The Brussels Post, 1895-6-14, Page 8Pure Paas Gram Use our; Government Stan. (lard for the ,Potato Bags, None better at 25e'. per jb. 1£ee1 0001 By buying ono es more ohoiors Fan& shut we are soiling just noer, orif you prefer' to take p DRINK f f !.✓RI/K of Hire's Root Beer, Jersey Milk Shake, Jersey Buttermilk or Lime Fruit Jules \vhioh we are selling at reduced rates to introduce them, G A. DEADMAN, Druggist, Bookseller and Graduate Optioian. GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY. 800008138 EYTEN03ON W. e. & n, Trains Leave Brunets Station, North and South, as follo+vs: GOINe Sorra, GoINO Nowa, 19:art 0:60 a.m. Mixed 9:43 eon, 9xoreae 13:50 a,m, I Medi. 818 p•m, :fixed..3.33.3, 4;00 pan.Express 8:43 p.m, vocal. WleWs tens. A ohiel's amang ye Lakin' notes, An' faith he'll pront it. Do1'T trot over the bridge. Tame are 8 ladies' bioyoles owned in town now, DOMINION Day will be two weeks from next Monday. Hien Smoot Entrance examinaticie begin on June 27th. A. 0. II, W. LODGE meets on fork? ty ,evouing of next week. Mise Monne Monis has purchased a bioyole and handles it like an old timer. Ton firemen bad the engine out fo a test on Tuesday evening. It worked if et rate, A. Cous0n0 hos established a Bic' ole Livery. He keeps wheels for both lames :and gents. Base ball has been revived in town end almost every evening a local mateh i- on the program. 'Bnuss,0s Band has engaged to go to Wroxeter on Dominion Day to the cele- bration in that village. A BASE in one of the front windows in the Town Hall fell out last Monday and Bemolisbed glass and sash. Qum a few townspeople went to Welton Tuesday eveoiog to the garden with hose enough to water the lawn; oat party at D. MaCuiag'e residence. bin, lined with stovepipe iron, with e. Tan raze horses from Brussels livened capacity of 200 bushels, &o. The old op the winners at Bamberg last week stable has been torn down. and in a couple of ranee drew on the A DitOW,—The Committee, consisting purse. Of Councillor Gerry, T. Fletcher and Oon football team talk of going to Postmaster Farrow, at the debate held Wroxeter on Dominion Day and compel- in the schoolroom of the Methodist ing for a $30.00 purse. They expect to church, )act Monday evening, decided it ,play Atwood on Friday. to be a draw. The subject was "Were Bltoes,te orchestra will fill engage- the findings of the Commission on the ,ments at garden parties in connection Liquor Traffic justifiable?" and it was with the Methodist and St. George's debated by S. B. Wilson and J. Moore for the affirmative and, Eli Smith and G. F. Blair for the negative, Interesting 10 minute addresees were given by the gen• Omen named. H. L. Jackson o0oupied the chair very efficiently. In addition to t of a the hymns sung Misses Sample and TEE Posy azknowledgos the receipt Smith and Walter Wake sane, a pretty -pretty instrumental by Albert Nordbei• trio. Votes of thanks to all taking part •finer, Toronto, entitled "The Encore Two were given, after which the audience was Step." The price is 40 cents. It is dfemfssed, FOQa0fl Divieien Court will he held ie Brneeole on Weduseday, 20511 inet. A N1tw Door will be placed On Brussels Uiidge aethe present one is ab0311 mesa up, TunNiteenr street in reesivin3 a good vont of gravel, J. D4, Itfartin has the entreat, "RCNon Ja," won 2nd money at Strut. ford ruses on T'ueeday in the 2,40 trot. He has become quite 005110. Hanel; BnENEn Intends removing £conn W)oI4e Lunrmt rosin, lane ahem; 00tens o£ lirst.01aes fee lit etoekanti doiivere it three times a weels to all who desire H. It is a good move for these who have nob n supply of their own. Blzsxlzess Locals. Wz repair 311000 ob8ap tend neat. I.0. Riohards Fon 81310 cheap ; 0110 baby carriage, I. the photo, gallery in the ftretton blink to 0. Riohards. the one All the Smith blogk, I BLARE note forme for sale nt T01 POST MNe0a8. SCOTT 111 JONIO will ship the polishing Hops°, 70 head of export Pattie purchased from y+oR sle, ono top boggy, good go new,, W. Diolssvn, MoKillop, on Saturday T. C. Riohards, from Brussels station, ' Wtt sell and guaranteeNo.To-13ao. Try Il' IS stated 0110bbe money stolen it, at Fox's Drug store, from preemie mail bag some months ago Fon beet value in boots and oboes try will be made good to the parties losing it us. I. C. Riohards, by Beattie Bros. paying 8 and Post- TRY NO•To•Bav, we sell and goarantee roaster )arrow , The amount wae$103, it at Fox's Drug store. Baueems will nob celebrate Dominion VEnY beet PeaHarveeters at J. J. Day, bat will give a flret•class program Gilpin'e, Brnssole, fur $10.00. of games and sports about the let of jun for ea1e, delivered three times a dogtrot,. A meeting will be held to ar, week, Apply to W. Lgathordale, Brussels, 25th inst., range t.Leon `Tuesday evening, LIMY run on obildren's wagons at aat t 8 o'clock. TOIL POST Boole Store, 2 boy's velooi• Hour. Aiu,80oo110 10 making quite a pedes for sslo. Oal1 and see. them, noticeable improvement in the Brueeele Do yon want to atop using, toba000 ? oemetery and If the owners of lots will of BP, 3100 No-To.Bao, We refund;your put them in his charge that barren, ne. money if not as stated. G. A. Dsanu,u, gleoted 10011 will soon puss away. The Wair% BONANZA OATS for seed at Tay•, trustees talk of sinking It well so that for & Smillie'e. The earliest in the flowers and.plants may be kept blooming market, as tested at the Model Farm last during the Summer months. year. TEE Guthrie Daily Leadergives an ao- KAML'e Clover Rot, the great Blood- count of the bicycle rsoee 00 Decoration Purifier gives freshness and olearneee to day. Salem Armetrong, formerly of the complexion and cures constipation. preemie, won let place in the quarter 26 ote, 50 ore and $1.00. Sold by James mile dash •, let in mile race for •Logan Fos Druggist, Brussels, Co. ; let for Co. championship and Samou's cure is sold on a guarantee. beat time In e 5 mile hendieap with 14 It sures incipient oonsurnption. It ie starters. He did the distanoe in 14 nlin• the beet cough sure. Only one Dent a utss and 40 seconds. dose, 25 ots„ 50 ore. and $1.00, Sold by Massifs, Scam & lY10LARnx, who lead James Fox,, Druggist, Brussels, the County in Readymade °lobbing, never FLURRY Prows.—Hugh Williams & Son bad a better selected stock than at pres- • are the Agents for tbe well known Fleury ant, and theprioee are wonderfully low. plows. They also keep all the necessary All sizes, from a small boy's to a 260 repair. Call at Williams' Livery Stable, pound man. You can't afford to wear Brussels. The Fleury plow received the shabby clothes when new, fashionable gold medal and diploma at the World's suite can be purchased at the figures they Fair, sell them. A call on Smith & MoLaren Mite. T. S. Etw:in.`o, "Chattanooga, will surprise you. Tenn., says, "Shiloh's Vitalizer "saved "MArni LEAF" is Ole name of a 7 year my life." I consider it the best remedy old peeing horse purchased by Jas. for debilitaed systeI ever need." O'Leary, of Brussels, and A. Charles. For dyspepsia, lim ver or kidney trouble it worth, of Seaforth, from Mr. Cassidy, of exoeie. Price 75 ole. Sold by Jas. Fox, Tottenham. "Maple Leaf" won the 2.50 Druggist, Brnasele. pace at Stratford on Tuesday in a olass SonA WATER Form/AIN.—J. McAlpine of eight, going Cheats, best time 2.24 bee, at considerable cost, put one of them He is entered for stake races at Wood. into hie restaurant and can now put up stook, St. Thames and Owen Sound. R. the beer Sumner drinks known. He Roaoh will handle him. He's evidently bas t03,1:•n 1 ice er°em to 30 Dente a quart a good horse. and will give very special rates in fruits Co0801LLon LnATEEnDALR'S transformed driving barn now presents a Enna appear. ante as s do't'de residenoe. He has add• ed kitchens to the rear and the building will be ready ;or occupation about July let. Hie new brink stable on William street ie completed. It is 25x40 feet and is fitted up with all' the modern eonveni• enoes, such as a 1200 gallon water tank -churches, Walton. They play well. Mresze L. AINLEY and Mary Ross and A. M, Moifay and A. Ross Bang at the :garden party at Walton Tuesday evening. Miss JeanMeLauchlln was the a000m- ,panieL scored for orebestra or band. Tun Ladies of St. John's church, Bras- seis wilt hold a lawn social at the reei- •donoe of Wm. Blaabill, M'111 street, Tues- day evening next, 18th inst., commencing at 7:30 o'clock. Good program of music will be presented. WATSON AINLEY was the purchaser of Knox church last Friday afternoon. He paid $850 for it and the half sore lot. .Mfr. Ainley intends cutting the building in two and will matte two dwellings out •of it. Se got a bargain. NEw Tn3E TABLE.—A new time table came into effect on the G. T. R. last Monday. The only change at Brussels is fa the morning train from Kincardine, which gets here minutes earlier. To- ronto, Stratford and London are resohed in better time. :1x1 alarm of fire was ruug about 10 'r'olock Monday night and the fire engine harried out, but the firs proved to be the burning of rubbish at the school grounds, preparatory to cleaning up for the new building These false atomise should not ;recur en frequently. T,nc LASSIES' Besse BAxnColaxe.—The dilly travelling ladies' Band in the Do- e onion will be -a6 the Salvation Army .arra ks, Brussels, on Wednesday, June kith, oommeneing at '8 o'clook sharp. An inspiring, attractive and extraordin- ary treat. Great battle of music and song. Capt. Dean and Lieut. Pettit in bommand. Admission 10 cents. Dunn.-Thareday of last week Mrs. Tues, Norton, an old resident of this lo. malty, died at Fergus, aged 85 years. The remainswere brought to Brussels and interred in the cemetery on Friday forenoon, alongside her departed bus• band. Rev. R. Paul eonduoted the ser- vice. Mrs. Norton was a devoted Chris- -Han woman who had been a member of the ehuroh for upwards of 70 years. A TOBACCO COMPANY'S GENERoeITY,—The George F, Tuokett & Sons Tobacco Co., Ltd., of Hamilton, nine years ago insti. toted the oommendable idea of present• eng a deed of a building lot each Christ. 11115 to their oldest active employee. This year it was the go td fortune of Thos. Milligan to succeed to the firm's uenerosity, he having bee , with them for yeare, In addition to he lot he re• .oeived a substantial ah nue from the same noncoe, The Whale staff of the ,concern also acme in for a gift, the day 4lands receiving an extra week's salary stud the pleas hande•a good sized turkey. 'Some time ago the Messrs, Tuokett turn. ,ed their faders, into a joint stook com- pany, admitting many of the more 1m. tpnrtant employees into partnership, and this additional evidence of a desire to .share with their men the prosperity of 4110 house cannot help but beat fruit ie increased energy and good -will among all who are fortunate enough to be oonneet. . d with this enterprising concern. FATAL Aecwxxr. Lost Sabbath morn. ing three children of John McClure, Me. Killop, ware in their father's barn and attempted to ollmb into a mow over a bay rack. It upset and naught Myrtle, the oldest of the three children, aged 6 years, and piuned her to the floor, a part of the rack being aorosa her neck. The two other ebildren made a superhuman effort and rescued their sister from the dangerous position and gave the alarm to their mother. lvlyrtle was too eeriously injured to recover, however, and death ensned in six hours. The funeral took plane on Monday, interment being made at Roxboro' cemetery. Mrs. David Rose, Mies Lizzie and J. T. Ross, of Bruaselo, attended the funeral. Mrs, Rose is Mr. McClure's aunt, The bereaved are deep- ly sympathized with. 'Immo cars of oattle were shipped on Wednesday by Messrs. Scott & Jones, of Listowel, and Smith, of Toronto. The weights were as follows :— Head: Pounds. 1 1500 1 1370 1. 1200 4 5310 1 1090 7 0530 10170 17000 4140 0190 8040 6410 4030 L, McNeil Brewer Hislop ....,. ltodaick Currie Bryans Petrie.. ......... 7 Cuthill 14 McTaggart 4 Turnbull5 Wm. Turnbull 0 Kirkby 5 Ewan 4 Telfer 2 A. Hislop .,5 0880 Wells 3 3480 and confectionery to pio;nic and evening parties. A REMARItA.LE CusE.—J. W. Jennie0, Gilford, spent between $200 and $300 consulting doctors, Tried Dixon's and all other treatments but got no benefit Ooe box of Chase's Catarrh Cure did me more good than all other remedies. In fact I consider myself our ed and with a 26 pent box at that. WELL-DreelNe AND DRILLINo.—George Birt has all the necessary machinery for digging and drilling wells and is prepar- ed to attend to all work entrusted to him in a way that will insure satisfaction. Wells cleaned out and put in proper share. Terms reasonable. Residence enoond door north of the bridge, west side of Turnberry et„ Brussels. 84-tf F,35101me wanting hardy, native stock to plant this Doming Fell or Spring may pay for it in work. Wo want men with or without •experience on full or part time. Salary and expenses or oommis- oion. Write at once for further infor- mation. Brown Brothers' Go., Conti• nentel Nurseries, Toronto, Ont, 43.3m TEM m Co8O5Nra&no,.—One pill a dose. One box 25 cents. One pill re• lievee constipation. One pill aures an ordinary case. One pill taken weekly neutralizes formation of uric acid in the blood and prevents Bright's Kidney Disease and diabetes. True only of Dr. Chase's Kidney,Liver Pills. Is Tme IMPORTANT To You ?—In his circular Dr. J. Y. Egan, the hernia specialist, 206, West Queen street, Toron• to, says :—"Parents assume a grave re- sponsibility by neglecting their children where the latier suffer . from, or show symptoms of, Hernia—an affliction dan- gerous in obildbood and a oonetant men• ace to its life. Oar readers, especially those whose case is serious, have now an opportunity rarely offered of consulting this gentleman, who will give examio• ation and advice free, when you may know your true condition, and this at the hands of a master in his profession. By private advice he announces a visit to Queen's Hotel, Seaforbh, Tuesday and Wednesday, June 25611 and 261h. The testimony tarnished this office, as to the euooesslnl treatment in the case of adults and children is exoeptioually strong. Some bear the names of our citizens as well as many physicians of well known reputation throughout the country, amongst whom we notice the names of Dr. Young, Londesboro' ; Dr. Bethune, Sealorth ; Dr. Stewart, Palmerston; Dr. Tamlyn, Wingham, and Dr. Sword, of Kincardine. By attending to•your case now it may prevent serious trouble in time to come. The instruments used by thio gentleman are all of his own design and manufacture and of world-wide reputation, having taken first place during the World's Fair, against all oompetitore, from France, Germany, England, United States and other countries. These ap- pliances are now used in preference to all othere by the U. S. Government in their Pension Dept. Hie practice on the field wring the war, confining himself ex. elusively for the peat 22 years in the city • of Toronto to this one branch of mechan- ical surgery, has given him an aptitude and enlarged experienoe enjoyed but by very few in his profession. Ho ie said to be the only man on this continent who ban oure those suffering with this fright- ful trouble without resort to an operation, whish latter is often dangerous, usually expensive, mud rarely sueoeseful. By his system the expense is trifling, besides you are not confined to the bed or bourse, as would be the case, for weeks, under an operation, nay you can perform all 'or. dinary labor without one day's lost time, and fn oomfort and security, as If noth- ing was the matter, until cured, whiob is usually a000mplished in a few weeks; the would recommend sufferers to examine this matter for themselves, and tante note of the date of visit, COUNTY Comm NOTES.—There were 1 d 42 applicants for the position of Dare. taker of the House of Refuge, 0 for In- spector and 3 for Phyeioian.—$50,329,45 is the estimate required for County nee this year. •The rate will be 111 mille.—A. December session of the Council will be held in Clinton.—The House of Refuge Committee has been Authorized to pur. chase the furniture and other neeeeeariee for the building.—Goderioh township was lowered $1.00 330160re on theequelization. Other municipalities Mane as last year.— A motion to appoint 2 valuators to go through Huron to value property as a basis for equalization was voted down.— The scene at the close of Friday evenings 5588i0n compared very favorably with the "circus" at the wind up of Parliament.— The Reeve of Bayfield did the grand with his horse and dandy phaeton.—A number of County Councillors enjoyed 000aslonel bicycle .rides on the fine streets of Gode- rich.--Goderioh representatives kink very vigorously when any attempt is made to take a session of the Co. Council to any other town. --.The House of Refuge will be completed in October. Several interest. ing Committee reports of the Co. Council are crowded out this week, Scor,.—At the manse, Rodney, Ont., on June 8th, to the Rev. and airs. J. I . Scott, a nen. Pa shoe.—In Eima, en May 30th, the wife of I4r. John Peebles of n eon. . ST4X,D4RD •I3 xr' or 04 1c11),i(, gs 44t•'✓3z4r4 J 17p 3 • HEAD OFFIQE, - ;TORONTO, SSETSASSETS, ,a (Authorized) 02,000,000 Million Dollars) $7,000,000 $2,000,000 498110038 in aid prwnofpal points in Ontario, Quo?+er,orr,, Manitoba, United ,States dll7npian4. fbilV451570.48' A :General Ranking Business Transacted. Farmers' Notes Discsnpted. Drafts Issued and Colleotione grade on all points.. SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMCNT, Interest allocged on deposits of $1.00 and upwards tram dat of deposit to date of withdrawal and compounded half yearly. SFsOrto ATTENTION 35301 TO TIM Coua3oTIoN OF. FAittlslus' 831113 N0T1te. Every facility afforded Customers living at a distance, J. A. STEWART MANAOga. GIT.ZIES & STEITZ, E . R , )3 TR, s,FT,s, Transact' a General <Banking Business. Drafts Bought and Sold on all points In Canada, United States and Great Britain. FAR911835 , NOTES DISi;OUNTED. SALE NOTES AND MORTGAGES'A SPECIALTY. Interest Allowed on One Dollar and Upwards at Current Rates. Intereet Com pounded Twice a Year, Being Added to the Principal at the end of the Months of Ocyober and April. Special Arrangements made for Time Deposits. We erect to write 7nenraneo in 811 English o1• Ctunmlltu,. Cr mp:tido. or in ]lint. nt4 Companlee cis 81113 be desired. AGENTS FOR CANADA AND UNITED STATES ; -TEE CANADIAN Boor OF 00010 1303 HoLtiss. In MoKillop, on May 800h, the wife of Mr, Robb. Holmes of a son. EnsigNE.—In Atwood, on May 31st, the wife of Mr. W. R. Erskine of a son. SonY.—In Turnberry, on June Brd, the wife of Mr. Wm. Soby of a son. Honnlne.—In Clinton, on the 4011 inst., the wife of Mr. Robb. Holmes, Mayor of Clinton, of a eon. POLLARD—Dnlvnn.—In Brussels, on June 12th, by Rev,' A. K. Griffin, Mr. Wesley Pollard, of Granton, to Miss Lottie, daughter of Mr. B. Driver, Brueeele. WmtunsoN—Rnr,,—Iu Walkerton, on June 5th, by Rev. J. W. Shilton, Mr. T. H. Wilkinson, V. S., Port Elgin, to Mies Rebecca. Rife, of Walkerton. W051—ROB.—In Emla, on Wednesday, June 5th, at: the residence of the bride's father, by the Rev. Jas, Ward, of Hayeville, Mr. C. J. Wynn, of Atwood, to Miss Kate, daughter of Mr. John Roe, of Elam. axrpa_ MoOtonL.—In MoKillop, on May 3rd, 1895, Myrtle, daughter of John Mc- Clure, aged 0 years. STEwesT.—In Brussels, on June 10th, Ann Emeline, beloved wife of Daniel Stewart. aged 49 years. MoCnioxao, —In Nebraska, U. S., on May 24th, Jas. McCracken, former - 1y of Morris township, aged 70 years. limo, -In Nothersbreet, Wiltshire, Eng- land, on May 3rd, 1896, James King, brother of Wm. King, Grey township, in his 8951 year. Fall Wheat Spring Wheat Barley.... „ .• Peas Oats Wool Butter, tube and rolls Eggs per dozen .,., Flour per barrel Potatoes Hay per ton.. Hides trimmed Hideo lough Salt per bbl., retail Sheep shine, emelt Lamb skins each A pplee per bbl Hogs, Live Wool 95 95 45 5$ 85 18 11 8 4 50 25 7 00 3 1 00 20 15 1 52 4 00 18 00 98 48 80 37 18 00 9 5 00 00 00 00 2,•} 00 40 40 1. 25 4 25 20 CHIME MAnl1ETs.—Psterboro, Ont.— The regular meeting of the cheese board was held to -day in the council chamber at which 5,400 boxes of cheese wero of- fered, last half of May make. Hodgson bought 1,055 at from 7 5/16o. to 700. ; Warrington, 3,000 boxes, at 7 5/16c. ; The Canadian Produce Go., 489 boxes at 733c. ; Wrighton, 400, at 7 5/18. The buyers present were 'Hodgson, Cook, Wrightn, Jones, Fitzgerald. The board adjourned for two weeks. Liverpool.—Cheese firm; demand fair ; firnest American white, 42s. ; finest American colored, 43s. ; or. Binary, mow, 30s. Butter—Finest U, S., 50s.; good, 40s. • Ingersoll, Out.—Offer- inge to•clay, 3,317, boxee sold at 7330 Large attendance, but market dull ; 7$o. was the highest Woe offered. Several salesmen would have sold for 74o. TORONTO, Juno 11.—Market steady. Wheat—Car lots of winter, G. T. R. west and on Northern, offered at $1.01, and $1 bid ; car lots, C. P. R. west, quoted at $1.02 ; holders asked $1.08 west for No. 1 hard, Flour -Car lots of straight roller. Toronto freights quoted at $4.75. Peas— Car lots, f. o. b., west points, quoted at 62o to 030, Oate—White offered, middle freights west, at 37o bid. Barley--Hold- ere asked 54c. High freights west, and 56 east. Itye—Quoted nominally outside at 05o. TORONTO, June l,—For export cattle the market was.slightly better to -day, but the feeling for hatchets' cattle was weak, and prices for that liue, if anything, were lower. Hoge were lower about 10o per cwt., but firm. Milch cows were perhaps a little quieter,. Receipts were not so heavy, which bad a stiffening effect on the export trade. There were 50 carloads of stuff in, which ingluded 45 calves, 1,224 hogs, 300 sheep and lambs. In export cattle cables were a little better, and of. feriugs were not so heavy, so that the market showed a slightly better tone, Dealers were making complaint that they could not got cabbie good enough for their wants, Pricee may bo said to have been {o per 1b,, improved today from last Tride ys figures. There was a Good de• nand for export bulls, quotations for these ranging from 8}e, to*. per Quite a few camein, but all sold. Good export cattle were slightly firmer, The range of lnioes was given to -day as being from 433o to 5do per Ib., the latter for choice, In battlers' cattle utero was a weaker tone, caused chiefly by the return of warm weather. Local butchers were operating sparingly, and the buying for outside points was slight. Nothing can be quoted above 4o per 111, and be a citerion of the prions paid to day. EAST Burnt°, N. Y., June 11.—Cattle —The supply consisted of five loads, all held over stook, but one load of fresh ar- rivals ; market about steady for no good cattle on sale, most of which were that kind. Hoge -Receipts, three cars fresh, • and but dye cars held over ; market fair- ly active and stronger ; Yorkers, $4.65 to common goodheav o med4.80 iums, t$415 to n $4.50 ; rough, $3.75 to $4.10 ; pigs, $4.40 to $4.56 ; stags, $3 to $8.50. Sheep and Iambs—Receipts, three cars -= hardly enough to make a market ; the few good lambs here sold at about steady prices, but sheep and yearlings were dull and week, and the outlook for sheep in un- favorable. .Clipped sheep, export ewes and wethers, $4 to $4.25 ; fair to good mixed, $3 to $3.40; common to fair, $150 to $2.70 ; culls, $1.50 1042.60 ; clipped yearlings, good bo choice, $4.25 to $4.50 ; fair to good, $3.50 to 98.75 ; culls and common lots, $2 to $3.25 ; spring Iambs, common to choice, $3 to $0. THE PEOPLE'S COLUMN. BRUSSELS POST OFFICE Savings Bank takes Deposits from 81.00 to 51,3300 end allows 0d ,'er cent, i Merest. T. FARROW, 81-8111 Postmaster. JERSEY BULLFOR SERVICE. I have a fine young Jersey Bull from selected stook. There ids a great Offexonee hs Jerseys, I aim to keep the best, Enquire at my drugand bookstore. G. A. DEADMAN. QTEAYED FROM THE P1Ei11- Inrfe ng5,,Lfs,ea• Grey, ooboutMay143,ourhdof yearling cattle. Three oithem are red in color and the other gray. Any information leading to their recovery will be thankfully received. JAN. LAIRD ,P tepebnr. 45.3f riEthel-P. 0. OMFORTABLP BRIOK House for Sale or to Rent on Turn - berry . street, Brussels. Immediate possess- ion, Good stable, well, cistern, k a0re of land, fruit trees, &e. Apply to AIRS. R. WALKER, No. 81, Jobe Street, 41- Rruesels,. REAL ESTATE. I, 1AR➢tS FOR SALE.—THE UN- • nnnexanln has several good Farms for Bale and to rent, easy terms, in Townehipe of Morris and Grey. F 8. SCOTT. Brussels VIARM FOR SALE.—THE UN_ DRReroNx.n offers his 75 acre farm for Sale, being East part of Lot 22, COn. 13, Grey. About -60 earns elem•ed, belaaoo bush, Good frame bonne, bank baro, 46x55 feet,oxobard well, &o. To good state of cultivation and well fenced. Possession after harvest. For further particulars as to prove, tarns, &o, apply to DUNCAN MOLINES, Proprietor. 40-4 theobrool, P. C. FARM FOR SALE.—THE UN- nE1ieIGNED olfere for sale his 60 acre farm being West half of North half of lot 14, eon. 8, Morris, There is a geed log house, with frame kitchen; bank barn Or. chord ; well, &o. 41 mos cleared and under good state of cultivation. Possession given nekt November. Par further particularsus to price, terve, &e.. apply on thepremises to ROBERT. HUGHE8,Proprie tor, 44-01 - or Brussels P.O. Notice to Creditors. IN stun Snit—Mean 0o111r 00 T1m 00DNTY Or III/R N, ' IN TEE 111004'3. ol+ ()MN Si,xr u, 11ONASE0. Notice is hereby given purtuant to chapter 110, It R. 0„ (1800) and amending sots that alt areuitors and other p5re011t liaising claims against the estate of the above-named Owen Smith deeeased, who died on or aboub the Fifth. 'day of May,1804, are required to deny. era or send by nest, prepaid to John J. Steph- ens, Teeswater, Solioitor for James Jaeinion and John McCartney, the Executors of the deceaeod on or before the VIM DAY ol'Jnly 1805, a statement in writing containing the names, addresees and desoriptiooe and full partioulurs of their Claims and the nature of their smithies (if any) hold by that; and in de fault thereof and as soon utter the said idt day of July as the same eau be oobveuiontly douo, the ,aid.11xeeutOre will proceed 00 die, tribute the assets of the Bald deceased among the parties entitled thereto, having rogaid only to the olefins of Whish they Mall then have had notice and they will not be liable for the assets of said estate or any part thereof so distributed toany person of whose eluim they have hot had notice at the tiro of such distribution. Dated at TOOe0ater, May 203183p1,, JOHN J. R00,i.Pd16Ns, 45.1 Solicitor for Executors. 7"fix ' , i at•[LIAR COLORADO 13 , EL'IJ.lia Reminds us that the PAR8 OHEEN Sewn is close ab hand and we desire to remind yea that we 'have, this season, the very. Per - article that eau be purQllaeed' anywbars, We guarantee every pound to be.ohemioally pure. Only 25o, per pound • Fox's Drug store, Orpitslrrt QUEEN'S RorNL. LEGAL AND CONVEYANCING. 1-4 L. TAYLOR, BARRISTER, • Solieitor and Commencer. Co11ec- tiouamads, O0Ooe—Vanetone'OBleak, Brae - sole. 21.3m M. SINOLAIIi', • Solioitor Conveyancer ,No tory Pub- lio,&e. Onboe—'Vanetone'e Block 1 door 1' north ofCentral Rotel, Private Block, to Lean. ,. - F. 'BLAIR; BARRISTER, • Soliptoly &n. (late of Garrow.& Proudfoot'e O111oe, GOderieh.) Oiliae oyer Gilliee & Smith's bank, Brueeels, • Money t Loan, 47 DENTAL. TIE. DAVIDSON, Honor Graduate Toronto University, Licentiate Royal College Dental Surgeons. Crown and Bridge work a ope01a1ty. Moder- ate Satisfaction barber hop,, Orbry0,, Brus- sels. VETERINARY. T D. WARWIOK, 01 • Honor Graduate of the Ontario Veterinary College, is prepared to treat all diseases of domesticated animals in a Dom - patent manner. Partroular attention paid to veterinary dentistry. Calls promptly at- tended to. Office and Infirmary—Pour doors north of bridge •Purnberry st., Brussels. MEDICAL CARDS. T A. MoNAUGHTON, M. D. UP • O. U., L. R. C.P., Edinburgh,. M..0. P. S. Ont, :Residence and office fn Wileon'e Block, corner of Mill and Turnberry Ste. M. ARMSTRONG, M. D. • Graduate Physician, oront Surgeon, versity¢ Mediae' faculty. Member of College of Physicians an burgeons, Ont. OPPIGE—Naxt door to McDonald 8: Oo„'Walton Ont. BUSINESS CARDS. H. MoOEACIUEN, at iris GrOeery, •1'arer nrnborrrygsto'eet, Brua ellssoe R.N. BARRETT, Tonsorial Artie±' Shop—Next door south of A. M. Malley &Cole hardware store. Ladles' andebildrene hair nutting a specialty ROBERT CUNNINGHAM• 00051101311303, FIRE AND MARINE. GUELPH. T. FLETCHER, Issuer of Marriage Llaenses, OFFICE AT JEwxLRY STORE. t •'•No Witness Required. T. FLETCHER, Brussels. WWELLINGTON MUTUAL .IN-. svnANOE Go. Letablielted 1810. lu- minous effected on all Tbwn and Farra. Property at very low rates: - S. A. 011EIG8TON, 15 -Bin Agent,. Brussels. ALEX. HUNTER Clerk of the Fourth Division pour Co. Huron. Conveyancer, Notary Publlo: Land, Doan and Insurance Agent, Funds invested and to loan. Collections made Office In Smale's.Block, Brussels Air ISS O'OONNOR, 'R. T., . ILL Teacher of instrumental music 00 Plano or Organ. Will visit Wiughan, Tues- day and Wedneeday 0f soon week. nasi- denoe on Priuoass Street, Brn05els• 1 A. HAWIi7NS, M. 0.-S. M. 1 • Organist in 8t. John's Ohuroh,-Brea sola, and pupil, in. the Art of Teaching,of A.. W. Thayer, MMna.Loo., Now York, wilgive lessons to pupilseither on piano or organ, at nix parlor '001' A. R: Amith'oTerme mustore, Brus- d- sels. Voon1 lessons aleo'gtven. - 00010.. AUCTIONEERS. GEORGE KIRKBY, Licensed Auottoneer, Sales concinot erlon reasonable terms. Farms and fame .stook a epeolalty. Orders loft at Tun POST Publlohing Holum ,Bru seals, or mitt° Walton P. 0„ win receive prompt attention, S:e'SCOTT AS AN AUO'1ION. • EER, w111 sell for, better prioes, to better men in leas - time and less °bargee than any other Auctioneer in ]last Huron or ha won't charge anything, Datee and. orders can always be arranged et this oloe or by p arsenal application. STONE ! STONE.! Any quantity of Building, Corner, Rubble. 81l1 and Bridge- Stone for Salo. Quarried and ready for loading at Brueeele Quarry. Perprice and terms appl v to 37 tf Bet 150 JNO. M11'OH1n3LL,• 1850010, AGENTS WANTED W.IIO DE - emu to earn from $15 to $25 weekly. It canhe done rolling our ltardy,guarantoed, Canadian growth Nursery Stook. Salary or eommiesimt paid- weekly. Exclusive terri- tory. Jkandseme Outfit flee, Write us at OLIO fortatono, E. 0, GRAHAM, Nurseryman, 41•l4 Toronto, 0116.