HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1895-7-19, Page 5JULY 1:9, 1895 THE B1USSELS POST Town Dixoctoxy'* Mp0,vromt Ounaon.--Sabbath Services at 11 a m and 6130 p.m, Sunday Selma at 2:80 p Rey. John ROO, B A, voter, IC= Cnunou.--Sabbath Bervioee at 11 a m and 6:30 p m, Sunday Bohol at 2:60 p m. Rev D Millar pastor, ( P, JOHN'o (711131111/1,—Sabbath i ervioee at 11 a in and 7 p m, Sunday School at 2:80 p. m, Rev, A, K. Griffin, imam. bent. MBo+nonism Goneon,—Sabbath Services at 10180 a m and 6:80 p all. Sunday School at 2:80 p M. Rey, G. H. Cobble. diol), 31 A, B D, pastor. BOHAN (Immo Onunon.—Sabbath Service third Sunday in every month, at 1.4:80 a m, Bev Joeepk Kennedy, priest, SALVATION Arce0.—Service at 7 and 11 a w and 3 and 8 pm on Sunday and every evening in the week at 8 o'olook, at the barracks. On» FHLLowe' Ronan every Thursday evening, in Graham's block. MASONIO Longa Tuesday at or before full moon, in Garfield blook. A 0 U W Donau on the 8rd Friday evening of each month, in Mae. hill's block. O 0 F Lenon 2nd end last Monday evenings of eaoh month, in Blashill'e brook. I 0 F, 2nd and last Friday in Odd Fellowe' Hall, L O L let Monday in every month in Orauge Hall. SONS. Or SCOTLAND, 1st and 8rd TR°S- deya of each mouth, in Odd Fellows' Hall. K. 0. T. M.',e en, let and 3rd' Thurs- daya of each month, invanetone block. Roam Choral, 2nd and 4th Friday even- ings in Blashill's hall. Pose Orrrolr.—OMce hours from 8 a. en. to 8:30 p. m. ' Mnonetues' INsmrraro.—Library in Holmes' block, will be open from 6 to 8 a'olook p. m. Wednesdays end 8:30 to 6. and 6 to 8 Saturdays. Mise Dolly Shaw, Librarian. TOWN OOIINCII,.—W. H. Kerr, Reeve • W. H. McCracken, Robert' Graham, R. Leatherdale and B. Gerry, Councillors ; F. S. Scott, Clark; Thomas Kelly, Treasurer ; D. Stewart, Assessor and J. T. Ross, Oolleotor. Board meets the 1st Monday in each month. SCHOOL BOARD. --R09. Rose, (ohairman,) Dr. McKelvey, Dr. Graham, A. Reid, A. I Hunter and J. N. Kendall ; Seo..Treae., tt. Rose. Meetings 2nd Friday evening in each month. Prism SCHOOL T1mA011ERs.—d. H, Gam. eron, Principal, Mise Braden, Mies Downey and Mise Cooper. Bourn or Exam—Reeve Kerr, Clerk. Scott, A. Stewart, T. Farrow and J. N. Kendall. Dr. McNaughton, Medical Health Officer. THE BUSY MAN. If you would get a favor done By some obliging friend, • And want a promise, Rafe and sure, Onwhich you can depend, Don't go to him who always hos Much leisure time to plan, But if you want your favor one, Just ask the busy man. The man with leisure never has A moment be can epare, He's always "putting off" until His friends are in despair; Bet he whose every waking hour Is crowded full of work Forgets the art of wasting time; He oannot stop to shirk. So when you wonta favor done, And want it right away, Go to the man who constantly Works thirty hours a day. Efe'Il find a moment, sure, somewhere, That has no other use, And fix you while the idle man Is framing an exouse. THE PRAYER. 'Twee a night of dread in Charleston, and the air was think with fear ; Never yet had snoba terror dropped its raven mantle here ; Never yet had deathly Borrow had such strange and Budden birth As npon the visitation of this tempest of the earth. For the startled ground was surging as the waves of stormy seas, And the belfries of the churches fell like stricken forest trees, And the rolls that long had lorded over seen and unseen foe Covered think with costly ruins this tor. nedo from below'. There were some who prayed God's presence who to God had long bean near.; There were some forhelpentreating with repentance made of fear ; There were some who raved in madness through ,the long, and murderous night ; There were corpses calmly waiting for a mourner's tearfel sight. A,ud that dark race whose religion has a euperetibidus trend, And whose superstition clambers toward an everlasting Friend, They were shooting in their frenzy, or in terror meekly dumb, For they thought the opening,eigual of ' the Judgment day had coma . Bub theremiddenrose among them cine of earth's untutored kings, One of thee° unlooked-for leaders whom an hour of danger bring°,. And he prayed—as souls are apt to, fell of sympathy and love— Partly to the soule around him, partly to the God above. And he said ; "I guess it's oome, Lawd —die yer day days staid so long— For de symptoms all aroun, hero day be mos' bremandous sbcong ; Bet the ain't quite ready yeb, Lawd, neber. min'. how well prepared ; We feel ear() in Thy good mercy, but wore eberlastin' °oared I "For you see we're mos'ly human when de grave Domes re'lly nigh, An' de spirit wants its; freedom, but . de flesh, it hates to dio ; We've been teasin' You for hubben all de summer long, I know ; lint we ain't in, half de burry .dab we was a while ago, "When weeome to 'look it ober in bile light tib pain enfour, Dore fo holes in all our armor dat at llrst view didn't appear ; And we'd liko to patch 'em ober, if it's all de same to You ; PO it off a year for portant-or perhaps You'd make it two I "Then, we've got some poor relations Who may never see Thy face If day do not earn de riches of the sin• destroyin' grace 1 Lord protect them wid Thy patience, jus'' de game like as before, An' keep diggin' retire dose fig trees for anudder year co: more 1 • "Lab 'em off a little longer 1 In de light ob die event Dey may reoognize de season as a fine one to repent) Deywill let Ye know day know Ye, an' be glad to eater in, An' ders'e Borne dat's awful good, Lawd of ft wasn't fel dein sin 1 "Die yer wort' bas lots of fine folks, who is anxious, Pm afraid, For to pink a little longer 'fore they have their baskets weighed ; An' dere'd be a large mojor'ty who would vote, it must be owned, For to hab de world's big fun'ral ever- lastin'ly pos'poned 1 "An' You know, '0 good dear Fatllah, that your time is all home-made, An' a tbousan' years is nothin' . in your golden steel -yards weighed ; Keep the same or footstool yet, Lawd, hot' it steady, I emplore 1 It'll suit you better if You use it jes' once more 1 "Bub ob oo'se, our weak -eyed wisdom's like a raindrop in de sea, An' we ain't got any business to be mend. in' plane for Tbee; If it's time to leave dere gaartere and go somewhere else to board, Make the journey jes as easy as Your justice oan afford I "An' we know you hab a fondness for de average human soul, So we'll hab oonsid'ble courage at the sal,. lin' obderoll•; You're our sure'nuff livin' Fathah- Your our fathabs God an' fren'— To de Lawd be praise an' glory now an' ebermore 1 Amen 1" "Twas a day of peace in Charleston, aft- er many days of dread, And the shelterless wore sheltered, and the hungry had beeu fed And the death -invaded city through its misery now meld grope, And looked forward to a future fringed with happiness and hope. And those faithful dusky Christians will maintain for evermore That fervent prayers they offered drove destruotion from their shore ; Anil bow moll faith moves a moun- tain or commands a rock to stay, Ie unknown to earthly ignorance, and for only God to say. FIGS AND THISTLES. If yon want to get in a crooked path, just follow the direction of a corkscrew. A hobby never has a sore' back. Every man who obeys Christ belong! to him. Truth loves to be looked in the facie. Mothers have taught the world how to pray. No young man takes his fleet drink alone. True worship flies upward on the wings of praise. • The man who does right leads an army toward God. If you don't kill your besetting sin it will kill yon. What Christ did, every Christian should be willing to do. There are people who have a great deal of religion, but no love. A hypocrite never fools anybody else as bad as he does himself. Byways leading to bell are very close together in a great city. Religion that isn't used outside of the ohuroh won't keep sweet. Success is always sire, when we are willing to pay the price. When people are busy for Christ; the devil has difficulty in getting their atten- tion.' God alone knows what heaven loses when a boy gets started wrong. Standing up for prayers means little, unless the heart gets on ite knees. The.mau•who has failed at everything else will succeed if he seeks Christ. There are people who hate a thief, who borrow books and never return them, There is nothing so safe as trusting God, and nothing so unsafe as not to do it. Whenever your work Seerne hard, it - will make it easier to ask help from Jesus. Every man who lives right helps to make unwritten laws far the good of others. Make morality a stepping stone to heaven, and there is no need of Christ. No man is great in .God's light, who doesn't do a great deal for his fellowmen. There is plenty of gold for those .who are willing to go through the fire to get it. The devil tightens his grip around a man's neck every time be says no to Christ. There may bo as mob selfishness in giving sometimes, as there ie in robbing a bank. Some people consider the psalms' poetry, but the heart of them is Christ- ian experience. The father Should fear to walk where it would not be safe for his ohildren to travel. Make it right to eel) whiskey, and you can't prove that committing murder ie wrong. Christ never spent any time in looking for an easy place, and neither should hie disciple. A prayer that ie winged with n ory reaches the throne quick, because it flies straight, The sinner has no cemse, and never thinks of being caved in any way except by works. When the devil can't get behind the reacher in any other way, he sometimes eine the Choir. When men seek God aright they do it as the hungry seek bread, and as the famiehing seek water. If wo step where God tells ae, we shall find when our font tomes down, that it is p r The wrong side is never the eat° side. Anybody can be pleasant to pleasant people, but it takes gra0a to be pleasant to unpleasant people. Ohrieb lifted the World toward goo, because he was willing to stoop down and put his arms around it, The teat of greatness with God, is not• how high we have got up, but bow lose are WO walling to go down 7 If you on trash God to take you out of sin while you are in it, will it be any harder for him to keep you out after he gets you oub When ory from the heart reaches the throne, God'e hand cornea down to give bele, without oaring whether it is a mil- lionaire or a beggar who ie praying. Young fellows will be young fellows and that is the reason they never become old fellows. * • Exeter. One hundred and fifteen were ticketed at the Exeter station Wedneeday morn- ing of last week for the combined Choirs excursion to London, One of rho large plate glasses in Wood Bros. block was badly crooked by a stone being thrown against 10 by some 50. known person, The Free Mame and I. 0, Foresters of Exeter and vicinity have united in run- ning a grand excursion and pia -nig from Blyth and all stations to Hyde Park, in- clusive, to n.clusive,to Port Stanley and return. A report has been going the rounds of the press to the effect that A. Wolper, of Berlin, •formerly of Exeter, has been offered • the sum of 871,000 for his large hotel in Berlin and that be will likely sell. The granolithio pavement extending from the Commercial House to Dr. Rol- lins' office, which has been in progress during the past few weeks is completed. ' Tho work, under the supervision and control of Mr. Elliott. of St. Mary's, has been most satisfactorily carried out. On Tuesday afternoon of last week the ceremony of laying the ,corner atone of the new Main St. Methodist church, Ex- eter, was laid under, most favorable aus- pices in the preeenoeof over one thous- and people, and owing to the coolness of the weather many more were prevented from being present. V roxete c•. Dr. Brawn is building an addition to bis house, which adds greatly to the ap. pearaooe as well as to the convenience of it. At the last meeting of Montana Lodge L 0. 0. F., the D. D. Grand Master of this district, assisted by Bro. R. Elliott, of Wingham, installed the following oflr. tiers :—P. G., Hugh Thomson ; N. G., Dr. Harrison ; V. G., John Douglas ; F. S. and R. S., Ino. Brethauer ; W. D., Thos. Ramebaw ; 0. G., Geo. Paulip ; I. G., Jas. Paulin ; R. S. N. G., Geo. Barnard. A very pleasant evening was spent. At a special meeting of Court Wrox. eter, No. 257, 0. 0. F. the following offi- cers wereelected for the ensuing term :— O R., R. H. Fortune V. 0. R., L. Brown; R. S., W. Sanders ; F. S., W. M. Robinson ; Treas., J. Bray ; , Chap., T. Walker; S. W., A. H. Moffat ; J. W., T. Sage ; S. B., J. A. BarnardT. B., J.Davidson ; Auditors, Messes. Rae and Davidson. The many friends of 'eaepb Neil will be glad to hear of bra improvement in health .and that now hopes are entertain, ed of hie reeovory, The Unions have signed to go to Reim. orators, on Auguet let, to platy a game of baseball with the Maple Lesfe of Guelph, Champions of Oanade. Razlar IN SIX Hoarse,—Dietreesiag kid, ney and bladder diseases relieved in six boars by the "Great South Amerioan Nidsey Cure." This new remedy is a great surprise and delight on a000unt of its exceeding promptness in relieving pain in the bladder, kidneys, bank and every part of'the urinary passages in male or female, It relieves retention 'of water and pain in passing it almost im- mediately. If you want quick relief and eure this is your remedy. Sold by G. A. Deadman, druggist. HONEY TO LOAN: Any Amount of Money to Loan on Farm or Village Pro- , perty at . 6 & 6i Per Cent., Yearly. Straight Loans with privilege of repaying when required. Apply to A. Hunter, Division' Court Clerk, Br038801s. KENDALL' PAYIN CURE CO' 41C10 11118121 We arere �a e d tquantity r to take any�n uanilty of Wool either for Cash or Trader We have t>; large e Assortmell t of Tweeds, Flannels, Carpets, Blankets, Yarns, Knitted Goods, 8co., to choose from. Also prepared to take in all kinds of., Manufacturing, Roll Carding, Spinn- ing, Weaving, Fulling, Dressing, &c. We are HOWE Sc Co., Nezt door to Blashill's Butcher shop THE. MOST SUCCESSFUL REMEDY FOR MAN OR BEAST. Certain in lts °Seats and never blisters. Read proofs • below, IKENDALL'S SPAVINCURE. Boss' Carman Heederson Co„ DL, web. 21,'9}, De, ea 0. trs— wn Eo, Dear Btr8—Please sone me one of your Horse Books and oblige. I havonoed 000,83 dens of your 8eadall's Spann Curti xlth �coo 800,5,0 • it Ss. a an Occult 5l uvIn and live bottlescured her,'a3 keep a bottle on Land all the tlmo. Yours truly, (Ara, Powrcn. KENDALL'S SPAVIN CURE. Dr. H, J. KENDALL Co. CANTOR, 310., Apr. 9,'92. "IIeaidodI'o Spavin have used with much success. . 0 think it the best Lh,lment I ever used. Haus re- tmoved one Curb, 080Jtleed Opnvin and Id Ilea ,55 Iteme Spnvin8. Have recommended 1t to several of my friends who are much pleased with 800 0005 it. Respeotrul S.R. ly� RAY, P. O. Boa94a. Por Sale by an Druggists. or address Dr. D. J. KENDALL CODLPANY, ENOSee0GH FALLS. VT. MIL C AND s Creamery Cans We have in stock a large assortment of Milk supplies of every description,. If you want a good article we can give yon the Best that's made. If you require anything in this line call on us. All K1IIUS 01 Johhiug Attended to and work executed Neatly, Cheaply and Expeditiously. EAVETROUGHING, IRON ROOFING ND FURNACES Our Specialty. A11 Work Guaranteed Satisfactory. Full line of Shelf Goods, Cutlery, Lamps, Brushes. Fly Screens, &c. We hay ale Cool, Coal and Box Stovoo of the Best 'Manufacture and sold at close margins. Special Attention given to ' ' 'Ordered Work in the Tin Shop. Best American and Canadian Coal Oil, Castor Oil etncZ.4iach ire Oil, A share of the Patronage of the Public asked for, r WILTON � TURNBULII 1 nations!. We have received the greater part of our Spring Stock of Boots and Shoes, comprising the Finest and most Stylish Footwear that the market affords. In Ladies' Misses' and Children's Black and Tan Oxford Ties we are showing ex- ceptionally good value. In Ladies' Gaiters, etc., we have. a fine line which, are very popular just now. Ladies' Misses' and Children's Button Boots in endless variety, at , prices to suit the times. In Gents' wear we have all the leading styles in DongoIa, Shell Cord and Calf. Boys' and Youths' School Shoes at prices that defy competition.. Call and see our Ladies' White Canvas Oxfords. BRUSSELS. Rips Sewed Free of Charge. manonsurrsommummuensonsmormsanmessmain G-REAT BARGAINS IN auVrAaala e .f Having purchased the Wall Paper stock of Ja,s. Fo. and combined it with my own, I have now the Largest, Cheapest and Best Display ever made in Brussels. iSpeciaal Bargains Given during this Month To save trouble of moving in connec- tion with the erection of new store. You can save Dollars by dealing with me in Wall Papers, Borders and Window Shades. Paper `C aping done in First-class Style. W. RO 11 1 CK R SPECIAL PRICES ON ALL LINES OF OT EAS E as Parasols Reduced in Prise, Summer Hats and Fancy Straws Reduced in Price, Light Weight and Summer Dress Goods Reduced in Price, Summer Coats and Vests, and Suits Reduced in Price, Flannelette Shirts Reduced in Price. No room to Enumerate Articles and Prices. --44a•Call and secure a Bargain, A. STRACHAN.