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Town Directory,
1014v3UL'e OltAapg.•-•Sabbath $er'ipes
At 11 a m and 11;80p,m, SAnday School
ab 2:00p m, Rev. 7PhnRote,
ENox•cnaaon.-e-Sabbath Seevloee et 11
a m and 0:30 p m. Sunday Sghool at
2;80 pm, Rev, D. Miller, pastor,
atS11 aem andl7lpm. Sa$undaySSohoof
at 2:30;0, m, Rev. A.,15;, Griffin, ingnm.
Mingo:le'r Onunon,—Sabbath Servioee
at 10;80 e m and 60 p M. Sunday
School at 2;80 p m, Rev, G. H. Oobblo,
dick, el A, B D, pastor,
Rome °ATOMLrp tinu11oir.—$abba'1h
Service third Sunday in every month, at
10;80" a m. Rev Joseph Kennedy,
Seriy,vi of Anttr,--Service at 7 and. 11
' a m and 3 arid 8.p in on Sunday and
every evening in the week et 8go'olobk, at
the barraoke,
Ono Farrows' Loneo every Thur0day
evening, in Gra1am'e block.
MASONIe Loose Tuesday et or before
full moon, in Garfield block,
A 0 U W " Loom on the 8rd
Friday evening of each month, ie Bias.
hill's block.
0 0 P L000z 2nd and last Monday
evenings of each month, in Blashill's,
I 0 F, 2nd and laet Friday in Odd
Fellows' Hall,
L O L 1st Monday in Avery month
in Orange Hall.
Soo or SOOT/ AND, let and 8rd Twee-
days of each mouth, in Odd Pellowe'.
K, 0. T. M. Lonox, let and'3rd Thurs-
days of each month,in yanstone block.
Hers examen, 2nd and 4th Friday even-
• logs in Blashill's Hall.
Pose 0sxrroo.-, 0lfioe hours from 8 a.
m. to 0:30 p. m.
MncNANoae' INaTITOTe.-Library in
Holmee' block, will be open from 0 to 8
o'aloolt p. ne. Wednesdays and 3:80 to 6
and 0 to 8 Saturdays.. Miss Dolly Shaw,
Tow; Oooxors,-W. 11. Kerr, Beeve ;
W. H. MoOraaken, Robert Graham, R.
Leatherdale and 13. Gory, Councillors ;
F. S. Scott, Clerk; Thomas Kelly,
Treasurer; D. Stewart, Assessor and J.
T. Ross, Collector. Board meets the 1st
Monday in each month.
Same BoAna,=Rev. Rosa, (chairman,)
Pr.,Molielvey, Dr, Graham, A. Reiff, A.
Hunter and J. N. Kendall ; Seo.-Treas.,
K. Ross. Meetings 2nd Friday evening
in each month.
Purn,Io,SoaooL TnAonnae.—$. H. Cam.
eron, Principal, Mies Braden, Mies
Downey and Miss cooper.
Bolan OF HEALT0.-Reeve Herr, Clerk
Scott, A. Stewart, T. Farrow and• J. N.
Kendall. Dr. MaNnughton, Medical
Health Officer.,
Well, Bill, shake ban's 'n' say good-bye
afore ye go away.
We hate t' see ye leavin' ; we'd las
ruther hep' ye stay.
Mother '0' me'a a gittin' ole : we can't
be with ye long.
She's bin porely for some time now, 'n'11
never be ez strong
Ezebe wuz afore the ager laid 'er '{]p s'
long in bed.
'N' more 'n' likely when ye get back ye'll
find ger mother dead.
Her pore ole lips: 'az quiverin' when she
went t' say good-bye,
'N' tears splashed on the pilfers when
she axed ye it ye'd try
'N' to a good boy for Iter sake, Billy,
when ye git fur away.
We bate t' see ye go, Bill ; we'd lots
rutber hep' ye stay.
Look et them pore young 'n's 'way up
yonder ou the hill
Wavin' ther hats and spurns, 'n' throw -
ill' Misses et ye, Bill.
Ther little throats 'us ohoakin', they
could har'ly help but cry
When ye went up 'n' chunk the han's 'n'
kissed 'em all good-bye.
They'll be mighty sad o' evenings, circled
round the ole flreplaoe,
'N' they'll miss the tales ye tole 'em
'bout your early boyhood days ;
They'll be listenin' Meyer whie'le ez ye
done yer avenin' chores,
'N' they'll hep no one 't swing 'eel in 'at
ole rope swing o' yours,
'N' ther little eysa'Il water nowober fid-
dle's on it's play ;
Oh, they bate t' eee yer go, Bill ; they'd
a heap ruttier hep' ye stay.
Now 13111, yer train's a oomin' ; here's
some scrape the obil'ren cent ;
Drees goods, more'u likely ; 'n' me 'n'
mother want
'N' bed our pitchers token so ez we could
give you one
T''member ne by in after years when
we'll be. dead 'n' gone.
Now, here's a little Bible mother said t'
give 8' you ;
She mettle' spend •muoh money, but I
reckon it'll do
Ez well en if we wuzn't pore 'n' bed
more change t' spare ;
So take it 13111, '111 mother's love, 'n' try
'n' keep it where
It'll tillers bethe handiest when ye're
fur away.
We hate t' see ye go, Bill ; we'd lots
rather hep ye stay.
163xeter .
'I'he'1'rivitt Memorial was open to visit•
ore on Friday and .the Rector organist
gave a short recital' on the organ ab half -
past eleven in the moulting.
V. W. Collins stet with a very painful
aocidentwhile trying to ride a colt be-
longing to A. E. Tennant. The animal
made a suddsn jump and threw bin) aver
her head and then struck him in the Lase
with her front feet, making a large and
painful gash.
D, Gilbert, who has been attending the
Normal school at Flint, Allah., returned
home last week awing to a very large and
troublesome tumor, which has beou grow.
ing for Some tine:eon the eide of his nook.
He underwent an operation and a tumor
the size of a dunk egg was reinoved.
An attempt to, destroy the hxebee Tan-
nery, owned
annery,owned and conducted by Reeve T.
H. MaCalluni and also the banning of the
G. T. it. pomp bouts, near the bridge"
epannitig, the Auk Sauble river were
On the program last week. The lose
to Me, M0Oallnm ie net tenons; but
that of the G. T. R. will amount to about
113701 FfX101la,;
The asseeemont of Mvlffilop, shows the
following ;-eAAM, 52,000 ; yp,lue, 31,817,-
290 ; Monne, 911004 ; numee on roll, 803 ;
days elatete labor, 0838 ; pepelptivtl,
6000 ; cattle,•
001.0 , sheep, 2950 i hogs,
10111 p horesa, 2010'; aoree of Fall wheat,
2688. Canada Oompaay and Detate of
T. T. Opleman own about 8500 aoroe, yet
not in tntwh of an improved state, nowt
Pet to One aoneessien itarose the town.
ebip. Of the 800 names on roll, 000 are
ratepeyere,the °there are only fdr voting
Major Baine, who has been °endued ho
hie room with illness for the peer two
weeke, le ialpreeing.
R. Clegg has erected an addition to his
residence, , Robert Blow has about nam•
pleted the addition to his residence.
C. 0, Baine, eldeeb eon of MejerHaine,
lute panted his Conference examination
this year with flying colors, making 011
average of over 60 per oent, in all sob.
Samuel McOutcheon, who cut his foot
eevertly while taking out timber for
Dane's dam about four weeks ago, was
down town on Montlay of fast week for
the first time sinne the eceident.
Agin Yule, for several yeare a printer
in the Sentinel office, has left for Duluth,
Mi negate.
W. Rivera, formerly of Teeswater, has
taken posseeeion of the shop previously
occupied by Mr. Flood.
It has been decided to ball out the
military for the annual drill, and the
82nd Battalion will drill in London, cone-
nlencin; on the 78tH of Jane,
The Secretary of the Committee foe
the Doming 12th of July celebration in
Lnoknow informs se that a large number
of lodges from both Huron and Brune
counties will be.bere to take part in the
206 anniversary ph the battle of the
Olin ton.
Clinton's pdpnlation is 2461.
Lu. Stevens has gone to Detroit, where
be expecte to reside inIfutnre.
Tboe. Walker has tli`e foundation for
the House of Refuge completed.
Peter Grant, of Cleveland, an old Clin•
Ionian, was vieibing bis termer friends
The London Bisyole Club of seventy -
flys members, recently aeked for figures
for suite for the members, and Jackson
Bene., of town, were the sucoeesful tend..
Cantelon & Hill have completed the
basement tor the addition that is being
made to the Hotel Clarendon. T. Mc-
Keuzie, who has the contract for the
superstructure, will push it forward at
The board of Btrathroy Collegiate had
made an effort to secure the servieee of
Mise L. T. K. MoCetnheon, one of the
teachers here, and sooner then lose her
servicee, our •board felt jestified in giving
her an increase of 0100 a year to her
0. W. Papet has an orange tree in his
store on whioh are three oranges. The
tree was grown in Me. Papst'e conserva-
Workmen are busily engaged clearing
away the ruins of the old Commercial
hotel, preparatory to the erection of the
new building.
Robert Pringle, an old Seaforth boy,
but now a member of the Chioagn stook
exchange, has made 040,000 in the past
two weeks speculating in wheat.
The Tueltersmitb Branch Agricultural
Society have decided to hold their annual
Fall Show in Seaforth on Thursday and
Friday, September 20tb and 27th.
Mr. Passmore, of the Collegiate Insti-
tute, bas been appointed one of the pro-
vincial examiners in permeation with the
midsummer examinations. W. Prender-
gast is aleo one of the provincial examin-
The many friends of Mies Hattie Cole.
man, daughter of Mts. Bebe Coleman,
will be pleased to learn that she has pas-
sed her drat examination for a nurse at
the Hamilton hospital, taping high stand-
ing is ell subjects.
The numerous friends of 08, Prender-
gnst, A, A., will be happy to hear that he
has been enoeessfel in securing a very
responsible 0n0 comparatively Inm•atin%
appointment, namely, boat of one of the
Provincial Iuspeobors of separate sohonle
for theprovinee of Ontario, at a salary of
61,700. The appointment is from the
Ontario Government, Mr, Prendergast
is'an old Tuokeremith boy, who went to
one of the common schools of that town-
ship, after whiob he attended the Collegi-
ate Institute in this town. He after-
ward pasted through the Toronto Uni.
velsiby, taking the degree of B.A.
The Goderich Baseball Club played at
Clinton en May 24th.
By the will of the late Wm. Craf;l,
Knee oburoh receives a bequest of 8100.
The will of the late Judge Toms hos
been entered for probate by .0 T. Garrow,
Q. 0., the widow, Mrs. I. F. Toms, being
sole exeoutreee.
Marlton has received orders from
Dunville and South Bay for 1301 boats,
end will start on them as soon as the oak
ordered for the frames arrives.
G. M. Elliott discovered in a basket of
eggs, delivered by Mrs. Horner, of 001 -
borne, one which tipped''he' beam at 10
esp., and measured 11x83 Mabee.
An early tramp around the book streets
will show the hold 'epee riding baa upon
the feminine portion of our population,
as petted riders and learners may be
seen On every level street,
Geo. L. MoD. Allan, eon of ottr well-
known troth expert, hits been promoted
80 the poeition of ledger keeper, in the
Bankof Commerce, and transferred from
Walkerton to Cayuga. s
G. W. Thomson received intelligence
that, his brother•in•law, Captain H.
Hartley, had been drowned in Lake
3tliuhigan.. The fatality occurred on
%Monday, the 13th inst., just off Iiegosha,
the veseel the deceased commanded going
down in the etorm oh that date. Every
membeeof the crew was lost;
Hugh Munro, the tirayman, sew a
Watch in the mud, which he picked up
and handed to J. H, worsen, It ie anme•
what damaged, the glass being ,broken
and the date bent the ohein, however,'
composed of dollar pleoee joined together,
is atiin jorsd, The owner may easily
reeoguibe the property, es on eaoh dollar
theta is a name, slid on a larser gold Olin
at the -end the date of u marriage.
The upper story ttvo at the repsntly
built stores are being nicely leid Ont 85 .a
dwelling for Dr, Biehardeon,
T1te young man, Angus A, Gordon, Of
Seaforth, charged with theft from 'hie
employer's store, wee arraigned infers
Hie Honor Judge Doyle for sentence.
The 0oanty Attorney having reported
that the previous character of the tweet-
ed had been good,eapreesed the view that
justice would be eerved by discharging
him on eaepended'invonpe. Judge Doyle
addressed Gordon at some length, tett the
position he was placed in, and after, gip
tag him counsel; allowed him to depart
On impended sentence.
Ca`enteral News.,.
Leather grins and announced,,
Buffalo has 80 grain elevators,
The South has 372 gotten mills.
England uses Amerioau borseshoes,
London bus 200,000 factory girls,
Berlin boasts an ambulance cycle,
Uncle Sam has 200 women lawyers.
Laeq year's output of gold, 3200,000,000,
The celluloid oorset gives sabisfaotion,
Most glass oyes oome from Germany.
Michigan is first in copper production.
Eleetrioity he supplanting mules In
Rochester grooera advertise free bread.
Tin mining is England's oldest in-
A sea carte skin brought 31,126 in Lon-
Some London shirt fronts are hand -
London uses 190,123,600 gallons of Wa•
ter daily.
Londoners pay 610,000,000 a year for
leaddioh, England, makes 700,000,000
needles a week.
Great Britain's coal output in 1894
was 188,000,000 tone,
:The Apollinaris spring yields 40,000,-
000 quarts yearly.
Amerioans use 16,003,000 pounds of
minas meat annually.
A balloon recently sent np in Paris
equipped with self:registerin thermom-
eters and barometers reached an altitude
of 10 miles and the thermometer record-
ea 1100 below zero.
In Great Britain 87 municipalities
operate their own railways.
The use of naphtha residues as fuel is
every year increasing in Ruesia.
The number of police in England is as
one to every 730 inhabitants, one to 928
in Scotland, and one to 341 in Ireland.
One of the sights in Seville is the
cigarette factory, in which the Govern•
ment employe nearly 2,000 women and
The newest punotnre proof band for
use on cycles ie made of strips of whale-
bone inserted between the air .tube and
the outer cover.
The oommissioner of the United States.
Patent Oftine reports for the year 1894
30,987 applications for patents, 1,867 for
designs, 2,053 for registration of trade-
marks and 2,286 caveats.
A contract has been made for the con•
etrunticn of the railroad from Keneh to
Asaonan, in Egypt, to be completed by
the end of 1897. There will be a contin-
uous line from Alexandria to the First
Work has been commenced upon the
power plant by which the wafers of the
San Joaquin river will be made to light
the pity of Fresno, Oal., drive the street
ears, run the mills and perform other
things which atom or horse power now
wEnle,6 CURE vRC
Ono cent a dose,
It Is sold on a guarantee by glade,
xt °uraa rnolptont Consumption And 3e the
beet Cough and Crqup Pure,
field by JO. COX, Arneefet, rt rnesels,
Bl'ilislt t'oiunob a.
Red Cedar Shingles
North °41ior'e
rine and Cedar
Brussels Planing Mills
,Alco Doors and Seek of all Pat•
terna on hand or Made to order
at Short Notice,
Eetheatee . Pit ride! for all
' , kinds of Buildings Workman-
. ship mid -Material Guaranteed.
J. & P. AME NT
When you want a Stove, Tin
or Granite -ware, or Hard -
Ware, Paints & Oils,
Hardware Store
Where you will, from
this date, get a
MOOT of FIVE 1111 O�NFi
OfFaIl Cash Purchases.
. Fine Roman, Artists' Can-
vas 111 Stock.
Electric Light Plant "1"/ TO LOA r
The undersigned has tlei3itlefl,
to offer for .sale the Brussels
Electric Light Plant. A first-
class investment can be shown.
Easy terms ; good reason for
selling ; full particulars cheer-
fully furnished on application,
W. 161:. SINCLAIR,
n•n Amount lou
>� nt o f Money t0IA
on F.118111 or Village Pro -
Indy at
6 6' 6i ,Per Cent., Yearly,'
Straight Loanns with privilege of
repaying when required..
Apply to
A. Hunter,
Division Court Clerk, Brands.
Featherbone Skirt Bone.
Style ad Shape
Ladies' Brasses
A light, pliable, elastin bone imide
from quills. It is soft and yielding,. con-
forming readily to folds, yet giving prop.
er shape to Skirt or Dress.
The only Skirt Bone that may be
wet without injury.
The Celebrated Featherbotw Cor-
sets are made with 't1135 material.
For Sale by leading Dry Goods Dealere•
I ® pp
port.. �s �t
We have received the greater part of our Spring Stock of
Boots and Shoes, 'comprising the Finest and most Stylish
Footwear that the market affords. In Ladies' Misses' and
Children's Black and Tan Oxford Ties we are showing ex-
ceptionally good. value. In Ladies' Gaiters, etc., wo have
a fine line which are very popular just now. Ladies'
Misses' and Children's Button Boots in endless variety, at
prices to suit the times.. In Gents' wear we Have all the
leading styles in Dongola, Shell Cord and Calf. Boys'
and Youths' School Shoes at prices that defy competition.
Call and see our Ladies' White Canvas Oxfords.
Rips Sewed Free of Charge•
f n. tt G
Cti11 to the front and this Season want more
For which we will pay Higher Prices than Last Season.
3rd Bargains in Woollen Goode.
You can depend on 05 paying HIGHEST CASH PRICE POSSIBLE, or in ex•
changing Wool for Goods we will pay a few cents extra, owl guarantee to sell goods
at ()ash Prices. See our oboioe range of TWEEDS, made from medium fine wool,
which we offer at 40 cents per yard. (This is a sett seep.) We have lowered our
Southdown Stooking Yarn and all wool 8eil 131enkets 5 cents per lb., also have re-
duced our prioes in other•lines. Before disposing of your Wool we iavite you to oral
or make enquiry and you will fled that the Listowel Woollen Mille offer the beet
value. Our stook is the Largest, Best Assorted and Cheapest in Canada, Come and
try our special line of Fine Wool Flannels at 26 cents, will not shrink in washing.
Give us a triol and we feel satisfied that you will frud you have come to the right fac-
tory wilb your wool. We pay special attention to our custom department in Card•
ing, Spinning, oto. Hoping to have the pleasure of seeing you and your neighbors
this season, we remain, Yours truly,
L:3-'" 'P. S.—Remember we do not employ 013' Peddlers and our goods can be got only
by calling at the Factory, so do not be led astray by Peddlers travelling
through the oouutry claiming to have our Geode.
• Having purchased the Wall Paper stock of Fels. ` oz
and combined it with Illy OWII, I have I10ti' the.
Largest, Cheapest and Best
Display ever made in Brussels.
S iecial Bargains Given during this Month
To save trouble of moving' in connec-
tion with the erection of ne tv store.
Yon can save Dollars by dealing with lea in
Wall Papers, Borders and Window Shades.
Pitnei' Hanging clone in Forst -class :3t.;•li •
W. dl ®OD 4lI /OK.
The best
Corset M.
the Market.
New Spring Dress Goods,
Prints and Ducks.
A. Strachan.
And so is our
Large Stock of
Velo �. _i cry es.
Call in and see thele and get Prices,