The Brussels Post, 1895-7-5, Page 8xis saes,-.,..
ST14X1r 'R.D ,134X1 ' 01? 04X41)4,
=tesm..a,mx.xts17.—Z — a sit 7a;
ASSETS, . (Seven Million Dollars) '
CAPITAL (Authorized)
Biro Paris Grana,
Use our Government Stan -
(lard for the Potato 13ugs,
None better at 26e. per, 111,
Zeep Coo
By haying one or mare 9ltoice
Fans that we are selling jest
now, or if yctl prefer be take
of Hire's Boob Beer, Jersey
li£ilk Shake, Jersey Betbermilk
or Lime Fruit Juice width we
are selling at redu9ed Wee to
introduce them.
Druggist, Bookseller and
Graduate Optician.
Trains leave Brussels Station, North
lead South, as follows;
Wail 0:00 a.m. Mixed • 9:45 am,
Baynes 11:59 a,m. Mall eau p.m,
.1Exod 0:00 ti0o. Express ....., 9:40 P.m,
Tont Rehm inns.
A ohiel's among ye Lakin' notes,
Ain' aith he'll prent it.
Taft is July.,
Bay cutting is on. The crop is light.
Soothe Board meeting Friday evening
of next week.
Bnussess Orangemen will celebrate the
lath at Luoknow.
Mae. (Da.) GRAHAM has a bioyole and
zxranagee it splendidly.
JAinss LAIRD, Ethel, has recovered the
-young cattle advertised in Tam Pose.
Doc. WAuwith is having a new driving
.barn and stable built in the rear of bis
R. N. BARRETT, to neorial artist, 13409
eevade a number of internal improve -
relents at MMS shop.
Tan residences of Robb. Henderson
and Samuel Plum are greatly improved
,by the painter's brush.
FoaEolMr Warr and Engineer McKenzie
avere at Acton Thursday of this week
meting a Ronald fire engine.
MONDa1 was a quiet day in town, as
the bulk of our pleasure seekers visited
either Wroxeter or Seaforth.
ADM 350 square yards of gravel have
sawn put on Turnberry street this season
.arid the work is not oomplete yet.
BRuss505 foot ball team did not go to
'Wroxeter on Dominion Day owing to
several of the players being disabled.
JANIES MURRAY was fined $50 and coats
by Inspector Miller for selling beer on
the Seafortb race course On Dominion
IN another column we publish a very
`nteresting letter on "Grosse Isle," from
the pen of Rev. H. D. Steele, father of
IL Steele, of Brussels. Read it.
A. MoGowas & Co's. new advertise.
mint came to band too late for this week.
They are offering great bargainsall
through the store. Watch out for the
.:tdat. in next isene.
WEDNESDAY noon Messes. Parker &
Kirkby sent another palace car load of
horses off to Montreal for shipment to
tate British market. F. Lamby and
Willie Beeper accompanied them.
CONVICTIONS,—The list of convictions
Sty magistrates of the county for the gear.
ter ending June 11th, numbered only
3L. Tba tines imposed amounted to $75,
two of those being for010 each and one
star $85. The list is getting smaller every
0'! YE feller down in Grey, do not ask
the boyo to draw larger loads of gravel as
Seng as there are earth nice girle down
Mere. The roads will be overlooked on
my part and I think the Torontooian
should not squeal as long as dad-in•law
-:,lands the wear and tear of the rig.
19. M. Drcxsoh, who will shortly re-
move t0 Detroit, treated the members of
Western Star Lodge, I. 0. 0. E., to
strawberries and cream, at Jas. MoAI-
piue's reetaurant, Thursday evening of
last week, after lodge. Mr. Dickson has
been a very enthusiastic Odd Fellow and
his removal will cause a blank that will
he difficult to 1111, especially on the De-
gree Team.
KNOX AND WEBLer: A. rather peculiar
eoinaidenee occurred last Sabbath morn-
ing in the baptism of two baby boys,
,belonging to the families of Geo. herr
and 11. H. Cutt, at Melville ahuroh, Ares -
eels, viz.—one child was named Jobe
'Enol and the other John Wesley. We
toe not surprised to see the young John
ltnox's coming up in the Presbyterian
church, but whorl it comes to roaring
-Tohn Wesley's it must surely paint to
.the coming union of the two great de-
nominations who so often sound the
praises of Knox and Wesley.
Fon SCOTLAND,—Thursday of this week
'George Thomson 'and wife left Brus-
sels en route to Montreal, where they
•tape ship for Glasgow, Scotland, Bailing
.0n Saturday. They will be away for six
'or eight weeks visiting at the old home in
Aberdeen and at other pointe with rela-
tives and friends. W. H. Kerr ticketed
them via Allan Line going and Allan
State to New York, returning.
Oaring the abeence of Mr. Thom -
Aeon his bnsine98 will be managed by hie
-brother in-law, Harry Coutts, who has
been here for about tbree years, THE
Pon .wishes Mr. and Mre. Thomson bon
voyage and a pleasant stay in their
'To Pxrn:Lm..—S. B. Wilson, who tae
been it the employ of It. Dennis, harness
marker, Bruaeele, for the past three
yore, has taken a situation in Petrolie
with Mesere. Penfound & Knight. Re
.deft•for the Oil City 'l'hereday morning.
Mr. Wilson is an exceptionally worthy
-.young man, whose nondpat and general
(bearing while here won the esteem and
.confidence of all who knew ]1im. He was
.:w feithfuland energetic worker in the
Methodist ahuroh, where he wag the
President of the Epworth League, a
teacher in the Sabbath eobool and a
Arrember, of the oboir. hie will be greatly
aniseed but we all wish him proeperlty.
ASeere a firat.9lass tradesman.
A.A1afaneR0 oar local operas Melt in
Seafortia and 14aoliitou 90009,
O09ticlrl'011 Meguatasoso'a grocery hoe
been freshened up with a neva death of
Nome. Ramon tb 1'AN93'Q545 Shipped a
oar 0f Ipoga from Bleevale station 011
Thursday, •
t D. A. Lowsz'e new briar 0ottag5 99
having the roof put on and 19 beteg rap•
idly pushed along,
Tun label .on your paper indicates to
what date alar eubeoreption is paid.
Take a look at it.
Morn Limn, took and money in Sea -
forth on Tuesday. Sitrana0 aleewoa'2nd
money in hie rano,
Tins town Band played ata garden
party hold on Jae. Bolger's lawn last
Wednesday evening,
Two cars of sheep and a oar of cattle
were shipped from Brussels last Tuesday
by Messrs. Olegg & Damao,
In the item oon09ruing Myrtle Nobt
last week the type gave her age ae 14 in
Stead of twaive years.
Talon were uo lase than five bridal.
oouplee at Melville °berab last Sunday
morning, all belonging to the songrsga.
A PEST of large grey moths and mil-
lers seems to have located 'Mettle 91118 to..
oalityy. They enter hooses at night in
bnndrede, in spite of all precautions.
CELEBRATION.—P riday evening of 'this
week, at 8 o'clock, a public meeting will
be held in the Council Chamber to draft
Committees for the 'proposed celebration
and arrange the program.
The Publio schools in rural peotions
re.npen on Monday, August 19th, and in
atoes, towns, and incorporated villages
on Monday, August 26th. Normal
imbecile will open on August 20911 and
Model Schools, on Sept. 2nd..
W51. BnlonT was at Baden on Tuesday
attending the funeral of Miss Rebecca,
daughter of Jamas Livingston, M. P., of
that place. The young lady oe,ught cold
while attending the World's Fair in Ohi•
oago, which resulted in coneumption,
death ensuing on Saturday. Mies Liv-
ingston was au exceptionally fine young
lady and her early demise is greatly re.
gretted. The parents are deeply sympa.
thized with.
HERE is what Peter Cooper said of a
newspaper :—"In all towns where a news-
paper is published every man should and-.
vertlse iu it, if nothing more than his
card, stating his name and the business
he is engaged in. It does not only pay
the advertiser, but Teta people at a dis-
tance know that the town in which you
reside is a prosperous oommunity of busi-
ness men. As the seed is sown so the
seed recompenses. Never pull down
your sign while you expect to do bust.
Coupe Pnroozss Anssexnut&,—The fal-
lowine of11oere were elected to manage
the affairs for the current term :—
O. R., W. H. Oloahey ;
Y. C.R., Jesse Wilbee ;
R. S., Walter Smith
F. S., A, Kmuig ;
Treasurer, W. Blaehill„
Chaplain, J. W. Biaehill ;
S. 17„ Jno. Wilbee ;,
J. W., 0. Ritchie ;
S. B., Walter Wilbee ;
J. B., N. Platt ;
P. C. R., A. Reid ;
Physicians, Drs. Graham and Mc-
WaoLEeALE.—Last Tuesday afternoon
Grand. Trunk Road Inspeotor Dallis was
here and about 1 p. m., at his instruo.
tions, about a dozen head of sows and
young cattle were captured, oat of a herd
of 80 or thereabouts pasturing in the
.station yard, and sent into the pound.
We have sounded a note of warning sev•
era' times as to the probability of this
being done, but nobody appeared to pay
math attention but by the time a few
basis of the above kind are made owners
of bovines will see the necessity of obey.
ing the G. T. R. instructions,
THE Clinton Record says :—The late
Mrs. Hunt, who died in Brussels on San.
day week Owned a little black and tan
dog, well up in years. The animal was
very much attached to his mistress and
could hardly be driven from under the
casket. Finally, on the day of the fuser.
al, the dog followed the remains to the
door and rubbed ep against Harry Runt
arid mournfully gazed at him as though
it were human. The dog knew its mis-
tress was gone and mourned for the de-
parted. It seemed everything but human.
ST. L01713 S. 8. Coevermiort—Wednee•
day A. Day, the well known Provincial
Sabbath School Seoretary, having a spare
evening while en route to a Convention
at Luoknow, called off at Brussels and
delivered a moat interesting, instructive
and pleasing address in the Methodist
oburoh, under the auspices of the local
Association, on "The World's Sabbath
School Convention at St. Louie," He
handled it as only Mr. Day can end sum-
marized the best pointe in the wonderful
gathering in a style tbat is seldom equal-
led. G. F. Blair, President, °ocupied the
chair and the opening and closing exer.
oi9e8 were taken part in by Rev. Messrs.
Rosa, Paul and Cobbledick. Mr. Day
was warmly thanked for his visit and
fine address. He's the right man in the
right place.
0. 0.1s. er WAI.a mToot,—On Monday
last Demonstration District No. 1 met at
Walkerton 10 demonstrate to the publio
the strength, growth and vitality of the
Canadian Foresters. Walkerton was
gaily decorated with evergreens and holi-
day attire, mottoes expressing good will
and welcome being seen in every' dime.
lion. The procession was formed on the
market square, with the 82nd Battalion
Band leading, and nearly one-balf mile
of Foresters marching to the strains of
the citizens' and 32nd bands followed by
the fire brigade and hone reel team, to
the gates of the park, where a right royal
oodnter march was manoeuvred in good
form. The games and sports in the park
were well patronized. Speeohee were
delivered on the benefits and proepeote
of the order by: H. V. 0. R. Henderson,
H. Treaa. Neelande, H. C. Ex -Mem. Dow-
ling and Bro, A. Rumford, 0. R. This
district is now re -adjusted and formed
into two separate divisions, known as No.
1 and No. 8 districts, following the mein
railway lines. At the district meeting
on Monday the officers elected for No 1
dietriot fur the ensuing year are :--Ohair.
man, Bro. Robb, Seaforth ; Vioe•Ohair•
man, Bro. Wm. Blashill, Brussels ;
Ohap„ Bro. H. Willoughby, Listowel ;
Seo. Treas., Bro. H. P. Chapman, Rip.
ley. Seaforth was Selected as the next
place of meeting for Demonstration Dia-
tri8t No. 1, The gathering was very
entbuaiaatio, the offloads euoceeded i(r
providing enjoyment for all vieitore, and
the day will be long remembered by the
friends and brethren who help to ewell
the loyal forestic band.
To falmiums,.-.John 1l1eA,rtsr, who bite.
been Din/aged in H. R. Brewer's photo,
atlldf0, Beer/eels, far Seale Hilae, has our.
ahaeed the beeine58 of Mr. Fennell, of
Gordo, ale takes possession next tion.
day. Alta Mea rtes se* capable band and
Will, no doubt, do well 90 the Northern
Diviner Poem Beneath—Tin/ 9ol1 g-
ing figures are from the anneal report of
the tormentor of Division Opprta, The
number of emits entered in the twelve
courts In Boron in 1894, 170.9 1,286, the
largest number in any ono out being
257 in Seaforth. The amount of olaipra
entered wan $49,026. A.monnt of suitors'
money paid•,into court VMS $15,022. No.
of Judgment summonses leaned, 71.
Judgmeut debtors ordered to be commie -
ted, 23,
,Pau Daveroi m.—A hard fought game of
base ball was played on the Park on
Thursday afternoon of last week between
ninth captained Uy B. N. Barretb and A.
R. Smith, repreeeuting the Eget and
Wast aides of Turnberry street, A nerd -
bee of alta old timers were in both teams
eo that good ball was played. Tha there
was 23 to 10 in favor of the East, the
game being practically; won in the 2nd
innings. The umpire was A, Coualey.
Another match may be played abortly.
Business Locals.
WE repair shoesoheap and neat. 1.C.
Fon sale cheap ; one baby carriage. I.
0. Richards.
BLAME note forms dor sale at Tan Pori
Publishing House.
Wu sell and guarantee No.To-Bao. Try
it, et Fox's Drug store.
Fon best value in boots and shoes try
us. I. C. Richards.
AT and below oast the balanoe of my
hammooke. I. C. Remains
HRWQUAATERe for harvest tools and
machine oils. Mollay to 00.
TAY No -To -Baa, we seli and guarantee
it at Fox's Drug store.
VERY best Pea Harvesters at J. 3.
G119910 8, Brussels, for $10.00.
THE latest improved screen doors and
screen windows. McKay se Oo.
LIVIDLY 01111 on ohildren'a wagons at
THE POST Book Store. 2 boy's velooi-
pedes for sale. call and see 91e151.
Do you want to stop using tobacco ?
If so, use No -To -Bao. We refund your
money if not as 'stated. G, A. HEADMAN.
A Lamle quantity of binder twine on
hand at prune the lowest. McKay t15 Oo.
i'rr'LO'r'R 0nre, the great cough and
croup cure, is iu tt'•nat demand. Pocket
size coutaiue twenty.five doses ; only 25
cents. Children love it, Sold by Jae..
Fox, druggist, Brussels.
KARL'S Clover Root will purify your
blood, c'ear your complexion, regulate
your bowels and make your head olear as
o. bell. 25 ate., 60 ate. and $100. Sold
by Jas. Fox, druggist, Brussels.
5 Limo oN K. AND L.—I find the people
around here prefer Dr. Chase's Kidney.
Liver Pills to any other I have in stook.
Send 3 doz, at once, I am nearly out. P.
S.—Send by Past, 3. W. Ireland, Gour-
SILVER Brooch with Scotch diamond
setting, loot at or in the looality of Brus-
sels, last week. The finder will kindlyre-
turnat once to Jae. Ballantyne'e grocery
or Tag Boar Publishing Rouse, Brussels.
CAPTAIN Sweeney, U. S. A., San Diego,
Cal., says :—"Sbiloh's Catarrh Remedy
i9 the first"medicine I bave ever found
that would do me any good." Price 60
cents. Sold by Jae. Fox, druggist, liras.
FLEusl Plows.—•Hugh Williams & Son
are the Agents for the well known Fleury
plows. They also keep all the necessary
repairs. Call at Williams' Livery Stable,
Brussels. The Fleury plow received the
gold medal and diploma at the World's
has, at oonsiderable coat, put one of them
into his restaurant and can now put un
the beet Summer drinks known. He
has redaaed ice cream to 30 cents a quart
and will give very epeoial rates in fruits
and aonfeationery to picnic and evening
WELL.Droosss AND DRMLINo.—George
Birt has all the necessary machinery for
digging and drilling wells and is prepar-
ed to attend to all work entrusted to him
in a way that win insure satisfaction.
Wella cleaned out and put in proper
°hare. Terms reasonable. Residence
e000nd door north of the bridge, weft
side of Turnberry at., Brussels. 34.99
Emmaus wanting hardy, native stock
to plant this coming Fall or Spring may
pay for it in work. We want men with
or without experience on full or part
time. Salary and tameness or oomml9.
Bion. Write at once for further infor-
mation. Brown Brothers' Co., Conti-
nental Nurseries, Toronto, Ont. 43-3m
A CAurms I A WAnNsoo,—If, on blow.
ing the nose in the morning, lumps and
flakes are disobarged colored with blood,
especially on one side, lose no time in ap-
plying a remedy. Catarrh of the very
worst kind has become seated, the walla
are sore and full of small ulcers, and if
not soon oared will be hard to cure and
eradicate. "A stitch in time saves nits."
Use Chase's Catarrh Cure.
Sir Charles Topper gave a largely at.
tended party in honor of Dominion Day,
The Canadian sealer, Sala, has been
seized in the Behring Sea by an Amerf-
ca.n revenue outter.
• Rev, 0. 0. S. Wallace, pastor of Blear
street Baptist church, Toronto, has no-
oepted the Chancellorship of McMaster
zsZTa-ssee ,E sit: Aare=e;emis.
Fall Wheat 95 96
Spring Wheat 95 96
Barley..., • 45 48
Peas 58 ` 60
Oats . 85 37
Wool 18 18
Butter, tube and rolls 11 00
Eggs par dozen 8 1)
Flour per barrel4 50 5 00
Potatoes 25 00
Hay per ton 7 00 00
Hides trimmed 3 00
Hides rough 2 2i
Salt per bbl., retail...,1 00 . 00
Sheep Shine, each ,. 20 40
Lamb skins each 15 40
Apples per bbl1 62 1 25
Hogs, Live 4 00 4 25
Wool , 18 20
HEYn,—In Ethel, on Juno 28911, the
wife of Mr. George Lloyd, elation
agent, of a son.
anise 'in altprinotpat pointe in Ontario, Qttelseo,llfaniioba, United States cO, lftela ltti
A General ,Ranking Business Transacted, Farmers!' Notoe Disoounted.
Drafts Lathed and Oelleotiona made on .all poioba,
Interest allowed 011 deposits of $1.00 and upwards front flat of deposit to date 0
withdrawal and oompounded'balf yearly,
Every faoilityafforded Customere living at a dietaries,
13 1:6 TTS , -;'Z',
Transact a General Banking Business, Drafts Bought and Sold on
all points in Canada, United States and Great 130itain.
Samar 70eb° ame "> 'P,* e2ve E T•
Interest Allowed on One Dollar and Upwards at current Rates. Intereet.Oom-
pounded Twine a Year, Being Added to the Principal at the end of the Months of
October and April. Special Arrangements made for Time Deposita.
we effect to write lneuranco In old English or Canadian Conrpaalas, Orin. Mut-
ual Compintics as may be desired.
NfonoL--C weezxnsit,—At the Methodist
Parsonage, Brussels, on Wednesday,
July 8rd, by Rev. G. H. Cobblediak,
B. D., Mr. Wm. Nichol, to Miss
Nellie. Crittenden, both of Elma.
County of Perth,
McDoNALn: In Grey, on Friday, June
28th, Alexander MoDonald, aged, 82
years, 8 mos. and.12 days.
Touoxro, July 2nd.—Market quiet
Wheat—Oar lots of winter west was held
at 87c and 85o was bid ; a few odd cars
of spring offered in Midland at 85o ; No.
1 hard east held at $1, and west at 97o to
98c. Flour—Strong roller, in bags, To.
ronto freights offered at $1.99 per owe,
and at $4.10 per bbl, ; Manitoba held 25o
lower, at $4.65 here for bakers and $4.90
for patents. Oats—White middle
freights west quoted nominal at 35}o to
86o, and high freights west, at 3 o to
85c. Peas—One car sold on the orth-
ern to a miller at 62a, ; millers on the
G. T. R. west bid 60o for odd oars. Bar-
ley—Feed is quoted nominally at 500
outside, and malting at 53a to 54o.
Mox'anir, July 2.—At the live stook
market, at the eastern abbatoir, about
550 head of cattle, 150 lambs and 350
aalvee were offered. The market was
fairly active all around, both cattle and
small meats being in good demand.
Quite a number of sheep ware taken over
for export, at 3ac per lb., live weight.
Following 15 the general range of quot-
ations :—Cattle—Butchers' per pound,
Soo live weight ; choice medium to fair,
8e to Sao live weight ; choice auto to fair,
21,o to 23o. Sheep—Common to good, $3
tap ; lambs, $2 to $4. Calves—Good
to choice, $7 to $11 ; common to fair, $2
tpigs, $o $6 ; 1 leaton $3. bogs, each, $2 to $8 ; young
EAST BOREAL°, July 2nd.—Cattle—Tile
receipts were light, and only two loads of
arrivals were for this market, the balance
being consigned tluough, and but few odd
lots or small btmohes were left over. The
market was fairly active. Hogs—Receipts
only four loads. Market strongandbigh-
er, owing to the limited number on sale.
Yorkers, rough, $4.70 to $5 ; pigs, $5.15
to $5.80 ; stags, $.25 to $4. Sheep and
lambs—Receipts light, only two loads of
fresh, and but two loads held over from
yesterday's trade. Quite a number of
lambs were shipped out in first hands
yesterday, and there were hardly enough
to make a market. Clipped sheep, ex-
port ewes and wethers, $8.25 to $8.75 ;
good to primo handy, soothes, $8.50 to
08.75; fair to good mixed sheep, $2.50 to
$8.40 ; common to fair, $2 to 02.50 ; Dulls
$1 to $2 ; clipped yearlings, good to
choice, $4 to $4.25; fair to good yearlings,
02.25 to $8.50 ; null and common lobs, $2
to $3 ; spring lambs, common to choice,
$8:50 to $5.75.
TORONTO J111y 2.—To-day's cattle mar-
ket showed no improvement. There was
not much buying for Montreal. Receipts
were heavy, cables were depressing and it
good many cattle were left in stall at the
close.. Receipts were 67 cars, including
1,042 sheep said lambs, 306 hogs and 79
calves. Export cottlewerodull ; nothing
sold at 5o, and best cattle obauged hands
ato per pound, and a few bulls sold at
3e to Seo per lb. I3utobers' cattle were
dull, at 3a to 40, the latter for choice, and
only one extra fancy choice load sold at
$4.90 per cwt. Stockers and fedders were
quiet, A. few stockers sold at 24o to 30
per pound. Hoge were runner on light
offerings and good demand. Best bacon
hogs sold at an advance of 10 o per cwt.,
bringing $4.40 to $4.45 per cwt. Fat
hogs were oleo a little firmer. Rough
hogs are a drug and are wanted only for
breeding purposes. Sheep and lambs
were slow. Best export sheep sold at 3o
per pound for bucks and 8}c for ewes.
Butchers' sheep were slow at $2 to $3
oath. Spring lambs quiet, at $2 to $8
each, Calves were steady, with sales at
$4 to $5 each for best.' Milch cows and
apriugere were nominal, at $25 to $88
John Swan c15 Sona (Ltd.), Edinburgh,'
in their weekly report of June 21, says.
At all the principal markets this week fat
cattle have made more money. Numbers
all over were smaller. There wore a good
many English buyers present, and they
bought more freely. There were 800
Staten and Canadian cattle ab Yorkbill,
and they met by far the dearest trade of
the season. A good many of the Can-
adians wore of the finest quality, and
made quite as much as home '' cattle.'
There were fewer show cattle on offer
this week, but, owing to the recent dry
weathee and the high prices asked, there
was little -demand, There was a largo
show of milk cows, and they mot by far
the worst trade of tbo Hawn. 'Vlore
were fewer fat sheep in Edinburgh, and
larger supplies in Glasgow, including 700
States. In Edinburgh trade was about
the same for young sheep and rather
better for ewes and good quality lambs,
while in Glasgow trade was decidedly
worse, Fat calves and pigs, a large show.
For the former last week's prices were
quite maintained, while pigs made decid-
edly more money. Best beef, 88 8d to 8s
011 per stone; best mutton, 7111 to 8d per
learn the Drug ousinoe4. Anp17 to
JAMES FOS, Druggist anti Stationer.
Savings Bank takes Dep,{osita from
interest. fi1,C00 and T. FARROW, cont.
07 -Sm Postmaster.
Tenders will be received by Alex. McNair,
Chairman of Managing committee of llnox
Church, Orenbrook, for the erection of horse
ah ads, up: to 0 o'clock p. nl. on Saturday,
J my 6101., Plane, &c., may be seen at Oran-
brook P.O. By order of the committee.
50.9 A. MaNAI1b.
9058 of the undersigBned, 004030, Con. 15,
Gra y, on or about Mayl60x, a red ateer,large
size,rising two years. Any information
le aiing to his recovery will be thankfully
reoelved and suitably rewarded.
GEORGE 81111008,
50.4 Monorloff P, 0.
Breeding for tailk or butter do not
waste time on anything abort of the best.
No °barge for the service of myJersey Bull
if his damwill not make from 75 to 100 lb 0.
more butter in a year, than the damof any
bull of any breed within three miles.
Roue° for Sale or to Renton Turn -
berry street, Brnesola. Immediate possess -
ten, Good stable, well, obtain; 1 sere of
laud, fruit trees, de. Apply to
Allis, R. WALMCSR,
No. 81, John Street,
41- Brussels,
That Well. ]mown, commodious and very
prettily situated property on Turnberry St.,
now and for nanny years past in the oceans.
500 of Mr. arid Mrs. P. O. Rogore is now o1.
fermi for 0518, Anybody wishing aaioe,
comfortable home will dud this all that can
Ise desired. The property eau he aeon at
any ti me, and all particulars obtained from
00.401 11. 0, ROGE1RS.
rrrrltaIONp4D offers. his 70 acre fai',u for
Sale, being Eastart of Lot22, 0011.10. Grey.
About 50 acres Moored, balance bush, Good
frame Louse, bank barn, 40X00 feet, orahatd
well, 88. In good state of cultivation and
well fenced. Possession after harvest. For
further particulars as to price, terms,
dc. apply to
DUNCAN MoINNES, Proptprietor,
50.4 Cranbrook 13. O.
DEnaroNEa offers for sale his GB acre
farm being West half of North half of lot 14,
con. 8, Morrie. Thera is a good log
house with frame hitherto bank barn ; or.
oh ard - wall, d:0, 40 RUN el eared and under
good state of cultivation, Poseeasion given
next Novtmber, For further particulars as
to price, terms. &c., apply on Me premises
to ROBERT 111:704115 8, Proprietor,
44-1,9 or Brnsaels P.O.
Notice to Creditors,
IN THE SORn00ATE COURT 01, TUE 001151.5
OR Hinton, ne Tan ssoutTE OP WILLLOO
Notice is hereby given purausnt to Man,
110 R. 8. 0. (1887) and amending nobs that all
creditors and other persons having elsime
against the estate of the above named W1L-
LIAM FULTON, deeoaaed, 'who died on or
about the 1711 day. of April, A. D, 1805, are re.
gutted to deliver or send by poet prepaid, to
G. F. Blair, Brussels, Soiiettor for' William
Fulton, administrator. with will annexed of
the estate of the deeeaned on or before the
8111 Day of.Iiil,. 1895, a statement in writ.
ing ooutahline their names addressee and
desoriptione and full partloulare of their
claims and the nature of their securities (]f
any) held by them, and in default thereof
and as soon after the said Oth day of July as
the same sun be conveniently door the said
administrator will proceed to distribute the
assets of the said deceased amoug the par.
ties entitled thereto, having regard onlqy to
the claims of which he shall than. have had.
notice and he will not he liable for the asaete
of said eatato or. any pert thereof so dlitrib-
utod to any person Of whose claim he tae
nob had notice at the time of Bush die-
Datodat,Brusselsthe19th day Of Jena, A,
D. 1685
40 8, Solicitor tar Administrator.
DULY 61:1.895
1B8i11(1s us that the
Season is glome at hand and We
desire t0 remind you' that en
have, this season, the very Pur.
e3b article that pan be pureilaoed
anywhere, We guarantee every
patina to be ohemioally pure.
O/7/y 25c, per pound
Fox's Drug Store,
OPPoaross Queen's novae
s solioitor 11011 0onyeyaoear. Cohen.
blows made, Olaoe—Vapt'tono'aMoos, Broe•
eels.. 51.3m'
•�soliolbor Oonveyaneer NobaryPnb-
lin, de. 01895—Vau5tono'5 Book, 1 door
norbb of Central Hotel, Private Fundis oto
Loan. „
Solicitor, ,4e. (late of Garrow
Proudfoot's OSBea, Goderieb.) Oilloe over
Gillies d 8m10h'a Bank, Bruaeele,
Money bo Loan, 47
Graduate Toronto University,
Licentiate Royal 0011930 Dental Surgeone,
Crews and Bridge work a specialtyy Moder.
ate Pees, Satisfaction Aeaured, OffioO over
Barrette barber shop, Turuberry 50„ Brus-
el• .Honor Graduate of the Ontario
veterinary college, is prepared to treat all
diseases of domestioated animals in a com-
petent manner, Particular attention paid
to veterinary dentietry, Calls promptly at-
tended to. Office and Infirmary—Four doors
north of bridge •Purnberry at., Brussels.
9) • 0.M., L. B. O.P., Edinburgh, kf, 0. P.
8.Ont. Resideuoo-cud einoe rn Wilson's
Block, corner of Mill and Turnberry 8t5.
• Yhyelelan, Surgeon Aeeouohsr,ate,'
Graduate of Toronto University Medical
Peoulty. Member of College of Physicians
and Surgeoue, Ont. OPRxon--Next door to
McDonald d Co,; Walton Ont,
Iseurer of MarriageLieensos, Office
at his Grocery, Turuberry etreet, Brussels.
11 • Tonsorial Artist. Shop—Next door
south of A. M. Moltay & Co's hardware stare.
Ladies'and childrena hair nutting a epeoialty
Issuer of Marriage Licenses,
f 'No Witness Required.
T. FLETCHER, Brussels.
sn110701, Go. Established 1840, In.
aurano90 effected on. all Town.- and Farm
Property at very low viten.
11.3m Agent, Brussels.
Clerk of the T'ourth Division Cour
Co. Huron. Conveyancer, Notary Public
Land, Loan and Insomnia 'Agent, Ponds
invested and to loan. Oollootions made.
Moe in'Smale's BISek.Brussels
Teacher of instrumental music .on
Piano or Organ., will visit Wingbam TnOa-
day and Wednesday of each week. Resi-
dence on Prinoens Street, Bruseeia.
9-1 A. HAWKINS, M. 0. S. M.
1. • Organist in 8t. John's Church, Brus
eels, and pupil, in the Art of Teaching,of A.
W. Thayer, ne.Doo., New 'Pork, wl]glye
lessons to pupils either on piano or organ,
at his parlor over A.R. Smith's store,llrus-
eels, Vocal lessons also given, Terms mod -
VJl Licensed Auotioneer, Sales conduct
ed on reasonable terms. Parma and farm
stool{a epeoialty. Orders left ab Tun Poem
Fulfil Ming Hou se,Brusmile, ors ant to Walton
P, 0., *111 receiveprompt attention,
•L' • ERR, will sell for better prices, to
better men in lose time and less chargee
than any other Auctioneer in Beet Huron,
or he won't charge- anything, Dates and
orders oat alwaysbe arranged at this office
or by personal application,
Amy quantity of Building, Corner, Rubble.
8i11 and Bridge Stone for Sale, Quarried
and ready for loading at Iiresaele Quarry.
For priaa and tortoni a1tplyto
JNO, 811T01i9LL,
ti Box 159 - Brueeols.
mall to earn tram 310 to $25 weekly.
It can bedews telling our hardy,guarautced,
Calradian. growth Nursery. Stook. Salary or
ebmmiseion paid weekly. Exclusive terri-
tory.. Henchman) outfit free, Write the at
01109 for terms,
E, 0.OULUAM. Nursokyman,
41.14 a2'oronto, pet.