8 new pulioy. W. H. Herr, agent. BU,siness Locals. Loma, clear bacon at MoOraoken's. SLAMS note forme for We 01 Tug Poen Publishing Rouse. Fon line shoes, cheap and good, we take the lead. I, 0. Riohards. HoelneuAwrune for, harvest tools and mea line oils. Molfay & Co, SiNGLEbarness, line mega of them and very cheap, •I, C. Richards. VElto beat ::Pea Harvesters at J. J. Gilpin's, Bruseele, for $10,00, RErArne in shoes and harness attended to promptly. I. 0. Richards, Tat latest improved soreen doors and soreen windows, McKay & Go. Livano run on children's: wagons at Tun PoeT Book Store. 2 boy's veloci- pedes for sale. ` Cell and see them. Do you want to stop using tobacco? If so, use No•To.Bao. We refund your money if not as stated. G. A. DEADKAN. A %Ahem quantity of binder twine on hand at prices the lowest. McKay & Co. A Goon, sound 4-year.old mare for Bale' cheap, or on easy terms, or would ex- change for lighter one. Apply at Bras - eels Marble Works. 9nmoa'e Core,. the .great cough and oroup pure, is in great demand. Pocket size contains twenty.five'doses ; only 25 cents. Children love it. Sold by Jas. Fox, druggist, Brussels. KAuL'e Clover Root will putiiy your blood, clear your complexion, regulate your bowels and make your bead olear as a bell. 25 ots., 60 ots. and 0100., Sold by Jas. Fox, druggist, Brussels. Flaunt Plows. -Hugh Williame & Son are the Agents for the well known Fleury plow. They also keep all the necessary repairs. Call at Williams' Livery Stable, Bruseele, The Fleury plow received the gold medal and diploma at ,the World's Fair. CArooio Sweeney, U. S. A., San Diego, Cal., Bays :—"Shiloh's Catarrh Remedy is the first medicine I have ever found that wenli do me any good'' Price 60 Sold by AS. Fox. druggist, Brits - eels. SODA WATER FOUNTAIN.—J. McAlpine has, at considerable Dost, put one of them into his restaurant and can now put up the beet Summer drinks known. He has reduced ice cream to 30 cents a quart. and will give very epeoial rates in fruits and confectionery to pia.ni0 and evening parties. HANDS AND AnIoLES BAw.—For •yenre I have been a great sufferer from itchy skin trouble and salt rheum. My hende and ankles were literally raw. The first application of Dr. Chaee's Ointment al- layed the burning, itching sensation. One box and a half entirely cured me. It is also instant relief for chilblains. Henry 0. Parmenter, St. Catherinee, Ont. WILL-DIOOINo AND Dn1LLING.—George Birt has all the necessary machinery for digging and drilling wells and is prepar- ed to attend to all work entrusted to him in a way that will insure satisfaction. Wells cleaned out and put in proper shape. Terms reasonable. Residence second door north of the bridge, west side of Turnberry et., Brussels. 84-81 Emmen wanting hardy, native stook to plant this coming Fall or Spring may pay for it in work. We want men with or without experience on full or part time. Salary and expenses or commis- sion. Write at ones for further infor- mation. Brown Brothers' Co., Conti. nental Nurseries, Toronto, Ont. 43.2m KIDNEY PA0T3.—In January 1892 my son was taken with kidney disease. Though attended by three physicians and change of climate, he grew worse and by '93 bad fallen from 195 pounds to 95 lbs. In ten 'days from starting to use Dr. Chase's Kidney -Liver Pills we were able to move him home. In four months he gained 50 pounds and was fully restored to health by the nee of this medioine. Jno. S. Beatings, 23 St. Paul et., Mon. treal. BRUSSELS Coonwnny.—To whom 18 may concern :—Having been appointed Pare - taker of Brussels cemetery, I wish to male it look as respectable as possible. This, however, oannot be done without tate co-operation of those who have rela- tives or friends buried therein- Now is the time to show your respect for the de- parted and also to improve the property you hold there by fixing up your iota and by straightening the monuments or tomb. atones erected to the memory of your departed. For the paltry sum of 25 cents I will straighten all tombstones, that do not need cementing, and for 60 Dents will straighten and cement those that require it. I will also for 50 eente straighten all monuments that need it and keep them straight for one year. Lots also fixed up and taken Dare of at reasonable rates. Address all cam inapt. cations to Rom. ARMSTRONG, Lock box 44, Brussels. Tont August number of the Delineator ie galled the Midsummer Number and contains a large variety of interesting matter suitable for the season. Ladies who have deferred completing their Sum. mer wardrobes will be partieularlyipleas• ed with this nnmbbr, for the styles were never more dainty and appropriate. A special article le devoted to Dressing for Stout Ladies, and another to Bathing and Swimming, with illustratione of the Latest Fashions in Bathing Costumes. Mre, Roger A. Pryor's artiole on the Etiquette of Letter Writing bears the stamp of authority, and will be helpful to every one who reads it ; and the paper on Art Needlework in the Employment Series, will direct the attention of many women to this occupation as a means of livelihood: The Ontario Ladiee' College, Whitby, Ont., is interestingly deearibed by an ex -graduate, the popular Kinder• garter Series is continued by Mre. Sara Miller Kirby, and Harriet Keith ];'oboe contributes an artistic' paper in the series on Burnt Work. There is very praotio- al paper on cleaning and renovating Laces, Feathers and Gloves, and a vara- ety of useful information is given in the monthly tall( Around the Tea Table., The houeekeeper will find some new re. oipee in Seasonable Cookery, and much ibat will help to make housework easier in Things the Housewife should know. • 1_ Ua auL i9 J89 til 24XD4, ,l -r 13„XJi' O1' Cr4.X4• 4, xpfu'r„Aa,u374137.-X map HEAP OFEIQE, TORONTO. ASSETS, (Seven Milliocl Dollare) • 07,000,000 CAPITAL (Authorised) - 32,000,009 Aycock; 'in alt principal points in. Ontario, Qnobeo, Araw'tfol1G, Unttod Stales sOi'inglan,l A Genexal ,Banking Busineee" Transuded. . Farmers' Notes Discounted, Drafts Issued and Collections made .on all points, SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT. Interest allowed on deposlts of $1.00 and upwards from dot of deposit to date of withdrawal and oompounded half yearly, 8r107AL ATTENTiOteGIVSai TO 3011 COLLeOTIoN 01r' FAnnrtae' SALE NOTES, Every facility afforded Customers liyillg at a distance, J. A. STEWART MANAolan, 6-18.IiLIES S1VSITII, 1ti4,1y1at , 31z6tTSS.MLS, Transact a General Bankilig Business. Drafts Bought and Sold on all points in Canada, United Status and Great Britain. FA RIME NOTES DISCOUNTIID, SALE NOTLIS AND MORTGAGES A SPECIALTY. S°arwv,t,rae '•Qd417:nr as$'.'dig`�°•Pin°r'4`7r. Interest Allowed on One Dollar and Upwards at Current Raton. Interest Com- pounded Twice a Year, Being Added to the Principal at the end of the Months of Ootober and April. Special Arrangements made for Time Deposits. \0'e affect to write lneur,iiiae in 4114 'English or Canadian Companies, or in ,llut. nal Cbnlpnnite as may be desired. AGENTS FOR CANADA AND 'UNITED STATES: Tics CANADIAN DANE or CONISEEOE There is also an exoellent article on the Newest Books and others on Floral Work for August and the Relations of Mother and Son. New designs are illustrated and described in Knitting, Tatting, Lace Making, etc. Subscription price of the Delineator, 31.00 per year, 10o. per Bingle copy. Address, the Delineator Publishing Co. of Toronto, Ltd., 83 Richmond St. West, Toronto, Ont. m.ORS7. • Doason.-In Ethel, on July 14th, the wife of Mr. Geo. Dobson of a sun. BArxarex.--At Niagara Falls, N. Y., on July 7th, the wife of Mr. W. E. Bate- man of a daughfer. Fassun: In Grey, on July 1881), the wife of Mr. Finlay Fraser of a daughter, axis-fxRrna, KNroar—MoNens—At the reeidenee of the bride's parents, on July 10111, by Rev. D. B. McRae, Mr. Jas• M. Knight, of Petrolia, to Mies Chris- tens, daughter of Mr. Lachlan Mo. Neil, of Grey. =SE�- FaAsEn,—In Grey, on July 18th, the in. font daughter of Finlay Fraser. HERITAGE.—In London, on July 17th,. Bertha, eldest daughter of Thos. Heritage, formerly of Grey township, aged 81 years. Goon.—In Toronto, on July 10811, Adam Good, formerly of Brussels, aged 40 years and 8 months. BnynoN•—In Morrie, on Wednesday, July 17th, 1895, Elizabeth Marshall, be- loved wife of George Brython, aged 70 years and'8 months. • F.A.2.,I. FAIRFy Industrial, Toronto, Sept. 2.14 The Western, London 12-21 Provincial, Montreal, " 12 21 Hay, at Zurich, " 23-24 South Huron, Exeter, " 23-24 1South Perth, St. Mary's, " 24-25 Mitobell, at Mitchell, " 24.25 Clinton, " 25.25 Turnberry, Wingham, " 25.26 East Enron, Brussels, " 26.27 Northern, Ailsa Craig, " 26.27 Kirkton, Oct. 1. 2 Territorial Exhibition, Regina, July 29111 to Aug. 7 Fal) Wheat 75 Spring Wheat 70" Barley. 40 Peas 07 Oats 85 Wool 18 Butter, tube and rolls .•. 11 Eggs per dozen ......... 8 Flour per barrel.... ... .. 4 60 Potatoes (new) 1 00 Hay per ton .. -10 CO Hideo trimmed Hides rough 2 ' Salt per bbl., retail..,1 00 Sheep skins, each 20 Lamb skins each 15 Apples per bbl 1 62 Ilogs, Live 4 25 Wool 18 80 80 45 58 37 18 12 9 5 00 00 00 00 2h 00 40 40 1 25 00 •02 TORONTO Ont., July 1G,—Market quiet - Winter offered west at 80u, end %VOA bought, 0. P. R. west,, at No. 1 Manitoba hard is held westat05o. Flour —Values are on the easy side. Peas --A bid of 58o made for a car west. Oats-- White ats-White bought, high west freights, at 82o, and mixed at 31a ; white sold, middle freights weet at 320. Barley—Care of feed quoted nominally, at 40o to SOo out- side. Livtnroon.—Cheese, quiet; demand poor ; flneet American white, new, 38e 6d ; finest American, colored, new, 88s 0d. Butter, 'Meet U, S. and good, nom- inal. Ingersoll—Offerings on Tuesday were 6,880 boxes June make ; sales 415 at So ; 800 at 8 1/100. Large attendance, but market quiet, Peterboro,—The cheese board adjourned to -day 'for one week. No sales, 35,689 boxes' were boarded. Belleville. -At Ilse cheese board, Tueeday 2550 white, and 540 oolor- ed were boarded. Salsa on board were :- 100 colored at 74o ; 810 white at 7 18/16 1 50 white et 7>)a. A few will sell after bonrd et ruling prices 7 16/100. LA81 BUFFALO, N. Y., July 10,—Cattle. —There were no fresh arrivals on gale today, but a number of loads weighed up and held over, as well as a number of tail ende, were on offer. Hogs.—Re- ceipts 8 oars ; the market ruled strong end higher or all grades except prime heavy hogs ; Yorkere, 35.00 to 35.65; geod mediums, $5.60 to $5,65 ; common to good, heavy ende, $4.75 to $5.25"; rough, $4.50 to $6 ; pigs, 01,60 to 00.88 stags, 38.75 to 54.50. Sheep and lambs-- Beoeipte three oars ; the market was very quiet ; clipped sheep, export ewes and wethere, $4 to 04.25 ; good to prime handy wethers, 03.65 to $8,90 ; fair to gond mixed sheep, 38 to 33.50 ; -common to fair, 32.50 to 33 ;. calls, common to fair, $1,50 to $2,25 ; cupped yearlings, good to ohoice, $8.75 to 34 ; fair to good yearlings, $3.25 to $3,50 ; Dulls and nem. mon lots, 33.25 to 33:50 ; spring lambs, common 8ochoice, 08.50'10 38.75. THE P>t JPLE'S COLUMN. 'UMBELS POST OFFICE Savings Bahk takes Deposits from 81.00 to 81,100 and %hews .8f rer cent. interest. T,I:ARROW, 87.8m Postmaster.. QTRAYED FROM THE PREM– L7 rote of the undersigned, Lot 20, 000.15, Grey, on or about flay 15th, a red eteer,large size, rising two years. Any information leading to his recovery willbethankfully re Delved and suitably rewarded. GEORGE SHILLII, 50:4 Mouorleff P. 0, STOOK FOR THE DAIRY.—IN vv Breeding for milk or bettor do not waste time on anything short of the beet. No charge for the service of my Jersey Bull if his dam will not make from 75 to 100 1b a. more butter fu a year, than the dare of any bull of uny breed year, three miles. 0.-A, DEADMAN. 13raeeele. COMFORTABLE BRICK House for Sale situated on Turn - berry street, Brussels. immediate poesose - W• H. MOCRACKEN, • Issurer of Marriage Licensee- Offloe at his Orooery, •rarnberry Street, Brussels. fon. Good stable, well, cistern, 4 acre of laud, fruit trees, 40. Apply to TEE) 1.'AAttL'J:A1 COLORADO BEETLE minds ns that the if RS CREEN Season le eloee at (land and we desire to remind you that we Intim, this season, the very Pur- est artiole that cap be purchased anywhere, We guarantee every pound to bo obentically pure, ' Only 25o; per pound Fox's Drug Store, 0•r5osiwr, Qotuew'e Rerun, LEGAL AND ,GONVEYANCING, L. TAYLOR, BARRISTER, • Solicitor and Cony oyaneor, Oolleo- tioue made, OIDoe—Vanetouo'e Block, Brun - eels. 21.13m 1VI. SINCLAIR • Solicitor, tlonveyanour ,No bury 4o, Oillee—Vanetore'a Block, -1 door north of Qentral Hotel, Private Funds to Loan. F. BLAIR, BARRISTER, • Solioitok, &o. (late of Carrow & Prourlrnot'e Otioe, Goderieh.) Office oyer Galilee & Smith's Bank, 33ruseols. Money to Loan, DENTAL. T R. DAVIDSON, Honor Graduate. Toronto University, Licentiate Royal College Dental,Surgeoas,. Crown and Bridge work a specialty. Moder- ate Fees. Satisfaction Aeeured. (Mee over Barretts barber shop, Turuberry St., Brus-' tele. VETERINARY.. T D. WARWICK, re • Honor Graduate bf the Ontario Veterinary College, is prepared totreat all dieeasee of domeetioated animals In. a com- petent manner. Partlonlar attention paid to veterinary dentistry. Calls promptly at- tended to. OHoo and Infirmary—Four doors north of bridge •1'urnberry.st., Baueeels. MEDICAL CARDS. TA. MoNAUGHTON, M. D. • 0. DL.t 1„ B. C.P., Edinburgh, M. 0. P. S. Ont. Residence and office in Wilson's Blook ooruer of M110 andlm•nberry Ste. T M. ARMSTRONG, M. D. CY • Physician, Surgeon, Accouaher, eta. Graduate of Toronto University Medical Faculty. Member of College of Physicians and Surgeons,: Out. 05 xa s—Nett door to McDonald & Co„ Walton Ont. BUSINESS CARDS. MISS, R. ALIOinR, No. 81, John Street, Brussels, n RN. BARRETT, •- Tonsorial Artist' Shop—Next door. south o1 A. M. Mofiay& Co'a hardware store. Ladiee'and ohildrene hair cutting a epeoialty To School Teachers. Wanted for Sabool. Section No. 2, Grey, a teacher, who holds Second or Third. Class 1805, duties to commenh ce after s•ummer year 1805, days, State salary expected. Applications to be opoued ou Tuesday, July 28rd. All app - plications to be sent to ALEX. STEWART, Cranbrook P. 0., Secretary -Treasurer, 05.2 THRESHING MACHINE AND G0A1N GnnonING OUTPUT Fon SA R.— An Abell Engine travelled four years'; a btraal'ord Decker Threebing Afaohiio travell- ed t.vo years, nearly ae good as new. A Waterous Dimino Works twenty tush French Buhrstone for grinding grain, only(lottoour own grinding, better than new, our own maim of elevators, price at the works 5200, 8470.00 will buy the whole outfit or will sell separate to suit a purchaser. D1A1RSDEN SMITH, 62 tf Bra sisals P. 0. REAL ESTATE. 'WARM FOR SALE.—THE UN– A. nnnsioNED offers Me 75 acre farm for Sale, being East part of Lot 23, Cnn. 15, Grey. About 00 aures cleared, balance hush, - Good. frame house, bank barn, 45x56 foot, orahatd well, .to. In good state of cultivation and well longed. Poeseesion after harvest. For further particulars ae to price, terms, 40, apply to DUNCAN MCINNE6, Proprietor, 50-4 Cron brook P, 0. FARM FOR SALE,—THE UN– nnnelGNtn offers for sale his bfl acre farm being West half. of Neth half of lot 14. eon... 8, Morris, There is a good log house, witb frame !Mellen; bank barn"; or- chard ;well, S:e. 40 acres cleared and under gond state of cultivation. Possession given next November,, b"or tulther particulars to to price, tet•ine.&0„ apply 0n the premises to ROBERT HUGER S, Prop ria tor, 444f or Brussels P.O, Notice to Creditors. IN T11E SvesoriATn. Comm Or Int Gor7NTy OP HUnON, IN TEE ESTATE or ALnxtND• Ea MCDONALD, OP TOE TowNsnlr or GREY, FARMER, DE0EAsaD. Notice ie hereby given pn0saant to 0hap( 110, B. S. 0., end amending nets , that all ere- ditore and others having Maims against the emote of the above mooed ALEXANDER, Iv2nDONALD, deceased, who died on or about the Twenty-eighth day of Juno, A. D,1005, are required to deliver or send by pest pre - ,paid to 0,3`. Blair, Brussels, Suilolter for Thomas Strachan md: Alexander O'.oreyth, the executors of the deceased,on or before the 8iIrst anty or August, 1895. a etatoment in writing containing the names, addroeeoe and deewriptinn and full particulars of their eliding rind the nature of their eeeuritiee (if any) Yale by than, and in ;default thereof and an seen attar the said let day of August us the same can be eoaveniently done, the said executors will proceed to distribeta the assets of the said deceased: among thear- tiee entitled thereto, having regard only to the claims of nhioh they Muth then haye had notice and they will notbo liable for tie assets of said estate or any part thereof so distributed, to any person of whoseclaim they lave not bad netted at the time of such. dletributlon, .13 uteri at Bru stole, July 1781E 18110. 1-8 G. F.' BLAIR, Bolioitor for mounters, ROBERT CUNNINGHAM• SNsnn5000, FIRE AND MARINE. GUELPH. T. i` LETCHER, Issuer of Marriage Licenses, CEP1at AT. JEIVELey STORE. ia*No Witness Required. T. FLETCHER, Brussels. "IV-ELLING'TON MUTUAL IN V aunANOE Go. Established 1840, In- surances effected on all Town and Farm Property at vary low' rates. 3. A. 01REIGHTON, 15.8m Agent, Brussels, A HUNTER, Clerk of tbo Fourth Division Cour Co. Huron. Convoyaneer, Notary Public Londe Loan and- Iueuranoe Agent, Funds invested and to loan, 0o1leotioas -made. Pelee in Smale'o Bleak, Brussels H ISS O'CONNOR, R. T., Plane or Organ. oWillYisit Winghmusic uee day and Wednesday of oaoh week, Resi- dence on Prinoess Street, Brussels. 111 A. HAWKINS, hZ. 0. S. M. .1 Organist in St, John's Church, Bruns eels, and pupil, to the Art of Teaching, of A. W.Thayer, Mus.11oe., New York, will give .lessons to pupils eitber on piano or organ,. at his parlor over A.R.Smith's store, Brus- eels. Vocal lessons also given. Terms mod- erabe. AUCTIONEERS. GEORGE KIRKBY, LioonsedAnotioneer, Sales couduot etton reasonable terms, Panne and farm stook a specialty. Orders left at Tam PoeT PabllehiugHouse,Bra seals, or sent to Walton P. 0„ will receive prompt attention. i' • S. SCOTT AS AN AUCTION- 2- DER, will sell for better prices, to hotter mea in Toes time and lees °hereon than any other Auctioneer in East Huron or he won't charge .anything. Dates and orders can always he arranged et this office or 113 personal application'.. STONE ! STONE ! Any civantlty of Building, Corner, Rubble, Sill and Bridge Stone for Sate. Quarried and ready for loading at Brussels Quarry. For prioe and terms,000!y to �- J2 0,, MITCHELL, D7.f t 13ox160 Breese/FL AGENTS WANTED WHO DE- .elan 10 earn from 510 to 825 weekly. It can be don a selling our hardy guaranteed, Canadian growth Nursery Stook. Salary or eolnmiseion paid weoltly, Exolusive torsi - tory. Handsome outfit tree, Welts us at 0110e. for tonne. . E, 0, GRAHAM, Nursorymau, 41.14 Tomato, Out.