HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1895-5-31, Page 7X 31, 1345
IInteresting1tems About Our Own Cunntry,
4lreatMeitatu, tete United States, and
All lrarls or the Globo, Condoneed and
Asserted for Meer Reading.
Tho steam yacht Athena was burned at
Winnipeg le etruggiing with the Sunday
ear question.
Sir Donald Smith will leave for England
at the cod of June.
Dr. A. R, 0. Selwyn has been elected
Preaideat of the Royal Society.
Marko Melville Briggs of Hamilton le
dead from an overdose of choral.
The trade returns for April show, an
increase of $758,000 over April, 1894.
} Ald. Thomas Murray, of Toronto, died
Sunday at his residence in Parkdale,
Mr. Alex, McLeod, of Woodstock, was
knocked down and killed by a horse and
John Spencer was naught in the act of
eettindg fire to a ;bora building in Owen
Sir Hibberd Tupper baa gone to Lakewood
N. J., to reouperate, from the effects of hie,
attaok of bronchitis.
J ++' The young man named' Drew, who was
;;gored by a bull near Saltooats ten dap ego,
,is dead from his injuries,
1 The liquidators have paid another divi-
4dend of in per cent. to the creditors of the
Commercial Bank of Manitoba.
h'. The Sir John Macdonald memorial will
be unveiled in Montreal on June 6, the
anniversary of the old ohtefbain'e death,
Winnipeg eleotora have adopted a by-law
authorizing the inasuanee of debentures for
the erection of new oily schools.
Fi "Earneoliffe," for so long the residence
of Sir John Macdonald, is advertised for
Dale on behalf of. Lady Macdonald.
The emit of the Colonial Conference at
tt,Ottnwa last summer is shown by the
Auditor -General's report to have been
The Government has refused Montreal's
request for a grant of 5250.000, or any
smaller sum, to the proposed international
The Boards of Trade of Vancouver and
New Westminster, B. C., join in . the
request for the appointment of a board of
lCustome experts.
All the union coal handlers employed on
the wharves at Montreal went out on strike
on Friday because of the employment of
non uni0niate
The Government oruiser Petrel has made
another seizure of nets near Rand Eau.
There were about live miles of seine, and
'they belonged to J. R. Edison of Cleveland.
fbMany reeidenta of the Niagara:. peninsula
n Friday petitioned the Dominion Parlia-
,linenb toentact an Alien labor law on the
Linea of, the one. in force in the United
Owing to the extreme ranges of the Lee.
Metford rifle used by the Imperial troops,
teasels have been warned to keep three
thousand yards from the stop butte at
Several members of the woman's branch
of the Maccabees Benefit Sodiety of Handl
n have been summoned to answer ohargea
Dp violating the insurance act' before the
There is not much wheat in Manitoba
rend the Territories for eastern ahipment,so
Ole Canadian 'Pacific Railway officials
eport. All that is stored in the interior
elevators will be used for home milling.
, purposes,
1 „Dr. Hugh M. Cooper, aged 86, a well
Pltnown physician of New - Westminster,
as 0., was founddead in his office. Heart
diseaae was the comae of death. Dr. Cooper
was for many years an Anglican clergyman
in the Diocese of Toronto.
'.An Influential deputation from Montreal
waited on the Government in support of
the request for a grant of 5250,000 to the
International Exhibition, proposed to be
held at Montreal uext year. Mr. Foster
held out little hope of the grant being
Mr, Carpenter, M: P. for Wenthworth,
intends at a future meeting of the Agricul-
tural and Colonization Committee to re.
commend that the Dominion take hold of
the fruit industry and give - it a helping
hand, ao it has been doingin the oase of
the butter trade.
The trouble between the Toronto Build -
„era' Exchange and the building trades
unions with reference to a new wage
agreement has come to a standstill, as the
Exchange has refused to consider any
further offers until their next meeting on
At the closing business session of the
Forel Society of Canada in Ottawa a resolu-
ion Wee adopted recommending the op.
,jintmeht of a permanent forestry nom
Wiener to enquire into and administer
he variopa interests involved in the preser•
itttiion of our timber resources..
'inion, Robert Bond of Newfoundland, in.
viewed in Montreal, said that all chances
f. the confederation of Newfoundland and
h Dominof Canada are
r a thing of the
, Canada's proposibione as regards con-
e eration were of such a nature that New.
fes' ndland could not accept them.
tt C d and '
i can of two million dollars, has failed
1, , with
h ell, a prosperous farmer, was drivin
vl i his wife and two children from
1 root lake to Olden the horses ran
r. Robert Bond, the Newfoundland
e reeentative, who was delegated' byhie
acumen o come to Carted& an raise
Allele mioeion, and on Saurday left
14 ntieal for Boston to confer i
orican ca itelisto.
n Weduesda night,whilo Mr, Anthony
rllilo gong down a bi'11, The occupants of
lib rig were thrown out. Mr. Atwell had
dimwit broken and was killed instantly,
n his Wife and one child were seriously
Lieutenant -Governor Sahel tz, of Mani-
.oba, oa112 attention in hie annual report
Otho depredations of American whalers
8 Hudeon'e Bay. He is of opinion that
rithoub soma control over the slaughter
f the whale, walrus, end seal, the lost
is these creatures in Canadian waters
11 be destroyed. He advises the adop-
am of more rOstriOblve measured.
,1r. D. McNichol],' general pnooenger
ga�nt of the Canandian Pacifies Railway
bmpany, gives an emphabio denial to the
>'.rnsational report from Chicago that a boy -
I& had been inaugurated against the
median Pacific by the Trunk Linea As -
elation, The relations between the Grand
i;milt and the Canadian 1'aoifio, Mr.
,Nieholf paid,. wore Most harmonious,
Aa mate of Tho f anode Gazette hoe
been issued ordering about 40 rural bat -
tokens out for their apnaol twelee days'
drill, beginning in Ontario.Jane 18, and in
Quabeo and the Maritime Province June
20. The London damp will vonela1 of the
let Husaars,21at, 22114,27th,29th and 5281d
Battalions, and the Niagara camp of the
2nd Dragoon0 and 126,34th,37th and 77th
t1168AT n1t1TAtre..
Joaoph Whitaker, founder of Whitaker's
Almanac, ie dead,
Jabez 5, Balfour, the Liberatorwreoker,
hoe been committed for trial,
The Queen will this year formally open
new parish church in (.retbie;
The question of the right of Poore to
alt in the British House of Commons has
been raieed.
Unusually cold weather prevails through-
out England, with snow aterme on the
east coast.
It is believed in English political titmice
that the general elections will be held
towards the end of July,
Mr. J. W. Down, the Canadian Govern-
ment agent at Bristol, reports that there
is a good opening for the Bale of Canadian
The Manoheeter oarporation has offered
to Desist the ship canal by foregoing £72,000
of interest which is due on the city's R5,-
000,000 loan, until traffic improver,.
The show of the Royal Lancashire Agri
cultural Society, to be held at Preston -
from the 25th to the 27th of,f uly, inolusive,
will be open to Canadian farmers desiring
to compete.
It is rumored in London that Col. John-
son, of the Royal Artillery, who is a C6na•
dian, has been offered the command of the
Canadian militia, in euo0ession to Major-
General Herbert.
A number of warehouses and faotoriee
near the leather market, Bermondsey,
Covering an acre and a half of ground, were
burned on Friday. The loos is estimated
at one million pounds.
Mr. George Leary, Canadian immigration
agent in Ireland, reports to the Department
of the Interior that itis highly desirable
that Canadian steamship lines should make
Glasgow or Galway a port of call.
A London journal publiehee a statement
by the :I;iohborne claimant, which is a
virtual confession of hie fraudulent attempts
to obtain the Tiehborne estates and title..
He admits that he is Arthur Orton, the
son of a butoher of Wapping}
In the British House of Commone Sir
William Harcourt announced that Lord
Rosebery intended to introduce in the
House of Lords forthwith a bill to enable
aertaia colonial judges to sit on the Judioal
Committee of the Privy Council.
The British Government and the United
States have come to an agreement e.0 to
holding a oonference on the Batwing Sea
seal question. The conference is to be held
in Washington in October next, and dela.
gates are to be sent by Canada.
According to The Canadian Gazette Hon.
Edward Blake does not intend to return to
political life in Ottawa. He is willing to
make another contest for the seat for South
Longford, but he will not devote so muoh
time as hitherto in attending thesittinge of
Wm. O'Brien, M. P., has been served
with a notice that he has been declared a
bankrupt in consequence of hie failure to
satisfy the judgment obtained agaiuet him
by Patrick A. Chanoe, M, P., who was
O'Brien's solicitor in the latter's action
against Lord Salisbury for libel.
'Viscount Hinton, who for many yeara
has been grinding an organ through the
streets of London, is now acting as show-
man for a kinetoscope, near Leather lane,
Holborn. He says that the labour of grind.
ing an organ has permanently orippled his
right arm, and that he greatly prefers hie
present occupation,
John O'Brien, a wall -known Winnipeg
printer, was iound dead near Fargo, North
The Earl of Westmeath has arrived in
Washington to assume hie duties of attache
to the British Embassy.
The powder factory at Dollar Bay, Mich.,
exploded. Fred Sheppard, the only man
a the milling house, was killed,
W. H. Smith, en ex-oonductor of the
Grand !Trunk, was arrested at Holley,
Mich., charged with wrecking the train at
Battle Creek in July last.
The Salem Wire Nail Company and the
Findlay Company, of Findlay, Ohio, have
advanced wages ten per cent. The advance
affects six thousand men.
A number of sheep 'belonging to people
living in Minnesota have been killed re-
cently by dogs belonging to Indiana who
live in Canada, and the owners of the
sheep.olaim demagog.
Senator Childs offered a reeolution in the
New York Senate empowering the ;Fish
and dame Committee to visit Canada and
elsewhere, and employ a clerkwith a view
to harmonizing the laws of the several
John T. Lyons, a whofoaale druggist of
Montreal, was arrested in New York aharg
ed with having smuggled large quantities
of phenacetioe and other drugs into the
United 'States from Europe through Can -
It is stated in Washington that at the
coming Behring Sea Conference the Cana.
diem representatives will appear only in an
advisory capacity, as Secrotary Gresham
stated that the United States could only
deal with 'the Imperial Government.
Notice was issued in New York that 'a
boycott had been declared against the
Canadian Paoiflo by the trunk lines. It
was thought that the old fight between the
Canadian Pacific and the. Grand Trunk was
over, but this re -opens all the old.differencee.
The Herrick cannery in Portland, Ore
has already begun to pelt horeoflesh.
Samples of the chewed iioreflesli have been
dietrrbuted in the largo oitiee of the United
States, and if the demand warrants it, ono
hundred horseo,a day will be slaughtered
and canned. •
The revenue cutter Commodore Perry
has left San Francisco fu a hurry to prevent
the patrol fleet, whioh is now headed for
the dealing grounds, from eeiziug any armed
Canadian sealers found inside the prohibit.
ed waters, as the British Government has
practically, decided that interference' with
armed sealing vmeeele flying the Union Jaok
will be sufficient' ground for claims for
The most noticeable feabare in the Mud -
nese situation is the general advance in
wages reported from different oommoroial
centres in the United Statile, though a few
oonoerhe—eepeoiaily the Cotten mills—
have found it es yet imposeiblo to comply
with the demands of their employee.
Labour troubles aro not so muoh in evidence
as wee the cased weak ago. The demand
$$ B11 "”,.
for manufactured produce is inoressing
steadily, and the trade situation .ellows
iudioetions of .a eatiufootory nature. The
damage done by frost, while serious, is
nothing like es important a 1aet0r ss early
reports would least us to 0809001, 1'Ite
tendeeoy of prices is upward, especially for
leading staples.
The cholera outbreak at Mecca is becom.
ing worse, On on averages 25 deaths from
the dieea0e'omit' daily,
Arnold Monday, a Carrick, Bruce
county, farmer, has just had two fingers
out off in a straw cutter. Within twelve
menthe his daughter has broken her arm,
his 5011 has died, he has lost 54,000 in a
IOW suit, his wife met with a serioue 8041 -
dant, and Monday himself, on a previous
occasion, was etruok by a piece' of timber
and never hilly recovered..
Servia is fast becoming bankrupt, and the
Government ie expending moneyin the
mootlaviah and extravagant fashion.
The death is announoed at Algiers' of the
Duke of Hamilton end Brandon. Ho was
isfiftysue.years of age, and died Without male
At the' approaching opening of the Baltic
canal all the European,powere and the
United States will be represented by their
best men of war,
The Spanish steamer Oravina,bound from
Antwerp for. Lisbon, was lost oil` Capone
during& typhoon, and only two of those on
board were caved.
Signor Solimbergo, formerly a member of
bbe Italian Chamber of Deputies, has been
appointed to the new post of Italian Consul-
General at Montreal.
A Freaoh torpedo boat /tendered north-
west Of the Isle d'Aix. Four of the Drew
were drowned, and the other five were
pioked up by a peening vessel.
The British steamers Esmeralda and
Maritina collided off the French coast near
Brest, The Maribina Bank, and eleven of
her orew ere missing.
A telegram from I)ir says the native
tribesmen have made a tight attack upon
the British force at Kamabat. Seven
coolies are reported killed and twenty
The commission which has been investi-
gating the atreeiliee in Armenia have ar-
rived at Jellygoozan, They have found
abundant evidence of cruelty and wholesale
massacres in all directions. They have
urged upon the Porte the necessity for
Armenian reforms.
The Largest Man Living.
A despatch from Olean, N.Y., eaye:—
Leonard Whitton, of Brighton, Ont., who
be without doubt the largest man living,
weighing 714 pounds, arrived in the city
on Wednesday morning from Buffalo, and
is visiting his brother, Thomas Whitton,
at 120 State street. He is exceedingly
-large of girth, but only five feet ten inobeo
in height. Mr. Whitton woe born and
brought up at Brighton, Ont., and came
from English stook. His parents were
both large of stature, and corpulent be-
sides, eaoh weighing more than 30Opounds.
Mr. Whitton is 40years old. For many
years he conducted a lucrative meat bust,
nese at his home in Canada. He began to
gain flesh rapidly about ten years ago, up
to which time he did not Weigh more than
half what he does now. Within the past
two ;years he hasbeen on exhibition in
numerous museums about the country..
Mr. W bitten gays that history recorde but
one man more corpulent than he, an
Englishman, who lived half a century ago,
and who weighed only fifteen pounds
more. A faint idea of his enormous avoir-
voirdupois can be gathered from the following
dimensions of his build: -Neck, 28 inches
around; inusolea of arms, 28 1-2 inches;
breast, six feet; waist seven feet; thigh 41)
inches; calf of leg, 25 inches. He had a
mackintosh coat with him that was made
at Toronto, and whioh centaiue more than
21 yards of the outside material, If the
necessary arrangements eau be made Mr.
Whitton will probably' go on exhibition in
this city before his return home,
Grim Highlanders.
My father bad no end of anecdotee about
our ancestors, parte of which I remember,
though I was only a school -room child of
ander fourteen when I heard him relating'
them, says a writer in- Blaekwood'a Mag.
azine. 1 was, however, old enough to feel
keenly interested in them. One story
that impressed me very muoh was related
to account for the origin of the Clan
Macintyre. .a party of Macdonnelle on
one ocoaaion were out in a boat, when a
knot of wood sprang out musing a serious
leak; whereupon one of the party stuck in
bio finger to SII the hole and then out it
off with his dirk, thus saving the life of the
whole party. From this circumstance his
descendants were called the Macintyres, or
Sons of the. Carpenter.
Another story which I heard my father
tell related to the bloody hand whioh ap.
pears in our coat of arms. A doubt having
arisen et to which of two brothers a
certain estate belonged, it was agreed that
he whose flesh and blood should first
touch the property was to be regarded as
the rightful owner. Accordingly, the two
young men started into two boats for the
land in gtlestion. One of them seeing
that he was losing his race, when near the
shore pulled out his dirk, out off his hand,
and threw it on land, thus eetabliehingg his
right to the property, es his flesh and blood
had touched it forst.
Chinese Courtesy.
A man who has just returned from China
tells a ehasrinl story of hie entertainment
there. Ho was taking tea one day with a
mandarin of some sort or another, and the
question of Chinese execution coming up he
expressed an idle curiosity to see one.
Two days afterward a lackey waited on
him with the mandarin's uumpliments, to
invite him to witness the beheading of two
criminals on the following day, The fol.
lowing' day ft rained, and he was unable 10
attend the execution, Four drys later the
same lackey waited on him Again, with the
same oomplimenlo, and informed him that
the execution had been postponed to await
his pleasure, and would take place on the
morrow at any hour be chose to select as
most convenient 10 him, It would not take
place until his ar1ival. There is nothing
like Chineso politeness anyway
Now Arrival—Ihy do not 118' Indiana
bo allowed 1' vote, Patrick 1
Citizou--euro it's little they'd know
bout polybfoke, They was horn bore.
D MR$ :Qwa, i}y,
After Mr, Bewser had mode a pretense
of reading for half an hour after dinner the
other evening, and after: Mrs, limner had
become aertaia that he had something
on his mind, he looked up and remark
• ""1518, Bewsor, 40 you know that we
18200 a thiol in this house 1"
"Mercy on me, but where ie he 1" ex,
claimed Dire, Bowser as she sprang up and
looked around as if expeotmg to oaboh
sight of a strango"manbehind some piece
of furniture,
"Yes,Mrs,; Bowser,& thief in the house,"
ar,continued, "It doesn't happen to be a
be, however. At 9 o'clock I shall have a
very painful duty to perform, but I shall
not hesitate to do it. I have been robbed
by Laura, the second girl, I shall confront
her with the proofs of her crime and then
dellen officer to conduct her to the station."
"Why, Mr. Bowser, what can you'mean
You hadn't rain anything to me about
being robbed. When.waa it ? What have
you inieeed 9"
"You remember that diamond pin wibh.
six etonesin it?"
"Yee, the one you lost a stone out Of. I
wail going to ask you why you didn't take
it to the jeweler's." '
"1 took it to the jeweler's two weeke ago.
Lost week I brought it home."
"Well, that pin waa planed in my bureau
drawer, I laid it in its oase. The oase
is still there, but the pin has disappeared .'
been taken away, filched, stolen!"
" And by Laura?"
" Couldn't be anybody else, as the cook
is never upstairs. In fact, I have. found
Laura poking over my bureau on several
" But it can't be 1" protested Mre. Bow.
ear. "You must have mislaid it."
" Mre. Bowser," he continued tie he arose
and °reseed his hands under his ooat.taile
andbalanced himself on heels and toes,
"once in a great while—once in twenty or
thirty years -1 may bo mistaken about
eemething, but this is not one of the 0008.
done. I would stake my life against a tur-
nip that I placed the pm in the ,ease.
Moreover, it does not depend on my dee.
'oration. 1 have corroborative testimony.'
"Have you seen it in Laura's posses.
Bien?" anxiously queried Mre. Bowser.
" Not exactly, but it amounts to the
same thing. It may surprise you to learn
that I haveoonsulted a fortune teller in
the matter."
"My stars, but is it possible that you
would be so silly 1" she gasped.
"Circumstances alter macs, Mrs. Bowser.
The average fortune teller is a ewindler,and
the average woman who goes to her and
believes a word she says is a baeawood
idiot. My friend, Jones, recommended me
to a woman who is a seventh daughter of
a seventh daughter, and has the gift of
second eight. She took one of my hands
with her right, placed her left hand on my
forehead, and in about three minutes she
informed me that Laura had the pin, She
is carrying it in her pocket. At 9 o'clock
I shall charge her with the theft, force her
to 'Confess, and, though 1 feel sorry tor a
motherless girl, I shall do my duty in the
"This—thia female planed her hand on
your forehead, did she ?" queried hire.
Bowser in a voice tinctured with acid.
"She had to in order to make the teat."
"And didn't she have to rub your bald
pate as well ?"
'No, ma'am she didn't, and you will
please remember who you are talking to 1
In her vision she saw Laura take the pin.
She gave me a Took of hair out from the
head of a dwarf to bury in the back yard
after nightfall, and she was to work on
Laura's conscience until, just as the clock
strikes 9, she will be in a mental conditiou
to give up the pin and make a full conies.
"ion. It is now a quarter to 9,
"You put the pin in one of the bureau
drawere, did you ?"
"Ail I told you before, Yes, I will stake
my lifeonit."
"Which drawer
"The—the bottom one."
"But the oase ie in the top one."
"There is, Mre.. Bowser—there is just
nil chance in a million billions that I am
mistaken about the drawer,butthat is of no
ocount, Laura has it and will °Unless."
"But•before she confesses I want you to
oma up stairs and help me to look for the
"11 is useless, but 1 will go," be replied
she followed her.
Mre, Bowser walked straight to his
dressier and pulled out the middle drawer,
he knew that he used it as a catch-all.
he took out a screwdriver, a can opener, a
sh line, a stray soak, a crumpled white
ret, two pairs of dilapidated suspenders,
buckle or two, three old shwas and a pair
f slippers. From one of the alippera alta
sok atonal' posbboard box, removed the
over and dropped the missing pin into his
and. Then, as he stood there with mouth
pen and bulging eyes, she asked:.
"How much did you pay that --that
onderful female for telling you thatLaura
ad stolen thispin?"
"Fi—Live 4011510 I" gasped 'Mr. Bowser,
poet by the sudden question.
"And I know of twenty people who have
ad her advice for 81 1 Itis now 9 o clock,
and Laura is in the condltton of mind to.
enface l The next time a female swindler
tekes your right .hand in hors and peaces
erloft on your throbbing forehead you
ad better "-'
"Mro. lloweor 1" said Mr. Bowser in joie
whiled tense as he towered above her,
it is evident that we cannot live happily
gather another day "--
"11 ie evident that you have been dread•
ily bambeosled and lust escaped getting
into a serious business," she anew1,004 au
she restored the drawer,
"And, therefore," he continued, paying
40 head to her interruption, '" I will spend;
the night in the library arranging the
Papers, and b0 -morrow your lawyer can
pall upon mine and settle the details regard-
ing alimony and the oustody of the child,
Goodnight, Mrs, Bowser—you hove driven
me to the .dead line at last 1"
1588. Bowser was not yet asleep when he
came sneaking up stake in hie stacking feet
and foil into bed, and had she felt any de.,
sire to harrow up his feelings it would have
vanished ail she beard him mutter in hie
'I'll mash—I'11 mash—Pit mash that old
star gazing swindler to a pulp; and set up
that kok of hair for a monument l"
Ili aware War Between Russia and
Japan tnevltabte—.Tho Treaty of Peace.
A despatch from . London nye ;—The
Spectator, in'Rn article on the situation in
the Fast, expresses the belief that after five
years of uneasy peace, a oonfilet between
Russia and Japan is inevitable. Japan,
the paper aaya, will spend the indemnity
she reoeivee from China in bringing her sea
power to o formidable footing. Ruetia
knows this, and will give to Spain the ohief
place in the arrangement of new negotia-
tions, because the owner of the Philippines
would be ueeful to Russia in the event of a
Japanese war.
A despatch from St. Petersburg aaya:--.
Information from official sources is to the
effect thatnegotiatiooe between Russia and
Japan are proceeding in the friendliest
manner possible. Having exeraised prep
sure in the question of the relinquishment
by Japan of the Liao -Tung peninsula, Rue -
eta sincerely desires to solve every other
point at issue in an absolutely pacific man-
For Twenty-five Years
Broken in lie,alth
That Tired Feeling, Conetipatioll
and Pain in the sack
Appetite and Health Restored by
Hood's Sarsaparilla,
Mr. 011as. Steele
St. Catherine's, Ont.
00, 5. Hood & Co„ Lowell, Mss.:
"Por *number of years T have been tronblet,,
with a general tired feeling, shortness of breath,.
pant in the back, and constipation. I could get
only little rest at nigbb On aoocunt of the pain
Ind had no appetite whatever. I was that tired
In my limbs that I gave out before half the day
was gone. 1 tried a great bungler of medicines
out did not get any permanent relief from any
cod' p lila
5 Cures
puree until, upon recommendation of a friend,
purchased a bottle of Hood's Sarsaparilla,
whioh madame feel better at Oh00. I hai'a eon-
tinuedYts use, having taken three bottles, and
1 Feel Like a New Man.
Ibave a good appetite, feel as strong as ever I
did and enjoy perfect rest at night. I have
much pleasure in recommending Hood's Sarsa-
parilla." 00A111.Es STEELn, with Erle Pre.
'erring Co„ St. Catherine's, Ostaric,
Hood's laths are prompt and efficient, w9
easy in actin Sold by all Arq apisk;, 250.
The Buctouche and Moncton railway has
again leen opened for traffic,
Travers—" Did you go down to my
tailor's and tell him I w ould settle tha
little matter ?" Moe boy—'" Yes air.'
Travers—" And did be se em convinced 1'
Moe boy—" He did. H e said he was
convinced that you wouldn't."
Tho Rano of liiillions of Lies
(Sick Heada••he is a malady which
makes its appearance most frequently
in women. The attack often begins
in the morning, upon awakening,
after a night of restlessness or heavy
sleep ; though it is especially wont
topcoat. in connection with emotional
disturbances, such as excitement,
fright or mental strain. The pain is
usually localized, being in one or
the other, more frequently the left
side of the head. It is generally
accompanied by great disturbance of
the stomach, when light pains the
eyes; noises otherwise unnoticed
inflict punishment; odors excite
nausea. from the fact that people
with strong nervos are never troubled
with Sick Headache, it is generally
conceded by the most eminent phy-
,siOians that it is dependent upon
weak nerves or nervous debility, and
can only be permanently cured by
strengthening the nervous system.
The Great South American Ner-
iine Tonic is
the only remedy manu-
factured which is prepared especially
and expressly for the nerves. It
acts direotly:on the nerve centres at
the base of the brain, corroding any
derangement thole may be, greatly
increasing the supply of neSvoue
energy or nerve £orae, Suing groat
tone to the whole body, and thereby
enabling a system subject to Sick
Headache to withstand future attacks.
It gives relief in one day and
speedily effects a permanent cure.
Mrs. Ieabella S. Graham, of
Friendewood, Indiana, writes; "For ,
a number of years I have suffered
intensely with Nervous and Sisk
Headache; bad hot flashes, was
sleepless and became despondent,
Dr. Farie, of Bloomington, Indiana,
epoke so highly of South Amerman
Nervine that I was induced to buy a
bottle. That purchase led to a few
others, and now I sleep soundly, feel
buoyant, strong and vigorous. I
would not bo book in the condition I
was in when I began taking this
medicine for any sum you could
Mre. 3. H. Prouty, of La Grange,
Indiana, writes: "Your South Amar.
lean Nervine worked a marvellous
are with me last year. I began
taking it last April about the 20th.
The first week I made a gain of 18
lbs. and from,that time on I made a
steady gain until I reaolled, my'
normal weight, making in all a total
gain of 80 lbw. After taking it three i
or our molatho I found myeolt e
well Wo040ti°
A. DJEADD/NAN Whot&salo au
ti fletatr,Ageut for Broods