The Brussels Post, 1895-5-17, Page 5MAY 17, 1896 gixl:rrict , etv$.. WroaCe1 er, The London Free Press pays Adella Martin, of Wroxeter, wee brought to the asylum here about a inonbll singe. She bad gone manila 00 religions motive during the excitement Of a reeled!. On Friday elle died of paralysis, And the body way taken borne on Saturday night, Mrs, Martin wee 40 pare cid and leavoe a faintly, 113twero eler. Mee, MUPherson 15 veryeiolt. Mr, and Mrs. McIntosh, of Molesworth, are visitingfeiende in Blnevale, Geordla Memle, of Molesworth, ' is working in the Bluovale obsess factory. Mise T, Sanderson, of Toronto, is the game: of alio Maggie Diamont at present, Mr, Watson and Mebl° Rolf, of Lie - towel, were vioiting at John tiioi)onaid'e on Wednesday, Sam, and Alex. McGee, of Battle Oreek, were visiting their mother and other friends on Saturday, Sunday and Monday. ' The first sitting of the Courtfor the Revision of the Aseebsment Roll for the township of Turnberry, will be held in MoDonald's Hail, Bluovale, ou Monday, the 27611 day of May, 1896, at 1 o'olook p. m, Wal Con.. Last week H. Hewitt left for his home in Dakota. Great regrets aro expressed over the havoc made by the frost this week. A large new boiler, Abel manufacture, was received this week for the brickyard here and is being plaoed in position. A number of gentlemen from the North were out fishing in Gardiner's creek the other day. They naught a lot of speckled beauties. A porter social in aid of Walton Metho. dint church was held at the residence of John Berry on Friday evening of last week. Those present had an enjoyable time. Rev. W. A. Smith, a student from Montreal College, took Rev. T. W. Oos- ens work last Sabbath. He did well. Next Sabbath Mr. Omens will preaob for Mr. Fair, Londesboro'. His paipite will be supplied. (ru.nbrook. Wm. Welsh, of Listowel, was in the village on Tuesday. Oranbrook people will celebrate the 24bh in neighboring towns. The excavation for the new school bowie is completed and stone work will be pushed up at once. It is likely that A. McNair will rebuild bis residence this season and leave the erection of a store to a future time. We were sorry to hear of the sudden death of Mr. Seel, of Brussels, formerly of Craubrook and father of Chas. Seel, of this village. W. R. Kerr, of Brussels, took Rev. D. B. MoBae's work last Sabbath morning as the latter was preaching in Knox Obnrob, Brussels Oranbrook has been a center of attrac- tion for not a few commercial travellers this week. Mr. McNair will open a full stock of goods next week in the building DOW occupied as a post office. The probabilities are that Knox Church congregation will put up sheds for the accommodation of horses belonging to the members. Owing to the recent Hotel fee the sheds need were destroyed. Sl.attr. The painters are buoy these days reno- vating several of our business places. A. Perdue, V. S. of Elmwood, Bruce county, was visiting friends in town on Sunday. One of our veteran shoemakers, John Drummond, is confined to his bed wibh Is grippe. Rev. T. E. Higley is at present visiting the Forest Oity and St. Thomas, where his mother i resides. On Sunday morning Bev. Mr. Teirney officiated in Trinity ehuroh and preached an able discourse from James 2 : 18-20, Rev. Mr. Teirney,who had been visiting relatives here fora couple of weeks, re- turned to his home in Ibngland on Wed- nesday. The youngest child of R. Mocommine, tailor, was severely bitten by a bound be- longing to John Perdue, • V. S. As soon as the owner beard of ib the dog paid the penalty with a piece of rope. On Saturday a meeting of the rate- payers was called for at the school house for the purpose of electing a trustee in the pleas of 0. B. Tanner. The atten- dance was slim. Dr. Ferguson was the choice. On Thursday evening the temperapoe hall was pretty well filled to listen to a lecture by J. W. Dennis, of Buffalo, N. Y., on Spiritualism. He made very little impression on those that listened to biro, as he failed to answer the questions that were put to him. The beautiful Summer weather of last week has caught a severe gold. When our inhabitants arose from their sweet slumbers on Sunday and Monday morn- ings they found the ground covered with snow and ice, whioh severely checked the early vegetation. 'b eriese litshalt. Frank Kennedy, of Toronto, formerly of this town bas purchased a milk busi- nese in that oiby. Joe Mason, -.photographer, was home last week. Be has scoured control of a gallery in Drayton and will take im- mediate poesoseios, The town weigh scales were sold by pablio emotion, and were knocked down to John Carr, at $68, an advance of $15 over the previous year, John Inglis, who has been studying drugs in H. F. Gordon's pharmacy for some time past, has gone to Detroit, where he has secured a lucrative situ- ation. Walter Baby, who has been brakeman on the London, Huron ch Brune, with Conductor Parker, for some .years, has resigned from the Company's service, and Brakeman John klorden baa been appointed to the run, Mr, Roby has en- gaged in farming, and is located near Palmerston. The election of officers in Author Hope Lodge, I. O. Cie T;, resulted as fol- lows :—H. Park, 0. T. ; Bose Chapman, V. T. ; W. J. MoTavieh 11 S, ;