HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1895-5-31, Page 5A A.Y al, 1895 arall>�•R•fel: Miss Lottie 0001e is visiting in the viOinity of Ethel this week. Wtn. Afiobie sowed part of thisseaeon's orop of turnips on the 23rd Inst, Wm. Nnwgambe, who Joao been in New ark, N. J„ eine lob Fell, has returned to Canada, John Meiklejohn, of Molesworth, Sun - i yeti wfth hie brother on the 6tb line, fie game out on hie wheel, Mies L,otit eMi 1eaarattto o home after spending the Winter with her grand- parents in Turuberry township A goodly nnrrlbee from this township attended the Sunday School Convention nb Brussels on Tuesday of this week, Mr, Holliday is the proud poesessor of a fine foul sired by the well.lcaowu horse, "Garfield," It promises to be a stepper, Nearly all our teaohere were in attend- ance at the Convention bold in Clinton on Wednesday and Tbnreday of bleb weak,. Thomas linemen had a number of men aseieting in moving and jacking up one of hie bemos thts week, tory to putting stone work underneath for stab- ling. 131.0• tlit. Communion will be administered in Trinity ohnrah on Sunday next. Jae. Moffatt, of Kincardine, was visit. ing under the parental, roof for a few days. Miss Lena Btnlgh left oti Wodnoaday on e month's visit to Uncle Sam's do. main, T. W. Scott returned from a short visit among friends in Birr and the Forest City on Monday. R. Howard es Sons have oommenced the brick work on Geo. Deoetedt'e resi- denoe on Westmoreland street. The Ball family of Jubilee singers entertainment bold in the Methodist church on Tuesday evening was not very well attended, On Sunday morning the sacrament of the Lord's Supper was administered in. St, Andrew's church, a; large congrega. tion being present. 00 Friday the remains of the late Miss Olewitt were taken to Trinity ohuroh cemetery for interment, followed by a number of vohiolee and sorrowing friends, The majority of our citizens took In the sports at Wingbam, Clinton, Bro. eels, Seatorth, Exeter and other plains on the Qneen'e birthday, there being no. sports here. W roxecer. Mrs, John Ramer is dangerously ill. Robert Rose ,and wife Sundayed in Brnseeis. Local sports are agitating fora big . day on July lst. Wheels are all the go. The ladies are now following the fashion. Mrs. Ab. Paulin has been siok with in- flammation but is now convalescent, Rev. Mr. Mo]iay, of"Toronto, n000pied the pulpit of tbePresbyterian church Sen. day last. Hamilton & Sanderson shipper] eleven tar loads of cattle to the Old Oonntry Wednesday, Master Gorden Morrieon, who has been under the M.D's, care for few weeks, is now recovering. Master Gordon Evans has been bedfast with what the doctor pronounces congas - tion of the lungs. The Junior League of Wroxeter Netho. dist cobweb is doing good work. Four new members were received last Monday. The stone worse of the fine block, corner of Front and Mill streets is completed. The brioklayere will begin work at once. Workmen are baey jacking up the old Fergueon store preparatory to moving it, to the North of MoKeroher's Insurance office. The painters now have Thos. Hemp - hill's new hoose, Mill street East in hand and ere pushing their work to comple- tion, W. C. Hazlewood and Miss Nlda re. turned from a week's visit to Ingersoll where they were the gueste of Rev. J. H. Hazlewood. George Rogere, of Brussels has summed - ed well in his endeavors to organize a Tent of Knight of Maccabees here. A dozen charter members were initiated on Thursday evening. The Salem Methodist church is to be thoroughly renovated ; walls and oeilioge frescoed ; woodwork painted and grained and chancel and platform re.earpeted. The Epworth League have the work in band. JE tf°et. D. Sproat visited Hespeler on the 24th. Will, seems tohave centred his attrac- tions on Trowbridge now. W.11. Routley and wife spent part of last week visiting at St. Marys. Luoknow Seemed to have presented some attraction for Max. Baynard last week. Charlie /Stubbs, of London, was in our village bade week attending the funeral of his niece. • Tho 24th was unusually quiet in our village, Even the small boy with fire- crackers was missing. Mrs. IIemeworth, of Listowel, ie visit- ing her son Joe, her daughter, Mrs, J. Balmier, and other friends in this village. ' Will. Rupp and wife, of St. Thomas, are visiting in this locality, Will. has been, for a number of years, brakesman on the M. 0, R. there, Moors. Pugh di Lowry, of Brussels, name to our village again, on Tuesday of -this week. They ere at present engaged at John iokmier's residence. Miss Stephenson spent. the 24th at her borne in. Clinton., Sho' attended the Teaohsre' Convention there on Wednee- • day and Thursday of last week. Miss 0. Newcombe is speodiug a few days with Miss Kelliogton, of Trowbridge. Rev. 3. Millington tools the work on the Trowbridge oirouit last Sabbath. The membership fee of our Publio Li• beery lute been reduced to 60 Dents. The. pride shonid now be within the react ,of every, reader and those not members should (avail themselves of Ude opportun- ity et once. • Oin'r.—Marty Monday morning Bea - tries, youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Davies, passed quietly away. She had been unwell for some time and was al. ways re delicate child.. On Saturday brain fever set in and Soon olaitned her for its vi'obim, The funeral an Toesdey afternoon in charge of Rev. D. B. McRae, was largely attended. The bereaved have the sympathy of the entire community in their sudden affliction, Tteem A young gent, who Iivoe :about half a mile Smith of thegtation, ie to be mar- ried ehortly 10 reports era 0000001, Ariclue L-... poauliar.aooident happen. ed be 1.iev.ileum Lee,:regtor of the lfog- lieh chureb, Pringsbon, formarly of Bbhel, lie wee oondnoting She servioo Sunday. nlghband at She oouglnelen proceeded to the oomtnunion table. A ohm/dello, whiob had been palled down for the, par, po00 of lighting, had been left and in walking across the chancel Mr, ,Lee's forehead game in contact with the sheep projection from the chandelier, A bad out was ialleted and Mr. Lee ayes unable to finish the service. He retired to the este and y a d lieu Mr. Moore conducted the closing exeroisee SoZgirave, M the lash regular meeting of the I. 0, G, T. Was Nellie Wilkinson was elected as Grand Lodge delegate from We place, • G. W, Wilkinson inbende leaving for the "Soo" early in June. Ole will be greatly aniseed by the fair sex, with whom he was very popular. Ole also took a great interest in temperance circles, A horse belonging to John ran away on Suudiyevening while e. turning from church, It, goon got de. Mabee from the buggy Land did no furab- erwhOhd1 armbrseb,eyond breaking 'a tug and, The Miesos Hall, evangelists, have been holding revival services here every evening during the past two woks intheMethodist chorob and a good many con- versious have taken phos. They • will continue for at least another week, 1'IOT I1Op?. Mr, lbteuarey, of Grey, was visiting relatives in MoKillop last week. Mies Stenzel, who has been employed in London the past Winter, ie home on a visit. Airs, Driscoll, one of'theoldest people in this section, being upwards of 00 ysarc of age, passed away a short time ago. John Beichert and wife went last week to Milwaukee to -witness the ordination of their son to cho Roman Ostholiopriest. hood. Her Majesty's Birthday was celebrated in a quiet way here, many of the young people .having little lawn and parlor parties at their homes on that day. The oat crop is recovering from the effects of the continued freezing and is doing splendid. We cannot speak so hopefully of any other hind of grain just yet. We announce the death of Miss Isa belle Scott, daughter of Wm, Sootb, near Leadbury.. She was an estimable young lady and her death is moll regretted by a large Oriole of .friends. The funeral of Thomas Welsh on Fri. day of lust week was well attended. The interment took place at the Roman Catholic cemetery, Mr. Welsh leaves a widow and grown up family. A.t w oed. Someone stole a front quarter of beef from J. A. Kiump's slaughter house. The quarter is valued at $0.00. A program of sports will be given in Atwood on Dominion Day, July let, under the auspices •01 the Independent Order of Foresters of Atwood. A public meeting will be held at the Biros Centre oc-motery on Friday, May 31st, at 2 p. m., for the purpose of elect- ing Direotors and other officers in con- nection with the cemetery, and to make arrangements for enlarging and improv- ing the ground. Harelen Bros., of Ripley, have rented J. G. Robertson's grocery store and bale oven, and will commence making bread on and after June 1st, next, when tbey. take possession. It is also their inten- tion of running a store in connection. It said the recent frost has damaged the Winter wheat considerably inthis and other localities. Not only was it frozen badly, bat ensuing snow broke it off about four inches above the ground, whereas its growth had been about 12 inches. One good act the frost did, and that was to destroy the enormous orop of young grasehoppers that bid Pair to over- ran the country this Summer. Tho orop this year was unusually prolific. Crrauiba-colt:. Miss Mary Ribble is visiting friends in Seaforth. Simeon Dew was visiting in the village one day last week. ' Mies Eila McNeil and Mr. Oober spent Sunday at L. McNeil's. The stone foundation for the new school house is completed. Miss Athelia Watson, of Blyth, is visit- ing at Rev. D. 13. Monee's. Miss Mary Richmond and Mrs. Vance are visiting at J. J. Mitchell's. Mise Anuie Slemmon was visiting iu Brussels for a fete days this week. Rev. B. V. Smith andMies 3elle Smith were renewing.aoquaintsnces here ou the 2dth. A, McNair has reoeived a large quan- tity of groceries and dry goods and is prepared to attend to the wants of the public with a first-olaes stook. The Queen's Birthday pulsed' very quietly in the village as a number of the villagers were away, some attending the pie-nio held in Mr. Whibfield's grove and others the games in Brussels. A number' from here attended the Sunday eohool Convention in Brussels on Tuesday. Tho delegates from here were Miss Maggie Reymann, Miss Etta Mo. Nair, Allan Oameron, Wm. Gamma and Rev, D. B. McRae. Lie; Co vs. ef. Joe. WIlson is oonverting the Vanstone corner, whfah he recently purahaeed, into to livery stable, The ladies of the congregation of Christ church are preparing for a Kermess to be held' in the rink on Friday, June 14th. A, G. Bastedo, amain tent It the Bank of Hamilton here, is off on his holidays, and Mr. Skea, of the Georgetown branch, is filling his place. Listowel has a youthful bioycle rider, the fivs.year-old son of A. Hertnieton, undertaker, who rides his wheel exaeed- ingly well, oonsidering his age. A fleet bay window has been added to the store department of B. F. Brook & Sone woollon mills, whioh will be a de - aided advantage in displaying goods. The Ledios Aid of Rtiox church, with the aeeietanoe'of friends,' intend present- ing to tie public a grand entertainment entitled "The Days of the Year," As the entertainment is on a very large scale, about seventy eharaoters being represent. ed, it is intended to give it in the Blotting rink on or about the 210 of June. ' 1 BRU S 148 POST Tito nominatiau of eatidida.tae to fill Vali wheat ie lacking had owing to the the vecanolee in the town Connell tools late severe fraets., Ono at the town hall on Monday 2Obh, P. ltfePonald raised a fine back barn I+or ,t/he Deputy-Reeveslilp, :f, A, kfeok, one day laet week. The dirnensiene aro Ing, W. Spore, Jacob T'fopplee and Jiaeob 48e03 feet, bides were captained by Bricker were nonheated, and for Oonn Moore. Bryan and Outt and after a oilier for Giadetane ward the names of close end ;milting rape Bryan's side cions Jas, Q„ Tremain and W, Spears were out ahead. When tho boiidbnf le dnieh•. Jacob Ii pub on thopple nerotriand inationJae, `1''rpaper, n .011 with- but ad itwill be ono of the /meet in the town. etnah drew, leaving the former (doted Ilepety ch Fic,our eoe0sspondent of 1404 week must Reeve and the latter ea Cooneillor, have been mistaken as to the mission of the gotten -leo who went to Listowel last week for instead of the shingle being hong out preparing plans for sehool bo e sem of he m'av to free exhibition ' gn of the pngiliebic ort on the school, grounds • of Seetion No. 7, The landslides In Porbnenf, Quebec, are again causing the people to move bank, Superintendent of Polio* Byrnes of New York has been allowed to retire on a pension of $3,000 a year; W. E. JOiely, aooidentally snob. himself in the head, at hie residenee on Jarvis "'et„ Toronto, and died within a few minubee: Osoar oa Wild* was foundit a qu ty on Sat- urday of indebent preobioes, and wits sentenced to two years' hard labour. Alfred Taylor, who bed been previously convicted, was given a similar sentence, The 'Republican 'leader in the Island of Formosa has cabled a salutation to the Ring of Space and risks for protection. A fleet of Japanese warships has arrived at Tamusi, en the northwest comb of Formosa, Fighting is expected. Nluety-live houses tiers wrecked by earthquake and many people buried in the ruins In the District 01 'Baku, Rus- sia. A stools was also felt at Monahan. ria, on the Zanzibar coast, and steered houses in the town of Malindi were de- stroyed• ' 'i0 crhaut. There are about 40 bioyglee in town Aseals s dowaIle has been a' on the east side of Oetherioe street from John to Diagonal street. 3, McMann, of Seaforth, took from Wingham ou Tuesday of last week 21 fine horses, which he had ptirchesed in the surroendieg 'country, The prioes paid were from 060 to $160. A little sou of S. Merrifield was bitten on the leg by a dog about [Wen Weeks age. The slight wound`apparently healed nice. Bary 00t annlhindaaydoo0oo rtowtreat uthen spot, the wound having festered under the skin. John Corny:), furniture dealer, of town and Mies Stewart, of New Yetk, Meter of Mrs. Thos. Cbrnyn, of town, were united in marriage Thursday noon of last week,, in St. Paul's ohuroh. Ibev. I. G. Woad, the motor, tiedthe nuptial knot, in the presence of a number of invited guests and speetaboro. Jas. 0.' Ross, of Lockport, N. Y., e :gentleman who is thoroughly posted in She business, has leased the Winghem Oatmeal Mill from Wm, Clegg for a term of years, Mr, Rosa has pulled out all the machinery and is putting in a full set of new manufaoburfng machinery, as well se refitting the engine, boiler, etc., and will soon have the mil! in working order. Gray. Sheep shearing is on the program. Township poaneiltnetlast Monday. Joe MoDonald's heed is now getting better. Potato planting has been on the pro. gram this week. Jae, Lyun, est 00n., raised thermion Of a new driving shed, Luther Ball contemplates a trip to Brandon, Manitoba. Arte, son ofDr. G. L. Ball, Toronto, is visiting his grandparents. Mre. Robert A. Fairbairn and son, of California, are visiting with relatives and friends in this township. Wm. Fraser raised the frame work of a new barn one day lately. Sides were chosen by Messrs. Robertson and Mo - Kee, the former winning. Mre. W. 0. Fowler, who has been visit- ing in this Imlay for some time, left for her home at Balder, Manitoba, on Wed - ninthly of this week. She is a sister of the late Thos. Caldor. Mrs. Granger had the framework of a large straw shed raised last Monday. The dimensions of ib are 60x60 feet. Sides were oaptained by Messrs. Robert- son and McKee. After en exciting race the tatter's side came" off victorious. During the progress of the raising *plank fell and struck A. MoKercher, of Row. Lek, on the head, inflicting an ugly gash. Several stitches had to be pat iu. He is now doing as well as can be expected. D1 R. C jI SE'S O THE ORIGINAL KIDNEY PILL KIDNEY = LIVER O THE ONLY KIDNEY -LIVER ' PILLS o PILLS T. Dsweoe, ManagerStandardBank, Brad- ford, Ont., says, Chases Kidney -Liver Pills are a grand medicine for the. Kidneys and Liver, OW P. Ceaaisa, trs McCall' St., Toronto, re- p esentiing Montreal Stab says, Chase's Pills act Pike magicfor the relief of head -ache, bilious attack and constipation. Sold everywhere, or by mall on rece,ptof price, to EOMANSON, BATES & 00. 4e LOINORR0 RT. TORONTO, UT. S111i11lle11 SiiiIiiig.s 6 Yob. want a New Suit this Spring ! Of course you do, The one you have been wearing for the last year or two is beginning to look just a little bit seedy. When you deckle to buy call in and inspect what we have in SCOTCH, IRISH and CANADIAN TWEEDS, SERGE and. WORSTED SUITING- S. - 1•f Good, Honest Values count for anything we think you will buy front ns. Perfect it and First -Mass Wor Guaranteed in Every case. 1 cBain, MERCHANT TAILOR, BRUSSELS. °eine 0 011 n Nightr eiJ Bi Special . .tten- tion will be given to ,our High Class BOOT & S:T0E TRAF HEADY'. i'�N{�� ,E q Here is where we S zine. Here is where we are head and shoulders above all competition, Don't say we stole these goods because we did not. Perhaps the manufacturer went "broke" but we have the goods. Men's Serge Suits, well made, good Trimmings, 'perfect fitting, sizes 36 to 42 breast measure, for 3.50. Men's all wool Tweed Suits, First-class Linings, Perfect Fitting, for MOO.. We positively guarantee these Goocis worth $5.00 and $7.00. Just think of it—a whole Suit of Clothes, Coat, Vest and Pants, for $8.50. Come quick, they won't stay in the stare long at the price. Skeleton Coats 86 Vests in Great Variety, Rubber Coats a Specialty. HATS! HATS !! HATS The latest in Straw and Pelts. Specie', Iraina, i°We have the latest i14,Tweeds and Fancy Suitings, w make up at most reasonable Prices. Frr GoitntNPEED. 75,00@ 011 WANTED AT THE Woollen The undersigned wish to intimate to the Farmers of the surrounding eountry,that they are again pre- pared to buy the above quantity of Wool, for which they will pay the Highest IVlarket Price 111 Cash or Trade. Owing to the Change in the Wool. Tari.ff', they are enabled to pay several cents of an advance on last year's Prices. We have the largest and best assorted stock to offer for Wool, of any Woollen Mill in the Qounty, comprising Tweeds, fine and coarse, Worsteds, Series, Flannels, Blankets, Cottoncades, Cotton. Shirtinys, Hosiery, Tailors' :Tr'iominzirogsf etc,, at prices to suit the times. __off Custom Work Promptly attended to. Specialattention will le ;,1veffi Roll Carding, Spinning and the manufacture of El..eking Yarns, etc.' Bring along your Wool and give un of -tial. McKelvie & Forsythe,. PROPRIE`Fco p