HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1895-5-17, Page 66 TRE BRUSSELS POST
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Yj r1100t1e WOOtit
'+-x-•18 PA000800GD+--•
04 ale for the early. mahlel at
!albs Feat" Meant rubllshint; ffousoa
TuINABBaR C7T„ Bfloo it 8, ONT.
Timms -0F SuancenrT1011.-080 dollar a
Year, is advance. Tlle:date to which every
subscription is piddle denoted by the date
on the address label, gg
will b ch aargeed 80 those he who ladvoxt18e. by
the year
04On 1 1 TS. I 0 mg, 9.ra0
Dna olumn $00.001 $38,00 $20,9P
Ralf. " NM 20.00 10.00
"' 20,09 12,99 8.00
1 09 6.
qq ht ....... 2, 8,00. 90
7918 h 1 I
Dight pouts per line for first insertion, and
three cents per line. for 08011 subsequent in.
0001100. All advertleellienbe •measured as
100npareil-10 lines to 010111011,
Business Oaards, eight linea sun under, 30
per annum.
Advertisements without speo!flo direc-
tions, will be inserted until forbid, and
charged 8oaordingly.
Instructions to change or discontinue ap
800038106,110111 milob bo 10016,1 the counting.
800133 of TAB POST not later thau Wu/today
of ouch week Tide is imperative.
"W. R. a;; a;`l
Editor and Proprietor.
Having made previous arrangements
for spending e, day on one of the fishing
tugs, a representative of The Signal was
down at the dock about 5:80 Saturday
morning. Here, the engineers of the
various tugs were busily engaged in rale•
iug steam, About 0 o'olook the captains
and men arrived, and a start was made
for the fishing grounds.
Outside the piers a picturesque sight
met the view, About half a mild out
were the rest or the tugs, with the smoke
rolling from their stacks and blackening
the sky to leeward. Farther out were
the sailing fish boats, with their white
and brown perigue-rigged eaile.
As the boats have to steam for over
two hours before they reach the fishing
grounds. a description here of them will
not bo out of place. The tugs are about
75 feet long, 12 feet wide and draw two
or three feet of water. In the bow each
has a roller fixed on the toffrail. This is
to prevent the nets, when they are being
lifted, from injuring the side, and so as
to make it easier to lift them. A plat.
form, about ten feet long, extends across
the boat behind the roller. In the stern
is a space to pile the boxes which hold
the nets and' fish. The engines are from
10 to 20 H. P., and drive the boats eight
or ten miles an hour. They are manned
by a captain, an engineer and four men,
The fish boats are about 40 feet long,
with a o cam and draver little
water. good k draw very
manned by three able
sailors they will survive a storm that
would send many a larger craft to the
bottom. Owing to the large area of Bail
they carry, some of them are very fast,
and with a strong wind will keep pace
with the tugs.
A word here about the nets. Two
pieces of stout cord are laid parallel,
about four and a half feet apart, and the
epaoe between filled up with meshes of
very strong, fine twine. On one of the
lines are a number of lead sinkers, and
on the other en equal number of wooden
floats are fastened. The leads are suffi-
ciently heavy to dink the floats, and
when the nets are placed in the water,
they sink their side to tbe bottom, and
tbe floats keep their side the width of the
net from the bottom. When the fish are
bunting for food at the bottom, they do
not perceive the fine meshes of the net,
and run their heads through. When
they endeavor to back out the meshes
oatch them by the gills and hold them
fast. The more they struggle, the worse
they beoome entangled in the net. The
nets are set in "gangs" of twelve boxes
each, and stretch for five nod a half miles.
They are generally set a week or ten days
before they are lifted. At either end of
the nets is placed a buoy. This is a long
pole thrust through a wooden sphere,
with a piece of cloth or e. cedar branoh
attached to the upper end, and a heavy
piece of iron on the bottom end to keep
it perpendicular in water. To the lower
end is attached a line varying in length
with the depth of the water, and fastened
to a large atone whish serves as an
After two hours' running the buoy is
sighted. Each boat has a different sign-
s different colored cloth, two or three
pieces, or a ceder branch -by wbioh it
reoognozes its buoy. The men, who have
been asleep or tidying rap, now have their
breakfast, and by the time the buoy is
reached, are prepared for business.
The tug is laid alongside the buoy,
which is seized and hauled on board.
Next mace thirty or forty fathoms of
rope with a large atone attached ; the
nets are also attached to this rope, and
one of tbe men takes hold of the net at
the taflrail and walks backward across
the platform, drawing the net with him.
Another man now seizes the net and se•
pests the same process • the first man
again takes bold, and the same taotios
are gone through. While this is going
on one of the remaining two men is mare -
fully placing the nets in a box,' and the
other 1e extricating the fish. 'When the
first two then have lifted a box, or eight
hundred yards, they exchange plaoes
with the other men. Every few minutes
the engine is started and allowed to run
for a abort time in order to keep the tug
up to the nate. If this were not done the
men would have to pull the tug nlong be-
sides lifting the nets. The doh that are
oaupht are mostly trout, weighing from
000 to six pounds, and a few whit,fish.
When the nets are all in, the tug is al-
lowed to run for five or six miles in order
to reach a. new fishing ground and allow
the men time to get their dinner,
When the place where the captain Ilea
decided to set the nate is reached, the
engine ie oheoked down to two or three
miles an Moue. The buoy is dropped
over the stern, and the rope played out.
One man takes hie plaoe on the taffrail
and another stands at the stern. The
net, drawn by the weight of the stone,
runs througih one hand of the man on the
taffIeil. With the other hand be catches
bold of the line which has the leads on
and separates it from the other line,
while the other man oatehes arid' stretch•
es the net to its full width. The leads
reaoh the water first and sink their aide
down in the water, and, as more of the
net reaches the water, they sink the
whole not to the bottom, It takes about
three hours to 8000 the lieu.
While this le going On the other ]nert.
are oloaning the fiob, A beard, with a
hole in the pouter, hoe been plliood over a
barrel, A ilei le pinged on elle board
and its gills taken oat by a out or two of
it sharp knife. The lowes side le then
out open pearly up to the point where
the gide brave been taken out and the
knife inserted book of the offal, wbioh .le
then pushed out. A few serapes liniebea
the gleaning, and the fish ie thrown 'into
a box, while the offal ie pushed into the
barrel to be taken ashore and buried,
When the note are all set the tug is
headed for home. The captain, whose
business this is, knowe exactly in what
direotion this Important plane lies, If
there is another tug starting for home at
the same: time, a rime 0S sato to be forth
coming, as the men know that the ono
wbioh wins will Have its deb unloaded
Bret and the orew allowed to go home.
One thing that is notiosablo as Gods,
rich ie approached le the high olay banns
that extend for several miloe along the
shore to North and South. After a time
the white lighthouse on the bill comes
into prominence, followed Boon after by
the beaoong on the North pier.
When the dook is reached the fiolr are
carried into the fish house and weighed.
They are then paolced in marts and bar.
role. Some ice is planed in the bottom,
and a row or two of fish placed on top ;
then another row of fish and another of
we, until the box is full.
Nearly all the fish that are naught at
this port are shipped to the Buffalo Fish
Company's headgnarters, and some are
sold in Goderioh and vicinity.-Goderloh
Three Hundred Dollars Of-
fered in Prizes
The Above Amount Will be Divided
Among the Writers o1` the hest Dive
Original Stories -The Competition
Open 19 All Bonn. Fide lfesidents of
'With a view to assisting in the develop.
moot of literary talent in Canada. The
Dr. Williams' :Medicine Co., of Brockville,
Ont., will award prizes amounting to $800
among the writers of the best five short
stories submitted in the competition as
1 or the story pronounced the hest 5100
will be given.
For the second.bost $75.
For the third best $60.
For the fourth best $40.
For the fifth best $25,
The competition is open to residents of
the Dominion of Canada, who have never
Won a cashrize in a story pry competition,
and is sabject to the following rules :-
Each story to contain not more thau
three thousaud words.
The writer of the story shall affix a
pen name, initials or motto to his or her
manuscript, and shall send with the
manuscript a sealed envelope bearing on
the outside the pen name, initials or
rnutto attached to the story, and contain-
ing inside it the full Name and address of
the writer thereof.
We impose no limitations whatever as
to the nature of topic written upon, and
the scene of the story need not necessar-
ily be laid in Canada, although oompeti-
tors must be residents of Canada as above
Stories entered in the competition must
be written on one side of the paper only
and when possible should be typewritten.
Manuscripts to be sent fiat or folded-
x0T BOLT1151.
All stories for competition must reach
the Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brock.
villa, Ont., on or before the first day of
July, 1895, and should be marked "Por
Literary Competition."
Decision will be made as follows :-All
stories submitted will be referred to a
competeot committee who . will decide
which are the best five stories. These
stories will then be published in pamphlet
form, which pam511101s will be distributed
throughout the Dominion, and each will
contain a voting paper upon whiohreaders
will be invited to express their preference.
The story obtaining the highest number
will be awarded the first prize. The one
obtaining the second highest number will
be awarded second prize, and so on until
the five prizes are awarded.
The voting will close on the first day of
December, 1895, and the committee will
then pubheh the names of the successful
competitors and the order of merit.
Unsuccessful manuscripts will be re-
turned when stamps are sent for postage.
The five stories selected are to become
the absolute property of the Dr. Williams
Medicine Co., with their copyright in
The decision of the committee and the
counting of votes to be absolute and dual,
and all the persons entering the comps).
titiou agree, by doing so, to accept the
decisions of the committee and the Dr.
Williams' Medicine Co, as final on all
points whatsoever.
Correspondence in regard to unsuccess-
ful MSS. declined, even when stamped
envelopes are sent ; any stamps so sent
(for any other purpose than the return of
the MS. at the time of first sending will
be put in the poor box.
The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., will
take all precautions to safe -guard MS,
entrusted to their care, but in no case do
they assume any responsibility for fire,
accident or loss of unsuccessful MS.
Authors are therefore advised to keep
Tho stories must he original. Anyone
sending copied matter will bo liable to
punishment for fraud, and a prize of 525,
is offered to the first person who pointe
nut the fact that Buy story passed by the
committee is otherwise than original, in
the unlikely event of such and oversight
All stories entered in the competition
must be addressed to the Dr. Williams'
Medicine Co., Brockville Ont., and mark-
ed on the envelope 'For Literary Com-
DATAIMAII0M.LIevJUD 10 10 To 60 31101TB8 -+
One short puff of the breath through the
Blower, eupplied with each bottle of Dr,
Agnew's Catarralh Powder, diffaees thio
Powder over the surface of the nasal
passages. Painless and delightful to
use, it relieves instantly, and permanent.
ly cures Carat -rah, Hay Fever, Cnids,
Headaches, Sore Throat, Toneilitie and
Deafness. 80 Bente at G. A. Deadman'e,
The lxebor Creamery lute main been
put in operation,
13awden and A. Shier, Iwo the
oontraet to do the mason work an
MAY 17
Illoke' new t'eeidonoe, whey will oleo do
the work on II,SOiehop'e rooidonoe,
A, Stewart, who g bore eggs for the
Buhler Wedge() 00., has broken the big.
load reoord. One day he gathered and
brought to town Do Wee a number than
2811 Ogee, or an aggregate of 27,732
ogWhile Master Alvin Johnston, was
playing around the yard at holm, he
stepped on a Bair pin whigh had been
dropped by hie little Bieber. The pin
penetrated the dash between the eeoond
and third toee, causing a very painful
The following (Moors were elected for
the mining year fn oonneetion with
Exeter Band :-President, Jos. Senior,
(re•elocted , Vine.President, Dan, Dyer ;
Soo., Thos, Olce ;' Treas., Bert, Fuke ;
Leader, H. Gidley; Bob, Taylor,A, 5,
Snell and H. Gidlsy,
The 'election of the new Board of man.
agomapt, of tho 1MMechanios' Institute,
as per the reoeot Legislative
sot, resulted in tbe election' of olfieers as
fellows: -Pres„ II. 10. Huston; Vfoe.
Pres„ John Alliston ; Seo., W. D. Weeks;
Trane„ R. Manning ; Board of Manage.
most -John Taylor, Dr, Lutz, Bev, W.
Martin, . H. Smith, W. D, Weeks, N. D.
Burdon, M. J. White, R. Manning, John
Still another break occurred at the
breakwater pier this week.
Several boat -houses have been erected
during the week on the river.
A, M. Robertson tae passed his third
year examinations with honors at Queen's
The bell has been removed from the
old Gaelic olluroh to Knox ohuroh and
has been planed in position.
The drygoods business, formerly car-
ried on by P. O'Dea, has been purchased
by Dobie lb Go., of Wallaoeburg.
Jas. Garrow, who was so unfortunate
as to fraoture his Dollar bone while play-
laying last week is now recovering nicely.
Colborne Bros. have hod the verandah
in front of their store removed, adding
greatly to the appearanoo of their store.
The little eon of Hy, Armstrong, while
playing with a dog was badly bitten an
the cheek. The wound was sewed and
bound up and the little fellow is now do-
ing as nicely es could be expected.
The G. T. R. dock from the elevator
Eastward, will be rebuilt. A gang of
men is now excavating, and de 'carpen-
ter will commence operations shortly,
The width of the new dock will be 8 ft.
Assessor Reid hoe finished his rounds
for 1895, and gives the following as the
town's aeeeesment :-Real property,
5996,510 ; personal, $53,925: income,
$85,170. The population is 8098. There
are :-dogs, 200, cattle, 210, horses, 210.
There have been 42 births and 23 deaths.
W. J. l3rumpton arrived home from lois
trip to Red Deer, Manitoba.
Bruce county stands in the lead of any
county in Ontario for school population.
Ib is 17,408.
Toddle Collins, of the Cain House,
scoops the honor of the biggest trout this
season, with 144. inches to his credit.
The following officers were elected in
connection with the Football club
President, J. F. Berry ; Vioe.President,
A. B. MacLeod ; Captain, M. F. Sound.
ars ; Secretary and Treasurer, R. J.
Stewart ; Managing Committee, S. Barb-
er, W. Irwin and A. Jones.
Rev. W. A. McKay, B. A. D. D,, of
Woodstock, is coming to Luoknow and
will wooded the anniversary services in
tbe Presbyterian church on Sabbath,
May 19111, preaching morning and even-
ing and on Monday evening at 8 o'clock
he will deliver a lecture on "The Church
On Fire."
Frederiok Robinson, who some time
ago met with the serious lose of a finger
in the machinery of the furniture fact-
ory, was agreeably surprised by the
presentation of a valuable money gift
from the proprietors of the firm, Masers.
Cliff .E Forester, and all the workmen
engaged in the factory.
Theyoungfman named Tiffin who was
charged with stealing a railway ticket
from the Luolcnow station recently, ep•
peared before Magistrates Thos. Law-
rence and R. Graham. After hearing the
evidence the magistrates allowed him
out on suspended sentence, two seouri.
ties giving their bond for his future good
ell, the well-known London druggist,
says of Stark's Powders, the great new
cure for Sick and Nervous Headache,
Constipation, Biliouanese, Costiveness,
Neuralgia, the Stomach and Liver : "My
customers report that they are an invalu-
able remedy for those diseases. B. A.
Mitchell, druggist, London." They are
nine to tape, immediate and permanent.
Two preparations in each box. Sold at
26o a box by all druggists, 5 boxes
51. May 8rd,
Illft Silotit I
It will soon he known 1 am tak-
ing all kinds of Photos, Cray-
ons, Pastells and Water -
Pictures taken as natural as life
of Fathers, Mothers, and
Babies, Grandfathers and
Great -Grandfathers, and
Gentlemen with
their Ladies.
Pictures of your Houses and stock,
Lawns, Groups, Pic-nic Par.-
' ties, in fact all kinds of out
and indoor work in the
Highest Style
of Art.
B° FOR SERV,CCE.._.Tz3lif
0 111 0 o
V rade. 8 r w keep for servicei000 on
LoG o oar, $, Oroly 4111 b' o did ei IIIOY
White boar, "Iil0PP4 s Ohl0fl' Pecllgl'00 may
be seen 00 a pupation, WOrma, $1,00 to be
paid et the time of servl0e.with privilege
ofreturniug if neeasea' .
00.21 m Proprietor,
1 WHITE 130411,5 FOR snBvro15.
The uuclorsigned will troop for 4orvioe ou
North Half hot 29, son, 7, Norrie, a there'
bredTamwortll 13 ear, recently 500r011ae05
.tronl the well ksowu breeder, Jae. Bell, ABT.
bor. Also a Chester whits Boal, %ferule,.
$149 to be paid at time of service with priv-
ilege of rotarniug If 1100808arv,
19-tf S. WALI016R, Proprietor.
.Y7 Hudnrsiguoa will keep for servlea on..
Lot 20 Can, 0,111 orris, the there' bred im•
preyed Whtebred from 5,10, Brotlleoer'ssweepsBoer takes ssow
at Chicago Lair. Terms; 51.00 bo be paid
at the time or seryloo with privilege of re-
turning if 1100001080. Pedigree may he teen
on nppltoablour BORT, NICHOL.
Underolguod will keep for service 011
Durhambot 20. ull, n. 1,ord 1Mslvibi le t1 No. 20848,
Pedigree may bo seen on applieatlon,
Terme, 51.21 to Insure.
3001N ILOBB,
'80.3m - Proprietor.
Undereigue,l will keep for ecrvioe+on
bot 8, Oen 7, Grey, the thoro'-bled improved
Large White Yorkshire boar, Mollington
Morel," bred from imported stook, by J. E:
Boat/lour. Burford, Out. Teruls-$1,00 to be
paid at time of :service with privilege of
returning if necessary. Pedigree and stools
may h0 seen on apnileatln•
87-4 4 Proprietor..
-------•ter-- .. �
'We have just Received
a large Consignment of Hatt and Caps in. all
the leading Shapes and Shades for Spring
and Summer wear.
Call and see our Balmoral
Cap, the Newest thing in the Market.
'rices Better than Ever :r=don.
Cortaro in fix 00080, and never blisters,
Road proofs below:
Boxt° Darman Hondereoa Co., III., Beb.Oh,'01.
Dr. B. T. 11508 ,, bo.
Dear Sh•e—Plenea send me ono 00 your Horso
Books and oblf¢e. Ihaveusod a great deal of your
Kendall's Spavin Coro with good 01000000 it D a
wonderful medicine. I onto hada macro that had
an000,l0a ovIn
and live bottles Iles oared her.
keel,abotblo puha
rad all the time.
Yours truly. Onus.p�p�
Dr. B. J. IHeaelnt 00.
(Winos, Apr. 3,'t1,.
Dean Str,-1 have need several bottles of your.
'Kendall'e Spavin Coro" with much encases. I
0101k it the beat Liniment I over need. Sash vs-
1no0edone Oarb, are Blood Sporn, and killed
000 Bona Spavine. Have recommended ft to
several of my friends who are much pleased with
and keep it. 11as(heoally
9.t0B. lh'AY, P. O.Doxa10,
Por Sale by an Druggists, or address
Dv. ]l, T. I[.L"1PDdLL 00DMPd18'r,
Ps. ,41g
d'pro �on�:sWos `-1 w rLcn ail
• Wi>InPga pO O 137 Gr lri lH
fig' Ili -qi C'ygQ P ®
A M a o'm 'T n �''S c 2, H b n 1'' vQi
,1':45.0".. g551 SI g. t
Sold in lir nue le by
G. A., Y1 BA1f9MAN, Druggist.
o ''lj�
Lhi,,'.E 11 LE !
The undersigned will keep
on hand a constant supply
of White Fresh Lime suit-
able for all Building and
Plastering purposes.
Also North Shore Pine
Lath and. White Brick for
System renovator
—AVD. 017101t
For Impure, Weak and Impoverished
Blood, Dyspepsia, Sleeplessness, Palpate.
tion of the Heart, Liver Complaint, Neur-
algia, Loss of Memory, Bronohitie, Con.
gumption, Gall .Stonss,Jaundice, Kidney
and Urinary Diseases, St, Vitus' Dance,
Female irregularities and General De-
S. M. Mori OD,
Prop, and Manufacturer.
Sold by JAMES vox,
Druggist Bruseel's.
r tl uiti' ),
Are also coming to Hand.
Prices Right I Styles Right !
Satisfaction Guaranteed 1
TIE Wig Halter & �10t�I1C1',
Brussels and. "‘lifrozeter.
1,,0.•.;;svn:h?'r,P' 0101D:00Nn -,_e :,080
Farmers who require Plows,
Turnip Seed Drills, Gang
Plows and Horse .Floes,
Should give me a call as I keep the best
in the market. I have three different
manufacturers make, of Plows.
Any Quantity of Potatoes Wanted.
Daisy Churns, Washing Machines,
Wringers, Tin Pails, Fence Wire, Lane's Pat-
ent Barii Door Hangers, 8N., Cheaper
here than any other store.
=11+Tfkin_Wr INF
of Toronto,
Established 1871.
The Policy Contract issued by this Association is perfection itself,
It leaves nothing blither to be desired. Bates and full infor-
mation furnished on application. -
W It. HERR, Agent, Brussels.