HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1895-5-24, Page 8THE BILUSSELJJ JUST Temperance Danks ---aABOUT•�•• Half Pried To better introduce 000 nourishing and healthful beverages, I will until (arbiter notice eels as follows "-Root Beer (temperanoe drink) 8o, per glass or 2 for 50. Jersey Milk Shake, 40, M Milk. So. perr glees or8glees or 2 ffor 100. or 50 Liute Fruit Juice, 4c. per glees or 9 for 10o. 8 assorted for 10c, Theee cool and refreshing direct fromthe refrigera- tor at my Drug mud Book Store, Also orders taken for Jersey Cream at 10o, per pint. Cry. A. DEAD MAN, Drugglst,'Booksellor and Graduate Optician. GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY. 50UT0EBN E:;:2201011 W. G. & 11. Trains leave Brusssle Station, North and South, as follows; Como Soo ou, Goitre NORTa, Nail a.m. Mixed 9;45a.m, Express 7.1:69. a.m.l Mau 6:94 2:18 p.m. Mixed 9:00 pan. i0zprees 9:43 R.M. road. Iteths heals. A chiel's among ye Lakin' notes, An' faith he'll grant it. Con save the Queen. F R1DA1 is a pnblio holiday. SATURDAY of next week will be the let of June. IN AWE out for Howe & Co's. wool a:vb. next week. Dxo you see Mo8ipine's new soda fo'tn. fain ? It's a dandy. FRIDAY being a public holiday the places of business will be closed. Tan label on your paper indioates to what date your subscription is paid. Take a look at it, TUE loom sports have some great ,l•nes with their trotters and pacers on the traok these evening.. Tan lnsuranoe Company has paid over the amount of the policy on the school hoose amounting to 91000. 0oonomToe 11ioCRAoano has shiooed about 9,000 bushels of potatoes 1 com Brussels this year. Mao. should be dubbed "the Potato King." TIM bee keepers of this section rvoort the past Winter a very severe one on Lees, as some have lost all, while others fared with half the number they started the Winter with. CanNa.-So muoh interest has been manifested daring the past year in China that we give a very interesting letter, from Frank Carpenter's pen, on page 6 of this issue. Read it. Tan 83rd Battalion wont go to camp this year. These annual drills are a species of fraud anyhow and the sooner the Minister of Militia does away with them the better for the public treasury. G. A. MADMAN and Jae. Fox have been appointed postage stamp vendors for Brussels. The commission is ridiculous- ly small. To make 1 cent. they have to sell 91.00 worth of stamps. It will be a convenience to the public however. HURON Co. Council will oonvene on Tuesday, Jane 4th, at 8 p. m. Applies. tions will be received by the Co. Clerk, up to the first day of meeting, for the posi- tions of Inspector, Manager, Matron and Physician for the House of Refuge, all of which appointments will be made at the coming session of the Oouuty Council. TEAauEas' INsTrrnrn.- -A union meet- ing of the teachers of Fast and `Pest Huron was held in the Collegiate Insti- tute, Clinton, on the 22nd and 23rd baste., commencing at 10 a. m. on Wednesday. The program embraced papers by Mes- srs. Houston, Cameron, Lough, Shearer, Strang, Musgrove, Weatherhead and In• epeabors Robb and Tom. On Wednes- day evening an entertainment was held in the Town Hall, when Mr. Bigeby de- livered a lecture on "The old schools of England and Thomas Arnold." SUDDEN DEatieio -Last Sabbath morn- ing Dr, Fred. Morden was found dead in his office at Demoestville, a village in Prinoe Edward Co., Cot., about 9 miles from Proton, where the deoeased'e father, Dr. Morden, resides. Dr. Fred. had been about the office as usual that morning, and by the appearance of the body, which was testing on a lounge, death had Dome quickly and quietly. The subject of this notion was a bright young man who graduated about a year ago at Queen's University, Kingston, carrying off the gold medal. He was an older brother of H. J. Morden's, Standard Bank, Brus- sels, wbo left for Pioton on Monday's noon train. Heart failure is Supposed to have been the cause of Dr. Morden's death. OlIATTgLLE.--It is understood that the law will take its course in the on. a of Chattc•lle, the murderer of Jessie Keith, and he will therefore be banged on the 81st inst. No importance is attaobed to the contention put forward by Mr. East, Chattelle's lawyer, that the prisoner is insane, At the trial Mr. East withdrew from the defegoe of the prisoner because Monello wanted another line to be porsned than that whioh the counsel had deoided upon. It felt here that if Mr. East liad any thought that the prisoner was insane he should have raised that point at the trial, and not have with- drawn. The contention of counsel was submitted to Chief Justine Armour for his opinion, and it is said he sees no reason to doubt that the verdict of the jury was not a proper one. DrED,-T115 silent boatmen conveyed the spirit of William 1' egason, over the river of death on Fr lay of last week. Dacteded had dome to 1.1 the a short visit with his daughter, Mrs, Darman Mc. Martin prior to removing to hie daugh- ters at Wiarton. Ile took ill while here and eoneumption did its fell work. Mr. 'Ferguson was 61 yeare, 10 months and 26 days old and 'had 'lived in this County for a good many yeare. Three daughters end two sons survive. The funeral took Orme on 'Sabbath afternoon, from the home of Robt. McMartin. [Lev. G. H. Cobblodiok find Capt. Andrews, of Wing,. ham, took oharge of the service, the mem. bets of the, Army marabing to the come- T tory. A memorial service will be held 0 next Sabbath eveu:ng et the barraoke. M IsliuesBedraas'Me made Serge big Satoh. ea of trout. Orat settles say that the frosts of last week Were the worst for 85 years. TEN now members were added to the 1llaeoabeea'rent, Brunel'', Ole week, Ploron AMIOII's brood mare presented bhp with a foal from "Sidney" Chia week. READ every adv;. Bnsinose 9100 don't advertise for fou, therefore the routine should look for the bargalne offered. Fliler.OLAss stone for building purposes is to be bed tat Brussels quarry and bridge stone that cannot lto beaten. It pays to dee] here. A roar of Broaaeis lktetboeliste attended the revival services being oonduoted at Bolgrave by the Mfsees Hall on Thursday evening of We week. TRIMS are 20 bioyeles owned in Brus• sole. The number of riders is legion. Some ram Iaporb is expnated in the bioyole. rams on the Queen's Birthday, COMM Platnner ALRnoiutua, 0. 0, F., Brnnsela, will be represented at the High Court, which meets in Hamilton next month, by A. Reid and A, Romig, Paris oell for benders for the new Pablio, School building appeared in the Toronto papers 00 Tuesday, It is time the work was started now as the old building was burned on the 25th of March. Doe'T forget that the Free Reading Room will be open every afbornoou and Wednesday and Saturday evenings each week during the months of June, July and August, Daily and weekly papers, magazines, So„ on file. Tan item in School Board minutes, last week, concerning the payment of Mies Joan Rosa, for teething, should have read supply for Mise Braden instead of Mise Downey, It was during Mies Bradeu's illness that the work was done. CEMETERY, -Persons are warned that all locating of graves or lots and grave digging in Brussels cemetery must be done under the supervieion of Caretaker Armstrong, Io strictly observing this notice future trouble will be saved. By order of Cemetery Committee. Josmrs's COAT KNOCKED 031T. -D. S. Ritchie, the rollicking bill poster, of Elora, was in town on Wednesday of this week booming the Stratford raaes,on Jane 11, 12 and 18, He wore'', piotur• esque uniform that puts Joseph's goat of many colors oompletelyin the shade. BRUSSELS GUN' OLUR.-Last Monday evening the annual meeting of Brussels Gun Club was held at the Queen's hotel There was a good attendance of the mem• hers and after the .finanoee .for the past year had be"n satiafaotorily adjusted the following wets eleoted office bearers for the next year : President, W. M. Sinclair ; Vioe-President, Jas. Jones ; Store° -v-Treasurer, Jas. Irwin; Manag;af Committee, J. T. Ross, Jos, Balla,:;yne, and D. C. Ross, The Club will have their flratpraotioe on the morning of the Queen's Birthday, and thereafter every Friday evening dar- ing the -Summer. There is some talk of the rap won by Seaforth at the Mit. shell tournament last Summar, being put up for competition among the clubs of this district, and if it is Brussels olab is going after it. G To 1.-A. one sided game of football was played on Victoria Park, Brussels, Tuesday evening, between the home (dub and the Wroxeter team, During the first half time the honors were very even. ly divided, Brussels scoring the only goal, but before the hour and a half was up 5 more had been added, with many goal shots warded off by the good work of Davidson. Just at the conclusion of the time Wroxeter' got one goal. The officers of the club would do a good act if they'd shut off the "ohin music" of the juveniles who have twice too much to say. Following are the naives of the respective players :- nRU955L8. DosIT 01 micanTER. Grimoldby Goal Davidson ,rackson 1 Backs, Molirath Sample , 0 ............... Rnas r. Ferguson McLeod And arson Half Books Paulin McDougall ......... Martin Wynn Centre lie -Swan R. Ferguson ... 1 L Wing Farrell Mateo f 1..........,. Brawn Shaw ff Thompeoa Stewart j B. Wing l Miller BALL JUBILEE Toom'E.-The Bail Family, consisting of Mr. and Mrs. Ball, three daughters and two sons, gave.an entertainment in the Town Hall, Erue- sels, on Monday. evening of this week which attracted a good sized audience who enjoyed the program of jubilee songs; sterioptioan lime light views from scenes in the story of 'Unole Tom's Cabin" ; and interesting historical sketches and incidents of the days of slavery. Little Miss Sophy sang "My first music lesson" in capital style, and she and Freddie gave the duet;, "Bobby Shafbo" equally well. The Ball Family give a good entertain- ment are well worthy of publio patronage. The lime light views are exceedingly good. The company went from here to Blyth. 6 OAns.-Tuesday of this weeek Mame. Clegg & Dames made a large shipment of export cattle from Brussels, 6 cars in all. There were many specially flue animals in the lot. J. Robb, Morris, sold 9 head that averaged over, 1,350 pounds ; A. Hislop, 4 head averaged 1,400 ; J. Hislop, 6 heed averaged 1,428 ; W. Work, 4 bead averaged 1,312; J. Johnston, 8 head averaged 1,410, The following were the respective weights :- NA1iE, 0EAU. wEIORT. Dennis, 9 Johnston, 4 McCallum, 4 13opper, 4 Davidson, 2 Taylor, 5 Christopher, 1 Campbell, 1 Robb, 9 Ireland, 8 Work, 4 Johnston, 8 Glasser Tiros., 2 Walker, 4 Hislop, 4 Hislop, 6 Work, 2 MoColl, 2 Clark, 8 McCracken, 4 Shaw, 2 Warwiok, 3 Bone, 2 McDonald, 6 McDougall, 4 Anderson, 1 Proctor, 8 McDonald, 5 Rolland, 2 Haslam, 5 (Jeerer, 2 111,00 4,760 5,780 3,650 2,490 6,080 1,120 1,220 12,200 9,210 5,250 4,280 2,260 4,700 5,600 8,540 2,500 2,650 4,080 4,880 2,850 8,740 2,420 5,100 5,040 090 3,280 6,480 8,400 6,880 2.250 he cattle Were shipped froth Montreal n Friday and were a000mpanied by mete, Agnew & IRoberteon, For woric le being done on Brusssle belt mile trach end not a few of tile horses training here will make 1r good showing in the Rummer rases, "Zilch" woe taken to Sarrioton on Wednesday 90 oomtteto in the rao09 011 the 24111 1net, "Queen" and ',Nellie Gale" will take part in the rem at Mit- ehell cu the gams day, usiness Locals. Mogen maiden eeoda, alover and Limo• thy at MoOraoken'o. Fog onto.aovered buggy, good as new. I. 0, Riobarde Dwrr.LoNo to rent over my shore, Poe. session can be given 4th of June, I, O. Itiahards. Fon BALE. -A good B flab clariouet for sale, in exoelleut oondibion l 910. Apply 0. R. Tueon, London,. BATHS. Jersey lee dream, oonfeotionory, nute, bananas, &o., Summer drinks &o. at I1'Ira. 1';irk'a. Opposite Quoen'e hotel, Brussels. We sell 25 cent bottles of beat shoe dressing for 20 ciente ; 16 cent bottles for 10 cts. ; two 10 cent bottles for 15 Ole. I, C. Richards. Wirrmn BONANZA OATS for seed at Tay for c2- Smillio's, The: 'earliest in the market, a'teeted at the Model Farm last yec&tsoll's Oars, the great cough and croup cure, is in great detnaad. Pocket size contains twenty -flus doses ; 'only 26 cents. Children love it, Sold by Jas. Fox, druggist, Brussels, KAso's Clover Root will purify your blood, clear your ooinplexion, regulate your bowels and make your bead olear ae a bell. 25 ote., 60 ote. and 9100. Sold by Jas. Fox, druggist, Brussels. 5 LINOS ON R. AND L. -I find the people around here prefer Dr. Chase's Kidney. Liver Pills to any other I have in stook. They are a wonderful pill. Send me 3 dozen at once, I am nearly out. P. S. -- Send by post, J. W, Ireland, Gourook. Axons PLowa.-'Engh Williams & SOD are the Agents for the well known Fleury plows. They also keep all the necessary repairs. Call at Williams' Livery Stable, Brussels. The Fleury plow received' the gold medal and diploma at the World's Fair, 0AITAIN Sweeney, U. S. A., San Diego, Cal., says :-"Shiloh's Catarrh Remedy is the first medioine I have ever found that would do me -any good." -Price 00 mute. Sold by Jas. Fox. druggist, Bros.. sole. 3. Wells has reduced the fee ul in, wo0dt-rtnItrotting bores,°Allan Wilkes" to 915.00, which should be ap- preciated by all lovers of a good horse. He is not only a well-bred horse but a good individeal. Can be seen at Qneen'a Hotel stables every Tuesday. SODA. WATER FOUNTAIN. -3. MoAlpiue hes, at considerable cost, put cue of them into his restaurant and can now put up. the best Sommer drinks known. He has reduced ice orsam to'30 cents a quart and will give very epeoial rates in fruits and oonfeotionery to pia-nio and evening. parties. WELL-DroerNG AND DRILLING. -George Birt has all the necessary machinery for digging and drilling wells and ie proper - ed to attend to all work entrusted to him in a way that will insure satisfaction. Wells cleaned out and put in proper share. Terme reasonable. Residence second door north of the bridge, west side of Turnborry et., Brussels. 84-tf Famines wanting hardy, native stook to plant this coming Fall or Spring may pay for it in work, We want men with or without experience on full or part time. Salary and expanses or commis- sion. Write at canoe for further infor- mation. Brown Brothers' 00., Conti• Dente' Nurseries, Toronto, Ont. 48.8m Wzmx house cleaning and the cold snap is over take a walk to my new greenhouse and see my new stook of house and bedding plants, all new varie- ties. Also a good -assortment of annual flowers for bedding out. I have several kinds of cabbage and cauliflower planta, early and late, a fine lot of tomato plants se usual, oelory fn season. All of the very best quality. Taos. KcnLx. A CAUTION'I A WARNING I -If, . on blowing the nose In the morning, lumps and flakes are discharged oolored with blood, especially on one side, lose no time in applying a remedy. Catarrh of the very worst kind has become seated, the walls are sore and full of small ulcers, and if not soon cured, will be hard to 0000 and eradicate. "A stitch in time saves nine." Use Chase's Catarrh Cure. r"3. OR7:7 13a1GLEr.-In Ethel, on May 16th, the wife of Mr. David Badgley of a eon. Jaumsoo.-In Brussels, on May 0th, the wife of Mr. David Jamieson, of a daughter, SExtroon--I11 Mitchell, on May 1st, . the wife of Mr. Samuel Seymour of triplets -all girle. S2ARR1-1=12D, CLARK -Mos. -At Belgrave, on May 22nd, by Rev. Ito. Higley, Mr. Thos. Clark, of Morris, to Miss Boy, of Grey. OAaim0EW,-Ara]N.-At Carlton, Minne- sota,' on May 8tb, by Rev. 3. A. Paige, Mr. James D. Campbell, of Mahtowa, Min., to Mise Jessie A., daughter of Mr. Charles Allen, of Oarlton, =Z NE. JAaa5aoN-.In Brussels, on May 16th, Irene, infant daughter of David and Alma J. Jamieson, aged 7 days. Mnxnes,-In Listowel, on 12th May,1895, Angeline Meyers, aged 41 years, 3 menthe, and 2 days. Deas000a.-In MoKillop, on May 16th, Susan Drieooll, aged 94 yeare. FNneusoi,-In Brussels, on May 17th, William Ferguson, aged 61 years, 10 monthe and 26 days. 0331.1rmg>✓2.5 S.iA14R9+2,0, Fall Wheat 85 87 Spring Wheat 85 87 Barley. 40 48 Peas 58 60 Oats 88 85 Wool 17 19 Butter, tubs and rolls 11 00 Dggs per dozen 8 9 Flour per barrel 8 00 8 50 Potatoes.......... 80 00 Hay per ton 7 00 00 Hideo trimmed. 8' 00 Hides rough 2 2i Salt per bbl., retail..,1 00 00 Sheep skins, each 20 40 Lamb skins each 16 40 Apples per bbl , 1 52 1 25 Hogs, Live ....... 4 50 4 75 Hoge, Dressed 5 25 00 cierairowitonawastaarwar IJ.L 4✓Y D4.L 7) ,L. eIX[a, OF 0.4X,11)4, ¥'T 24, 1801 ,00rOPM.,ca-73,1,"'Ts=--Z:Cafla HEAD OPFIOE. - TORONTO. QAPI7'A1Z (Authorized) ASSETS, ken $2,(Seven MilDollars) ' , $7,000: 000,000000orized) - ,dpeneles in all prdncipal pants in Ontario, Quobeo, Manitoba, United Stoke d' Ilftpiend, Varma S 2S P 3Y1`e1 '. A General Banking Business Trausaoted, Farmers' Robots Discounted, Drafte leaned and Collections made on all points, SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT. Interest allowed on deposits of $1,00 and upwards from dot of deposit to date of Withdrawal and compounded half yearly, SENOIA1 ATTENTION CORN TO TSN COMMOTION OF FARMERS' SALE NOTEd, Everyfa0ilty afforded Customers 1101113 at a dintauoe, J. A. STEWART, MANAONo. svwwwwPowsiosnannewonessomsnmenwsnowssmsswownon Cf& SMITE, R , 1€31ZITSS.MDS, Transact 10 General Banking'i•iusiness. Drafts; Bought and Sold, on all points in Canada, United States aztd Great Britain. FARMERS NOTES :DIRLOUNTED.. SALE NOTES AND MORTGAGES A SPECIALTY. & mal9ws Dams'P.I V °4'wirA' P. Interest Allowed on One Dollar and Upwards at Currant Rates. Interest Com- pounded Twioe a Year, Being Added to the Principal at the end of the Months, of October and April. Special Arrangements made for Time. Deposits. 1Tc effect to 'write Insurance in old English or comedian Companies, ' or In Mut. 1131 Companies' as may be desired. AGENTS: FOB CANADA Alin UNITED STATES ; TRE CANADIAN BANN OF 001ISIEROE CREME Mourns.. -Ingersoll, Ont., May 21. -Offerings to -day, 2,020 first half May make ; sales, 624 at 6 I -16o ; 680 at 04o. Large attendance. Market dull. A resolution was unanimously adopted by the Board disapproving of the branding of the month and day on cheese. -Belleville, Ont., May 21, -At the cheese board to -day, the offerings were 1,316 white and 1,245 colored -total, 2,- 560 boxes. Sales, 110 Colored at 6 5.16c, said 30 white at *I.-Madoo, Ont., May 2L -Twelve factories boarded 745 oheeee here to -day ; 6}o was bid, but no Bales, Tonoxro, May 20. -Market little chang- ed. Wheat -Red and white wheat west may be quoted nominally at 90o. There were no straight bids at that reported, but sales could probably have been made there. Holders asked 95o for No, 1 hard, Toronto and west ; one lot of 10,000 bus- hels scoured wheat sold west at 92a, This is equal to about 950 for No. 1. Holders of wheat afloat Fort William could not be Mduced to offer. Flour -Some holders now asking $4.75 for patents, and 94.50 for bakers, but others still quote 94.65 and 94.40 ; Ontario straight roller is held ab $3.25. Peas -No. 2 C. P. R. west quoted at 60o, and odd care to millers bring rather more. Oats -Gar lots of white sold high ; freights west at 864c, and mixed at 360 ; cars of white middle freights west, at 38oand mixed at 360 ; oars of white middle freights west quoted at 37o. Barley feed scarce and firm at 46o outside; good malting grades are in some demand at 48o and 40c, outside. Rye -Cars outside in demand at 57c. Eger BUFFALO, N. Y., May 20. -Cattle -Receipts about 98 cars, all sold. Mark. et opened with a fairly active demand for nearly all kinds. Hogs -Receipts, 124 oars. Market a shade easier for light grades and Yorkers. Yorkers, light to good, 94.60 to $4.65 ; good mediums, 94.70 to $4.85 ; common to good heavy ends, 94.85 to 34.5o ; rough, 94 to 84.25 ; pigs, 94.00 to 94,65 ; stags, 93 to 98.75 ; Sheep and lambs -Receipts, 84 oars ; market fairly votive ; clipped sheep, choice to export wetbers, 94.50 to 94.90 ; fair to good mixed, 38.60 to $4.25 ; com- mon to fair, 93.25 to $3.60 ; oulls, $2.26 to 98.25 ; olipped lambs, fancy export, 95.50 to $5.80 ; good to oboioe, 95.50 to $5.80 ; fair to good, $4 to 94.60 ; spring lambs, common to choice, 93.75 to $5.70. Moxxne1i,, May 20. -The offerings at the east end abattoir to day were over 500 cattle, 650 oalves, 150 sheep, 501ambs, 60 lean hogs and about 75 young pigs. The demand was equal toi'the supply for everything except the small pigs. The attendance was good and the bone of the market is steady. Cattle for export brought from 8io to 5o ; calves, $1.60 to 96 eaob ; sheep, $8.76 to $6.50 ; Iambs, $2.50 to 34.26 ; lean hogs, from 35.50 to 910 ; small pigs, 75o to 32,50 eaob, and fat hogs, 5o to 6te per lb., live weight. The receipts at the Canadian Pacific stook yards for the week ending May 18 were 2,600 cattle, 322 sheep and techs, 195 oalvea, 2,554 hogs, and 104 horses, nearly all of the latter being for the Eng- lish markete.. The most of the cattle end eight carloads of the hogs oame from Manitoba, and were in the hands of ship- pers. There avers about 1,000 live hogs at both abattoirs this morning. The above figures do not include the arrivals at the Point St. Charlet" stook yards for the past week, as the clerk refuses to give them. THE PEOPLE'S COLUMN. BRUSSELS POST OFFICE Savings Bank takes Deposits Froin $1,00 to 91,000 and ellewe 34 per cont. interest. T. FABS W, 37.91.11 Postmaster.. AGENTS WANTED WHO DE - 13/1110 to ecru from $15 to $25 weekly. It aim bedews selling our hardy,guecanteel3 Canadian growth Nursery Stook. Salary or oommiselon paid weekly. Pxolusive tem'. once tory. fop Bbermeandoome outfit free. Write u5 at. E. 0, GRAB AM, Nurseryman, 41.14 Toronto, Ont, Q TEAYED FROM THE PREM - t.. -7 gene of the nndorsigned,Lot 25, Oon, 8, Grey on or about May 14th, four head of yearling cattle. Three Of them aro rod in color and the other'.gray. Any information eadingto their recovery will be thankfully Medved. 388. LAIRD', P ropPr��ietor. 45.M Ethel P, 0. I.44ARM FOR SALE. -THE UN- Dlrn010NED Offer's his 75 acro farm for Sale, being East part of Lot 28, Con.18, Grey, About .00 aurae cleared, balance bush, Good frame boleo, bank barn, 45x55 feet, orchard well, &o. In. goad hale of oultivatlon anti well fenced. .Poseeealon after ba'rvest, Per furtherlypfotioulare as to Prince, terms, 4G 4p DVNCAN b 07501119, rtvUraok 1.t, 0, rElWO COWS FOR SALE. I JL w111 sell reasonable two registered Jer- sey cows. Guaranteed' bo give satisfaction:,': Ales two Jersey Heifers. G. A. DEADMAN, Brussels, Ont, STONE ! STONE ,1 Any quantity of Building, corner, Rubble, Sill and Bridge Stone for Sale Quarried and readyfor loading at Brussels Quarry. For price and terms amply to JAO. MITCHELL, 87.tf Box 150 Brussels. 1.71011 SALE. --THE UNDER - ..L 510x150 offers for. sale 1 coveredbuggy nearly sew; 1 set single haruosa; a quantity of hemlock lumber, different kinds ; also a quantity Of elm, squared and nneg0arsd, from 13 to 24 feet long, 'will square from 10 to 12 inches. Apply to WM. MARTIN, 42 4 - Flora. street, Brussels. FARM FOR SALE. -THE UN- _DEnaIaNED offers for sale his 50 acre farm being West half of North half of lot 14, eon. 8, Morris, There is a good log house, with frame kitchen; bank barn ; or- chard.; well, &o. 40 acres cleared and under' gond state of cultivation, Possession given next November. For further particulars as to pride. terms 00., apply on the premises to R0'BERII'.13TGHI48,Proprio tor, 44.1.0 - . or Brussels P.O. COURT OF REVISION. '�J TOWNSHIP OF GRAY.•. Notice is hereby given that the Munieipal Connell of the. Corporation of the Township of Grey, County of Huron, will meet as Court of Revision at LONG'S HOTEL, ORAN- BROOK, on MONDAY, May 27th 1895, at 11 11, In, Parties interested Will govern themselves accordingly. WM. SPENOE, Clerk. HURON COUNTY COUNCIL. The Council of the Corporation of the County of Huron will meet at the °dine room in. the Town of Goderioh on Tuesday. rho 411t Dity of :rune. at 8 o'clock p. no. On, Thursday, the 8th day of 001,0, at 8 o'clock p, m., a spcetal meeting is called for passing the proposed By -Law to raise, by way of loan, $12,000 for the purpose of establishing a House of Refuge, Up to the first. day of meeting epnlioations will be received by the Clerk for .the posi- tions of Inspector, Manager, Matron and Physician for the House of Refuge, W. LANE, Co. Olork. Dated May 91st, 1805 BULL FOR SERVICE. -THE undersigned will keep for service on Lot 7, Oen, 8, Morris,the thor0tbred Dar. hem bull "Red Roble.' 'forma -x1.25 to be paid nn December. lst,1895. J. CLEGG, A. G. EA5010, 41. in Proprietor. Lot 7, Con. 5. LoAR FOR SERVIOE.-THE Undersigned will keep for service on Lot 17, Don. 14, Grey, the ;hero' -brat Im- ported Yorkshire boar, "Felix Ord," brad by J. 0. Brethonr, Burford, Ont., IVorbd'sFair prise winners. Pedigree may be seenan application. Terme-81.00 bo bo paid at the time of service With privilege of returning ]f necessary. L. MONEIL, 44.4 Proprietor, Auction Sale -Ol- KNCX CHURCH. The property known as lOnox Church, Brussels, comprising Lobs 149 and 150, John street,aoutaining ;4. aace, more or less, to- gether with a largo frameoburab thereon, will be sold by Public Auction on FRIDAY, JUNE 7TH, 789,5, at 2 o'clock p. m. .13y order of Trustees, TH08, STRAOHAN,1 44-4 ROBT, B'ORNS, )Trueb cos. D. 0. ROSS, 1 Notice to Creditors. IN TIM SURROGATE COURT OF Tan 000)1101 OF HUlioN, IN 10010 ESTATE OF OwoN Sarni:, DE01100011. 1. Notice ie berets slush pursuant to ebapler 110, R,'8, 0., (1887) and amending rues Iliat all oredttors and other persons having claims against the estate Of the above named. Owen Smith deceased, who died on or about bhe Fifth day of May, 1894, are required bo deliv- er or send bypoat, prepaid toJohn J, Staph, ens, Teamster, Solloitor for James Jackson and John McCartney, the Executors of the deceased on or before the Pleat Lay of July 189s, a statement in writing containing the names, addresses and deeoriptious and full particulate of their olefins and the nature of their eeouritioe (if any).h eld by them, and in do fault thereof' and no soon lifter the said 1st day of July asthe same oaube conveniently done, the 0010]Oxeoutors will proceed to clip tribute the assets. of the Raid deceased among the parties entitled • thereto, having regard only to tooclaims of which they shall then have had notion and they will not be liable for the meets of said oetato or' any. part thereof So distributed to any person of Whose olefin theay, have notlradnoticeat the time Of such distribution, Dated at 1 eeswaser, May 20 1895, 3OHN 3. fltreehENB, 45.5' Solioltor 102 Itixeoutore, x s 0 We strive to keep ail the 'Latest 1'atoilt Medicines of the day ;•--NO-To•Bao ; Iiia• kapoo Medicines ; South American Nor. vine Tooio ; PaSkola ; Aguow's Mart Ours; Agnow's Catarrh Cure; Wood, ward's Oelei y King ; Manley's Celery Nerve Compound ; Malbins Fioparations.. Pure Paris Green and 1=lellobore AT Fox's Drug sore, 011001an Quon)1's Homo. fa -N. B, -Wo seg Postage Stamps, LEGAL AND CONVEYANCING. L. TAYLOR, BARRISTER, e. Solidi/or and Conveyanoor, doileo.• kions made. Office-Vanatone'eBboek, 13rus• eels... 31.em M. SINCLAIlt,' r 9' • Senator, Conveyancer ,Notary Pub - lie, 00. t Hostons'e 105 1 doer north of Central Hotel, Private Block, to Loan. GF. BLAIR, BARRISTER, Solioitm', 00. (late of Garrott, Proudfoob's:. Office, Goderioh.) Office over Gillies & Smith's Bank, Brussols., Money to Loan, 47 DENTAL.. DR. DAVIDSON, Honor Graduate Toronto University, Lioentiate'Royal CollageDental Surgeons, Crown and Bridge work a specialty, Moder- ate Fees, Satisfaction Assured. Oflioo over Barrett's barbershop, Turnborry St., Brus- sels. VETERINARY. !�D.'WARWIOK, . Honor Graduate of the Ontario Veterinary College, Is prepared to treat all diseases of domesticated animals in a com- petent manner. Particular attention paid to veterinary dentistry. Calls promptly at- tended to. 05105 and Infirmary -Four doors north of bridge •rurnberry st., Bremen. ' MEDICAL CARDS. T A. MoNAUGHTON, M. D. V . O. M., L.R. 0.P., 7Edinburgh,M: C. P. 5.. Ont. Residence and race in Wfleon'e. Bloc it, corner of Mill and Taruberry Ste. JIrl. ARMSTRONG, M. D. • Phybi elan, Surgeon, A000ttohar, etc, Graduate of Toronto 'University 'Medical Faculty. Member of College. of Pbysioians and Surgeons, Ont. OFFroo-Next-door to. McDonald Si Co., Walton Olft, BUSINESS CARDS. VV H. MoORACKEN, • I.earer ofMar cage Licenses. Office otitis Grocery, Turnborry street. Brussels. R - Tonsorial Artist. Sloop -Next door N. BARRETT, south. of 1.. N./Molloy & Co's hardware store. Ladies'and ohildrsus hair cutting a specialty ROBERT CUNNINGHAM- IN5DRAN0E, FIRE AND MARINE. GUELPH. WELLINGTON MUTUAL IN- .suRANOE Co. Netabllshed 1840, In - Entrances effected on all Town and Farm Property at very loco rates. 15.8m J. A. OARS nt, Arse els. ALEX. HUNTER, Clerk of the Fourth Division Cour Co. Huron. Conveyancer, Notary Public Land Loan and Ineurnnoe Agent, .Fnnde invested and to loan. Oolleotione made Office In Smale'eBloak,Bruseols MISS O'CONNOR, R. T., Teacher of instrumental music. on Piano or Organ. Will visit Wingham Tues- day and Wednesday of each week, Reel - deuce on Princess Street, Brussels. rp A. HAWKINS, M. 0. S. 81. Organist . in 8t. John's Church, Bras seta, and pupil, in the Art of Teaohiug, of A.. W.Thayer,Mus.11oo., Now York, will give lessons to prlpiTo either on plana or organ, at hie parlor over A, R. Smith's store, Brun. sels, Vocal lessons also glveu. Terms mod. orate, AUCTIONEERS. GEORGE I1IRI BY, LiceusedAuctioneer. Sales conduct ed on reasonable terms, Farms and farm stook a enooialty. Orders left at TEE POST Publish lag Douse ,Bruasels,orswat o Walton. P.O., will receive prompt attention, S. SCOTT A.5 AN AUCTION. 'pi • REM, will soil for bettor prices, to better mon, in less title and loss charges than any .other Auctloneor 1n' nest Huron or he won't charge anything. Dates and orders can always be arranged at this ollioe or by Personal application. REAL ESTATE, FARMS FOR SALE. -THD UN. aniter0NED has several good Farms for sale and to rent, easy Corms, in Townabipps of Morris and Orel,. F 8.. 800TT,Bruesels COMF0TA.BLE BRICK RReuse for Sale or to Renton Turn - berry street, Brbsn's. Immediate possess. ion, Gond stable, well, oisborn, 4 acro of.'. ]and, fruit trete, £o, Apply to MRK, R. WALKER, 41- 140. 81, John Street, Bruesolar. OUSE AND LOT FOR SALE, "1h0 subscriber offers her boucle and lot. on John Street for sale, There are 8 room3,in filo 'louse, Woodshed, hard and soft water, &o. There is 4 care of land with fruit treesandreurrant bushee, alto. tt geed stable, For terms and aonditione of sale apply to MIt8. 11.108.I' 08. IMAYOROF. 37.2in Brussels.