The Brussels Post, 1895-7-12, Page 7e.'ULY 12, 18115, T 13-1117 $EIS 7. THE NEWS TNA NUTSHELL TEE VERY LATEST rum ALL OMR THE WORLD, lntereattnElterha About Our Own Country, Great!eritaan, the United states, And All Parts or the Globe, Condensed nem Assorted ter EasY 3t4 Rdteg. CANADA, Manitoba crop reports continuo encour- aging. The Manitoba Legislature has passed A aw agawot Sunday street oars, Engineer Farr wae committed for trial a Wlnnipeg,oharged with arson and attempt tad murder. Root beer la proscribed by the Simooe Comity W. 0. L', U. no containing more than 2 per cent. of alcohol. Ex•Treaeurer Stook is one of the seven• teen applicants for the position of County Treatiurer of Wentworth, Three young men were fined an aggre- gate of $50 and oosts at Galt for ecrstch. ing plate glass windows with a diamond. Montreal militia will petition the Gov- ernment to grant the usual twelve days' pay instead of cutting it down to eight. George Goodrich, said to belong to Toronto, was' probably fatally hurt in attempting to board a moving train at Welland, everything to Mee, Gresham, who is sole executrix. The estate ie worth $51,000. The steamer Berlin,, widish left New York on Thursday, hoe on board ops buodred Presbyterian pilgrims, who will visit the ocenoo of the early religious etrugglee in Great Britain and on the continent of Europe, The l3ceoutive Committee of the peep Waterway A000ciation, haa'lug for its objeet 00ee n navigation into the great lakes, con ye ed in Chicago on Tuesday, The idea wad fovourod of having a convention in Septernber next, when all pointe connected with the proposed canal could be thorough, ly discussed, The reports of business in the United States, indicate that trade is steadily pro- fgreeciug, though toe Drop outlook fe perhaps not quite eo satisfactory se it appeared a week back, Dario g the week prices in some staples have shown a disposition to weaken. Wool hoe advanced, and the salve have been exceptionaly large • higher prices are expeotod at the coming London sales, and this has been a 'factor in the increase. Wages are being generally advaooed, and some anticipated labour troubles have disappeared in consequence. Copper and iron are firmer ; in fact, the Montage in the demand for and price of iron and steel has been one of the bueinees features of the week. t, GENERAL. Australian trade declined £8,000,000 last year, Russia will protest unless her guarantee of the Chinese loan is accepted. Heatore report that the Czarewitch is Very low and hie recovery is doubtful. Subscriptions to the Newfoundland loan in London amounted to nearly double the sum required. The Spanish Chamber of Deputies reject- ed by A vote of 69 to 53 a proposal to abolish the export duty on grain. The Belgian Government will send an oiHoer to Canada this year to buy horses for re -mounts and for the artillery. While a'pinnsce crew of the German cruiser liurfurat Friedrich Wilhelm were laying a mine off Friedrichsort an explosion occurred, killing eight men. Ten• Jews were elected to the Italian Parilament at the first trial in the that election, the most prominent being the Minister of Finance, Sonoma. Signor Si Cavallotti,w g hose charges in the Italian ChamberofDeputies against Pre- mier Crispi were voted down, now threat - me to prefer, his charges in a court of law. Details have been received of the terrible treatment of foreign missionaries in Cheng- tu, capital- of the Province of Szebuen. France threatens to demand reparation. The police raided two Museulman schools of theology in Constantinople on Tuesday, and arrested many students who were found to have arms, in their possession High officials in Shanghai, who are well informed, express the opinion that war between Rnasia and Japan over Corea will break out before the end of the next three months. Newfoundland securities have dropped eight points in the London market since the failure of Confederation. The prospect of union with Canada advanced them that much. In hie speech at the opening of Parlia- ment arliament the Governor of Queensland suggests that GreatBritain,Caoada and Queensland join in laying the Pacific oable if the other colonies hesitate. Therepresentatives of the powers are continuing their efforts to induce. the Turkish Government to give an explicit reply to the note outliniog the reforms demanded for Armenia, and the foreign envoys are indignant at the delay. Mr. Angers hem appointed Mr. F. E. Jodery, of, Montreal, inspector of fresh. made creamery butter intended for the Britieh market. Lieutenant -Governor Mackintosh has received permission. to viait'St, Paul,ddinn,, in connection with the North. West Exhibi- t1un, The Dominion Bridge Company of .Mon- treal was awarded the contract for the new bridge on the London & Port Stanley Railway, Thomas Haley of Guclph,was found beside the railway traek with a number of serious wounds in his head, His recovery is doubtful. The loweriug of the water levels by the construction of the Chicago drainage canal will be brought to theattention of the Dominion government by the R. & 0. Navigation Company. Mr. Holland has resigned the poeitionof General Manager of the Ontario Bank, and Mr. O. McGill, Manager of the Peterboro' branch of the bank for fifteen yuare,has been appointed to the position. The lady bookkeeper of Means. Chisholm & Logic, barristers, of Hamilton,` was robbed on Friday nt a deposit, amounting to two thousand five hundred dollars, in broad daylight, and in one of the busiest sectionsof the oity, be Dominion 0 tom's Department has T us p decided to permit tourists to bring their bicycles free into Canada, requiring them to give an affidavit that they are their personal' property, and are not for sale, and will be taken out of the country. The committee in Ottawa to whom was referred the preparation of an addreee to Lady Thompson have prepared it, and it has been engrossed in purple and gold. It wae signed by most of the Conservative members in Parliament. The price of cheese io advancing in. Ontario, and buyers now have to pay more money for the article owing to the talkof drouth and the poor condition of the pas= tures, whicb, it ie expected. will make a material difference in the flow of milk. Judge Malhiot delivered judgment in the chargee of boodling against Mayor Aubry, of Hall, Que.,. disqualifying him for seven years, and sentencing him to pay a fine of $983 and all costs of the court, which alone will excited $2,000. The Coroner's jury charged with the duty of inquiring into the'death . of Charlotte (xoeliug, who was found dead at 19 Synths place in Toronto on the 10th of June, brought in a .verdict last night of wilful murder against Stephen Wright and Mary Ann Clark. CREAT BRITIAN. The Queen has conferred the Order of the Thistle upon Lord Rosebery, t#' The International Ballway , Congress was opened in Loudon by the Prince of 4Wales. The Hon. Emily Jane Mercer, Dowager Mnrehioneee of Lansdowne,' mother of the, resent Marquie of Lansdowne, who was ji ormerly Governor-General of Canada e dead. She wae seventy-six years of ge. The Berlin correspondent of the London. taudard says that there is good reason to elievo that Lord Salisbury's accession ill lead to an entente between Germany, nglnud,and Japan, and probably America ter. The London Times says that the Duke of evonehire will preside over the Committee r the National and Imperial Defence high was recommended by the Hartington ommittee, and is now first formally con ituted. Lord Salieburyhas definitely undertaken e task of forming a Ministry, and has nounoed several Cabinet appointments, eluding that of Mr: Chamberlain as lonial Secretary, and that of Sir Miohael oko.Beaoh As Ohancellor of the Exohe- er. ci'P!;,Wedneoday in the.Chnroh of St, Raphael, ngatou•ou•Thamea, the Duke of Amite, phew of the ling of Italy, was married the Princess Helene of Orleans. The emouy wae very impressive, and wae 'l ended by representatives of the principal his of Europe.. ! , .In the election for a member' of Parlia. -imt to represent the oiby of Cork, the at made vacant by the bankruptcy of r, William O'Brien, Mr, Francis Xavier ?Brien, anti•Parnellite, was elected over 7' Berman Bootie, the.Parnellite candidate, a majority of one hundred and seventy on votes. The Imperial authorities have forwarded t'. the Moulin Government a draft of the orth Pacific Sealing billy which wae read third time in the House of Lords. While t makes many oonooaelone for which Can- do, contended, it1 tails in two important aspens to meet what are regarded ue the et demands of the sealers.' UNITED STATxa, The fee of 25 oente ooliocted on oars en - ring the United States from Canada has on declared illegal. The local banks at Niagara falls, N..5.; ill charge a discount of one per omit, on ahadian ourreney after the first of July. The next tonvontlon of the international eon Waterways Ataoointion will be held Cleveland in the latter part of Septum. r. At Oliiengo the late Secretary of State's ill woe admitted to probate. It leaves 1P A Riot Among Convicts. A. despatch from Lincoln, Neb., says :— There was a riot on Sunday among the oonviots of. the State penitentiary. The guards had thrown open a tier of cella to let a squad of oonviots out, when immed- lately an Italian prisoner named Soaleei dashed out, armed with a etiletto,whlch he had made of scrap iron, and savagely attacked a fellow•oonviot named Sullivan Soaleei fought like a demon, but was worsted by Sullivan, who is a powerful man. The Italian then turned on a negro named Howard, who escaped the blow. Soaleei lunged at Costello, a guard, v ho attempts I to defend 'himself with a stool, which was unwieldly, and the Italian cut him across the etomaoh,though not serious. ly. At this juncture ally the liberated oonviuta and the guards joined in the melee. Every man who harboured a grudge against another took advantage of this opportunity to"get even." Three oonviots attaclted the Italian,who extrioa ted himself, and fled. He soon ran afoul of Guard Dan Athen, who struck him on the head with a loaded . cane, cutting a deep gush. The Italian was removed to the hospital. Frantic With Grief. A despatch from Niagara Falls, N. Y., eaya:—The body of Martin Roland, aged. seven years, son of Policeman William Roland, was found in the hydraulic Dana on Friday morning. The boy had been missing since Tuesday noon. Itis thenght that while playing about the basin of the canal he fell in, and was drowned, Hie mother and father did not live together and the boy was in custody of the former, 'who ie frantic with grief. The father has been searching for huh night and day. The mother only last week preferred ohargee against her husband before the Police of Ootnnitesinnors of nonsupport, although she did not live with him. Both parents claim the bialy, and there is liable to. be trouble. Mrs. Rotund is a native of the Canadian aide of the river,where her family reside." She will endeavour to have the to. mains taken there for interment. London's Millions, Loudon In 18114 had a population of 4,340,166, spread over 121 aqunre miles, according Lo the recent report of the Registrar•General, an average of 97,250 to the square mile and 58 to the gore. The most densely populated districts are White. chapel, with 19(1 to theacre, and Shore,. dtteh with 191. The death rate was 17.8 to 1,000, the lowest since a record has been kept, The highest death rate for the year n any English town was 23,8 in Liverpool. Groat quantities of grain dome from Claioago via Midland, end go to the Mali. time provinces and the New England mtatee, MR, AND MRS, DOWSER, NOW THERE'S A NEW TRQARJE XN THE FAMILY. air, iI, lhtys a nook and, Brings It 00100.,- 30ra 1t. 'Wil have ,400)40045 to do With It--Youig Sower 1lecedes the Case Against the tlld 1man, "Last night," said Mr, Bowser ae be looked up from his paper and broke a silence which had lasted a quarter of an hour—" lust night I heard our child moan, Mg in hie sleep, and I noticed that he looked pale and hollow.eyed this morning I suppose you know what aIle him?" " Nothing ails him, Mr. Boweer-nothing but too maola play. You 080'1 'find a healthier child in the whole town." " I hope it is true, but 1 doubt it. Hay, ing. him under your eye every hour in the day, you do not notice a change aol do, This afternoon a woman 'came into - the Office selling a book on ' How to Bring up child. ren.' I had only to glance at it to see that ft was just what you wanted. Itis full of--" Who wrote it 1" aburply demanded Mrs, Bowser. "I'11 show you the book. It tells all about mumps, measles, chicken pox and everything aloe likely to ail a child, and also preecribee the cure. Let's see ?Ids by Annie Kathering White. Did you eve hear of her ?" " Never, and I don't want to l It's ten to one that she was never a mother and doesn't know a case of mumps from falling off a fence t For the land's, sake, don't get. the idea that our child wants dosing 1"' Our child may be all right, Mrs. Bow ser, or he may be all wrong. It won't hurt anything to read what the woman says. For instance, ahe given the premonitory symptoms of meager, and says that a neo. thor—" " He had measles three months ago 1" 1O Well, here's all aboutwhooping-cough. Twentyfourhours before the cough comes the patient is restless, the tongue coated and the whites of the eyes—" " 1 know all abbot that, and it will be quiteuseless for you to go up to his bed to sea if the whites of his eyes have turned blue or green. You have hardly looked at him for three months past, and now all of a sudden you are greatly worried over his condition 1" ' Mrs. Bowser 1" said Mr. Bowser' as he stood up and flourished the bookin his hand dyou know thattalking o you are to king to that child's father 1' " Of course 1 do 1' ".Then don't talk in that way I Ae that child's father I naturally love him. 1 feel anxious about his health. A woman who hae probably reared a dozen children of her own writes a book on how to treat children. I buy it and bring it home to you to save worry and dootor's bills, and you take it as a grevioua insult. Here is what the book says about mumps. I was read. ing it on the car coming home, and as near as I -can make out our boy will be down with the mumps before sunrise tomorrow, It says that the premonitory eymp—" " How many times do children have the mums?" quietly asked 'Mrs. Bowser. "H.howmany Limes? Why do you ask?" "Because be had 'em six months ago Your natural anxiety about your offspring should have made you remember the eiraumetance." "Y•e•e—um I Yee, I do remember that he had the mumps, or what you cell the mumps. I suppose he has ale° had the chickep•pox ?" "Certainly he has 1" "And the whooping cough?" "Yes, when ho was only Dight months old." ,Mra. Bowser, when I looked into that boy's face this morning I was shocked, I tell you his system ie all out of gear, and he needs eomething to .braoe 'him up: Ae near as 1 can make out from this book he ban some ailment of kis liver, and I propose 11 "You propose to give him eome of your dope 2" ahe finished as he hesitated. 'My dope ! You said dope, didn't you ! What do you mean by dope!" "I mean the bo.rel of stuff you have bought and taken a dose or two of and then put away. If anything is wrong with that child we'll call in a doctor." "Mra. Bowser, if that child has worms— if the seal of death has already been stamp. ed—" 'But he has no worms 1" she in terrupted. "If anything ails the child he 1s too healthy. If you want to take 400 different aorta of sarsaparillas, invigorators, toniee,cures and all that I have no objections, but for meroy'e sake don't get a fad about our ohild ?" "Fad 1 Fad 1" heeohoed.' "Then it'e a fad, to it, to discover tha 'symptoms of a deadly disease and apply a remedyin time! Ae the loving father of that child it is not only my duty but my privilege to look him over and guard him. That hectic fiueh on hie face this evening did not oedema my notice, For all you know he may be com. ing down with scarlet fever." That bootie flush was caused by his playingnircue and standing on his head," replied Mrs. Bowser. "He gets ten hours' Bleep every night, eats like a man, and never has a sore throat." "Hove you heard him moan out in his sleep Mra. Bowser—moan and Groan and sigh and sob ? Perhaps not, but I have, and this book says those are the premoni- tory.aymptome of spinal meningitis. Before the oloek strikes midnight we may be ohildless 1" "And before the elook etrikea 10 I'll throw that book into the stove 1" she hotly replied, "The idea of an old maid writing' a book to tell mothers how to bring 'up children 1 And the idea of your paying two or three dollars for such nonsense 1" "Am 1 in my own house, or am I not 1" shouted Mr. 'Bowser as he rose up and glared at her. "Yea, of course," ahe answered. "And I am the father of that child!" "0f course." "Theo 1 am going to see him and de. tormine for myself whether he will live the night out or die before another sun rises 1 If you wish to ao0ompany me to bis--" But just then young Bowser, who had been awakened by Ins father's loud talk, oame down attars in itis nightdress, and he presented such a picture of good health that Mr. Boweer sat down with the feeling that lie had lost his ease, 11 wasn't until hire. Bowser was leading the boy bank to bed that the father found wade to say: "Death may not have actually placed its mark upon his brow, but it can't be far off. I'lil look ldm over in the morning," "And the lawyer°—ttte alimony—one•• tody of the child, and so forth 1" ahe queried as alae paused on the stairs, He glared and glared, but made no reply, and whop she woe out of eight he opened a window, threw the book ata oat on the tepee, and then eat down and whispered to himaelf; "That' another aloes tali for me, and if I don't put my foot right down 1'11 be turned right out of my own house inside Of a month, 1" ENGLAND'S.AFuHAN VISITOR., The Shahzada NnxruIClh, IIIc Family, and 1110 Kleist to 111w 'title, It is not easy to understand why Nam, rullah, the young Afghan Prince now visit- ing Englaad,should have been styled the "Shahzada." Hitherto the sons of the Ameere of Oabul have been called " Sar• dare," or chieftains. Ana for this reason t There are two rival ruling roues in Afghan. Stan, the Douraneos,deeoended from Nadir Shah, and the Barakraie, to which tribe Dost Mohammed, the great grandfather of the present Ameer, belonged, :The Dour. anees claimed for their ohief the title of Shah or King. When ShahShujah wee dethroned by Dost Mohammed the latter usurped the throne, but not the title, and galled himself Ameer, which is the more correct form of the Emirs of the Turkish Empire. His eons were styled Sailor TIM arenas. "SnAU%ADA." "head" or "chief," and it was not untilthe young Prima's visit to England that any descendant of the Dost has claimed to be a Sha}isada or eon of a king. The royal title seems to have been recognized by the Queen of England, and it would seam to indicate that eventually the Ameer of Cabal will become a Shah or King. The Shitheada is not the eldest eon of the Ameer, and there ie no reason to believe that he will be regarded as heir to the Cabot throne, The eldest eon and recog- nized heir is Habeebullah, who is an own brother to Naarullah. The young Prince now in England was born at Samarcaud in 1875, when the Ameer Abdur Rahman wae a guest of the Russians. His mother was a slave girl from bVakban, know o ae Geol. rez, or The Pink -faced Beauty- She is the fourth wife of the Ameer. The other three have been oeildleer. TIM i• au nnforzunate circumstance it the Mme.'s history. for among the Afghans a °erten] stigma ie at- tached to the children of slave.. Mnreover, the real queen of the Ameere harem is the Beebi Heleema, who is of the Ameere' own tribe, and is Bald to exerci+e a very con. 'Adorable infneoee m A•gian politids and to be very friendly to the Bootie!). The youna Prince is of Jet.iah de:oant,for the Afghans, ancording to • heir owe tradi• ,ions, claim to be of larae t,ah nrtgta and to be descended frnln Afghan., son of Jeremiah, son' of Soul. Alghaua,it is said, was Solomon's unmmandc •in•ohief. They were tranaiortedfrom Syria to Persia by Nebuchadnezzar, and thence emigrated to the mountains of Cher and what is now the country of the Hazaraa in Afganiatan. They were converted to Islam by a party of their own tribe, who had gone to Arabia under a leader named Weis, and bad there fought fur the prophet mollammed. Such is the etory of the Afghans themselves, but some authorities give a very different ae. count of their ethnic affinities. Dost Mohammed, the founder of the present ruling dynasty, attained supreme authority in Afghanistan in the year 1826, and was in firm possession of the throne when the British army seized Afghaniet]n in 1838,aud planed Shah Shujah once again in authority. The Dost was taken priaon0r and was brought to India, but after the re. bellioa and m,aesacre in Cabello 1841.42, he wae restored to authority, and ever since the Barakzai Ameere have ruled Oabul. At hie death the Dost nominated his favorite son, Share Ali, but the oldest eon, Afzul Khan, the father of the present Ameer, claimed the throne, and upon hie death his brother, Azim Khan, became Ameer. After several years of civil war Shera Ali Khan regained authority, and ruled Afghanistan until his death,whioh occurred in 1878. He was succeeded by Ya000b Khan, who, after the massacre of Major Cavagnari and his eta8',Sept. 3, 1879, was dethroned, and the present Amer, Abdur Rahman, who was then in the Reagan Damp, was invited by the Bribieh to take possession of Afghanis- tan. The ex•Ameer Yacoob is now a state, prisoner in India, and is exceedingly popular among the British officers. His brother, dycob, who defeated the British in Cimdahar, is nti exile in Persia, Both Ya000b and Ayoob are considered formid. ble arivala of the present Amcor. Fishing at the Dinner Table. The summer home of Prof. Bell, the telephone inventor and millionaire, is on, All eatate of 15,0(10 mares in Cape Breton, on the Bras D'Or. The professor seems to have all the inetinots of the true fisherman. On one of the neighboring lakes he has a houseboat, propglled by a steam launch,'' with a trap-door out in the floor of hie dining roonl so that he min fish, if the Taney strikes him while et table. Wanted to Sleep, Mr.Upton--Whom in creation are you buying musk for 2 Hordhod-- y auor m daughter. ' I Mr, & g think if she tithe that, her young mon callers won't stay $o late, A JAIL GUARD'S SUICIDE, 1 ,Oosepll 01011 nano Himself In the AMC or not conese•.,A violin or monotone. Joseph Bell, a guard at the York County Jail, committed suicide at 1 o'clock on Wednesday aftarnoen et his home, 196 Bleaker street, Toronto, by banging him. golf from the rafters in the Attie. Ball had been drinking pretty heavily lately, Aad was also addicted to the excee. sive use of morphine, becoming very dee. pendent at times. He WAS at his poet on Saturday, but not since, and opaboth Monday and Tuesday threatened to hang himself, and as a result his wife had been watohipg him closely. On Tueaday he actually made two attempts to hang him. self, but wae frustrated eaoh time by Mrs, Bell. About noon yesterday he complained of being Bioh, and Mrs. Bell persuaded him to go to bed, giving him a small glace of brandy to braoe him up.An hour or 50 later she tient her little girl upetaire to flee if her father was all right, and the child name book to say he wae net in his room, Mre. Boll at once hurried up and found her husband in the attic, suspended by the sheets of kis bed, which` he bad torn in stripe, from the raftere, apparently dead. He had evidently been most desperate and determined, hielegs were bent to avoid the floor, which bis knees almost touched. Thinking he might still be alive. Mrs. Bell and the little girl out him down and carried him down stairs, and at once soot for Dr. A. 0. Hastings, but the doter could only pronounce him dead. Deceased, who was between 55 and 60 years of age, leaves a widowand eleven children. Re had been an employee at the jail for ,ten or twelve years, and except for the terrible habit which event. wally mastered him had always been a faithful and efflcient,rervant. For Twenty-five Years DUNN'S BAKING POWDER THECD©K'BBESTFRIEND LARGgsT EEALE Iii CANADA. Broken in Health That Tired Feeling, •Constipation and Pain in the Back Appetite and (Health Restored by Hood's $arsaparllla.. Mr. Chas, Steele 61. Catherine's, Out. '0. I. Hood & 00„ Lowell, Mass,: "For a number of years I have been troubled ',nth a general tired feeling, shortness of breath, pain. in the back, and constipation. I could get. only little rest at night on account of the pat` and had no appetite whatever. Lwas that in my limbs that I gave out before half the iti was gone. I triad a great number of mes1tolneu but did not get any permanent relief from a"r loou 51, '8- Are source until, upon recommendation of a friend, I purchased a bottle of flood's Saracparilla, which made me feel better at once. I have con- tinueditause, having taken three bottles, and i Feel Like a Nov Man. Ilion a good appetite, thetas strong as ever £ did, and enjoy perfect rest at night. I have 'ouch pleasure in recommending Rood's, Sarsa• CrinsO1 Erie Era serving Co., SCathe, tt; Hood's Pills are prompt and efficient, yeti easy in action. Sold Mr all dtuggisto Ifsa With the Dear Girls. Mabel—How lovely of you to recognize me at once when you haven't seen me for over three years 1 Maude (with charming amiability) -0h, 1 knew you the minute I laid eye on your dress. llal0 of I13iian3 of SCA 0 C‘ .10 4e Sick Heads -he is a malady which makes its appearance most frequently in women. The attack often begins in the morning, upon awakening, after a night of restlessness or heavy sleep; though it is especially wont to occur in connection with emotional disturbances, such ae excitement, fright or mental strain. The pain is usually localized, being in one or the other, more frequently the left aide of the head. It is generally accompanied by great disturbance of the stomach, when light pains the eyes ; noises otherwise unnoticed inflict punishment; odors excite nausea. From the feet that people with strong nerves are never troubled with Sick Headache, it is generally conceded by the most eminent, phy- sicians that it is dependent upon weak nerves or nervous debility, and clan only bo permanently cured by strengthening the nervous 8yntem. The Groat South Americttn Nor- ville Tonic is the only remedy manu- factured which is prepared especially and expressly for the nerves. It acts directly on the nerve centres at, the base of the brain, correcting any derangement there may be, greatly ,inoreasing the supply of neryoie. energy or nerve force, giving great • tone to the whole body, and thereby enabling a system subject to Sick Headache to withstand future attacks. It gives relief in One day and speedily effects a permanent care. Mrs. Isabella S. Graham, of Friendswood, Indiana, writes: "For a number of years I' have suffered intensely with Nervous and Sick Headache ; had hot flashes, was sleepless, and became despondent. Dr. Faris; of Bloomington,'Indiana, spoke eo highly of South American Nervine that I was induced to buy a bottle. That purchase led to a fav °there, and now I sleep soundly, feel buoyant, strong and vigorous. 7i would not be back in the condition ; , was in -when I began taking thio medicine for any sum you could name," Mrs. J. H. Prouty, of La Gr anga, Ireliana, writes: "Your South Amer. lean Nervine worked a marvellous cure with 'mo last year, I began taking it last April, about- the 20th. The first week I mde a gain of 16 lbs. and from that time on f.made a steady gain until I reaehed my normal weight, ;making in all a total gain of 80 lbs. After taking it throe or four menthe I found 'turmoil '6 1 weir woman." r A, DI9.tblIW itheletale aid RetaU',tg+elit ter Dritssele