The Brussels Post, 1895-7-19, Page 64
New Advertisements,
Locals—Dr. Ohaeo.
Locale—I.0, Iiieherds,
Looal—Delineator Pub. Co.
Local --Cochrane di Jaime. on.
Notice to Creditors -.G. F. Blair, a
Younis of Dyspepsia --Dr. Williams,
FRIDAY, JULY 19, 1895.
Y'oJ . xSIII.
TEM week Tint POST enters its 23rd
Volume in good health, sound in wind and
limb. It !s oostomary to return thanks
to all and sundry who have added to the.
emcees of Tun PosT during the past year
and we do this very heartily, remember-
ing the advertiser and the correspondent'
very gratefully for their favors. We
never bad as many readers as we have
had during the year just
closed and we want to double
our list of subsoribers next Fall.
A word of recommendetfon has often
proven of great benefit to THa POST and
we ask that where this can be done eon•
soientiously that our friends will not for-
get us.
B 1 the appearance of the war aloud
looming up in the East we would nob be
surprised to see Russia and Japan engage
in war. Russia appears to be interfering
a good deal in the matter of the with-
drawal of Japan troops from China and
the Sunrise Kingdom, fresh from her
viotories in China, is not disposed to bow
to the dictation of. the Great Bear. A.
struggle between these two powers would
mean an immense loss of life and proper-
ty as the military preparations have been
very oarefnlly planned and all the latest
devices for death dealing brought into
Tan Toronto Globe of Monday says :--
The worthy member for East Huron, Dr.
Macdonald, had the misfortune to lose
his umbrella, and his fellow.Liberale of
No. 6 resolved that be should not suffer
from's wet weather, so they pur-
chased a very handsome umbrella with
the doctor's initials engraved upon it,
and presented it to him. The incident
shows Dr. Maodonald's popularity with
his friends at Ottawa, and doubtless be
is just as popular with his 000etituents,
and deservedly so, because no man in
Parliament has labored more 008881ens
tiously to discharge his public duties, and
be bas on many occasions brought to
bear upon questions of trade and finance
that ability and industry wbioh charac•
terize all his work in Parliament. The
presentation was a000mpanied by
speeches, during wbioh the worthy doctor
blushed under the many kind things said
of him.
.0 1.8• Ti..
Workmen were busy for several days
last week putting down a badly.needed
new sidewalk from MoKinnon's corner
on Dinsley st., to Mill street.
Man.—About half -past two on Friday
morning our villagers were around from
their slumber by the sound of the fire
alarm, their attention being drawn by
the fiery element wbioh was fast con-
suming the buildings and shed at the
rear of the Mansion hotel, but the fire
having got such headway, it was impos-
sible to atop its ravages in consuming the
whole building. The min portion was
brick veneered. The inmates barely
escaped with their lives. The firemen
worked hard to keep the fire from
destroying other property, although sever.
al unused buildings on Mill street were
consumed. It twos very fortunate that
the wind was blowing at the time from a
southerly direction ; bad it boon north.
erly instead a good portion of
the business part of the town
would not have escaped its fury.
Joseph Fischer, of Walton, lost his valu-
able stallion and Mr. MoKeller, our
oheesmaker, lost his driver, which were
in some parts of the building. The
proprietor of the Manston, John Bennett,
and the other losers have the sympathy
of every one in their lose, The origin of
the fire is unknown.
Liras° w ti l .
Messrs. McGillivray and Spears have
dissolved partnership, Mr, Spears will
continue the store business.
Pest Grand Master Milne of the
United Workmeu of Ontario, will pay
Listowel Lodge a visit on the 24th inst.
6Jrs. J. Livingstone Main et., and her
daughter, Miss R. Livingstone, have gone
on a trip to Portland and Nova Bootie.
They will be away about a month and
will visit Saratoga before they return.
John Livingstone jr., who tioketed Kam
Lee borne to China, received a note from
him the other day dated on the 8th of
June from Hong Kong. saying he had
"well come home" and was "well mich
Miss Sarah Dick has returned to town
for a months' holidays after an abeenoe.
of over two years. Miss Dick has grade•
ated as a hospital nurse in Chicago, and
now holds the position of heed nurse in
Ward 6, County Cook Hospital, in that
Robert Stevenson got a nasty hit on
the jaw from a colt. He was with Mr.
Baker ab the Central stables, attempting
to drive the colt to another part of the
barn when the latter kicked and savagely
struck Mr. Stevenson on the jaw, 'mock.
ing out a couple of teeth and cutting into
the gum.
Court was held on Wednesday morn-
ing of last week, quite a number of oases
being disposed of. Arthur Peebles got
judgment for $11 for damages for abusing
a horse lent to Samuel Wilson, of Blase,
for feed. Dr, IOioe got judgment against
H. MoNichol, of Grey, for $82 on ac'
count. The witness disputed the as.
oonnt and said the doctor had set the
wrong bone. Geo. Butz, of Palmerston,
against Alex. Smith, Wallace, took up i
considerable time over an unadjusted ac-
count. The nage was non -suited costs' to
eaoh party. In a long pending suit, Grills
vs Chomney, judgment was given for the
Wm. uttd Robt. Knight, who left Brit.
ton about the first of February lest, on a
trip to the old country, returned Monday
of last weep, It hncl Iron their inter).'
tion to remain lo Seficlk, England, their
birth plates, for a year, but they changed
their minds after a few mouths' sojourn.
They are of opinion that Canada is 'noels
ahead of the old land, and will likely set.
Ile here permanently,
Ontaxlnl —Listowel and Harrietoh
orieket clubs played a match here wbioh
the Ilarriaton team won on the first in-
nings, the game standing 74 to 85 Lie.
towel took their eeoond innings, and had
102 rune for seven wiokete, when .they
stopped and let Hermiston go in, bub by
wasting all poeeible time Harrisbon de.
Zayed the game so that at six o'clock,
when they were to quit, they had still
one wioket to fall, Listowel having 9
wickets to 30 rule, tbue Listowel bad
176 runs for 17 wickets to Harriston's
105 runs for 19 wickets. In the second
innings Morphy rolled up the magnificent
score of 00 runs, and retired riot out.
Huron. County.
W. H, Tate, Gorrie, implement agent
has assigned,
Thos, Watson & Co., Blyth, have de.
aided to retire from business,
Walter Cunningham, of Hallett, made
a general assignment to Sheriff Gibbous.
The two.yeer old son of David Cooks -
rano, of the 2nd concession, Howiok, was
taken ill on Tuesday evening of last week
and died the next morning.
Robert Morrison, with the aseistance
of Jake MoGavin, MoKillop, is doing good
work with bis circular saw, they !laving
oat forty cords of wood in nine boors.
Work on the Commercial Hotel, Sea-
forth,ie being rapidly. pushed forward
and the oontraotors hope to have it nom•
plated some the time previous to the time
prescribed in oontreet.
Goderiob has issued a pamphlet advo-
cating the advantages of that town as a
summer resort. A syndicate has also
been formed to erect a number of summer
cottages and a summer hotel.
John. L. Brown, as a representative of
a large body of rete -payers, requested the
McKillop Council to pass a by-law pro-
hibiting all animals running on public
highways. No notion was taken.
The large barn of Edwin Day, a short
distance North of Gorrie, was burned to
the ground about nine o'nlock on Wed-
nesday morning of last week. Mr. Day
and the boys were at work beak in the
field and no one was seen near the build-
ing. The cause of the fire is a mystery.
The following ladies from this county
have graduated in the subjects named at
Alma college, St. Thomas : In elooution,
Miss Laura 0. Williams, Exeter, honors
in theory, reoitation and Shakespeare ;
Mistress of English Literature, Miss May
Bond, Seafortb ; Mistress of liberal arts,
Miss Harriet A. Leech, Varna, honors
in Latin authors, German and history.
Last fall a gentleman lost his watch
over the boat from which he was fishing.
The other day fishing he caught a three
pound bass. His astonishment can be
imagined when he found his watch lodg
ed in the throat of the beauty, the watch
was running and the time correct. It bs•
ing a stem winder the supposition is that
in masticating its food the fish wound
up the watch daily.—Goderich Signal.
Perth. County.
Barnum's show is in Stratford on the
150 wrote at the H. S. Entrance at
Firemen's tournament on July 25th at
St. Mary's.
There are seventeen patients in Strat-
ford hospital.
The Salvation Army close their quar-
ters at St. Mary's.
About 55,000 pounds of wool have been
sold in Mitchell this year.
The Mitchell fall show will be held on
the 1st and 2nd of October next.
Wesley hits Prospect Hill, has a
four year old oolt, the hair
in the mane
of which measures 4 feet 2 inches.
L. W. Lang, of St. Mary's received the
college diploma at the closing exeroises
of the Agricultural College in Guelph the
other day.
A number of hay fields in the vicinity
of St. Mary's are not worth cutting, and
farmers are turning in their cattle to
pasture what there is of it.
The last three yenta' cost of insurance
in the Blanchard Fire Insurance Com-
pany is but 01.64 for each 91000 of risk
or a lower average rate than the normal
experienced by sixty odd companies oom.
Rich. Grant had a fine specimen of the
night -blooming cereus on exhibition laet
week at the manse, St. Mary's. The
flower was 19 by 14/ inches and was
beautifully tinted. It attraoted many
The apple crop of Downie promises to
be abundant in the Gore portion of the
township, but plume, cherries and pears
are a complete failure, a larger acreage
of oorn has been sown this year' than
ever before, also mangolds, with a uotioe-
able decrease in the acreage sown to
Among the relics in L. D. Brown's,
St. Mary's, possession is a mortar and
pestle turned out of a piece of beeohwood
over a hundred years ago. It was used
to pound the spines at the marriage of
his father's youngest sister, Mrs. Wm.
liven, of West Nissouri, who died when
ebe was 80 years of age.
Mrs. Clench, of St. Mary's, is oxpeot-
ed hone in the course of a few weeks.
She speaks of the "overwhelming great.
ness and vastness" of London, oven after
her experience of such cities as Paris,
Berlin, eta. Mies Nora Clenoh remains
In Germany for another year under the
tuition of that eminent master Herr
L. D. Brown, of East Nissouri, is in
poesaseion of a handsaw 125 years of age,
the property of his great grandfather,
who lived in Connecticut. The saw was
used in the erection of the first frame
building in the county of Oxford, and
was loaned to a carpenter in Mlohigan
for the Summer of 1840, during the oleo -
tion campaign of Tippecanoe (Prosideut
W. H. Harrison.
A certain doctorofSt. Mary's is said
to have played an awfully mean trick on
one of his lady patients recently whom
be was called in to see. He asked her to
hold out her tongue and then proceeded
to write out a prescription. When he
badfinished, he bald, "that will do."
The lady said in surprise, "But doctor
you didn't even loolr at my tongue."
No" he answered, "I only wanted you to
plaintiff• 1 keep quiet while I wrote the prescription,
T l
I, I°ftl7
l lar
The Strafortl deacon gays ;- The at.
bastion o£ the Natural History Society ie
direebed to the harvest offered IC at the.
driokfog fountain lo front of the post
ofliee. At almost any hoer of the day
ertough pollywogs, tadpoles, fish . and
reptiles of rare and varied brands emerge
from the top 10 stook a falx sized topers.
urn. A bushel or so could be scoured for
experimental purposes on the shortest
notice and a diligent person might per.
baps capture an oosasional tnud'turtle or
water. eneke.
The Terrors of .[Dyspepsia
.t sufferer Mr years tells Low &heOblata•
cd ite1181•-A Bright Stay of Elope for
These Similarly Affected.
Prompt) l3owmanville News,
The editor abbe Nows, in company
with Mr. Jury, of the well lrnowu firm
of Stott & Jury, visited the' home of
Samuel Wood,; in the township of Darl-
ington, for the. purpose of ascertaining
the particulars of another of those re,
markable oures happily brought about
by the use of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for
Pale People. It was Mrs. Wood who had
thus been released from suffering, and
when the newspaper man made- known
his mission she stud, "Yes I eau give you
a bright testimony in favor of Dr. Wit -
Hams' Pink Pills, for I believe that if
they did not save my life, they at all
events released me from untold misery.
Some three years ago dyspepsia Dame
upon me in a severe form. I dootored
with one of the local doctors for more
than a year, but all the time was growing
steadily worse. The medicine I took
coat me a dollar a bottle, and the expen-
diture was worse than useless for it did
me no good. Then my husband thought
as I was growing worse, it would be bet-
ter to try something else, as they felt that
unless a change soon same I was doomed
to live through the terrors of adyspeptic's
life. Sometimes I would be fairly doubl-
ed up with pain, and it seemed as if a
knife was cutting iuto me. I then tried
a number of medicines recommended for
dyspepsia, but none of them brought the
hoped for relief. We had so often read
of the remarkable cures achieved by Dr.
Williams' Pink Pills that I deitormined
to give them a trial. I got a supply and
before the second box was gone I found
myself getting better. I continued the
use of the pills until I had taken eleven
boxes, when I was fully recovered. This
was a couple of years ago, and I have 'nob
now the least sign of dyspepsia." Mrs.
Wood further said that her husband had
been a victim of kidney trouble for a
long time and had taken a great dea1 of
medioino for its cure but to no avail.
When it was seen that Pink PIlls was do-
ing his wife so much good, Mr. Wood de•
termined to try them, and they acted like
a charm as he is now entirely free from
his complaint, and he attributed all to
the use of Pink Pills and would not be
without them in the house.
Messrs. Stott & Jury informed the
News that Pink Pills have an enormous
sale. They have handled Pink Pills for
years and say that they cannot recall se
single instance in which a customer came
back and said they were not perfectly
satisfied with the results. This is cer-
tainly a remarkable record, but. then Dr.
Williams' Pink Pills is a remarkable
medicine, and cures when other .medi
eines fail,
Dr. Williams' Pink Pills are sold only
in boxes bearing the firm's trade mark
and wrapper (printed in red ink), and
may be had of all druggists or direct 'by
mail by Dr. Williams' Medicine Com-
pany, Brookville, Ont., or Schenectady,
N. Y., at 50 cents a box, or six boxes for
Chas. Whitlow, 0. prominent oitiaen of
Paris, died at his residence at 1 o'alook
Sunday, after an illnees of about t thine
months. For nearly half a century Mr.
Whitlaw had beet. one of the most active
men in that section.
During the month of June the Galt
and Preston Eleotrfc Railway carried,
18,000 passengers. On Saturday last
1.000 peep]. rode on the oars, and on
Dominion Day nearly 8,000 passengers
were carried. On Monday three anti
were roil all day, wbioh afforded a fifteen
minute service.
SIJI.r 19, 1.895
TVe CVeapesl Cash
Sior ifillto County
The proof of the above is verified by the steady increase in business since we started here, Llost
month our Sales were 40 per cent. better than any previous ruonth, The people of Brus-
sels and vicinity know where their Dollar will go the farthest ; ,where they get
86 in. to every yard and 16 oz. to every pound. Honestand straight-
forward dealing is the secret of success and this is the place
where you get a good big dollars' worth evory time,
86 inch Gray Cotton worth 5 cents, our price 8 cents.
6 1/ . 4 (1
46 11
36 " 1/
5 ((
11 /i - 6 14
10 1( " 8 (r
86 inch White .'( 81 " i'6
English Flannelette, 32 inches wide, worth 10c, our pi<ice 80.
Flannelette, 27 inches wide, " 8e, " 5c.
3 meccas of Flannelette, " 5c, `/ 4o.
Prints, Fast Colors, wort!} 7o and 8c; our .price 50.
Pure Indigo' Prints; worth 100, " 8?2c.
h' " 12 c " 10e..
Ken's Cotton S�os, " 15e, " 10c.
Men's Cotton Sox, " 10c, 8c.
Ladies' Stainless Hose worth 15c., our price 2 pairs for 25c. Those are ex-
actly the Hose others are asking 15c and 20c for. Compare them.
Ladies' .Summer'Corsots solcl everywhere for 75o, our price 50e.
A special line of Brussels Carpets at 40c and 45c per yard, worth' anywhere
60e,per yard. '
Reaay-maae Clothing.
Men's Alll Wool Tweed Suits: worth $6.00 our price $4.75
11 11 ' 51 tt 7.50
(1 11 (i 11 8.00
Men's Skeleton Coats and Vests, all woo], 8.25
Boy's all Wool Serge Suits, worth 2.25
Men's Tweed Pants, `t 1.25
Men's Tweed Pants,
Men's Black Worsted Pants, " 3 50
4 dozen Men's Overalls wbrth 50c, our price 250 per pair.
Special Prices in Dress Goods, M:uslins, Lawns, Ginghams, Shirtings, Cottonacles.
goods new, we have no old stuff to dispose of,
Br'ww2g your Produce here, we pay the Ililhest.
To Smokers -
To meet the wishes of their customers
The Geo. E. Tookett & Son Co., Ltd.,
Hamilton, Ont., have planed upon the
A Combination Plug of
This supplies a long felt want, giving
ills• consumer one 20 cent plug, or a 10
cent piece or a 5 cent piece of the famous
`T 8r B" brand of pure Virginia To-
The tin tag °i'I' & 11" is on every piece.
_._ it w°;dcpePisf«R�'.aa�riCo~�d,m p�
mmo�b �'°'mvO�fad4^o�'n a6&'~t''wmQ
?groP°yd8,g n.d"d °d��� �
5, FL 5'0e5 puc 5 oo ,58so�o�m n'd.•9" ew
0 51118 I rr8 cog d. ggrg:;knoll
lb p Rpo K`o'� kill�r,mq �aii l°m °'W� v.iFyfi� lO_ o ov 'gp� "0�5o°oc�vcl°m
M �S 'sem ° re�Gr g°mtp41°otm°
a aFt ec,p aotoa�6 '0.
r0000apo'-]r*t°j Fym�'iD '6W90t11'8.,8
2 re ° yaw°o°(agiPaat1,17$,a�m?wwoa
tions all Stalleus
Grand Trunk
JULY 0 Good to return until SEP. 8
JULY 28 " " " SEP. 22
—180— 1601
uosmoa $8aOO
Est mitt S1
- 1 $30,00
Torictois J
Primo Albert
0 } $35.0
Rede,tso n„,}$4(1).00
Holder6 of July 0th and Tird Eaeureiou
Tlokets.witl be in goon time to attend boo
Winnipeg Industrial yatr, July 10th to 20111,
end Grand Territorial Itlxpositiou, iteglna,
July 20th bo August 10th,
G. T. B. -Agent, Brussels,
British Columbia,
Red Cedar Shingles
No1'tlh Shore
Pipe and Cedar
-Brussels Planing Els
Also Doors and Sash of all Pat-
terns on hand or made to order
at Short Notice.'
Estimates Furnished for all
kinds of Buildings. Workman.
ship and Material Guaranteed.
J. & P. AMENT1
SllIllIne1' Sllitillg 1
You want a New
Suit this Spring !
Of coarse you do. The one
you have been wearing for the
last year or two is beginning to
look just a little bit seedy.
When you decide to buy call
in and inspect what we have in
If Good, Plonest. Values count
for anything we think you will
buy from us.
Perfect Fit and First -Gass Work
Guaranteed in Every case.
o Mc . i�