HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1895-5-24, Page 1Vol. 22, No. 40. BRUSSELS, ONTARIO, FRIDAY, MAY 24, 1$95 pipea I FIRE" 1 The uneoreigned ie peoperee bo ?Parva all kinds of Village moppet), al the lowest rams in rho foil owing ilrs gems eompauies, vis, '1.41nettihire,” of Manchester, Clapititl 8 Minion Pounds Stirling, "Sim," of London, BetabliehedA, D.1710, - Oapltal7 milieu Dollars. "Wellington Mutuni," of Guelph, Established1840. Also 820,000 to Loan on good Farm security at st aucl 0 per cont, for 7 ox 10 years, eeee 3. 'A. Creighton. ATI, Why Not TRAVEL ON T1-!4 UE1e'' Ra. TH IG S' A Y 67 THE Who will Sell Round Trip Tickets for SINGLE First-class FARE Going May 28 and 24, returning May 26, ' or returning Until May 27 for Single put Fare and One -Third See your nearest Agent, T. FARROW, AGENT, BRUSSELS' TiodePn Competition If;7Sbarpene prices strongly in your favor. It is to your advantage to call and inspect Goode and get Prices before purchasing elsewhere. I will not be Undersold. My stook is complete and have bargains for you all the year. Dress Goods, Prints, Lawns, Muslins, Hose, .Art ItTueline, Shirtings, Corsets, Ducks, Ginghams, Oupone, Laces, Gloves, Lace Curtains, Flannelettes, Ladies' Vests. My stock of Gent's Furnishings is com- plete at very Low Prices, Grooerieb In the Grocery Department my stock is complete. Teas and Coffee a Special- ty. They are the Best that can be had. My 25 cent Tea in Black and Japan is the talk of the country. Canned Goods of all kinds of the Beet Brands always in stock. Pure Spices of all kinds. Highest Price for Batter and .Eggs. 3 MoLEO D'S 3r,ittem Renovator AND OTHER TESTED REMEDIES SPECIFIC AND ANTIDOTE For Impure, Weak and Impoverished Blood, Dyspepsia, Sleeplessness, Palpate. tion of the Heart, Liver Complaint, Neur- algia, Lose of Memory, Bronchitis, Con- smnption, Gall Stones, Jaundioe, Kidney and Urinary Diseases, St. Vitus' Dance, ,Female 1rregularitiee and General De. bflfty, LABORATORY GQRERICH, ONT. J. . MoLEOD, Prop. and Manufacturer. Sold by JAMES FOX, Druggist Brussels. rand Trun 1 AIL'S eereeteteetteeWn Q®en, s Birthday ay EXCURSIONS, hound Trip Tiokote between all Stations in Canada, Detroit and Port Huron, at SINGLE F11t8 s S FA.plar E CLnS ,Goodgeing?dayee and 24 valid fbr return leaving destination o0 or before May .75, and, First-class Fare and One -Third Oood gains May 20 and 24, valla for return leaving deetinattou on or bet ere 01a5' 37,. Tor partioulare apply to J. N KE1Vll ALy L r G. T. it, Agent, Bruosele, Wel, BLSNClli1RI) SUIOIIijiS, On Thursday of, last week the eo malty wee shocked on lemming til Wm. Blauahard, of con, 5, lot 46, Tar berry, committed suicide by hengi himself be a tree in the busk, about 4 rode from hie house. Deceased was we known in tike vioinity its an induetrio and bard working man, Doming be about'tbree years ago, he rotated a far and did hie beet to get along, but at time a melancholy spirit came over him, be there seemed to be no fear of bis aommi ting snioide. On Thursday of last wee he proceeded to the stable, and it we thought he was gbiug .to hie work a Penal, bat on swing to the' barn to d some chores, his wife passed the hors, stable door, and finding it open and th horses in the stall anharneesed, she et led him by name but got no anewe She became alarmed and went for Dir Yeo, a neighbor, who was plowing in field close by, and, with his assie5aeo went in search of him. The dog follow Ing. Tbey hact not gone far wlieo th dog was seen to make quite a fuse, an on going to the spot where it wee, th horrible spectacle mat their gaze. Thea the husband hung by the neck to a tree and was found to be dead. It is though that he put an end to himself on a00otin of being heavily depressed over the dam age his prop had sustained during tb late frosts. Dr. $ s.Ie, of Wroxeter Cotoner, was called, but an inquest 2811 not considered necessary. Blancher leaves a wife and one child to mourn hi lose who have the sympathy of the corn munity at large. DOMINION PARLIAMENT. Speaker White is under the Marge.Moothat Parliament will prorogue about m. July lith, et There are 1,228 penitentiary prismnere n, in Canada, aeoording to the aunueleeport ng, of the Minister of entitles, 0 Sir 0, II. Tupper le still in Now York. 11 Itisreported that the object of hie visit 0e there 15 to %moult a specialist, re Senator Reid, of. Cariboo, has arrived in for the session,' He reports comae min- es. ins boom in the Cariboo. country, t Hamilton MoOarthy, ;Toronto's mulle- t. tor, le in Ottawa to receive instructions lc for making a bust of Lord Aberdeen. e Tho Toronto News thinks the produce e ' of over 8,000 acme of wheat. annually too c cinch to pay for the Senate. Seconded, The Government is being deluged with e applications for. the position of Oounby 111. Judge of Huron, rendered vacant by the r. death of Judge Toms. Harry Corby, M. P., bad donated a oup a valued at 5160 to the Dominion Riffle As- e sooiation for competition in the Sepbem- leer matohes this year. The oonditions e will be fixed by the Assoeiatioo. d Mr, Devin will move thea in the event o of Parliament granting aid to the Hud- e son Bay a ay R il way; the Rahway Commit.. tee of the Privy Council take the power t to control freight and passenger rates. t Premier Greenway arrived in Ottawa to "attend the Manitoba schooloonforenee. e It isaspected that the Manitoba Ministers will ask the Dominion Government to e put their proposals in writing, and then d take them back for aonsideratioo, s There is being circulated in Quebec for si7neture2 a petition to his Excellency the Governor-General in mantel asking for the establishment of a board of ex- perts for the equitable and uniform ap. plication of the oust0ms tariff all over the Dominion. L. W. Shannon, of the Kingston News, J. B. Maclean, of The Printer and Pub- lisher, and J. D. Ross, representing the Canadian Press Association, interviewed the Minister of Railways to ask a special faro over the Intercolonial Railway for an association excursion. The annual report of the penitentiaries of Canada wan presented to Parliament. It was written by the late inspector Mr. Moylan, who doubtless having in view his approaching retirement, writee with a frankness not usually found in an offi- cial document. rocialdocument, He states that the num- ber of convicts in the Kingston Pathan. teary on July let last was 494, of whom 32 were females. He commends the prison of isolation as calculated to have a salutary effect on incorrigibles. A cable from London abates that a,. rumor was current there that General Herbert was likely to have his term in Canada extended for another year. Ask. ed whether there was any truth in the report, or whether it was possible Gener- al Herbert would not return to Canada, the Minister of Militia said that there was nothing before his department nor the Government with reference to Gener- al Herbert or the command of the militia nor has any action been taken. The total amount of the Thompson memorial is now 587,186. Parliament adjourned on _Wednesday and will not resume until nexb Tuesday Senator and Mrs. Sanford gave a din net in the speaker's chambers of the Senate recently. Tt wan definitely settled that the mounted police party for the Yukon Diebriob will sail from Seattle on lune 8rd. Mr. McNeil, M. P., introduced to Min- ister of Publio.Workt a deputationfrom Southampton asking for a grant" for har- bor improvements, The 'excellen of Mr.• Northrup's speech on the Budget debate is so general- ly admitted on the Conservative side of the -House that it has been decided to print 2000 copies for general distribution. A deputation, accompanied by Col. Tyrwhitt, M. P., and Dr. Sproule, M. P., had an interview with Hon. Mr. Ouimet to urge the voting of an appropriation for the deepening of Cohingwood harbor to 16 feet. The Minister was favorably im. pressed with the representations made, and it is oxpeoted the,visi0 of the delega- tion will 'mutt in something tangible. One of the Ottawa oivil servant dudes had the following "expenses" allowed to him :-."Wear and tear of coat and suit, Sept, 10 to Oat. 2, 86." Another charges his barber's bill, 51.80. Another charges his newspapers, 58.05. Another, "fur coat, 26 days, at 60 cents, 518 ; umbrella, 52.65." These are trifles, someone may say, but a thousand such atealings added together mean additional burdens for every farmer and mechanic and average citizen. The Manitoba school question, which tet one time threatened open disruption between the two races at Montreal, 10 vir- tually settled. It is stated 011 reliable au. thority that the settlement is in the main due to the good offices of Lord Aberdeen, between whom, Sir A. P. Oaron (Post- master -General), Monsigneur Langevin (Archbishop a St. Boniface), and Moe 0igueur Duhamel, of Ottawa, a meeting was held last week. On this occasion preliminaries were oetbled and this will no doubt be approved of at another meet- ing next week, at which Premier Groen- vay and Attorney -General Sifbou, , of Manitoba, will be present. As a result e Manitoba Government will put cer- ain amendments to the school law at the 050 session of its Legislature, on June 8. These amendments will provide that the Government retains control of tho in- psobion of the schools and its expendi- ure, but at the same time a Catholic ohool system will be inaugurated, pro - /ding Catholic schools with the same urrioulum as the Public schools, but with be addition of half au hour's Catholic religious instruction. Three men will be elected. by the clergy to form reCatholic ohool board. The remedial order will be withdrawn. It looks as if Newfoundland will hard- y become a province of the Confederacy 00 some time yet. The Tapers in eon - cation with the negotiations were pre - anted to the House Thursday night of st week. Newfoundland asked for a ubeidy at tho rate of 80 cents per capita population ; 5150,000 bounty to fisher - on ; Canada to assume proportionately e debt of the colony ; pay 5160,000 an- ually for Croton lands ; protea fisheries, c. ; bonus industries ; Let the Province. ntrol the wines, end finally grant e660,- 0 for legislative purposes. The island anted a fete other trifles also, not worth umerating, such as establishing militia, tillary, eta, Canada offered to assume 0,850,000 of Newfoundland's debt, al. ow 80 cents per capita of subsidy, mak. g with other legislative allowances 5466,- 0 ; maintain the ordinary Dominion rvices in the island, such as °netonrs, ; maintain regular steamship em- otion ; grant $40,000 yearlytowards lice conetabulary instead 00 militia ; at the fishermen the same es those of nada, and give the Province four Sona- rs and ten Commoners. Premier hitoway, of Newfoundland, to these. m0 said "In the abaouce of your as - ming the public debt and completion of e railway to Port Aux Basques, also ovidiug 5650,000 egoeuses for local vermnent, it is impossible to accept the o of union." Sir Mackenzio Bewail 15 not grant these domande and that dud the matter, A despatch from ewfoundland ewe the question was brought up iu•the Renee there and Whiteetay Government were tmaui. tie in rejecting Canada's terries. th n 1 v 0 la of m th n et CO 00 On ar 51 lin 00 00 et ne po bre Ca to W ter Ott th pi go term con ort N- also the mo Presbytery of Maitland. W , I -I. KE RR, Prop. Stgdent of Divinity, to he delipered'before the Proobytery, Gimlets were read from various Pres- byteries intimating that 9 ministers from other cbnrobss are seeking admission to the Presbyterian thumb m Canada ; live from the Presbyterian ohuroh U, 5. ; one front Methodist E. church, U. S. ; ono from Methodist ohuroh ; one from Church of England ; and one from Congregation- al Union, N, S. Bev, James Maleo1m was appointed a member of Aosembly's Committee on bills and overtures. The -Trustees of Trowbridge church property reported that they. had effected a sale of seid property, A vote of thanks to the Trustees for their diligence, and trouble was cordially "passed. 117r. Bal. lantyne, after deducting all expenses eon.. nested with the sale, was authorized to forward the remainder of the proceeds of eeleto the Rev. Dr, Cochrane, of Brant. ford, for Homo Mission purposes, and re. port at next meeting Messrs, Mediae and McNair wore op.. pointed to visit Walton congregation to enquire into the financial condition of the congregation and report et next meeting. It a agreed was „Load to ask the committee on the distribution of probationers for one- third supply for meanies. Mr. Henderson, of Whiteohuroh, re• ported that the congregation of White. churob were In the course of erecting a new Oh 08001 011 0110 site of the old one wb105 was removed. Gratification et their laudable work was expressed. Rev. Mr, Anderson react au excellent report of the statistics of the Presbytery which was received and adopted, and the thanks of the Presbytery 28000 tendered to him Inc hie valuable services. Next regular meeting will be held at Wingham July 16th, at 11.30 a. m. Jona MeoNeee, Clerk. Lnoknmv, May 22nd, 1895. The Trustee Protest, To the Editor of Toa Po0T. Dune. Su,,—The Herald has this week devoted an editorial to my letter of lob week re School Protest and again makes the assertion without roof of there being two sides to the question, both sides be- ing heard by Judge Doyle and only one side by the Attorney General, which is false. The statement of fact on which both gave their opinion is alike, as there can be only one side to a statement of fact. The statement of fact brought out in evidence at the trial was that I added the names of Jas. Ballantyne, Sas. Jones, A. MoKay and D. MaNaughton. to the lists in the hands of the Deputies, after certifying them correct, these being the persons whose names were on the certi- fied list in my hands and ware missed by me in copying. Now. the statement of foot submitted by via to the Attorney General is exactly the same and their opinions are the opposite. This is the only question that the Judge gave any opinion affecting myself and on it there was no contradictory evidence and could be no two sides and I dare him to state any other statement of fact considered Presbytery held a regular meeting at than as above. The only question at the Wingham, May 21st. Rev, A. Y. Hart- Protest where there were two sides in ley was appointed Moderator pro tem, which I was interested was in reference There was a good attendance of members. to the adding of Mrs. Grieve's came, The Synod minntes were clistribated. which w80 swore was nob added by my - Session records were examined and at- self. Ronald MoNanghton and Alex. tested. Rev. J. A. R. Hay was invited to Mci{ay (and the list proved the same, as sit as corresponding member. it was in ink the same as the oilier nam. A basis of union between. Knox and es, while the ones added by me were in Melville churches, Brussels, was submit- penoil) yet there was one witness who tad. It was supported by commissioners told around before the trial that. I added from both congregations. Rev. John the name and would have liked, judging Ross, minister of Melville ohuroh, will from his actions, to have swore to 10 but bo minister of the united congregations, he dare not, so on this no one can claim the stipend to bo 51200 per annum and there were two sides and en it the Judge six weeks vacation each year. The see- gave no opinion, as this was a case of a Kens of the two cougregatious shall eon- married woman. I did not misconstrue stitnte the seseioh of the 'united oongrega- his insinuation as the last article boars it tion, and the boards of management of oat throughout, not did I go outside the the two congregations shall form the question when I referred to him or board of management of the nnited con- friends, nor do I now. I understand the gregatioua. The Presbytery having heard meaning of respect as well as the editor with satisfaction, the arbioles agreed to of the Herald and am always willing to unanimously by Knox and Melville con- honor the opinions of my superiors, but gragetions, Bxussels, as a basis of union not the insinuations of him in asserting I between them, agreed to mutation the did not pub the question fairly to the said tmion on the basis now submitted, Attorney General, or to the evidence of Deolaratiou thereof is to be made from his relation at the trial and his state - the pulpit of each of the aforesaid meats before. He admits in the first churches at au early date. In answer to part of his article that the Attorney - a petition from the congregation of Knox General won't' be as impartial as the churob, Brussels, permission was given to Judge and in the latter he refers to him the trustees of the said church to dispose as a quack Dr. This is consistency. of the property of Knox church and the Now, I think I have fully shown thatboth proceeds to bo applied to pay off the con- the Judge. and Attorney General have gregations indebtedness, given an opinion on the same statement Rev. Kr. MaLoonan presented a call of fact. The Judge says I acted im- from St. Helens and East Ashfield con -properly and the Attorney General and gregations in favor of W. T. Hall, . le. Wade say I acted properly, there Licenmiate. Commissioners in support being no law to govern the case. No of the call were heard. Navies attaohed one 00,31 say I acted unjustly to the to call, 269. Stipend promised 5800 per voter. He says the petitioners took their annum with free use of manse. This medicine like men, and talks about soobh- eall was sustained as a regular Gospel fog medicine but the loss he says about call. that the bettor. The Judge dismissed Rev. Mr. Anderson presented a call the protest without costs which was not from the united charge of Balgrave and soothing to them but he threw in a Calvin church, East Wewanoah, in favor cordial in the statement that I was een- of W. T. Hall, Licouciats. Names ap- curable, The Attorney General and E. ponder"( to this call, 190. Stipend proms- E. Wade say I was not. Now they want ed 5850 per a annum and a free 1180 of their pockets soothed and ere asking the maned. Solioot Board to pay their bill of oosts. Commissioners from both oongrega- This he calls taking their medicine like Dons supported the call, and it•was sus 0)012, I call it cheek, . Yours, trained by the Presbytery as a regular F, S. Score. Gospel call. – The Moderator placed both calls in Mr, About a year ago ltlxs. T. Dent, Wood. Hall's hands. Be asked for a brief time atoolc, lost a ring, and a few days ago it to consider the luattor and give his deals- wag fonud in the garden none the worse. ion which woo granted. Provisional ex- D. Burt, Liberal, wee elected for North rangemonta was made for condiiotfng or- Brant for the Local House by aoolama• di ation trials, ordination and induction, tion. The bye -election was caused by Mr. Andereou to examine in Greek and Mr. Wood, ex -M. L. A., accepting the Hebrew ; Mr. McLennan in systematic tegistrerehip of the county. theology end church history. The Mr, and Mee. O'Neill, 98 and 99 years Moderator to preside, Mr. Andoreeu to old, of Lnoan, are both helpless in bed, preach, M. Hartley to addrese the but their memory of the past is quite minister, Mr, McLennan, to address the elear,and they are quite talkative. If people. The Clerk was authotized to call Mre. O'Neill lives till the 9511 of Jane she a specie! meeting if required, will be 100 years old, They Damm from The Rov, Mr. Walker, of Glasgow, Ireland in 1880. Scotland; was nominated for Professor E. %I. Snyder, of Burgessville, bag for Knox College, Toronto. gone rabbet extensively into the horti. Tho report of the Finance Committee culture bueineso, besides his atreacly very was received and adopted,. large patch be has planted this spring 3 The Committee on Su erintendeme of acres of strawberries, getting out between Students were instruoted to prescribe a 18,000 to 20,000 planta : alto 8 sores of subject for di0oenr05 to. B.F. bameron, raspberries, OUR ACQ(J,IINVT4NCES, John Scott has been on the sick list, Mies Mary Oliver Is visiting in 'Toren: to; Mrs. Horton, of Seaforth, is visiting in Brussels, Miss Cline, of Wingham, wee visiting at P. Scott's. Mise Jamie 1lf0Alpine was .holidaying in Wroxeter. Mrs. Jas. Fox is visiting her parents at Wingham,: Mrs. Robt Armstrong nae been quite ill with la grippe, W. J. Norton and wife of Listowel, are visiting in town. Fred, Dabton, of Woodstook, is visiting at G. A. Deadman's. Mise Jennie Green, of Listowel, is holidaying in Brussels. Mica Emma Hingeton has taken a trip to Grand Rapids, Michigan. Mica, Tillie Kneohtel fa visiting rela- tivoe and friends in Wingham. Mrs, (Dr,) Kens, of Port Elgin, le visiting under the parental roof. Ad. Hingston and wlfe, of Seaforth, were visiting in town last Sabbath. Miss Braden will spend the Q'leen'a Birthday with Miss Cobbledick in _Exeter. Mies Ada Easton returned to ber home in Rockwood on Wednesday of this week. Mrs. 0. E. Turnbull, of Guelph, is visiting in Brussels for a ample of weeks. Mrs. (Rev.) I. B. Walwin and daughter, of Stratford, were visiting in Brussels this week, Mrs, Ritebie, of Mount Forest, is here owing to the illness of her mother, Mrs. D. Stewart. J. R. Grant, well known in this local - bas been elected•President of Winni- peg Golf Club. Mrs. (Rev.) McDonald, of Seaforth, and Mrs, George Good, of Wingham, were in town on Friday of last week. Anson Dulmage, merchant of Lakelet formerly G. LB,. agent at Brunets, had been dangerously ill but is recovering. Joseph Cobblediok, of Exeter, and Mf= Bertie<Oobblediak, of Orono, were visitio? at the Methodist Parsonage this week. Seaman Laird, of Kincardine, attended the Grand Connell of the Royal Arcan- um as the delegate from the lake town. Mrs. George Jamieson, of Marton, was here during the past week attending the f n r 1 a e a of her father, Wm. Ferguson. Miss Steele, of Kirkton, arrived in Brussels last week. She will preside over the necessary housekeeping for her brother. R. 0. McCormick, of Trowbridge, was visiting in town for a few days. He gave a brief address at the Methodist Sabbath school last Sunday afternoon. Principal Cameron, of Brnssels, and W. Wynn, Principal of Oronbrook school, wheeled to Clinton last Wednesday mora- ine to the Teachers' Convention, IL J. Morden, of the Standard Bank, Brussels, was called to Piston on Mon- day to attend the funeral of his brother, Dr. Morden, who died on Sabbath. Wednesday of this week bliss Amy Remedy, formerly of Brnseets, was unit- ed in marriage to Geo. Anklaud, of Seat- tle, Washington Territory. May pros- perity be their portion. We regret to hear of the serious illness of Mrs, Daniel Stewarb who took ill an Thursday of lest week. The trouble appears to be partial paralysis, of the brain armed by weakness of the heart. We hope the means treed for her restor- ation will speedily prove efficacious. We are pleased to notioe that A. I. Mc- Coll, formerly in G. A. Deadman's drug store, Brussels, has passed his final ex- amination in pharmacy, standing well to the front in the Senor list of graduates. ivlr. AloOoll will enter into partnership in a drug business in Toronto. Tam Pose wishes him prosperity. CHURCH t111IJil'h 1. Servide in St. John's church on Thurs- day evening of this week. It was Ascen- sion Day. At an early dafe a Seorstaty will be appointed to look after the Methodist Young People's work, Delegates from Melville church Sab- bath school to the Convention nest Tues- day will be Mrs. A. McLauchlio, Mies Mary Ross, Miss Teenie Sinclair, A. M. McKay and G. F. Blair. Rev. A. F. Tully, who has resigned his charge in Mitchell, will settle on his father's farm near Peterborough, where he will bring up his Bone in the glorious ooanpation of agrioultnre. The annual Sunday School convention and Ruri-Decaeal meeting of the county of Huron will be held in St. Thomas' ohuroh, Seaforth, on Tuesday and Wed-. uesday, May 2855 and 20th. The following persons were chesee to represent the Methodist Sabbath eohool at the District S. S. Convention 11055 week:—Mrs. Dobson, Mies Kerr, Mies Minnie MoNaugblon, Miss Minnie Moore and T. Fletcher, There was a very large aadienee at the Methodist churoh last Sabbath evening, The Ball jubilee troupe rendered amusio- al selection. The pastor preached an ex- cellent discourse from the text, "Not slothful in business; fervent in spirit; serving the Lord." The annual meeting of the Baptist Convention of Ontario and Quebec will be held in the Blom Street churob, Toron- to, oommenoing on May 27th, and eon. tinning till Friday evening, May Vet, Peobably 800 delegated will attend, each eburob being represented according to membership. The interior of Melville Church manse has been greatly improved by new paper, painting, graining,bo. Owing to the en. creased work and responsibility in con- neoticn with the amalgamated Presby- terian oongregationo, Rev. Mr. Roos' salary will be increased 5200 per annum, 2811105 will make it 51200. Bev. A, 0. Courtioe, B. D., ooncluded his ministerial labors in Sydeohsm Street Methodist oburok, Ktogeton, on Sunday evening and on Tuesday remove - ed to Toronto to aseume the editorship. of the Christian Guardian, The first publication ander the new management will be on May 29th. It is'eeported that a number of obangeo will occur. Captain MoDonald, of . the Salvation Army ie away to St, 111wrys; an a well earned vaoatf0it, The -Lieutenant f0 Boldin" 050 fort in bie abeonoo, Dont forget,the Union Dlotelet Sab' bath School Convention in Melville (hurrah an Tuesday of next week,: Morn. iog eoosiou at 10 o'clock ; .afternoon °pane at 1:30 ;• and evening meeting at 7:80 o'• Kook.Exaellenb program. Beery lab. bath school worker in the Dletriot 55 vitae to attend. In addition to the ed. dreeeeo.by Rev, T. W. Oesono, of Walton, and Rev, G, F. Salton, of Stretford, at the evening session, there will be a ques- tion drawer in charge of 'Rev: 3, Rose, Appropriate vocal selections will be rend. ' erect by the choir of Melville church. Rev, A. Stewart, moderator et Brnoe- field, presented a unanimous gall from that congregation to the last Huron Presbytery, in favor of Rev. Walter Mair, of Oarlake, salary 51000 per annum, with free mange and four weeks' holidays. The gall was signed by 165 members and 55 adherents. Mr, Fothoringhaue and Mr. Moffatt, from the congregation of Brumfield, were also heard in oupport of the call, It wee agreed to forward the call to the Presbytery of Hamilton, and appoint Rev, A. Stewart to prosecute the oriel before that Presbytery. In the event of Mr. Muir accepting the call, it was agreed to hold a epeoial meeting of Pres- bytery at Brumfield on June 11th. at 2 p. in., when Mr, Stewart will preside, Mr. McKay will preach, Mr. Shaw address the minister, and J. S. Henderson the people. Rev. Mr. Simplon, deceased, was the last pastor. ADDITIONAL LOCAL NRMI'S. TanasmAs- of last week the infant daughter of David and Alma J. Jamieson elled,iaged 7 days. Owixo to the weight of dressed flan bei in J. & J. Livingston's storehouse boor joists gave way. They will have taste teplaaed. lItry. J. Rose, Jno. Robb, A.M. McKay, aG rr Blair, A. Stewart (Queen street) A. �6tavvart, John Strachan and Jae. Turn. bull attended Maitland Presbytery lest Tuesday. H. VWrnatesco & Sox have pnrohased a very comfortable phaeton. They have also added 0 new top buggies from J. Walker's carriage works, Brossele, arta have their livery in tiptop shape. Tome was no school on Wednesday and Thursday of this week, except in Mies Decency's Department, as the teach- ers were attending the Convention at Clinton, Friday will also be a holiday. ATwamn Foot -ball. Club will play a match with Brussele on the forenoon of the Queen's Birthday. Art the teams are evenly matched and both in good practice a rattling good game is expected. Don't fail to see it. Ar a meeting of the Palmerston town Council a tete nights ago it was decided to grant five years exemption from tax- ation to Messrs. Livingston, proprietors of the flax mill, if they would rebuild the mill in Palmerston. Cra,axtediaat 141 Mr. Lash, of Petorboro, has died of a rabbit's bite. St. Mars's has purchased a Western Road Grader. There is not a single liquor license in Blanshard township, T. 3. Obappell, who resides near St. Mary's, has purchased the photograph business of Mr. Maitland, Mitehell. The body of Mrs. Brown was stolen from a cemetery at Bowmanville, where it had been buried for fourteen years, Josiah Vipoud, of Hibbert, bad the misfortune to have both bones of nue of his legs broken midway between the knee and ankle. Thos. McBride, a well.known resident of Guelph, 79 years of age, walked 80 miles the other day. This is a good record for a man of his years. R. W. Coon, a well-known resident of Stratford, was robbed of a gold watch and chain, valved at 5130, and 530 in bills at a Galt hotel the other night. Soros fiend in human form oat out tLe tongue of a valuable bound belonging to John Ingram, of Mitchell, a shorb time ago. The tongue had been drawn out and out off as close to the root as possible. The Queen's Birthday will be right royally celebrated at Woodham, by a grand pic-nic under the anepicee of the Woodham Methodist Sabbath wheal, in Mr. Baines' bash, opposite the saw mill. Rev. T. A. Cosgrove, pastor of the First Presbyterian church, St. Mary's, who is himself en ardent admirer of the wheel, will deal with it in a sermon on soma ay evening, May 20th, his enbjeot being "Bicycling, or the art of wheeling." The case of Thos. Porter against the Town of 50. Mary's, in which plaintiff claimed demagee alleged to have bean sustained by him as a result of the fail- ure of the town drain opposite hie prop- erty 013 Wellington street to marry off the water from his property, was down for trial at the millers( assizes et Strat- ford Tuesday of last week. After beer- ine plaintiff's witnesses the Jadge dis- missed the case with mete. Reuben Switzer, of Woodham, has in his possession a oopy of The Manitoba News -Letter of Sept. 24th, 1870. It is a miniature paper of four pages 8.e9e, inches, was published by P. G. Laurie, at Win. niece, twine a week and sold at 4ote. a number or 58.00 a year. This number contains among other interesting articles a letter from Bishop Tache to President Rill. Some one Bent word around among the heokmen the other evening that a great many people were coming to Guelph on the late train, strangers most of them, • who were on a eight seeing jaunt. All the boys turned out, hoping to make a few good fares out of thearrivsls. When the train pulled in one solitary pas0engee stepped off—a sad -eyed looking chap with a carpet bag, The humor of the situation impresood itself on Johnny Coughlin, driver of the Wellington bag. gage wagon, as the lone traveller walked in review of the long line of disappointed cabbies. "Well, Meter," said John, ae a sardonic smile illumed his mobile featnres "We have all come down to meet you,"