HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1895-5-17, Page 3MAT 17, i890 Town Dlroctory. Jyr.„ 6 Cupnan,.—Sabbath Sereinee at 11 a m and 6;30 p. m, Snnday School et 2.;80 p m. Rev. John Rose, pastor. Knox Ciruaon,-Sabbath 3orvioas at 11 a m and 6:30 p m. Sunday SQbool a4 2;80 p m. Rev, D, Millar, pastor. Sr, JonN'3 Onuitou.—Sebbetil„IServioes at 11 a m and 7 p m. Sunday School et 2;30 p. in. Rev. A, K, Griffin, bourn. bent, ME'ruonrsr Onunou.—Sabbath Services at 10130 a m and 6:30 g m. Sunday School at 2;80 p m, Rev. G. H, Cobble dick, id A, B D, pastor. Remus OATuome Cannon.—Sabbath Service third Sunday in every month, at 10;80 a m. Rev Joseph Kennedy, priest, SALVATION AnarX.—Sexvioe at 7 and 11 a m and8and8p m on Sunday and every evening in the melt at 8 o'olook, at. the bertaalrs. ODD FELLOWS' Looms every Thursday evening, in Graham'a block, MAsoNI0 Lofton Tuesday of or before, full moon, in Garfield block: A 0 13 W Lotion on the 3rd ,Friday evening of each month, iu Blas. hill's block. 0 0 F Lanes 2nd end last Monday evenioge of each month, in Blashill'e blooh. I 0 F, 2nd and last Friday in Odd Fellows' Hall. L 0 L 14 Monday in every month in Orange Hall. Sons oe SoorLAND, let and 8rd TOSS. days of eaoh mouth, in Odd Felldwo' Hall, K. 0, T. M. Loner, let and 3rd Thurs• days of eaoh. month, in Vanstone blook. Bolls Cutout, 2nd and. 4th Friday even. ings fn Blashili'e Hall. POST OFFlas.—Offioe hours from 8 a. in, to 6:$0 p. m. Msonamlas' Imemers.—Library in Holmes' block, will be open from 6 to 8 o'clock. p. m. Wednesdays.and 8;80 to. 6 and 6 to 8 Saturdays. Miss Dolly Shaw, Librarian. Tones Ooueojr. W. H. Herr, Reeve W. H. Mo0racken, Robert Grabam, R. Leatherdale and 13. Gerry, Councillors ; F. 3. Scott, Clerk; Thomas Kelly, Treasurer ; D. Stewart, Assessor and 3. T. Rose, collector. Board meets the 1st Monday in each month. Sanson BOARD.—Rev. Resit, (ohairman,) Dr. MoKelvey, Dr, Graham, A. Reid, A. Hunter and J. N. Kendall ; See-Treas., It. Ross. Meetings 2nd Friday evening in eaoh month. PunmIa SonooL Tesonsas.—J. H. Cam- eron, Principal, Miss Braden, Miss Downey andMiss Cooper, BOARD OF HRALTIo..—Reeve Kerr, Olerk Scott, A. Stewart, T. Farrow and J. N. Rendall. Dr. MoNaughton, Medical Health Officer. ADOMESTIC MISTAKE. Van Winker kept a country store, and his clever wife, Jeannette, Tended the children and the house, and saw that both ends met; A happy couple ; yet one night, when Van had made s loss, He event unto his pleasant home—well, just a little cross. Ir And, as it hnppeued, on that day, from morning until night, Nothing in all her household work, had gone with Jeanette right,; She said she was "so tired," an Van, iu his rough, careless way, Said he would like to do her work, and rest himself a day. • III She answered, as a woman would ; for contradiction, he Declared that he did in every day, as much as she in three ; And so they argued until they both agreed upon this test Jeannette should tend the store next day, Van do her work and rest. IV Sho took his orders for the etare, than said : Van, listen now : You'll light the fire and while it burns, you'd better milk the cow ; Then make the boys their breakfast next, dress Freddy when he wakes ; .And boil the coffee, brown the hash and fry a dish of Oakes. v "Aad after breakfast, if the morning should bo clear and fine, The waehing that I did to -day hang up upon the line ; You'd better let the starch alone—you'd make a mass, no doubt— But don't forget to feed the fowls, and see the cow turned out. VI• "Then wash the dishes, mate the 'beds, and take upstaire the broom, For 1 always at this time of year both sweep and air each room. You'd better next g0down to Jake's and buy the dinner's steak ; The stook is ready for the soup ; the pies you'll have to make. vu. '"At twelve the dinner must be laid, or elee'theboys complain; Yon know they must be book at school at one o'olook again Then build the fire up well and clear, so that the irons heat, While you wash up the dinner things, and make the houee•ploee sweet. von. "Then you may iron until five, but when the boys, come home You'd butter send thein for the cow, she is tie apt to roam, And then you'll give the children each a bowl of milk and bread, And little Freddy must be bathed and put into hie bed. Ix. "Besldes, there's many a little thing you'll lave to see done right ; And Fred. muet not 0 moment be out of. your call or sight And if a neighbor should drop In to bor. row or to call, You need not growl ;. it'e business to be polite to a11. x. "When it is nearly nine o'oleek you may look out for me, For I shall waist a bit of, stook, and a good oup of tea ; n Then elide away, and lay the fire, and 000 the doore 00040, And when it's ten o'eloalc, Van Winker, you'll be'reeted' erre." xr, Jeannette went 09 the store next • day, prepared to do her part, And yet her children and oar house lay heavy en her heart ; But the was bright, and kept, the store with business all alive, And gold more dry goods in that day than Van had done in five. xtr, Theelerlr beneath her watchful eye put on a civil way, She beard the news, and saw her friends, and bad a pleasant day; But yet,''mid ail,' she thought a home with fear and grave distrust And there, poor Van by ten o'elook sat smoking in disgust. mu, 20e got the 'olothee upon the line, and then the line gave way ;