The Brussels Post, 1895-7-5, Page 6Na"alz.cxo Vat --1a 0AALie11L*D' '' f VL�RX FRIDAY MQRNING (tn time for thefearly hails) at '9,"110 feet" Stonnl Pubpshing Kopec, TDnenitaio Sr•, Batfeeline, Orli. • Tun= cif sunspnwtelo1.-0ne dollar a year, in advanoo. Tbe.date to which every e13beorlptio2 is veld ie denoted Uy rho date on the a44088 label. AnynnmrsiN2 104028 T110 following rates will be charged t0 those who advertise by the year;— eerltort 1 Ra• 15 mo. 8 oro One 'Column 200.00 290,00. 220,00 Ralf " ...., 85.00 20,00 12,00 qquarter " 20,00 12.00 0.00 kl10100b " 12.00 8,00 5.00 •gigbt Dante por line for first insertion, and three ants per line for each subsequeetIn- sertion. All advertisements measured as Nonpareil -12 lines to theiu¢h,. 028111888 Dards, eight lines and under,425 pa annum, Advertisements without specific direc- tions, will be inserted until forbid, and charged accordingly,. lnetructious to change 21' disoontInue an advertisement must he tett at the counting room of Tun Posm not later than Tuesday of each week This is imperative. W. IA. IiEIiI�, Editor and Proprietor. Between Life and Death, THE NARROW ESCAPE OF A WELL KNOWN NE W BURGH MAN. Icy the Ears of a ringer Ili, diene. Moore of that lllhtg0 Nears Death's Door, bpi. Is Iles011011 after Meters Have Palled. From the Napanee Beaver. In the pleasant little village of New- burgh, on the Bav of Quints Railway, seven miles from Napanee, lives Mr. C. H. Moore and family. They are favor. ably known throughout the entire sea - Mon, having been resideute of Newburgh for years. Recently Mr. Moore has undergone a terzible sickness, and his restoration to health was the talk of the village, and many even in Napanee and vicinity heard of it, and the result was that The Beaver reporter was detailed to make an investigation into the matter. Mr. Moore is a carriage maker and while working in Finkle's factory last Winter met with an accident that caused him the loss of the forefinger of his right hand. It was following this accident that his sickness began. He lost flesh, was pale, suffered from dizziness to the extent that sometimes he could soaroely avoid falling. He consulted physioiane and tried numerous medicines, but with-, out any benefit. He was constantly growing worse and the physician seemed puzzled, and none of his friends thought recover. One dayneighbor he would a urged Mrs. Moore to persuade her hos band to give Dr. Williams' Pink Pills a trial, and after much persuasion he con- sented. After a few days he began to feel better, and it no longer needed per- suasion to induce him to continue the treatment. A marvellous change soon came over him. Eaoh day he seemed to gather new strength and new life, and after eight boxes had been taken, be found himself again a well man. Mr. Moore is now about sixtyfive years of age, he has Leen healthy and has worked hard all his,fifeuntil the sickness alluded to, and now, thanks to Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, he is one's more able to work in his old accustomed way, and does not hesitate to give the credit to the medi. cine that restored bin] to health, at a cost no greater than a couple of visite to the doctor. Time and again it has been proven that Dr. Williams' Pink Pills cure when physicians and other medicines fail. No other medicine has such a wonderful record and no other medicine gives euoh nndoubted proofs of the genuineness of every are published, and this accounts for the fat that go where youwill you hear nothing but words of praise for Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. This great reput. ation also accounts for the feat that un- scrupulous dealers here and there try to impose a bulk pill upon their customers with the claim that it "is just as good,' while a host of imitators are putting up pills in packages somewhat similar in style in the hope that they will reap the reward earned by the merit of the geoo• ine Pink Pills, No matter what any dealer says no pill 15 genuine unless it bears the full trademark, "Dr: Williams' Pink Pills for Pale People," on the wrap- per around every box. Always refuse substitutes, which are worthless and may be dangerous. TEMPERANCE NOTES. London has 10,500 public houses. The saloon wants "free raw material." That material is boyo. The incorrigible drunkard is not so much a freak as be is a crop. Death seems to be the only protection afforded the drunkard's child. New Hampshire legislature has passed a law forbiddingthe giving as well as the sale of tobacoo.to miners. The legislature bf California has pass- ed a bill prohibiting the sale of liquor within two and a hall miles of any soldiers' home. A notorious saloon in Buffalo, known as the "Gold Dollar," is to be turned in. to a temperance saloon, after the plan of Biehop Fallowe' "home saloon" fn Chi. Dago. It is said that Benjamin Franklin, while working as a printer among Lon- don beer drinkers, was known as the "American Aquatic," because 110 drank only water. In the little German principality of Waldeck a decree has been prooleimed that a licenee to harry will not ho grant. ed to any individual who is in the habit of getting drunk, A. comparison of the consumption and profit of intoxicants in Great Britain, shows that during ten years the consump- tion has increased ten per cent, and the profit to the brewers and distillers forty per Cent. Grace Howe, a pretty eighteen -year. old girl, startled her fellow-prisonere in eeiaokson jail by a Well•devoloped attack of delirium tremens. Althoogh a mere child, she has spent large part of her life in jail A SNNeInvu MILT MAN: 5n 1853' A. L. ?Poster, together with others, formed a corporation' and established a saw.mill plant at a place Galled Forest City, in Menominee County, -..Michigan. They • 'I HE RRUSSE S POST -t= tTALT 5, 1895 ectr c 7417�t:fdiF.'Mattlr employed 150 men. ri'he payroll is boat 53,000 to 105,090 perinonth, There are forty-five families, all having OM. Portable homes, They Havea solloo1, town hall, 114500y and reeding room. 101r, Foster determined to explode the saloone;fr'otn the place. He was told by e that he ' e ''o mote r n h eovelai xparr need 1 r u t °onld net keep met* to work for him. witheut saloons. Ho determined to try the experiment. ,Never since the organi- zation of the company hoe it been porn. pelted tp send away for employees. The nearest saloon IC at Metropolitan five tulles dietapt, Mr, Foster writes that he has never epent a dollar in railway fares or time to get men—simply an. ewerieg lettere is all the expenee to VIM ob ha has been put. They have never had oeateion to use one single dollar for the peer fund, either town or eouuby. The mill tae been running for about ten years. nits, l'lrir0 01080s [colt J0U0 0Gls'1s. 1, A good bioyoliet is oareful of his roads, therefore when taking a header be careful not to hit the road too hard with your forehead. Ton might make a dent in the pavement. 2. 'in falling off your wheel do not fall on both sides at once. Failure to observe this rule will result in dividing you against yourself. 8. Always be oourteoue, If a trolley oar has the right of way over the track do not dispute with it. A boy in Maes. aohueette who broke this rule broke hie right arm and his cyclometer at the same time. 4. Be cautious. In riding from New York to Brooklyn know the driveway. Don's try to wheel over the suspension cable. Yon might slip and fall into the smokestaok of a passing ferry boat. 5. Keep your lamp lit when riding at night. The boy who thought he was safe because he had a parlor matoh in his pooket, came home with a spoke in his wheel that didn't belong there. 8. Do not be rough with ice Darts and furniture trucks. If you must run into one of them dolt ae gently and tenderly ae if it were a baby carriage. • 7. A merciful rider is merciful to his wheel, so do not force a bicycle beyond the point of its endurance, unless you want to walk baok with your wheel on your shoulders. 8. Keep pool. If in the course of a ride you find yourself in a tight plane, with a skittish horse to the left and a steep ravine to the right, and a bull -dog directly to the fore, take the ravine. You'll go into it, anyhow, and if you take it alone, without dragging the dog or the horse after you, your chances will be im. proved. 9, Never use spurs on the pneumatic tires of your wheel. The use of spurs in this manner is likely to leave your bicy- cle in a winded condition. Spurs are not comfortable, either, in ease of a throw. 10. Do not be stubborn with a balky wheel. If g the front wheel ate in a rut going East, and the hind wheel in another going West, dismount and argue the mat- ter standing, unless you are tired, and want to lie down by the roadside without making the effort to do so unaseieted. FIGS AND THISTLES. Wherever the cross is, Christ is. Nothing pulls toward heaven like a good example. No life can be a failure when God di• recta it. Whoever loves God, loves light. A little religion is hard to keep. Sin always feels the safest in the dark. When God measures men the standard is Christ. Humility dies the moment it looks in the glass.. The man who bates light will run from a shadow. Babes in Christ should never be fed on watered milk. When gossips meet, the devil eon sib down and rest. The devil gets many a boy by getting his father first. Don't be n saint in church and a heathen on the street oar. A city's righteous men are a better safeguard than its police. The wise men can learn something from the mistakes of a fool. The devil has some very good friends who belong to the church. The man of faith is never in a hurry for God to explain himself. The man who lives for Christ, knows that Christ died for him. There is a good deal of laziness that goes by the name of sickness. A Christian stops growing as soon as he begins to measure himself. Ien't it strange that the man who can drink or let it alone never does. If angels bad to live with some men, there would be more fallen ones. Do ae much good as you pan, and God will see to it that you do enough. In nine cases out of ten the man who has riches paid too much for thein. The first step toward heaven is taken when the heart says good -by to sin. When Adam left Eden, an angel went before him, whose name was Hope. Many a prayer for a revival has failed because the preacher didn't want it. The devil has to keep busy to hold his own in the tomo of a praying mother. Give a lie one day the start, and truth will have to chase it around the world. IE the 8132 never went down, there are 00111e crimes that would not ho oommit. bed. The devil stands the hest °brume be• tween a bright saloon and a dreary home. Many a man whose prayers are too long, sells goods by a meaeurs that is too short. Many a man will fight for his oreed, who never has a word of e000uragement for hie wife. Plant a good mananywhere in thin world, and the devil will immediately be. gin walking up and down in that neigh- borhood. If there is any dog in 8 man, itis sure 00 growl when his food to not to his taste, Something is the matter with the preaohini', when the devil can sell liquor enough to rein a town in sight of a church steeple. CATensou RIOLmv013 IN 10 To. GO 5115111T198, — One short puff of the breath through the Blower, eupplled with each bottle of Dr, Agnew's CMtarrah Powder, diffuses this Powder over the surface of the nasal pabeagee. Painless and delightful to use, it relieves instantly, and permanent. ly cures Oatarrah, Hay .Fever, Colds, Headaoh e, Sore Throat, Tonailitis and Deafness GO dents at G. A. Deadmir;n'e, THE ,DIST t►C aalnleterlirt AIlpoiatntr•nte ill Von tee, Olen With tat Salisbury Itegisue. The follptving 10i'ieterial *851p0100028209 in addition to those already made, are oft oiall announoed ; • Lord Hoiebury, Lord Sigh Ohonoollor, Vispount Cross, Lord of the Privy Seal. Sir Henry Jame, . Chancellor of the Duo of I ancestor, Sir Matthew W, l idley, Home Seers. tart'. The Marquis pf Lansdowne, b eorotary of State for War. Lord George Francis Ifamilton, See. rotary of State for India. Bight Hon. Charles T, Ritohie, Pres• ident of the Board of Trade. Earl of Cadogan; Lord Lieutenant of. Ireland. Lord Ashbourne, Lord Chancellor of Ireland. Lord Balfour, of Burleigh, Secretary for Scotland, All of the foregoing will bemembers of the Cabinet. In addition to these Robert' William Millbury, 81. P., has been ap- pointed financial secretary to the Treas- ury, and George Nathaniel Curzon Under Secretary for Foreign Allaire, The other Cabinet appointmente pre• viously announoed ofeially aro Lord Salisbury, Prime Minister and Secretary of State for Foreign Affalre. The Duke of Devonshire, Lord Presi- dent of the Council. Right Hon. A, J. i3alfour, First Lord of the Treasury. Right Hon. Joseph Chamberlain, Sea. rotary of State for the Colonies. Right Hon. Sir Michael Hieks•Beaoh Chancellor of the Exchequer. Right Hon. Geo. J. Goschen, First Lord of the Admiralty. It is stated that the Cabinet is now complete, and that the Chief Secretary for Ireland, the President of the Board of Agrienituro and the Postmaster General will be iooluded in the Ministry. RELIEF m Six Roves,—Dietrensing kid. not' and bladder diseases relieved in six hours by the ...Great South American Kidney Cure." This new remedy is'a great surprise and delight on account of its exceeding promptness in relieving pain in the bladder, kidneys, back and every part of the urinary passages in male or female. It relieves retention of water and pain in passing it almost im- mediately. If you want quiolc relief and core this is your remedy. Sold by G. A. Deadman, druggist. Mrs. Huff, the woman who took poison on Saturday morning, is likely to recover. Wiarton has been considered a law•abid- ing town, but there seems to be a limit to its residents' forbearance. About mid• night Saturday thirty masked men arm- ed with rmedwith horsewhips, went to Huff's house and dragging Huff out in the rood, ad- ministered a genuine horse whipping, himlave town by then ordered h to s Y midnight on Sunday, under threat of the whipping being repeated. Huff is a worthless character. tf� Ar, C0 VES, FRESH- �NE'SS" N.D CLEAR. CU�S>r S ; CQ•i S rrtpfhfii OT.f,:. INn.IG E'S7%IONtD 1,2:Z i NE55. LRUP,TlONS ON!T,F1E. :SK IN. EAUTI'FIE5 �'Co MIP.L.EtX'IbN:- An Agreeable Laxative and NERVE? T0NI0. Sold by Druggists or sent by Mail, 20o., 600., and $1.00 per package. Samples free. go E® The Favorite TOOTHPOWDER for the Teeth and Breath, 260. Sold by JAS. EUS, Drnssiel, ltrnsscle. 8HNCLES. British Columbia Bed Cedar Shingles AND— North Shore Pirie and Cedar POR SALE AT TEE Brussels Planing bills Also Doors and Sash of all Pat- terns on hand or made to order at Short Notice. Estimates Furnished for all kinds of Buildings. Workman- ship and Material Guaranteed. S. & P. AMENT. poi[ Silout! It will soon be known I am tak- ing all kinds of Photos, Cray- ons, Pastel's and Water Colors. Pictures taken as natural as life of Fathers, Mothers, and Babies, Grandfathers and Great -Grandfathers, and Gentlemen With their Ladies. Pictures of your houses and stock, Lawns, Groups, Pic-nic Par- ties, in fact all kinds of out and indoor work in the Highest Style of Art. H.R. BREWER A1oTIST, BEUSS17LS. Light Plant Fon, $AL.E.. The undersigned his decided d to offer for sale the Brussels Electric Light Plant. A first class investment can be shown Easy terms; good reason for e li g ; full particulars cheer- fully furnished on application. W. M. SINCLAIR, Proprietor. BOAli, FOR SERVICE.—THE Undersigned yywill IkeepRfuor eervloe ou cker White boar, iblis wet," Ped! 0e3 may be seep 0u application,ms, $1, t0 be paid at the ,time of service with privilege of returning it necessary. JAMES ELLIOTT, 85.21 m Proprietor. BOAR FOR SERVICE.—THE Un erei nod will 1017 oop fav service on Lot' 17, Odon,g14, Grey, the thoro'-bred lm-- ported Yorkshire .boor, "Pella Ord," bred by I. 0. Brethour, Burford, Ont., World's Pair prise winners, Pedigree may be 502n on application. Terme—$1.00 to be paid at the time of service with privilege of returning if necessary. - L. MoN19IL,. .44.4 Proprietor, MAMWORTH AND CHESTER 1, WHITE BOARS P010 SERVICE. The undersigned will keep for service on North Ralf. Lot 20, Oon, 7, Morris, a tboro' bred Tamworth Boar, recently pu mimed from the well known breeder, duo, Bell,. Am- ber. Also a Chester Mite Boar. Terme, 81.00 to be paid at time of service with priv- ilege of returning if neoesoarv. 7040 S. WAL1'C1iRR,Proprietor. BOAR FOR SERV1OE.—TIIR Undersigned will keep for servtee on Lot 20 Oen 0, Morris, the thorn' brod im- proved White Yorkshire •Boar "Selected," bred from S, E, Bretbour'e sweepstakes sow at Chicago Fair, Terms, x1.00 to be paid at the time of cervico with privilege of re- turning if necessary. Pedigree maybe seen' on application, 1tOBT. NIOEOL, BULL FOR SERVICE.—THE undersigned will keep for service on Lot? Oen, 55, Morris, the thoro'-brad Dur- ham bull "Red Robin," Terms -8120 to be paid on December 1st, 1890. S, CLEGG, A. G. EASO 0, 41.8m Proprietor. Lot 7, Oou, 6; BULL FOR SERVICE.—THE Undersigned w111 keep for service on N Lot 20,Cou, 7,Maui be nolo'-b 1 Starts, t t 84. Durham bull,"Lord 'Melville,"' n Dur a pU 0646. Terme, 5 may be soon on application. Terme, 51.26 to inspire. J0139 ROB13, 00.9m Proprietor. T When you want a Stove, Tin or Granite -ware. or Hard- ware, Paints & Oils, —CALL AT— HUNTER'S Hardware Store Where you will, from • this date, get a MOOT of ` FIVE PER CENT offaII Cash Purchases. Fine Roman, Artists' Can- vas in Stock. A. HUNTER. �v E 00 The undersigned will keep on hand a constant supply of White. Fresh Lime suit- able for all Building and Plastering purposes. Also North. Shore Pine Lath and White. Brick for Sale. D. .YtOsn Lowry, BRUSSELS. ring HAT'S & CAPS iii•,.oss' .11 ,Ii e • We have just Received a large Consignment of Hats and Caps in all the leading Shapes and Shadesj for Spring and Summer wear. Call and see our Balmoral Cap, the Newest tiling in the Market. Prices Better that. Ever Before. OUR'A- -- ritf6 7 m W Are also coming to Hand. Prices I.Styles Riggh ht .Right 1 Satisfaction Guaranteed ! D. C. ROSS, ile eai 11111111or& �luihier Brussels and Wrozleter. 5 Established 1871, ife of Toronto. v000 C Co t3 7 ?•. m w cmc 1:0 at- cam o4 00 o 0 O• 0 0. ti 20 The 'Policy Contract issued by, this Association is perfection itself, UNCONDITIONAL, ACCUMULATIVE, AND AUTOMATICALLY NON -FORFEITABLE. It leaves nothing further to be desired. Rates and full infor- mation furnished 012 application. W. n Em izErtril Agen>:a, Brussels. • th Ili un .011 ga CO 0.1 St 1s he •sr. rt u ie it •d •a 0 it a r, u1 p :d t'. t -fi e I .s It f. 8 a a'' LISITAN wooLLLsEN ei Still to the front and this Season want more WOOL ! WOOL ! WOOL For which we will pay Higher Prices than Last Season Big Bargains in Woollen Goods. You oan depend on us paying HIGHEST CASH PRICE POSSIBLE, or in ex- changing Wool for Goods we will pay a few cents extra, and guarantee to soli goods at Cash Pricee. See our ohoioe range of TWEEDS, made from medium fine wool, which we offer at he cents per yard. (This is a soft strap.) We have lowered our Southdown Stocking Yarn and ahl wool Sed Blankets5 cents per 1b., also have re duped ourprioes in other linee. Before disposing of your Wool we Invite you to call or make enquiry and you will find that the .Listowel Woollen ,Mills offer the beet value. Our stook le the Largest, Beet Assorted and Cheapest in Canada, Come and try our special line of Fine Wool Flanhele at 25 cents, will not shrink in washing. Give us a trial and we feel satisfied that you will find you have borne to the right fac- tory with year wool. WO pay epeofal attention to our custom department in Card- ing, Spinning, oto, Hoping to have the planate of seeing you and your neighbors thie season, we remain, Yours truly, �A a ECPSON'. l P. S. --•-Remember we do not employ any Peddlers and our geode can be got only by galling at the T'taotcry, so do not be led astray by Peddlers travelling through the country claiming to have Our Goods. •t 01 fa 4,w et p' is tit T si i m 1� ee Ne, pt bl t ti, • at