The Brussels Post, 1895-7-19, Page 86 ebV.art •^ '081'OSLIanEn -• .EVERY FRIDAY MORNING nu time for the early mails) at 5TU0 dost Steam Publishing lfonse? TnitNnufRX ST., BRuososs, 052. Wino; of SpneonrnTro5.-One dollar a Year, in advance, The,date to which every suliseription is paid le denoted by the date ' on the address Sabel, AnvnnwrsinG It no. -The following rates will bq charged to those who advertise by tbo year ;= erAnn 1 xii. I U nip. l a m0 One Column0.(g0p,80 $88,00 620.00 Hall I 00.00 20,00 12,90 �Quarter " „ 20,00 .18,00 . 8.00 igktb .,.... , Eight oonts per 'Motor first insertion, and three cents per line for each cubsequout in- sertion, All advertisements measured as Nonpareil -12 lines to the inolr. Business Cards, eight lines and under, 05 per annum, Advertisements without spooiflo direc- tions, will be inserted until forbid, and charged accordingly, Instructions to change or dieoontlnua an advertisement must be left at the counting room of Tire Pow not later than Tuesday. of eaob week This is imperative. W. B. X (BICE , Editor. and Proprietor. THE ENDEAVORERS. The annual report of John Willis Baer was read at 11.80 last Thnraday morning before the Christian Endeavor Conven- tion ab Boston. The report was read sim- ultaneously by Secretary Baer in Me- chanics' building, by Rev. John Barstow, Medford, Mass., in tent Williston, and by J. E. Chesetnan, Cleveland, Ohio, in tent Endeavor. The report opens se follows ; Every useful wheel must have its hub. Livery bub, to be useful, should have its wheel. Figuratively speaking, Christian Endeavor Is a useful wheel ; certainly Boston is the hub. As we era in the hub, let us.turn the wheel upon its axis, and from the hub view its revolutions. Its circumference equals that of the globe, and its spokes number thousands upon thousands. Each year the circumference of the Christian Endeavor wheel widens ; each year thousands of spokes are added. Last year our wheel was strengthened by 7,750 new societies for "spokes," (if you please.) This is the largest increase for any one year since the "wheel" nommen• ced revolving, fourteen years ago. "Spoke" after "spoke" passes our vision rapidly in this whirl of inspection ; in all, 41,229. Of these 4,712 are from other lands, the United Kingdom beading the list with 9,645, which figure includes 180 from Wales, 112 from Scotland and 53 from Ireland. Australia now has not less than 1,599 ; Africa, 30 ; China, 32 ; France, 64 ; India, 117 ; Japan, 59 ; xi -; Turks Meda asoar 93 • Mexico, 25 39 ;' West India Islands, 63 ; and so on, till every country is represented, esus five, Italy, Russia, Iceland, Sweden and Greene. And now the "spokes" from the DOMINI02 OP CANADA come into view. Ontario, with her re- markable prowth of last year, leads, with 1.995 ; Nova Scotia, 888 ; Quebeo, 264 ; New Brunswick. 152 ; Manitoba, 156 ; Prince Edward Island, 02 ; Asainiboia, 53 ; British Columbia, 30 ; Alberta, 15 ; Saskatchewan, 5 ; in all, counting 5 in Newfoundland, 3,105, an increase of 1,228 during the past year. The report then refers to the number of junior societies, of which there are said to be 8,858 in the United States, 339 in Canada ; and 234 from other lands, making in all 0,122 junior societies, with a membership of 340,000. Pennsylvania still leads the juniors with 1,028 ; New York not very far behind, with 920 ; Illinois next, with 746 ; Ohio, 623 ; Indiana, 470 ; Calffor- nfa, 414. The report continues : And now we have counted the "spokes" as they have swept by our vision. A total of 41,229 societies, with skins of varying color, of which 480 are red, 2,300 are yel- low, 109,490 are bleak, and 2,348,560 are while ; in all a great interraoiaf brother- hood of 2,473,740. CO31Ea, TO THE NORTHWEST. The banner for the greatest propor- tionate increase in the total number of societies during the year that was given to Oklahoma, then to Manitoba, then to New Mexico, and wbicb has been in the cnetody of West Virgieia during the last year, will now pass across the imaginary line for the coming year into the hauds of our comrades in Asainiboia. Pennsylvania fret captured the "badge banner," which is awarded each year for the greatest absolute gain. Ontario took it the next year, and then returned it to the Keystone State. Pennsylvania last year was obliged to give it up to England, where it has been displayed this year. It is in Boston to -day, and our honored guest who brought it from England's shores can proudly return with the ban- ner, for none of the States have been able to equal the excellent record of the moth- er country. Ontario and Pennsylvania, in the order named, were not so very far behind, however. For the second time this banner crosses the briny deep. Guard it well ; wo intend to oaptnre it for this aide another year. There etre other banners, however, to he awarded --the junior badge banners. Pennsylvania carried two junior banners from our last convention -one for the largest total number of junior societies, the other for the largest gain in one year. Pennsylvania is again entitled to both of these banners. The junior banner for the largest proportionate gain in number i of eooieties was delivered last year 'by the District of Columbia to Delaware. Del. aware this year must pass her banner to Asainiboia, for that Province has sur- passed the reoord of all others, Shall Asainiboia hold two banners another year 7 When wo gather next year we shall know. en1 CEURC005 ESIHRAOE1. The denominational representation in the sooiety in Canada is given as follows: The Methodists lead with 1,057 young people's societies and 122 junior societies, most of the societies known as Epworth Leagues of Christian Endeavor ; Cana. Sian Presbyterians are next, with 079 young people's societies and 108 junior societies ; Baptiste next, with 160 young people's societies and 28 junior soofeties ; Congregationalists next, with 122 young people's societies and 30 junior Oociotles. The report also statee that after careful gathering of statistics and information, and from advice reoeived from the repre- sentatives of miesionary boards, home and foreign, we find that the eooieties in the United Staten and Canada slave sen, tributed not leas than 11426,000 for mie. alone 55 home and abroad,. Tent IOndeavot;, on Roston Comm05, was tilled to its utmost capacity Thurs- day afternoon at the first service held by the Endoavorers under this lamellae oanpas. There were nearly 11,000 per, sena in attendance, and it wee a gather- tug bubbling over with iaepiration, The interior of the tent was tastefully deoor. Med, Rev, Wolin T. Booltloy, D. D., of New York, one of the trustees, presided at this meeting, and George 0. Stebbins, of Brooklyn, was direetor of the large chorus and of the congregational singing. The exercises opened with the hymn "Onward, Christian Soldier," the oh0ree being led by Winslow Symonds, of west Mefferd, 011 the ooruet, Itev, W. H Al- bright, of Boston, presidedover the de. votipnal exeroi005 which followed. Rev. Elijah Herr, D. D., of Woroestor, closed with prayer. Presidio officers then ask ed all the ministers and. missionaries and the . wives to rise and oome to the plat. form while "I will sing the wondrous story" was being sung, and some 150 00- sponded. Then was sung the "Hymn of Welcome," written for the o0oas1on by Rev. 5..1', Smith, D, D., author of "Am- erica," the audisnoe rising and joining with the chorus. After several weloom• ing addresses "Amerioa" was sung, fol- lowed by "God Save the Queen,' and "Blest be the tie that binds us." Service's in tent Williston opened with the expeobed large audience. Rev. Way- land Hoyt, D, D., of Minneapolis, presid- ed, and the devotional exeroieea were led by Rev. Asher Anderson, of Meriden, Conn. A gavel was presented to the meeting, the head of which was made from the wood of one of the pews of the Old South meeting house, and the handle from one of the gallery rails of old Fan. evil Hall, also a Meek from the old State House. The Bymn of Welcome" was alao sung here. After the singing of "Amorioa" responses to the words of welcome were made by visiting Christian Endaavorers as follows: Rev. W.I. Page, D. D., of Leavensworth, Kan. ; Rev, W. -$, Brooks, D. D., a colored delegate from Washington ; Rev. G, C. Kelly, of Owens- boro, Ky., and G. T. Ferguson, of Toron• to, Ont. after adjournment at noon of the three great meetings about 50 half` hour evangelistio services were held by Endeavorers in churches, pnblio build- ings, places of business, and in the npen. air throughout the city. PRESBYTERY O0 HURON. This court mat in regular session in Knox church, Goderioh, last week, with the moderator, Rev. N1. McKay, in the ohair and Rev. A. McLean as clerk. The following mioietere were also pres. ant -Rev. Dr. Macdonald, of Seaforth ; Henderson, of Heneall ; Martin, of Ex- eter ; Hamilton, of Londesboro' ; Mus. grave, of Mo&illop ; Henderson, of Man- chester ; Anderson,;of GoderiohStew- art, ofClinton ; Carriere, of Grand Bend ; Graham, of Reynold, and elders Baxter, Fotberiugham, Horton and Swal- low. Rev. M. McKay's term of office having expired, the Rev. Dr. Macdonald was chosen foe the next six months. The ministera and elders who were present at the last meeting of assembly reported their diligence in attendance upon its sessions. Revs. Carriers and Anderson and Mr. Fotheringham were nominated a committee to strike standing commit- tees for the next year and reported at the afternoon session. The following are the conveners of the respective committees : Home missions, Mr. Martin ; state of religion, R. Henderson ; temerance, A. McLean ; Sabbath schools, J. S. Hender- son ; Sabbath observance, S. Carriers ; finance, 0. Fletcher ; superintendence of students, A. Stewart ; systematic bene- ficence, Dr. Macdonald ; Christian En- deavor, N. Shaw. The resignation of Rev. M. McKay, of Leeburn and Union church, Goderioh township, was accepted, the same to take effect on the last Sabbath in July. Rev. R. Henderson was appointed to declare the pulpits vacant on the first Sabbath in August and Rev. J. A. Anderson to act as moderator. A committee was ap- pointed to chew up a resolution in oon- nection with Mr. MoKay'e resignation and report at the next meeting of Pres. bytery, which will be held at Clinton on the second Tuesday of September. Sealox-t]l . The little 6-year•old son of Robt, Frenoh, jr., fell from a tree and fraotured one of his arms. There were 44 writing for third °lase certificates at Seaforth this week ; 87 for seconds ; 11 for junior matriculation and 2 for first class. Archibald Scott, of the Srm of Scott Bros„ returned from a three months' business visit to Manitoba. He says the crop prospects in Manitoba were never better than they are this year. He also paid a visit to Northern Dakota and found the crops looking equally well there. Robb. Grieve, formerly of this district, who lives near Sheldon, has 425 aoreo of as fine looking wheat as he ever saw growing. C7li;a�tonx. Miss M. Washington went to Boston last week, where she represented the E, L. of C. E. of Clinton. In response to a largely -signed requisi. tion, the Mayor has proolairned Friday, Aug. 2nd, a Civic Holiday. Wm. Murray has in his garden three genuine Sootob thistles, standing over seven feet high, the growth of this year. Jas. Steep, who some time ago stocked his pond with bleak bees, Saye they have done wonderfully well ; nevertheless he purposes cleaning out the pond' and re- stocking it with trout. D. A. Forrester returned home from the Old Country on Monday evening of last week, having had a much more pleasant trip home than he had out ; he was fortunate in finding a good market for his cattle, Mr. and Mrs. C. 0arline left town last week, their present destination being To. ronto, where Mrs. Carlin° will go to Gracie Hospital, to sae if she can got any benefit. Mr. Carline will prooeed on a visit to England, if the health' of his wife will permit it. While 0. S. Doan waswalking along Huron St., he Just all power in his limbs and fell helpless on the sidewalk, Friends come to hie assistance and help. ed him home. He was not feeling well the day before, and hie medical attend., ant is of the opinion that it is more like a oasts of sunstroke than paralysis.; TILE BRUSSELS POS' The wife of W. Cantelon mot with a painfal aooideut on Saturday, by running a nail tato her foot ; tinder a dOOtOr'a ogre she ie doing masty. While the. NA of W, H, Beesley, aged about three years, was playing in the yard, he tell qp the head of a nail, which p(ereed hie thigh to the depth of an inch,, making a nasty flesh wound. Pnovisoron Issene'on,• -Dr, Chamber. lain, i00peeter .Of Prieoue and Charities, paid a visit to Clinton to ase the House of Refuge and site. 00 course, he malces hie report to bhe Ontario Government, but being asked as to what he thought of the plan and site, be said : "The land is good, with fine ehanooe of drainage,. and the building will be a good, comfortable one. I generally favor More land than they have scoured bore -100 or 160 acres, because there ie an opportunity to raise something for the maintenance of the in- mates, but there is plenty of land to comply with the Government require. manta. The town is a very Moe one, with good surroundings, anis I regard the oele0tion as very gpod." The Dr, had been making hie Molal inapoation of Goderioh jail before Doming hare, and he says it will not belong before a new jail is neoeesary, as the present ono is un. satisfactory. C,r ode rielt. The town treasurer and Mise Horton left by boat en route for Winnipeg. The Summer visitor who comes from the Sunny south, in search of cool breezes gets them in Goierioh these days, Our 0001005 are and have been suffer- ing from an epidenrio that affects the throat principally, and in some oases has lasted for two weeks, There has been considerable talk late- ly about starting a bicycle factory in Goderiah, but whether it will amount .to more than talk time alone will show. That venerable building on Nelson stu. known as the old kirk in bygone days and more recently as the Gaelic church, is being moved on to the old burial ground to be need as a grain store. While working at the organ factory, M. J. Proudfoot slipped and in trying to save Wimself raised his left arm, which streak against a circular saw, pausing a very painful wound, a cut several inches long. S. Gilchrist, while using the shaper in the organ factory, had the misfortune to out off the top of a little finger. Ae the aooideut will prevent S. G. from work- ing for some time, he returned to his home in Wingham. HEART DISEASE RELIEVED IN 30 MIN. orfs. -All cases of organic or sympathetic heart disease relieved in 30 minutes and quickly oared, by Dr. Agnew's Cure for the Heart. One dose convinces. Sold by G. A. Deadman. RHEUMATISM CURED IN A JIM -South American Rheumatic Oure for Rheuma- tism and Neuralgia radically cures in 1 to 3 days. Its action upon the system -a remarkable and mysterious. l t re- moves 1 1 0 y moves at once the cause and the disease immediately disappears. The first dose greatly benefits. 75 cents. Warranted by G. A. Deadman. A sixteen -foot alligator crawled out of the St. John's River at the foot of Main 'St., Jacksonville, Fla., one day last week and loisnrely waddled up the street. to- wards the centre of the city. Main st, is one of the principal streets in Jaokson• ville and the appearance of the alligator created a great deal of consternation among the hundreds of people there, Every man with a pistol started shoot- ing at the reptile, but the bullets didn't worry it a little bit. After promenading four blocks, and squelching with his tail a too familiar newsboy, it received a wound from a rifle which caused it to slow up a little. Then it started up a leaning telegraph pole, thus exposing its vulnerable parts, and was soon shot to death. Nine big alligators lave been killed recently at the foot of Main street but this is the first one that has ventured up town. CATAnRAn EELrovun rN 10 T060 IuSUTEa.- Ooe short puff of the breath through the Blower, supplied with each bottle of Dr. Agnew's Oatarrah Powder, diffuses this Powder over the surface of the nasal passages. Painless and delightful to use, it relieves instantly, and permanent- ly cures Catarrah, Hay Fever, Colds, Headaoh 8, Sore Throat, Tonsilitie and Deafness 60 cents at G. A. Deadman's. iGIVES° FRESH- NESS AND CL'E'AR -a - , f:+t, ' , SKIN, CIES COI�I`STIPAT ciN.; WO$£IST,IO N, D1 Z,ZSS. c.RUpTioi;1 0" T'HE, _.Sif IN. BEAUTIFfES.;+ COMPLEX1Oni. '60R°ACAS 1 L.NOT CUB An Agreeable Laxative and NERVE TOMO. Sold by Druggists or sent by Mall, 26o., 500, and 61.00 per package. Samples free, �L® ' Tho Favorite T00TH POWDER for 14ro.Teetlr and Breath, 250. Sold by JAS. EWE, ltrugelst, Brussels. ALLAN LINE. Summer 1895. LIVERPOOL, LONDONDERRY & MONTREAL SERVICE. Prom Tann Prom Llvorpo'1 STEAMSHIPS. Montroal Quebec Daylight, 0 a rn. -4 duly "Lnttriintiau 2e �7u1y'T-20 July 11 " Parisian 37 " - 08 18 " Mongolian 8 A ng. 8 Aug, 25. " Numbdiau 10 " 11 1 Aug. Sardinian 17 " 18 " 8 Laurentian 24 " 21 15 ' Parisian 81 " 1 Sop. 20 " Mongolian , 7 Sou. 7 20 " Numidlan 14 10 RATES OP PAesA0E,-Cabin, $50 to $90 ; return $110 to 5102, Second Oahin, $30; return, $55. Steerage, $15. 1Passengers may go via Montreal and return by New York or vine versa. For further information as to rates, &o„ apply to 'W. H. KERR, AGENT, BRUSSELS. &leotrl° bight Plant FOR BALs.. The undersigned has decided to Offer il' for stile the I3xusaels Electric Light plant. „A, first- class investment can be shown. Easy terms ; good reason for selling ; full particulars cheer, fully furnished on application. W. M, SINCLAIR, Proprietor. B0AR FOR SERVICE. -THE tudereigned will keep for 0002000 on Lot O, Con. 8, Orely, the. imported Chester White boar, "Illinois Chief," Pedigree may be seen on appltoation. Terms, .81.00 to bo paid at the time of service wibn privilege of returning if necessary, JAMES ELLIOTT, 05-21)32 Proprietor.: BOAR FOR SERVICE: THE -Undersignol will keep for service on Lot 17, Oon, 19, Grey,the thorn' -bred #m. Ported Yorkshire boar, "Felix Ord," bred by J, 0, Brothour, Burford, Ont, World's Pair prize winners. Pedigree may bo, soon on application. Terme-51.00 to bo paid attire. time of service with privilege of returning if nooessary, - L. 0ONAIL, 44.4 Proprietor, AliiworaH AND CHASTER WHITE BOARS FOR SERVICE. The undersigned will keep for. service -on N orth Half lot 20, Con,7, Morrie, a Moro' bred Tamworth Boar, recently purebased from the well known breeder',Jno, Boll, Am- ber. Also a Chester White Boar, 'Forms,. 01.00to be paid atttmo of service' with Priv ilege of returning if necessary. 00-tf S. WALKER, Proprietor. BOAR FOR SERV10E.-THE 1? -Undersigned will beep for service on Lot 00 Con. 0, Morris, the thoro' bred im- plrrover! White Yorkshire Boar "Selected," bred from 3.E.. Brethoar's sweepstakes sow at Chicago Pair. Terms, 61,00 to be paid at the time of service withprivilege of re- turning if neoeesary, Pedigree may be seen on applioatiou. 5OBT. NICHOL. BULL FOR SERVICE. -TUE undersigned w111 keep for service 011 Lot 7, 00..6, Morris, the tboro'-bred Dur- ham bull "Red Robin." Torma-61.25 to be paid on December let, 1800. J. 0LEGG, A. G. ISA 3011f, 41-13m Proprietor, Lot 7, Oon,.0. DULL FOR SERVICE. -THE -Undersigned will lreop for salvia° on N . Lot 20 Oen. 7,Morrie, the lir r '- fa o tired Durham bop "Lord. Melville," Pedigree may be seen on application. Terms, 61,25 to insure. JOHN ROBB, 05.8m Proprietor. o g1 NO4- 3 j'Em°,mn"p ti t,, �° �L' c 0 fl'p poen^g m g"bawn�c:. Flo eaO p w ; :` t7 Y ee .bw L ii (� d oa ^aro �' r a.�, gr4115.lati!'Z' E:3 C`�y c 'dd_F' gagC y ! a 9pgpS �A'.a l "'11,P s P G „1r'y � mwnnoV4P,a • Spring HATS &CAPS We have just Received oss' • a large Consignment of Hats and the. leading Shapes and Shades and Summer .wear. Caps in all for Spring Call and see our Balmoral Cap, the Newest tiling in the Market, Prices Better tl,.aii Ever Before. OUR Spri ua e ngs Are also coming to Hand. Prices Right ! Styles Right !. " Satisfaction Guaranteed 1 D. C. ROSS. Tile Lea i� Hiner & Cio�iier, Brussels and ` 'Vrozeter. =, C M-cLEOD'S System Renovator AND OTHER TESTED REMEDIES SPECIFIC AND ANTIDOTE For Impure, Weak and Impoverished Blood, Dyspepsia, Sleeplessness, Palpate. - tion of the Heart, Liver Complaint, Neur- algia, Loss of Memory, Bronchitis, Con- sumption, Gall Stones, Jaundice, Kidney and Urinary Diseases, St. 'Vitus' Dance, Female Irregularities and General De- bility. LABORATORY CODERICH, ONT. J. M. MaLEOD, Prop: and Manufacturer. Bold by JAMES FOX, Druggist Brussels. T When you want a Stove, Tin or Granite -ware, or Hard- ware, Paints & Oils, • -CALL AT - HUNTER'S Hardware Store Whore you will, from this (late, get a MCCU T of F , N MS PM CMI OffaII Cash Purchases. Fine Roman, Artists' Can- vas in Stock. A. HUNTER, of Toronto_ Established G 0 COtO rC rS ham-•. n',:2 C R el - W m bn r' 'fie �-. at. p.se O -4 0 0 BOO .0el 0 01.1 0 0 b b 0 .'0 The Policy Contract issued by this Association is perfection itself, UNCONDITIONAL, ACCUMULATIVE, AND AUTOMATICALLY NON -FORFEITABLE. It leaves nothing further to be desired. Bates and full infor- mation furnished on application. w..zEna, Agent, Brussels. LISTOWIL WOOLLEN j a1. n rti 1 to the front and this Season want more WOOL i WOOL ! WOOL. ! For which we will pay Higher Prices than Last Season Big Bargains in Woollen Goods. You oan depend on us paying HIGHEST CASA PRICE POSSIBLE, or in ex. changing Wool for Goods we will pay a fow Dente extra,and guarantee to gall goods at Cash Prioes. See our choice range of TWEEDS, made from medium file wool, whioh we offer at 40 cents per yard. ('Phis in a soft snap.) We have lowered our Southdown Stooking Yarn and all wool Bed Blankete 5'oents per lb., oleo have re - duped our prices in other linea. Before dieposing of your Wool we invite you to oall or make enquiry and you will find that the Listowel Woollen Mills offer the best value. Our stook is the Largest, Bost Assorted and Oheapeet in Canada, Como and try our voided line of Pine Wool Manhole at 25 osnte, will not shrink in washing. Give us a trial and wo fool satisfied that you will find you have. oome to the right fee, tory with your wool. We` pay special attention to our custom department in Card- ing, Spinning, etc. Hoping to have the pleasure of seeing you and your neighbore this season, we remain, Yours truly, wed soon oak SON. p P. S. -Remember we do not employ any Peddlero and our goods oan bo got only by calling at the Factory, so do not be led astray by Peddlers travelling througb the country olaiming to have our Goode,