The Brussels Post, 1895-6-7, Page 3• Juan 7, 1895
Town DIrootoryi.
Sinrvrx,i,E Onuacrr,—Sabbath Ser'vicee
at.11 a m and (1i80 p.m, Sunday Soboot
at 2:80 p m, Bet. Bohn Roes, 13 A,
KNOx ONono:I.--Sabbath Servioos at 11
m and 0;80 p m, Sunday School at
2:86 p m, Rev, D, Mtllar,;_ rrl
ST. ;/ omen Onuuon.—Sabbath, Servroee
at 11 a m and 7 p in. Sunday Soboot
at 2:30 p, in, Rev. A., K, Parillln, Mourn -
Misaironle''e Onunor,—Sabbath Services
at 10:80 a m and 6:80 p m. Sunday
School at 2:80 p m. Rev. G. H, Cobble
Welt, M A, B D, pastor,
Rosati CATnopro , OHOnoil.—Sabbath
Service third Sunday in ovary month, ab
10:30 a m• Rev Joseph Kennedy,
SALvA'rioN AN :L—Service at 7 and 11
a m and 3 and p m on Sunday and
every evening in the weep at 8 o'clock, ab
the barracks,
Oen F::nlows' Lonnie every Thursday
evening, in Graham's block.
MAeotio Loi,en Tuesday at or before
fall moon, in Garfield bloolc.
A. 0 II W LOD0E on the 8rd
Friday evening, of each month, in Blas.,
hill's block.
O O F Looms 2nd and last Monday
evenings of oath month, in Blashill's
I 0 F, 2nd and last Friday in Odd,
Fellows' Hall.
L 0 L let Monday in every month
in Orange Hall.
SORB 00 SooTDAND, lot and 3rd Tues-
days of eaoh mouth, in Odd Fellows'
K. 0. T. M. Lenon, 1st and 3rd Thurs.
' daya of each month, in Vanstone block.
Hoon! Oluonu, 2nd and 4th Friday even-
ings in Blashill's Hall,
POST Orrioo.—Otliee hours from 8 a.
m, to 6:30 p. m.
}MmouANTOe' INavITBTE.—Library in
Holmes' block, will be open from 6 to 6
o'clock p. m. Wednesdays and 8:30 to 6
and 6 to 8 Saturdays. blies Dolly Shaw,
TOWN Oonoem.—W. H. Kerr, Reeve ;
W. H. McCracken, Robert Graham, R.
Leatherdale and B. Gerry, Councillors ;
- 1'. S. Scott, Clerk ; Thomas Kelly,
Treasurer ; D. Stewart, Assessor and J.
T. Ross, Collector. Board meets the 1st
Monday ineach month.
Souoox BOARD.—Bev.ROSS, (obairman,)
Dr. McKelvey, Dr: Graham, A. Reid, A.
Hunter and J. N. Kendall ; Sec.-Treas.,
tt. Rose. Meetings 2nd Friday evening
ineach month. PUBLIC Stamm Sta mmm TEAonE11s.-3. H. Cam-
eron, Principal, Mise Braden, Mies
Downeyandalies Cooper.
BOARD or Haman.—Reeve Kerr, Clerk
Scott, A. Stewart, T. Farrow and J. N.
Kendall. Dr. MaNaughbon, Medical
Health Officer.
same time vial haul up the freighted oar
on the other leg. Arrived at the ground,
level, bhe water in the oar tttnir will bo
disahargod into an underground bank,
to be again pumped up to the top' of the
,4'lxewhoel will be rotated by means Of
poworfol chain gearing driven by steam
power. Two endless attains will be used,
eaoh passing round either edge of the
Sheol, through a aorieo of gide braaksbs,
over pulleys, and through -a oubway to
the engines. The obrtine are of the sliest
link typo and each is over 1,000 feet in
ienglh and weighs about eight tone.
They are operated by two 60 horoepower
Robey under -typo engines, planed in on
engine.bouse at the foot of :the wheel.
beware. Either of the two chains is
capable of driving the wheel by itself, so
that there need be no fear of ,stoppage,.
At night the wheel will bo lighted by
sleotioity- The weight of the wheel and
the empty cars is ttbout 1,690' tons ; with
the oars loaded it will be about 1011 tons
more. The wheal was completed and.
opened to the public on May 26th.
Our village is going in for granolithio
pavement' on the' front street.
James Abbott sustained severe injuries
by several tubs of butter falling on his
A valuable sow belonging to Sam.'
Presenter, while crossing the track on
'Waterloo street, was struck by the North
bound train and instantly killed. The
loss to Mr, Preszoator will be about $80;.
Adam Smith had two of bit fingers
badly out in Mitchell's saw mill,
This year Lucknow has no organization
of any kind in theway of athletics. 110
lacrosse, no foot -ball, no base -ball, no
J. L. Haycock, M. P. P., Patron leader
in the Ontario Legislature, will shortly
address a aeries of public "meetings in the
counties of Bruce and Grey.
Mrs. John McGarry has a geranium
that is a wonder to plantdom, There are
three shoots from the same root and on
each shootthere are both pure white and
green leaves. It is not only an oddity
but a beauty as well.
The Brune County Council will meet
at Wiarton on Tuesday, June 18th. An
excursion , on the bay „will in all prob-
ability form part of the entertainment to
be provided by the town for the County
Our citizens were .startled about ten
o'clock on 'Thursday night of last weals
by the roar of the canon in the Queen's.
Park, which a number of our loyal citi-
zen'shad fired off in honor of Her
Majesty's birthday. Three shote were
fired off and it is reported that some glass
was broken in a neighboring residence.
G otierich.
A cinder bicycle track may be made
around the outside of the square.
When man knows how to match a rib-
When woman learns to drive a nail,
When man oan thread a needle deftly,
Wben mice don't make a woman pale,
When woman gets off right from street
Instead of facing toward the rear,
Whoa man stops smoking bad tobacco,
And drinking sour smelling bear,
When woman doen't block the sidewalk
With spreading skirts and puffed ant
When man stops flirting with nett charm -
And to his lawful darling cleaves,
When man can understand the baby,
And woman, petting it, talks sense,
When man proposee anew bonnet.
And woman shies at the expense—
Phenomena like these, and others,
May strike surprised observers dumb.
But they will know by these same tokens,
That the millennium has oome.
A 110131) STEEL TOY.
For some months past there bas been
gradually rising to view in the exhibition
grounds at Earl's Court, England, a steel
structure, which has now reached a final
altitude of 300 feet from ground level to
summit, and which, in clear weather, is
visible for miles around, This is the
gigantic wheel, which is an enlargement
upon, and a modification of, its photo-
type, which attracted so much attention
at the Chicago Exhibition. • The present
structure consists of the largest wheel
ever built, the axle being parried' on 8
supporting columns 160 feet bigb, at
whiob level there will be two large prom.;
evade or recreation rooms, havingbaloou-
ion around them, and oommuniaatiug
with eaoh other by a passageway through
the axle, which is 7 feet in diameter.
Around the periphery of the wheel will
be suspended, at regular intervals, on
Steel shafts, forty oars, whiob are rather
larger than ordinary tram oars, being 24
feet long by 0 feet wide, and 10 feet high
externally. Each ear is capable of bold-
ing 30 passengers, giving a total comple-
ment o,f 1,200 persona. Ten ofthese oars
have been elegantly fitted and furnished
ata coat of about $600- eaoh, and will
form first-class oars, five being for the
smoking and five for the nonsmoking
hortion of the public.. As the ears leave
the platforms, the paseengere will be lift-
ed above the ground gradually and will
first be able to overlook the surrounding
houses and then to look down upon them
and in olear weather, to obtain a splen-
did view of London, with its numeroue
public buildinge, while from the summit
the surrounding country,etretohing away
even as far as Windsor! Castle in one
direotion, will be withinlviety.
Aromas to the promenade at the top of
the oolumns forming the towers wbioh
carry the wheel will be gained by a
double funicular railway or water•bal-
anoed lift. Tbie consists of two oars
connected by hauling gear, and eaoh hav-
ing a water tank at its base. Those oars
will balance eaoh other and will slide up
and down two of the oolumns, whiolt are
reotaugnlar in section, and are pplaaod at
an angle. At the top of each Gain= is a
storage tank for water, wbioh will be
pumped up from a reservoir under the
ground. When a oar at ground level has
reoeiVed its complement of passengers
the baee tank of the oar ab the top will
be filled with water, and on the brakes
being releaser], the oar will glide down the
column at a moderate, epoed, the
The evangelistic eervioes will be held
in the Agricultural Hall instead of the
skating rink.
The fishing off this port has been fair
so far, but does not equal last year's,
which was an exceptionally good one.
Rev. Mr. Edge preached a special ser•
mon to the Canadian Order of Foresters
last .Sunday morning, in North street
Rev. Dr. Dickson, of Galt, leotured in
'Knox church, under the auspices of the
Y: P. S. 0. E. on Tuesday, Juue 4th, on
the subject, 'Our Ideal."
Some much needed re -building of their
lumber docks is being done by the G. T.
R. The lower timbers are found very
rotten, aud the job is turning out a very
big one.
The annual meeting of the Conserva-
tive Association of South Horan (as con-
sbitated for Local Assembly purposes)
will be held in Hensel! on Monday, June
10th. •
Harper cb Lee have been awarded the
contract for putting in sanitary oloests
in the county jail, but owing to the Eaot
that the Government Inspector has not
yet signified his approval of the plans
submitted, Oonnty Commissioner Ansley
says the work will not begin just yet.
Goderioh Collegiate Inetitute,pupils to
the number of one hundred and five will
write at the departmental examinations in
July. 0 will try the senior leaving or 1st
class, 15 matriculation, honor and other-
wiee, 36 the junior leaving or 2nd class,
and 45 the primary or 8mi.
Messrs. Hammond Bros'. saw mill is
nearing completion.
It is rumored that Alex. Carson,of the
10th con. of Hawick, bas fallen heir to a
fortune by the death of a relative in Eng-
While plowing one dny recently W. G.
Strong, just Nurth of this village, plowed
oat a bundle of suakoe the size of a foot-
A load of B. S. workers from St.
Stephen's church drove to Seafortb on
Tuesday of last week, to attend the S. S.
Convection of the Deanery of Huron,
A. Williams, eon of J. R. Williams, has
secured a situatiou with the Kiokapoo
Indian Medicine Go., and left on Wednes-
day of last week for Hanover, where bhe`
Company is flow performing.
Thenfollowing particulars mourning
the burning of the cheese factory will not
be uninteresting : About eleven o'olook
Richard MoGrath, of this village, was
returning from Palmerston and found
the factory to bo on fire. broke in the
door aud sueoeeded in getting out most
of the cheese and a fele other ttetiales,
The origin of the fi,e is a mystery. Mr.
Taylor, the cheese -maker, left the faotory
about seven o'clock to visit hie mother,
who resides on the 15th con. of this town-
ship, and hie assistant left about the
same time to spend a few• hours with a
neighbor. When discovered the fire was
in the South-west corner of the building.
The boiler was at the East end of the
factory and as there was no stove or
'pipes near where the fire originated ib ie
generally supposed to have been set on
fire. air. Taylor's lose amounts to over
3150, besides being thrown out of em.'
ploymenb. Mr. Miilson, who worked the
factory laetyear, and who had a nutter
and other artioles stored in the 'stable,
was also a loser. We understand there
was no ineuraneeon'the, factory what-
ever, and it le doubtful if it will be re-
uTEs,—All oases of organic or sympathetic
heart disease relieved in 80 minutes and.
quickly cured, by Dr. Agnew's Cure
for the Heart. One doge bonvinoee..
Sold by G. A, Deadman,
'tVhile ont oyoling D. I. i,'rier wag
pulled from hie wheel by a dog, whieh
grabbed him on the calf of his leg, and a
minute or -two afterwards it .13000 AIastsr
La, Heywood a nip in the leg, Con.
stable Wheatly shot the dog, which wag
owned by Joseph Carrie, Got:mien to•vn-
Jahn Moillurray, G. Hioahloy, L, Iles.
Hedy, E, Cantelou and J, 13 . Blaekall
haveleasod for a term of .years what 10
known ao March's swamp, Goderioh
township, and intend to convert it into a
game preserve, 60 will be 'booked with,
prairie ohiokons and other like fowl, and
trout, and in time should beobme a vale.
able preserve,
D. 4,. Forrester ehipped last week .60
bead of prime cattle to the old country,.
himself' and Son .accompanying them
there. m' ht M
I orreetor1b madswillbe thereexperiwembsrsdeeb tofatyingr.
up a pertain number of cattle and allow-
ing a similar number to run at large, to
Bee which would do the beet, feeding
them ell alike, The experiment boa
proven very olearly that the animals
which were stall -fed are in the best pen.
A couple of weeks since it wee found
that Pfeiffer Garnet Whitely, eon of W.
T. Whitely, of the (Materna was not at.
tending sobool, and sooner than do so, he
undertook to strike out in the world and
mato bis own fortune, As he is only
about 14 years of age, and was not fitted
out specially for the purpose of battling
with this stern world, his parent' are
naturally anxious to learn of his where-
abouts. When he left home he bad a few
cents in his pocket, whiob went for bread
and cake before leaving town. He walk.
ed from here to the vioinity.of Centralia,
and there secured a couple of days' em-
ployment with a Mr. Baldwip, Limerick '
Road, McGillivray, and was there on the
28rd of May, but left thane ostensibly for
London, since which time no trace of
him has been discovered. Mr. Whitely
was able to follow him this far, but bas
no further information of his where-
abouts. fie is travelling uuder the name
of Hugh Vanderbilt.
Florence, the young daughter of Rev.
W. R. Barker, Methodist minister of
Orillia, accidentally set fire to her cloth-
ing while playing in the yard, and died
from the effects of her injuries.
H. D. Cameron, of Hamilton, who was
stricken with paralysis at the Manitoba
Hotel, several weeks ago, died at the
Winnipeg General Hospital. He was
founder of the Hamilton Provident and
Loan Association.
One short puff of the breath through the
Blower, supplied with each bottle of Dr.
Agnew'& Cutarrah Powder, diffuses this
Powder over the surface of the nasal
passages. Painless and delightful to
use, it relieves instantly, and permanent-
ly cures Catarrah, Hay Fever, Colds,
Headaoh s, Sore Throat, Toneilitie and
Deafness 60 cents at G.1A. Deadman's.
RELIEF m Sus Rohn'.—Distressing kid•
nay and bladder diseases relieved in six
hours'by the "Great South American
Kidcey Cure." This new remedy is a
great surprise and delight on account of
ire exceeding promptness in relieving
pain in the bladder, kidueye, bank and
every part of the urinary passages in
male or female. It relieves retention of
water and pain in passing it almost im-
mediately. If you want quick relief and
ours this is your remedy. Sold by G. A.
Deadman, druggist.
� m)l7 rt ' IT
"�-.r1 GIVES'
q - FRESH -
�`l 'f NESS
ubd .:o,, te
lu ENZZI sS,,
An Agreeable Laxative aud N771WE '7QNI0,
Bold by Drawlers or tent by Mail. Was 600.,
and 31.0e Per package, Samples free. j{1
KO Q®fo hales h0GQBioapb, l(s,.
8u1i1 liy JA8. FOX, 11i'nsslst, tcrns0ele,
British Columbia
Rted Cedar shingles
Nortli Shore
Pine and Cedar
Brussels Planing 'Ms
Also Also Doors and Sash of all Pat-
terns on band or made to artier
at Short'Notioe.
Estimates 1Par'nislted for all
Mods of Buildings. Workman.
ship and Material Guaranteed.
J. & P. AIME N T
When you want a Stove, Tin
or Granite -ware, or Hard-
ware, Paints & Oils,
—0.101 AT -
Hardware Store
Where sou will, from
this date, get a
Ofir al I Cash Purchases.
Fine Boman, Artists' Can
VaS in Stock.
sign E
Still to the front and this Season'want more
Electric - Light Plant NON TO LOAN,
Tile undersigned has decided
to offer for sale the Brussels.
Electric Light Plant. A first.
Blass investment can be shown.
Easy , terms ; good reason for
selling ; frill particulars cheer-
fully furnished on application,
Any ,Amount of Money to Leah
on Farm Or Village pro.
petty, at
6 & 6iL Per Cent., )'early,
Straight Loans with privilege of
repaying when required,
Apply to
A, Hunter,
Divisions Court Clerk, Brussels,
Featherbone Skirt Bone
Style ha e
Ladies' Dresses
A light, Pliable, elastic -bone made
2rom quills, It is soft and yielding, con-
forming readily to folds, yet giving prop.
or shape to Skirt or Dress.
Tho only Skirt Bone that may be
wet without injury.
The Celebrated Featherbone Cor-
sets are made with this material.
For Sale by leading Dry Goods Dealers.
We have received the greater part of our Spring Stock of
Boots and Shoes, comprising the Finest and most Stylish
Footwear that the market affords. In Ladies' Misses' and
Children's Black and Tan Oxford Ties we are showing ex-
ceptionally good value. In Ladies' Gaiters, etc., we have
a fine line which are very popular just now. Ladies'
Misses' and Children's Button Boots in endless variety, at
prices to snit the times. In Gents' wear we have all the
leading styles in Dongola, Shell Cord and Calf. Boys'
and Youths' School Shoes at prices that defy competition.
Call and see our Ladies' White Canvas Oxfords.
Rips Sewed Free of Charge.
For which we will pay Higher Prices than Last Season.
Big Bargains in, Woollen. goods.
Hon can depend on ns paying HIGHEST CASH PRICE POSSIBLE, or in ex.
&hanging Wool for Goods we will pay a few cents extra, and guarantee to sell goods
at Cash Prides. See our ohoioe range of TWEEDS, made from medium fine wool,
which we offer at 40 cents per yard. (This is a soft snap.) We have lowered our
Southdown Stocking Yarn aud all wool Bed Blankets 6 conte per lb., Mao have re -
(laced our prices in other lines. Before disposing of your Wool we invite you to call
or make enquiry and you will find that the Listowel Woollen shills offer the best
value. Our stock ie the Largest, Best Assorted and Cheapest in Canada, Come and
try our special line of Fine Wool Flannels at 26 Dents, will not shrink in washing.
Give us a trial and we feel satisfied that you will find you have oome to the right fez.
tory with your wool. We pay special attention to our Custom department in Card-
ing, Spinning, eta. Hoping to have the pleasure of seeing you aud your neighbors
Ibis season, we reinaio, Yours truly,
,00 a seams.
c P. S.—Remember we do not employ any Peddlers and our goods can be got only
by calling at the Factory, so do not be led astray by Peddlers travailing
through the country claiming to have our Goods. •
The best
Corset in
the Mari' et.
MARK P air
,t oat
New Spring Dress Goods,
.Prints and Duets.
A. Strachan.,
Having purchased the Wall Paper stock of Jana
and combined it with my own, I have nolo the
Largest, Cheapest and. Best
Display ever made in Brussels.
Special Bargains Given during this
To save trouble of moving in connec-
tion with the erection of new Store.
Yon can save Dollars by dealing with hie in
Wall Papers, Borders and Window Shades.
Paper. Hanging done in First-class Style.
W. ! O i O
- -Q
And so is our
Large Stook o
Ca ts
Call-in and see them and get Prices.