The Brussels Post, 1895-6-21, Page 6Ott r rxtso s 100$1t RV= FRIDAY MOANING fin titno for the early "The .@e/4" StetittPilkliBhlulf UMW*TOiumneiir Ste, Perlessr,s, ONT. TERMa os Spnsonlv'rio8,••-Ono dollar s aubso iptiau ,vele lel denoted eyithe ate oe the addoese tubal• ADvEnwrarno RATE ,—The following rate, will be charged- to those who atlyertise by the year awls 5 Y14, 1 0 me, 18. mo One - QOlamn $00,00 ;$35.00 $2000 Half I 85A0 i 24,00 0 12 00 QQuarter ' , 2050 18.00 8.00 Eighth ' 1$,00 - 8,00 2.00 Eight cents per Hue for first insertion, and three oents per line for each eubsequaat in, sortion. All advertisements measured as Nonpareil -12 lines to the inch, 8001nes8 Cards, eight lines and tinder, $0 per annum. Advertisements without apeelfc direc- tions, will be inserted until forbid, and *barged accordingly, luetructionsto change or discontinue se advertisement must Weft at the counting room oI Tn s POST not later than Tuesday of each week This is imperative. W. 11. TiER13, Editor and Proprietor, Huron County Council. THE COUNTY OAOL. William Dickson, gaoler, reported, among other things, as follows : Wehave at present eight prisoners in custody,. seven males and one female, the latter, Aire. Shepherd, is 84 years of age and very feeble. She oomee from Colborne, and was committed by Chas. Seager, P. M,, as a vagrant, for three months. She has been in custody eight months, the last committment dating from the 3rd inst: Of the melee, one, a vagrant from Durham, was committed. by Police Mag- istrate Seeger for six months ; two are under seater -me for larceny ; one under sentence for indecent assault. and one awaiting trial for the same offence, and two are insane. Both the latter oases have been investigated and reported, and are now awaiting removal to the asylum. COUNTY PROPERTY REPORT. The County Property Committee re- ported having examined the gaol and found everything clean and in good order. The contract for the water nlosete has been let, and work will be proceeded with et once. The coat of thio structure will be about $150. The committee recom- mended a few small repairs on and sup• plies for the gaol, and some repairs on the court house building, including a new slate roof. WHAT TEE AUDITOR'S SAY. The Auditor's reported among other things that they had great pleasure in testifying to the very neat, careful and satisfactory manner in which the Treas- urer's books are kept, also that they have found the acooents oorreot and satisfac- tory. TILE COUNTY ROADS. The County Road Commissioner re- ported as follows : The bridge on the 10th concession of Hawick has been erected ; so also has the Bluevale bridge, and have been in use for several days. They are good cedar bridges and the contractors have done their part very satisfactorily. The Holmeeville and Blyth bridges are in course of construction, and I expert that they will be completed in due time, There should be a bridge re -built on the county boundary, between West Wawa. nosh and Kinloss. It can be shortened to about 20 feet. The old bridge is very much decayed and is unsafe for many loads. I expect the county of Bruce will be ready to join in the work immediately after the June meeting. The bridge known as the race bridge, situated in Lower Wingbam, should be rebuilt. It is a small bridge, only 02 feet long, and should be built of cedar. There will most likely be some other small bridges to be re -built this season, I have made considerable repairs to bridges and ap. preaches, and there still remains a good many to be repaired. I have examined the boundary line between the townships of Stephen and Hay, at the plate where the large drain crosses the road, and I find that the road is benefitted by the said drain, and if the drain is kept prop. erly cleaned out, as I suppose 10 will be, the county may dispense with one small bridge which they now maintain near the draiu. I have examined the bridge on the boundary line between Hallett and MaKilley. It ie over the Maitland river, and ie known as Blask'e bridge. The timbers are very much destroyed ; the bridge should be re -built the present 68&800. The ballot for the Keeper and Matron of the House of Refuge was proceeded with, and after ten ballots had been taken D. french and wife, of Exeter, were declared elected to the positions of Keeper and Matron. The following are the votes cast en the first and last bal. lots 1-11. H. Anderson and wife, West Wawnno,h, 20'; John Broadfoot, Brue•. eels, 0 ; Robert Buchanan and wife; Yorkton, 14 ; James Barr and wife, Hul- ett, 21 ; Wm. Buchanan and wife, Hay, 8 ; George Bieeett, Godericb, 0 ; Niohol. as Cumming and wife, Monis 13 ; R. W. Clarke and wife, West Wawanoeh, 0 ; Geo. Duncan and wife, Seaforth, 2 ; Wm, Downs and wife, Hallett, 0 ; Peter Deane and wife, Wingbam, 7 ; A. Curl. ningham and wife, Blyth, 2 ; Geo. Fot- tnrgill and wife, East Wawanoeh, 3 ; D. French and wife, Exeter, 18 ; Jno. Hob loway awl wife, Ethel, 0Solomon Hardy and wife, Zurich, 5 ; 'Lack Iien• nedy and wife, Clinton, 10 ; Jas. Kane and wife, Clinton, 1 ; W. J. King and wife, Wingham, 2 ; Andrew Little and wife, Seaforth, 3 ; Joseph Lawson and wife, West Wawaoosb, 4 ; John 0. OIor- risme, Moltillop,1 ; A. Murdooh and wife, Hallett, 3 ; Duncan McPherson and wife, Wingbam, 4 yG. F. McPhee and wife, Colborne, 0 • Jae. G. McMichael and wife, Hollett,'4 ; W. A. MoOlymont and wife, Goderioh, 12 ; John McIntyre, Ash- field, 0 ; Richard Pollard and wife, Ma• Rillop, 10 ; George Russell and wife, Wingbam, 2; Hugh Rose and wife, Olin. ton, 2 ; Robert B. Scott and wife, Sea - forth; 5; Samuel T. Shine and wife, Grey, 0 ; S. J. Shannon and wife, Mo- Iiillop, 4 ; John Stephenson and wife, Ashfield, 6 ; W. J. Sturdy and wife, Eaet Wawanoeh, 2 ; AndrosO Taylor endsea- ter, i ondesboro', 2 ; Mrs. Mary A. War. wick, Hullebt, 1 ; Thomas Whitely and wife, Goderiob, 2 ; A. M. Wilson and Wife, Stephen, s ; Dnnfel Wilson and wife, Gederieh, 8 i Betiftuel Witwer grid Wife, Stanley, 12, For Inepeotor, the vote etool7 no fol• Imo ; W. Coate, 25 ; D. lllaltey, 7 ; J. C.1ttnrrfeon, 0 ; Mr, Colwell, 5. ; Mr'. 'Prouty, 4, Mr,. Coates, having reoelvad a clear majority on the Oret ballot, was doolaved elected. For Phyeialan tiler'," were three app.. sante, end the vote stood es follows ;— Dr, Campbell, Seaforth, 24 ; Dr, Shaw, Clinton, 19 ; Dr, Turnbull, Clinton, 2, Dr. Campbell was declared elected. ROADS AND MOM, The Road and Bridge Comnlibtee re• ported, recommending ; (1) That the Commissioner have the bridge built en theboundary of Weet a sh and Iiiloee, proiding the county of Bruce pays half, alae the race bridge in Lower Wingbam, and that these bridges be built of ceder, (2) That the county pay the townships of Hay and Stephen moil the sum of fifty dollars for the benefit of the road, boundary oe Hay and Stephen, this amount having been paid by them. (3) That the Bannockburn bridge, in the township of Stanley, remain under the jurisdiction of the county until re•builb, as asked for by the motion Of Messrs. Erratt and Mollveen. (4) That no notion be taken respecting the Good Roads Ae. eooiation of Ontario. (0) That the Com- nlissioner examine the, guards along the embankment on the gravel road, South of Wingham, and have the salve put in proper repair. (6) That the .Hayrook and Pollock bridges be added to the list of county bridges,' as asked for by the motion of Messrs. MoEwen and Turn. bull. (7) That a cedar bridge be built on the boundary between Hallett and McKillop, at Black's, and that the Com• missioner have it done as soon as pos. Bible. 5010005 01180100000108' SALARIES. In a000rdanoe with a resolution passed at the last session of the Council, School Inepeotore Robb and Tom presented a detailed statement of their receipts in connection with their offices for the years 1803 and 1804, The following are the statements for 1804, that for the previous year being nearly the same. These statements wore read and referred to the Education Committee : D. 1oee'0 SALARY. Received from Education Depart- ment $22.0 00 County 025 00 Travelling ex- penses 150 00 81100 00 TEA onions' EoAuIrNATTONe— Two board meetings $ 8 00 Nine day'e examining 20 00 44 00 Presiding at July examinations...,,,,., 01 00 Entrauee and Public School Leaving Examinations 101 03 Total Receipts $1050 00 DI6111185E3r9NTS, Clerical assistance - 2125 Travelling mud other expenses .., 500-0255 00 Net income 91084 00 J. E, TOM'S SALARY, 1804, RDCEIPTs, From .Education Department- 9003 70 County Council ea 75 " Gotierioh Public Souool 81 25 91208 75 Travelling expenses and Postage - 150 00 Expenses attending County Board meetings . 800 91152 35 Presiding Examinations, etc.— High School Entrauce o 0 00 Primary 6 00 Junior Leaving 29 00 Senior Leaving 8200 Model School Examinations 5 00-91 00 Reading Examination Papers, etc.— Riga School Entrain e, Gode- rioh 98 00 • " Exeter 27 02 " Dungannon 20 00 " Zurich 18 00 Public Oet,oel Leaving papers 18 00 Model School Examinations 89 00-164 00 Arbitration Meetings 585 Gross Receipts . $17033 20 Mr. Tom added the following note : With the exception of pert of the County Board work, the presiding at examina- tions and examining candidates' papers are done during tho eehool vacations. These are paid for out of the fees which are contributed by the candidates. The inspectors are paid for this work the same as the other examiners. The ar- bitration expenses have been paid by the townships or school sections interested. I can assure you I prefer not having any arbitration meetings to attend. They are no profit to an inepeotor. THE ExECOTIVE 00301HTTEE'8 REPORT. . The Executive Committee reported Regarding the applications of A. Glenn, Colborne, sod W. J. Elliott, Seaforth, to be appointed students to Agricultural College, itis recommended that J. C. Mc- Donald, West Wawanoeh, be appointed, he having applied at the January meeting of the Council ; that the grants to the Farmers' Institutes be paid in accord- ance with the request of the motion of Messrs. Hislop and Gunn ; that the re- quest of the President of the East Huron Teeebers' Association for the grant of 1804, be not acceded to, as the grant waa paid on November 10th last ; in respect to the demand of Mr. Helmeted on be. balf of the Seaforth Collegiate Institute, for balance of grant claimed for 1802, amounting n to 084.14, and balance of grout for 1833 amounting to 5140.02, that no ao'ion be taken, =nom Or 008500E 50131ITTEE. The House of Refuge Committee re- ported having let the contract for the ereotion of a barn on the House of Refuge property to ellexeuder MoBeath, of the township of Stanley, for 0821, but that Mr. A LBeath found out that he had l made a mistake of $80 in adding up the figures of his tender, and as his tender would still be considerably below the nest lowest and the committee are saltie. fled the omission was an error they re• commended the granting of the addition- al amount, providing the work ie eatis• fartorily completed. The committee have also let the contract for a wind mill and a pump at a cost of 590 for the form. er and 528 for the latter, and both a,s now doing eatisfaotory work. The nom• mittee have revised the proposed rules and regulations, and have also submit- ted them to Dr. Chamberlain, Provincial Inspector, who approved of them, except, the clause respecting children, which he struck011,.the Legislature having pas. sed an act at the last session forbidding children being placed in ouch houeee of refuge, in reference to the motion of last session, providing that each munioi. polity should pay for the maintenance of its own pompom in the Iloneo of Refuge, and referred to the committee for con. sideration, the committees, alter having conferred with the authorities of all similar inetitutione lo the 12roeinae Agit that in all of them the goat of mainten, an08 of all the inmete5ie home by the County end the oomrnittoe are of the Opinion that if the motion were adapted there would be treublo se bO the doral• Ole of prone eligible for admittance, and therefore reoomnlended that the motion he not adopted, ',l'lhe 001'40111tee ale* milted for power to purchase Inrni.. true and ether su0piies that may he re• quired before the meeting of the eonnoil, and that all supplies be purchased as far as pr'actioable by tender. Other reeom- inendat)ong of minor importance reapoot. Ing eltesatione in the building and other were made, fnoluding one that arrange. nents be made with the Clinton authori- ties i - ties to have the hoses lighted by eleebri• pity and to get telephone oonneetioti waver THE EU00011010 00il1MITTElt par. The I7duoation Committee reported : After reading the petition of James Bon- thron and others, of the township of HIV, and examining a map of theeeveral school sections, aa they aro, and no the lebition. ere wish 00 have them, and, hearing evi dance, it is recommended that they re- main as they are for the present. They have also examined the detailed etate- menta of Inepeotore Robb and Tom of all remuneration received by them in con. Rection with their Milne of Inepeotore, in compliance with motion of council and recommended that they be received and printed in the minutes. Seventy horees and cattle were killed at Qu'Appelle by a 40•hours' visitation of peculiar grey flips. GIVES' FRESH= NESS AND CLEAR t'y mi o, Tv, SKIN, CuFt S;;Cgi.I rl .P4:ioN :I N06•EST(ON;OIZZINEss. • ERUP1TNS•ON THE S1<IN. BEAUTIFIES IORsw COMIPL 5.,' 101. _ l'ON_ _ An Agreeable Laxative and NERVE TONI0. Sold by Druggists or sent by Hall. 25o., 50c•, and $1.00 per package. Samples free. KO K® The Favorite T00TR POWOER for the Teeth and greatb, 250. Sold by JAS. SOX, Drusstst, Brussels. SH1 CLES British Columbia, heti Cedar Shingles AND— North Shore Pipe I ue aztdedltr FOR SALE IT THE C Brussels Planing Mills Also Doors and Sash of all Pat- terns on hand or made to order at Short Notice. Estimates Furnished for ell kinds of Bvildinoto. Workman• ship and Ma' erial. Guaranteed. J. & P. AMF1NiTf THE MOST SUCCESSFUL REMEDY FOR MAN OR BEAST. Certain inits efeota and, never blisters. d proofsKENDALL'S SPAV!N CURES Hoxt" Carman Henderson Co„In„Fo0.14,'90, Dr. D J, ito -Plea f/0. Dear Strs—Please Bond mo ono of sour Horse Hooke and oblige Iha00500d a greet deal of your %endnll a soaves Ouro wltb good eucooee it if a wonderl mewls a. I once smure atbad keep h and five times 00104 her. I. keep s 001108 00 Lent all the time. Tome train OnA0, PowEt1. KENDALL'S SPAVIN CURE. Dr. B. J. $EHDALL Co. OemroS, Mo, Apr, 1, '02. Door Sirs—I have used several battles of your ''Leaden's Opavin Cure” with much success. I think it the best Linhnent I ever used. Have rc- moecdone O,rb, oxo Blood 6pavin Dad killed iwo none Spn•h,s.. Have recommended It to several of my friends who are much pleased with and keep 11. Ilse .R1R S.AY, P, 0. Hoxela, For Sale by all Druggists, or address Dr. 2). ,T, 1C2NT)sZZ COMPANY, ING5 BURGH FALLS, VT, Doul Slioui! It will soon be known I am tak- ing all kinds of Photos, Cray- ons, Pasttlls and "Water - Color's. Pietures taken as natural as life of Fathers, Mothers, tt,ncl Iiabios, Grandfathers and G tea t- Gran ilfatilers, and Gentlemen with their Ladies. Pictures of your houses and stock, • Lawns, Groups, Pic-nic Par- ties, in fact all kinds of out and indoor work in the Highest ,Style /{ ' of Art./ /r fir- R H.R. BFB ARTIST, BRUSSELS. M Y A-tn1 TED., The Highest Market Trice will be paid in Cash for any quantity of Wool delivered at our Flour and Feed Store, Brussels.. -Backer & Van Stone, ROAR 'FOR SERVICE —THE Undersigned ywill keepforservice ou Lob a can• Illinois' hief inverted Pgree may b 510 boar, o be seen on applioatnon, Terms, $1.00 to be paid at the time of eervioe with privilege of returning if necessary. JAIOS ELLIOTT,.. 80.20 m Proprietor, BOAR FOR SERVIOE.—THE 17adersigued wl11 tib, thoroebted Ion rot 17, .005.. 19 Gley, mc norted Yorkshire boas, "lreli.Ord;' broil by J. 0. Ii inner i, Burford} Ont., be seen on prise winseve, Pedigree may be seen he applioatieu. Terms—si.00wile to bo paid at 141e time ea service with privilege of returning 10 aeoeseary. L. AIoNAIL, - 94.9 .Proprietor. TAMWORTH AND 'CHESTER WHITE BOARS FOR SDRVIOI;. The undersigned will hoop for cervica on North Half Lot 20, Oon, 7, Morris, a thorn' bred Tamworth 19 oar; recently pn rohased from the well known breeder, Jno, 13x11, Am- ber, Also a Chester White Boar. Terms, $1,00 to be paid at time of service with Priv- llogs of returning if necessary. 00.00 S. WALKER, Proprietor. BOAR FOR SERV1OE.-THE Undersigned will keep for service on Lot 20 Con. O,,Morrie, the thoro' bred im- proved White Yorkshire Boar "Selected,"_ bred from 7. U, Brothour's sweepstakes sow at Chicago Fair. Terms, $1.00 to be paid at the time of service with privilege of re- turning if necessary. Pedigree may be seen on applioabion. ROUT. NICHOL. BUIsL FOR SERVIOE.—THE undersigned will keep for service on Lot 7, Con, 5 Morrie, the tboro'-bradDlts'- ham bull Red Robin." Terms—$1.25 to be paid on December tat, 1800 J. CLEGG, A. CT EA9025, 41-9m. Proprietor. Lot 7, 0on, 5. DULL FOR SERVIOE.—TIIE Undersigned will. keep for service o5 N 0 Lot 20, Cob. 7, Morris, the thorn' -bred Durham bull, "Lord Melville,” No. 20848, Pedigree may be seen- en application. Terms, $1.05 to Insure. JOHN ROBB, 05.011 Proprietor, v When you want a Stove, Tin or Granite -ware, or Hard- ware, Paints & Oils, —CALL AT— HUNTER'S Hardware Store Where you will, from this date, get a DISCOUNT of nu PERI CERT. Off all Cash Purchases. Fine Roman, Artists' Can- vas In Stock. A, HUNTER. E.n The undersigned will keep on hand fl, constant supply of White Fresh Lime suit- able for all Building and Plastering purposes, Also North Shore Pine Lath and White Brick for. Sale. ' D, ter. Lorry, BRUSSELS. , `i $850. Spring HATS 84-......:QAPSH. .-•---ter• OSS' We have just Received a large consignment. of Hats and Caps in all the leading Shapes and Shades for Spring and Summer wear. Call and see our Balm.orai Cap, the Newest thing in the Market. Prices Better than. Ever Before. 0UR_ — a A f i' r i4' tir l: ,:I . r tt. , _:uitiA . s Are also coming to Hand. Prices Right i t 1 ► Stoles dight - Satisfaction Guaranteed ! D. Q. ROSS, Tho LeaUing Prizsseis and Wroxeter. oil. d wo- Farmers who require Plows, Turnip Seed Drills, Gang. Plows and Horse Hoes, Should give me a call as T keep the best in the market. I have three different manufacturers snake of Plows. , TERMS .LIBERAL.,021, Any Quantity of Potatoes Wanted. Daisy Churns Washing IVI c hm es, Wringers, Tin Pails, Fence Wire, Lane's Pat- ent Barn Door Hangers, &c., Cheaper here than any other store. J. H. THOMSON, W, viErrzwe ISMISIOIMMEMEIESEMISMOLIT LISTOWEL O O i L@ItEI i Stillto the front and this Season want more WOOL ! WOOL ! WOOL ! For which we will pay Higher Prices than Last Season, Big Bargains in Woollen. Goods. You can depend on ns payingllIGHEST CASH PRICE POSSII3LE, or in ex. changing Wool for Goods we will pay a few cents extra, and guarantee to sell geode at Oasis Prices. Bee our alioico range of TWEEDS, made from medium fine wool, wL•ioli we offer at 40 oeete per yard. (Thio is a soft esap.) Wo have lowered our Boutbdown Stocking Yarn acid all wool Bed Blankets 11 Dente per lb:, also have re- dueed our prides in other lines. Before disposing of your Wool we invite you to oall or hake enquiry and you will land that the Listowel Woollen 'Mille offer the best value. Our stock le the Largest, Beet Aesortod and Cheapest in Canada, Como and bry our epeeial line of Pine Wool Flannels at 26 tents, will not shrink in washing. Give us a trial and we feel satisfied that you will find you have oome to the right fan• tory with your wool. Wepay special attentionto aur custom department in Card- ing, Spinning, oto. Hoping to have the pleasure of seeing yon and your ssighbore tine season, we remain, Yours truly, e;: ., ism son. fe 'P. S. -Remember. we do not employ any Peddlers and out goods can be got only by balling at the Factory, ao do not be led astray by Peddlers travelling through the country claiming to have our Goode. 44E ter( (e A1. Ae[ Iain 'Winne `,the of $43 Ti ri( ifo s g Hal $sy Te ,iiiaahy, The to 0100 days. Hol Col, I boatli An ing a Stews Ab S 'line ' Inorth i::Elect, • 'at $31 The 1101.10, Winn Ho. aryl v(. 0r5m' The uild; rfuel built. Mr! ! oatatd hbeos eY the _l Th Canal Pact' term= and t Th 1)850: 1100001 That 0 perfo meat was apple have Ii ere of b di ;l Toroet*r M li Loire ? auth Maul { prase t conn 12 Al mate, dict l but ehil. mom Th M ( on Poofolicth Com into M nego that hsI loan Pref 1% , Jai arrel ohari ;Whe deav half, i On whip 1' 315102s f0 tey Caue i0hfe fatal yq ;.In f' ;'Vern !Got b1 ;their 53088 ]dish ,upon fiservi Tl Mau on S Here, 130,, who, *ate, pont that at ti Ti Mr. W add: 'race `DexI.' t; 31 ) jape g1ire Alen 'thir E the vial 1.1 of ,the rel O t junq 1Tn Sot r