HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1895-6-7, Page 8re Paris Greer,.
[Use Oar ('QVeg111:13e11t Stan-
ditrd for the Potato .Bugs..
Nobe better at 25e, per lb.
/Coop 0001
By buying one or more choice
T'itne that we are Belling Met
now, or if yon prefer to take'
of Hire's Boot Baer, Jersey
Milk Shake, Jersey Buttermilk
or Lime Fruit Juice which we
are selling Lot.rednoed .rates to
introdnae them.'
Druggist, Bookseller and
Graduate Optician,
Trains leave Brussels Station, North
and South, as follows:
Sfr,.0„, 0.b4 a.m. Mixed 0:95 a.m,
9iWurese 1159 am.l Mail 0:13 p.m,
(geed 0:00 P.M. Express 0:43 p40,
",IJ,C'cii Reim .ems.
A ohiel's amang ye takin' notes,
An' faith he'll Mont it.
BATHING is coming lute popular favor.
Rne'E KERR ie attending the County
Itsao the district news on page 3 of
this isaue.
QUITE a quantity of wool ie being mar-
keted at Brussels,
&inssns. OLEG° & Daum Shipped n oar
GE live hogs from Brussels last Monde v.
OAST. STRETTON has been frssbenin_' up
his block by tbeaid of the painter's br
DAVID MAXWELL has built a new f .nee
,cross the front of his lot on Elizabeth
Tito label on your paper indioate' to
what date your subscription ie ;Aid
Take a look ac it.
Erma Court of ;Testicle will hold it. alt.
Varna sitting in Goderioh, before Justice
Rose, on Tuesday, Sept. 17.
D. A. Lowrey and R. G. Wilson have
the contract for Samuel Hoggard's new
residence South of Brussels.
A 00010 is shortly expected by the
Brussels A. O. U. W. from Provincial
Organizer Milne, of Essex town.
THE Band stand will be moved fro,n
Victoria Park to the Market Square, so
ae to be of more eerviee to the Band.
Tun first 60 day excursion to Manitoba
will leave on Tuesday, June 25th. Return
fare from $28 up according to destination.
Exox church will be offered for sale by
public auction Friday afternoon of this
week at 2 o'clock. F. S. Scott will be the
,tuotioneer. The sale is occasioned by
the union of the two Presbyterian con-
Tea High School Entrance and. Public
School Leaving examinations begin on
the 27th of June, at 8:45 a. m. ; the High
School Primary on, July 4011, at 8:40 a.
nt. ; the High School Junior Leaving rind
Pass Matriculation on July and, at 8:40
a. 01.
Tr is said that if the cold wave had
unntinued much longer an enterprising
I3,ruaselile was talking of flooding Mait-
htnd rink and bolding a series of skating
eareiv,.le. The advent of warm weather
again destroyed the prospect of carrying
the idea into effect.
21. H. Moonn, V. S., had a Mese call
from suffocation on Friday evening of
last week. He was taking a enrk out of
a bottle of ammonia when• the bottle ex-
ploded scattering the fiery liquid over
him and nearly smothering him with the
fames. He escaped with little injury the
fresh air speedily doing the restorative
Donut/an DAY IN Berssnna.—On Tues-
day evening of next week, at 8 o'clock, a
tsubliomeeting will be held in the Town
!tall to consider the best means of carry.
5.1g out the annual celebration of Domin-
ion Day in Brussels.. Let there be alarge
attendance of .the leading citizens at thio
meeting. Tba 1st of July comes on Mon-
day this year. Counoillor Leatherdale
was the Chairman of the last Celebration
Committee. Ida made a good one.
Coaruccr.—The Seaforth Sun, of last
week, says of former Bruseelites, in con-
nection with the Queen's Birthday con-
cert :-."Mr, and Airs. W. H. Wil lis, of
this town, sang "The Ship I Love,” and
,finite captivated the audience. Mrs.
Willis bas a beautiful, clear soprano
voice and is undoubtedly one of the best
vocalists our town possesses. Mr. Willis'
ability as a public singer is toowellknown
6e need any comment. That be pleased
tits audience aa he always does, WAS evi-
denced in the hearty round of applause
with which his selections were received."
Mrs. Willis is it daughter of Councillor
Gerry. She and Mr. Willis sang for
a'numbrr of ae:Ers in the Methodist choir,
Tag PoeT thinks a few Brusselites
°veld take the "Gold cure" with good re.
cults.—An example will have to be made
of a few youths if profanity is not stop.
ped on the streets and public places of
resort. —A. lively exeureion business will
he done this Summer to Goderioh and
Kinoardins, Brussels eau knock out any
place of its size in Ontario for a well
built and uniform range of buildings on
the Main street.—This should bean A 1
plane for a big business In the manufac-
ture of wool.—Brussels Band bids fair to
take front rank with nnytbing in the
county thisaeason.—Cr'nkst, learo.se and
tennis are not in it tins -mason. Bioyol-
ing, foot ball and trattie1 horses appear
to have the gall.—Cur residents have
done well in their endeavors to comply
with the requirements of the Board of
Wealth in tidying up their premises.—
With loureuperannnated mini-tere resid'
ing, in town the Divinity department
should not suffer. Their names are
Ilevde. 6. Jones, J. L. Herr, . Paul and
W. Norton.—The Truat'W 0 er should'
lie given some work by the'School Board
judging by the nonattendance of a num-
bar of children at cab ool.—Brussels will,
not (1e represr,nted at the choir competi-
tion at Lond, n bine year.
J. G. S1111NE'S raspberry bushes are be.
giuuiug to bloom again after the damage
by frost,
klaussnl,a orchestra has an engagement
at the home of Edward Bosman, Morrie,
next Weak.
MISS LID. I%foX•!Apatri,IN, Milliner, has
ppurobe1 ed ten lilalipse bicycle and baudles
it very nicely.
AN interesting article on the "Beady.
made Clothing Sweat Box" may be read
on page 0 of this ieeue, •
jaws IltrctecTrnoc 11a0 purchased tt neat
5 year old branch° from a gentleman near
Blyth, to do his driving.
THE ainended p°tlbal regulations now
allow anything to be printed on the ad.
dress side of the private post pard.
JpHN LAND5D0RO0GH, W110 10 engaged in
buying cedar poets, has handled no lase
than sir thousand sinus Spring opened.
WE heartily thank Mre01Wm. Ellie for
the line strawberries sent to us this week.
They were beauties and the drat of the
Fnrgeren.—Next Tuesday evening it
meeting of the FireBrigadewill be held
in the Council Chamb'er. There will be
practice at 7 o'olook sharp.
Du. Mason, Deputy District Grand
]Master; of Tara, paid an °Melal visit to
St. John's Lodge, A. F, & A. 117:,, Brits.
eels, last Tuesday evening.
THE PoaT knows some parties who can
sing the familiar swig "I'in going to get
married in Juno" and mean every word of
it. They live. in Brussels too.
Ton town Band was Ont in full forms
last Friday evening for their first weakly
serenade, whleh they are bound to give
during the Summer to enure the grant.
from the town,
PRINCIPAL CA11tnuON.was chosen as lab
Vice President of the East Huron Teach-
ers' Association for the ooming year.
He was also elected delegate to attend
the Provincial Aseogiation.
JAs. O'LEAny's driving hops took a
brief trip on its own aaoouut with James
Bell's wagon, last Monday morning, run-
ning through the Queen's hotel stable.
The wagon and a buggy standing on the
floor were damaged.
0. 0. F,—The Canadian Order of For.
esters of District' No. 1 will bold a dem.
onetration 5. Walkerton on July 1. Ail
kinds of sport's will be engaged in hiring
the afternoon, and in the evening a grand
concert will be given.
THERE were over 50 applicants for the
positions of Caretaker, Matron,Inepeotor
and Physician for the House of Refuge.
Mr. French and wife, of Exeter, were ap-
pointed caretaker and matron respeoti5e-
ly, on the 11th ballot.
A. BAuszoUnH, formerly of Brussels,
who has carried on a successful photo•
graphing buiinese in Seaforth for a num-
ber of year's, has disposed of his business
to W. F. T,.'e. of,North Bay. We have
not heard w',rre Mr. Bauslaugh intends
locating. lie's a good artist.
A Lena exploded in the A. F. & A, M.
Lodge mums on Tuesday and caused
considerable commotion on the streets
The fire bell called the people out in the
rain in great style. The lamp was
thrown out into the back yard and all
danger was past in a few minutes.
from the annual report of the Auditor -
General will give an idea of the volume
6f business transacted M the principal
post offices in Huron County and district
surrounding Brussels ;—
Post Gross Salaries &
Offices. Receipts. Allowances
$ 475 95 $ 195 26
871 49 335 41
484 25 177 97
1521 66 645 27
2581 87 1079 31
4584 18 1743 88
693 26 222 40
Exeter 2185 43, 974 68
Fordtvich 778 71 814 80
Goderioh 6251 79 1973 79
Got'rie 1071. 82 40811
Heneull 1097 18 471 28
Seaforth 5158 91 1872 43
Varna 080 66 165 08
Wingham 4488 77 1514 21
Wroxeter 1091 98 455 96
Zurich 856 57 335 64
No reports are given from Cranbrook,
Ethel, Jamestown, Belgrave, Constance,
Herlock, Leadbury, Londeeborn', Mar -
nook, Sunshine, Walton or Westfield, and
they have been classed among the non -
accounting post offices.
HOUSE or RartGE.--The favorable
weather has allowed considerable pro-
gress to be made on the County House
of Refuge, and the site presents a busy
scene. The masonry of the basement
walls and the foundation of the large
chimney is built and sine and windows
sob. T. Walker completed this work in a
satisfuctgry manner last week. The
bricklayers, Messrs. Heywved and Prior,
mode a good start at the brick walls in
the cellar, of which there are about 500
running feet all built. Window and door
frames, foisting, eta., are ell on the
ground and Contractor S. 8. Cooper and
staff are nu the run to keep up with other
trades. The daily average of men sm.
ployed on the works has been twelve, and
will increase as different trades are com-
menced. Mr. Miller has erected the
windmill, which is doing good work, and
the well holds out remarkably well.
Contractor 61oBeth has drawn some of
the barn timbers and has made the
excavation of the basement. Architect
Jos. A. Fowler has so far had charge of
the works, but expecte Henry A. Fowler,
110W on his way from Manchester, Iowa,
U. S., in Clinton very shortly.
A Fammt. ACCIDENT.—On Saturday even-
ing about 10 p. m , Jonathan Burton,
and wife, of Goderioh township,
who had been visiting the lady's mother,
had just reached their own farm, and
noticing strange otttle around, and a
board loose on the barn, Mr. Burton
jumped out to get hammer and nails to
make things secure. Obtaining the re-
gnired articles bo bommencedhammer.
Ins, but before he struck six times, a
heavy beam pot loose and fell, striking
Burton on the head, killing him instant-
ly. Airs. Burton, hearing the crash
caused by the falling beam, got out of
the buggy, butou reaching her husband
found him dead. Assietanoe was soon
obtained, but nothing could be done ae
death was inetaneous, At the time of
writing we could not obtain information
as to what caused the beam to fall, but
barn was somewhat old, it is possible rho
tenons had rotted and lost their bold.
Mr. and Mrs. Burton bad only recently
been married, and as they were both
moat favorably known and had a large.
circle 3..5 friends there is considerable
sympathy expressed for Mrs. Burton in
the almost mysterious taking away of
her husband, The funeral' took: place en
Monday, the interment being made et
Y• E. E B .h'r'. �Y M H M','
Tao tender for ruovitrg I nox Church
abode over to Melville °Mira) grounds
Wes let to Biattop Ward.
ADpU'1' 1:30 o'ulook Monday morning
Are was die,overed in the billiard room
M the rear of S. 11. Laird's barber oboe,
liincardine, The building le situated no
Qneel street and Owned by 11, T. Den.
nog, and adjoins et the north aids a
large frame block:, awned by I3, H. Den.
ting end 11, Qlitrlle, °e apiwi in rho low-
er storey by A, 0. Washburn, photo.
Paddler ; COI, J. i3, Soott, law, office ;
Hugh Clark, Beviow ollae • and Sam
Sing, laundry, the upper storeys being
the residence of a, Clark and J, Donlon,
To the south is situated a email frame
building owned by the ifIoPhereon estate
and oeoupiod by B, Coombe, The fire
spread rapidly and it wee some two hours
before the fireman bad it ander oontrol.
The fcllowiug are the Mimeo :--ld. T,
Denning 51,000,. with 0700 insurance l'
S. H, Laird, 0700, partly insured ; A. O.
Washburn, 9600, partly insured ; B,
Ooombe, 960, Moored ; H. Clark, 9400,
fully, insured. Col, Seott suffered eon.
eideroble loss owing to damage .by water.
and removal ; no insurau0o, John
Dui'niou loess all his fernitureencl house-
hold effeeta ;
ouse-holdeffeete; no Maurauae. Fortunate-
ly the night was Calm.
As there is considerable talk about the
coat of the new schoolandthe Additional;
tax it will incur, hereunder find a classi-
fication of the tax payers according to the
roll of 1896, on the basis of the amount
asked of the Council by the Sobool Board,
viz„ $7,500 at 5% interest for 20 years,
to pay both interest and principle, the
rate being 2 mills on the 9. Thorn are
204 tax payers on roll, as follows
52 whose taxes will not exceed 9 50
76 1. who will pay between 1 00 00
27 " " 1 50 2 00
19 " 2 00 8 00
17 n U 8 00 4 00
8 4 00 5 00
0 " .500 600
3 " " 0 00 7 00
7 00 .8 00
8 00 9 00
9 00 10 00
10 00.11 00
12 00 13 00
15 00 16 00
1a 16 00 1700
1 " " 30 00 31 00
LITERAnx GO.1rcETrmION.—The Toronto
Saturday Night, a recognized authority
in Canada on matters pertaining to liter -
attire, referifon -follows to the short story
onsnneeitinu offered by the Dr. Williams
A1noi,•i ,Cocoeeev, of Brookville :—"It
is gratify",' to ti„d this large business
firm interested in literature, and the
nature of the competition is such that
keen interest is sure to be aroused in all
parts of Canada, There is perhaps no
portion of the world that yields material
en abundant, situations se piquant and
aheractere so striking, for the writer of
short stories, as may be found in Canada
and more particularly in the Northwest
Territories. We have seen what Gilbert
Parker has been able to do With his all
too limited knowledge of the Hudson Bay
country. Had he or any, other trained
writer ns complete a knowledge of our
great Northwest, the traditions of the
forts, the halfbreed and the Indians, es is
posse -sed by hundreds of our readers, the
literature of the world would be enriched.
Winners of cash prizat5 in other competi-
tions me excluded, so that there is no rea-
son why beginners should not try a band.”
Three hundred dollars is offered in prizes,
the amount being divided among the beat
five stories received. Stories for compe-
tition meat reach the Dr. Williams Medi.
eine Oo., Brockville, Ont., before the let
of July next.
2 tt
2 ''
3 '
Business Locals.
Lois of fine lath for sale at B. Gerry's-
SEcoND hand bicycle cheap. Apply to
B. Gerry.
BLANK note forms for sale at Tun POST
Publishing House.
Wn sell and guaranbeeNo•To-Bac. Try
it, at Fox's Drug store.
Fon sale covered buggy, good as new.
I. 0. Richards.
HEADonawTEite for screen doors and
window careens. B. Gerry.
TRY No-Ta•Ban, we sell and guarantee
it at Fox's Drugstore.
ICE for Bale, delivered three times a
Week. Apply to W. Leatherdale, Brussels.
DWELLING to rent over my store. Pos-
session eau be given 4th of Jane.
I. C. Richards.
Livros ruts on children's wagons at
THE POST Book Store. a2 boy's veloci-
pedes for sale. Call and see them.
We sell 25 cent bottles of beet shoe
dressing for 20 cents ; 15 cent bottles for
10 cte. ; two 10 Cent bottles for 15 eta.
I. 0. Richards.
WHITE BONANZA CATS for seed at Tay-
lor & Smilli('e. The earliest in the
market, as tested at the Model Farm last
Snmore'e Oure, file great cough and
croup onre, is M groat demand. Pocket
size contains twenty-five doses ; only 25
Dente. Ohildren love it. Sold, by Jas.
Fox, druggist, Brussels.
Kann's Clover Boot will purify your
blood, clear your complexion, regulate
your bowels and make your head cleat' as
a bell. 26 ate., 60 cte. and $100. Sold
by Jas. Fox, druggist, Brussels.
FLEURY Plows.—Hugh Williams & Son
are the Agents for the well known Fleury
plows. They also keep alt the necessary
repairs. Call at Williams' Livery Stable,
Brussels. The Fleury plow received the
gold medal and diploma at the World's
TURNIP SEaDe.—Banuholm, Iiall's
Westbury, Sutton's Champion, Sharpo'e
Improved, Skirving's Improved, Royal
Norfolk, Green Top and Elephant
Swedes. All of the above seeds are
guaranteed fresh and true to name,
A. Straohan.
Ramona—R. J. Wells has reduced the
fee of his wonderful trotting horee, "Allan
Wilkes" to $16 00, which should' be ap-
preciated by all lovers of a good horse.
He is not only a well-bred horse but a
good individual. Can be Been at Queen's
Hotel stables every Tuesday.
CAPTAIN Sweeney, U. S. A„ San Diego,
Cal., says :- "Shiloh's Catarrh Remedy
is the first medicine I have Aver found
that would do me any good," Price 60
cents. Sold by Jae. Fox. druggist, Brink
SODA WATnu. PoUNTAbN.-4. McAlpine
hes, at considerable cost,, put one of them
into his restaurant and can now put up
the beet Summer drinks known. Ile
has reduced ice Dream to 30 cents a quart
and will give very special rates in fruits
and oonfeetionery to picnic and evening
A7214✓1D4RD B4X•J:t:• .Q1 0,4 4D4,
,'I'=7 1.4.'1 ==.1•44:, n,2r%ai✓,
ASS77l'li, (Seven Million polars)
Q4PITA14 (Authorized)
dpcnotor tit all principal pinto In Ontario, Quobeo,Katlitobw, Tlatb'Esd States (Pt •Bat,ptcund.
arse '64° Deeme,JJ.
A General Banking k3ueinese Transacted, Farmers' Notes Di000udted,
Drafte Iseued,and Oelleotioue made on all points,
Interest allowed on deposits of 01.00 and upwards from dat of depoislt to date of
withdrawal and compounded half yearly.
Every facility afforded Cnstomere living at a dietanoe.
QI��ta.qp�� rhe s�.t���11 „
tliarLIES Mt3nT119 ZAeltr7 t�ii a .4e S
13 R, 'CT s s' 1_1 8,
Transact a General Banning Business. Drafts Bought and Sold on
all points in Canada, United. States and Groat Britain,
Interest Allowed on One Dollar and 'Upwards at Current Baton. Interest Corn -
pounded Twice a Year, Being Added to the Prinoipal at the end of the Months of
Ootoberand April, Special Arrangements made for Time Deposits.
We (!read to write Insurance In 0131 Englteb 01' Cmindtan• Companies, or In Slut.
nal Companies 11i3 may De desired.
have been a great sufferer from itchy
akin trouble and salt rheum. My hands
and ankles were literally raw. The, first
application of Dr. Chase's Ointment al.
layed the burning, itching sensation.
One box and a half entirely cured me.
It is also instant relief for chilblains.
Henry A. Parmenter, St. Catharines,
EAU:unite wanting hardy, native stook
to plant this coming Fall or Spring may
pay for it in work. We want men with
or without experience on full or part
time. Salary and expenses or commis-
sion. Write at ones for further infor-
mation. Brown Brothers' Go,,. Conti.
nental Nurseries, Toronto, Ont. 48.3m
WHEN house Meaning and the onld.
snap is over take a walla to my new
greenhouse and see my new stock of
house end bedding plants, all new varlet.
ties. Also a good assortment' of annual
flowers for bedding out. I have several
kinds of cabbage and cauliflower plants,
early and late, a fine lot of tomato plants
as usual, celery ins -season. All of the
very best quality. Thos. Haror.
Kremer FAOTs,—In Jan., 1802 my son
was taken with Kidney disease. Though
attended by three phyeioiano and change
of climate be drew worse and by '99 bad
fallen from 195 to 96 pounds. In ten
days from starting to use Dr. Chase's
Kidney•Liver Pills we were able to move
him home, In 4 months be gaited 50
pounds acid was folly restored to health
by the use of this medicine. Jno. S.
Hastings, 23 St. Paul st., Montreal.
Brussels Scheel Sound.
lune 3rd, 1895.
A special meeting of the P. S. B. was
held in the basement of Melville church,
called for the purpose of opening tenders
and transacting such other business as
might be brought before the Board.
All members present except Dr, Mc-
Kel vey.
Tenders for the erection of a school
building aoaording to plane. and speoifi'
oatione prepared by H. J. Powell were
opened, read and discussed but no action
A communication was read from the
Honorable the Minister of Education re
T. Farrow's bill of costs ae presented to
the Board at last regular meeting, stating
that be could not recommend payment of
same, in consequence of which Dr- Gra.
ham moved and A. Reid seconded that
said account of T. Farrow be not paid.
' Carried.
The Board then adjoornsd, to meet at
8 obloek p. m. 0 the Town Ball.
Town Hall, June 3rd, 8 o'elock p. i7f.
The P. S. B. met pursuant to adjourn.
All members present.
Moved by A. Reid, seconded by Dr.
Graham that the Board request the
Municipal Council of the village of Brus-
sela to raise by debenture the sum of
$9000 for the purpose of erecting a school
building. Carried. -
Juno 4161, 1895.
The Beard meeting in Council Cham•
bor. All members present. The ques-
tion of moderations hi plans of school
building was discussed, with a view of
trying to reduce coat of same. No action
June 6th, 1895.
Meeting of Board in Town Hall.
Present, Rev. Jun. Roes, A. Reid, J. N.
Kendall, Dr. McKelvey.
The Secretary was instructed to have
the architect some to Brussels as soon as
possible to assist in endeavoring to reduce
cost of building.
Rev. Geo. Daniel, of Brandon, has ac-
cepted a cull from the Queett'e Avenue
Methodist church, London, subject to the
approval of the Stationing Committee.
HANNA. --In Heufryn, on Monday, May
29th, the wife of Mr. John Hanna of
a son.
Lowey,—In Brussels, on Wednesday,
June 5061, the wife of Mr, Alf. J.
Lowry of twins, son and daughter.
ANDEnsoN.—In Bima, on May 23rd, Robt.
Anderson, aged 833 years.
Demos.—In Dime, on Saturday, May
26th, Mrs. 133trah Dolmen, aged 82
Wrmmen., In Atwood, on Tuesday,. May
28th, Jae. Wilson, J. P., aged 66
years, 6 months and 16 days.
STEM -lu Morris, on June let, Nora
May, infant daughter of James and
Mary Speir aged 26 days.
Pnooroa.—In Morris, on June 4th, James
Proctor, aged 42 years 9 months and
18 days.
73'_''d'r7mm:mz.m 2s0.do /e SITS,
Fall Wheat 97 100
Spring Wheat 97 1 00
Barley, 40 43
Peas 68 60
Oats .. 37 38
Wool 17 19
Butter, tube and retie . '11 00
Eggs per dozen ., 84 ' 9
Flour per barrel4 60 6 00.
Potatooe. 30 00
Hay per ton 7 00 00
Hides trimmed 3' 00
Hideo rough....:. 2 26
Salt per bbl., retail1 00 OU
Sheep skins, each 20 40
Lamb shine eaoh 15 40
Apples per bbl.... 1 52 1 25
Iloge, Live 4 00 4 25
Wool 18 20
Savings Bank takes Deposits from
01.00 to 51,000 end allows Si per nut.
interest. T. FARROW,
07 -ten Postmaster..
I have a fine young Jersey Bull from
selected. stook.. There %is a great difference
3n ,rerseye. S aim to keep the beet. Enquire
at my drug and bookstore.
L7 ISM of the undersigued,Lot 25, Oen. 8,
Grey, on or about May 14th, four head. of
Yearling. cattle. Throe of them are rod in
color and the other gray. Any information
le °ding to their recovery will be thankfully
received, JAS. LAIRD ,Proprteter.
45.03 Ethel P. O.
DNnaroNED offers his 75 nonfarm for
Sale, being East part of Lob 22, 0°11. 13, Grey,
About SUtecros cleared, balance bush, Good
frame house, bank bare, 45E55 feet, nrob,ud
well, &c. In good state of cultivation mol
well fenced. Possession after harvest. For
further partitulare as co price, terms,
&e. apply to
454 DUNCAN MOINNES, Propprletor,
Uraubrook P. 0,.
DBRBIGNED oilers for sale his Se IMO
farm being West half of North half of lot 14,
sou. 8, Morris. There le a good log
house, with frame kitchen; bink barn ; or-
chard; well,&o. 4a acres cleared and under
gond state of cultivation. Possession given
next November. For further particulars as
to price, terms. &c., apply on the premises
to I0OBL;1333 HUGHES,l'roin'lotor,
44.10 or Brussels P.O.
Notice to Creditors
Noting is hereby given that Air. Jacob
Bonhofor, of Walton, 13rickui alter, has made
an assignment to me under the provisions of
the 1evfeed Statutes of Ontario 1887, Cbat',
104, for the general benefit cf the Creditors..
A meeting of the Creditors of the said In-
solvent will be held at the Queen's lintel,
9safor,:b, on Saturday, the first day of June
1305, at the born' of a o'eloek, o. in., for the
propose of considering the chairs of the
estate, appointing Inapootors and diroetiug
the disposal oi,tho estate. Creditors are re-
quired to file their claims with me ml or
bofote the said drat do y of June, 1095, and
not Inter than the Seth doy.oiJune,1805,
after which latter ditto I.wlllproceed to dis-
tribute the estate, having regard to such
claims only 00 then may be filets. Claims of
O redttore Mod must be legally verified, and
must state full partioulare and the nature
o1 the securities bold by them.
Dated at ltOoter, May 20114 0801
4112 Assignee,
Notice to Creditors.
IN 11100 SU1tnooarn Gouorr Or THE COUNTY
Notice Is hereby given pursuant to chapter
He, It, S. 0„ (1887) and amending acts 11net n11
oreditors and other parsons haying claims
against the estate of the above named Owen
Smith decouead, who died on er about the
Fifth day of May, 1804, are required to deliv-
er or send by poet, prepaid to John J. Steph-
ens, T'eoaweter, Solioibor for James Jackson
and John McCartney, the Executors of the
deceased on or before. the First. Day of., may
1895,. a statement to witting containing the.
1101008, addressee nod dereriptious and full
partloulare of their claims and the nature of
their securities (if any) beta bythem, and in
default thereof and as soon afer the said 1st
day of July us the FIRMS can be conveniently
done, the 80014 Exbautore will preened t0 dis-
tribute the assets of the said deoeaeed
amen the parties entitled thereto, having
resold only to the elating o1 which theyshall
then have had 3,otiee and obey will not be
ltublo for the insets of said cetute or any
part Hereof So distributed toany person of
whrao claim they have notltad u0tin0 at the
time of men diemlbe doe.
Bated at T osswater, tiny 20, NW,
45.5 JOSol(oltorr Tfor 1„00 tors:
J MIN7r 1805
Wo strive to lfesp all the Latest Patent
Medicines of the clay ;—No-To.Bao ; lOs.
lcapoo Medioines ; South American Nor -
vino Tonle ; Paakoia ; Agnew's Heart
Core; Agnew's Catarrh Ours; Wood.
ward's Celery Hing ; Manley's Celery
Norve Compound ; Malting Preparations,.
Pure Paris Green and hellebore
Fax's Drug Store,:
1 N.
B. --.We sell Poetage Stamps.
i.Belief tor and Oonvoyauoor, ,Colics.
Wens made, Odioe—Vauetouo'a Bloat, Bios-
• Selioitor,tfoaveyanoer,No tory Pub -
tic, &e, OiBeo Vaustoce's Bloela, 1 door
north o1 Central Motet, Private lrunde to
Solleiter, &o. (late of Garrow &
Promlfoot'e °Moo, Goderioh,) Moe over
Gillies 6 Bank, ank, liruesols.
Money to Loan, 47
Honor Graduate Toronto. University,
Licentiate Nowa College. Dental Surgeons. •
Crows and Bridge work a specialty, Moder-
ate Fees. SatisfactionA.ssured. Moe over
Barrett's barber shop, Turnberry St., Brus-
!l • : Honor Graduate' of the Ontario
Veterinary College, le prepared to treat all
diseases of domesticated' animals in a com-
petent manner- Pannonian attention paid
to veterinary don tietry. - Calls promptly at-
tended to. Who and Infirmary—Four doors
north of bridge '1'urnberry 50.,'Brusaels.
A. tioNAUGHTON, 141. D.
O.M., L. R. U.P., 17dinbargh,. M. 0. P.
S: Ont. Residence and ofllee rn Wilson's
Blook, corner of Mill .end .Tur'nberry Ste.
• i'liyeiolan, Surgeon. Accouoher, ate. ;.
Graduate of. Toronto University Medical
Faculty. Member of College of Physicians
and Surgeons, Out. OFFICE=Next deer to
McDonald ,i Co., Walton Ont.
Iseurer of MarriageLfoenees. OtBoe
athis Grocery, Surnberry street. Brussels,
Tonsorial Artist' Shoe Next door
south o1 A. Af. Moitay & Co's hardware store.
Ladiee•andohildrenehair cutting a specialty.
Issuer of Marriage Licenses,
Orme Ar JRtvELUY Swan.
f:No Witness Required.
T. FLETCHER, Brussels.
T CO. 1lstabl1shsd 1510, In.
aurones effected on all Town and Farm
0101 outlay at very low rotes.
15-3m Agent, Brussels.
Clerk of the Fourth D(vision Cour
Go, Huron. Conveyancer, Notary. Public
Land Loan end Insurance Agent. Funde
invested and to loan. 001looti0R5 made
Mlles : hl Smale'sB look, Brussels
Teacher of instrumental music on
Piano or Organ. Will visit Wiugbam Tues-
day and Wednesday ofeach week. 'liesf-
dence on Princess Street, Brussels.
91 A. ,HAWIR2NS, M. 0. S. M.
.L • Orgdnist in St. John's Church, Brue
eols, and pnitil,in the Art of Teaching of A.
W. Tb0ver, AMlusi Coo., Now York, wilt. give
S eesnne to p,'�,11ile either o" piano or organ,
atbill parlor Over 0.11. Smith's store,Brus.
eels. You al lessons also given. Terms mod-
Licensed Auctioneer, Saha .conduct
edou reaeonablb forme. Farms and farm
stook aeneolalty, Orders left at TUE POST
Publish lug Hoe se,Bruesele,oreon tto Walton
P. O.,wlllreceive prompt attention,
BEu, will - soil for better pl'loaa;to
better mon in loan time and loan °bargee
than any other Auctioneer in East Huron
or ho won't charge anything. Datoe and
Drders can always be arranged nt this °Sloe,
or b y personal applioatfou •
Any enanNty of Building, Corner, Bubble.
Sill and Bridge Stone for Hale. Quarried
and ready for loading at Brussels Quarry. •
Ver price 0001 tsrws apply to
s7 tI Box 150J1V• U. MITCHELL,
SIREo to earn from 810 00 ESS weekly.
It ban bottom, Belling our hardy guaranteed,
Canadian growth Aur'oery Stook. Salary or
'eominleetort paid 'weekly. Exelusivo terri-
tory, Haudeome. Muth free. Write uS at
once far terms
is, 0, GRAHAM, Nurseryman,
4114 Out,