The Brussels Post, 1895-7-5, Page 3J'13,1e 5, 1895 TEE BRUSSELS POST SarittnaMMIEXIMINIMIMIIMISIMAMOMMI1WordEMNEWITEMMMISIMMINEMBianniNEOMISSEMBEETEsenreMettaIRFAMWManifeetellsMairegnatetraleMnSnMeanntnaleX=SCEMATISMICSSIIMMORETNIMTMT=4 Town Directory. MNLYILLE Qnunou..—Sabbath Serviee8 at 11 a m and 0:80 p. m. Sunday School at 2;80 P in, Rev, Jolla BM, 13 A, Pastor. lixox Cuuaeu,--Sabbath Services at 11 a m and 6060 p m, Sunday Sohool at 2:60 p m. ' Rev. D. Millar, paster, Sr. JoIN's QBoncx.—Sabbath SerVioes at 11 a m and 7 p m. Sunday School at 2;30 p, m. Rev. A. 1i. Griffin, inouna• bent. 111ETD0DIOR Qnuaori,--Sabbath Servioes at 10:00 a m and 0:80 p m• Sunday Sohool at 2:90 p m. Rev, G. E. Cobble. dick, M A, 33 D, pastor, Row; ()ArnoLrc Cnunoa,—Sabbath Service third Sunday in every month, at 10:80 a ' m, Rev Joseph Kennedy, priest. SAI,YAT1oN Anus.—Service at 7 and 11 a m and 3 and B p m on Sunday and every evening in the week at 8 o'clock, at the barracks, ODA FELLOWS' LODGE every Thursday evening, in Graham's block. • MASONIC LODGE Tuesday at or ,before full moon, in Garfield block. A 0 U W LODGE on the 3rd Friday evening of each month, in .Bfae- hill's block. 0 O F Loup; 2nd and last Monday evenings of sash month, in Blaehill's block. I 0 F, 2nd and haat Friday in Odd Fellows' Hall. L O L 1st Monday in every month in Orange Hall, . SONS OF SCOTLAND, 1st and 8rd Tnee- days of each mouth, in Odd Fellows'' Hall. K. 0. T. M. Lonen, 1st and Srd Thurs. days of snob month, in Vanetone block. Hogs Oxaons,:2nd and 4th Friday even ings in Blashill'e Hall, POST Orcroia,-Office hours from 8 a. m. to 0:30 p. m. ' MECHANICS' INBTIT0'rE.—Library in Holmes' blook, will be open from 6 to 8 o'alools p. m. Wednesdays and 8:30 to 5 and 6 to 8 Saturdays. Miss Dolly Shaw, Librarian, Towx Covxam.—W. H. Herr, Reeve ; W. H. McCracken, Robert Graham, R. Leatherdale and 13. Gerry, Councillors F. 8. Scott, Clerk ; Thomas Kelly-, Treasurer ; D. Stewart, Assessor and J. T. Ross, Collector. Board meets the Set Monday in each month. ScuooL BOARD.—Rev. Ross, (chairman,) Dr. McKelvey, Dr. Graham, A, Reid, A, Hunter and J. N. Kendall ; Seo.•Treas., It Ross. Meetings 2nd Friday evening in eaoh month. PUBLIC flacon TEAcmnin.—J. H. Cam• eron, Principal, Miss Braden, Mise • Downey andMiss Cooper. BOARD 01' HEALTH. -Reeve Kerr, Clerk Scott, A. Stewart, T. Farrow and J. N. Rendall. Dr. MoNaughton, Medioal Health Officer. Weitz JOHNNY'S POCKETS. Little Johnny's pookete— What think you they 11014 Not a speck of silver, Not a mite of gold. Still our Johnny's pookets Are a wealth untold. Into Johnny's pockets Marbles find their way ; Spools and wade of paper Hide there every day, And his jaoltetones jingle In, 'em ev'ryMay. Deep in Johnny's pockets Yards and yards of string Wound o'er stinks of maple— Just the very thing To send kites a fiyin' In the days of Spring. Tops in Johnny's pockets Waitin' for the day When he'11 send them epiunin' 'Their whirring roundelay ; Piotnre Dards all crumpled Round their edges lay. Down in Johnny's pockets Sad 'tis to relate, That sometimes a bird's neat Finds a cruel fate And is never heard of By each feathered mate. Roguish Johnny's poakete Holds a rubber gun, Shoots the bird in Summer, Kills 'em ev'ry one ; There he keepehis penknife, Tell you, whittlin'e fun 1 Roguish Johnny'e pockets In the twilight dim He fills fullof apples Tothe very brim. Red and green and yeller All taste sweet to him. No ri0h man a.jinglin' Heaps of yeller gold, Haaeueh happy treasurer As the ones—I'm told— Little Johnny's. pockets Ev'ryseason hold. Gerrie. Richard MaGrath and Robert Toung attended the I. 0. 0, F. District meet. inn in Wingbam last week. Geo. W. Perkins, son of our postmaster, who ham been working in.Toronto for the past year, has returned home. Mise Jennie Greer, Eolith Evan—and Jennie James have returned home from Oshawa, where they have been attending the Ladies'' College, Walter Simpson's reeidenoe on the 11th oon., llowiek, was burgled to the ground on Wednesday of last week. Mr. and Mrs. Simpson were away at Guelph at •the time. The hired man was working in the field some distance away, when he ,noticed tie fire about 5 o'clock. There had been no fire in the stove einae noon; G cote ricin. The Stratford Beacon Bays that Godo•' rich is still' a oow pasture, beautiful as is the location, , Allan Seager has been successful in ob. taining his B. A. degree, miming out first in the pass list. Herring are being (taught in large numbers by those who try for thorn with proper bait and tackle ; •retch are also easily captured. Captain John ltfoPhareon has tied up the schooner Craftsman for the season, on amount of the low freight rain now ruling on the !aka. Goo, W, Orton, of Peuneylvania Uni• vereity, obampion mile runner of .A.tneri• ea, is milling in .town, the guest of Id, 10. Hooper.M • The other day W, Hneeahaw killed a POW snake at Attlill'e Point which when measured up town covered Party. three inches in length, ILIACJI• <a w. About forty left Luoknow for the Cale. donlan,oelebration in Hinoardine, 3, S. Jerome, dentist, of Wingham, bae decided to oanpel hie visits to this village in the future, K, Linklater, who has worked in Cliff & Foster's factory here for some time, left for Guelph, The Methodist obnroh was packed to the doors on Sunday evening on the oo. oaeion'of the memorial service for the late W, H. Smith. The hay Drop maybe put ,down as a failure. Timothy never recovered after the frosts and clover has suffered from the continued drought. Other Spring crops are doing pretty well and with rains'a good yield may be fairly antici- pated. The supply of milk at the factor- ies is also donning but the prices of cheese are likely to turn out pretty fair after all. Exete r. Hay will be a very light crop in this aeetion this year. The second series of Band sports will be held on the evening of July 5th. The Exeter and Sodom Royal tramp- lers pia -nicked at Grand Bend Wednee. day of last week. Wm, Cotterill, who has been conduct. ing a harness shop here for several montbe,moved to Centralia with his fam- ily where he will follow the same busi- ness. While Mf. Davidson was practicing in a game of base ball he gob bit with the ball in the arm, almost breaking it, and is now supporting it in a sling. While James Wilson, of the North of the village, was driving between Cen. tralia and Olandeboye he was accident. ally jerked out of the boggy backward and in the fall broke his oollar bone, That unique team of driving elk will no more be seen•on our streets, the own- er, E. H, Fish, having disposed of them to J. -L. Woodbury, a prominent New. Yorker. They were shipped from here on Monday of last week. He intends driv• ing the ahtlered beauties in Central Park. GEMS OF THOUGHT. No one is useless in this world who lightens the borden of it for another. We attraot hearts by the qualities we display ;. we retain them by the qualities we possess, Though we travel the world over to find the beautiful, we mast carry lb with us to find it not. Though the body may shrink labor, the brain is not idle. If it does not grow corn it will grow thistles. Poverty is not -dishonorable in itself, but only when it arises from idleness, in- temperance, extravagance and folly. It is good discretion not to make too much of any man et the first, hemmer, one cannot hold out that proportion. Nothing is more destructive of individ• ual oharaater than for a man to lo,e all faith in his own abilities for the prosecu- tion of hie work. Deride not any man's deformities, but bless God they are not yours. Men shall answer et God's barfor their vicious habits, but not for their natural imper- fections. Now what is first and foremost among the reasons which make a nation strong and great ? Work. Not machine work ; but work into which the worker puts his pride, hie joy hie happiness. To commit the execution of .a purpose to one who disapproves of the plan of it, is to employ but one third of the man ; his heart and his head are against you, you have commanded only his hands. The great moments of life are but mo- ments like the others. Hour doom is spoken in a word or two. A single look from the eyes, a mere ,pressure of the hand, may decide it or of the :lips, though they cannot speak. C nnxtdia. .N a A party of children from England an: rived Monday evening at the Marobmout Home, Belleville. Some vagabonds in Galt have been soratohing and defacing a large number of the plate glass witidowa on Main et. It: is understood Premier Greenway, at the close of the present seeaicn of the Legislature, will take au ocean voyage, visiting England and the continent for his health, and being absent several months. At a meeting of the Winnipeg exhibi- tidn direotors quite a scrimmage wee twe- eted by the motion of H. Smith, one of the directors, to the effect that beer be allowed to be eold on the grounds. After much lively dieausaion the motion was carried. Rsmucitoisos conn IN A DAY.—South American .[theumatio Ours for Rheuma- tism and Neuralgia radically cures in 1 to 8 days. Its notion upon the system is remarkable and mysterious. 10 re- moves at mice the cause and the disease immediately disappears. The first dose greatly benefits. 75 dents. Warranted by G. A. Deadman. Hugh Miller, a cattle dealer, while in. toxioated in Orangeville on fair day, be- came involved in a row in the Dufferiu /louse. While the row was in progress en inside Ilooketin 331r. Miller's vest was relieved of $425. The next day a young man named Herbert Bennett, was arrest- ed, charged with the theft of Mr. Miller's money. At the police court he pleaded. not guilty. A young girl named Maria Lnmbargh .in Hamilton,. who .was sent eo the Deaf and Dumb Institution in Belleville, eue- prised people' by talking (pito glibly a couple of clays ago. She said she was reading the Bible when her speech was restored, but ale is still cleat. The of- ficials think Ohs is a fakir, but she is too outs to be caught. The Hamilton Spec- tator suggests that the miracle ie not that she spoke, but remained silent so long. There is rather a curiosity in the way of an inscription 011 a small marble etouo in Ingram & Doeroohe's marble yard. The ineoription reads :—+',In memory of Ohrietina, wife of Finlay McKay, born in Bogart, Sutherlandehire, Sootland, Jen, 1001, 1777, died San. lith, 1857, aged 80 years." The stone is for a party in Bloomingdale, who, after a lapse' of 88 yours, pays this tribute of respect to a departed relative. Six, Galt woman entered a public' wood. eawing,gantaet the other night to earn a set of dishes put up by a travelling show, Chao. Thacker, of Glanford, 1111e two cows that within a day of each 0thor gave birth to twin calves. no purposes raising the fear little follows as ecrios. Rias, HMAnT DISUSE BErIEYEI, IN 80 MIN, vxne.-Ali oases of organic or aympathetio heart disease•telieved 10 30 Inivates and quickly cured, by Dr. Agnew's Cure for the Heart, One dose oonvinoes. Sold by G. A, Deadman. A farmer, who was one of an occur, cion party to the Experimental Farm at Guelph, the other day, put,a lighted cigar into the tail'podket of his coat and was wanting op street when his oat took fire and was burning at a rapid rate when he wan informed by a lady of his critical position. Justice Ferguson has delivered jadg ment in the Toronto Civil Amiss Court in the cage of St. George vs. Eaton. The Potion wan over a large number of New. Rapid bioyoles furnished by the plaintiffs, to the T. Eaton Company. Judgment for the Plaintiffs for $5,284 and coats. The Peterborough Review says :—There are two sisters 10 Dammer township whose weight the township people think ie phenomenal for their ages, The old- est girl is 18 and weighs 171 lbs., and the other is 11 years old and balances the scales at 140. Another girl 14 years of age residing at Warsaw, weighs 171 pounds. Over three years years ago Geo. Arm. strong lost baro valuable (Jolts which were heard of near Guelph about a month afterward, since then he got no traoe of them although he advertised in all the papers, until the clay of the Guelph ex. oureion .when he got a. aloe to their where- aboute.—Embro Courier. Frank Daniher, a Maidstone lad, aged 14, met a sudden death Saturday morn- ing while returning to the house of his father, Wm. Daniher, from the cornfield. It is supposed he fell from the horse he W9,6 riding, or the animal threw bins, for it returned to the stable and the boy was found half an hour later by the road, dead, from concussion of thebrain. John O'Donnell, St. Patrick's ward, Guelph, has a -goose which is bent on do- ing her duty to her owner in the way of laying, but has en objeotion to hatching. Last year she layed 61 eggs and up to this time has placed on record 57 for this year. It was suggested to the own• er that he should send a setting of the eggs to the 0. A. College and have them treated with the incubator at that in- stitution. Mr. O'Donnell jumped at the idea as he is anxious to preserve snob a valuable breed. The Berlin Record says :—In the new park, ie -a magnificent, broad and vigor, nus tree, fully four and one.half feet in diameter, when measured four feet above the ground. Up to this point there is nothing to particularly attract attention, the trunk being thoroughly gonad, and the bark presenting nothing peculiar. About two feet above that, however, the tree divides into two trunks, the one on the north side being au elm with small leaves, and the other a white oak with muchlarger leaves. On its north side the elm has no branches up to a height of some 40 feet, but on its south aide they commence at about 20 feet. On the oak the branches start at abont ten feet. Plieglitertra W, 0. 13artley, of the old etage rood, East Oxford, brought to the 'rimes of. floe, Weodetook, a piece of bink bark taken from a log in the pine of oorduroy road that was put down when the stage road was built in 1886. The logs were put there by his father, and the bark looks just as fresh an if it had just been pulled front a tree in the woods, Mies Sarah Laughin, who was gradu. abed as a trained nurse from Stratford hospital a year ago and who went to New York to attend the =nor hospital, from which ole was also graduated re. gently, was married in New York on the 1001, fnet„ to John Devereux. It is said that Mine Lang kiln met the gentleman who le now her husband : while present. Ing her duties as nurse. She aided in re. storing the patient to health, but owned him to fall a victim to the incurable die. ease, love. Mr, and Mrs. Devereux re: ideal Amiayvllls, Ling Island: NONE, rl'O LOAN'. Any Amount of Money to Loan on Farm or Village Pro- perty, at 6 & 6k. Per Cent,, Yearly. Straight Loans with privilege of repaying when regnired. Apply to A. Hunter, Division Cowl Clerk, Brussels. We aro prepared to take any quantity of Wool either h fur Cash cls or Trade. We have a large Assortment Tweeds, Flannels,Carpets, Blankets, Yarns, Knitted, Goods, &o., to choose froin. we are also prepared to take in all kinds Manufacturing, Roll Carding, Spinn- ing, Weaving, Fulling, Dressing, +t c. HOWEi Sc CO., Next door to B1a hi11's Butcher Kipp, sr II Alowitele0 THE MOST SUCCESSFUL REMEDY FOR MAN OR BEAST. Certain In its olreats and never bliete,e. Read proofs below, KENDALL'SSPAIVIN CURE. Box 52 Carman Henderson 00., n4, Feb. 21,'51. Dr. B. J.1tosooALL bo. Dear Siva—Please send me ono of your Horso nooks and oblige, Ibnvnnsed a great dent of your itendall's Spavin Cure with good successit lea wonderful medicine, I once bad a mare that had as Occult Snavin and five bottles cured her. I keep a bottle on hand nn the time. Yours truly, Cats, POWELL. KEN®ALL'S SPAVIN CURE. Dr. B. Y. SSRLALL Co. 0,0,0093, Ko., Apr. VOL "Kendn l''s epnvin flare" with much) succes0, 5 think it the bast Liniment I ever used. Have r,- mooedoae Curb, one Blood epavlu 000 killed two Ilene epnvine. Have reeouwendod it to several of my filende who. entomb pleased with and keep it. Respectfully, R. TRAY, P. 0. BoxSIS. F0r Sale by an Druggists, or address Dr.23..,T. IC.END4LL 00211CPd21.3., IL+^ EN OS BURGH FALLS, VT. AND Creamery We have in stock a large assortment of Milk supplies of every description. If you want a good article we can give you the Best that's made. If you require anything in this line call on us. All Kids of Jobbiu1 Attended to and work executed Neatly, Cheaply and Expeditiously. EAVETRQUGlING, IRON ROOFING AND FURNACES Our Specialty. All Work Guaranteed Satisfactory. Full line of Shelf Goods, Cutlery, Lamps, Brushes. Fly Screens, &c. We handle Co*, Coed and Box Stores of the Best Manufacture and sold at close margins. Special Attention given to `"Mir -'s ' Ordered Work in the Tin Shop. Best American and Canadian Coal Oil, Castor Oil ancl3)llach inc Oil. A share of the Patronage of the Public asked for, tati 1 1 We have received the greater part of our Spring Stock ,of Loots and Shoes, comprising the Finest and most Stylish Footwear that the market affords. In Ladies' Misses' and Children's Black and Tan Oxford Ties We are showing ex- ceptionally good value. In Ladies' Gaiters, eta., we have a fine line which are very popular just now. Ladies' Misses' and Children's Button Boots in endless 'variety, at prices to suit the times. In Gents' wear we have all the leading styles in Dongola, Shell Cord and Calf: Boys' and Youths' School Shoes at prices that defy competition. Call and see our Lathes' White Canvas Oxfords. BRUSSELS. Rips Sewed Free of Charge. GREAT BARG-AINS IN am. 1:3R1 Having purchased the Wall Paper stock of Jas. Fox and combined it witli my own, i have now the Largest, Cheapest and Best Display ever made in Brussels. Spacial Bargains Given during this Month To save trouble of moving in connec- tion with the erection of new store, Yon can save Dollars by dealing with me in Wall Papers, Borders and Window Shades. Paper Ranging done in First-class Style. W. + ? ODDICK. Tmaa" Ks 75,000 ,Lbs, of Wool Wanted at the WOOLLEN MILL. For which I will pay the Highest Price in Casio, or in exchange for Goods will pay a few cents above the Market Price. IHAVE a very largo selection of Goods and at prices that will satisfy the elosssl Buyers, Call and inspect my goods and compere prices with other Mills ibe- fore disposing of your Wool, My stook comprises Tweeds of all descriptions from Frill Cloth to the finest English Broad Cloth, I am offering a good servioeable Tweed ab 850. Also Flannels of all kinds. Fine Unehrinkablo Flannels at 20o. Fine Dress Flannels ; Military Flannels ; Navy Blue Flannels. 1,000 Yds. Check Shirting Flannel itt 25c'. Blankets, Twilled Sheetings, Ladies' Skirtings, horse Blankets and Stocking Yarn. I also keep a large stook of Men's Underwear at dose prices, and all Stapie Cot- ton Goods such as Factory Cottons, White Cottons, Ticking, priers_, Towelling Table Linen, Oxford Shirting, Canadian Standard Shirting, Gingbame and Man uelettes. t 'Hoping to have a call from -a fair portion from the neig)>.berbood of B ussele, I am, Yours truly, WILTON & TU�NBULL.o P. R U■ O t16" taint .M