HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1895-5-31, Page 66 0tat pals5tio Most ---.-1a nz101110 -- BITEIRY FRIDAY MORNING (in tim0 for the early mails) 0 "The Post" Stettin PO1101 ng UUollse, TOMMY ST., Bnu0althe, ONT.. e'dvomlte'idollara. y, to a�eTelatovuio a a suhsoriptfon is pald 1 denoted by the date on the address label. Anvttn'rlemb items. -The following rates ud orf eh o v to t 080 vim y to h will be year 4— the year,-. 'srAa17 1 iii, I 0 Mo I It mo One Clolumn $00,00 50000a7.0.00 Balt 90,00 2000 08,00 lHarter 't.20,00 1200 8.00 ighbh!'.--.� 12.00 8.00 0.00 l gut cents per line for first insertion, and three onto per line for,. oxen 8nbsequent In- sertion. d11 advertisements measitrod as Nonpareil -18111m to the inch, 8081ue8s- Cards, oig0t'lines end under, 82 per annum. Advertisements without speoido direct. tions, will., be inserted until forbid, and charged accordingly. 1 0140cti0118 00 ouaugo or discontinue an advertisement const he left at the couuting oroom ach weekPThisnis imperater tive.han Tuesday cv rsR . idle SIE , I90(00? and Proprietor. INCONTROVERTIBLE EVIDENCE A YOUNG LADY RAISED FROM A SICK BED. day lnorning for their respootiee ]1o111ea, delighted with tate manner In which the London 13ist8r0 received tbenx.. The above report ie lsudly fnrutebed by an aflioial of the lodge, to 0, G.'2'. 1S'lRtG'P MEETING. The anneal meeting of Pietrfot No. 24. 7. O. G. T'., was bald at Oonstanoe, on Tuesday of 'pet week, There was a very Tilechair wtaken a od aas ee and t 10 la.om., ky J, G, Murdoch, District (Thief Templar, of Luoknow, and business proceeded with. The reports from the lodges wore very n all 1 enpourai,ing, Progress a o g the line being reported The report,of theoreden• tial 4ommlttee showed that most of the lodges were represented. The reports of the Seorebary,Treasurer and District Ohief Templar wore quite satls(aotory, and evidenced that good work had been done in the District during the year. The membership at the elope of the year ie placed at 715, in 18 lodges, a 'gain of 40 in the year. The finances are ,in a fairly bealthy state. The reports were all received and adopted. The good work done in the District last Winter by Bro, E. Dawson, of Kincardine, was duly recognized, The election of o(1loers resulted as ' follows, The installation ceremony was performed by Bond Laura - son, assisted byan efficient marshal, when when the officers were installed as tel. lows ;—H. 13. Chant, D. C. T., Clinton ; Sister Annie Molntosh, D. v. T., Con- stance ; W. F. Brockenshire, D, 0., Wingbam ; Sister A, Babb S. J. T., BlythA. McGregor, D $eo.•Treas., Londesboro' ; L. Farnham, 1), 112., Oon• stance ; A. Knox, D. S., Manobester ; Sister Gerrie Farnham, 7). G., Constance; Jos, Gray, D. Chap., Blyth ' Sister Louise Ouimotte, D. A. S., Londesb0ro'. Past District Chief Templar, J. G. Mar - (bob, was elected as delegate to the Grand Lodge. A committee, consisting of J. G. Murdoch, W. F. Brookenekire and H. B. Chant, was appointed to draft and present to Bond Laurason, the re• tiring Disttiot Secretary Treasurer, a testimonial expressive of the esteem in which he is held by the Good Templars of the District. 1t was agreed that the next District meeting be held in Look - now, in the Fall, the date to be fixed by the Executive Committee. A hearty vote of thanks was passed to thereembers of 0oustanae Lodge for their generous hospitality in entertaining the delegates. J. G. Murdoch introduced the subject "A Model Good Templar," in a capital address, but as time of adjournment was near at hand, there was but little discus- sion. During the afternoon W. F. Brooltenshiro took a splendid photo- graph of the delegates, in front of the beautiful Methodist aburob. flop° for Those Suffering from Nervous. Prostration, Meanness anti Lon' Spirits—flow Jteliett'onbe Found. Prom the St. Afary's Argus. The accumulation of evidence is what convinces. A man bringing a case before a jury'with evidence to convince them of the justice of his (1oa, then the jury easily find a verdict in his favor. This is the case with one of the greatest life - preservers known to the world at present. The evidence of hundreds and thousands of witnesses has been published testifying to its priceless value, and the jury—the public—are being convinced. St. Mary's has many witnesses who could boar gold- en testimonials. The Argus gave recent- ly a remarkable case in the cure of Gideon Elliott, Again we present another. Miss 08tary Scott daughter of Mr. John Scott, had become completely prostrated ; was pale, nervous, low-spirited and in such a condition as to alarm her parents and friends. She had not been able to leave her bed for six weeks. Doctor's medicines were not helping her: Mrs. Scott had been reading of the wonderful aures of • fected by Dr. Williams Pink Pills for Pale Peoplele an some acquaintances aintances re- commended them. She nurebased three boxes and before the first box was finish- ed an improvement was noticed and con- tinuing the use of the pills Miss Scott was soon able to perform ,work about the house and is now enjoying bettor health than for years. Mrs. Scott also testified as to the great benefit she herself had de- rived from the three boxes of Pink Pills and declares that they would not be with- out them in the house. An improvorished condition of the blood, or a disordered condition of the nerves are the fruitful sources of most ills that afflict mankind, and to any thus atllicted Dr. Williams' Pink Pills offer speedy and certain cure. No other remedy has ever met with such great and continued success," which is one of the strongest proofs that Dr. Willianne' Pink Pills . accomplish 'all that is claimed for them. They are au unfailing cure for locomotor ataxia, partial paralysis, St. Vitus' dance, sciatica, neuralgia, rheuma- tism, nervous headache, the after effects of lit grippe, palpitation of the heart, ner- vous prostration, diseases depending upon vitiated blood, sueli as strofula, chronic erysipelas, etc. They are also a specific for troubles pecular to females, curing all forms of weakness. In men they effect a radical cure iu all cases arising from men- tal worry, overwork, or excesses of any nature. Dr. Williams' Pink Pills are sold only in boxes bearing the firm's trade mark. They are neyer sold in bulk, and any dealer who offers substitutes in this form should be avoided, Thesejiills aremann- factured by the Dr. Williams Medicine Company, Brookville, Out., and Schenec- tady, N. Y., and may be had of all drug- gists or direct by matt at either address, at 50 cents or six boxes for $0.50. ORANGE WOMEN. Tho Grand Lodge of the Ladies' Or- ange Benevolent Association held their annual meeting in London in the I. 0.. P. Hall, Albion block, Tuesday and Wed- nesday. Miss M. Cullum, G. W. M., pre- sided. Delegates from every lodge in the Prov- ince attended, and a very enthusiastic meeting was held, and the reports from the Grand Lodge officers show that the association is making rapid progress, tlement. 1 1INIIma6 -- CATAnnAn BsnzrvRD x. 0 To GO t. puff the breath through he One short pu of F Blower, supplied with each bottle of Dr. Agnew's Catarrah Powder, (Ukases this Powder over the surface of the' nasal passages. Painless and delightful to nee, it relieves instantly, ani permanent. ly cures Oatarrah. Hay Fever, Colds, Headsoh s, Sore Threat, Tonsilitis and Deafness GO c ents at G. A. Deadman'e. The Ontario featery iuepaotor for the Western District reporte that he found a mill on the ehores of Lake Erie in which wormy applee, peelings and rotten fruit were used in the making of cider.. If the 1150 of such material is not prohibited by law then the law should he amended at once ; and, if the present statutes cover the case, they aught to be enforced. Tide sheep story cones from Gilford, Ont. 1—Frank fliil lost It sheep last fall, andnot finding it at the time gave up all hope of ever ageing it again. One day recently, however, ho and his hied man Cs. nudism No wee. The steam yacht Athena was burned 0 Efamil ton. Raiz' mill, Gladshill, turns out 25,050 feet of lumber daily. The liquidators have paid another dividend of 10 per cent. to the oreditors of the Commercial Bank of Manitoba. The cost of the Colonial Conference at Ottawa Net Summer is shown by the Anditor-General's report to have been $9435. "Earnscliffe," for so long the residence of Sir Sohn Macdonald, is advertised for sale on behalf of Lady Macdonald. Sohn Reseal', a wealthy farmer living near Maxwell, ngmrnitted suicide by shooting himself while in a state of mental aberration. West Z ,era council offers 5400 reward for the conviction of the person or per- sons who destroyed Alonzo Young's implements on the night of May 1st. Chief Skirving, of Ingersoll, found his way into a gambling den in that town last Sunday afternoon, surprising the four players, who were seated around a small table with silver and bills stacked up in front of them. Fleets DIesAse Rotioven Ix 30 MIN amps.—All cases of organic or sympathetic heart disease relieved in 30 minutes and quickly cured, by Dr. Agnew's Cure for the Heart. One dose convinces. Sold by G. A. Deadman. As the eteemer Alberta was mooring at the railway dock Saturday morning a young man named Wm. Hacking, of Owen Sound, had his leg caught in a line and crashed. He was taken to the Red Cross Hospital where the leg was ampu- tated. On Wednesday night while Anthony Atwell, a prosperous farmer, was driving • TTlt+i BRUSSBIIS POST Tilde Grenfer, a farmer ot+I'it* town ehip, Ont., committed apioide (2' idey by thttneting a butcher's knife into hie heart, 127e bad been is pear health for some Virile, and buoleess troubles ore seppoeed to have unhinged bis mind, 1dilARwbooe1,t' Guo4D IN ,A Dux,—Soutli American Rheumatic/ Cure for Iiheuma. tiem and Neuralgia radically ouree in 1 to 4 Says, Its action ,upon the systeln 18 remarkable and mysterious, 1t ea, MOM 0 oncethe pause and the disease immediately disappears. The first doee greatly benefits. 76 vents. Warranted by G. A. Deadman. The mystery surrounding the dieap. p8aranoe of J. 0, Itlnes,ex•Oity Engineer Bred a of li[ngotoo, Ont„ has been pIa p. He had loft his borne on Sunday evening, April 27th to take a walk as was his ca8tOm. Friday morning his body was found floating in the harbor at the foot of Gore street. He was fond of strolling along the water front, and it is supposed while doing so fell off one of the docks Rsooze ON Sia'Uouits.—Distressing lad.' Hey and bladder diseases relieved in six hours by the "Great South American Kidney Cure," This new remedy is a great surprise and delight on a00ouot of its exceeding promptnese in relieving pain in the bladder, kidneys, bank and every part of the urinary passages in male or female. It relieves retention of water and pain in passing it almost im- mediately. If you want quiok relief and cure this 1s your remedy. Sold by G. A. Deadman, druggist. A breach of promise 0ae0 of more than usual interest beoauee of the advanced ages of the plaintiff and defendant, will come up for trial ab St. Thomas, probably 0 the June 8508(008, unless in the mean- time the parties arrange their. differences, 'She writ, which was issued by N. H. Mc- Intosh, of Aylmer, claims 55,000 damages and $80 posts from the defendant. The plaintiff is one of that olase whore all mankind ale advised to beware—a widow of some years' standing. The Indy, who is a resident of Yarmouth, is said to be 07 years old. The defendant, who is a wealthy and highly respected farmer of the same township. is a widower, and is said to be 78 years old. Saturday morning Policeman Sboaldioe Owen Sound discovered John Spencer, a blacksmith, in the act of setting fire to the rear of A. T.'Oreighton's, furniture ; loss on stook, $2,000, insured, $1,300, British America. Loss on building, $1,- 000 ; insured for 5500 in the London As- surance. Chinese laundry, loss on con- tents about 5100 ; no insurance. Ank- horn, barber, loss on oontente about $100; insured in the Waterloo 1latual for 5200. George Holmes, photographer, lose on building about $700 ; insured in the Norwich Union and Waterloo Mutual for 51,200 ; loss on stook, 5500, insured in the Waterloo Mutual for 5500. Spencer appeared before the Police Magistrate and was remanded for a week. He elect. ed to be tried by a jury. L WANTED. Thel I3ighest Market Price will be paid in Cash for any' quantity of Wool delivered at our Flour and Feed Store,Brussels. Genorall Newee. The population of the German Empire is increasing at the rate of 500,000 a year. Tbe banks of the United States during the year 1894 lost over $25,000,000 by theft. The North British Railway Company is building a station at Edinburgh at a cost of 31,200,000. The cholera outbreak at Mecca is be- coming worse. On an average 25 deaths from the disease occur daily. The scales used in weighing diamonds are so delicately poised that the weight of a single eyelash will ruin the balance. Fifty-five towns and c,ties in England now destroy garbage by burning, and use the heat to generate eleotrioity for street lighting: The iron crown worn by the King of Roumania is made from metal taken from Turkish Dannon captured at Plevna in 1877. ALondon restaurant uses an eleotrio• ally heated plate to keep one's food warm. So long as the cement is turned on one can dine as leisurely as he likes. It is estimated that 51,000,000 worth of butter could he made from the wbey pro. ducted annually in the manufacture of °beeps in New York State alone. The Berlin Street Car Company paid $250,000 into the treasury of the oity for privilege of crossing the prinoipal avenue, Unter den Linden, at one point. To open an account in the Bank of England a person must deposit not leas than :3500 and the authorities require the depositor to he introduced by a customer. There passed through the Suez Canal last year five American vessels—yachts with his wife and two children from and warships all ; of merchant craft, not Sherbet lake to Olden, the borsee ran I one. But Japan had six, and even little away while going down a hill. The ad- Guatemala one. Of a total of 8,352, cupants of the rig were thrown out. Mr. 2,204 were British. Atwell had his neck broken and was kil- The most important sporting event of led inetanly, and his wife and one child the week in England appears to be Dr. Graoe'e exploit on the cricket field. This gentleman, now fortyseven years old, one day last week made a score of 288, against good howling inafirst.olass match at Bristol. Moreover, this is now the hundredth time in which babas in cricket exceeded the century.' Baeker. 86 Van Stone OAR FOR SERYICF.—THE Undersigned will: keep for. service on Lot q, Oou. 8 Grey, the imported Chester White boar, ,111luol. Chief," Pedigree may 81.00 to be pe.doathe time of i, Terme, paid at the t11no of service with privilege otreturniug if50000sur� }•. 5A0111S BLLIOTpiT, Proietov. B0AR FOR S.ERVI:M.-TRI+; Undersigned will keep for servloo on Lot 17, Con, 14,Grey,the thorn-bredlm- ported Yorkshire boar, "PQM Ord," broil by J, 0, Brethour, Burford, Ont., World's fair prise winners, Pedigree may be Seen 011 application, Torres -31,00 tobepald attire time ofservice with privilege of returning if necessary: L.00005010, fl4.0 Proprietor, were seriously injured. The Montreal coal strike is still going on. Early Saturday morning 200 union cool heavers made an attack on a ship where 00 non-union Italians bad spent the night. Several of the Italians jump• ed into the harbor out of fright, but no one was bort and they were all saved. Things do not look very bright for a set - there lodges fn active work with there being .1, a membership of 800, and four applies, time for warrante for naw lodges have been received, which epeaks well for the ladies engaged in the good work. On Tuesday evening a grand banquet was given at the residence of Mrs. 5. 1). McDonald, 478 Pall Mall street, giyen by the members of Vietoria Lodge No. 2. A very enjoyable evening was spent with speech and song. p Wednesday afternoon the oleotiou and installation of officers for the ensuing year took place which resulted as fol. lows Miss M. Cullum, IIarnilten—Graud Worshipful Mistress. Mrs. M. McDonald, London—Graucl Deputy Mistress. Mee, 081. Glaosoy, St. Thomas,—Graud Junior Deputy Mistress. Mrs: 1i. Tulle, Hamilton—Grand Sec. rotary. Mrs, M. Yates, Point Edward—Grand 'Treasurer. had oc0aai00 to go out into his field where Mrs. J. Huff, Hamilton,—Graud Chap- there is an old pea straw stack, and to lain. their great aetoniehment they noticed Mrs. L. Fraser, Hamilton—Grand perched upon the top of the steak the long that animal. It appears it had fallen clown the centre of the steak, and not being able to get out again wag obliged to live on pea straw all winter. A close examination revealed the fact that the animal had eaten a space about 21 feet Sarnia. round ahrl heli succeeded in getting to After dieposing of routine busineas the top of the stack again, where it hap. the Grand Lodge closed, to meet in To. ported to be when found. Though it ap• ionto the second Tuesday in May, 1805. peared quite healthy it was not in a9 Many Of the 705100r8 left by train Thurs. good condition as the rest of the bock. Director of Cerenwnies, Mrs. 'Wilson, Chatham—Grand Lec- turer. W. W. Hodson, Toronto—Repeeseeta- tive to Grand Dago of B. A. Robert Galloway—District Master of !out! 95.220 frAMWORTL•f AND CI-iESTER J., WHITE BOARS FOR SERVICE. Tho undersigned will keepto rig, service o T eo Horth Half Lot 20, Con,. 7, fotheltkrecently nrebated - from welknown Boar, an°BoltAm- ber. Also a Chester White Saar. Terms, 81.00 to be p•bid'at time of service with priv- ilege Mratnrniugif 088005arv. 90-02 S. WA'LKBit,Proprietor. It will soon be known I am tak- ing all kinds of Photos, Cray - 0138, Pastel's and Water - 'Colors. ROAR FOR SJ RVIOR.-THE Uudoreig nod will keep for SUrvioe on LpLot 20 Con. 5, Morris, the thorn bred im- bred 10053 ..1 White B. i3rttthour'8 o ksbiseleweepstnkestesow at. Chicago Pair. Terms, ±51.00 to be paid hurningthe tlf necessary Le with Pedigree may be soon on application. ROST. NICHOL . BULL F04 SRRVIOE.—THE undersigned will keep for service on Lot 7, Con 5, illorrie, the thorn' -bred Dtlr- ham bull "lied Robin " 0et,s-81,25 to be. paid on December 1,5,1805 J. OLL5GG. A. G. TA50Jt, 41.015 Proprietor. Lot 7; Con. 5. Pictures taken as natural as life of Fathers, Mothers, and Babies, Grandfathers and Great -Grandfathers, and " Gentlemen with their Ladies. • Pictures of your houses and steel Lawns, Groups, Pic-nic Par- ties, in fact all kinds of out and indoor work in' the Highest Style of Art. BULL L t, UR �XU._ T3L II,ficial6u ed. will heel, 004 N k Lot 29. Fon. , Norris, the thorn' -orad Du411 ant bull Lord Melville," No. 50848. Pedigree may he seen an application. Terme, 81.05 to (Laura, 3011N 1501308, 95 Sm Ih oprietor. H. R. BREWER ER ARTIST, BRUSSELS. .: pring HATS &CAPS ¥AA 81, .1805 " AT cove OSS' We have just Received vV' a large Consignment of hats and Caps in all the leading Shapes and Shades for Spring and Summer wear. See Balmoral our Cah. and Cap, the Newest thing in the Market, OUR Prices Better than Ever Before. • it ., • • y; i f� r chi .�•qq� R��y s5. it n. s Are also comingto Hand. Prices Right ! .- Styles Ri ht! Satisfaction Guaranteed ! Tie Leadi�� Hatter & Clu�Vier, Brussels an& Wrozeter. THE MOST SUCCESSFUL REMEDY FOR MAN OR BEAST. Certain in its below,er blietcra. KENDALL'S SPANN CURE, nosy° Carman Henderson Co., 1IL, Fob. el,'04.. Dr. B. J. i0u ssr, b0. Aca,' Sirs—Please send trio one 0030,1r Horse Books and oblige. I iravoused a groat deal of your Kendall's spasm Cure with good success it 1s s. wonderful medicine, fence Lod n mare that bed an (Moult Fe,n•la andfive bottles cured Ler. 1 keep a bottle on band nen the time. Yourstruly, Cats. Powxcn. KENDALL'S SPAVIN CURE. 06/M014,31o., Apr. 3,'12. Dr. B. JvvKepuso5. Co. IMM' J„'a—I have used several i,nttles nt your Kendall'e Spavin Cure” with much success. I think it Use beet7Animent 1 over used. Have re- m/redone o-m000001e On b mos Mood Sm,Vh, and killed two Rene Shaving. nave recommended It to several of my friends who are much pleased with and Im olt. liwapectfully, S. R. RAY, P. O. Dox 019. For Salo by an Druggists, or address Dr. 23..T. B.T,N7).ri.LL f70711Pd1 r o505sURCH FALLS, 51'. lirgpPIR,C o w ° 2iw •,nP,y to Boo-- g.. P., Rea adp:.r to ia7 F3 �° a. c m Kml opF.� �$ 7d.1'.111(1,T641 lrli>a O mM�.... O' aP •.� 7 Vl O P o " O 7 0 6 ic' �v e'Pa 815 iL pdy.�,00�5g-, �h,c n$C'jroMq) t1182'Sp:� Q15Y` a&gldW ,1, „ • F fa'• P' O y -a 0 a y e l'AR R a e d a P Sold iu Brothelsby 4:. A, DRA1f1tAN,, Druggist. 0 A V ° 5.11 Ee The undersigned will keep on hand a constant supply of White Fresh Lime suit- able fur all Building itnd Plastering purposes, Also North Shore Pine Lath and White Brick for Sale. Parno.ers who require Plows, Turnip Seed Drills, Gang Plows and Horse Hoes, ji Tir THE latter e± A' Th Ham 1'Vt oar g Sir at th ]Dr Preei Oh dead Ph Mere Al Sund Mr� knoo carris 8etti Sp Sir <ei Sr N. 3. attacl Th gored cedes Th. 1dend Coma The be az annly Wi authc thea 'en of Sir sale o The Ottav Audit 50,481 The retina small exhib The New ramie Gusto All the w on Fr nen.0 The anotia here they Ma 'en Fr scent lines State Ow Meth V Vessel thous alif ''. Sea the n 11 v1, agh The fit ep 4leva'or 1302134 Should give me a call as ! keep the -beet 1cnow in the market. I have three differento' disese manufacturers mltks of Plows. TERMS LIBERAL.. Any Quantity of Potatoes Wanted. Daisy Churns, Washing Machines, Wringers Tin Pails. Fence Wire, Lane's Pat- ent Barn Door hangers, &c., Cheaper here than any other store. J. H. THO SON, was f, in the An Waite ' the r Inter held r held made. Mr, inten, feral comm the f hand, the b .Th, ,,era' 21110n `a roe ,1�� �nq�, •itch .la:'a 5:;10 b irth ne At ,p bye ale. u. of Toronto. Established 1871. G � C i%• co P t,fife ' 01 of 00 cn a 0 o The Policy Contract issued by this Association is perfection itself, UNCONDITIONAL, ACCUMULATIVE, AND AUTOMATICALLY NON -FORFEITABLE. It leaves nothing further to lm desired. Dates and full infor- mation furnished on application, ' D. I:.atir. Lowry, �e i� BRUSSELS, s . rile ICERMV, Agent, Brusseisr n. (ntleefeeVIti i 0 Ho iev1e /the D t. ,e err = r. rel 3 at hit � et n >;e v).h ri: pilo tr0 ns n b ojjtrt .'',Lie o;thr 1 H (0140 F, the 1,'th fh'b 'On o ent J 18a1 itb pnac blot unl l.171