HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1895-6-28, Page 80 .$
Jvzrxl 28, :1,&96
Use Qui Government Stan-
dard'for the Potato Bugs,
None better at 25c, per lb,
cep Cool
By buying one or more oboioe
Fans thee we are eelling Net
now, or if you prefer to take
of Hire's Root Beer, Jersey
Milk Shake, Jersey Bntterinilk
or Lime Fruit Juice 'wbioh we
are selling at reduced rates to
introduce them.
Druggist, Bookseller and
Graduate Optician,
NOUTHERE sweetieI0e W. G. & E.
• `Drains leave Brussels Station, North
and. South, as follows:
b9ersro Bouma, Gomm NonTB,
3fait 6:50 a,m. Mixed 9:45 a.m,
Seartsee......11:99 a.m. Mali - 0 111p.m.
iitxo,i 9:00 p.m. Express ,.,.,, 9:45 p,m,
Wont Xteius ions.
A ohiel'e amang ye takin' notes,
An' faith he'll Arent it.
Srras.w0Eneres are a scarce fruit,
PURLto sohoole close Friday of this
4s num Reams attended St. Thomas
LAST Monday morning's rain did a
great deal of good.
HARRY BREwAn moved to the studio in
the Smith block on Thursday.
LOCAL Baseball matoh on Viotoria Park
ou Thursday evening of this weak.
Tire stone masons are ready to Dom.
mance work on the basement of the new
sohool house.
OWING to next Monday being Dominion
Day, Brussels Counoil will meet this
Friday evening,
WEDDINOa ace numerous this month in
the tooaliby of Brussels, no less than
three on Wednesday.
BaUS5ELs will be largely represented at
Wroxeter next Monday. Our Band,
Football team, Gun Club and many
ethers will visit the Northern burg.
A nog was made on Tuee,b,y sad the
detached portions of the horse sheds re.
moved from Knox church yard to Mel.
vibe church. A raising was held Thurs-
day afternoon.
lLA8.e of our exchanges had happy
Dick Coleman, of the Kickapoo Indian
Medicine Company, dead and buried
during the past few weeks, but he is very
rauoh of a live mac yet, all the same.
TaorrmG Srocx,-John Hewitt has ex-
changed his fanny driving mare with W.
Park, of Durham, for a four-year-old.
horse that is likely to develop Oslo quite
a trotter, se he comes from good stook.
Tem new brick residence of D. A.
Lowry, comer of Turuberry and Queen
streets, is being rapidly pushed forward,
the first story oy; the brickwork being
completed. It will be a two story riot.
TrraaE were 95 tickets sold for Guelph
last 'Tuesday for the excursion to the
Madel Fern. 6 crowded coaches, con-
taining over 600 passengers, were aboard
when Oondnotor Fitzgerald gave the
signal to pull out from Brunets.
(Damvrxo PAnx.-All parties who have
been nsiug the Driving track this Beason
or who intend to for horses or bicycles,
and who have nob got their season tickets
should at onoe call on the Secretary
and secure them. Ladies on bicycles
free. 9'. S. SCOTT, Secretary.
BUM AND CRANIUMOR combined foot
belt club played a match with Brussels
on Victoria Park last Tuesday evening,
the result being a tie, each team securing
2' goals in one hour and a half. The
game was somewhat' ragged yet close en-
ough to be interesting. The visitors
made a strong fight.
To Goseme. Tuesday of next week
James O'Leary sends his fast paoing mare,
"Florence G." who has a record of 2:18,
to the Leeh Stock Fane, Goshen, Indiana,
L. S., where she will be bred to the
wonderful peeing etalliou, "Online,"
2:04. "Florence" is now in foal to the
trotbitnghorse "Slander." F. S. Scott
will go to Goshen with the mare.
AccmRNr.-Last Saturday evening as
Jas. O'Leary, Queen's Hotel, was speed-
lag his trotting horse on the h mile track
the animal was frightened by a lady bi.
cyclist, coming in an opposite direction,
wad bolted, taking the sulky and driver
ever the embankment to the North of
the coarse. Mr. O'Leary was stunned
by the npsat and bad two serious bruises
oe his head, besides injury to one of his
Hands. The borne w caught by Alex,
Ross before it got up and thereby a run.
away was averted.
`alts of the Brussels boys must have
heea naughty at the Ethel -Atwood foot.
ball watch last week, judging by the etn-
phetie way the Atwood Bee refers to
then i -"Moat of the Brussels club were
present as spectators, and one or two of
them we are sorry to say took oonsider•
able teonble to convince the people of
]how little they knew. It was well fdr
one of the "mouthy" gents that he closed
his eiy trap when he did, otherwise a
sertrin Henfryn bystander might have
made it neneseary for him to eat his
resale standing for,the next few weeks."
EDUCATIONAL. -Wednesday of this week
len candidates wrote on the Commercial
0ourse in connection wit', the Doming ex.
amination. Tbureday b: persons pre-
sented themselves, 34 writing on the
Pablio School Leaving and 88 in the
l8ntrance oleos. The presiding exatn.
incite are] 9. Fraser, of Turuberry, and
Miss Mary Robertson, of Wingham,
The o aodidates wrote in the Town hall.
-Principal Cameron is doing duty et
Blyth' as presiding examiner.-Poetmast-
sr Farrow offers three prizes of $2,50 ;
91.50 and 91.00 for the beet pupils in
Ortheopy. 50 words will be given as a
test in pronounclation. Test will be
made before atone of 1805. -Public
schools will re -open :after vaoation on
Monday, Aug. 19th, •
GAMIN party at Tilos, Maunders' on
Thursday evening of this week•
Nose Monday will be Dominion Day
and consequently apublie holiday.
"Marl' LEA'" took 8rd money In the
f9,80 pa405 1858, St. 'Thomas, on Tues.
day afternoon.
Poona Division Court was held here
on Thursday of tlife weals. The docket
was not heavy.
Betlesnrs Band ie preparing a tip-
top program for their goncerb at Wroxet•
sr on the evening of Dominion Day,
AN offer of selling our 900.9000 Pnblle
School debentures at par, issuing them.
at 4d per gent., has been made. This is
on a 80 year term.
QOITE trnumbs' of BrussslibBattended'
the Caledonian games in Kincardine on
Wednesday. W. F, Scott and G. Perris
were among the oonteetants.
THE earth taken from the excavation
for the new school house has been platted
upon portions of three streets to build up
the centre, They will probably be grav-
elled at:some later period.
TRIM Laseies' Band has Dome and gone.
They made a favorable 1111pre5aion on
Wednesday and gave a good program of
vocal and instrumental music. There
are eleven members under the command
of Capt. Dean and Lieut, 'Pettit. Tire
Band went to Listowel on Thursday's
noon train.
Guns Blume Asa. Paux.-What about
holding a bee and levelling the Southerly.
portion of the enolosare at the Gray
Branch Park for the exhibition of horses
next Fall ? Four or five teams would
soon do the work and now its a good time
to go at it. We hope the President and
Directors will take hold of the matter at
A NUlinxn of ,years ago, while proprietor
of the Queen's Hotel, Brussels, Alfred
Rae befriended a man named Van Allen,
who was on the rooks. Van Allen board-
ed with him for a time and handed frim
over an interest in an insurance policy,
on which 31r. Roe drew $3,000 a short
time ago at Buffalo. It evidently pays
to do kind deeds.
NEwsPAPORIAL.-A. new weekly paper,
published in Hespeler, made its appear-
ance under the name of the Hespeler Her•
ald. It is a tidy, cleanly printed and
noway sbeet,-The name of the seoond
paper now being issued at Harriston
ie the Review. Editor Dewar will wield
the journalistic soissors and paste pot.
This is the second trial for two papers
there, bat, Bro. Dewar appears very hope-
ful in his initial number.
JUNE WEDDING, -The guests at the res-
idence of Walter Richardson witnessed a
matrimonial alliance between James
Ireland, a prosperous young farmer of
Grey township, and Miss Jeanet, the es-
timable daughter of the host on Wednee.
day evening of this week, Rev. Jno.
Ross, B.A., was the ofeeiating clergyman.
The bride wore a very becoming costume
of white muslin. The wedding gifts were
of a handsome, useful and valuable char.
anter. After supper Mr. and Mrs. Ire-
land proceeded to their own home to sob
up house -keeping. May their future be
happy end prosperous say their many
well wrshers.
Ano BnoiEN,-Last Friday evening
Myrtle Nott and a number of other girls
were strawberry hunting in Daniel
Stewart's bush. Myrtle was climbing a
fence when the top rail turned and she
was thrown to the ground, breaking her,
left arm between the elbow and wrist in
the fall. The injured member was soon
placed in splints by a M. D. and she is
getting along nicely. It is a source of
considerable disappointment to Myrtle
that she will now be unable to write at
the examination for Third Close Teach-
ers' Certifioate. We sympathize with
her, bat as she is only 14 years of ave she
has plenty of time ahead of her next
Twgat'r Odd Fellows from Western Star
Lodge went to Wingharn on Wednesday
afternoon to join their brethren there in
decorating the graves of deceased broth,
ere and sisters. There are over 100 Odd
Fellows in the procession, which was
headed by the Fife and Drum Band.
The graves of Bros. Vanstone, Brown,
McDonald, Fairfield, Merrifield, Hisoott,
Rutherford, and sisters Ilisootb, Long,
Robinson, Slemin, Manuel, •Mainprice,
Dodd, McGregor and Deyall were visited
and decked with flowers. Two oar-
riagescontained representatives from the
Rebekah Lodge. Grand Master Hoyle,
and Rev. Mr, Okras, of Lucknow, took
part in the aeremony. The visiting
brethren had tea at hire. Elder's, where
a lawn party was held in the evening.
House or RErcex.-The wallsof the
House are up all round for the seoond
tier of joists about sixteen feet out of the
ground. Three weeks' more work will
see the walls finished if the weather re.
mains as it has been. Stone has been
hauled for the barn and the masons are
expected to be at work about the fourth
of July. Contractor Cooper will have to
pat hie shoulder to the wheel very soon
now, A. Chrystal, of Goderiob, was in
Clinton making arrangements for the
planing of boiler and bank. Five oar
loads of brick have arrived from Mr.
Motz's yard, Crediton, which will finial'
the brickwork ; 240,000 have been fur-
nished of a first-class quality. The sup-
ply and quality of the water in 'the well
is improving. i4Ir. Kerr, representing
the Oentral Prison Industries, was there
to see about the furnishing of rooms. The
iron bedsteads are now adopted in all
large institutions ; they are tasty, dur-
able, cheap and clear,
Onrmuenr.-Early last Sabbath morn-
ing the spirit of Mrs. Robt, Hunt was
beckoned away. The old lady, who was
past 84 years of age, had come to Brus-
sels a few weeks ago to visit her laugh•
ter, Mrs. J. Y. 5. Kirk, and although
everything was done foe the old lady she
passed quietly away conscious to the last.
Deceased was born in Cambridgeshire,
England, and was united in marriage to
Robt. Hunt, who died 25 years ago.
They came to Canada in 3858, lived in
Benmiller for a few years and then moved
to Clinton where they resided np"to their
decease. Mr. Hantand eons were millere
and the late Wm. Vanstone, of Brussels,
served his apprenticeship with the form.
sr, Four children survive Mrs. Hunt,
Mrs. Kirk, Brussels H, Hunt, Clinton ;
Mrs. Dark, London and D. Hunt, Bay
City, Mich. Mrs. Hunt's *remains were
conveyed to Clinton on Sabbath after.
noon and the funeral took plena on Toes,
day, the service being taken by Rev, Mr.
Park, of the English church, of whioh
the subjeot of this notice was a worthy
member for years, Although so old Mrs.
Hunt retained her faculties in a wonder-
ful manner and her hearing and Dye+eight
were firsb•olass. Mrs. Hunte grand.
mother lived to be 104 years of age and
was about the house 4 doe previous to
her death,
r"Worn," Beattie Dies. trotting mare
took 2nd place .in. the 9120 ()lase at St.
Thomas Wednesday.
Dramas Court was beld In Kaci
olruroh on Thureda , owing to the Town
klall being'000upiod by the Entrance ex.
amination pupils. Judge Doyle was on
the bench,
Ammon, a beetling village East of
Guelph on the G, T. It., was promised it
fire engine teat by the Wateroue 00, of
Brantford, J. D, Ronald shipped one of
his fine eteamers there tills week and
will peeve to the Aotonians the capabili-
ties of the ell:meld" to throw weber in
larger streams, longer distanoes and with
more force than the Brantford machine,
Mr. Ronald and Foreman Watt will be
inoommand, The beet is the cheapest.
BUBINEBs G11ANon.-The old and well
esbablished Beaver hardware store has
changed hands. B. Garry, who has been
so suogesefully in command for many
years has sold out to his sons, Noble and.
Nelson, who took possession last Monday
under the firm name of N. & N. Gerry,
Mr, Gerry has nob decided what course he
will pursue (and he has no particular
need to worry) bat we hope he will con.
tines to reside in Brussels,. While re-
gretting his dropping out we welcome the
"boys" into the business oirole in Brno.
eels and wish them every amuse in their
venture. Noble has been in the shore.
nearly all his life and Nelson has been in
charge of the tin department for years,
and both are well and favorably known.
An extended notice of B. Gerry maybe
read in another oolaommn.
• Business Locals.
POTATOES 95 cents a bag at Mo0raok•
WE repair shoes cheap and neat. I, 0,
Ion sale cheap ; one baby carriage. I.
0. Richards.
BLAME note forms for sale at THE POST
Publishing House.
WE sell and guarantee No.To-Dao. Try'
it, at Fox's Drug store.
Fos beet value in boots and shoes try
us. I. 0. Richards.
AT and below cost the balanoe of my
hammocks. 5, 0. Fronawus.
HEADQUARTERS for harvest tools and
machine oils. McKay & Co.
Fax No-To•Bao, Wo sell and guarantee
it at Fox's Drug store.
VEnr best Pea Harvesters at J. J.
Gilpin's, Brussels, for $10.00.
Tne latest improved saraeo doors and
screen windows. Meli:a,y & 00.
1,, me run on rhildren'e wagons at
THrt 1'usr Unok ']tura. 2 boy's veloci-
pedes for sale. Call and see them.
Do you want to stop using tobacco ?
If so, use No -To -Bao. We refund your
money if not as stated. G. A. HEADMAN.
A LARGE quantity of binder twine on
hand at prices the lowest. McKay & Oo.
Kaur.'S Clover Root, the great Blood.
Purifier gives freshness and clearness to
the complexion and cures constipation.
25 oto, 50 ors and $1.00. Sold by James
Fox, Druggist, Brussels.
Soe.vEn Brooch with Scotch diamond
setting, lost at or in the locality of Bens..
ells, last week. The finder will kindly re.
turn at onoe to Jas. Ballantyns's grocery
or Fax Posx•Publishing House, Brussels.
two years I was dosed, pilled and plaster.
ed for weak back, scalding urine and con-
stipation, without benefit. One box of
Ohaee's Kidney -Liver Pills relieved, 3
boxes oured. R. J. Smith, Toronto.
Meg. T. S. ID wxxxe, Ohattanooga,
Tenn., says, "Shiloh's Vitalizer "saved i
my life." I consider it the best remedy
for a debilitaed system I ever need."
For dyspensia, liver.or kidney trouble it
excels. Price 75 cta. Sold by Jas. Fox,
Druggist, Brussels.
FLEURY Plows. -Huger Williams & Son
are the Agents for the well known Fleury
plows. They also keep all the necessary
repair. Call at Williams' Livery Stable,
Brussels. The Fleury plow received the
gold medal and diploma at the World's
Sono Wamno FOUNTAIN• -J. McAlpine
has, ab considerable cost, put one of them
into his restaurant and oan now put up
the beet Summer drinks known. He
baa reduced ice oream to 30 cents a quart
and will give very speoial rates in fruits
and eonfeationery to pio.nie and evening
Birt has all the neoessary machinery for
digging and drilling wells and is prepar.
ed to attend to all Work entrusted to him
in a way that will insure satisfaction.
Wells cleaned out and put in proper
shape. Terms reasonable. Residence
seoond door north of the bridge, west
side of Turnbarry et., Brussels. 34.tf
FAa1tens wanting hardy, native stock
to plant this coming Fall or Spring may
pay for it in work. We want men with
or without experience on full or part
time. Salary and expenses or commis.
Mon. Write at once for further infor-
mation. Brawn Brothers' Go., Conti.
nentsl Nurseries, Toronto, Ont. 48.8m
15 Teens or ITCHING. -Win. Golding,
oommeroiel traveller, 180 Esther street,
Toronto, says :-For 15 years I suffered
untold misery from hailing piles, some-
times called pin worms. Many and
many weeks have I had to ]ay off the
road from this trouble. I tried 8 other
pile ointments and so called remedies
with no permanent relief to the intones
itching and stinging, wbioh irritated by
metalling would bleed and ulcerate.
One half a box of Chases Ointment cured
me completely.
Algoma -In Morris, on June 24th, the
wife of Mr. Richard T. Miller of a
SMITs-MAcuAs.-Ab the residence of the
bride's father, on June 5th, by Rev,
A. Henderson, M. A., Mr. James
Alfred, son of Mr. William Smith, to
Margaret Ann, daughter of Mr. Robb.
Machan, all of Grey township,
DIA TRIMS -Rmi.-At the residence of the
bride's parents, Grey, on Juno 26th,
by Rev. W. J. Waddell, of Ethel,
Mr. John Wesley Blathers, of Ethel,
to Mise Mary Emma, daughter of
Mr, Richard Roe,
Yuma, -Bans. -In Morris, on on June
26th, es the residence of the bride's
parents, by Rev, Samuel2ones, Brun -
gale, Mr. Walter Yufll to Miss Hula.
hernia, daughter of Mr. Sannel•Barr,
both of Morris township,
tiimu D-•-Ricman»80N.--Ab the residence
of the bride's father, Brussels, on
June 261h, by Rev. Jno. Rose, B: A.,
Mr. James Ireland, of Grey town-
ship, to Wail 1eanet, daugnter of Mr,
Walter Richardson.
ST4X294,81) r ,L.f4,81) , 34XX.1~ OF- , C./, ,lUD4 r
zpEw.a,:ad,zn zmn .'d.e710..
ASSAYS, • (,Ssyen Milliop Doiiare) • $7,000,000
CAPITAL (Authorised) • , ,• • 92,000,000
Agencies 1n ali pt'incipai points in Q2140l9, lrttabee, ltfanitoba, United States Enpiond
A General Banking Business 'Traneaoted. Farm•ers' Notes Discounted.
Deaf s sued and Colleotions made en all points,
Interest allowed on depesibs of $1.00 and upwards from dat ,oi deposit to date of
withdrawal, and compounded half yearly.
SPsoxny ATTENTION GIVEN TO THE Cem.so1ION Or P.tliainne' boos NGTEs,
Every'faoillby afforded Customersliving at a dietapoo.
J. A. STEWART MArmonn,
41 XLL el6l SIVIITE, BAN E110,i
3E3 R,
Transact a General Banking Business, Drafts Bought and Sold on
all points in Canada, United States and Great Britain.
r a at' s Sam Ospeteratoasr. •
Interest Allowed on One Dollar and Upwards at Current Bates. Interest Com-
pounded Twice a Year, Being Added to the Principal at the end of the Months of
Ootober and April. Spooled Arrangements made for Time Deposits,
We effect to write Insurance in old English or Canadian Companies, or In Mut.
ua1 Cemmil lee ES nary be desired.
DAVM. -'In Elma, on 'June 16th, Wm.
Davis, aged 27 years, 1 month and
24 days.
HUNm,-In Brussels, on June 29rd, Ann,
reliot of the late Robert Hunt, of
Clinton, aged 84 years and 1 month.
3357MVSME12,s 2,2AuB> 0r"•Ts.
Fall Wheat,....:.,.... 95
Spring Wheat 95
Barley. 45
Peas .. - 58
Date 35
Wool 18•
Butter, tubs and roils 11
Eggs per dozen 8
Flour per barrel4 50 5 00
Potatoes,. .., 25 00
Hay per ton 7 00 00
Hides trimmed 3 00
Hides rough 2 25
Salt per bbl., retail 1 00 00
Sheep skins, each 20 40
Lamb skins eaoh 15 40
Apples per bbl 1 52 1 25
Hogs, Live 4 00 4 25
Wool 18 20
Carne MAniETs.-Liverpool - Cheese
firm ; demand, moderate ; finest Amen -
mu white, new, 375 ; finest American
colored, new, 37s. Butter, finest C, S.
and good, nominal. Peterboro'-The re-
gular fortnightly meeting of the Peter -
bora' cheese Board was held here Tues-
uesday morning. Offerings, 5,998 boxes.
Hodson bought 2,533 boxes at 89e and
261 at 8j;c. Jones took 651 boxes at
85.16a and 160 at 8 8.16o, Belleville -
At the Cheese Board on Tuesday 2,225
boxes offered. Sales on board, 200 at
8 9•160; 730 at 85c. Ingersoll -Offerings
Tuesday, 3,823 boxes June make. Sales
- 783 boxes at 8 7-16o ; Sia was refused
for one lot, although a majority of the
salesmen were inclined to sell at that fig-
ure. Good attendance and bidding brisk.
TORONTO, June 25. -Market gniet.
Wheat -Winter, on the Northern, offer.
ed at 87a, but not taken ; No. 1 Manitoba
hard offered west at 98o, and afloat, Fort
William, at 95o. Flour -Dealers bought
largely on the recent bulge, and as they
are not out of stock, are waiting till the
market assumes a more settled position.
Peas -Odd oars of peas sold wast to mill -
ere at 61e, Oats -White held at 36e,
middle freights' west, and odd oars were
bought, high freights west, at 35o.
Barley -Car lots of feed quoted nominal-
ly at 500 west. Rye -Nominal, at 000
EAST BUFFALO, N. Y., June 25. -Cattle
- The fresh receipts were all consigned
through, but there were fully six or eight
loads, all told, on sale. Tile market was
no improvement over yesterday's closing
transactions. Hogs-Reoeipts light, only
two care, but fully 25 loads, inoluding
some late arrivals, held over from yestsr•
day. Market dull and slow for all kinds.
Yorkers, 94.65 to $4.70 ; good medium,
$4.80 to $4.86 ; common to good heavy.
ends, 94.35 to $4 50 ; rough, $3 75 to 94,-
50 ; pigs, 94.55 to 94.60 ; stags, $8 to $3.-
75. Sheep and lambs -There were hard.
ly enough on sale to establish a market -
only two loads of fresh and four loads
held over. Market quiet. Clipped sheep,
export ewes and wethers, $8.75 to $4 ;
good to prime bandy wothers, $3,25 to
$9.50 ; fair to good mixed, $2.75 to $8 ;
common to fair, $2.85 to 92.50; culls, $1
to $2 ; clipped yearlings, good to choice,
93.60 to $9.85 ; fair to good, yearlings,
$8.25 to 93.50 ; cull and common lots,
92.60 to 38 ; Spring lambs, common to
choice, $8.50 to 96.
John Swan & Sons (limited), Edin•
burger, in their weekly report of June,
14 eaye :-There have been fairly large
supplies of fat cattle on offer this week,
the general quality of which was the best
of the season. Trade all over has been
better and prime the turn in favor of.
buyers. With shorter eupplise of States
oattle at Yorkhill, Canadian cattle met
tbo best trade of the season. The num-
ber of sheep on offer this week has been
rather larger. The demand throughout
was quieter at rather lower prices, heavy
sheep and ewes especially being worse to
sell. Lambs of good quality made ratb•
er more money, The show of calves was
exceedingly good, and they met an native
trade. Pigs sell at very low retse. Store
sheep shown in very small numbers, and
an easy clearance effected at previous
rates. There was not snob a large chow
of store cattle, but owing to the dry
weather and the backward stale of the
pastures, there was a moderate inquiry
at prices in favot of buyers. Milk oowe
not sc numerous, Beet met a fair trade,
but eeoondary Were worse to sell. Beet
beef, Bs 8d to 8s 6d per stone ; beet mut•
ton, 798 to 8d per lb.
Savings Bank tapes Deposits ironi
81.00 to 01,000 end allows Si per cent,
interest. T. FARROW,
97.3m Postmaster.
T enders will be received by Alex. McNair,
0 J uirman of Managing Oomtoittoe of Ioox
0 harsh, Oroubrooro for the erection of horse
sheds, up to 5 o'alask p, n. on Sato edits.,
J my 611,. Plano, &e , may bf seen' at Gran-
broolc P, 0, By orderof the Committee.
50-2 A. 010NARt.
Telae of the undersigned, Lot 20. con.15,.
G roy, on or about May 15th, a red steer, large
size, rising two years. Any information
leading to his recovery will be thankfully
received and suitably rewarded.
65011GB Sl13ELN,
50.4 Monorioll P, 0.
Breeding for milk or butter do not
waste time on anything short of the best,
No charge for the service of my Jersey Bull
if hie dam will not make from 75 to 100 lbs.
more butter in ayear, than the dam of any
breed within three miles.
ons of the n4,Lot r"'Grey, n or about May 1tbfouron.
coloriand thelet
her gray Auy inform tion
le ailing to their recovery will be thankfully
received. JAS, LAIRD, Proprietor.
454f Ethel P. 0.
House for Sade or to Rout on Turn
berry street, Brussels. Immediate possess-
ion. Good stable,. well, cistern, 4 acre of
laud, fruit trees, &c, Apply to
No .81, John Street,
. 41- Brussels,
That well known, commodious and very
prettily situated property on Turuberry St„
now and for many years past in the occupa-
tion of Air. and Mrs, F, O. kogers, is now of.
fared for Sale, Anybody wishing anice,
comfortable home will find this all that can
be desired. The property pal be seem at
any time, and all particulars obtained from
5040 P. 0. ROGEERS.
1.2DEnaIONED has several good Farms for
gale and to rent, easy tonne, in Townships
of Morris and Grey., F S. SO OTT.11russels
DitltsamNED. offer's his 75 acre farm for
Rale, being Bast part of Lot 22. Oou. 10, Gray.
About 50 acres cleared, balance bueb, Good
frame house, bank bare, 45x05 feet, orchard,
well, ctc. In good state or cultivation and
well fenced. Possession after harvest' For
further particulars as 00 price, terms,
leo. apply to
DUNCAN McINN1S, Proprietor,
50.4 llraubrook P. 0.
nnnsxsxnD o5era for sale hes. 59 sore
farm being Woet half of North half of tot 14
pea. WM ie ,t g00,0 log
bona°, with frame kitchen ; bank barn ; or-
chard ; well, dm. 40 cores cleared saE under
gond sate of cultivation. P0E10081o11 given
next. November. For further particulars as
to prion, terms, &o„ apply on the 1,1•emiees
to BOBBRT HUGHES. Propiis tor,
444f or Brussels P.O.
Notice to Creditors.
Notlee is herebyy given pursuant to Chap,
110 R. 9.0.(1887) and amending acts that: all
creditors and other persona having claims
against the estate of the above named WIL-
LIAM vox/von, deceased, wko died on or
about the 17th day of April, A. b, 1886, aro re-
quired to deliver or scud by post prepaid, to
G. F. Blair, Brussels, Solioltor for for
Fulton, admibistrator, with 59111 annexed of
the estate of the deceased on or before the
Dol nay of July, 1895, a statement in writ-
ing containing their names addreosss and
deeodptions, and fell partleulare of their
claims end the nature of their seouritlos (it
any) held by them, 0,119 in default thereof
andas soonafter the said Oth clay of duly all
the same can be oonveuieutly clone, tbo said,
administrator will prooeod to distribute the.
assets of the said deceased among the par.
Nes entitled thereto, having regard ouryy 10
the claims of Which he shall then have had
noOloe and he will not be liable for the assets
of Said estate or anypart thereof eo dIstrib•
uted to any 550000 of whose claim he has
nothad notion itt the limo of spoil dis.
tributi on,.
''Hated at Brussels the 19th play of JOno, A,
493. Bolioitor for Admiulebrator.
Reminds las that the
Season is close et band and we
desire to remind 'you that We
have, this season, bbs very Farr
esti itrbiole that can be purollased
anywhere, We guarantee every
pound to be chemically pars..
Only 25o, per pound
Fox's Drug Store,
* Solioltor and Conveyancer. Collett-
Melia made. OSAee-Vaastono'e Block, Brno.
eels.: 91-0m
• solioltor. Conveyancer ,Notary Pub-
lic, &e, Office-'Vanstone's 13look, 1 door
north of Central Hotel, Private Funds to
Loan. .
Goderi h.te ) 011llie° over
Gillies & Smith's E auk, Brussels.
Money to Loan, 47,
Honor Graduate Toronto University,
Licentiate Royal college Dental Surgeons.
Crown and Bridge work a specialtyy. Moder-
ate Fees. Satisfactionelssured, Office over
Barrott'sbarber shop, Turuberry 81., Brus-
el Honor Graduate of the Ontario
Veterinary College, is. prepared to treat alt
diseases of domestioated animals In a com-
petent manner. Particular attention paid
to veterinary dentistry. Calle promptly at-
tended to. Odiee and Infirmary -Four doors
north of bridge d'urnberry et., Brusaes,
C.M.,L.R,O.p., Edinburgh, M. O. P.
S. Ont. Residence and, office in Wilson's
Block, corner of 01,11 and Turnberry Ste.
GradPhyelslan, Surgeon, Aocouoher, etc,
uate of Toronto University Medical
Faculty. Member of college of Physicians
and'Surgeous, Ont. Orman -Next door. to
McDonald & Co„ Walton Out.
labia Groc▪ ery, rnrnberrygstreet. LicenBris sle,
• Tonsorial Artist. Shop -Next door
south of A. M. MoBay & Co's hardware store.
Ladies'and children hair cutting a specialty
Issuer of Marriage Licenses,
Orrmo AT JnwELRr STonE.
t.'1113 Witness Required.
T. PLETCHL+ER, Brussels.
, Co. Established 1840, Iu-
enrauees effected on all Town and. Farm
Property at very low rates.
15.3m Agent, Brussels.
Clerk of the Fourth Division Cour
00, hturon, Conveyancer, Notary Public
Land, Loan 'and Insuranoo Agent. Funds
Invested and to loan, Collections made.
Corea In Smale's Block, B rneseis
tss O'CONNOR, R. T.,
Teacher of instrumental music on.
Piano or Organ. Will visit Wingham Tues-
day and Wednesday of each week. Resi-
dence on Princess Street, Brussels...
ri1 A. HAWKINS, M. 0. S. M.
JL • Organist in'St. Sohn's Church, Brue
seta, and pupil, in the Art of Teaching of A.'
W.'Phayer, u0.Doo„ Now 'York, will give
lessoue to pupils either on piano or organ,
at his parlor over A.R. Smith's store,Brus.
sole. Vocal lessons else given. Terme Mod-
‘..A Auctioneer, Sales oondnet
ed on reasonable terms,. Farms and farm
Blank a enebialty. Orders left at THE POST
Publishing House, Bru Beale, or sent to Wal ton
P.O., will receive prompt attention,
,L • Enn, 10111 poll for hatbox perces, to.
better men, in .lose time and lees ohaxges
OHM any other Auctioneer in blast Huron
or he won't obarge anything. Dates and
orders can always be arranged at this °MRoe
or by personal appiioatlon.
Any quantity of building, corner, Rubble.
Sill and Bridge Stone for Hale, Quarried
and ready for loading'. at. Brussels Quarry.
For price and tonne apply to
J1,10, MITCHELL, -'
97 tf - Box 1110 Brussels.
1�. sons to Darn froma 1
5 00y, 925 weekly,
It can an Marlene growth
serytStria. Salary or
Canadian gr paid Nursoy BxslSalary -
555 paid Wookey. F•,xp Writ usterri-
Handsome outfit fico, Writs us at
oboe for terms.
14. 0, G1tAHADf, Nprserymat,
41.14 Toronto, Out.