The Brussels Post, 1895-6-21, Page 8T I.+ Iii R U t ilii L7 r :J uNg 21, 18961 3 aria Or'oe11. Use our Government Stan - (lard for tile Potato Bugs, None better at He. per ]b. Mei) Cool By buying one or blare ahoioe .Tans that, we are Selling juat mow, or if yon prefer to tette At ' DRINK of Hire's Root Baer, jersey. Milk Shako, Joreey Buttermilk or Lime Fruit Juice which we are selling at reduced rates to introduce them. G. A, DEADMAN, Druggist, Bookseller and Graduate Optician. RAND TRUNK RAILWAY.' aOUT0ERN EXTENSION W, G. & E, Trains leave Brussels Station, North and South as follows: ' 00000 SMITH. Gone° Nonni, Mail ....... . 0150 a.m. Mixed 9:45 a.m. Cxuree 11;59 a.m..' lfall 8:18 p.m. 'Sneed 9:00 peri. Expr09a 9:45 p.m. rant Witals gfems. • A chiel's among ye takin' notes, An faith he'll prent it. PIO•NICS are an the boom. Poo bugs are plentiful. ANOTHER wedding is on the program. DousesLa Public school closes i,. xt week. STnAwIEnnras are now taking their in- . A. WEEK from next Monday will be Dominion Day. THE Smale block has been receiving a new dress of paint. A. law gilt lettered sign has been pot up at J. Downing's shoe store. Jas. O'LEany, Doo. Warwick, So in. Beattie and harry James attended the Woodstock races this week. Tag latest addition to the lady I try. clists of Brussels is Miss Thurso Gon•y, who rides a Gendron. STONESOt9R wilt be planed under the carriage shop of Silas H. Jackson as he present foundation is said to be inaec'+re. Dozer forget the meeting oast Tuas•lay evening, at the Town Hall, io decide on the date of a publio celebration in B, us - eels and the oharaoter of it. WE would suggest that the Hon. G. W. Ross, Minister of Education, be invitrd to lay the corner stone of the new school building. A very interesting demonstra- tion could be arranged. ANwlIunn of Brussels Gun Club will likely compete for the prizes at the Wroxeter touruameut on Dominion Day. Oar Band will give a big concert in the Pavilion, Wroxeter on the evening of that day. A. CARLOAD of good horses were shipped from Brussels last Tuesday by Messrs. Parker & Kirkby, destined for the Old Country. duo. Miller, of Morrie, accom• paaied them across the briny. This is, the third shipment this season by Messrs. Parker &'Kirkby, with more to follow. IN the illustrated program of the 13th annual meet of the Canadian Wheelmens' Association, to be held in Waterloo on Jaly 1st and 2od, we notice the portrait - of Jno. W. Fear, hardware merchant, formerly of Brussels. Heis the Vice - President of the Waterloo Club, 513 which town he resides. THE Delineator for July contains :- The Etiquette of Visiting, Training. School Eeperienoes, Profitable Poultry Keeping, Kindergarten Papers, Burnt Work, An article on Alma College, St. Thomas Ontario, The College Settlement of New York, Voice Culture, Relations of Mistress and Servant, Choosing a Boy's Career, Cookery, Stains and their Solo - eats, A Sunflower Tea, Amusements for Summer Evenings, Stitobee and "Em. broideries, Knitting, Netting, Tatting, Lace -making, etc., etc. GRAVELLING CONTRACTS. -Last Bator - day evening gravelling °entracte to the amount of $200 were let by public auc- tion at the Queen's hotel, Brussels, by tLe Reeves of Grey and Morris as follows : Geo. MoSpadde0,through Fralick'e swamp at 40o per square yard. He also gravels the approaches to two bridges for the County at the same figure. Opposite cons. 7, 8, 9, and 10 Jas. M. Martin does the work at 32lo and 340 respectively. Gen. MaSpadden,4asaured the job South of•Breeselo opposite cone, 7 and 9 at 25 aud38 ota. and a 51.0.00 contraot at Wal. ton. John Bahgar gravels opposite oon. 8 at 24oents. The work will be done as soon as possible. SocLw,-On Tuesday evening of this week the Ladies' Guild of St. John's church, Brussels, made use of Wm. Blaohill'a lawn, Mill street, for a sooial. The evening was tine, the turn -out quite large and the ladies need every effort to give everybody a good time and happily suoneeded. Refreshments in the form of coffee, cake, ice cream, &o., were served and an interesting program of instrumen- tal and vooel music and readings was given by the yam,. people. The follow. ins were the performers :-Mrs. James, Misses Cardiff, Haggard, Blaehill, Put - laud, MoOraolten, Etoy, Kerney, Cooper, and Messrs. Smith and Hawkins. About $,17.00 was realized. The ladies feel deep. ly indebted to Mr. and Mai. 131aehill for the use of their lawn and home. A. DAY AT KINCAanxo,-Elaborate are the Dreparatie ie being made by the town of 1Sinourdine for the Scottish Damon. titration on the 20th of Jo ie. The prize Het hes been made large rnough to at. tract the leading athlete of Canada and the United States, and a lay of rare en• jgyment is assured any of our readers who may visit that pretty lakeside town. One of the Windsor -Soo Line of steamers wall carry excursionists. from Southamp- ton and Port Elgin to Kinoardine; while the other will run Iran, Godericb to Rio• sardine. Mout-done will be given on the loite during the afternoon. The, pas- seugera will change steamers for the re• tura trip. Round trip $1.00. ?adieu. lady oheap rates have been eeoared for those who wish t0 go by rail, and the Palmerston train will be held/ until after the concert at night. dayovny'1x Division Court next %Aim• A Dull of hogs was ehipped by Bieesre, Bolter & Yapetone on Thursday. JNo, Minn. has made a pumber of inn. prove amts in hie tonsorial parlor, 1t1•l.eens. Clues Ann Warns shipped; a car of hogs to the Eastern markets last Tuesday from Bruseols, A flow tamarack plank floor is being Put 00 the iron bridge over the (Maitland here this week, Jut). Wright is doing the work. J. 0. HALLxnAr, of Loddon, has Jlad a new wire tenet+ put up at hie hoose on Albert etreet, Bruseele, in whioh W. P. Stewart resides. Dolmens footballers were defeated at Atwood last weak. A third matob is now necessary to decide the superiority of the °lube as each have won a match. Stamm took it leather s0110o1 hag and books from Victoria Pant lust Tuesday evening by mistake. A favor will be Don. ferr•ed by 'leaving at Tag Pose. Publishing House. AN excursion will be run to the Model Perna, Guelph, an Tuesday of next week. The return fare from Brussels, ticket good for two days, is 95 cents, Train leaves at 6150 a. ni. Strome fare tioketa will be issued on June 29th, 30th, or July 1st, good to re. turn on July and, between all stations in Canada, Detroit, .Port Huron, Massena Springs and Rouse's Point, N. Y. Maria LEAF, Jas, O'Leary's pacing horse won and money in the 2:50 aloe at Woodstock on Tuesday afternoon. There were Fix horses started, Jimmy Skein took 1st plane. A protest has been enter- ed against Skein. Daman PARR. -All parties who have been using the Driving track this season or who intend to for horses or bieyolea, and who bare not got their season tickets should at once gall on the Secretary and seoure them. Ladies an tricycles free. F. S. SCOTT, Secretary. GARDEN PARTY. -On Thursday evening of next week a garden party will be held at the residence of Thos. Maunders, South of Brussels, under the auspices of the Methodist ohuroh. Conveyances will be supplied for the townspeople who have no other way of going. A tip-top program will be provided and refresh- ments furnished. A. KoENIG disposed of his driving horse to J. H. Reid, a medical student of De. troit. Before leaving town that gentle- man purchased a set of harneea and a Gladstone buggy from h C. Richards. Mr. Reid dm.e through to Detroit. He wall accompanied by Fred. Laird, of Ethel, a fellow medical student. Tat Seaforth Expoaitor in speaking of the Stratford races says :-Jan. O'Leary, of the Queen's Hotel, Brussels, and for. merly of this town, was a lucky man at Stratford on Tuesday. In the morning ha purchased ,t horse entered in the 2:50 class together with sulky and barneas, for 5500. In the afternoon this horse won its race and a puree of $400. On bets he won 590, so that in the end his horse and outfit only cost him 510. FINE OArTLE.-A finer lot of cattle fed by one man are seldom seen than the 70 head delivered by W. Dickson, of Mo. Killop, to Scott & Jones, at Brussels, for the British market. They averaged 1400 pounds and Mr. Diokeon received the tidy sum of 55,330 for them. Four cars were loaded, the drovers purchasing a number of head from other farmers to complete the consignment. Thos. Bloom- field and H. Sheppard ac±ompauied the shipment on Saturday. 11RnssELs Nor IN Ir. -The Pnblie school Football boys drove over to Wrox- sten on Saturday afternoon and played a match with the school club of that ail. lege, reinforced by members of the senior team. Our boys weren't in it and were defeated by 3 to 0 in one hour. A. return matt& will be played. The following were the players 10001ETEn. Bnues 1L0. Fred. Orr Goal ,. W. Leathexdale R, Martin tI ,Leon Jacksou W. Weldon I ( Jas. McOraokeu J. Brawn0/ D.Strachan 0. Sanderson- „Backs; Jas. McKenzieH, Brawn l .. D. McKenzie R, Miller t Centra .D.MCLauchlia AA, Robinson ! L•wing 1 O. Kendall Grewar W. Raett JMcCracken. W. B4sLood ......... ( B•wing ' SMeorackeu ldelaree-W. Samos JUNE WEDDING. -On Wednesday after. noon of last week the residence of Mrs. James Clark, Goderinh street, Seaforth, formerly of Brussels, was the scene of unusual excitement and stir. The a0• nasion was the marriage of her eldest daughter, Sarah, to John H. Stephens, second son of Thomas Stephens, of the Queen's hotel of that town. The cere- mony was performed shortly after 5 o'- clock by Bev. Dr. McDonald, in the presen0e of a large number of relatives and invited questa from London, Gode- rich and Brussels. The bride was assist- ed by klieg Tena Stephens, while James Clark performed a like ceremony for the groom. After the ceremony the guests sat down to a sumptuous wedding feast. The remainder of the evening was spent in music and dancing, and other social amusements. When all had dispersed' the young couple went to their own home, where they start out in life to• gather, followed by the best wishes of their many friends. WEDDING BELLS. -Wednesday morning of this week Cupid aeored another victory in the matrimonial alliance of John Mo. Bain, a well,koown young business man of Brussels, and' Miss Lizzie H., the estimable daughter of the late W.R. Wil. sou. The ceremony was performed at the residence of the bride's mother, Mfll street, by Rev. Ino. Ross, B. A. in the presence of relatives of the contraoting ilttrties and a few friends. Mies Kate Wilson, slater of the bride, was brides• maid, and Jim. Ferguson, of Ferguson & Holliday, supported the bridegroom. The bride wore a very becoming ooitume Of white sillt and the bridesmaid was neatly attired in white, both parrying bouquets of beautiful flowers. After eon. gratulations an elegant wedding breakfast was partaken of and before leaving the tables Rev, Mr. Ross proposed the health and happiness of the bride in lint: ions and appropriate terms. W. H. Kerr seconded the proposal and Mr. MoBain replied in fitting terms. The wedding gifts were handsome, useful, end valu- able, and were unmistakable evidence of the esteem in which Mrs. .MOBain is held. By the noon train the happy twain left for a short wedding to0r to To ronto and Niagara Valls followed by the sincerely expressed •wieltee of a large circle of friends, to say nothing of rine and old slippers. Mr. and Mrs. Mct3ain will Continua to reside in Brnssels. Tun Pon throws an editorial clipper after them and hopes that their fondest itOpea wilt be realized. Busiri.e$$ Locals,. 1'o140Ea 35 onto it bag at MgOreoli. 90'9. W11 repair shoos cheap aud»eat. I.0. Richards, Font sale cheap; one baby carriage. I. C. 1Zioharde, Fon sale, one top. buggy, good .as new, I. 0, Richarde, }Vit eel] and guarantee NQ•Te-Bao, Try it, at I'ox'e Drug store, Poll beet value in boots and shoes try us, 7. 0. Richards, Tax No-To.Bao, we 9011 and guarantee it at Fox's Drug store, VEnx beet Pea Harvesters at J. J. Gilpin's, Brussels, for @10,00, LeyiorY run on ohildren'e waged 0-5 THE POs' Book Store, 2 boy's alcor pedes for sale. Gall and see them, Do you want to step using toba000 ? If eo, nee No -Tc -Bao. We refund your money if not as stated, G. A. DEADMAN, Suxzon'e Cure, the 'great Dough and droop Dore, is in great demand. Pocket else contains twenty-five doses'; only 26. cents. Ohildren love it, ' Sold by Jas. Fox, druggiat, Brussels. Lion's Clover Boot will purify your blood, clear your complexion, regulate your bowels and melte your hand clear as a bell. 25 ole., 50 ots. and $100. Sold by Jae. Pox, druggist, Brussels. HEEn :on WAnexNn.-The common and ever-present warning of kidney trouble, bank -ache and weakness in book are quickly relieved by Dr. Obeee's Tulle. When all other remedies fail they cure. CAPTAIN Sweeuey, U. S. A., San Diego, Cal., says :-"Sbiloh'e Catarrh Remedy: is the first medicine I have ever found that would do me any good." Price 60 Dente. Sold by Jas. Fox. druggist, Bros. sense FLEURY PLOWS.-FIugh Williams & Son are the Agents for the well known Fleury plows. They also keep all the necessary repairs. Call at Williams' Livery Stable, Brussels. The Fleury plow received the gold medal and diploma at the World's Fair. Sona Warm FOUNTAIN. -J. McAlpine has, at oonsidarable oast, put one of them into his restaurant and can, now put up the beet Summer drinks known, He has reduced ice cream to 30 cents a quart and will give very special rates in fruits and oonfeotionery to pio•nic and evening parties. C. Donnelly, prop. of the popular and well known Windsor hotel, Alliston, Ont„ was troubled for years with Robing piles. He was persuaded by Jos. McGarvey, Al. list n, 11••01.0 man, to use Chase's Oint- ment, Wiwi he,hd, was cured, and had no return of them and highly recom- mends this ointment as a sovereign cure for piles. A NEW Ilrrna Luka Srmmatserr Son, non. -The Oanadian Paoifio are making a new departure in their Upper Lake Steamship service. Instead of running two boats a week from Owen Sound and Sault Ste. Marie and Port Arthur as hitherto, they are arranging during the excursion season, commencing 29th Jane and ending 615 September, in addition to the two steamships from Owen Sound on Mondays and Thursdays, to ran a third steamship, the"Alberta," from Windsor every Saturday, leaving after the arrival of the morning 'train from Toronto, or the Friday evening train from Montreal. She will tail at Sarnia, thence to Mack - into Island, where a lay over of 6 or 6 hours will be made. From there to Sault Ste. Marie, where a stop over of 8 or 4 hours will be made, and then on to Thunder Bay, connecting with the over. land express for Winnipeg and the Pacific Coast. Returniug, the Alberta will not. Dell at Mackinac, but passengers going via Windsor will have the advantage of returning via Owen Sound, or vine versa. 13022,25. Bonen.-In Grey, on June 715, the wife of Mr. John Bolger of a sou . DEwan.-In Elma, on May 615, the wife of Mr. Wm. Dewar of a son. Sino. -In East Wawanosh on June 8th, the wife of Mr. John Slliel, a daugh- ter. S'rliw,RT.-In Grey, on June 1055, the wife of Mr. Hugh Stewart of a son (still born.) a2.ea.�ar�xEln, M0BAIN-Wmeoo.-At the residence of the bride's mother, Mill street, on June 1915, by Rev, John Rose, B. A., Mr. John McBein to Miss Lizzie H., third daughter of the Late W. R. Wilson, all of Brussels. MoOma,-SFnmag.-At the residence of the bride's parents, 1615 con., Grey, on June 20, by Rev. W. J. Waddell, Mr. George E. McColl, of Morrie, to Miss Lizzie, third daughter of Mr. Hartwell Speiran, of Grey. STEFHENS-CLARK. At the r'esidenoe of the bride's mother, on June 12th, by Rev, A. D. McDonald, D. 'D., Mr. John Hay Stephens, second son of Mr. Thomas Stephene, of the Queen's Hotel, to Mies Sarah, eldest daugh- ter of the late James Clark, all of Seaforth, SauTn-MAOnaN.-At the residence of the bride's father on Wednesday June 5th, by the Rev. 4 Henderson, M, A.,Mr. J. Alfrad, son of Mr. W. Smith, to Margaret A., daughter of Mr.Itobt. Moohan, all of Grey township. AVERY-BAwrnNHntllnn.-At the reel. denoe of the bride's father, on Jnne 1355, by Rev. G. H. Oobblediok, Mr. Wm. B. Avery to Mise Rena, third daughter of Mr. A. Bawtiuheiner, all of Brussels, • RonmNeoor -TUCKER --TAYLOR- TUCKER. - At the manse, WSitechurob; by Rev. Mr, MoNab, on .into 8rd inst., Mr. Wm. Robinson, ofTarnberry, to Mise Mina Tucker, of 'Gingham; and Mr. Wm, Taylor, of Morris, to Miss Barbara Tooker, of Wingham. MOBu0NaY-JOHNSTON.-At the residence of the bride's parents, on Jane 5th, by Rev, L. G. Wood, 'Mr. Samuel McBurney, of East Wawanosh, to Mies Annie, daughter, of Mr. Wm. Johnston, of Turnbarry. Tolle-Rnnatolan,-At the residence of the bride's mother, Winnipeg, on the 5th ioat., by Rev. Dr. Duval, Mr. H. P. Tome, of Winnipeg, to Miss Muriel Redmond, formerly of Clinton. =sea. , BmNEy.-In Turnbarry, on the 11th inst., Francis Birney, age 7(3 years. Ponvie.-At the raeidenoe of her brother 15 East Wawanosh, on June 5th, Christina Purvis, aged 80 years. Saumrl,-In Lucknow, on Tuesday, June 1855, 1895, William Henry Smith, aged 56 years, 8 months and 25 days. So,n us, -In Blyth, on the 17111 inst., Eliza Somme, aged 22 years. M ,S 4Y?.+ h/ L,F 2 l Brit. N i .��1, 'OF V t/.Z✓ i ,/,l. D4 , eerie ".P,,.'.LJ°l'iiL',f�`°.Ie."anzz n472, HEAD OFFICE. .. TORONTO, ASSETS, - (Seven Million Dollare) . $7,000,000 CAPITAL (Authorised) - - $2,000,000 Apenoieein ail prinaipai painte in Untold°, Queben; klan 4toba, United Stains & nvland, PARis GREEN TX'fln 111A1‘1'114.1411 COLQI.3,AD0 31igTL13 Ilerainda as that the Sersabi&° A General Banking Boldness Transacted, Partnere' Notes Discounted, Drafts Issued and Collections made on all points, , SAVINGS BANI< DSPARTMCNT, Interest allowed cn deposits of $1,00 .4nd upwards from dab of deposit to date of withdrawal and compounded half yearly. SMEarox, ATTENTION GIVEN TO THE COLr,AorxpN OF FARMERS' SALE NOVA. Every facility afforded Ouetomere living at a distance, J, A. STi11WART MAN4GEn, as CILLI S, Yw T$rr17, r�rXI,,t BANKERS CN 7 Transact a General' Banking Business.. Drafts 13ou8ilt and Sold on N11 points 1n Canada, Unite& States and. Great Britain,' FA RME 118 NOTES DIS5:O•CINTED. SALE NOTES AND MORTGAGES A SPECIALTY. Sierix Imre 2b.sialo maw. Interest Allowed on One Dollar and Upwards at Current Rotas. Interest Com- pounded Twioe a Year, Being Added to the Prinoipal ab the end of the Months of October and April. Special Arrangements made for Time Deposits. We effect to write insurance In old English ar Oanadhin Companies, or in NW, nal Campsites 50 may be desired. AGENTS FOR CANADA AND UNITED STATES : THE CANADIAN BATE OF COMMnROE BRV'nmooI.,S a;ma± s:go. i Fall Wheat 05 i 96 Spring,. Wheat 05 90 Barley. 45 48 Peas 58 Op Oats 85 87 Wool' 18 18 Butter, tubs -and rolls 11 00 Eggs per dozen 8 9 Flour per barrel.. . 4 60 5 00 Potatoes. 25 00 Hay per ton 7 00 00 Hides trimmed 3 00 Hides rough- .. ' 2 2i• Salt per bbl., retail 1 00 00 Sheep skins, each 20 40 Lamb eking each16 40 Apples per bbl 1 52 1 25 Hogs, Live..•....° 4 00 4 25 Wool 18 20 CHEESE MARKET. -Ingersoll; Ont. -Of. faringe to.dey, 2,175 boxes remnant of May 'make ; safes,' 300 boxes at 'Tic. ; 7 9/160 ,refused in some Oates ; 75n refused for one lot first week of June make. Belleville, Ont. -At the oheese board to. day 1,866 white and 680 colored were of. fared. Sales were 330 colored at 711/180; 895 white, 7$o ; 75 colored, 7Oo ; 750 white, 7 9/16o ; 50 colored, 7 9ll6o. TORONTO, June 18. -Market dull and easy. Wheat -Red and white were of. fared, high freights west, at 95o to 96e, but some holders asking lo or 20 more ; Manitoba wheat is easier, $1.04 far. No. 1 hard west, and $1.00e Montreal freights. Flour -Cars of Ontario patents quoted at 54.90, and straight roller at $4.60 to 54.65, Toronto freights. Barley -Care of feed outside quoted at 53. Rye -Market nominal,• at 65e for care east. Oats -Cara of mixed quoted at 30o west, and white at 87o to 38c according to locality west. Peas -Oars north and west quoted at 620 to 630. l'olmaro, Jane 18. -Trade was pretty fair to -day at the western cattle yards, although it cannot be said that prices were much higher. Export cattle had a better tone, on the strength of improved oables, but other lines were barely steady. Hogs were in heavy supply and weak, prices declining about 5 per cent. Buyers were in good attendance. Thera were about 22 carloads of butchers' cattle went through to Mantreal. Receipts ware 62 carloads, which included 623 sheep and lambs, 1,200 hogs and nearly 100 calves. In export cattle there was a firmer tone than last Friday, but prices were about the same, the higher quotations having been paid for choice cattle than has' been offered lately. As high as 51cper pound has been paid for one or two choice loads,/ with the ruling .figures from 4/o to 5,.o per pound. There were about 50 oarloads of exporters in, all told, and most of them sold before the close of the day. In hoteliers' cattle buying was only moan ately active,prices ruling at 3}o to 4o per pound. For a few nice ohoioe cattle as high as 44o per pound was paid. Buying for the outside was fairly active, 14 loads being taken for Montreal, but the demand from looal'butohere' was quiet. In stock- ers and feeders there was really no trade done. MoxrnuAL, June 17011.- Quite an act. ive business was done in the horse mar• ket last week with fairly liberal purcltas- ep� both on export and local account. Ad - %does from the other side are not actual. ly better. They offer a fair amount of encouragement and shippers evidently see their way clear to ship right along. About 40 were taken by Laurie at the [corse Exchange during the week, and about 400 head were consigned throngh, principally from the Western States. The general quality of the stook sent for- ward woe good. Values oontinued about the same. Desirable heavy draught horses are quoted from 575 to 5125, and the same range about covers the value of good light horses. At present there are but three oars for sale at the exchange. Bann BUFAALO, N. Y., June 18. -cattle -The free)! arrivals ware ,very light as. usual on Tuesday, being but four loads. A number of ends held over from yester- day's trade, composed of hoteliers' and (tilling stook, were being peddled out, at weak prices. Hogs-Reoeipts, only 7 carloads, but 8 carloads bald over from yesterday's market opened with a fair demand. Yorkers, 54 80 to $4.90 ; good medium, $4.90 to $4.05 ; common to good heavyaode, $4.15 to 54.501 rough, 53.75 to $4.40 ; pigs, 54,75 to $4.80 ; stage, 58 t0 53.50. Sheep and lambs, -Receipts, 2,260 head. Market dull. Clipped sheep, export ewes and wethers, $3,76 to 54.25 ; good to prime handy wethers, 58.50 to 53.75 ; fair to good mixed, 52,75 to$3.25; common to fair, 52,85 to$2.50 ; oulls, 51.- 60 to $2 ; clipped yearlings, good to choice, 53,40 to 58.65 ; common and culla iota, 52 to 58.351 spring Iambs, common tis ohof00, $8.50 to 58.60, THE PEOPLE'S COLUMN, BRUSSELS POST OFFICE Savings Bank tattoo Deposits from $1.00 to $1,100 and aliowe 8i per emit. interest. T. FARROW, 87.8m - Postmaster. STOOK FOR THE DAIRY. -IN Breeding for milk or butter do not waste for the eery oe of my Jers v Bull if his dam ,will not make from 75 10100 lbs. more butter in a year, than the dam of any breed within three relies. G. A. DEADMAN. ° Bruesele" STRAYED FROM THE PRE M- ins of the undersiguad,Lot 25, Oon,±8 Grey, on or about May 1401, four head of yearling cattle. Three oithem are red in color and the other gray. Any information le ailing to their recovery will be thankfully received,. JAS. LA:RU,Proprietor, 45-tf Ethel P. O. OM.FORTABLE BRICK House for Bale or to Rent on Turn - berry street, Bruesele. Immediate possess- ion, Good stable, well, cistern, 4 acre of land, fruit trees, &o, Apply to MRS. It, WALKER, No. 81, John Street, 41- Brussels, REAL ESTATE. I[1ARMS FOR SALE. -THE UN• DERSIGNED LIMB several good Farms 9 or soloand to rent,easy terms, in Townships of Morris and Grey. F 3, SCOTT.Bruesela. I.]1ARM FOR SALE.—THE UN— DRRBIGNED offers his 75 acre farm for Sale, being East part of Lot 22, Oon,18, Grey. About 50 acres cleared, balance bush, Good frame bowie, bank barn, 45055 feet, orchard, well, Jen.. In good abate or cultivation and well fenced. Possession after harvest. For further particulars as to price, terms, &o. apply to DUNCANMc1NNES, Proprietor, 45.4 . Oraubrook P. O. FARM FOR SALE. -TRE UN- IMASIOmtn offers for sale his 50 acro farm being West half of North half 0010114, COIL 8, Morris. There is a good log. house, with Immo kitchen; bank barn ; or- chard.; well, &o, 40 cores cleared and under gond state of cultivation. Possession given next Novbmber. For further particulars as to prlae, terve,&o., apply on the: premises to ROBERT HUGHES, Proprietor, 44-10 or Brussels P.U. Season ie close at hand end Ivo deeire to remind you that w0 have, this eeaeou, the very Pure eat article that mut be purohaeed anywhere, We guarantee every pound to be oh0nligatly pure, Only , 25oguild per n _-. AT - Fox's Drug Stare, OPPOSITE QUEEN's HOTEL. LEGAL AND CONVEYANCING. L. TAYLOR, BARRISTER, • Solioitor0,00 Conveyancer. donee - Nous made. Office-Vanstono'e Block, Brute. eels, 21.0m wY y• M. SINCLAIht, T 1T • Solioltor, Uonveyaneso ,No tory Pub - no, &o. Oflloe-Vaustone's Block, I door north of Central, Hotel,. Private Funds to Loan" G F. BLAIR, BARRISTER, • Solicitor, &o. Hato of Garrow Proudfoofe cities, Goderlob.) Ofhao over Gillies & Smith's Bank, Brussels, Money to Loan, 47 DENTAL. DR. DAVIDSON .honor Graduate Toronto 'University, Tiioentiate Royal College Dental Surgeons. Grown and Bridge work a specialty, Moder- ate Fees. Satisfaction Assured, Office over Barrett's barber shop, Turmberi•y Si., Brus- sels. VETERINARY. T D. WARWICK, tl • Honor Graduate of the Ontario Veterinary College, ie prepared to treat all dieeaoeeuf damestiaated animals in a oom- petent manner. Particular attention paid 00 veterinary deutiatrp. Calle. promptly at- tended Eo. Mae and Infirmary -Faun doors north of bridge •i'urnberry et„ Brussels. MEDICAL CARDS. JA. MoNAUGHTON, M. D. • O, M., L, R. 0.P., Edinburgh, M. 0. S. Ont. Reeldenoe and office fn Wllson'e Block, corner of Mill and Turnbarry .Ste.. JM. ARMSTRONG, M. D. GradP sioian, Surgeon, Aoeoucher, eta, uate- of Toronto University Medium' Faculty" Member of College of Physicians dud Burgeons, Out. Oudot-Noxidoor to McDonald & Co., Walton Out. BUSINESS CARDS. TXT H. IoORAOKEN, 1 If • IBeurerof6larriagoLleensae. Office afhia armory, •Purnberry street. Brussels... R• N. BARRETT, Tonsorial Artist. Shop -Next . door eolith of A. M. McKay & Co's hardware store. Ladioe'and children° hair cutting a epeelalty ROBERT CUNNINGHAM- INBURANOL•, FIRE AND MARINE. GUELPH. Notice to Creditors. IN Tr ii SuomoGATIo COURT OF !MP, COUNTY OF SIMON, IN Tar ESTATE OF OWEN' SMITH, DECEASED. Notice is hereby given pursuant t0 chapter 110, It, S. 0., (1817) and amending acts that all creditors and Other persons having claims against the estate of the above named Owen Smith, deceased, who flied on or about the Fifth day of May, 1804, are required to deliv- er or send by post, propend to John J. Steph- ens, Teeswater, Solicitor far James Jaelcaon and John McCartney, the Exeouto•s of the deceased on or before the First Day of duly. ssas, a statement in writing containing the names, addrebse8 and descriptions and full particulars of their claims and the nature of their securities (if any) h aid by them, and in do fault thereof and as soon after thesaid lst day of July as the eamo can be conveniently done, the said Executors will praaeed to'dia. tribute the emote of the said deceased among the parties entitled thereto, havin rapid only to the claims of which they ehal then have bad notice and they will 000 be liable for the assets of said estate or any part thereof so distributed to any poison of whoa° claim they have not had notice at the time of such diatribe Boa, Dated at Teeswater, Hay 20 1893. OOHN J. STEP1HENS, 43-0 Solioltor for Executors. Notice to Creditors, IN THE SURROGATE COURT OF THE. COUNTY OF HURON, IN 7110 EIl1ATE OF :WILLIAM FUUroN, DECEASED, Notice is hereby given pursuant to Chap. 110 R. B.0, (1987) and eutouding acts that all creditors and other persona having ohms a ainst the estate of the above named WIL•. LIAM FELTON, •deoeaeed, 'who died ou or about the 1755 day of April, A, D, 1895, aro re- quired to deliver or scud by poet, prepaid, to (t, F. Blair, Brussels,. Solicitor far Wlllmm. Fulton, administrator, with will annexed of the estate of the deo:mood on or before tho 9111 11uy. of July. 18115, a. statement in writ - lug containing their Hamas addroeees and deaarlptlons and • 1011 particulars of their alaime and the nature of their eeoarities (if any) held by them, and in default thereof and as soon after the said 995 day of Jnly as the tame nen be conveniently done the 0)sid administrator will proceed to distribute the Rosette of the said deoeaeed among the par•• tioo entitled thereto, having regard only to tho clalims of which be shall then have had notice and 110 will notbe liable for the assets of said oatate or any volt thereof oo distrib- uted to any person of whose elates he has not had notice tit the time of suoh die- tribution, Datadat Brussels the 19th day 01 Juno, A, D. 1385, O. F, BLA111 403 Solicitor for Admluistrator. T. FLETCHER, Issuer of Marriage Licenses, OFFICE AT JEWELRY STORE. L No Witness Required. T. PLETCHER, Brussels. yTELLINGTON MUTUAL IN- aonANOE Go. Betabliohed 1840, In- surances effected on all Town and Farm Property at verylow rates. J. A, OREIGHTON, 15.8m Agent, Brussels, ALEX. AUNTFR, Clark of the Fourth Division Cour Co, Huron, Conveyancer, Notary Public Land, Loan and Insurance Agent. Funds invested and to loam. Colieotione made 011ie° in. Smale'a-B look, Brunets MISS O'CONNOR, R. T., Teacher of ivatrumentat mueia 011 Plano or Organ. Will visit Wingbam Tues- day and Wednesday of eaoh week. Resi- dence on Princess Street, Bruesele, A. HAW1U11S, M. 0. S. M. J • Organist iu St. John's Church, Erns sets, and and puppil, in the Art of Teaohiug of A. W.Tbayew, Mue.Deo.,New 'York, will give lesenne to pupils either on plane or organ, at his parlor over A. R, smith's store, Brut+ - solo. Vocal lessonsalso given; Terms mod erste, AUCTIONEERS. (FORGE KIRKBY; Licensed Auctioneer, Sales oouduot ed on reasonable terms. Farms and farm stook a specialty. Orders left at TEE Poor PubliahiugBonee, Bruseals, or eontie Walton P. O., will reaelve prompt attention, ri S. SCOTT ASAN AUCTION. L •..BEs, will eon for better prices, to better mon, in ,lese time and lees abarges than any other auctioneer in East Borth or lie -won't charge anything. Dates and • orders can always be arranged at this office or by personal application. STONE I STONE ! Any quantity of Building, Corner,- Bubble. 8111 and Bridge Stone. for Bale. Quarried and ready for loading at Brunetti Quarry. For price and terms apply to JN 0,M1TOHELL, 87.tf ,. Box 110 Bruseelo, AGENTS WANTED WHO DE - KIM to earn from 816 to 525 weekly. I1 Dan bodOne selling ourhardy,guarantoed, Canadian growth Nursery Steck, Salary or '000nmlesion paid. weekly. Exolueive terra' tory. Handsome outfit free.. Write ue at once for tame, B. 0, GRAHAM, Nurseryman, 41.14 Toronto, oat.