HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1895-5-31, Page 8f_.
wince Brinks
Hail Pries,
To better introduce our nourishing
and lheelthful beverages, I well until
further notice sell as follows :—licot
Bear (temperance drink) 8c, per glass
or 2 for 5o. J0reeY AZilk Shake, 40.
per glass or 8 for 100, ,jersey Butler
11111k, 80.. per glees or 2 for 5o, Lime
Fruit Juice, 40. per glass or 8 for 10o.
8 Resorted for IOD. These cool and
refreshing direotIrma the redeem,
tor ab my Drag and. J3oolt Store.
Also orders taken for. Jersey
Cream at 10o, per pint.
Druggist, Bookeeller and
Graduate Optioian.
001108601l0 EXTENSION w, G. & D.
Trains leave Brueeels Station, North
and South, as follows;
Gorse SoeTg• GOING NoaTI3.
Rai] 6;54 a.m. Mixed 9.45 axe.Soprani' 11:60 a.m. Mail - 8:19 pal.
Mixed 9:00 p,rt. Express .,,.., 9:48 p.m.
►',ocnI Wietin
Tine foundation for D. A. l::aowry'e new
600140000 ie. oo/npleted.
Uoure of lievfeton end Council meeting
wiil bo held next Monday evening at the
Council Obanlber,
Mrseua. BApxltn a Talleroeq shipped e
doable decked oar of hoss,Eastward from
Brussels last Tuesday.
M' the New Hamburg 111008 next week
"Serena)," t'I;sddy," and "Rumor Jr.,"
will bo among the starters from Brussels.
This will be tho lint et a series of rune
in 00nneet10r1 with the grand 0ir0uit,
Los Saturdayevening 12 rows of
chairs, hung on wooden pegs in it rack le
the Oeilfeg of the upper Slat fn Counoillo
L'eatberdale'e furniture store, took
tumble, TO was eooasioued by it board 1
the )oiling 'pulling off. No damage o
any consequence Ines done outside of th
breaking of a mirror.
lrernov6T6ENr0.—Dr. McKelvey is bay
000 his reeldenoe painted, -0. 2illias be
had the interior of the Central hotel im
proved by now wall paper, painting, &e.—
Andrew Mo11;1y's residence has bee
greatly improved by the brick veneering
-Dr. McNaughton has had the lawn a
his new residence; Mill streeb,eodded an
a neat fence built,
Ann BuoicEN.—Thursday of last wee
Luella and Gerrie, daughtersof D, 0
Bose, Bcnesels, were visiting at the horn
of Sampel Ames, their grandfather
They were amusing themeelvee on
tenter arranged oyer a 'saw florae who
Luella fell in some way and ftReture
her right arm. The disabled membe
was soon planed is splints and is dein
as well as could be expected,
_ ., Deux 8IANrro0A.—The following letter
enitio Sly fine it, but the ;mystery that
overhenge life and outs ahort its mon:
golden ;promisee came to ble fete, kite
lupe' wee done, though he knew it not,
And lnuels as we may lament Ilia sudden
&Mtn, 01.id a geed Whig to he able to
recall the Manly paints, the honor, the
eelf•saorifioe, Ibe sincerity that made up
hie character. It is not too InUol1 to say
that the event hes produced a 'feeling of
general gloom and the father end sarvly
lug brothers have the profound sympathy
of the public in this bereavement, The
funeral took plaoefrom the re5ldenoe o£
his father, B. Mardon, 88, 1)., on Wednes.
r day last and was very largely attended,
a The servioeg at the house were eonducted
n by the Rev, Rem Wilson, of Bloomfield,
f and hie address Was a solemn and im.
O p86881V8 one. Beautiful andsappropriate
inutile was contributed by the Inctnbcee
Of the Methodist choir and the doral
s offerings were the rarest and moot ex•
gelsito of the season. The funeral aort•
ego Was n of the medideelfaded cultyfofl the representation
county, and followdd by a large con•
t oouree of mourners and friends, Seldom
d bas a bereavement happened in our midst
where the sincere sympathy of the public
k has been more nenerouely end epontene•
ously extended. Dr. Morden wes 26
e yesre of two.
o Business Locals,
r LOTS of fine lath for sale at 13. Gerry's,
SECOND handbieyole cheap. Apply to
B. Gerr
Taos"y. Carden Seeds, clover and timo-
thy at 14fo0raolten's.
We sell Rod guarantee No•To-Bao. Try
it, M Fox's Drug 'store.
Fon' sale covered buggy, good as new.
T, 0, Ricbarde.
Hinmemjcnne for screen doors and
window; screens. B. Gerry.
TET No -To -Bao, we sell and gueranbee
it at Foss Drug store.
DWELLING 00 rent over my store. I?os•
session can be given 4th of Jane.
I. 0. Richards.
Fon Sia. -4 good B flat olarionet for
sale, in excellent condition ; $10. Apply
C. It, Teems, London.
Dram Jersey ice )ream, oonfeotionery,
nuts, bananae, &o,, Summer drinks &o.
at Mrs. Kirks, Opposite Queen's hotel,
Brussels. ti
We Bell 25 cent bottles of best shoe
dressing for 20 ce0te ; 15 cent bottles for
10 cte. ; two la gent bottles for 15 000.
I. 0. Richards.
1" orrc Rond>-op OATS for seed at Tay
lot The earliest in the
market, as rested at. the Model Vann last
year. .
KARL'S Clover Root, the great Blood.
Purifier gives freshness and clearness to
the 00mplexion and cures constipation.
25 ole, 50 Ots and $1,00.' Sold by James
Fox, Druggist, Brussels,
SHeion's oer0 is Bold on it guarantee.
It Duras incipient consumption. It is
the best cough Duro. Only one Dent a
dose. 25 nus., 50 ate. and $1.00. Sold by
James Pox, Druggist, Brussels,
FLeuix PLows.—Haub Williams & Son
are the Agents for the well known Fleury
plows. They also keep all the necessary
repairs. Cail at Williams' Livery Stable,
Brussels., The Fleury plow received the
gold medal and diploma at the World's
REDIICEn.—R. J, Wells has rednoed the
fee of his wonderful trotting horse, "Allan
Wilkes" to $15.00, which should be ap-
preciated by ell lovers of a good horse.
He is not only a well-bred horse but a
good individual Can be seen at Queen's
Hotel stables every Tuesday.
Mns, T. S. HAwxxos, Chattanooga,
Teen., says, "Shiloh's Vitalizer "saved
my life." I consider it the beet remedy
for a debilitaed system I ever nsed.00
For dyspepsia, liver or kidney trouble it
excels. Price 75 ole. Sold by Jas. Fox,
Druggist, Brussels.
has, at considerable cost, put one of them
into his restaurant and can now put up
the best Summer drinks known. He
has reduced ice cream to 30 cents a quart
and will give very epeoial rates in fruits
sod aonfeetionery to pie-nic and evening
cold in the head and you will surely have
catarrh, Neglect nasal catarrh and you
will ass hely induce pulmonary disease
or catarrh of the stomach with its die.
gusting attendants, foul breath, hawking,
spitting, blowing, &o. Stop ie all by
using Dr. Chase's Catarrh Cure, 25 cents
a box cures,
Birt has all the necessary machinery for
digging and drilling wells and f0 prepar-
ed to attend to all work entrusted to him
in a way that will insure satisfaction.
Welts cleaned out and put in proper
share. Terme reasonable. Residence
second door north of the bridge, west
side of Turnberry at., Brueeels. 84-tf
FARMERS wanting hardy, 'native stock
to plant this coming Full or Spring may
pay for it: in work. We want men . with
or without experience on full or part
time. Salary and expenses or commie•
sion. Write at once for further infor-
mation. Brown Brothers' 00., Conti•
nental Nurseries, Toronto, Ont. 48-8m
WEEN house cleaning and the cold
soap is over take a walk to hay new
greenhouse and see my new stock of
house and bedding plants, all new varie-
ties. Also a good assortment of annual
flowers for bedding out. I have several
kinds of cabbage and cauliflower plants,
early and late, a fine lot of tomato plants
as usual, celery in season. All of the
very best quality. Taos, KELLY,
Emnsesost BATES & Co :—Gentlemen.—
About three or four weeks ago I bad an
attack of ibnhingpiles. I tried two or
three different remedies reaomfnended by
drugggista as the beat and only Dore, etc.,
etc„ but got no relief. About the time I
was begiuntrg to despair of finding any
relief with some slight miegivinge I
bought a box of your pile cure, which I
am pleased to say gave me almost instant
relief and permanent cure. I consider
your ointment a God•eeud, Alfa J. Dean,
Orillia Feb. 10th 1894.
A ohiel's emang ye takin' notes,
An' faith he'll Arent it.
WHEAT 81.00 a bushel.
COUNTY Council next weak.
°BATELLE will swing on Friday.
AN Italian Band did the town nu
Taos. COREY lies had e, very b.:y
grafting season.
FRUIT has been very seriously damaged
in this section by the repeated frosts.
THE weekly Saturday 000068ions to
the lake on. the G. T. R. begin on Sat .r•
day of this week.
Two oars of wheat and a oar of 1•• 'y
were shipped this week by Messrs.
Backer & Vanstone.
TROUT fishing has been fairly good t'' is
season. Joe Ballantyne hooked one last
week that weighed a pound.
WHAT about a rousing celebration in
Brussels on Dominion Day ? A pudic
nneetieg will be celled shortly to sue
about it,
A cow was killed by the afternoon ex-
press on Wednesday about 2.4 miles a tat
of Brussels. Bossy was stood on hex
head in a fence corner.
Joan BIRD, although nearly 70 years
of age, is as lively as a cricket and c,n
npriut 50 yards at a good hickory. Stop
watches say 8 .seconds,
THE People's Cheese and batter factory
at Gorrie has been burned to the ground
and will not be rebuilt this season. The
tiro occurred on Thursday evening of last
111Esslis. SCOTT & JONES chipped a oar
of fine cattle from Brussels on Thursday
of this week. This firm has purchased
70 head of prime stall fed cattle from
W. Diaksoo, of McKillop, which will be
sant aoross briny next week.
"Bemis GALE" took 2nd place in the
a' minute trot at Mitchell on the Queen's
Birlhdey, in a lively class of seven. 1 f
"Queen" got 3rd inrtbe 2:34 race.Both
trees were driven by R. Reach. At l i
lIarriston "Zelde" took 2nd money. A .
goad account of the horses in training iu j 0
Brussels may be expected this season.
Two WELL BItEDs.—Beattie Bros. have
Inc splendid foals in their stable now I h
VMS received from Treherne this week;
We have bad a remarkably fine Spring,
one of the finest known in Mauitoba,
We had a break in our fine weather, bow.
ever, on May 17th, by the lvay of a flurry
of snow. It wee all away the next day.
Heeding is all under centre] and farmers
getting ready for a large season's break•
fag. Your newsy paper gets here every
Tuesday and we can assure you that we
call it our most welcome visitor. • •
Wishing you and THE PosT health,
wealth and prosperity, Your old tub.
scriber, T. W.
THE Delineator for June contains
"Summer Fashions," "Garments for
sporting and outdoor wear for Ladies,
Misses and Girls," "0onvenienoesfor and
etiquette of t ravelling by Sea and Land,"
"Rose and Violet culture" (employment
series), "Aro end the 'Tea table," "Som-
mer Foods uad Dishes "Ohio State
'University" fOollege series), "Venetian
Iron Work" I Past paper), "Kinderg erten
papers," "Beast Work," "Woman as an
Artist," "Serving and Waiting atTable,"
"Preservation and Renovation, " "Artie'.
es on cleaning Lamp Shades and Oil
Paintings," "The Neweet Books," "A
Studio Part • ." ''Knitting," "Netting,"
"Tatting," "tete-Making," &o., &o.
Rev. Woe Tamen DEA'o.—We regret
exoeedingly to be called upon this week
to record the sudden demise of Rev. Wm.
Torrance, now of Paisley, formerly of
'Walton and Gerrie. The reverend gen-
tleman died ou Wednesday evening, after
an illness of a couple of hours. A wife,
2sons and 2 daughters survive him.
The funeral takes plane at Milverton on
Friday. Heart failure' is said to be the
cause of death. He was troubled with
solation for some years but had been in
much better health of late. Deceased
was a eplendid preacher • a powerful
evangelist; genial and kind hearted.
His death is a decided loss to the Metho.
dist church. He entered the ministry
in 1878.
C. Howann Cone, as be was wont to
write his name, has not been a good boy
or some time if the following letter from
Solo, Ohio, of cvhiub town Cole is a native,
s aorreet :—C. Howard Oole is in jail in
New Philadelphia, Ohio, for a robbery
°omitted last Fall at Deooieou. He is
a son of James Cole, agent of the P. 0. 0.
& St. L. railway at this plana, with whom
e worked as his assistant. His parents
re respectable people and gave C. How -
rd a good training, but be has always
eemed inclined to be a tough. His
ether has bought him oat of trouble
several times but I don't think he will do
so any mare as the boy simply gate into
e worse trouble next time, I expect he
wants to go to the "pen" from here in
orae: to escape the Canadian fuse. We
assume that he was an agent's helper at
Brussels and carried the mail. Ie this
correct ?
DR. ruEn. W. MoeDEN.—The Piston
Gazette, of Friday, May 24th, has the
following concerning the death of Dr.
Fred. W. Borden, brother of H. J. Mor-
den, Standard Bank, Brussels •—Tbe
voids of this comruunity were thrown
uto great excitement on Suoday last by
he announcement of the euddon and an
x,•rected death of one of our •brightest
rid most gifted young men, Dr. Fred.
1V, Morden, the son of our respected
ownsmao, Dr, J. B. Morden, amid the
tattiness activities of life, and giving
remise of a carver of great usefulness,
ad suddenly ceased to live. It is sup-
osed that the cares of a profession
widening in its sphere of action, and
drawing too heavily on a constitution al-
ready overworked, had produoed the re-
action that resulted in his death, At
ny rate the community today is bereft
f the presence of one who might some
ay have graced the highest rounds of
is profession and given to the world the
Leh results of his carefully trained and
rilliant intellect. The life of young Dr.
l'lordeu is one that Carries with it a rare
anon of interest and inatruetion to our
Dung people. He took hold of the pees.
ng duties of the day in earnestness of
pirit. Thera was something about him
hat made him despise sham and stupor-
ficiality, and be aimed to be a student in
the highest and truest sense of the word.
His early education was acquired in the
sabools of this town. In the High School
he passed the third and seeond class ex•
amnlatione, and was matriculated in
medicine in Queen's University, King.
eton, In College he carried' out the same
closeness of thought and 0130 same devo-
tion to study that Ultimately made him
faoile prioepe, the medallist of his grade-
ating year. Previous to this time he had
been engaged for a time as public school
teacher in the eoonty, and (whined a
fair snare of success. After receiving
bis diploma as Medical Doctor at Kings-
ton, and passing the examination of the
Council 01 Ontario he entered one of the
large hospitals of the city of New York
and endeavored, for about a year, to
acquire the practical experience afforded
by a wider field. Subsequeobly he seal.
ed at Demoresbville, in this 'county, and
it was not too mush to expect that 'his
dream of esefulneoe might be realized.
So far a9 thorough preparation for tiro
tnoet important and serious duties of his
profession was eonoerned be had eoneoi•
from their trotting mare, "Letter B."
and the well known running mare,
""Topsy.. The sire of the former is the '
blood running horseFred. B." of Wood-
stock, and the latter a running horse
named "Temple," of Luoknow. Messrs.
Beattie are quite proud of the new 06.
C. G. MAmi'vv_—The Toronto News of
.Monday says of a former Brusselite ;—
Owen G. Martin again danced before
Police Magistrate Dennison to day, the
eharge being that of stealing a watch
from a lad named W. E. Birch. The
complainant swore that he bad left the
watch ea security for' some "goods" given
to him by Martin and got a receipt. The
watch was to be returned a9 soon as the
goods were heeded back. Martin, how.
ever, once in possession of the watch, ! t
would listen to no tall: of .giving it up e
until be was committed for trial. Then a
le wilted and agreed to the exchange.
Menlohas been repeatedly in court cu t
charges of a very similar nature. b
Sumeto—Lirrtt.—The Toronto News p
of last Tuesday s lye :—A quiet wedding b
occurred last eucaine at 50 Wellington p
plane, when Mrs, Eva May Little, dangh•
ter of Mrs. Densmore and sister of Rev.
Dr. Densmore, Kansas City, Mo., was
united in marriage to J. W. Smillie, a
Brueeels, Ont., merchant, formerly of a
Sydney, Australia. The bride was as• o
eisfed by her niece, Miss Orma Densmore, d
Toronto. Rev. Dr. Morrison, of Sydney, h
Australia, an intimate friend of the 1 r
groom, performed the ceremony. Rev. h
Dr. Morrison, who is making a trip
around the world, arrived in Toronto 1
yesterday and left this morning for New y
'dork, He was an old St. Mary's boy, i
Ism went to Australia twenty-five years s
DM= os Da, Hued M. GoaPER.—A
despatch from New Westminster. 13. 0.,
dated May 15th, says :•—"Dr. Hugh M.
Cooper, aged 08, a well known physician,
was food dead in hie office this torn.
fug. Be attended a reception gived by
the local Knights of Pythias last night
to their Vaneouver brethren .and deliver.
ed the speech of Welcome. He left the
Lathering about midnight, and went to
kis office, where he dropped dead, pre•
asmably: while olosing up. Heart disease
tense the cause of death. r )r. Cooper was
gor many years Anglican clergyman in
the diocese of Toronto, Out. Some years
;ago lie left the church and took up the
?notice of medicine, and has practiced
here for the past 18 years. He was a
prominent member of the Orangemen's
organization, and also of the Knights of
Pythias and the Odd Fellows. He sur -
'rived his wife only six weeks." The fore-
going deepatob refers to a former incum•
Bent of St. John's chureh, Brussels, the
Rev. Hugh M. Cooper, who was minister
!here for several years, leaving, here about
18 plate ago. The deceased will be re-
numbered by many of our citizens.
Bradetreet'e reports the assignment of
Chas, C)uthe, manufacturer of trusses,
oto., Toronto, to H. Virgeon.
While Mrs, W. H. Moorhouse, wife of
the rentor of 0hriat church, London, wass,
ironing Monday night the lamp exploded
end' the clothes eke was handling became
ignited. She endeavored to throw it out-
side, but the furniture in the room °aught
fire and Mrs. Moorbouee's apron was also
burning. Neighbors rendered aeai0tance
in subduing the flamea, which were out
when the fire brigade arrived. The lose
will be between $800 and $400.. Mrs.
Moorhouse was not seriously burned.
.X11 C. ' C4X4Dti,
ASSETS, • (SennMillion Dollars) $7,000,000
CAPITAL (Autliorizod) . e $2,0001oo0
elpenoiosto all pr7flofpal ppinte in Ontario, QooUoa,Mlanitofta, United States (0England,
are$816744° alms.
A General Banking Beaune Transaoted,, Farmers' Notes p Dieaotmtvd.
Drafts Issued and Collpationta made on all Pofute,
Interest allowed on devosits of 31.00 and upwards from dat of deposit to date of
wibadraw'AI and compounded L•alf yearly.
So7002IAL Arzetuxr00 0lyllrl ro ran CoLLEOTIoN 0111.''o18003Pe SALE Reams,
Every facility afforded Cuetemere )ivfhig at a diebanoe,
�i tI S ti� : S , 1 1 „ 9
Transact a General Banking Business. Drafts 13ought and Sold on
all points in Canada, United States and Great 13ritain.
Salt'mada° Dams g mritris5ooi"0'.
Interest Allowed on One Dollar and 'Upwards at Current Rates. Interest Com.
pounded Twice a Year, Being Added to the Prinoipal at the end of the Months of
Ootober'and April. Special Arrangements made for Time Deposits.
We 01f00t. to write Insurance In old 'English or CanadianCompanies, or. in Ousit.
Intl Companies se may be d0Btreil.
Ca nu Alcan PTe�Ysa.
Tho $2,500 bond of John T, Lyons, the
Montreal druggist charged with smug-
gling drugs, was forfeited at New York,
as the defendant failed to put in an 'ap-
pearance before United States Commis.
stoner Shields when his case was galled;
Mr. Lyons is said to be sink,
Monday evening about 7 o'clock, Harry,
the little three•year-old sod of James E.
Forden, who lives about two miles from
Beathville, was killed by a plow felling
on him. It ie supposed that while the
little boy Was playing the plough fell, the
handle atrial ug him on the chest. When
found life was quite extinot.
Stephen Peer, aged about forty, and
Walter Hyde, a young roan, reside in
houses adjoining each other on Queen
street, Guelph. Peer forbid Hyde using
water from hie pump, although Hyde's
landlord, who owues both houses, gave
his permission. Saturday night about 7
o'clock Hyde's father went to the pump
for water, Peer interfered, and, it it al-
leged, struck him in the face. Walter
Hyde came to his father's assistance and
inflicted serious injuries to Peer. It is
thought his skull is frsotnred. Dr. Mc-
Kinnon ordered Peer's removal to the
hospital in the ambulance, where be now
lies' in a serious condition. Hyde was
arrested by P. C. Bell. It is said the
weapon Hyde used was ese, as it was
found on the spot all oovored with blood.
The Ontario Government's property at
the northwest corner of Yonge and Queen
streets, Toronto, occupied until the Simp-
son fire by P. Jamieson and the Agrioul-
tural and Arts Association, was offered
for sale by )notion Tuesday morning in
Richmond Hell by Peter Ryan. Deputy
AttorneyGeneral Cartwright was present
on behalf of the Croton, and a large nam.
ber of real estate men were present. The
property fronts 40 feet on Yonge street
by 82 feet 6 inohes on Queen street.
Bidding started at $50,000, by G. A. Case.
It was run up to 350,000 by S. H. Janos,
and to 370,000 by B. J. B. Reid. After a
number of intermediate bide of $500,
375,000 was reached by a bid from Mr,
Dunnett. Bidding, ceased for a while,
and just as it was about to bo withdrawn
Mr. Janes offered 380,000, and, in reply
to $81,000 offered by Mr. Case, made a
final bird of $82,000, which represented.
32,050 per foot for the property on sale.
The auctioneer and the Crown officer.
conferred, and it was decided to withdraw
the property.
y MARRS]-7b,
SAIILLII7—LITTLE.-0,b the residence of
the bride's mother, Mrs, Densmore,
50 Wellington Plaine, Toronto, on
May 27th, by Rev. Dr. Ilforrison, of
Ohioago, late of Australia, Mr. Jae.
Smillie, of Brussels, to Bra. Eva M.
Little, of Toronto.
IiAY.-In Ayr, Ont., on May 10th, Alex.
Ray, 1'
ander IIs aged 59 veers.
DAvms.—In Ethel, on May 27th, Beatrioe,
youngest daughter of J. 111. Davies,
aged 7 years, 2 months and 9 days.
SCOTT,—In Meliillop, hear Leadbary,
on May 17th, Isabella, daughter of
Wm. Scott, aged 19 years and 3
Savings Bank takes. Deposita from
91.00 to 81,000 and allows 8h per. cent,
interest. T. FARROW,
87.3m Postmaster,
-L 206.11 sell reasonable two registered Jer-
sey cows.Guaranteed to give Batisfaotion.
Also two Jersey Heifers.
Brussels, Ont.
MB to earn from 515 to 325 weekly,
1t can bo done selling. our hardy, guaranteed,
comedian growth homely Stook, Salary or
commission paid weekly. F,xelusive terri-
tory. Handsome outfit free, Write us at
000s for terms.
10.. 0. GRAHAM, Nurseryman,
41.14 Toronto, Out.
1005 of the aodersigned,Lot 26, Con. 8,
Grey, en or about' May 14th, four head of
158611 ug eattle. Three aithem, are rod in
color and the other gray, Any, information
Sating to :bon tecoveryy•wlll be thankfully
receive1 ,lOd, SAS, LAIRU,PropriattheorlP,
45.6. 0,
V Henan for Salo or to Bent on Turn-
berry streGood
s bio, e, Immediate possess -
len, Good stable, well, 061110deem, ¢ )oro of
laud, fruit' trios, &0, Apply to
No. 81, John Street,
The subscriber offore her house and
lot on John Street for sale. There are 8.
rooms inthe house, woodshed, h ara and soft
water, &e. Thera is } sore of laud with fruit
trees and currant bushes, also a good stable.
For terms and conditions of see apply to
0Ervhtn7ty the undersigned up to .the
Ord buy of .lune for the tatting dawn of
Knox oliuroh ehe,4 and re -eructing them on
church grounds,' end supplying the
necessary material therefor. Tite removal
will be dons by the congregation.
D.'0. ROSS.
Any quantity of Building, Corner, Rubble,
Sill and Bridge Stone for Sale, Quarried
and ready for loading at Brussels Quarry.
For price and terms apply to
210. Mil'OH1nim,
37.11 Box 150 Brussels.
9. The Couuoil of the. Corporation of. the
County of Huron wilt meet at tiro Court
room in the -Town of Godertclh no Tuesday,
the Mb Day ol•June, ata o'clock p. m, .0u
Tlhureday, the GUI day of June, at 8 o'clock 13,
M„ a. special meeting is called for passing
the proposed By -Law to ratite, by wn9 of
loan, 812,000for the purpose of. oetabllshiug
a House of Refuge.
Up to the first day of meeting applioatione
will be received by the Clerk for the post -
Cone of Inspector, Manager, Matron and
Physician for the House of Refuge,
W. LANE, Co. Clerk,
Dated. May 21st, 1805.
MAI, 3Z, 1895
P D r
0 v rji
x 0
We enter] to keep 411 the Latest Patent
Medicines of the day 1-•-No•To•Bao ; ICie•
I1apo° Medioinoe i Beutll Amcuioa,n Ner-
vily Tonic; Puskola ; Agnew'p Elam:
Ours ; Agnew's Catarrh 'Oure; Wood.
wiurd'a' Celery Icing ; Manley's Celery
Nerve Oontpound ; Malting Preparations.
1,mm—'Pure Paris Green and Reilebore
Fox's Drug 'Store
01'$o91lE QuE1+jg'e.Hoene,
R 'N, B,—We sell Postage Stamps.
•J- L•. Solicitor and Cony eyaoeer. Coilse.
tions made, UNOe—Vanstone's Block, Bras -
eels. 21-8m
• Pub -
lie, &a. SOfiloor'Van toiyie'e�. Blocor k, 1y door
north of Central Hotel, Private Punas to
Bolioltor, &o. (late of 'Gairow &
Proudfoot's OiSoe, Goderioli.) 0111oe over
Gillies & SmithB
Smith's ank, Brussels'.
Money to Loan. 47
Honor Graduate Toronto University,
Licentiate Royal College Dental Surgeons.
Crown and Bridge work a special: Moder-
shop,i 806005ri3' 00; Drus.
el • Honor Graduate of then Ontario
Veterinary Colleges is prepared to treat all
diseases of domesticated animals in a com-
petent manner. Partieelar attention paid
to veterinary dentistry. Calls promptly at-
tended to. Office . and Inarmary—Pour doors
north of bridge •purnberry at., Brussere.
-I_ef- A. MoNAUGIITON, M. D.
el •r O, 214:„ L. B.0. p„ Hdlnburgil, M. O, P
S. (int, Residence and office in Wilson's
Block, corner of Mill and Turnberry Sta.
. physician, Surgeon, Aecousber, eta.'
Graduate of Toronto University Medical
Faculty. Member of College of Phyeioiuns
and Surgeoue, Out, Onyion—Next door to
McDonald & Co., Walton Out.
Securer of Dfatriage Lieansee Cillos
sale and to rent, easy terms in Townships
of Morris and Grey. F S. SOOTT.Brussels
DEnsr0NED has severalgood Farmsf
DLne0O0.ED offers his 78 acro: farm for
Salo, being Eastart of Lot 22, Con. 18, Grey.
About 50 acres cleared, btilanue bush, Good
frame house, bank baro, 45055feet, orchard,.
well, &n. In good state of cultivation and
well fenced. Possession after 'harvest. For
further particulars as to price, terms,
&c. apply to
DUNCAN 01c1NNES, Proprietor,
451 0raubroek P, 0.
DEns10NED offers for sale bio 50 Hare'
farm being West half of North half of lot 14.
oou, 8, Morris. There is a good log
house, with frame kitchen; bank. barn ; or-
chard ; well, ,ho. 40 earns enured and under
gond state of cnitiv,ition. Possession given
next November, For furtberparttoulare OB
to price, terms, &e,. apply oo the premises
to ROBERT HUGE118, Proprietor
444f or l0mseels P, 0.
Notice to Creditors
Natio°. 10 hereby given that f,ln. Jacob
Haehofor, 01 Walton. Brioknralter, bas made
an assignment tome under the provisions of
the Revised Statuteaot Ontario 1867, Chap,
124, for the generalbeaeilt el the Creditors.
A meeting of the Creditors of the said In-
solvent will be held at the Queen's Hotel,
Scaforth, on Saturtlny, the first clay of June
1600, at the hour of 2 o'clock,p. m., for the
purposeof aoueitiering the affairs of the
estate, appointing Inspectors and direutiug
the disposal of the estate, Creditors are re"
mitred to Me their Mainna with mo on or
before the said first day of Juno 1890, and
not later than the 20th day of dune, 1805,
after which latter slate I will prowled to dis-
tribute the estate, having regard to such
elnlms only as then may be Sled. Claims of
0xediters filed must bo legally verified, and
must state full particulars and the nature
of the securities hold by them.
Dated at Exeter, May 28th, 1805.
4512 Assignee,
Notice to Creditors.
Broils!, DECEASED.
Notice is bomb ygiven pursuant to chapter.
110, R, S. 0„ (1887) and amen din g.acts 11111,00011
creditors and other persona having claims
against the estate -of the above named Owen
Smith dsseased, who died on or about the
Fifth day of May, 1804, are regnirod bo deliv-
er or send by root,repaid to Jobu J, Steph-
ens, Teoewater, Solicitor for Jatoes Jackson
and John McCartney, the Executors of the
deceased on or before the hlrst bay ofd ully
1895, a statement inwriting containing the
names, addresses and doeoripttoas and full
partlaulare of their claims andthe nature of
their eeoutities (if any) bele by them, and in
CIO fault thereof and as 000n after the said 1st'
day. of July as the same Oen bo eouveniently
done, the said Executors will proceed to ilia -
tribute the assets of the add deaoeased
among the partioaentitled thereto, having,
regard only to the claims of weal they shall
thou have had' votiee and they w311 not be
liable for the assets of said: estate orany
part thereof so distl•ibeted to any porton of
whose claim they have not had notice at the
blunt of snob dietrlbu Lieu.
Dated at 'oine/ater May 20 189x.
43.5>. JOHN J STolPNENB,
Solicitor for beeoutor&
at his Grocery, Turnberry street, Brussels,
• Tonsorial Artist. 8bop—Next door
e''and a iilfdrena aii cutting a spec ally
Issuer of Marriage Licenses,
I=`ilo Witness Required.
T. PLETCHER,'13rnssele.
f• Y sunnxoo 00. Established 1840. ln-
500001651 effected on all Town and Farm
Property at vory low rates.
15.8m - Agent, Brussels.
Clerk of the Fourth Division Cour
Co. Huron. Oonveya"oor, Notary Public
Land, Loan and Ioanrnnne Agspt, Funds
inveeted: and to loan. Collections made
•Othee in emalo's Block, Brussel]
Teacher of instrumental 71)110C an
Pians or Organ. Will visit Wingbam Tues-
day and Wednesday of each week,Resi-
dence onPriuoess Street, Brussels- 1 -.
rri A. FIAW KINS, M. C. S. M.
. Organist in St. Jobu's Church, Bros •
Bela, and pupll,iu the Art of Teachiuq of A.
W.Thayer, Mos. Doc„Now ' York•will eye
1500085 to pupils either on piano or crgan,
ab hie polder over A.R.: Sm ith'e store, Brea -
Bola, Vocal lessons also given; Terms. mod•
Licensed Auetionoor, Bales aonduat
sol on reasonable terms. Farms and farm,
stook a specialty. Orders left at Tan PosO
Publiahiug Hou se, Bru seals, or eontto Walton
P. 0,, will reeetve prompt attention,
• EEn, with eel! forbettor prices, to
better men, in lose time and tees charges
than any other Auetiouoor in East Huron
or he won't sparge anything, - Dates and
orders eau 'always bo arranged at this aloe
or .aly personal wpplication.
Auction Sale
The property known as Knox Chnroh,
nrussele, comprising. Lute 110 and 150, John
Btreet, containing d note, more or lean, to-
getherwith a largo frame church thereon,
will be smithy Public Auotiou on
at 2 L'eliek p. M. by order of Trustees,
44.4 110838. 10U16845H®N' 08.
l Trustees.
D, 0, nose, J