The Brussels Post, 1895-6-21, Page 5tars 21, 1895
31)x5trritl Cab L,
1.1441 el'altaf
Mr Tenniuga' ll0alth shown very ji01,1e
Rev, Mr. Pring will nob remove until
after June nth,
A ploaeaut and eueoeeeful garden party
was held at the 0901#90rtable home al ex•
Councillor Bosman, Morrie., on Tuesday
evening of this week,, Refreehmente,
abundant and attractive, were provided.
and liberally patronized. A. tip top
musical program was presented, in which
the fine orchestra from Braseele and the
Browntown ohhrch,choir took part, The
gate receipts were $85,00 and this amount
would he inoreseed by other receipts.
Mr. and Mrs, Bosmanand family did
everything poeeible to add to the enjoy
ment of their many, guests.
z.oaaulnrz, .
Tboe, welsh i8 not expected to live
long. Cancer of the stomach id his
Aire, Thee. Davidson, who has been
eiok for about a month past with lung
trouble, is not improving much. Ib ie
feared eh
d e will not recover as b'
vshe sever
80years e rs ofage,
Thos. Davidson, ire left on Monday to
cross the brim for the benefit of his
health. John Jones left the same day for
the old land to visit friends, John is a
typical ElagTishman.
The late heavy frost has damaged the
grain and fruit badly in this district.
Probably fall wheat that was far advanc-
ed was injured the moat ; the hope that
the young grasshoppers would be frozen
is settled for a hot day brings the out
aathickly as if there had been no cold
Mies Scholes has managed to get a good
musical class 08 the 14th con., and she
now oomes to her pupil's homes instead
of them going to Watton. There are
some very acute musicians on this line
indeed. Among some of them that may
be mentioned are Misa Eliza 3. MoLangh-
lin, who bas advanoed very rapidly since
she began and Misses Res, Crawford and
Mise Ella Cooper has bean visiting her
sister, i8trs. Armstrong.
Mr. Waghorn, V. S., has been renew-
ing old acquaintances at Kirkton.
Dr. Armstrong is visiting the "city
under the hill" as representative to High
Court, 0. 0.11'., for Court Walton.
Walton cheese /notary made a sale of
30 boxes of new cheese to an Ingersoll
buyer. The price reoeived was 7} cents
per pound.
An extended obituary notice of the late
Bev. W. Torrance, formerly of Walton,.
taken from the Paisley Advocate, may be
read on page 3 of this issue.
The removal bf Rev, Mr. Coeene to his
field of labor on Pordwieb &Inuit oau888
a deep feeling of regret to his aegnaintan.
cies and friends of all denominations on
Walton circaft, as in every capacity he
in regarded highly and spoken of as
though his departure was a real lose and
we are sure Fordwich folk will realize ere
long what a gain he will be to their com-
munity. We are pleased to know he is
cot _going far and we may therefore have
pleireure in the future of listening to Rev.
Covens again. Rev. Mr. Pomeroy will., be
here for the last Sabbath in June.
GARDEN PARTY. -A very successful gar-
den party was held at Robert Holland's
on Wednesday evening. Nothing was
spared by those oonoerned to make the
evening a very pleasant one indeed, and
every one looked as though they enjoyed
it.. Meoh credit is due to Mr.
and ;Vire. Holland for the trouble they
took to make it a enooess. A good pro-
gram of vocal and instrumental music,
etc„ was supplied. Brussels orchestra,
under the management of H. L. Jackson,
rendered splendid service. The swings
and other amusements afforded great
pleasure. Rev. Mr. Omens presided.
Proceeds about $50.
Mrs. Thos. Evans has ' gone to Detroit
on a visit to her sister.
John Barnard and Thos, Hemphill are
away. In a cycle trip to Hamilton and To-
John Earner is having a neat verandah
erected is front of his residence, Howiek
The frame work of John Harris' new
stable is in position but the work is
baulked for want of lumber.
Mr. Ashton, who has been attending
Albert College, Belleville, paid friends
here a flying visit this week,
Alex. Monroe's residence on Howick
street, is being pushed forward by the
carpenters. It will be a real comfortable
Alexander, Smith met", with a serious
accident by being thrown from a buggy
and falling on his arm. He is carrying
the injured member in a sling and will bo
laid up for amonth.
Brussels and Wroxeter junior teams
played foot ball on the pleasure grounds
Saturday afternoon. Snore "8 to 0 in
favor of the home team. Evidently Bras.
sols Juniors can't play foot ba11.
David Saunders, of the Advocate, has
purchased the Pergusou property recently
meved to a lot North of-MoKerrcber's in-
surance office and is fitting it up for a.
printing office` on the lower fiat and a
residence upstairs. It will make a con-
irenient and commodious establishment..
Dostxxxos Dar. -The first of July will
be celebrated in Wroxeter in right royal
style, commencing at 10 a, ni. with a.
Shooting Contest at Blue Rook birds, 10
each, with a lat prize $4.00, 2nd prize
$8.00, Brd prize $2.00 and 4th prize $1.00.
Members of Bruesele, Winghnm, Gorria,
Wroxeter and other blabs are expected to
compete. Entrance fee of (1% of purse
is oharged, Football, Tnrnerryvs. 0111.
ford, at 10;80. At 11;80 there will be Bi•
°Vole races from Sanderson's store to
Malloy'e corner and back, each distance
about a mile, The 181 ram is purely
local, the other le open to the world.
Prizes on exhibition aw Hemphill's hard
ware store, At 1 o'oloott Baseball, Har.
rist8n ve. Wroxeter. Football, Brussels
ve. Wroxeter, at 2:80, At 4 p. m. the
event of the day will takeplace in a grand
Baadball match between the Pastimes of
London and the Unions. This will be a
good exhibition of baseball and lovers of
the game should not fail to witness it.
These should all be good games as the
club8-are evenly matched. The emotional
of the Bruesela Baud has been eeoured
for the day. A good time ie expeoted ae
the Committee are sparing no expense to
make it ono of the beet daya ever held in
Mr's. Seinen, of Listowel, was the good
of Mrs, herr at the parsonage this week.
Once. -•-We regret to have to record this
week the death of Win. llubllerford, fath-
er of our esteemed townsmen, W, A.
Bntherford, of Rutherford 4 Monroe,
hardware luerollaote, The deceased
came to this country Mem the emit of
Down, Ireland, in 1847, and settled brei
in Hamilton where bo resided for some
years, Subsequently he removed with
his family to Pertly 00. About 12 yearn
ago be became a resident of Wroxeter
where bo has lived a quiet life, raapeoted
most' by those who knew ]ring host' Last
Autumn he was taken ill and gradually
declined till death canoe on Sabbath, Juno
101h, at 5 p. m. He had reaohed the rifle
ago of seventy.six years.. He lepvee sox
obildron, two sons and four daughters,
The funeral took place Monday afternoon
to the Presbyterian coinotor.,
LAsito W e1.
Mayor Featherstone has been confined
to his bone by an attaok of lumbago.
W. Olinda, of the Bonner, and W. 1',
Hay, are having a week's' fishing an
Manitoulin Island.
A. George has bought 3. Seburger'e
stook of 0onfeotionery,:and intends doing
hoidens in that bulla
The Lietowel s owes Hh 9th School Board ud hav e
deoided to hove the High Schoolre•paint-
ed during the summer holidays.
The merry-go-round,whioh hasbeeu in
town for the past couple of weeks, took
its sudden departure on Monday.
Rev. J. Archie Morison, of East
Presbyterian ohuroh,lTorooto, will occupy
the pulpit of Knox ahnrohr morning and
evening on the 23rd of June, and will aleo•
preach a Maeonio sermon at 8 p. m,
There is a dog in town that knows what
oomfost le these hot days ; in the absence
of lake or river in whioh to refreah him•
self, when the streets are being sprinkled
he deliberately- and intelligently follows
the spray of the water from the hose,
taking care to be on thaepot at which
the water strikes the ground, and when
the constable kindly turned the full our•
rent on him at abort range he appeared
to appreciate the luxury highly.
School clones next week.
Cranbrookitee did statute labor this
Mise Maggie Reymann Sandaled in
Mise Lizzie Baker was visiting in Sea
forth last week.
A. Baker and wife, of Seaforth, are.
visiting in the village.
Mies Annie Slemmon left on Tuesday
to: a month's visit in the Queen City.
A. Reymann is a delegate tc'the . High
Court of C. 0. F. at Hamilton this week.
A small party of young folks from
Brussels spent a very enjoyable .evening.
at the home of Misa Slemmon on Monday
Mise Govenlook, of Seaforth, is ar-
ranging for a class in painting here.
Now is the time for the young: ladies to
exhibit their artistic) taste,
Geo. Hudson left for Seiringville this
week where he has been engaged by the
flax company of that village. He will
move his family to that village shortly,
Success George.
,Rev. H. Kellington preached his fare.
well sermon to the Oranbrook Methodist
congregation: on Sunday last. Ile will be
missed by hia many friends here, he be•
ing a favorite with all.
A large number, of people from Oran -
brook wbre apeotatore at the foot ball
match at Ethel on Thesday evening.
Four or five of Oranbrook players lined
up with the Ethel club, doing very ored-
1'i.oa•ris .
Wm. Miller, 5th line, has taken a trip
to Algoma.
'Miss Rebecca Blathers is visiting in
Wm. Mitohie, jr., is visiting friends in
Halton this week.
Mr. and Mrs. White were visiting at
Frank Aebton'e on Sunday.
Mr. and Misa Merrit,of Kinoardine,are
visiting at David Errington'e 2nd line.
The work of veneering Sunshine Metho.
diet church will be completed this week,
Messrs. Parker and Kirkby ehippedan•
other oar of horses this week to the Old
Quintin Anderson spent last week vis-
iting his brothers and sisters in Sullivan
John Mason and wife, of East Wawan-
osh, were visitina on the 3rd line on Sat-
urday Int.
Mrs. Thomas Russell was in Stratford
last Vveek attending the funeral of a de-
ceased relative.
Wm. Michie and Geo. Hood attended,'
the meeting of Huron Division Grange.'
held at Blyth on Tuesday.
John Miller, 3rd, line, left for the old
sod on Wednesday in charge of a carload
of horses for Messrs. Kirkby & Parker.
A large number of pleasure seekers
took in the garden party held on the
Manse lawn in Belgrave on Tuesday
evening of last week. It was a rare treat.
Proceeds nearly $80.00
The Presbyterian Sunday Schools of
Calvin Church, East Wawnnosh, and
Knox church, Belgrave, have exohauged
libraries. This will undoubtedly be "a
benefit to all ooneerned.
Samuel Oalbiok raised a straw shed to
his barn,. 36x40, ,on Wednesday of last
week. About 70 were present and aides
were ohoaen by D. Robb and Mr. Break.
enridge, the former coming oat ahead by
half a rafter. As usual in such oases
both aides claimed the victory. The
usual "stupid.labor" is now in full awing.
The Methodist church, Brussels, will
hold a garden party on the grounds of
Thos. Maunders on Thursday availing of
next week. There will bo a big attend.
mute if the evening ie favorable. The ad•
mission fee will be only 10 ciente. Good
program, amueetneiiti, refreshments, &o.,'
are promised.
John MoArtor, 5th line, had the mis.
fortune to• Mee the foal, from hie mare
this Spring. Shortly after John Agin
hal the misfortune to lone his mare
which left a foal about a week old, An
arrangement was made between the two
parties by. whioh Mr. &loader's mare
was to rear the motherlees foal, and thus
far the experiment has succeeded well.
On Thursday of last week as Mrs. Bel.
lets and Minnie were driving to Brum,
stele the horse took fright near 5. Oal-
hick's and ran away, upsetting the.
buggy and throwing both the occupant's
out. Mrs. Sellars was badly bruised and
her face deeply out bat Minnie escaped
unhurt. Six etitohde were required to
sew up the wonhd in•llfre, Sellar'e face.
The buggy, though drawn acme distance
on its side, was but alightly damaged.
T Q s';
Will. Hawthorn, 2v1 lima,, purposes
buying a bioyaic+, Why h0G get a bicycle
built for GVv0 Will 9
Jas. Craig, 'No line, .had an old time
legging hoe on Friday of last week. no
lade and hospice were 1o00pitably entertain-
ed in the evening.
everoeso re 00 Daowssn,., .The -0e ve•
go Daily Timeo, of 31100 10th, gives the
partioulars of the 8u(p0eed loss of the
steam launch, Gitano, which left the
above mentioned port en the .morning of
June 0th for Alexandria Bay and has not
been heard of since, Searching parties
have been and are out but have found: no
truce of the missing boat or her Orate of
three persons. The Gitana was 45 feet
long; 7 feet beam and was built to run
on smooth' water. Eler captain was John
17. Blackburn, a brother of Fire, Donald
Carrie, 4th line, Morrie. The paper
above referred. to gives the following
sketch :-Capt. Blaokbern when 'going on
a cruise of this kind has alwaysbean
prompt iji sending a telegram, telling of
hie safe arrival, to his family. The boat
was due at her deetiyation Thursday af-
ternoon but no message cisme, The fam-
ily did not think anything of this, sap.
posing that he had bean delayed, but
when Friday and Saturdeymorning pass,
ed and 00orwas i
w d ecaiv d the
e family
became anxious and telegrams were sent
to all ports along the lake shore between
here and Cape Vincent, but no one had
Men a boat answering the description of
the Gitana, which bad a white hull and
white smokestack. A despatoh was re,
ceivedfrom Gape Vincent Saturday after-
noon saying that a boat answering the
description of the Gitana had passed
there at ten o'clock that morning. This
report, however, proved to be false, for
although the boat which passed thele
looked something like the. Gitana it was
notshe. Telegrams were sent to Fir.
Sloan at Alexandria Bay, he having gone
there by rail, and be replied that he had.
heard nothing of the boat. Organizing a
searching party Mr. Sloan chartered a
steam yacht and started out to investi-
gate. The yaoht cruised along the ahem
in the vicinity of Saokete Harbor and
Oape Vinoent and among the islanbs, but
could learn nothing. Yesterday another
and more thorough search was made but
with the name result. At first it was be-
lieved that the boat ran to the shelter of
BOMB islandto wait for the sea to abate,
but that theory is pow given up as five
days have passed and nothing has been
heard of her. Captain John, E. Bleak -
burn, who was in oomniandof the launch,
was sixty-four years old and lived at 93
West Senega street, with his wife Sgsan
Blackburn. He was an old lake captain
and thoroughly acquainted with all the
inlets and passages on the chain of lakes,
having followed sailing all his life with
the exoeptionof thirteen years when he
was captain of the life saving elation at
this port and where he showed remark-
able bravery, he and his Drew venturing
out into storms and gales to reaene ship-
wrecked sailors when it was thought no
boat could live. Later years he has kept
a boat house 'and -bathing establishment
at the'fogt of West Sixth street. He was
prominent in Masonic oiroles and a man
honored and respected by all who knew•
him. He leaves a wife, two sons and one
daughter. Obief of the lire department,
Robert 0. Blaukburn, and William Black-
burn, of Ohivago, are his sons, and Mrs.
GeorgeRinharde of 115 West Seneca street
his daughter.' There is a theory regard-
ing the loss of the 'launch which same
very, reasonable' and that is that some ac-
oident befell Captain Blackburn, who
would naturally be at the helm. Young
Donnelly had no knowledge of steering a
boat and Engineer Sprague being in at-
tendance at his engine the boat got into
the trough of the sea, rolled over and die•
appeared in an instant. Captain Blaok-
burn, we are informed, was eubjeot io
heart disease and he may have had a sud-
den attack and fallen overboard.
D'Alton Mooartby presented 25.'peti-
tions to Parliament agaiuet coercing Man-
Liberal demonstrations will be held at
Bedford, Quebec, on June 21st, and at
Brome on Juoe 22nd.
'System eaov +'iO ..
Fqr Impure, Weak and Impoverished,
Blued, I)yapopeia, Sleeplesenese, Palpate
tion of ilio Heart, Liver Complaint, Hour -
algia, Loss of Memory, Bronchitis,. Con-
sumption, Gall Stones, Jaundioe, Kidney
end Urinary Diseases, St, Vitus' Donne,
Female Irregularities and General De.
bility. •
Prop. find Manufacturer.'
Sold by JAMES FOX,
Druggist Brussels,
Millinery ,
'We keep in stock and maks
to order all the Latest Shapes in
Hats, Bonnets, d4c,, trimmed in
a neat ` and Fashionable Style,
and warranted to please. Large
assortment of Millinery goods in,
the shape of Flowers, Ribbons. ,
Fancy Goods.
A nicely selected stock of
Fancy Goods always on hand and
sold at close prices.
I 'We return thanks forthe
patronage of the public. and ass:
for a continuance of the same.
JUNE 25 Gond to return. until AUG. 24
JULY 9 „ SEP. 8
JULY 23 "
Ii lnacartb
Prince Albert
Red neer
" SEP. 22
-TO-- .1695
Holders of July 0th and 23rd Excursion
Tickets will be in good time to attend'' the
Winnipeg Industrial Fair, July lour to 20th,
and Grand Territorial Exposition, Regina,
July 29th to August 10th.
m i iveg Raa�m0 is �i Calf..•^4`1R-°°12%
g On 4:01111 a m 4cH5am.,,ore.4 3 :grail
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11g P CRp n1 n m r ;nm tr s.lis. p.P.S•: :.' ill 1 b .r w
Hall's Westbury,
Sutton's Champion,
Sharpe's Improved,
Skirving's Improved,
Royal Norfolk,
Green 'Top,
Elephant 'Swedes,
All of the above Seeds are Guar-
anteed Fresh, and •True to Name.
of everything that money can command.
Quick sales multiply profits and make a small
margin -all that is necessary, We're all the
time trying to make this store better, Shop-
pers look to us for special bargains because of
our ability to keep prices down,
good for every day in the week, Sundays ex-
ce lted for the balance ,e of June an 11
1 ad July.
6'doz. Men's Flannelette Top Shirts at.
400 yards Cotton Challies at
500 yards of Ginghams at
'Women's Fast Black Cotton Hose at
10c Men's Cotton Hose at 5c.
150 14 41 10c.
25c Men's Ties, 2 for 25c.
40c Men's Light Under Shirts,
at 25c.
Big Bargains in Men's and Boys'
35c and 40e Men's: Ties for 25c.
...20c. worth 256
5c " 86
5c " 7c
7c " 100
I Cotton Towels at.2 for 5e.
Linen Towelling at 5c worth' 'c.
25e' Table Linen at iSe.
45c Table Linen at 35e.
40c Lace Curtains at 8.
1 Ce'
10 per cent. discount on all Par
For the balance of this season we will give
15 per cent. discount on all Felt Hats.
Special Bargain in Tweeds.
We find our Tweed stock too heavy and have
• marked a number of pieces at and below cost:
2 pieces that were 35c at'25c.
2 ", 45c at 356.
19 " " from 606 to 75c at 50c.
15 " from 85c to $1.00 at 75c.
We Lead in Readymade Clothing,
Siii�mer S�llo�s
You want a New
Suit this spring !
Of course you do. The ono
you have been wearing for the,
last year or two is beginning to
look just a little bit seedy.
When you decide to buy call
in and inspect what we have iIk
If Good, Honest Values] count
for anything we think you will
buy from us.
Perfect Fit and First -Class Work.
Guaranteed in Every case,