HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1895-6-14, Page 3JThT1 14, 1895 TICXI BRIT SALS POST
;eNl 1 1 isrvrissrxtstya>II ,
Townr'n _ director rllauegdigi00, coaled, A letter woo by that T]?us:0odo hafuekruotodtdliave
i#road from Wm, Welap aelsiui; that Uis the road at lot 6, on 7th on. line put in a
1l�teaacement be redoes( on mount of hie proper state of repair. Carried. Aoeenntle
A aeleze a quoncu,—Sabbath Services neildiags having been burned dawn ea were ordered 00 be paid 14o Wien
ea :
at 11 a m and 6;80 p, rli, aueaey aeaeef Orealbl'eek, Melted by Sao, Turnbull, /Oneself' Herald, on plating demount,
deos i that o dt to t h se
nde byArch, ,Id's ab l q es 5 00 • ar o
2^R n0, s n ' t'
at 39 p m. 1tov, JoUn Ross, � 4, p a � . J G n a , n tiring ops under
paetne. Mont of Wm. Welsh be reduced 8800,rorboa' bridge, $8,00 ; 8. Bewley, re.
Knox Onuaelr.-..Sabbath Services at 1.1 Carried, The Court of Revision was pairing; eulverte, 02,00 ;'P. Cantelon, steep
a m bud 8:80 p M. Sunday School at then adjourned till 4 o'eloo's p. m, and, of Fisher, 818,00 ; P. Cantelon, 4k/thief;
for Fisher, $4,17; Misseelexford, charity,
$10.00 ; M, Cardiff, repairing oulvert,
$2.00 ; W. Clark, part salary, 040.00
Jao. Watson, Asseeeor's: Wary, $80.00.
On miction of Wm. Isbister, wended by
Geo, Kirkby the Council then adjourned
to meet again after Court of It °vision on
the 29th of June, W. CL.tu n, Clerk,
2;80 p m, Rev. D. Miller, pastor,
ST, Joim'S Cuuncu,—Sabbath 1$erVieee
at 11 a m and 7 p m. Sunday School
at 2:80 p. m. Rev. A. K, Goiliiu, bloom -
MP uoe;aT OnVnou,—Sabbath Servioee
at 10:80 a m and 6:80 p m, Sunday
School at 2:30 p m. Rev. G. 18. Cobble -
diets, M A, B D,. paetor.
Roma CATnoIxo Cnonati.—Sabbath
Service third Sunday in every month, at
10;30 a m. Rev Joseph Kennedy,
SaLvnrzoS Anerx,—Service at 7 and 11
a m and 8 and 8 p m on Sunday and
every evening in the week u.t 8 o'oloob; at
the barraoks.
Onn Fitrrowe' Lonea every Thursday
evening, in Grabam'e block,
Masotti° Lonon Tuesday at or before
full moon, in Garfield block,
A 0 U W Lopeu on the 3 •d
Friday evening of each month, in I31as•
bill's block.
C Q'F Lamm 2nd end last Monday
evenings of eachmonth, in Blashiil's.
I O,F, 2nd and last Friday in Odd
Fellows' Halla
L U L 1st Monday in every, month
in Orange Bali.
SONS OF SOOLLANDr gat and 8rd Toes-
days of each mouth, in 'Odd Fellows'.
K. 0. T. M. LoDGE, let and 3rd Thurs-
daya of each month, in Vanstone block.
Roue Creme, 2nd and 4th Friday even.
inge in Blashill's Hall.
POST Ornxoo.—office hours from 8 a.
in. to 6:30 p. m.
Mania xas' INerrruTN.—Library in
Holmes' blocs, will beopen from 6, to 8
o'clock p. m. Wednesdays and 3:80 to 5
and 6 to 8 Saturdays. Miss Dolly Shaw,
TOWN Covoom.—W. H. Kerr, .Reeve ;
W. H. McCracken, Robert Graham, R.
Leatherdale and B. Gerry, Councillors ;
F. 13. Scott, Clerk ; Thomas Kelly,
Treasurer ; D. Stewart, Assessor and J.
T. Rase, Collector. Board meets the let
Monday in oath month.
Sono", Bosun: —Rev. Roes, (chairman)
Dr. McKelvey, Dr. Graham, A. Reid, A.
Hunter and 3, N. Kendall ; Seo.•Treas.,
R. Voss. Meetings 2ed 'Friday evening
in eaoh month.
PunLxo Sonooa Teeennes.-3. H. dam - instructed to examine the Itemises and
eron, Prineipal, Miss Braden, MiesL '
report at next 'nesting of Oounuil. Oar.
genet'al (loaned 'bestowal wee taken up.
Ulla minutee of last epeelul and rgguier
meetinee were reed and mowed, Moved
by Sae. Turubnll, anointed by Wm.
Brown that the Reeve and 'f!reaeurer be
authorized to renew the nota of $2,076,88
in the Stoddard Bank, Bruesele,for three
months. Carried, Appligutlons—Tboe,
Mo1edzean, for grading and gravelling
on eide road between lots 5 and 6, on,
17—Mr. Hislop to attend to it; Neil
Dunoaneon, fer repairs to road at lot 13,
eon.14 —Mr, Streohan to attend to is
Franole Coate, for repairs to boundary
Grey and Elma, lot $5, non, 4—Mr.
Brown to attend to it ; Donald Oemp-
bell, for oulvert and gravelling Oil side
road between lute 15 and 16, eon. 16—
ilir, Campbell also notified the 0000011
that Logan's bridge was in an unsafe
condition and required bo be rebuilt—Mr.
Hislop to attend to the matter ; L. Me -
Neil, for culvert'at lot 14, eon, 1.4—Mr.
Lindsay to attend to itGeo. McKay,
for repairs to boundary it;
and Etma,
between the 12th and 16th 'coca.—Mr,
Lindsay to attend, to it.. ; Wm. Annett,
fur repairs to boundary Grey and Elma,
between the 611 and 8311 cone. Moved
by Wm. Brown, seconded by Jas. Lind.
Say that the cum of $25.00 be granted,
provided the Elma Connell grant an
equal sem, Carried. Jas. Douglas eery -
es; the Council with a written notice to
have Government Drain No, 1 cleaned
out from where it enters' the Beauchamp
Eastward to the line between lots 13 and
14, eon. 15. The trustees of S. S. No, 7
made application for the issue of de-
bentures by way of loan tothe amount
of $2,300for the purposeof purchasing a
siteand building a new school house to
be paid in five equal annual inetalments,
said debentures „to bear interest at the
rate of five per cent. per annum and
payable on the let day of January -each
year. Moved'by Wm. Brown, seconded
by Jae. Lindsay that the application be
granted and that the Clerk be instructed
to prepare a Bylaw to be passed at the
August meeting for the iesde of said de-
bentures, Carried. In the matter of
the petition of Hartwell Spoken, jr„ and
others, for a ditch at lot 30, eon. 10, and
for gravelling a'portion of road at same
lot, left over from last November meet
ing. Moved by Wm. Brown, seconded
by Jae. Turnbull that Mr. Lindsay be
Downey and Miss Cooper.
Boma or IIEAxTn.—Reeve Derr, Cleric
Scott, A. Stewart, T. Farrow and J. N. The Court of Revision was re opened.
Rendall. Dr. MoNaughtou, Medical Muved by Arch. Elisiop, seconded by
Health Officer. Wm. Brown that the assessments of
David Brown, A. Pollock and II. M.
Dobson besustained. Carried. Changes
made—A. McKelvey was assees-d as
owner of'lot 18, con. 7, iti,tead of Elijah.
Bateman, and hobs. McDonald was as.
seised as tenant of same lob ; Wm. beet
wee assessed as tenant of the Ea, of !ot
82, eon. 14, arid Ira Taylor was assessed
es tenant of the W3 of lot 82, con. 14 ;
Joseph McKim was aseeosed joint owner
of lots 1 and 11, Walton village, and Jas.
The iceman's business toll off so Scott, Heenan, was assessed joint owner
Byreason of the frost, of lot 10. con, 10. Several doge were
struck off, and it was moved by Aroh.
That he may have to raise the price Hislop, seconded by Wm. Brown thab
To make up what he's lost. • the Court of Revision be closed, that the
roll as revised be adopted. Carried.
Council busiuesa was then resumed. The
following ;mounts were presented, viz
Thos. Davideen, filling up washout on
toad at lot 4, con. 12, $2.00 ; W. H. Kerr,
7 index boosts for voters' Diet, $140 ;
Now the plowboy turns the sod— Bob:. Lang, repairing 9 culverts at lot
We kin hear him hummin' ; 12, cone, 7 and 8, $5.50 R. Lang, re -
Feller etringin' np a rod— pairing bridge on side road between lots
'Canse the lightein's eomin' 1 24 and 25, eon. 8, $2.25 ; A. Reymann,
repairing Davidson's bridge at eon. 12,
$8.00 ; Wm. Annett, cleating of flood
wood at boundary Grey and Elina, con.
8, $3.50 ; Wm. Milne. lumber for bridge
at lots 24 and 25, eon. 8, 813.58 ; Mee.
A, Ritchie, supplies to Logan family for
5 months, $88.14 ; Thos, Streahan, ex-
penses to Goderioh on township business,
$2.80 ; B. Gerry, ,a- burrel cement for re•
pairing abutments to bridges, $1.88 ; W.
H. Kerr, part payment on printing con-
tract, $20.00 ; A. Reymann, salary as
assessor, $90.00. Moved by Jae. Turn -
A special meeting of Counoil, milled by bull; eeoonded • by. A. llislop that the
the Reeve, was held at the Township above accounts be paid. Carried. Conn•
Hall, April 22nd, 1895, for the purpose of oil then adjourned to meet again in the
taking into consideration the state of the Town Hall at th'e call of the peeve.
bridge on side road between lots nembers Wtt. STENOS, Clerk.
25 and 20, con. 8, with a view to baying
it repaired at once, and other important
busineee.. All the members were present,
the Reeve in the chair. The Reeve pre- --
slented a copy of Engineer's report. Plane The Court of Revision met according
and estimates which were served on him to advertieement in the town hall, Ivlorris,
by the Clerk of McKillop, for certain on May 37th. Members all present and
prnpoaed drainage originating in the subscribed the oath required by statute.
township of McKillop and continuing Appeals were disposed of as follows :—
into Grey, emptying into•tbe Beauchamp John Parrot complained of being too
creek. Moved by Amis. Hislop, seconded High assessed, dismissed ; James Parish
by 7amee Turnbull that the Reeve be in. entered owner of S. W. a lot 12, con. 8 ;
stt'noted to attend the MoKillop Court of Robert Mitchell eutored tenant N. W. a•
Revision for said proposed drainage and 29, con. 4 ; Robert A. Johnston entered
if possible get the McKillop Connell to owner S. j 25, con. 2 ; C. Burford enter -
agree not' to pnb any; more water into the ed tenant in place of las. Hunt ; Thos.
Beauchamp creek until the contract for Bielby entered tenant N. a 15, con- 7
said creek in Grey ie completed, hurl in Chas. Ritchie entered owner N. pt S. a
the event of the McKillop Council reins' 80, con. 8; D. Sommerville, H. Sohoston,
ing to agree to said terms that the Reeve A. Carter, Jos. Watson and Wm. Mollie
be authorised to appeal against said bad each one dog struck off. The Court
drainage. Oerried, Droved by James Of Revision tben adjonrtled to meet again
Turnbull, eeaoudsd by Win. Brown that on the 20th of Jane next at ten o'clock
Mr. Lindsay be inst. acted to have the a^ nt. Connell business was then taken
necessary repairs made to the • bridge on up. Wm. Bryans and Jas. Duncan corn -
side road between lots 25 and 25, as edon planed of the etabe of the road on Wo-
es possible. Carried. The following ao- line between lots 25 and 26, con. 4leading
oonnis were presented, vin. ;—$hohherd to school honed in S' S. No. 6.
Belton, gravelling, grovel, and repairing Moved by Wm, Mister, seconded by
oelvert at lot 34, con. 8, $7.35 ' August Geo, Kirkby that las. Bowman be
Kress, gravelling at lot 88, con. 6, $17.20. iustrtlobed to examine said road and have
Moved by Wm. Brown, emended by Jae. the same pet in a proper state of repair.
Lindsay that the itbovs accounts be paid. 'Oarriod. Moved by Jas. Bowman, se-
Oarrie,l. Clounuil thea adjourned, melded by Wm, lebietor that Thee. Code
be iustruoted to have sideline between
Council metas Court of Revision at lots 5 and 0, con, 6 Putin a proper state
Long's Hotel, 0ranbroolc, May 2741), of repair, Carried. Moved by George
1893, pu'suaut to advertisement. All Kirkby, aseconcled by Thos. Coats that
Wm, 'Olathe bo instructed to have oul.
verb on 4th con. line between Bolgrave
village ;and: station put in a proper state
of repi,ir. Carried. Moved by Thos.
Code, eeoonded by Wm. Mister that the
Beers he iuebruotecl to have necessary
weenie' mule on sideline between lots 20
and 25, con. 8. 'Carried. Moved by Geo.
h Jas. Lindsay,: seconded by Jae, Turn. I(,irltby, seconded by Tae. Bowman that
ball as.Lind. y eve's .ded ()Jilin. Iebiatel'boinebrnotod to close Forboa'
gement be re- 1 bridge it being unsafe for public travel.
slimed $150. Curried. 'Moved by Janlee 1 Carried. Moved by Thos. Code, seconded
Turnbull, seconded by Aroh. Hielup Qat. by ,las. Bowman that the Reeve ,Ind
no alteration be made in Fletthera'Spora Wm. Mister be instructed t0 examine
ling'e assessment.: Carried. Waved by Furrow's bridge and have necessary me
Wm, Brown, tedonded by Jae. Lindsay pairs made thereon, Carried. Moved
that Valentine Foareter's stage esent be by Wm. Iabieter, secended by Geo: Kirk -
He will be heard from in this world
The mother proudly said.
He was. He mowed the lawn each morn
Ere folks were out of bed.
Now the peach hangs on the licnb—
Gettin' all we're wiebin' ;
Small boys go diggin! with 8 vim
Worms to go a fishin'-
Now the new book•agent knocks—
Talkie' sweet as honey ;
Comes a feller sellin' olocks—
Swappin' time fer—money.
Soon we'll bear the thunder roll
'tenth a cloudy curtain ;
Lots o' glory in your soul—
Spring—and Spring fer certain.
Grey Council Meeting.
Morris Council Meeting.
the mambos of the Council were present
and enbsoribed the ueneseary oath) the
Reeve tools the Chair and the Court was
opened. Theta were, six appsa le entered,
against the assessment roll of 1800, viz, :
henry M. Dobson, David 13rown An.
drew Pulleol,,; James Love, Fletcher
Sperling mid valentine Foorstet•, all
elaimiog to be too high eseessed, Moved
Crbtytt(1inn News+.
itev, Q. 0, Waltaeo late decided not
to accept the Obenoellorebip' of Mc-
himtbr he Giver recently oiiered to
him by the Governors.
Miss Ireland died at the General Hos.
Pita', Winnipeg, as a result of blood poi.
Bo[ting arising from all injury sustained British, Columbia
on the jou rney.from Ontario.
WITH - t
DO cis, an C)
• $1,00 OotOIo,.
One cent a doge.
It le gold on a guarantee bg an druggists,
It cures incipient consumption and is the
beet Clough ane Croup Cure,
Sold by JAS. M V, Druseletr le t'llR9el e.
Red Cedar SJitil)gle3
A prominent farmer of Merson, Town-
ship, named Edward Ilanoey, dropped
dead at Tilbury, in Jaokeon'a butober
shop, from heart disease, brought on by North. Shore
the extreme heat. Deceased was about
fifty years of age, and leaves a widow
and family.
&outranlstx CUBED. IN A Dar.—South
American Rheumetio Cure for Rheuma-
tism and Neuralgia radically cures in 1
to 8 days. Its motion upon the system
is remarkable and mysterious. It re-
moves at once the cause and the disease Also. Doors ,nail Sash of all Pat.
immediately disappears. The fleet dove tame en hand or made to order
greatly benefits. 75 cents. Warranted at Short Notice,
by G. A. Deadman.
A Muirlcirk correspondent writes :— ' Bettina tee Varnished for all
Norman Adrain, eldest son of Jae. ' kinds of Buildings, Workman.
Adrain, met with a painful acoidont the ' ship and Material Guaranteed,
other evening. He was leading a calf
into the stable, when. it beoamo frighten-
ed and started to run. He kept his hold
on the rope and the animal pulled him
against a clothes line, which be did not
notice, with such forme as to knock out
three of his teeth and fracture his. jaw.
OATasaau BEI 0V,D IN 10 co 60 tixnuTEs.—
Pine and Cedar.
Brussels Planing Mills
One short puff of the breath through the
Blower, supplied with each bottle of Dr.
Agnew's Oatarrah Powder, diffeees this
Powder over the surface of the nasal
passages. Painless and'' delightful to
use, It relieves instantly, anal permanent.
ly cures Catarrah, Hay Fever, Colds,
Headaoh s, Sore Throat, Tonsilitis and
Deafness 60 cents at. G. A. Deadman's.
Ex•Mayor John Milne's host of friends
in Essex town and county will regret to
bear that he has decided to move from
Essex to Toronto. Owing to his connec-
tion with the A. 0. U. W. he will matte
his headquarters in the Queen City, and
will dispose of his Essex interests as
speedily ns possible.. The clerkship of Hardware Store
the Eighth Division Court, ft isexpeoted,
will be transferred to H. W. Allan, it P.,
Where 3 on will, from
this date, get a
Kidney Cure." This new remedy is a
great surprise and delight on account of
OffalGash Pusoliuses.
fta exceeding promptness in relieving
pain in the bladder, kidueye, back and
every part of the urinary passages in
male or female. It relieves retention of
water and pain in passing it almost im-
mediately. If ,you want guide relief and
cure this is your remedy. Sold by G. A.
Deadman, druggist.
When you want a StoVe, Tin
or Granite -ware. or Hard-
Wiu'e, Paints 4 Oils,
and will be attended to by Wm. Laing
while Mr. Allan is at Ottawa.
Ramer lx'Sex Hooas.—Disireseing kid.
ney and bladder diseases relieved in six
hours by the "Great South American
Fine Roman, Artists' Can-
vas ill l tock. •
H.'!I TER.
I.Y7J. ,•1 .h x wags;
Still to the front and this Season want more
For which we will pay Higher Prices than Last Season,
Big Bargains in Woollen Goods.
You can depend on ns paying HIGHEST CASH PRICE POSSIBLE, or in ex•
obanging Wool for• Goods we will pay a few cants extra, and guarantee to sell goods
at Cash Prices. See nor choice range of TWEEDS, made from medium fine wool,
which we offer at 40 cents per yard. (This is a soft snap.) We have lowered nor
Sonthdown Stocking Yarn and all wool Bed. Blankets 5 cents per lb., also have re.
duped our prices in other linea. Before disposins of your Wool we invite you to call
or make enquiry and you will find that the Listowel Woollen Mills offer the best'
value. Our stock is the Largest, Beat Assorted and Cheapest in Canada, Come and
try our special line of Fine Wool Flennel8 at 25 cents, will not shrink in washing.
Give us' a triol and we feel satisfied that you will find you have come to the right fac-
tory with yonr wool. We pay special attention to our custom department in Curd•
ing, Spinning, etc. 1loping to have the pleasure of seeing you and your neighbors
this season, we remain, t'om'e truly,
',QOI a. SON
I,'P. S.—Remember we do not employ any Peddlers and our goods can be got only
by calling at the Factory, so do not be led astray by Peddlers travelling
through the country claiming to have our Goode.
75,000 Lbs. of Wool Wanted at the:
For which I will pay the Highest Price in Cash, or in exchange for
Goods will pay a few cents above the Market Price.
asaloaleoWleetaalWeenernotewleseleMeatMealeelevewlestratellwaleacrearemeswormairai weammaareenavereamast
JHAVE a very large selection of Goods and at velemlhnt will satisfy the elosest
Buyers. Call and inspect my goods and compels prices with other Mille be-
fore disposing' et your Wool. My stools conprises'Tweed+ of all deooriptiots from
Full Cloth to the finest English Broad Cloth. I am Eiffel:Mg a good eervieeable Tweed
at 85o. Also Flaneele of all ltiude. Fine Taman Micah) Flannels tl1 20e. Fine
Dress Flannels ; Military Flatmate ; Navy Mae Flannele,
1,000 Yds. Check Shirting t*`111nnel at 25e.
Blankets, Twilled Sheetings, Ladies' Skirtings, Horse Blankets
and Stocking Yarn.
I -also keep a large stout of Mon'e. Underwear at ol'mo priers, and .11 Staple Cot.
ton Goode such as Factory Cattcee, White Cottons'1'ielanp, 0ottounde, Towelling,
Tonle Linen, Oxford Sbirting, CanadianStandard 513 r1 ng, Gingham•+ end Flan.
nelettes. IS7flopinn to haven call from a fair portion from the neighborhood
of Brue,els, I am, lours ttUly„'
Eleatr o Light Plant x0N1x To LOAN.
#Cori) SALE,
The 13ndersigued bas'daoic1$d
to, ofor for pale the Brussels
Electric Light Plant, A, fret.
class investment can be S110Wn,
Easy terms ; good reason for
selling ; full particulars cheer-
fully furnished on application,
Any mo of Moneyt
Amount ALo.au'
on Farm or Village Pro-
perty at
6 6' 64 Per Cent., Yearly,
Straight Loans with privilege of
replaying when required.
Apply to
'A. Hunter,
Division Oottrt Clerk, Brueaelg.
Featherbone Skirt Bone
��1e and shape
Ladies' Dresses
A light, pliable, elastin .bone made
from quills. Itis soft and yielding, con-
forming readily to folds, yet giving prop.
er shape to Shirt or Dress.
The only Skirt Bone' that may be
wet without injury,
The Velebrnted Featberbone Cor-
sets aro inade'i'ith tins material.
For Sale by leading Dry Goods Dealers.
We have received the greater part of our Spring Stock of
Boots and Shoes, comprising the Finest and most Stylish
Footwear that the market affords. In Ladies' Misses' and
Children's Black and Tan Oxford Ties we are showing ex-
ceptionally good value. In La(lies' Gaiters, etc., we have
a line line which are very popular just now. Ladies'
Misses' and Children's Button Boots in endless variety, at
prices to suit the tines. In Gents' wear we have all the
leading styles in Bongo's, Shall Cord and Calf. Bops'
and Youths' School Shoes at prices that defy competition.
Call and see our Ladies' White Canvas Oxfords.
Rips Sewed Free of Charge.
Having purchased the Wall Paper stock of Jas. Fox
and combined it with niy own; I have now the
Largest, Cheapest and Best
Display ever made in Brussels.
Special Bargams Given during this Month
To save trouble of moving in conuec,
tion with the erection of tie tv store.
Yon can save Dollars by dealing with me in
Wall Papers, Borders and Window Shades.
Paper Hanging done in First-classp�StyIlo�,� //��
W 19' e ROD llm;r•5' rl+, , /acs 3 \ ,
And so is our '11
Large Stock of to
1' } l�I i
Call in and see thein and get Prices.