HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1895-7-12, Page 8SW"
• Coots +Tools»�._
It none nothing to have our opinion re..
IONS Ot a wbiobeAeati ladbotrvto oil We are
always glad to give you information that
win help you la choosing the beet. In
the matter of Fly Fapere, for inotanoe,
there is; a groatdifferenoe. It yotl Want
something that will qufokly
Kill the Flies
thee buy a package of the Fly Poloon
Paper nigh ae we are handling. Wehave
alao, for thin purpose Ineeot Powder, or if
you want to keep them from falling
around get same of the Stioky or
We sell this two sheets for 5 dente, It
may oost n little More than the paper but
ply oe egood work. Will be glad to sup.
Druggist,'Bookseller and
Graduate Optician,
000THEEN ExTENSION W. 0, & n.
Trains leave Brussels Station, North
and South, as follows :
Goma Sousa, GOING Noosox,
1lad ...... 6:60 a.m. Mixed 9:45 wan.
&intense ...11.59 aim, plan
4f 0013 timed p,rt. Express 0:48 p.m.
�xZ .etUs items,
A ohiel's amang ye takin' notes,
An' faith he'll prent it.
Flax pulling will commence in about
two weeks.
LAST Sabbath was a hot day and we
suppose you knew it.
oar of live bogs on Monday of this week.
Tart weekly sales conducted by Mr,
Smillie are being taken advantage of by
many Brusselitea.
Masses. BARRER & VANoTONE shipped
10,000 pounds of wool from Brussels last
Monday, this season's purchase.
Jeans BLASHILL showed us a very good
specimen of new potatoes lest Friday.
They were of the Wliite)lephantvariety.
Paneolreo OAMEBON was the presiding
examiner at the Primary Examinations
at Wingbam last week and Monday of
thie week.
A NEN belonging to Mrs. H. James
atole bar nest a few weeks Neo and in due
time presented her owner with a family
of 17 little fluffy chicks.
Touenor Valentine Fenster, lot 20, eon.
12, Grey, brought a fine, nearly ripened,
sample of Fall barley to Tan POST Pub-
lishing House. He has about an acre
similar to the little sheaf.
TILE Methodist Sabbath school pio•nio
last Tuesday afternoon was largely at.
tended despite the cool weather. Seven
large loads went to the grove in addition ' h
to a number of private conveyances. e
BaussELs will be largely represented at
Laoknow on Friday of this week, in con-
nection with the Orange celebration to
be held there. The ratan fare is 70
mats and the special exeureioa train will
leave Brussels at 9:25. It is billed to
leave Lucknow on the return trip at 6 p.
Tante was a light frost TueedaY night,
F. S. Soon: wilt represent Woeter6
Star Lodge, I, 0. 0. F„ at the Grand
Lodge, to be held at Hamilton next
ONE evening We Week whlie playing
football with some companions; Fred,
Hunter hell and broke hie right arm near
the wrist,
TEE Masonlo Grand Lodge mote in
Toronto neat week. harry James,
Worthy Master, will represent St. John's
.Ledge, .Brussels,
75. Dan= took part in a'cricltet match
between Olintou and Parkdale elube, at
ills former place, on Wednesday of last
week, He played with Clinton,
THE corporation weed slayer was at
work this week. Owners and tenants
should attend to the same duty on tffeir
premises and thereby stay the weed pest,
A raras leaf fan and a collar button on
Sunday and a fur cap and ulster on
Tuesday is almost too audio a change
of necessary wearing apparel to be agree-
J. T, Ross has e, real fountain playing
in the window of hie grocery, It was
manufactured by Joe Ballantyne and is
9nite an ingeniously contrived 00n0010,
which -does its work in &ret -ulnas style.
TENDEr00 are naked for carrying Her
Majesty's mail between Brussels and
Seaforth and Brussels and Wroxeter:
The present contract expires on Oeb.
80th. Messrs. Edgar & Musgrove have
given the publio splendid satisfaction
since they have lied the conked.
JNo. GovisNLocxcwas here on Wednes-
day delivering binding twine from the
Patron Factory, Brantford, to farmers
who had °entraeted with him for it.
Some of the purchasers were complaining
at the pride as they said they could have
bought considerably °beeper from the
local dealers,
"REDDY" took 4th place in the 2,30
trotting ra0e at Windsor on Tuesday.
The slowest time in the race was 2.19k
and there were nine horses on the track.
Three heats in the 2.24 Dace were made
in 2.14, 2.15, 2.17,} respectively. It took
six heats to decide the winners.
GARDEN PARTY.—Thursday evening of
next week a garden party will he held at
the home of Marsden Smith, Grey, un.
der the anapines of the Methodist church.
Refreshments, good program, &c. Oon•
veyanoes will be provided to take
townspeople to Mr, $mith'e.
,BANxrNo.—The direotore of the Stand.
and Bank of Canada met their sharehold-
ers at the banking house in Toronto, on
June 19th, and presented an exceedingly
satisfactory statement, showing that the
profits for the year ending May 81st,
1895, amounted to 5101,644.38. Two
half-yearlydividends of 4 per cent. each
werepaid, and the atm of 521,520.43
carried to the profit and lase account.
The report a nodes to the appointment on
the board of Aid, James Soots in place of
the late Dr. G. D. Morton, and also of
the appointment of Geo. P. Reid, the late
assistant manager, to the position of
manager, made vacant by the death of
the late J. L. Brodie. The bank is care-
fully a•td economically managed and is
doing a good, sound badness, both at its
head office and at its various branches,
one of wbiob is located at Brussels,
Mn. Deems was through here on Mon-
day. He is determined to see after the
impounding of straying cattle within a
alf mile of the G. T. R. Here is an
sample of °stale at large as given in
last Monday's daily papers :—A special
frdight train which left the G. T. R. at
Montreal, at 3:45 this morning, was
passing Lachine at 4:30, when it ran into
a berd of cows. Three of the oowe were
killed, one of them getting under the
wheels of the oars. The engine and the
first car passed over safely, but the sea-
nd went off the track, and parried along
ouriee10 oars, each of them being smaeh-
d to matahwood. One oar only was
oaded with freight, the reet,being empty.
he employees of the train were all at
the front, so that none of them were
injured in the wreck. The engineer and
fireman kept their places, and no one
was injured. Supt. Riddell, with a
wreaking gang of twentyfive men, ar-
rived about 9 o'olook, and the road was
cleared. The damage will amount to sev-
eral thousand dollars.
of Refuge is rapidly patting on its out•
ward shape. The walling is now carried
up almost its height and preparations are
being made for the roof. • Contractor S.
S. Cooper will have his staff at the roof
this week, and confidently expects to have
elating on and all snug by the time the
longed for rains come. Provincial Gov-
overnment Inspector of gaols, asylums, eto.,
paid an official visit to the farm and
buildings on Friday lest, in company
with Architect J. A. Fowler, and express.
ed himself well satiefied with the location
and quality of the land, its approaches
and general features. The building, with
e improvements in way of more Dom•
Ste separation of the sexes now enggeet.
by the authorities, be pronounced to
be the beat arranged for economy of epace
and convenience of Services of any in the
preview, this being in many respects an
improved edition, although smaller, of
the House of Refuge in the County of
Oxford of which Mr. Fowler wee designer
and architect. The barn is not yet built,
although the harvr.et fa just on. Some
material ie on hand fur it. Next week
(retractor Cooper expecte to have thirty
en at work.
MATRIMONIAL.—The Vancouver, B. 0.,
aily World, of Jane 6th, contains the
]lowing notice, the bride being a former
eideut of Brussels :—In the Princess
reet Methodist church last evening,
eorge Wilby, of The World composing
om, was joined in the holy bowie of
atrimony to Mies M. E. Langdale,
ungeet daughter of R. Ei. Langdale, of
No HONEY,—G. A. Deadman, with 140 I °
colonies of bees, has not taken a pound of
honey yet nor does be expect to this e
year. The bees will probably have tq be
fed to keep them over Winter. Honey
has advanced to 1940. per pound. In the
shortage of fruit honey will be greatly
FOOTAALL.—Tuesday afternoon the foot
ball team of little boys, captained by
Willie McLennan, played a match with
the juniors of Barrie's sohool. The for.
mer won by 2 to 0. The Brussels boys
were W. McLennan, Fred, Roach, Dalby
Kendall, Herb. Dennis, Garfield Van -
stone, Charlie Zilliax, Lorne Pringle,
Jas. Ward, Garfield Baeker and Leslie
Kerr. The game was played in P. Botz's
PRIBCA18 Extx. Thuraday,Fridey, Sat.
nrday of last week and Monday of this
week ten candidates were engaged in the
Town Hall, Brussels, writieg at the
Primary (or Ord class) Examinations.
Principal MoEwan, .of Bluevale, was the
presiding examiner. The papers were
what might be palled medium, rather
bordering on the difficult but we trust the
hopes of the varices candidates will be
realized. The result will not be known th
for ereveral weeks. ed
Farm Fem.—East Huron Fall Fair will
be held at Brussels on Thursday and
Friday, Sept. 26111 and 27th. Lieut.
Governor Kirkpatrick has accepted an
iuvitatiou to attend oo Friday. Be will
likely be accompanied by Han, Mr,
Dryden, Minister of Agriculture. East
Heron Fair presents the biugest and best
prize Bet in the County. The Directors
are working up a fine program of special 0
attramions that will be announoed short- m
ly. &kirk the date down, as it ie a week
smiler than usual.
Tnn burdock is a biennial plant which fo
seeds the second year and then dies. If fo
the seeding is prevented by tatting the st
plant now or any time before the seeds
are formed, there will be an end of it. ro
The gnickoet way to manage weeds of m
this kind including others like the wild yo
carrot, mustard, docks, oto., ie to mow
them early in the Sommer, and thus pre-
vent seeding, or to cut each two inches
below the ground with a spud.
Gluten Oncmoxzen Mtene, at Moorefield,
the other day, bristly traced up the hie.
tory of A. 0. U. W., from its organization
in 1808, to the present time, and showed
what it had done in the meantime, in the
way of insurance. Its ;first payment in
this direction Wae the s.,m of 5181, that
being the extent of its ,.sets. The mem•
herehfp of the organization is 846,000, of
which 88,000 is in Ontario, the Society
onlystarting in this Provinoe in 1877.
Dating ice existence the Society had paid
860,000,00'd to the widows and orphans of
deceased members, equal to 522,000 every
working day ; 53,010,000 of this money
had been paid in Ontario, and to the
credit of the Society he showed that all
its claims.1ied been met without delay,
Many persons had contended that the
Society could not exist at the low rates
paid by ice.mentbete, but the best answer
rip dols w.ts.tbo Acct that it did mein.
517 Barnard street, and formerly of
Owen Sound, Ont., Rev. W. W. Baer,
oiiioiating. The bride, who looked
charming, was given away by her father,
The bridesmaids were Misses Green and
Cooper, while the groom was supported
by Alfred and John Langdale, brothers
of the bride. She and her maids carried
handsome bouquets of Dream roses from
the greenhouses of J. T. Biggins, Viotoria,
The ceremony took place at 8:45, the edi•
Bee being well filled. The ohoeoh was
prettily decorated,. the members of the
choir, of which the bride had long been
an associate, allowing their mark of
eeteem in this manner. After the care.
crony a small party, ooneieting of the
$ride''e family and bridesmaids, enjoyed
the wedding aupper'at the reeidence of
the bride's parents, the newly wedded
couple later departing for their future
home, 1825 Barolay street. The entire
World staff extends moat hearty con-
gratulations to ltlr. and Bire. Wilby and
tracts awed matrimonial joys will be
4 /3.4 8'8 1 X71 1�4�T
A Jeuenv Oizr preacher says the hi.
gvele rs a substitute for angels' wings,
That rant flatlet have seized hint when
watobing the good•loking girls on their
TnE foundation for the now sohol
house is being rapidly puelled ahead.
Seven men are at work under the direr.
goo of Alfred Lowry. Thearchltect was
hero looking after the work,
g 1ooT 1.3414„,—Wednesday evening Brits.
eels Foot Ball team drove to Blyth and
played a friendly match with the Weal
club on the Agricultural Park, ' The
visitors were too ewifitfor their opponents
and won by 4 pale to 1 in one hour.'
Blyth won their game just before time
WAS called, A return match will be
played here next week,
WEAT ore you going to do with the
eases ? A few days ago Snaith & Me.
Laren had a large shipment of new goods.
The tame night that David Maxwell was
lobbed several large empty oases disap,
peered from the front of their store,
Wonder if they intend to build a house
with them, We would advise S. Re Me,
not to block up the front street,
Business Locals.
Lotto, clear bacon ab MoOraoken's.
WE repair shoes oheap aud neat. I. 0
Fon sale cheap ; one baby carriage, 3
O. Riohards,
BEANx note forms for sale at Tip Pos
Publishing House,
Fon best value in boots and shoes tr
us; I, 0, Richards.
AT and below cost the balanoe of my
hamaoke. I. Cl. Rrosinns.
Hnengoaxeraas for harvest tools an
maahfne oils. McKay & Co.
VERY best Pea Harvesters at J. J
Gilpin's, Brussels, for 510.00.
Tan latest improved screen doors and
screen windows. McKay & Go.
Lrvety run on children's wagons at
Tan POST Book Store. 2 boy's velooi•
pedes for sale. Call and see them.
Do you want to stop using tobaaoo 7
If so, use No -TO -Bao. We refund your
money if not as• stated. G. A. Dumont
A LARGE quantity of binder twine' on
hand at prices the lowest. McKay & Go.
Ken's Glover Root, the great Blood -
Purifier gives freshness and clearness to
the oomplexion and cures constipation.
25 ate, 50 ote and 51.00. Sold by Jamee
Fox, Jeruggist, Brussels.
SHILOH'S owe is sold on a guarantee.
It cures incipient consumption. It is
the heat Hough cure. Only one cant .a
done. uta., 58 a a, and 57,.00. Sold by
James Druggist, Brussels.
FLEURY Peowe,—Hugh Williams & Son
are' the Agents for the well known Fleury
plows. They also keep all the necessary
repairs. Gall at Williams' Livery Stable,
Brussels. The Fleury plow received the
gold medal and diploma at the World's
has, at considerable cost, put one of them
into his restaurant and can now pub up
the beet Summer drinks known. He
has reduced ice oream.to 30 cents a quart
and will give very epeoial rates in fruits
and confectionery to pie -Ric and evening
Mee. T. S. Bewares, Chattanooga,
Tenn., says, "Shiloh's Vitalizer "saved
my life." I consider it the beet remedy
for a debilitaed system I ever used."
For dyspepsia, liver or kidney trouble it
excels. Price 76 ins. Sold by Jas. Fox,
Druggist, Brussels.
WELL -DIGGING AND Dnmaneo.—George
Birt has all the necessary machinery for
digging and drilling wells and is prepar-
ed to attend to all work entrusted to him
in a way that will insure satisfaction.
Wells cleaned out and -put in proper
shape. Terme reasonable. Residence
second door north of the bridge, west
side of Turnberry at., Brussels. 84-00
2 NE002080 AND TEE Ifnsuor,—Neglect
cold in the head and you will surety have
catarrh. Neglect nasal catarrh and you
will as surely induce pulmonary disease
or catarrh of the stomach with its die.
gusting attendants, foul breath, hawking,
spitting, blowing, etc. Stop it all by us-
ing Chase's Catarrh Cure. 25 cents a
FAR»mans wanting hardy, native steak
to plant this coming Fall or Spring may
pay for it in work. We want men with
or without experience on full or part
time. Salary and expenses or commie.
sion. Write at once for further infor-
mation. Brown Brothers' Go., Conti.
nental Nureeriee, Toronto, Ont. 43.3m
EDAIANSON BATES & 0o.—Gentlemen—
About three or four weeks ago I had an
attack of Robing piles. I tried two or
three different remedies recommended by
druggists as the "best and duly cure,"
eto., eto., but got no relief. About the
time 1 was beginning to despair of find-
ing any relief, with some alight misgiv-
ings I bought a box of your Pile Cure,
whish I am pleased to say gave me al-
most instant relief and a petmanent mire,
I consider your ointment a God send.
A.,f. J. Dean. Orillia Feb. 10th.
BRUan i:6 ORNL+rEaT.—To whom it may
conoern :—Having been appdinted care.
taker of Brussels cemetery, I wish to
make it look as respectable as possible.
This, however, cannot be done without
the co-operation of those who have rela-
tives or friends buried therein. Now is
the time to show your respect for the de.
parted and also to improve the property
you hold there by fixing up your lots and
by straightening the monuments or tomb•
stones erected to the memory of your
departed. For the paltry sum of 25
cents I will straighten all tombetones,
that do not need cementing, and for 50
dente will straighten and cement those
that require it. I will also for 50 cents
straighten all monuments that need it
and keep them etraigbt for one year.
Lots also fixed up and taken °are of at
reasonable rates. Addreee all oommuni.
cations to ROW, ARMSTRONG,
Look box 44, Brussels.
Mr. Oharltoe'e Sabbath observance
law, directed against the sale of Sunday
newspapers, . was rejected by the House
in committee at Ottawa,
The Argonauts were defeated for the
Stewards' Oup at Henley regatta by the
London Rowing Club by two feet in a
hard•fought race. Hon. Rupert Goin -
nese defeated E. A. Thompson in their
heat for the Diamond sculls, Cornell
had a row -over for the Grand Challenge
Oop, the Leanders being left at the start.
SHINE.—In Henfryn, on July 8rd, oho
wife of Mr, Samuel Shine of a son.
CA»rrDELL.—In Brussels, on July 7011, the
wife of Mr, Angus Campbell of a eon.
HANorzn.—In Gro': on July 10th, the
wife of Mr, 7. Holder of adaughter,
8 T4XD4,L..D 134,NYC 0.T 04X4D4,
Z0101ma 4'7.= 0.E*7r9,
ASSETS, = (Seven 1401110.1 7)0llitr9) 57,000,000
CAPITAL (Authorized) , $2,000,000
macs in abd prielei ai points ittjyOntario,
Quaeo,, arma$fttobo, United Smites rf' R91°land (e0Ar-p�LY E ���rary■{gJ{{��pypa8
r�%A�i4ftQ•I��`�.�'� Y ■
JULY 12, 189
TIUi Z'AMil'llA
CoLoEAvo J3T'llrrlIJIO
°minds us that the
d1P ° .10
A (lenoral Banking Btlefnees Tran9apt'ed, Farman' Notes Discounted,
Drafts lamed and Oolleotione made on all points,
Interest allowed on deposits of 51.00 and upwards from dot of deposit to date of
withdrawal and oompouoded half yearly.
Seaman A8910248805 GIVEN To 811E Comm:TrON OF 1l'An»x000' SALE NOTaii.
Every faoility afforded Customexe living at a dietanoe;
J. A.STEWART11feNAorn,
Transact a General Banking,Business. Drafts Bought and Sold on
all points in Canada, United States and Great Britain.
MGM' Zawz' DATA ; r°emer.
Interest Allowed on One Dollar aid Upwards at Carrent Rates, Interest Oom-
pounded Twice a Year, Being Added to the Principal at the end of the Months of
October and April. Special Arrangements made for Time Deposits.
We erect to write Insurance fn 010 English er Canadian Companies, er lu INat-
vel Companies as may be desired. -
Fonsrsa. In Brussels, on July 8011, the
wife of Mr. Alex. Forsyth of a daugh-
EAROnn0YEe,—At 144, St. Patrick St.,
Toronto, on July 4bb, the wife of Mr.
Jno. Hargreaves, formerly of Bras -
eels, of a daughter.
SHAW.—Ab the Parsonage, Belgrays, on
July let, the wife of Rev. E. A.
Shaw of a daughter.
W reeom—In Brunets, on July 8th, the
wife of Mr. Samuel Wilton of a
BoLTON.—In MoKillop, on July 8th, the
wife of Mr. Isaao Bolton of a daugb.
HEAUN.—In MaEillop. on. June 23rd: the
wife of Mr. G. Hearn, Leadbury, of
a daughter.
BBANDON.—At the. Methodist Parsonage,
Orton, on June 27011, the wife of Rev.
W. J. Brandon, formerly of Brussels,
of a daughter.
WILBY—LANGDALE•—In the Methodist
nhuroh, Vanoouver, B. 0., on June
6th, by Rev, G. W. Baer, Mr. Geo.
Wilby, to Mise M. E. Langdale,
formerly of Brussels, Ont., all of
73:,.4 VB3^s2.,6
22A2ti? 0N1I'M
Fall Wheat 75
Spring Wheat 75
Barley„...... ... . .... 40
Peas 57
Oats 85
Wool 18
Butter, tubs and rolls ... 11
Eggs per dozen 8
Flour per barrel4 50
Potatoes (new) 1 00
Hay per ton 10 00
Hides trimmed 3
Hides rough 2
Salt per bbl., retail 1 00
Sheep eking, each 20
Lamb eking eaoh 15
Apples per bbl 1 52
Hoge, Live 4 25
Wool 18
5 00
1 25
BozLEvreraOnt.—Cheese-8,315 boxes
white and 845 boxes colored were board-
ed here Tuesday,, Sales 645 white and
185 colored at 80.
OMIFBELLF011D Ont. July 9th.—Cheese
—At the cheese board here to -night 705
boxes of white were boarded ; $80 sold
at So to Warrington.
INGERSOLL ,lily 9th,—Oheede—Offsr-
ings to -day 5,388 boxes June make ; no
sales ; 8 3/16o bid ; large attendance, but
market dull.
Llvenroore—Choose steady ; demand
moderate ; finest Amerioan white, new
38s 6d ; finest American colored, new 38s
6d. Butter.' -Finest United States and
good nominal.
Tonoeto. July 9th.—Market quiet.
Wheat—Car Iota of winter could be
bought west at 840 to 85o ; Manitobas
quiet and unchanged, No. 1 being offer.
ed at 97c west, Flour—Dull and nomi•
nal. Peas --Odd oars said to millers, G.
T. R. west, at 60o ; 0. P. R. lots min be
bought from lo bo 2o cheaper. Oats
One car of white Sold on track here at 074o
end one at 38}o ; oar lots outside about
steady, at 320 to 880 for mixed end white
high freights west. Barley—Feed held
west at 490 and 48o was bid.
TORONTO July 9th.—The Toronto cat.
tie market was a poor one, owing to slow
demand, few buyers being present ; a
poor quality of stuff was offered and re.
ceipts were Beauy-64 cars. Export cat-
tle were dull, and only a few were taken
5e. per pound, the ruling prices being
40 to 4do, the latter for choice. Butchers'
cattle were slow. Seven oars were tak-
en for Montreal. The price was from
84o to 4o for good. Common Bold at 24o
to 24o. There was better enquiry for
export sheep, and they acid about 12o
higher than last market, 90 per pound
being paid for bucks and 34n per ponnd
for ewes and wethere. Spring Iambs
were steady, at 52.50 to 53.75 each.
Hoge were in small supply and steady,
the best selling at 54.70 per cwt.
learn the Orug b inlnea, App10' to
JAMLr6 PDX, Druggist anti Stationer,
To School Teachers,
Wanted for School-Soation No, 2, Grey, a
teacher, who holds Second or Third Class
Certificate, toteaoh the balance of the year.
1805, duties to commence after' Hummer hall.
days, Htabo Baler', expected. Applications
to be opened 00 Tuesday, Julyy 28rd, All ap-
plications b0 be sent to ALEX. STEWART,
OranbrUok P. 0., Seoretary,Treaeurer. 0$' 8
Savings Bank take Deposita from
01.00 to 81,500 and allows 84 nor Dent.
interest. T. FARROW,
87.8m Postmaster,
rens of the undersigned, Lot20, Oon.15,
Gro y, on or about May 15th, a red eteer,large:
size, rising two yeare, Any information
lea ding to hie recovery iviil bethankfully
received and suitably rewarded.
50.4 Monorld!'P. 0,
Breeding for milk or butter do not
waste time on anything short of the best.
No charge for the service of my TersevBull
if hie dam will not make from 75 to 100 lb e.
more butter to a your, than the dam of a try
bull of any brood with to three moos.
v Hones for Sale or to Banton Turn-
yGoode stable, Brussels.
citrn, Immediate acre of
laud, fruit trees, &a. Apply to
41-• No. 81, Juhn Street,
Thal, well known, commodious and very
p rattily situated nrope•by on Turnberry 91„
now and for many years past in the occupa-
tion of Mr. and Mrs. F. O. kogere, is now of.
foxed for sale. Anybody wiebing a nine,
comfortable home. will find this all that oan
be .desired. The property can be seen at
anyti we, a no all particulars obtained from
50- Lf P. 0. IROGERS.
An Abell Engine travelled four years; a
Stratford Decker Threshing Machine travell-
ed two yeare, nearly es good as new. A
Watorous Envine Works twenty inch Prenoh
Buhr atone for grinding grain, Duly done our
own grinding, better Wan new, our own
047500 wil'elevators.
bayy the price at
outfit works
separate to suit a purchaser.
52-tf MA116DEN SMITH,
Brussels P. 0.
i bnRSIGNED offers his 75 001'0 farm for
Sale, being East Tart of Lot 25, Oon.13, Gray,
About 50 acres cleared, balance bush, Good
frame hone, bank barn, 40x15feet, orchard,
well, &a. In good state of cultivation and
well folioed. Possession after harvest. For
farther particulars as to price, terms,
00. apply t0
DUUNCAN McI1NNE8, Proprietor,
0.4 Cranbrook P. O.
form being Woet offers
North halfiof 0014
con. 8, Morrie. 'There is a good log
house, with lemma kitchen; bank barn ; or-
chard ; well, &e, 40 :ores cleared and under
gond state of cultivation. Poseoasiou given
next November. For further particulars as
to price, team, &o,. apply on the premises
to ROBERT HUG1A19H.Proin•iator,
44-01 or Brussels P. 0.
VOTERS' LIST. --l895.
Jfairfcipalily of the Tillage of Brussels,
County y of Huron.
Roues is hereby given that Ihave trans-
mitted or delivered to the persons mention-
ed in Section 5 and 8 of the Ontario Voters'
List Act, 1800, the copiee'reenired by said
Sof Otho list made pursuantitooea 4 delivered,
of all
persons appearing by the last Revised as-
sessment Moll of Baia Municipalityy, to be en-
titled to vote Msaid Muniolpaltty at oleo -
tions for members of the Legislative Ae-
oembly and at Municipal Elootionb, and that
said list was first posted up at my °Aloe in
Brussels, ou the 10th day of July,1800, and
remains there for ins/motion. Electors are
called upon to examine the Bald Bet, and, if
any omiseione or other errors are found
therein, to take immediate prooeediugs to
have the said errors corr000ed according to
law. F. S. 801187`, (lerk,
Dated the 101h day of duly, 1800,
VOTERS' L1ST,--1895.
Municipality of the Towneltip of Grey,
County of Huron,
Notice, is hereby given that I have trans.
minted or delivered to the persona mention-
ed In section 5 and 6 of the Ontario Voters'
List Act, 1850, the copies regmred bysaid
See tons to be eo transmitted or delivered,
of the list made pursuant to said Act, of all
persons appearing by the last BeviaedAe-
neeemout Boll ' of said Munioipaliby t0 bo en-
titled to vote in said Municipality at 010-
tione for members of the LogielativeAs-
sembly and at Municipal Elections, and t$at
said list was Snit posted up wt my office In
Ethel on the lith day of Juby,1095, and re-
mains there for inspection, Eietors are
called upon to examt00 the said net, and, Jf
any omissions or ahy other errors arefound
theroiu, to take immediate preeeodiugs to
have the said errors oorreobou according to
law, WM. SSPIINOE, Clerk,
Dated the 8th day 01 July, 1805,
$00.0011, to .close at hand and we
desire to remind you that we ,
have, this eeaeon, the very Pur.
est artioie that can be purchased
anywhere, We guarantee every
pound to be obelnioally pure,
Only 25o, per pound
ti ).
Fox's Drug Store,
01800ITn' taUEEN'd HOTEL.
a Bolieitor and conveyancer. Canog,'
tions made, Oilioe-Vanstone'oBlook, Brine
sole. 51.3m
80looe.- Oonvoyanoer otic, 1y 0,09
no, &o, antral � tel, ri Block, 1 dop
north of central Hobe], Private
Foods t�
Loan. J.l..
ProudSolicitor,: &o. (late of Garrow 1'
foot'e office, Goderieh.) Whoa oydl,
Gillies & Smith's Bank,.Brussels,
Money to Loan. 47.
Honor Graduate Toronto University,
Licentiate Royal College Dental Surgeons.
Grown and Bridge work a specialty. Moder-
arelinnsrur6�usBaa harbor opberyt.,,Br-
C • Goner Graduate of the Ontario
Veterinary College, le prepared to treat all
disease of domesticated animals in a cum-.
patent manner. Particular attention paid
to veterinary dentistry. Galls promptly at-
tended to. OUiae and Infirmary—Four doors
north of bridge •l'urnberry,et„ Brussels.
T A. MGNAUQGHTON, Edinburgh,
8. Ont.Resideu a and °Moe in Wll oa'e
Block, corner of Mil and Turuberry Sta.
physician, Surgeon, Ao0ouohsr, etc.
Faculty a Mambo of Colli University
and Burnous, Oct. OFF10o —Next door to
M5Oonald & Oo., Walton Out.
. Iecurer ofMarrlage Lioonses. Oltoe
at his Or000ry, Turn berry street, Brussels.
Tonsorial Artist. Shop—Next door
south of A. U. McKay & Oo'e hardware store.
Ladles'and children hair cutting a specialty
Issuer of Marriage Licenses,
l'No Witness Required.
T: FLETCHER, Brussels.
aunea0E 00. N]atabllenod 1840, "In.
enrolees effected On all Town and Farm
Property at very low rotes.
J. A. 010]01GHTON,
15_85) Agent, Brussels.
li Clerk of the Fourth Division Cour
Go. Hurst. Conveyancer, Notary Public
Land, Loan and Insurance Agent. Funds'
invested and to loan. Oolleotione made
Oil40e in Snoale's:Block, Braseolo
11/rISS O'00NNOR, R. T.,
Teacher of instrumental mucin on
Plano or Organ. Will visit Wingham Tues-
day and Wednesday of each week. Resi-
dence on Princess Street, Brussels.
TA. HAWKINS, M. 0. S. M.
• Organist in St. John's Church, Brno
eels, and pupil, in the Art Of Teaching of A.
W. Thayer, Mus Doo„New . York, will give
10e0One to pupils either of piano or organ,
at his parlor
sets. Vol lessons aloe oen. Texne mod-
Licensed Auctioneer. 00083 oondust
od on .reasonable terms, Farms and farm
stook a epocialty, orders left at Tan Toni
Publishing House, Bru male, or sent to Walton
P. 0., will receive prompt attention,
• min, will sell for bettor prioee, to.
better mon in less time and loos chargee
than any other Auctioneer In East Huron
or ho won't charge anything. Dates and
orders eau always be arranged at this olbloo
or by personal application,
Any quantity of Building, Ooruer, Rubble,
8111 and Bridge Stone for Salo, Quarried
and ready for loading at-Rruesols Quarry,
For pxioe and terms a plyyto
87•11 Box 15pJN0,MITCHELL,
u to earn from WC 10 025y,gua weekly.
C eon antigrowe th ingNU serhStook. S Salary
Canadian growth Nursery Stook. Salary or
ter . an sold weekloutfit
rte. Waite us at
tory,. Handsome outfit iroe. Write us at
omits for tonna,
41.14 E, 0, GRAHAM, Numerymas,
Toronto, Ont,