The Brussels Post, 1895-5-24, Page 7t MAY 24, 189-6 TSF 13 WEI AQ/4$ 4. I) QQN, OTT.9, TRE ill �i TAT A NUTSHELL r to deal with aortein Saotelt bills. Sir 1 Pj ig 11 t) lil ,ti. J. U J, SHEJJL Donald MacFarlane said :- '"If kha mAtter The-etrei•n between the 130,MM* mud' ie further delayed the Sootoh Liberal French governments, growing cut of rho'Meorhe s will bave to reconsider their warning osrved by the former that French 'MR VERY LATEST WoR FROM ALL OVER Wildon towards the veered tGovernmhat Sir William Harcourt answered thak St woo uvaeion of the Upper Nile valley would bo regarded es an uhfriendly mete has not been relieved, • The French foreign °Moe insists that: England has no rights hi the old itbedivel dominions not possessed by France, the sultan of Tarkey holding the suzerainty of the whole region, and de, monde that England, as the first step tQ any understanding, shall define what she claims to be the boundaries ot her sphere of influence. As the Paris government is sand to be supported in thie posttmn by Belgium, and also to have the sympathy of the Ger. man foreign o6ioe, British polioy has receiv- ed a cheek; though ibfe stated that some of the mombere of the Roeebery cabinet tavor making a decisive deolaration, claiming the whole Nile valley to be within the British sphere. The dispute will,' no doubt, be settled by diplomacy, but the continual sontenbion between the two governments and the bitter feeling of the French is re. garded by en increasing alaee, in ,England ism 50 fruitful a source not only of embar- rassment, but of danger that some form o compromise is demanded. It is urged that the irritability of France at every point in the world at whioh she comas into contact � with England, and especially in Africa, is . due to her belief that the latter ie trying o prevent her expansion and to deprive her of a fair share pf tropical dependencies, and that for this belief there is consider, able baeis of fact. _— As there is no doubt at all that France bas not obtained a fair where of: Africa, and that the chief cause of her irritability just now is her belief that England has taken advantage of her isolation in Europe to out her out of that share, it is urged that the true basis of settlement is such a repartition of the continent as would sat• iefy Franoh ambition in that quarter. Such a partition, it is olaimed, would give England Eastern Africa from Egypt to the Cape, including Madagascar, and to Franee Northern and Western Africa, including the Niger valley and the hinter. land of Tunis and Algeria. Stroh a division would be best for both governments, because from her position in Asia England must largely settle and administer Eastern Africa from. India, and because the French people, owing „to their indisposition to emigrate to remote colonies and to send soldiers there, want their dependencies near home. Under this partition, they would not only have a great colonial em. • pire, but one within easy reach of France while England would get what else wants andmust have ill the end—an empire stretching the whole length of Africa, and one whose frontier touched at no point with tnat of her rival. Of course, in such a division both governments would have to give and take, -and there would be many different interests to compensate ; but were it effected, it would not only enable each nation to devote all Its efforts to the • development of its great dependency, but by separating them, and so removing causes ofiriction, would prove the basis of an enduring peace, China seems to be standing in a tremb- lingpoature between his satanic majesty and the deep sea. If she accepts Japan's terms of peace that country will be satis- fied, but the discontented spirits in China will revolt. It, on the other hand, China rejects the peace proposals, Japan will continue her victorious aggressiveness, and will take possession of Pekin. Leak of a steadfast purpose has been China's. ruin, There is no patriotism among the Celestials, but there is among them a autfi0ient am- ber of turbulent mischief makers to comae •• trouble whichever way the Government playa its game. There are many Chinamen who desire the downfall of Li Hung Chang. If the peace arrangements that he has made have provided them with a weapon with which to overthrow the man they detest, they will not hesitate to bring further misery upon their country. Frorn every point of view the situation in the East at present is fuller of siartliug possi- bilities than it has Been since war wa deal ared. Inferesl Ina hems Monet Our own Country Street lirllain, the United States, and All Paris er Ase Globe liondetrsetl and entirely open to members to reeonslder their position, treed]) sTATse, The police creme made on May let thew deserted fir Ynxy lteadlug. that the population of the city of I3uflble is OANADA, 336,70s. nt of the The Bieley team will sell from Montreal B auGardene'lin Wth, nahingtou� ltnehe'd by ilio Parisian on June 22, the place to for forty•tkreel years, The London School Board will ask The Journal of. Commerce eebimatee the for' . $34,100 to provide more eocommoda• .fire loss for the United States and Canada tion, during April at $11,018,150, The annual report of the A'ldilia De- Four thousand immigrants arrived at pertinent aoeorde high praise to the To- Ellie Island, New York, on Saturday, This ronto battalions, is largest arrival in one day since June' The dedioabion of the I0ngsten statue 8 189?the, to Sir Jobe Macdonald will take plane in ProfassoF J. T. Rothrock is authority for September (18 October„ the statement that 16,000,000 aures of land The Dominion Ouetoms Department has it. Pennsylvania were sold for non-payment deoided that pig aluminum ie dutiable et of taxes last year. ora o :wan per United States IPootolfice Department Guelph's water main burst in the East has taken steps to secure and destroy all Ward on Saturday, and the city water supply was completely shut oft. Last year three hundred and'twentysiix Tassels, having a tonnage of twenty-one thousand tone, were built in Canada. theto f twenty cent The C.P.R. station at MaoLeod,N, W.T., was entered by burglars on Saturday night, and about one thousand dollars secured. The balance in the Dominion Government Savings Banks on April 30 was $17,055,044, f 20 0 duringthe mouth o a 0 . a degauss $ , Mr. T. 0. Patteson has shipped from Montreal a team of horses for the Prince of Wales and another .for Lord Lane- downe. - The city. of Hull, Quebec, added $80,000 to its debt during the past year, and 0the treasurer estimates a larger deficit for next year. Mr. Joseph Olivier Joseph, B.C.L., Q.O., Dalton to repair trestles washed out by the has been appointed Judge for the District cloudburst. A bridge that had been wash. of Montreal, to succeed the late Judge ed away, leaving only the unsupported Barry. track and ties, let the train into the water Albert Dorton, who was caught stealing below with', all on board. The engine was registered' lettere from the Montreal Post- buried to the hell in the torrent. One man office, has been sentenced.te three years in is thought to have been drowned and the penitentiary. • several were hurt.' At a mass meeting in Hamilton several From the tenor of telegraph despatches resolutions were passed oonde,nning im- in the business centres throughout the moral theatrical exhibitions and certain United. States there is 8. general improve. "sporting" practices. meet in trade. There is a general improve- ment in prices of the leading staples, and an upward movement is experienced all round.' Iron, sugar, print, clothe, flour, and other leading lines are all firm at advanced figure. The reverse of the story is, as usual, labor disputes; these are disturbing various lines of industry, where —without these troubles—prospects would be good. As it is, prospects are regarded as more than fair by most business men. The Queen's Drawing -Room. A despatch from London says :—With bright sunshine and a cool breeze, which raised clouds of dust, the approaches to Buckingham palace we're thronged on Wednesday long before thehour fixed fo the opening of the drawing -room by a treble file of carriages along the Mall, waiting totake their occupants to what even then appeared to be the most brilliant Royal display of the season. •Theproces- elan to the throne -room included the Prince of. Wales, the Duke and Notices of York, the Marquis and Marchioness of Lorne (the Princess Louise), the Duchess of Albany, the Duke of Cambridge, and the Duke of Saxe Weimar, It is long since there has been such an assemblage of Royalty in London, The Queen•Rsgeut of Holland and the little Queen of Holland went to the palace, but they did not attend the actunl drawing -room ceremony. The Queen sent a epeeist carriage to Brown's hotel to fetal) them to Buckingham palaao, so as to enable the young Queen to see her Majesty arrayed in her robes of State. The United States Ambassador, the Hon. Thomas 1, Bayard, Mre. and Mise Bayard, accompan- ied by coompan-ied,by Lieut. -Commander W. S. Cowlts, the United States naval attache, attended the drawing•room, Fierce War Between Tribes. the counterfeit two-oent postage stamps recently unearthed in'Ohioage. Six persons were probably fatally burned by the explosion of a gasoline stove and the fire which followed in a sweat shop as 1,424 Pratt street, Baltimore. The Texas State Treasury, when it closed on Monday night, was announced iheolvent by Treasurer Wortham. He says it will be next January before the State will be on a oneb basis again. John Roger, the sculptor, has presented to the city of. Manchester, N. H., a statue of Abraham Linooin. It is a seated figure of plaeter, larger than life, and was upon exhibition at the Wor1da Fair, where it took a prize. The Wheeling & Brie wreck train left Massillon, Ohio, on Saturday to go to It ie stated that Principal Peterson, of Dundee College, has been offered' the principalship of McGill University in. Montreal and that he will probably accept. The public revenue of Canada for April shows an increase of four hundred and fifty thousand dollars, as compared with the revenue for the corresponding month last year. There are now on the registry books of the. Dominion 7,245 vessels representing 869,460 tone. The navy is thus larger in number and smaller in tonnage than it has been for ten years, The jury in the easeof the four victim,' 01 the McDonald fire at Montreal reoom• mended a change in the law to compel owners of factory bnildinge to plaoe fire escapes on the outside. Mr. David Legault of Montreal has re• ceived official notification from the Provin- cial Treasurer of his appointment as chief of the: Quebec Provinoial revenue police, to succeed the late Chief Louie Chevalier. Representativee of the Toronto Board of Trade will hold a confereuoe with the Montreal Board regarding the proposal to ask the Government to appoiut a Board of Customs Experts regarding disputed valuations. Cheap fares will be the feature of the new electric road in London, Seven tickets will ha sold for twentyfive cents, and workingmen's tickets nine for a, quarter during three hours of the day. The com- pany pays no percentage, but does its own paving and 'supplies all material. The Supreme Court has, dismissed the appeal of the Hammon against the Pro• which grow to enormous eize. Several vain judgment the sum of $610,0 0 is now attempts have been made to establish hu- savedto the provinces, representing the excess 01 interest on debt to whioh the provinces were entitled hali-yearly for the period betweeu 1868 and 183 GREAT BRITAIN. Advicds received at Sydney, N. S., W. from New Ireland, a dependency of the German colony it. northern New Guinea,' say that several villages have been de. populated, owing to the fierce tribal, war- fare whioh has been waged there. Women and children have been mercilessly butch. ered. GENERAL. New South Wales proposes to adopt tree trade. Cholera has broken out on board the Japanese transports at Talienwen, on the Liao -Tung peaineula. Rati5oabions of the treaty of pease be teeth China and Japan have been ex Chang ed at the Ohe Foo.. Russia seems to be making some progress with her elementary schools. It is stated that the educational budget has been in- creased 3,000,000 roubles for their support. Advices received at. Yokohama from the Pesoadore tslande show that thirteen hun- dred persons died there from cholera during one month. The epidemic is now subsiding. The Spanish Government has decided to establish an ermine', dock yard and arms factory at Manilla,capital of the Philippine lslands,and to erect elaborate fortification's. Robert Lebaudy has subscribed 1,000 francs towards the prizes for the Bordeaux. Paris and back boneless carriage race, which will take place on June 11 and following days. Cayce°, a small ialand in the West Indies is inhibited exclusively by turtles, some of vtnces of Ontario and Quebec. Under the Lord Rosebery is reported to be failing. The 12,000 -ton battleship Renown was launched on Thuraday. . The pulpits of two hundred of London' churches will be occupied on June 16 by women. The Prince of Wales has accepted the Chancellorship of the newly -formed Welsh University, man hahitatiooe there. In a recent speech in the French Chamber M,Lockroy inveighed against extravagance in the naval department, claiming that the English could build a warship for about halt what the same vessel usually cost in the French yards. It is reported that Herr von $seller, the Prussian Minister of the Interior, reoeived an anonymousletter on Friday, warning him that he would go the way of the late President Carnot, who was assassinated at Lyons in June last. The Paris Figaro of a recent date said : "Lord Gladstone paseed through Paris yesterday." The same pacer also referred O'Donovan Rosea was expelled from the to the ex -Premier of England as the "great gallery of the British House of Commons old mac," apparently intending to vee the Tor interrupting the debate. expression "grand old man." London has taken' to early hours. The parksare crowded during the early morn. tag, and are deeertedbefore noon. With a view of creating oases in the barren waste land of the interior, the authorities of South Australia are boring England is enjoying exceptionally fine for artesian wells in a number of places. spring weather. London is crowded, and They will also plant Algerian trees In the the gayest possible eeaeon is in full swing. neighborhood of these wells, should water in suffieievt quantities be found, Lord Roaebery, as a diversion from the Pope Leo R1IL'e hands are nearly use - worries of office, has been recommended by leas, and cause him much suffering.When Mr. Gladstone to pursue a course. of then• logieal studies, while Mr. Campbell -Banner- he writes he meet hold hie right wrist with man advisee him to read Franoh novels. his loft hand, and what he writes is alrnoet The Duke of Connaught has given orders I illegible. This is not due to age, but to an that the Hemi officers enter g command attack of ague twenty-five years ago, when y he was Bishop of Perugia. at Aldershoeshall qualify themselves to be judges of the food supplies furnished by I The smart money to be paid by -Nicaragua army contractors for the troops', and also of to Great Britain is being raised by popular the forage for horses, + subscription. The feeling against England Miss Brn'ddon (Mrs. Maxwell), the novel- I is very bitter, and it is expected the Central fat isowiwrite ho s.mel), after her American Republics will enter into asecret present contracts are filled. A couple ot 1 arctation of excludeeis suds possible the im• years ego she finished her fiftieth book. p g Her first suooessful work, "Lady Alldloy'e 1 A oorrespondent in St. Petersburg learns Secret," was published it. 1862. from a high source that Resole has a s' eite wth China, which ,The defeat of the Laporte' Gosr vnmeut does not code Manclturrs nt I territory wholly in the House of Commons isnot considered to Russia, but it places it under Russian likely. The rank and filo of bolls parties control to the extent of allowing Rttseia to do not wish to interrupt with the turmoil prolongthe Siberian Railroad to Stoughton of an election the return of industrial ay, ithe Sea 01 Japan, 6 prosperity, whioh is everywhere apparent, A sort of prehistoric Venice is found to have existed in the Glastonbury marshes, 1 England. The Manoheeter Geographical Wood Pavement in London. Society is making an investigation of the IThe new tower bridgeie paved with the locality, Earthenware found shows the inhabitants to have Jived long prior to the wood of the eucelyptue tree from Australia, Roman invasion., The blocks areabout thesize of building It is said that two mombere of the aquae edges, and their top surface has beveled ofComtnont' who desired to visitConatait• edges, thus affording ethers a meansfoothold, 0 Lino le before the evening of Parliament, They uta through t together bye a of to enquire into thegrievances of the Ar• pegs riding o es them and fitted into nor- th reepoudfng holes in the adjoining blocks. menfans, warn prevented from doing so by This wood is a dark mahogany oolor, is therefusal of the Turkish anthoritiee In 'very expensive, but heavy and durable. It London to vie° tbeirpaseports, was laid according to the Duffy patent Sir Wm,: llaroourt, Chancellor of the system with special machinery. Wood Exchequer, refueed in the British House is replacing stone pavement in many of the of Coinmous to fix a day to proceed with London streets, but in them it is laid in a the motion to appoint a Scotch eotnntisaion simpler and lees costly manner, $BIgM BWOTEER CT,&BD `R' When the routine bueiness of tbo regular Saturday night mooting s i , the Limekiln club had been disposed si', Brother Gardner arose and said "I hold yore in my hand martin rteolu- shuns so de death of Brudder Abraham Lightfoot Green, whio1i ead event took place five days ago, Brudder Green was en Wive memher of die club. While he didn't do much talkie' no one oould doubt his interest in all de puroeedin's. Vo a aertfn extent he hid hit light under to bushel, but whatever work was aosignedhim to do he did It faithfully. Dego reeolushuns hev bin drawee tip by a committee. Dey start off by sayin' dat Providence has seen tit to emove tion our midst a fond father, a luvin' husband an' a dearly beloved brudder of die club; ,While I am awar' dat sioh.atn de custom I oen't abide no !doh hypocrisy. 'fJn de fust place, Brudder Green was not. a fond father, He had sebef: chil'en in de fam'Iy, an' he was arrested abort twice a month fur Hokin' em wid a rawhide. Pee often heard him wish dem Behan ohill'eu would git bloWed up in a heap on a steam- boat, In de second place, he wee not a hivin' husband.' When he wasn'tengaiged in runnin' away from his wife, she was en. gaiged in ream' away from him. He libel jiet backofmy oabtn, an' it was a uold day when he an' de ole woman didn't hev a row. " 1 wish to state deb Providence didn't Brudder Green. Provi- dence cos fit to removeu wasn't around dor at all an' didn't hev nuffin to do wid his removal. He removed himself. He got mad at de ole woman kale she coulun't wash a black- berry stain outer his white vest, an' he went ort into his ga'den and devoured nine large oowoumbers in a new state an' wid• out peelin'. Dat night he was Woken wid etch pains dal he jumped ober a fence'leben feet high an' died befo' he could make his will, Sich'things should not be laid off on 'ence Providence. mi to .Yrovnd ht have g ssnbbin' to do wid a pusson fallin' off a barn or gittin' run ober by a butcher cart, but G cowcumbers she draws de line widout any salt on 'em. " I RUN OUT WID A CLUB." "I notice dat dese reeolushune go on to say dat Brudder Green was honest an up- right in his dealin'a wid his feller men. It am cuatoinary to put dat in, but I feel dat de truth outer be stated once in awhile. As a matter of fact Brudder Green was allue borrowin money an was nebber known to pay any back. He owed hie grocer an butcher an landlord. If heowed a debt of$10, his oreditbr was willin' to senate claim fur 10 per cent. of ite face value. He borrowed $5 of me ober two y'ars ago, an though I put in 600 days of hard work tryin' to get it back de debt was nebber paid an has gone to de grave wid him. One nightI heard a commoshun in my ga'den. II had fo'teen of de nicest, biggest Summer squashes yo' eber saw an I run out wid a club 00 find dat Brudder Green had gobbled up'leben of 'em an num back fur de odder three. He was in bed fur two weeks anter I got frew wid him, an it was giben out around that he had beensunstruuk. "I also notice a resoluehun to the effeck dat we extend our heartfelt sympathies to hie bereavedfam'ly and feel to pint out to 'em dat our lose ate Brudder Green's gain. De fam'ly am not bereaved. I was ober dar dis arternoon an found de ohill'en gallopin' up and down and takin' heaps o' oumfurt, and de ole woman told me she had all de washin she could do and de hest kind of an apnatite fur meat and talars. When 1 spoke of de late departed, she said she could gin a better man inside of fo' weeks and she frowed out a strong hint dat $2 in cash would do her mo' good Ian a dozen resolushvns cf sympathy. "My fren's I shall lay dese resoluehuns under de table, and oatenmy deciehon am appealed from day will not be heard of agin. Brudder Abraham Lightfoot Green am dead. De world am no better and no wuss fur it. He wall not too good --not too bad—jtat about like the rest of us. He was honest when be had to be, an when he saw an openin' to beat his feller man he took advantage of it. He wen a fa'r sample o' millyons of men an as etch he libel an died. I am perfeckly willin for the olub to vote money to buy hint a tonibsbun, but let it be a plain one, and let de epitaph be confined to name an date. We shall hang up de usual emblem of mournin in Paradise hall, and we shall set aside de wtetomary page in our book of purceedin's, but we shall have no use fur resolushun's. Brudder Green was bo'n an liked an died. He bad his streaks of goodness and his streaks of badness, He was no better and no wise can de aiverage, While we am sorry he's gone, we at de same time realize that he wasn't of meet' account while among ms. Hypocritical resohiehuns de - delve no one. Lot us put out do fire, empty de water pail and break de nteetiu in two fur one week." Nets seized by Canadian Stealney. A despatch kern Cleveland, Ohle, nays;--. ltla probable that came action will be taken by the localfisherrnon in reference to the seizure of A large number 0011 ;10a by the 4snadiau patrol eboauter Petrel an Friday last, The nets were all owned by Cleve. land parties, Mr, E, R, Edeou, of the firm of kldeon and Company, in evoking of the matter saint-" If, as we now believe, our fishing nets were is American Ireton), and the seizure ,nude by the Canadian patrol steamer Petrel was unlawful, we intend` to bring the matter to the attention of the authorities at Washington,and make a gamic fight.' The charts of the fishing tura are those homed by Rand, MoNally and Oampany and according to these the nate were seized In American waters, A tug will be sent out with a Government chart t0 verify the oorreotness of the Rand,Mo• Nally chart, and if it is found the nets were on the *merlon's aide, the fishermen will at once brtng the matter to the atten- tion of the Washington authorities. Wonien Cure a Wife -Beater, Edward Tucker, a merchant of Port Temps, Fla., was taken from bis home the other night and unmeroffully whipped by female white cape. Tucker has been in the habit of going home drunk and abusing his wife. Some time ago he was warned .that he muse treat hie wife better or he would be severely dealt with. Tucker ant home drunk a lairs. w d soon n M .Tucker was beard screaming. Soon afterward a number of men entered Tuoker'e residence aha dragged him to the outskirts of town, where a number of women wearing white cape were waiting. Tucker was was stripped to the waist and tied to a tree. Then the women, each of whom was Explosion of a Locomotive. A deapatah from ilydePark, Mase„ says —There was an explosion on au engine on the New York, New Haven, and Hartford ast freight due here about four o'olook on Friday morning. The train was running at the rate of forty miles an hour et the time of the explosion. 13rakesman Owen J. Me- Cafferty,who wad in the engine oab,jmnped and striking upon his head on a railroad 010 was instantly' killed. Fireman Arthur A. oraad f Fullerlea sa the cab, and was inked up ancone ions and fatally urt, Engineer Book Taylor climbed through the window and'olueg to the frame; although scalded and blinded by the escaping steam, ho pluokily maintained his hold, and managed to atop the train, For, Twenty-five Years 9 DUNNS BAKING POWDER' THECOOK'SBESTFRIEND LARGEST SALE Irl CANADA. Made 011ausser Montreal e. Q. A s Medicine edicine Whenever Given a Fair Trial Hood's•Proves Its Merit. The following letter le frons Mr. J. AIcide Chausse, arebiteotand surveyor,. No.. 1153 Shaw Street, Montreal, Canada: "C. I. Hood & Co,, Lowell, Mass.: "Gentlemen:—I bave been taking Hood's Sarsaparilla for about six months and am glad to say that It has done mea great deal of good. Last May my weight was lee pounds, but sine*. HOOD'S Sarsaparilla CURES Ibeganto take Boon's Sarsaparilla it has in- creased to= I think ISood"s.Sarsapairilla lea marvellous medicine and am' very much pleased it " J. Aral R CaAus sE, with m Hood's Pills cure liver 1115, constipation, biliousness, iaundlce, sick headache, indigestion: armed with a rawhide, began to whip him. Tucker's soreams were heard a mile. When the women finished the mane back looked as if it had been knouted, The skin had been cut in dozens of places and blood was streaming from the cuts. Tucker promised never to abuse his wife again. It se thought that some of the most prominent women of the place were engaged in the affair. AN J. i irL l'fr....tL.i. 1a r.9 a.,W .9, REV. W. S. BARKER Gs PEt TERBOIt©e lir ..1 lYt Mr. W. S. Barker is a young minister of Petorboro who has by his great earnestness and able exposition of the doctrines of the Bible earned for himself a place amongst the foremost ministers of Canada, He, with his mosirestimable wife, believe in looking after the temporal as well as the spiritual welfare of mankind, hence the following statement for publication t " I have much pleasure in re- commending the Great South Ameri- can Nervine Tonio to all who are afflicted as I have been with nervous. prostration and indigestion. Ifonnd very great relief from the very first bottle, which was strongly recom- mended to Ire by my druggist. I also induced my wife to use it, who, 1 must say, was completely run down and was suffering very much from general debility. She found great relief from 5;itttlt American Nervine and also cheorfnlly recommends it to her fellow -sufferers. " Iit,v. W. S. BARIUM." It is now a scientific fact that cer- tain nerve centres located near the base of the brain have entire control over the stomach, liver, heart, lungs and indeed all internal organs; that is, they furnish these organs with the; necessary nerve force to enable them to ft. rfortn their respective work. When the nerve centres are weakened os deranged the nerve force is diminished, and as a resell, the stomach will not digest the food, the liver becomes torpid, the kidneys' will not sot properly, the heart and', lungs suffer, and in fact the whole system becomes weakened and sinks on account of the lank of nerve force.' South American Nervine is based on the foregoing scientific discovery and is so prepared that it acts directly on the nerve centres. it immediately increases the nervous energy of the whole system, thereby enabling the diffceent organs of the body to perform their work perfectly, when disease at once disappears. It greatly benefits in one day. Mr. Solomon Bond, a member of the Society of Friends, of Darlington, Ind., writes: "I have used six bottles of South American Nervine and I consider that every bottle did for me one hundred dollars worth of good, because I have not had a good, night's sleep for twenty years on account of irritation, pain, horrible' dreams, and general nervous pros+ tratiou, which has been caused by chronic indigestion and dyspepsia of the stomach, and by a broken down ,. condition of my nervous system. But now I can lio downd t a I seep all night as sweetly as a baby, and Is ? feel like a sound man. I do stalk think there has ever been a medietnl►' introduced into this oountrw y. will at all aro coinwith this cure for the etomoob Itnarl POT , ._ dl� A. Abli tDMAY Wholesale and Retail Agent for llhrnseele