The Brussels Post, 1895-6-28, Page 4New Advertisements,
7aoopi0-Malta} St OM •
O. Anibaede,
Strayed- George Shiels.
Foe bale -l+'. O. Itogors.'
To Contrnotors-A. Montle.
Looul--Rosr Publiahing Hesse,
Gained a Poised a Pay -Dr, Williams,
EIj.0 Nr1'ts,10 l,amt.
FRIDAY, =TUNE; 28, 1895,
Lorin Serasnoax hail definitely under-
taken the task of forming a Ministry,
and has announced several Cabinet ap•
pointments, ipoluding that of Mr. Cham)
horlain fie Colonial Secretary, and Chet
of Sir Michaei Miolts•Beaoh as Chancel.
for of the Rxohequer.
Hoer. Joseph Martinrepliee to a state•
went a kion, Mr. Onina% to the ef8eot'
that if the Manitoba Catholics, as Mr.
Online implies, are willing to conform to
Government regulations and requite.
menta, and only want to add religious
instruotion to their school curriculum,
the whole question oan easily and quick.
Iy be settled.
Tina Manitoba School question is a
thorn in the side of the Dominion Gov-
ernment, more to since Hon. T. Green -
way's Government has declined to accept
the interference of the Ottawa authorities
in their Provincial affaire. W, F, Mc-
Lean is a Conservative M. P., and also
the editor of the Toronto World. In
Tuesday's issue he says :-"The political
sitnation inoreasos in gravity. One or
two papers have professed to ignore what
is going on at the Capital and have sought
to have the public believe that a crisis is
in no sense impending. The fact is, how-
ever, that if the Government introduce a
Remedial Bill on the lines of the Reme-
dial Order they will certainly be defeated
in the House, and if after that defeat the
Conservative party, as a party, go to the
country on a Remedial legislation pro.
gram they will also meet defeat there.
If it is the fact, as it undoubtedly would
appear to be, that Sir Charles H. Tupper;
Mr. Oufinet and Sir Mackenzie Bowell
have practically declared for the inteoduee
Mon of such legislation, and with certain
defeat ahead, surely then the crisis is a
serious one. The Government have been
allowing themselves to drift along with-
out ascertaining how Remedial legislation
would effect their followers. At last the
Conservative members have undertaken
the task of conveying to their leaders in.
formation that the leaders should have
sought for themselves. The information
so conveyed must bid Sir Mackenzie
Bowell pause, for the Conservative mem-
bers from Ontario to the number of 80
and to the number of 20 from other prov-
rovinces will not be able to support Remedial
Legislation. No support of Rouges from
Quebec or Liberals from other provinces
will make up the defection.
THE Wingham Advance, always on the
alert to take a drive at Dr. Macdonald,
M. P., is huffed because the Dr. objected
to Mrs. Thompson receiving a govern-
ment grant of 425,000 and quotes from
Saturday Night to prove that the Dr.
did wrong. a reproduce the opinion of
Saturday night on the government who
in the face of many protestations granted
§25,000 to het pay Sir John Thompson's
funeral expenses to which Dr. Macdonald
and other Liberals objected and voted
against :-Last week the general items of
expense connected with Sir John Thomp-
son's funeral, aggregating thirty-three
thousand dollars, were given to the public.
A couple of Ministers intimated that over-
charges had been made, some of the
tradesmen demanding fifty and seventy-
five per cent. more than their goods were
worth. In consequence of this the bill
was reduced to twenty-five thousand
dollars, but the Canadian taxpayer is not
sure even yet that all the over -charges have
been eliminated, as the totalis still swelled
by such matters as top -boots for the
undertaker's assistants, overcoats, etc.
Sir John A. Macdonald's state funeral
cost some six thousand and Sir George
E. 'Cartier's some ten thousand. What
are we to think of the officials who
authorized this wasteful nae of money
at Sir John Thompson's funeral ? The
remains were landed at Halifax and in-
terred there, the Imperial Government
paying all the expense of sending the
body Home to Canada. To whom was
this money paid ? Were not some of
these large amounts seized by political
favorites of the Government or adherents
of Sir John Thompson's church 2 Are
top•boots and overcoats any particular
sign of sincere grief when worn by under-
takers' aesistants ? No shock to the
sincere public grief of Canada over the
death of Sir John Thompson could be
greater than the fact thathis political and
religious friends endeavored to open the
treasury while they closed his grave. It
is a sickening episode. And then what
are we to think of the Government that
is -responsible for the weakness or dis-
honesty displayed in giving carte blanche
to anybody 2 In the first place, if this
expenditure was undertaken by the
Government with any idea that the sutra
would be so Iar.'eaone, itproves that
those in charge of our funds are entirely
reckless of the difficulties under which
the taxpayer labors. If they foolishly
gave open orders to shopkeepers and
undertakers in Halifax and wore paralyzed
by the bill when it came in, it simply
proves that they are unable to run as
simple a thing as a funeral without
expenses exaggerated beyond the bounds
of human reason. As I remarked last
week, we are not prone to discuss items
of expense in connection with the burial
of the well loved. dead,. but when we re-
member that no public work has been
undertaken without robbery of the public
till being the notorious adjunct of the ex-
penditure,are we nob justified in thinking
that thetsis something radically wrong ?
1f it were a solitary item of folly or oxtra-
vegenee it could easily be passed over,
and those who mourn the late Premier
would be most ready to overlook it, but
when we consider the other jobs, the other
extravagauoss, £s itnot right that wo
should penes and ask ourselves, cannot
even ,.go sinlpfe.and Pall a tl)iuf,% as a
funeral Dauer without it being matte the
000askin of an .ex111bltioe that is either
one of frightful disregard of expense or
an .example of depravity Ivhon svee grief
isrostituted to the suds of partizanship?
Whiohever way wo take it, the disolosures
in oonneeticu with the experts05 of Sir
John Thonpeou's funeral are thoroughly
outrageous and scandalous.
Gained a Poland a Day,
Taken vita Muerte revel' iiia After Tif.
recta et Whlols llrougat haul 4011011000
00 0110 41101V 0-000 4latily Speaks for
Mc Bonen t or other 8alferere.
Smith's Palls Record.
Mr. Joseph N. Barton, who lives abbot
a mile from the village et Merriokville, is
one of the best lisown farmers in the
township of Montague. Up to She Spring
of 1894 Mr. Barton bade always enjoyed
the best of health. At that time, how-
ever, he was token with a bilious fever,
the effects of which left him in a terribly
weakened condition. When the time
same around to begin Springoperations
on the farm he found himself too weak
to take any part in the work, and note
withstanding that he was treated by an
eaoellent physician, he was constantly
growing weaker and his condition not
only greatly alarmed himself but his
friends. Uavicg reed so much oonoern-
ingDr, Williams' Pink Pills, he deter-
mined to give them a trial, and without.
aonenitinghis physician he began -their
use. He only used one box, and, not
feeling better, lie discontinued the use of
the pills. This was where he now admits
he made a serious mistake as he not only
fell back to his former weakness, but be.
name worse than before. He could now
do no work of any kind, and the least ex-
ertion left him almost hslplese• Life
wee a misery to him and he was on the
I gained a pound et day.
point of giving his case up as hopeless
when a friend strongly urged him to
again begin the use of D.r, Williams'
Pink Pills. He agreed to do so, and by
the time he had used three boxes there
was a marvellous change in his appear-
ance and be felt like a new man. He
still continued to use this life-saving
medicine, with astonishing results.
During his illness he had fallen in weight
to 185 pounds, but he soon increased to
180 pounds. In foot, as be says, the •in•
crease averaged about a pound a day
while he was tekine, the .pills. lets now
able to do any kind of work on hie farm,
and it is needless to say that he is not
only a firm believer in the efficacy of Dr.
Williams Pink Pills, but loses no oppor•
thrifty to wend abroad their praise, with
the result that others in leis locality have
benefitted by his experience and advice.
To those who are weak, easily tired,
nervous, or whose blood is out of con-
dition, Dr. Williams' Pink Pills come as
a veritable boon, caring when all other
medicines fail, and restoring those who
give them a fair trial, to a full measure of
health and strength. They will be found
an absolute cure for 8t. Vitus dance,
l000motor ataxia, rheumatism, paralysis,
sciatica, the after effects of la grippe, loss
of appetite, headache, dizziness, chronic
erysipelas, scrofula, etc. They are oleo
a speaflfd for the troubles peculiar to the
female system, correcting irregularities,
euppreeeions and all forms of female
weakness. In the ease of men they effect
a radical cure in all cases arising from
mental worry, overwnrk, or excesses of
any nature. Dr. Williams Pink Pills
are sold only in boxes bearing the firm's
trade mark and wrapper (printed in red
ink), and may be had of all druggists or
direct by mail from Dr. Williams' Medi-
cine Company, Brockville, Ont., or
Schenectady, N. Y., at 50 oents a box, or
six boxes for e2.50,
Jas. Petrie jacked his barn up on Mon.
day. Chas. Case oversaw the work and
everybody had to keep moving.
The "Rustics" have sent a challenge to
Egmondviile football team to play a
match on Saturday. They may get some
of the rust rubbed off them.
Statute labor is now going on all over
and we hear that some of the pathmast-
ere have to watch closely to seetbat every
one drawing gravel takes a cubic yard.
Several people from the 12th Don. took
in the excursion to the Model farm,
Guelph, on Saturday. They tell us that
if they' had the same help, machinery,
buildings, etc., they could have a model
farm too.
Word has been received from Thos.
Davidson, who left for Europe some time
ago, Ile got along first rate, but like
most of us who have been across, had au
experience of sea sickness. We hear no
word from Jno. Jones, who sailed on the
same vessel, but no doubt John would ,he
A 1,
Mr, Jennings fs still very low,
Bert. Bailey, of Molesworth, spent Sat-
urday and Sunday at home.
Miss Lottie Budd, Ord con., was the
guest of her sister on Sunday.
Sam, Scott and wife, of Manchester,
were visiting at R. McPherson's on Tues -
Mrs. Messer and Cora were at wing•
ham last week visiting her mother who
was very sick,
The exoursion to the Model Farm was
well represented from Bluevale as there.
1%1)8102 left the station.
The funeral of the late Mrs. Carl left
the residence of her•law, (3. Case -
more, ou Tuesday at 2 o'clock for the
I3luovale cemetery.
We have an addition to out village. A.
doctor has arrived and intends to stay
and work up a praotico. He will live in
i lt, 3aPherson'e house.
J, i .li J3 R !/ S S ,g L S A O S A.r.
Miss Tena Geddes,9rd line, is yielting
llor sister, Afrs, Harry leitmotif),,
Samuel Bleeds) eu old and well.l;uown
resident of this ocality, is quite poorly.
He ie 74oars of a o,
Bei ovale ohoose faotory sold 880 boxes
of May melte to Mr. gook, of Ingersoll,
for 7$ dents per petmd, The oheese was
altipped on Thursday of last week.
Inspector T. 10, Miller was away last
week at Eared/Ma, attending the Hfgtl
Ceurb of the Canadiele Order of Forest.
ere, Mr. Miller has represented Court
Douglas nine times at the High Court,
The ladies of the Methodist congrega-
tion intend holding an "At Home" an the
basement of the ehuroh on Friday even•
iag of this week, A good time is expoot-
eel as au autograph guilt is to be disposed
of on that evening, Good program,
Pooesat�remrox Monday nrght about
thirty members of the Ladies' Aid Soos•
ty of the Waterloo street. Methodist
church, Stratford, and a few ethers as.
gambled at the parsonage and presented
their ` pastor whiz a gold.headed cane,
nloely'insoribed, and Mrs. W allvvin with
a beautiful onyx table, accompanied by
an address, which was read by Mrs. D.H.
Farrow, Mise Varner preeenting the cane
and Mrs: McGuire the table. The recip-
ients of these beautiful tokens of love' and
esteem were taken by surprise and some
momenta elapsed 'before Mr. Wallwin
could find words in which to thank the'
donors for their kindly appreciation of
his labors in Stratford. Mrs. Wallwin
also replied in feeling terns, after which
a pleasant hour was spent in social inter-
course, during which ice Dream and re•
freehments were served. Mr. and Mrs.
Wallwin and family left for their new
field of labor at Luoknow Thursday:
To. Smokers
To meet the wishes of their oustomere
The Geo. E. Tsokett de. Son Co., Ltd.,
Hamilton, Ont., have placed upon the
A Combination Plug or
This supplies a long felt want, giving
the consumer one 20 cent plug, or a 10
cent piece or a 5 omit piece of the famous
''T & 8" brand of pure Virginia To-
The flit tag '9' cv B" is on every piece.
rand Tran.
Dominion Day, 1896,
Return Tiokete will be famed between all
stations in Canada, Detroit and Port
Huron Tunnel, and to Massena
Springs an Rouses Point, The undersigned is prepared to Insura all
N. Y., on kinds of Village property at the lowest rates
in the following first-class omnpanios, viz.:-
June 29, 30 8t. July I, "Lancashire," of Manchester,
-AT- Capital 5 Million Pounds Stirling.
, 913
Clmost Card Sten to ire Cent!,
The ` above looks like a big statement but
every day adds Additional Proof to it by
an Appreciative Public.
We am here to stay and give customers the benefit of the Newest and.
Best goods at Lowest Prices. You don't have to pay here for the goods
someone else gets and don't pay for as we don't give credit and conse-
quently don't have any bad debts.
Now is the time for Light Summer Goods.
We have them in Great Variety,
See our Challies, beautiful goods, 27 inches wide, fast colors, worth anywhere 100. per yaicl, our price
50. per yard.
Dotted Mullins from 10c. per yard up. Just the thing for Children's wear, nice, cool and light.
Pure Swiss Pindott Muslius in great variety. , We start them at 15e. per yard. These are the correct
goods for Ladies' Summer wear, you would cls well to see our stock before purchasing elsewhere.
Have you seen the Ladies' Stainless Black Hose, we are selling two pairs for 25c. Some people charge
that much for one pain.
Laces in endless variety bought from the best Manufacturers. The very Newest designs.
Men's Top Shirts for Summer wear, if you want to keep cool during the warm weather put off your
heavy goods and buy one of our Reaclyinade Shh:ts. We start them at 20e. each.
IIave you tried our famous Saiada Ceylon Tea, it is gaining great-
ly in favor with those who have tried' it, We have it at 30o., 40c,
and 50c. per pound. Every pound guaranteed -if not satisfactory we
return you your money. Also a full line of Staple Groceries in stock
very cheap.
Trzrag your Produce here, we pay the Highest.
Established A. D. 1710. - Capital 7 Million
AND 02, JUNE 28
Ail Tickets good to return till July 2nd,
1895. Apply to
G. T. R. Agent, Brussels.
"Wellington 7lntnae" of Guelph,
Established 1840.
Also 000,000 to Loan on gond Farm security
at Si and 0 per cent. for a or 10 years.
J. A. Creighton.
mnnbn w
ep tr�Ja cramp° o5�a:4
('nnp'0 w `�'�
no'S gC, M. m mGe H P,P �p P2,•,.„,.M pS w
'° ia, fi, C. V' M Fr`G '�1'•l',•e w w tY ut a w u, rn P. i9
o• ^cnfDp° pole.„„ Sg.,egr�ow:'oO�,r�oSt1FITNaroap g s
ywo u�'n4fropgnpyn'Mc°�waop ww�4.'"1 ^ n
gav w o g g p�* neer wan�5:8co Ix
w,ona2Nfa,S��e[repor~oW [at'Rwp�'Swx���vw F
P•�:p p�5' El a;rYaK.7s i30.�6'' w-' mmcap,° p,o tr7
Rel iPrna.-'w�t'ygn wrF <"fe-sy�rr:e- roo5�,m�pg "ol%
• w. Cho ciu t7°yG', c'('ro ' ro C"w re ry ."r 2`4 . a =
t.l & P •,, °'Cly g w o o „0q ca o 11 00 p ti lar )✓ pe 0 0 a .
Et9,1�,n�5Na' °�, 'p �y„�wPSp're g'n°o^ p't .g h •
ore°r:".n^r �Kop• at giPAirc�eanlirlr' +syn» �e S
d. o N y P.t?)"o , W, 071 t n012 ,o 5 t' N 0 ,°•nmeq o, ,w" --R, P.
Hall's Westbury,
Sutton's Champion,
Sharpe's Improved,
Skirving's Improved,
Royal Norfolk,
Green Top,.
Elephant Swedes,
All of the above Seeds are Guar-
anteed Fresh and True to Name.
Every Week Day
a Bargain . Day ! .
The crowds that visit our stoles every day are not
drawn here by idle curiosity.
Our aim hasbeen, is riow and ever will be, to buy the
best goods [not trash] and to offer them at prices that will
satisfy the purchaser when the goods get home.
By fair dealing and selling only reliable goods our
trade has steadily increased.
Here are a few of the many Bargains we are giving
Six Days in the Week
5 pieces American Print in Grenat only at 8c. worth 10c.
15 pieces best 80 in. Cotton Shirting at 11c. sold elsewhere at 12io.
10 pieces flue 86 in. Factory Cotton at 8 e. per yard worth 5c.
2 pieces 57 in. Table Linen at 25c. worth 85e.
5 pieces Fancy Plaid Tartans, pure wool, at 50c. worth 75e.
3 pieces Fine White Lawn at 10e., would compare well with Lawn
sold at 15e. elsewhere.
10 pieces 82 iu. Heavy Flannelette at 8c,, compare this line with..
what you have been buying for 10c. -
Come to us for your Dress Goods, Spot Mus.
lies, Hosiery, Gloves, Ducks, Zephyrs, Prints,.
Parasols, Corsets, Vests, Frillings, Blouses,
Ribbons, Laces, The largest stock to select
from in Brussels and prices the lowest,
lablThe Highest Price paid for Butter and Eggs.