The Brussels Post, 1895-6-14, Page 1Vol,; 22, No, 48.
11131011 Ce131.11ty Council.
Huron Go, Council convened iu the
Court House, Goderich, on Today
afternoon of last week, all members
present, the Warden in oho (their,. On Motion of Mosere. Seam and
McKay a yobe of ooudolence was passed
on the death of the late reeve MoMorohie
and on motion of Messrs, Kerr and
Young a like resolution on the death of
the late reeve Malloy.
Copioo of the resolutions passed were
directed- to be sent be the families of the
decettised reeves.
A. resolution of Messrs,' Either and
Bath, that the speoiol committee be re•
quested to draft a letter of condolence bo
the widow of His Honor Iseao F, Toms,
deceased, and after reporting the same. to
this Council, the Clerk have it engrossed
and presented to her, was duly carried.
A. Young, reeve of Colborne, was plac-
ed on the committee of which the late A.
'Malloy was a member, and D. Cantelon
on thoee on which the late reeve MaMur
ohie had been.
A large number of accounts, eommuni•
cations and motions were referred to
committees to report and the Commit, on
"notion of Messrs. McKay and Sanders
adjourned till 10 a, m. Wednesday.
County Council met on Wednesday,
pursuant bo adjournment, the warden'
Presiding. The minutes of previous day's
meeting were read and signed.
Anapplioabion was read from the East
Huron Teaohers' Association for the
usual grant. A number of accounts pre-
seated. School Inspector's reports of ex
peudibgre in detail. Statement of County
Treaeurer, showing collections 'and dis-
bursements, and asking that a By-law bo
passed to enable Warden and Treasurer
to borrow money for currentexpenses.
A statement regarding non-resident bases.
One showing amount available for cur-
rent expenditure, and County Jailor's re-
port, were also presented. The county
auditors' report followed, as also that of
the county commissioner, all of .which
were referred or od to incur Ican active. nominit -
tees. A, discussion arising on the non-
payment of the county rate, the treasurer,
who was present said their nob -payment
was a good investment as the county• re-
ceived a larger iuberest thereon than
could at present be obtained on mort-
gage. The report of speoial committee
was read, and after mentioning the names
of the applicants for the various positions
in the Nouse of Refuge, stated that 600
ballots had been ordered on which the
names of -those applying would be printed.
After considerable discussion as to the
mode of voting and the reading of motions
and amendments as to the proper meth-
od, a resolution to adjourn till 2 o'alook
was carried.
The first question discussed on Wed-
nesday was the method of voting for the
caretakership of the House of Refuge, and
resolutions and amendments being voted
on, it waf finally agreed that each mem-
ber should have five votes, with only one
given to any candidate, and that all on
the ballot paper receiving but one vote',
should drop out that when the names
ware reduced to ten, then eachmember
should have but one vote, and that the
lowest candidate on each ballot should be
dropped, until an election resulted.
The Clerk, H, Either and W. H. Kerr
having been appointed scrutineers, the
ballots were passed around, the result be-
ing that several candidates were out of it.
The scrutineers did not give the vote of
the first ballot, bat merely meutioned
those who wore to be struck out.
The candidates continued to drop till
only ten remained, when the voting be.
came more rapid through each member
being mewed. to one vote, and at the
close of the eighth ballot, Barr, Cum-
mings and French only were left in the
It being 6 o'clock, the Council adjourn-
ed to resume work at 8 p. m.
Council met at 8 o'clock according to
motion of adjournment, the ninth ballot
being token was decided as follows :
Barr 20, Cummings 11, French 20, and
Cummings was no longer in the field -
Tho tenth and last ballot was declared
as 22 for Barr and 20 for French, thus
electing the last named gentleman keeper.
and bis wife matron of the County of
Huron House of Refuge.
A discussion then 'arose as to the next
business, some urging that the doctor
should be eleoted, and others that the By-
laws should be proceeded with, and the
latter subject being selected, the Council
was moved into committee, E[, Eilber in
the chair, and the work began, the dis-
cussion lasting till several amendments
to the By-laws as read were oarried, but
they did not materially alter the original.
Shortly after tea a motion to adjourn
wait resulting in a tie vote,
the chairmen deolared it lost. A motion
to rise and report progress followed and
was carried by a snbstenbial majority.
The Cotinafl having resumed a motion
to adjourn to 9 a. m. was adopted.
The Council met at 0 a. m, on Thurs.,
day, in accordance ,7cilih resolution of
previous meeting, the warden presiding.
:.the roll having been callede the minutes
of Wednesday's meeting were read and
Signed. . A cumber of accounts were read
and referred tofinance committee. W.
Coate, of Clinton, tendered his, resig-
nation es county auditor, he being an ap-
plioant for House of Refuge inspector.
(Accepted.) Applications for the position
of inspeotor of the House of Refugs, were
read, received and referred to committee.
The Council was then moved lute com-
mittee of the whole, 23, Biiber being
The House of Refuge' Bylaws being
finally revised, the committee rose. Tho
Council'resumod and the By-laws, as
amended, were adopted. - A motion to
proceed with the election of the inspector
was proposed, when an amendment to
adjourn was read and voted down, and
the election of an inapeotor Was proceed.
ed with. There ware six applicants, bub
on the first ballot W, Coats, of Clinton,
obtained 25 votes, just, lacking one . of a
majority, and on the second was eleoted.
The election of 141. D. was next pro-
ceeded with three roe oandidatosbeiug in oho#i
field. ,
On Or Prot ballot Dr. Campbell ola;r
bainod a mejoribyt and is therefore the
doctor of the institution.
A motion to adjourn to 4 p'olook was
then carried, but before the members bad.
dispersed the clerk announced' a ,speoial
Meeting for 3 p. m.
The Coattail met in speaialsession at 0
p, m,, the warden presiding, Membore
all present except reeve of Asb'deld.
The meeting was nailed to pass a By
law to raise §12,000, to pay for the in-
dustrial fern and the buildings to be
erected thereon. The By-law having
been read a third time and passed, iiie
Council adjourned.
tfhe Connell resumed at 4 p, m,, the
warden in the cbair, A petition was
read from the residents of Gorrie, asking
Hulot the village be eppoiubed a polios vil-,
Moved by Mr. Cook, seconded by Mr,
Graham, that title Council pass a By-law
erecting the village of Gerrie' into a police
village, bolting within its limits lobs num-
bers 6 and 6 in the eighth concession of
the township .0f Howiok, containing two
hundred acrse, and that the first election
of trustees be held in the town hall in
said village, and that Wm, Irwin, of that
village, be the returning officer therefor.
Both petition and motion were referred
to the special committee. The request
was granted.
Mcved by W. H. Kerr, seconded by V.
Rata, that a December session of the
Huron. • County Council be convened in
Clinton on the first Thursday of Decem-
ber next at 10 o'clock.
Moved in ameladmsntbyReeve McKay,
seconded by Reeve Sanders that the De-:
camber meeting be held at Goderich on
the first Wednesday in December instead
of at Clinton.
Moved in amendment to the amend-
ment by Reeve Watson, seconded by
Reeve Young, Colborne, that no Decem-
ber session be held this year.
The motion oarried.
Moved by $. Eifber, seconded by
Jno. Sberritt, that the treasurer and
solicitor take such action as to them may
seem advisible to have the debenture debt
of this county ns io0 o]'
dated at the next
session of the Legislature of this .Prov-
ince. Carried.
On motion of Messrs. MaEwan and
2Serr, the Council adjourned, to meat
again at 3 p. m. on Friday._
London Conferon.ce.
The following is the final draft of min-
isters and their appointments in the
London Conference for the coming year :
Lannon DosTnrcT.-Queen's Avenue,
Andrew Cunningham, G A Wilkinson ;
Dundas Street Center, E B Lanceley, H
Wren ; Wellington street, A L Russell,
38 D ; Colborne Street, Walter Rigsby
King Street, Charles Smith ; Centennial
March, A G Harris ; Hamilton Road,
Eli Middleton ; Aski'Street, Thos Call-
en ; London West, B Clement ; St.
Johns, Wm Penhall ; Siloam, JA Fergu-
son ; Tborndele, A M MoOulloali, J J
Sinclair ; Dorchester, R Redmond, J
Coulter ; Lambeth, Wm Quauce ; West-
minster, T W Blatchford33A; Delaware,
T T George, E G Powell,
Sr. MAnx's DoSrnioT.-Sb. Mary's, John
Learoyd ; Granton, Jos S Cook, B D, Ph
D,; Luoan, J Ford ; Ailsa Craig, J Barl-
trop ; Kirkton, Tbos J Snowden ; Wood-
ham, 3 C Nethercott Niasouri, R J
Making ; Tbamesford, HarveyD Moyer.
Steamer") DosriucT.-Stratford Cent-
ral, George F Salton, Ph D ; Waterloo
Street, Jos Ward, 33 D ; Michell, Wm
Williams, D D ; Monkbon, A McKibben ;
Staffs, John Kenner ; Fullerton, Josiah
Greene, H E Bollington ; Harmony,
Nathaniel S Burwash ; Embro,J Kershaw.
LIeTOwEL DISTitior.-Listowel, N R
Willoughby, D D ; Milverton, E A Fear;
Trowbridge, John W Robinson ; Corrie,
J S Fisher ; Fordwiah, T W Omens;
Wallace, R H Barnby B DAtwood,
John Ball ; Ethel, Wm J Waddell, 0 0
WrNonau Dlsrnicr.-Wingham, Gor-
bam A Gifford, Ph D ; Teeswater, Alex
Birks, 13 A ; Wroxeter, Wesley E Kerr;
Brussels,' Geo H Oobblediak, M A, B D,
lbichard. Paul, J L Kerr, William Norton ;
Walton, W M Pomeroy ; Londesboro',
Hugh J Fair, W J Ashton; Blyth, Geo
Buggin ; Auburn, Wass Baugh ; Betgrave,
Edward A Shaw ; Bluevale, W H Moss.
Win A Smith, College.
KINOARDImnt Dlernmr,-Kincardine, Was
Livingston ; Ripley, Ben J L Hutton;
Luckuow,1 B Wallwin, B A ; Ashfield,
Robert H Hall ; Whitechuroh, Robert C
Burton ; Tiverton,.P W Jones ; Bervie,
Thos C Sanderson, T P Sawyer ; Bethel,
Charles V Lake ; Salem, Jabez J Noble.
Gonitnicn DosTrtocr,-Goderich, North
Street, Joseph Edge ; Victoria, Street,
Henry Irvine -; Clinton, llattenbury
Street, Jos W Holmes ; Ontario Street,
W J Ford ; Seaforth, S Bond ; Holmes-
villo,'G W Andrews, B A; Bayfield, F J
Oaten ; Vacua, Webster' W Leech ; Hen -
sell, Francis Swann, M J Wilson Kip
pen, Jas Walker ; Dungannon, S r S�ld-
monde, B D ; Nile, J W Priug ; Ben.
miller, E. Olivant.
EXETER DIRTMoT.-Exeter, Main Street,
H W Locke ; Tames Street, Geo Jackson;
Parkhill, John. Mille ; Elamville, T P
Ooupland : Centralia, H Butt ; Credi-
ton, J G Selland ; Birr, R J Garbutt, L
L 13 ; Bryanston, J H Kirklakd ; Sylvan,
J Host; Grand Bend, G H Thompson.
Snalainor DisrnioT.-Sbrathroy, Front
Street, Jasper Nilson, M A; Frank
Street, G N Haien, B A ; Paroles, Wm
Smythe ; Adsl'aide, John Hacienda ;
Kertvoocd, J B Kennedy ; Watford, Sate.
tel Salton ; Warwick`s Geo Jewett ; Ar-
kona, 0 M Erietol ; Brooke, R W Know-
les ; Appin, 013 Cousens ; Napier, A
Baker ; Wanstead,eW A Finlay • Oil
City, G la Johnson'; Marthavflle, L W
Wioketb ; Mount ihrydgesr G J Kerr.
SanNla DiseentT.-Sarnia, Central, G
W Henderson ,,.Queen Street, G T A
Willoughby;; lit
Edward, J GI'allis ;
Wyoming, 3±.; . Chown, B D ; Camlaohie,
S A Audeta n, L Bartlett ; Brigden, R
BW Doting,13 A ; Oil Springs, 01' Wells,
y• Dawn, T A Steadman; Thedford,
3c chant'; Forest, Warnes Whiting ;
Banquet, H D Tyler
-Stoup end
e Y
q Y
attic Points,supplied 1 t b �thoB a
1 os n not
m]nistar '
Coruna 'J
n W Andrews tvs
Sombre, R L Wilson, till College opens 1
St Clair, A S Edwards,
teneon Dt5 ot--WinIi
dsor, J
Grimly ; Wal swills, Win Godwin ;
Anlbsrsbburgg, S 7 Allin Barrow, J A
Ayearet, l3 A I Essex, W S Pascoe, D D;
Ktulb,=svills, W 1tfoDonagb ; I0ublbven, 13
Medd ; Gesto, 0 W Kennedy °ottani,
W H Shaw ; Woodslee, David Rogers ;
Maidstone, A Thibadeau and F Sutoliffe
Leamington, Joeeph Galloway • South
Mereea, Jostpph Deacon ('Leamington)
Goldemiba, Jolla. Morrison ; Comber,
John Henderson ; Tilbury Centre, W Id
Cooper ; Romney, W McMullen, 33 A;
Pelee Island, J A Snell,
CuAaessr- DISTnlcr.-Ohatbani, .Park;
Street, 0 E McIntyre ; Victoria Avenue,
H W Crews, B A; Charing Cross, 'S W
Muxworbhy;,l3lonbeim, 11-W MoTavish;
Cedar Springs, James Husser ; Mediu,
MPickard, A E Lloyd Louisville, J.
Kennedy, 33 Da; Dover, Peter Myers;
Dresden, Geo Daniels Dawn Mills, D E
Martin ; Wallaoeburg, John Holmes;
Tupperville, W B Creighton, B A ;
Rutherford, W S Smith ; Walpole Is•
hind, Win AElias.
RmansrowN Dxeraror-Ridgetown, Joe
Philip, 73 D ; Morpsth, R 0 Parsons ;
Fairfield, Wm Griffin ; Highgate, JVoal;
Harwich, J J Haylook ; Thamesville, D
M Kennedy ; Bothwell, W Fansher ;
Moraviantown, to be supplied from Both-
wall ; Wardsville, John Russell ; New-
bury, J W Baird, B A; I'lorenos, J E
Holmes, F Finisher ; Glencoe, C W
Brown, 33 A, B D; Rodney, A I Snyder,
So. Tnomes DrsrincT.-Sb Thomas,
First Methodist Church, James Hannon,
D D ; Grace Church, R Millyard ; Cent-
ral Church, 0 T Scott, B A ; Mount El-
gin Institute, W W Sheppard, Principal ;
Port Stanley, T 33 Aylesworth, M A, L
L D, A J Langford ; Fingal, Wm Hay.
Burst ; Talbotvills, WAyers ; Shedden,.
J Deacon ; Iona, E J Mlllyard.
AYLnn,R DIsTRIOT.-Aylmer, R J Tre-
leaven ; Springfield, A.11 Going, B A ;
Lyons, R Thompson ; Belmont, T Jack
son ; Avon, 5 G Staples, B A. ; Browns-
1VIoA1li ster Vienna, R
Kin lake F Panther g e Ior •Mala•
hide, 0 Creohton E W Edwards ; Spar-
ta, T R McNair ; Straffordville, E Fes.
sant, T L MoOutcbeon.
The following is the report of the Brae -
eels .Publlo School monthly examination
for May :
Bona 1.
Pitman -Total, 600 :
S.21oLauclilin..386 A. J. McKenzie 265
L. Jackson ....872 W. Leatberdale 261
E. Lamont ....359 Myrtle Notb•2411
D. Strachan ... .354 Frank Smith 239
D. MoKsnzie ..842 Janie Howe •213
Dora Nett ....310 Belle Lamont 212
Puers0 Samoa Lentos -Total, 600 :
Emma Webster 479 Georgie Howe 273
J. McCracken ..415 L. Leatherdale 273
Geo. Watt ..309 W. Ainley 237
Ira Gerry 334 May Shaw......233
Lorne Danford 324 Fred. Gilpin ..217
Lis. MoLennan 306 Fred. Wilson ..185
Ken. Coseley 280 Reuben Hindes 100
E. McLauoblin 277
Enflame -Total, 600 :
Bella Laidlaw 454 I'. Hinter 821
Herb. Dennis ..445 M. Friendship315
D. MoLanohlin 419 May Deadman. 302
Edna Dennis ..370 Fred. Haycroft 282
Carrie Megaton 857 Garf. Vanstone 276
J. McLnuehlin..528 Dalby Kenda11274
L. Pringle ....326 Fanny Rogers 258
Fouarn-Total, 600 :
Lena Baeker ..313 Lewis Reid 251
Nellie Publand ..284 0. MaOraaken225
Ella Scott 265 Lizzie Downing 175
Peseta Mitobell 259
J. H. Caisson, Principal.
Roont 2.
Examinations on Literature, Dicta-
tion, Arithmetic, Writing and Drawing
in all classes, besides History in 4th
class and Grammar in both Ord classes.
Total number of marks given in each
class, 600.
FOnnrn Glam.-Class 1-H. Downing,
482 ; K. Smith, 416.
Class 2 --Ivan Crooks, 887.
Class 8--W. Grieve, 823 ; A. Mc-
Kelvey, 310 ; C. Milloy, 809 ; . Mitch•
ell, 287 ; P. Watt, 285 ; IX. Iunter, '270 ;
0. Vanstone, 274 ; E. Kendall, 272 ; G.
Baelter, 271.
Class 4-A. Putland, 263 ; L. Car-
ry, 258 ; J. Kelly, 228 ; I. Blaebitl, 209 ;
M. ISayoroft, 199.
Class 5-W. Forbes, 178 ; G. Mc-
Lauchlin, 156 ; 0. Milloy, 145 ; R. Oros.
ler, 117.
Absent -Eddie Grewar.
SE. 81/n.-Olaas 1-I. Zllliax, 412 ; A.
Kendall,; 402.
Class 2-T, Agar, 362 S. Driver,.
Claes 3-0, Zitliax, 813 ; 3. Malkiur.
tin, 200.
Claes 4-N. Smith, 221 ; M. Mc.
Arter, 188. - -
Class 5-L, Sinclair, 169 ; W. Mc-
Lennan, 137 ; M. McGuire, 125.
INTEnirnnrtrs Sun. -Clan 1 -Bt. 'For.
bes, 450 ; E. Walker, 428.
Class 2-D. Watt, 883 ; F. Thom-
son, 365 ; M. Forsythe, 350 ; N. Van -
stone, 387.
Class 3-A. Puttee(/' 818 ; M. Scott,
808 ; R. Taylor, 299 ; F. Armetrong,
290; B. Scott, 2811 ; C. Beaker, 280.
Class 4-L, Kerr, 228 ; 3. 'Ward, 207.
Class 5-A. McKay, 154 ; E. Web-
ster, 144 ; S. Wald, 107 ; B. Smith, 74.
Absent -F. Finn.
Mies DEADEN, Teaober.
Boat 8.
311.3nu.-Examined in Arithmetic,
Spelling, Grammar, Geography and De-
portment. Total. 600.
J. Couelay. 405 R. \Vilbee ... , ..867
G, Rose 440 .17. MoArter • . 387
A. Irwin . -438 E. Lowry ......380
L. Hindee436 N. McGuire ..•.827
H. Johnston ,417 M. Settergreen..820
A. Riohardeon387 C. Richards ,.,.207
M. Riobardson 380 B. Putkand .. , t 40
C. Edwards
Su.210,-Examined in Axibbmetie,
Spelling, Literature, Geography, Deport-
ment, Writing and Drawing, Total, 609.
P, li'fa0raoken„860 N. Blaehill ..,,292
M. Howe , „845 F, Dennis 290
I. Williams ....812 Ii:Bergeee ,,,281
A, Taylor 386 V, Cooper .273
P. Riobards..,.817 B. Blaebill ....200
S. Forsythe ...,310 A, Crosier 253
M, Hunter- ,...304 A. Lowry 204
G. &Ieleom ....e02 R. MaLauahlin 200
Jr, 2Nn.-Examined in Arithmetic,
Geography, Spelling; Literature, Deport.
meet, Writing and Drawing. Total, 600.
S. Scott ...444 H, Finn 302
W, Zihiax......486 B, McKelvey • • 296
M. Skene 483 5, Maxwell ....284
33, Howe 428 F. Wilson ....280
W. &meat ., •421 L. Koenig 274
P. Birt 400 H. Ainley . ,...243
G. Thomeon,393 G. Richardson.. 286
R. Ainley 381 M. MoLeuohlin 280
E. Denbosv 300 L. Cooper 207.
A, Smith 841 N. Kendall .,..200
E, Avery 336 V. Danford -.197
M. Hunter .',,.336 M, Grewar ....184
3. Walker '315 G. McKay 181
W. Hockney ..312
Miss DowNEV,• Taaoher.
scam 4.
Bo, Pane -2ND.-Examined in Arith.
meth), Spelling, Reading, Writing and
Deportment. Total, 600.
Class 1 -Robbie McKenzie, Luella'
Class 2 -Ada Ross, Alex. McLennan.
Claes 3 -.Hari. Basher and Mabel
Colvin, equal, Alex. Forsythe and Min-
nie Heapy, equal, Alice Curry, Harry
Watt. °
Class 4 -Linda Colvin, Jim Thom-
son, Jean Bargees, Willie Frain, Charlie
Claes 5 -Pearl Lowry, OlarrieBlash.
ill, Mildred Scott, Mary Rose.
Jit. Pear 2Nn.-Examined in Arith-
metic', Spelling, Reading, Writing and
Deportment. Total, 000.
Class 1 -None.
Class 2= -'Ivan Johnston, Roy Pugh,
Elsie Wilton' Charlie Hin eton George
g g
Class 3 -Ruby Plum, Carrie Me-
Oraoken, Herold Richards, Gordon
Claae 4 -Pearl Leatherdale, Ella
Funaton, Luoy Colvin, Maggie Ament,
Thersie Meadows, Grace Finn.
Class 6 -Susie Beam, Vine Edwards.
So. PAST 1sT.=In general work and
Deportment. Excellent -Bella Header.
son, Irene Cameron, Edna Pugh, Grab -
am Corry, Ronald Sinclair, Russell
Lowry, Orrie Wilbee, Bella Riobardson.
Fair -Nellie Irwin, Finley Scott,
George Hamilton, Addie Bird, Addis
Lott, Jim Kerr,cKatie McDougall.
111. PAST ler.-In general work and
Deportment. Excellent-Gertie Ross,
Gregg McLennan, Bert. Hingeton, Herb•
ie Lowry, Reggie Kendall, Aileen Scott,
Laura Leatherdale, Alva Walker, Harry
Fair -Annie McQuarrie, Walter
Scott, Flora Beam, Maggie Ramer,
Hardy Avery, Winnie McGuire, Johnnie
Williamson, Jennie Armstrong, Gusaie
Finn, Willie Roach, Jim Bloomfield.
Mise Ooormm, Teaober.
irrnseets Sisal Beard.
A special meeting of Public School
Board was held in the Town Ball on
June 7th, all the members present.
The question of reducing the cost of
the proposed school building was disous-
sad and it was moved by Dr. Graham,
seconded by A. Reid that quarry stone
be used instead of brick for the occas
walls in the basement, wood substituted
for briok in two partitions on the ground
floor, the beam -filling of the rafters be
left off and the outside foundation walls
be 24 inches think, instead of 27, for
which a reduction of $364 is to be made
in the contract price. Carried.
Moved by A. Reid, seconded by Dr.
Graham that the tender of R, G. Wilson,
at 58,430, be accepted, with the above
modifications in the plans, reducing the
price to $8,066, and that red pressed
brick with gray stone trimmings be used
instead of white brick with brown stone
trimmings, if the contractor can do so
without extra cost. Carried.
Yeas, Rev. Jno. Ross, Dr. Graham, Dr.
McKelvey and A. Reid. Nays, A. Hint-
er, J. N. Kendall not voting.
Moved by A. Reid, seconded by Dr.
Graham that Mr. Powell be appointed to
superintend the construction of the
building and that he be paid 5% on the
contract price for furnishing plans,' epeci.
fbcations and all necessary details and for
superintendanoe. Carried.
Board then adjourned.
Cn.ntact tail Ne w,s.
Collingwood taxes circuses $200.
Woodstock races, June 18, 19 and 20.
North Oxford Farmers' Institute will
exeort to Guelph June 14th.
The Postoffioe Deportment will not
give Brantford free postal delivery this
Boger Hawkins, of Brownsville, sold
900 bushels of wheat to an Ingersoll firm
last week for $1 a bushel.
Afinie, the only daughter of H. Wibber-,
ly of the Western hotel, Thanissville,
was drowned in the Thames River about
four miles east of the village.
Dr. Evaus, of Elmwood, has fallen heir
to a big fortune. He is one of six who
have benome heirs to an estate in Belfast,
Ireland, valued at over 5500,000.
A barbed•wire stretobed across one of.
the gateways of- Dundurn Park, Emil -
ton, seriously injured two of the firemen
who were in the waggon passing under
A trolley oar ran into a crowded trail.
er ab Montreal, and several persone were
seriously injured. A collision on the
Galt.0 Preston electric line resulted in
serious injury to the motor man.
Salmon fishing is reported unusually
good along the Saguenay coast. 4 spell
of strong, northeast wind, which occurred
some time ago, ie the cause of the abun-
dances of fish.. At Tadoaeao fifth salmon
were taken at on during e spot dorm), one tido.
At Point an Pio, wheresaltnoe is rarely
caught, the fish ere plentiful,
Time 112aeeey.]Tarris Arm are Oleg into
the manufacture of bioyolea at Toronto.
J, 33, Hall, apiarist, Woodstock, re
oeived an order this Week Um England
for 4,000 lbs. of this year's honey,
A little girl • wee fined 60 mute at
Brantford for maiming a lien, The bird
belonged to a neighbor and ite chuckling
was objected t0,
4. young unemployed workin groan was
arrested at Dresden on the charge of
threatening to kill the Klug of Saxony
with an infernal maohine.
A young man named Fortin was kil-
led at Chicoutlme (,1,., at Price's mill by
n plank hurled from a circular saw etrik.
ing his bead,his Ilea being broken,
Jean Grenier, who arrived in Moetre.
al from Minneapolis on a visit to friends
named' Ford, went out for a walk on Fri•
day night, and bag mysteriously'disap-
pered, He had $2,000 in a belt on his'
Geo. Mo0rum wag before the Ingersoll
police magistrate last week, and pleaded
guilty to the charge of gambling on Sun-
day, the 19th' of May, The magistrate
imposed the ueuai fine of 520 and posts
or thirty days.
Hiram Walker, the millionaire distil-
ler, who founded Wallterville, baa retired
from business. The vast enterprise
which owes its growth to bin, and all his
other property have been divided between
his three sons, E. C., F. H. and J. H.
Walker. Pare. Theodore Buhl, of De-
troit, his daughter, nae been given a
liberal share of the estate, and hence-
forth the elder Walker will live in quiet
and peace, divorced entirely from buei•
nese. F. H. Walker said in an inter-
view that his father's phyaioian had ad.
vised him to retire from business and
had been urging the suggestion for some
time, bat it was not until recently that
he decided to act. His estate is various.
ly estimated to be worth from 58,000,-
090 to $15,000,000, the major portion of
Makin is invested in the distillery and
bonded warehouses. "The interest
acquired by myself an y two brothers
was by virtue of a va able consideration.
The faots arc that have been
conduct -
in the business
the sat
few w ears
and during P
u that
g have become in.
terested. My,father's health is not the
best, though be is far from being sink,
and it was thought beet by hie physici-
ans that be should give up the aotive af-
fairs of life. Arrangements were made
so that we bave purchased our father's
share and will henceforth the concern on
the same lines as it has been operated.
We have formed an unlimited partner-
ship, and no changes will be made. The
property in Detroit, as well as the proper.
ty in Windsor and Walkerville bas been
divided. I do not care to name the exact
proportions at this time, nor nan I state
with any accuracy the value of the prop.
arty involved." From other sources it
was learned that Mr. Walker nae execu-
ted deeds of everything he poseeeses to
his heirs, reserving only a life interest.
The transfer is absolute, and all that be
to -day possesses is the right to continue
to use the results of a lifetime of activity
until such time as the summons which
awaits all mankind shall call him hence.
The deeds were drawn on June 1st and
filed with registrar June 4th•
People We Know.
Nelson Gerry Sundayed in Seaforth.
L. Bembly, of Wingham, was in town
00 Tuesday.
Miss Belle Irwin is visiting Miss E.
McCracken at Bluevale.
Nelson Currie was in Goderich hest
week on a business trip.
'Will. Stewart, of the Standard Bank,
is enjoying his holidays.
Tbos. Hindes left for Sobriber on
Wednesday of this week.
W. M. Sinclair spent a couple of days
in the Go. town last week.
Mrs. Goebel, of Mitchell, is the guest
of her daughter, Mrs. A. Konig, Brussels.
Chas. Stnart, of Wingham, was visit-
ing his sister, Mrs. Jag. Fox, this week.
Mrs. (Dr.) Graham has returned from
an enjoyable visit with relatives in Mich.
John Madai cell, of Milton, was in
town this week pushing the sale of red
preseed brick. •
Mrs. (Dr,) Norton, of Shelburne, is
visiting at Itev. W. Norton's, Tarnberry
street, Brussels.
Mrs. W. A. Edgar and Vera, of Cullo-
den, are renewing old friendships in
Brussels and locality.
Mrs. Hunt, who is visiting her daugh-
ter, ➢ire. J. Y. S. Kirk, has been quite ill
during the past week.
Mrs. Van Dicksonand baby and Miss
Maggie Miller. of Wroxeter, were visiting
Mrs. Was. Fox on Wednesday.
T. A. Hawkins was rusticating in
Goderich and Bayfield for a few days
hitt week. He wheeled over and back.
Will. Roddiok is still incapacitated
from work owing to inflamed eyes and
Bort of inflammatory rheumatism in his
Mies Myrtle Wilson is still weaned to
bed with a disabled limb. She has been
a prisoner to the Boase for over eighteen
Miss Luella Ross had the misfortune
to fall on the sidewalk last Saturday and
break her right arm in the same place it
was broken a few weeks ago.
Mrs. T. R. Thompson and i baby, of
Seaforth, aro visiting at Jno. Talt'S,
Queen street,- They have just come from
a holiday visit at Kincardine.
Captain Stratton and wife have moved
to the property on Queen street West. It
is said be may ereot a brick residence
there. The location is first-class.
Alex. W. Stewart, of Detroit, was
summoned to Brussels last Saturday
owing to the contemplated demise of his
mother, who died Monday morning,
Robert Dickson and wife have remov-
ed to Detroit. They went by steatner
Cambria from Goderich. R. M. Dickson-
will Oleo leave shol•tly for Detroit, where
he will attend a course of isoteres in law,
Thos. Bloomfield, who aoeompanisd a
shipment of horses to the Old Country
about tour weeks ego, arrived back
g to
Brussels 00 Monday night. He only re-
mained in England 30ug enough to ex•
Mingo his tranapottaticn pass.
W. H, K4RR, Prop,
011U1iCI1 LII41[l6'b ..
A $126 oolleoticn ie asked for at the
Metbodiet aburah next Sabbabb,
Bev. Jno, Ross attended the indu otion
services in Belgravia on Tuesday, He
addressed the oongregabiou.
London Conference closed on Tues-
day. The Heel draft of appointments
may be read in another column.
t Rev. W. Smyth, formerly of Breesels,
will be stationed at I strobe next year,
es bis three year term at Clinton bad'
expired. -
Ensign Dowell and Lieut. Barker as-
sisted in the Salvation Army services
last week. The latter was here over
Captain John McDonald, after a
month's furlough, raterned to Brussels
Thursday of this week, A weloome
meeting in theBarracksat night.
Next Sunday morning -Rev. Mr. Cob
blediok will speak of the recent meeting
of the London Conference and the Penta•
costal serviaea held in connection with it
by the Rev. Dr. Keen, of Ohio.
Next Sabbath morning a farewell ser:
viae will be held in Knox churcb. Ad-
dresses will be given by Reticle. S. Jones
and J. Rose. There will be no service iu
Melville church in the morning,
A memorial service was held in the
Methodist aburah last Sabbath evening,
baviag reference to the late Mrs. Thos.
Norton. Rev. R. Paul preached a suit-
able discourse from the text "I have
fought a good fight, &o." The old lady
was for many years a member of the
rhumb fn this place.
The Owen Sound Advertiser, in nom•
meetingon the Rural Deanery of Grey
meeting in Cbatawortb, says :-Rev. Mr.
Reilly and Mrs. Reilly entertained the
members of the 'Deanery, and added
much to the pleasure of the day by their
kind hospitality. Rev. W. G. Reilly
was appointed Treasurer of the Deanery
and Rev. J. Ardill Secretary.
Additional al Loc 1
Local News.
A NEW platform for the use of the fire
engine has been built at the rear of Wm.
Rose' flour mill at riverbank.
QUITE a number of Brussels sports
were attending the Stratford races on
Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday of
this week.
GReyELLINe CONTRACTS. -At the Queen's
Hotel, on Saturday afternoon of this
week, at 5 o'clock, contracts will be let
for gravelling on the boundary of Grey
and Morrie, North and South of Brus-
sels. The work is being done by the
Councils of the two municipalities named.
MARRIED IN Juii,E.-Ab 7 o'clock Wed-
nesday evening Rev. A. II. Griffin, in-
cumbent of St. John's church, tied the
matrimonial bow makingWesleyPollard,
of Granton, and Miss Lottie Driver hus-
band and wife. The ceremony was per-
formed at the residence of the bride's
parents, Brussels, in the presenoe of the
relatives of the contracting parties. Eli
Pollard supported the groom and Miss
Fanny Driver was the bridesmaid. The
wedding presents bespoke the popularity
of the bride. After partaking of an ele-
gant spread Mr. and Mrs. Pollard took
the train for a short wedzieg trip before
returning to their home • at Granton.
May happiness and prosperity attend
them on the journey of life.
evening the members of S. B. Wilson's
oiass in the Methodist Sabbath school
met at Tbos. Curry's and invited their
teacher to be present. Georgie Howe
read a kindly worded address expressive
of their regret at his expected removal
from town, &o., and Leo Curry, for the
class, presented Mr. Wilson with a very
nine shaving set and case. The recipient
suitably acknowledged the kindness
theme him, A very enjoyable time was
spent by all and Mr. and Mrs. Curry's
hospitality was properly recorded. Mr.
Wilson has nearly completed his ap-
prenticeship as harness maker and con-
templates tailing a position es journey-
man. He will be missed very mush in
removing from town.
CONTRACT LET. -The Public School
Board have let the contract for the new
school hoose to R. G. Wilson, Brussels,
for the cam of 98,066. The main build -
ins will be 86x70 feet, with a wing 40x42
feet and the walla 84 feet high. It will
contain six rooms and will have a slate
roof. Contract calls for the completion
of the work by November let. 'Mr. Wil-
son has sub -let the stone and brink Work
and plastering to Lowry Bros. ; the
painting to Roddiok at Wake ; anthe
plumbing and three furnaces o Wilton
& Turnbull. Architect Powell will be
the inapeotor. The new building will
stand 38 feet from the street and will be
built of white brink with red stone trim-
mings. Men are busily engaged remov-
ing the walls of the old school house and
commenced the excavating for the base.
ENrRRED INTO REsr.---The spirit of
Mre. Daniel Stewart was beckoned away
to the rest that remains for the people of
God on Monday of this week. A stroke
of paralysis laid her low a few weeks ago
and this was followed by a second, which
stopped the circulation of the blood, and
soon caused death. Mrs. Stewart's
maiden name was Ann Emmeline Bechtel
and her birthplace was Blair, Go. Water-
loo, Her parents dying while she was
young she found a oomtorbable home
with John N. IKneollcel, a former well
known resident of Brussels, where she
continued to reside with her marriage,
30 years ago, to her now bereft husband.
The subject of this notfoe proved herself
to baa true helpmeet and her devotion to
her family and the careful training they
received left ite impress upon them, Al.
though of a quiet disposition Mrs. Stew.
art's piety was marked and no more con-
sistent mesaber was fonnd in Melville
church. Four Sone and three daughters
are left to hold in loving remembrance
the life of a good mother. , The sons, son-
in-law, and brothetV de iehsed were the,
pall bearers, The funeral on Wednesday
con was very largely attended..
Rev. J7
0. Roes and d Rev. S. J
Ole con -
duettist the service. Mr. Stewart and.
family bare the sympathy of a large oir-
ole of relatives and friends.