HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1895-5-10, Page 8l'1VQ gollebcxe Uee oar 1:Iellebore to destroy the worms ea your Cermet and Gooseberry Became, When you want Pure Parks Green Yoe oan depend on us"supply ing you with a good article. Insect rowder We have Insect :Powder good and oheap. When you want any of the above please call. G. A. DEADMAN, Druggist, Bookseller aid Graduate Optician, GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY.. SOUTHERN EXTENSION W. G. & B. Trains leave Brusslo Station, North and South, as follows: Gorse SOUTH. GOING NORTH. 14a11 0:54 a.m. Mixed a.m. Sxmofie 11:40 a.m. 4La{i ens p.m. Krsea 9:00 p,rn, 1lxerese .,,.., 0;40 p,m, rani "etas 1 ±e nL, A ohiel's amang ye takin' notes, An' faith he'll Arent it. Cons to Brussels on Friday, May 24th. Tim gloves found. Enquire at THE .DOST, BRussEL5 School Betted meets this (Fri. day) evening. OOuNCILLon LEATn000. LE'a new driving barn is nearly completed. TRE course stones on Turnberry street are being raked off and broken. Vest. °ARER°N bas greatly improved bis recently purchased residenoe. HUGH R. ELLIOTT, Grahamville, has added a kitchen to his residence, Mumma Orangemen will go to Leek - now for the celebration on July 12th. HAVE you cleaned up your yard 7 The Sanitary Inspector will commence his rounds next week. JNo. MOBAIN bas bad a new awn ing and a nicely silver lettered sign put u . at his tailoring establishment. THE interior of the Queen'e Hotel has been receiving an .overhauling and is greatly improved by new wall paper, painting, &c., LOST on Turnberry Or Queen street on Wednesday evening, a $5.00 bill. Finder will be suitably rewarded by leaving it at THE Pose Publishing House. Tem heat for a few days during the past week bus been something unusual for this season of the year. 90 degrees in the shade was registered by the thermom- eter. MESSRS. BARKER it VANsrONE, who have purchased Maitland Skating rink, talk of pulling it down and utilizing the lumber toward the erection of two house on the same lot, BICYCLE.-Frfdav evening of this week A meeting of the -Bicycle Club will be held at G. F. Blair's °face to arrange trophies for club races, also to talk over she reuetion of tuiforne, &c. THE LATEST Ga5111 LAws. Book agents may be killed from Augnet lst to October 1st ; spring -poets from March 1st to Jaly 1st ; acandalmongere from January 1st to December 31st inclusive ; umbrella bor• rowers from February let to May 1st, and from Augnet 1st to November 1st ; open seasons all the year round on life insur- ance agents, and the fellows who borrow their neighbor's papers. Beussees Ciinrnno.-The undersigned wishes to notify all concerned than he n'ill be at the cemetery on Wednesday afternoon of each week during the Sum. mor for the purpose of fixing up graves or plots, straightening headstones or do- ing such other work as owners of Tote may desire. Terms reasonable. If in- struction, are sent by mail address me at Brussels P. 0. It&DT. ARSraTRONO, Caretaker. ?3to oslebratioll fn Brussels oq Queen's Birthday. See programs. Tete orioket . pinb will re•orgenize On) Friday evening of this week, . Meeting et Queen's hotel, Notrtw MoNauouwpa is 'supplying fresh deli to the town and oountryeicte, They soma from Luise Boron. THE B3iayele (Nub's rum this weals wee to Wroxeter Thursday. First detaoh• meat at 4:15 aid second et 0:30 o'oloolc A armee oompuoy of young, people went put to Chas, Kitohie's, Morrie, on .lues. day evening, and had a most sujoyable time. Bnossn,s football olub played a match at Wroxeter on Thursday of this week. Atwood team is expected here on Satur- day afternoon, Koons. Oration & DAMES shipped feel' ogre of extra fine export oattle last Mon. day. Geo, White and Wan. Stubbs et* oompenied the stook end will take oharge of them on the Atlantio. THE Atwobd Bee says :-Tnit Bass. 80L5 Pon, displayed a commendable stroke of enterprise last wools by getting out a 12 page edition, 1t Was liberally supported by the local advertisers. • Wnee'e the mettter with the members of Brussels Football team getting down to praotioe on Viotoria Park every even. ing 7 This ie the .only way to get in shape. There should be a pinked 11 pit. ted against them each night, OPTICS.-Jobn MtNanghtou arrived home from Toronto last weeps where be was attending the Ontario Optical lost!. tute, Dr, Hemlll, Principal. Mr. Mo. Naughton secured a diploma and will en gage shortly in business as an optician. We wish him suooss. BEAUTIFUL PLANTS, -1. MnAlpins has had a splendid display of flowering and foliage plants for sale during the past week. They Dame from Florist Ivey, Brantford, and were rapidly pinked up. A. fresh lot to hand this week. Call and see them as they are well worth ,inspect- ing. GRAND 7'nuNn DETECTITE DAT was here last week enquiring into the straying oattle question. We understand that all stock found on the streets North of the river will be impounded, ae the G. T. R. is determined to avert the possibility of an aooident. Owners of cattle and hors. es ghoul make e, note of this, at once, and save themselves future trouble. This is the object of sounding this warning note. JEoSETa.-G. A.. Deadman bas been adding more Jerseys to hie bard. Last Tuesday he received a yearling and a five year old both from seme dam whiph has a record of 17 ibe. butter a week when 14 years old. Mr. Deadman says he knows the value of this family as be has had two for sometime that are doing re. Inarkably. will. One giving over 1,000 lbe per mouth of very rioh milk with her 2nd calf and this on winter feed. FRAUD. -A large roll of golden hued butter was cutin twain in Irwin & Co.'s store last Monday when to the surprise of the shop.keeper the whole inside of roll was found to contain a mase of some sort of white grease. This was mealy covered on all aides by butter and the fraud eldest - by covered. °Unfortunately bbs perpe- trator of this sneak act is not known, if they were THE PoeT would gladly give their name to the publio that dirty work might be known. The only remedy we know of is to properly grade butter' and not pay the same price for axle grease that is given for a No. 1 nrtiole. The Dore is in the hands of the merchants. OmroanT.-Henry Spence, the well. known retired grain merabaut, and one of the old residents of Goderich, died on Sunday night last, after an illness of two months. Deceased, who was born in the the town of Leicester in the county of that- name, hatname, in England ; was a man of the most exemplary oharacter, having the esteem of all who knew him. He served 21 years in the 19th Battalion of Royal Artillery,receiving on his discharge at Montreal in 1858 a silver medal for good conduct and long service, and a strongly worded recommendation from bis oolone), As librarian for the Quebec Literary and Historical Society for. two years be re. ceived from that body a very kindly testi. menial. Sergeant Spence certainly be. longed to a thoroughly millitary family. His (ether was a veteran of Nile and Tra. falgar, Copenhagen, Gibralter, Alexandria and Cairo ; his brother, also in the Royal Artillery, died while stationed at Corfu, and two nephews are now in the Queen's Life Guards. Mr. Spence name to Gode. rich some 30 years ago, and hag resided here ever since. He was a staunch Con• ervativein politics, of well informed mind, and the strictest integrity. Hie uneral took place on Wednesday and was largely attended. Deceased was a rotber•in,law to Mrs. Robt. Dickson, Brussels and Simon Grant, Grey.-Gode• Loh Star, OSITUARY•-Annie May, eldest daughter 1 Bev. F. E. Nugent, of Palmerston, was orn at Harmony, near Stratford, Decom- se 30th, 1877 and hence at the time of er death she was 17 years, 4 months and days old. She anoompanied her par - eats on the following stations, namely: den. IIespeler, Berlin, Luakhow, Lists. wet, Mitchell and Palmerston. While iving at' Mitchell two very solemn and mportanb events took plane In the his. ory of this young person. One was her mother was gathered home to the pease pee of God and she bas now joined her nd both will ping the song of eternal ove ; the other was in a revival eervioe Inducted by her father, she wits lead o see and feel that she was it sinner and o receive Christ ae her personal Saviour nd from that time forward her Christian (arse was steadily onward and upward. eternity she was of a kind, loving die• osition but tinder the convertiug grace nd eanotifying power of God her good. els of besot and beauty of life were ate. parent to every one and those who knew er best loved her most. On uniting with the church she entered with all her earl into charoh work. Moving to elmerston she became assistant teacher f the infant °lass ; member of the horoh chair; organist in the Sabbath ebool end prayer meebiug end viae. resident of the League. Her end was ainfullyeuddenand unexpected by every ne and came with °rushing weight on he family and members of the church, n Wednesday evening, May lst, she was n her place at the prayer meeting and id her part well. On Thursday morning, arty, she was taken sick, and on Satur. ay morning at 5 o'clock the blaster mil- d her to a home in the skies. The uneral took plane on Monday, May 0th, the body taken via G. T. R. to Mitebell and interred by the side of her mother. The bereaved family have the sympathy of the whole community, Inflammation of the liver and heart Mare was said to be the oause, of death. CLoRE SEASON Fon nem -The Ottawa e Fisheries Department has issued notices regarding the close season for fish. Bass f cannot be cangbt or sold between May 10 and June 30 ; maskiooage, fram April b 15 to Jane 15 ; pickerel, from April 15 to Mey 15 ; speckled trout from Sept. 15 to r May 1 ; salmon Moat and white fish,from Nov. 1 to Nov. 30. The use of firearms, o explosives or anaree to catch or kill fish is prohibited. Persons convicted by the law b will he subject to a line or imprisonment, e and all informers receive half the fine imposed. 1CIOEee IN THE FACE. -Leet Saturday evening as Jno. Gesiing was arranging to hitch up "Rumor Jr," to exercise him on the track the horse kinked biro in the i face, fracturing hie hey and lenooking out t several teeth. It was a wonder he was not killed. Gosling was removed at onne d to the Queen's Hetet where he was oared a for and he is making as good progress as i could be expected, It appears that 0 "Ruiner" is noted for his ugliness in bit- t ing and striking, so much so that be is t bandied with the greatest precaution, a Heretofore be has not shown a tendency a to kick but with this latest acquisition he N ie a menace to life and limb. Although p a valuable stallion he should not be allow- ed to live unless he can be curbed from n hie man eating tricks. Ir WAS Arm Rionr.-Quite a little Isickr- h up was created last January over the adding of voters' Damen to the list on h election day, the same having been acol. P den telly omitted, judge Doyle'sremarke o reflecting on the Clerk's action were eVi- o dpnily uncalled for jndgine; by the follow. 8 ing letter, which meet 5.. ooneidered an p authority on the subject : -"I am direct. p ed by the Attorney Gen, sal to replyto o your letter of the 24th ult. No proviion t appears to be made in the Municipal Aot 0 for the receipt of tendered ballots, nor is i there any other provision ae to names d omitted in copying the list. In the East e Durham election oaee it was held that d voters were nob abut out in consequence e of an error in the certified copy sent to f the Clerk by the Judge. 7 can hardly think that the Clerk in the present oar could be held to have acted improperly in adding a name omitted in copying." !mire Truly,, Toronto, . May 115. J. R. CARTwatdr1T. T tJSS LiLi POST GEO.. It TOwNSEND, Deputy Supreme Commander, of Guelph, was fn town thia weep booruing the interests :of Om Maonabee Order, This Order hes a total menlbersllip of 188,434, 7,240 of whom are in Ontario. The total amount paid for deathe and disability benefits, wee $4,« 307,808,, Brussels Tent has quite an apt. ive membership, Sunning DEtrii.—A resident of aver 20 years departed this !ifs early Theredey morning, in the person of William Talt, Albert street. He had been poorly for some time but was, able to be about in the yard on Wedneeday. Obetruotion of the bowels is said to have been the 58050 of bis death, Deoeaed wan the eldest of 9 children, 4 of wbonl survive, anti was born at Milbraak, Durllam county, On. MOO, and resided there enol he name 10 Brussels, Mr. Tait was unmarried and was' 72 years of ege. IIs wase, brother. of John Tait's, Queen street, from whose residence the funeral will take pians 00 Friday afternoon, at 4;50 o'alosit. Quint's Bmranee IN Beuaestxe,-The 24111 of May will be celebrated in Bees. Bele as follows -In the forenoon, .al • 10 o'olook, football matches will be play- ed on Vioborlit Park. Admieion t9 Park fres, In the afternoon, commencing at 1 o'clock, hors rases, bicycle and foot rases will be held on abs Driving Park, 0.5 follows : -3 minute trot or pees, $15, $10 and $5 ; local 00.00, trot or pace, drivers, horses eligible to be decided by committee, $10 and $5 ; farmers' trot or paee, horses never winning public mon• ey, $6 and $4 ; running rites, 2 in 3, $10 and $8; mile walking race, team to wagon, $8 and $2 ; 2 mile bicycle race, prizes worth $5, $3 and $2 • 1 mile bi. cycle race, boys under 14 years, prizes worth, $2 and $1 ; 100 yard rape, $2 and $1; * mile race, $9 and 31 ; mile raoe, $2 and $1 ; 100 yard raoe, bays under 14 years, $1 and 30e ; 100 yard raoe, boys under 10 years, fend 50e ; 60 yard raae, old men, $1 and See. ; 50 yard race, fat men, $1 and 60o. Conditfane :-All ranee are to bee mile beats, 3 in 5 ; en- trance to horse races 10 per Cent., all other games free ; American Aseoalation rules to govern all ranee ; decision of the Judges to be final on all points. Foot- ball match prize, $10.00. Reduced rates on all railroads. Brussels Brass Band will be in attendance. Robe. Graham is Chairman and N. P. Gerry, Secretary, Business Locals. Emma garden seeds, clover and timo- thy .4 McCra cken's. Jfua tune covere'l buggy, Rood as new. L C. Riobards. Sueraieo lap rug found on the 6th line Morris. Enquire at THE Poem. BRING IT HoarE,-The person who bor. rowed R. Leetherdale'e carpet stretcher is asked to return it at 0005. Bee celebration in Seafo•th)on May 24th. Look out for bills and be sure you go to Seaforth on May 24311. DWELLING to rent over my store, Pos- session oan be given 4th of June. I. C. Richards. BIT=A Jersey ice cream, confectionery, nuts, bananas, &o., Summer drinks &a. at Mrs. Kirks. Opposite Queen's hotel, Brussels. WE Bell 25 cent bottles of beet shoe dressing for 20 eente ; 15 cent bottles for 10 cls. ; two 10 cent bottles for 15 els. I. 0. Richards, PAeTusAOE,-Lot 24, con. 25, Morrie. The proprietor of above has pasture for 12 head of cattle. Plenty of grass and water. Run of 100 acres. WALTEi INNEs. FLEmty Plows, Hugh Williams & San are the Agents for the well known Fleury plowe. They also keep all the necessary repairs. Call at WVilliams'LiveryStable, Brussels. Snmon's Care, the great cough and oronp ours, is in great demand. Pocket size contains twenty-five doses ; only 25 cents. Children love ib. Sold by Jas. Fox, druggist, Brussels. Ii.1RL's Clover Root will purify your blood, clear your complexion, regulate your bowels and reale your head clear as a bell. 25 ole„ 50 ate. and $100. Sold by Jas. Fox, druggist, Brussels. CAPTAIN Sweeney, II. 0• A., San Diego, Cal„ says :-"Shiloh's Catarrh Remedy is the first medioine I have ever found that would do me any good." Price 50 cents. Sold by Jas. Fox, druggist, Ergs. sels. HEED THE WAnNING.—.The common and ever preemie warning of kidney trouble, back-acbe and weakness in back, are quickly relieved by Dr. Chase's Pills. The original and only 25 cent Kidney - Liver Pills. When all other remedies fail they cure, Werra -Dramas AND Dnumneo.-George Birt has all the necessary machinery for digging and drilling wells and 10 peeper. ed to attend to all work entrusted to him in a way that will insure satisfaction. Wells cleaned out and put in proper shape. Terms reasonable. Residence second door north of the bridge, west side of Turnberry st., Brussels. 84.31 0. Donnelly, prop. of the popular and well-known Windsor Hotel, Alliston, Out., was troubled for years with itching piles. He was persuaded by Jae. McGarvey, Alliston, livery man, to use Chase's Ointment, wbiah he did, was cured, aid had no return of them and highly recom- mends this Ointment as a sovereign cure for piles. FAnasEos wanting hardy, native stock to plant this coming Fall or Spring may pay for it in work, We want men with or without experience on full or part time. Salary and expenses or commis- sion. Write at once for further infer. mation. Brown Brothers' Go., Conti• nentel Nurseries, Toronto, Ont. 43.3m eORW. WeLmrANo,-In Listowel, on the 2nd inst., the wife of Mr. David Wildfang of a daughter. Dorm, -In Grey, on May 4th, the wife of Mr, Moses Doll of a son. HART. -At Kingston, on May 2nd, the wife of Mr. W. D. Hart, Standard' Bank, of a daughter. ssna- TAIT.-In Brussels, on Thurday, May 9th, William Tait, aged 72 years. HALeTnAn.-In Arlington, Oklahoma Territory, on the 915 ult., D. 17, Halstead, M. D., aged 66 years, brother of J. A. Halstead, of Mount Forest. HAwarns.—At the rssidenee of her son, in Listowel, on the let inst., Ann Eliza Hawkins, mother of A. St. George Hawkins, of the Standard, aged 72 yearn, 10 months and 16 days. MoOmentet.-In Morris, on May 4th, Duncan McCallum, eldeet son .of Gilbert Me0allum a ed 42 tars STIX,D4RD AtINIC OF C4X41)4, "J 7o'. „,4227=,a"Y'13.i- =:, o.27,F.m HEAD OFF(QE, - TORONTO. ASSETB, (Seven =Hen Dollar@) - $7,000,000 APXTAL (Authorized) $2,000,000 .agencies tie elipr(ttofpalpoints ��in Ontario, Qaebea, J1laniitoyby/a, United Stale; c0 •Iltipban4' FAVIAGS A General Banking Business Transaoted, Farmers' Notes. Dlsoougted, ' Drafte Ieeued and Collections made on all points. SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT, Interest allowed on deposits of $1.00` and upwards from dat of deposit to date of withdrawal and compounded half yearly. SPEorAi ATTENTION 08505 TO THE COLLEOTION OF INARS/Elie' SALE NOTES, livery facility afforded Customers living at a dietanoe, 3. A. STEWART MeseeNi, GIIL.a den & •�^� om►t��yI rCa�l�t4,.� 13, �y EE n , L7 E l./' S. .�tJ. -L.l S , Transact a General Banking Business. Drafts Bought and Soldon all points in Canada, United States and Great Britain. FARMERS NOTES DISLOUNTED. SALE NOTES AND MORTGAGES A SPECIALTY. Sarsaws Dame OJ. PaEM•'3iT. Intereet Allowed on One Dollar and Upwards at Current Rates. Interest Com- pounded Twine a Year, Being Added to the Principal at the end of the Menthe of October and April. Special Arrangements made for Time Deposits. 11'e effect to write lneurnnao.i1, 0Hl TngOIeb Or• Cnnndinn Cowpanies, or In Mut. nisi Compnu#ee as nrny be desired. AGENTS POR CANADA AND UNITED STATES : THE CANADIAN BANE OP COSINEROE Nuonm-1n Palmerston, on May 4th, Annie May, eldest daughter of Rev. F. E. Nugent, aged 18 years. 0.r n wen ' w 2,..ZA1.47 a-7TS, Fall Wheat 75 78 Spring Wheat 75 78 Barley. 40 45 Peas 58 80 Oats 31 00 Butter, tube and rolls ,.. 12 18 Eggs per dozen 8 9 Floor per barrel3 00 3 50 Potatoes .•. 35 40 Hay per ton. 7 00 00 Hides trimmed 3 00 Hides rough 2 2e Salt per bbl., retail ,.. 1 00 00 Sheep skins, each ...... 20 40 Lamb eking eaoh 15 40 Apples per bbl 1 52 1 25 Flogs, Live 4 75 5 00 Hoge, Dressed 5 25 00 TORONTO, May 7. -Wheat, firm ; wheab holders not inclined to accept le08 than 80e for Ontario. A round lot of 5,000 bushels No. 1 hard, afloat, Fort William, sold at 80a. Lake and rail stuff, Toron- to and West, held at 890. Flour—Hold. ere now ask $4.40 for patents, and $4.15 for bakers', Toronto, but no business be- ing done at these figures ; straight roller, Toronto freights, in demand at $3.80 to $3.85 ; holders ask $4. Peas -Oar lots of No. 2 quoted at 60c West. Oats- White in demand, high west freights at 34o, and middle freights at 34o to 35a ; a bid of 370 made for white on track, but refused. Barley feed in demand, at 440 west and 45e east ; from 45o to 45o out- side would be paid for No, 2. Rye -67o bid for oars east. TORONTO. May 7• -Trade was a little better at the western cattle yards today. chiefly because of lighter receipts. There were 50 carloads of stuff in, which in• eluded 91 sheep and lambs, 729 hogs, 76 calves, and about a dozen milob cows. There was a good attendance of buyels from outside places, and the local dealers were taking pretty freely. Supt. David Walker reports the total receipts for last week as follows :-Cattle, 1,620 ; sheep and lambs, 590 ; bogs, 2,381 ; weigh fees, $57.62. Butchers' cattle were firmer to- day, although prices did nob advance any. Butchers' eboioe cattle were selling at from 4c to 4.icper lb, according to quality; medium to poor, Seo to 310 per Ib ; com- mon cattle et 3o to sic per Ib. One or two lets drugged somewhat, one bunob of good fat butebers' cows being held at 40 per lb. In export cattle there was quite a bit of buying Lo -day, about 80 carloads, including some butchers' cattle, going through to Montreal for shipment to the Old Oountry. Prices were steady. The top figure touched was $5,30 per cwt., the range being from 50 to 610 per Ib. mostly, Several cattle died on the trains because of having been overdriven by thefarmere. The feeling was barely steady in bogs to. day. Quotations are unchanged at $4`to $4,90 per cwt., weigbed off oars, for the bet long lean hogs. One bunch of bogs, not quite first quality, void for $4.70 per owl. Other kind of hogs are unchanged. Not many sheep and lambs Dame in, and the market is steady. A bunob 0164 sheep and lambs, avernaing about 205 pounds each Bold for $6.60 per head. Butchers' sbeep are quiet, and quoted nt from $5 to ee per head. Good grain - fed yearliugs sold at from 5o to Sao per lb, and spring lambs were sold at from $8 to $4 each. A few spring lambs are wanted. For calves prices were alightly firmer, at from $4 to $0 per head. Milob cows and springers --only about a dozen head were offered and all sold. Prioee were steady at from $25 to $45 head.. There wan quite a demand for good feed- ers today, but prices asked were too high. A few good sbookere are wanted. Prioee may be put at from BO to di per Ib„ the latter for nearly fat feeders. Orman MAnuETa.--Pelerboro', Ont., May 7, -The first :meeting of the obeese board for this season was held here today in the Council chamber, with a fair at- tendance of buyers. The number of cheese boarded was very small, only 500 boxes being, offered. The highest and only bid was 70. offered by Mr, Hodgson, which the salesmen declined to taoept, Dhe board adjourned for two weeks. elleville, May 7.—The Belleville cheese board organized to -day. The total of• Tering were 2,486 boxes. For the board 7o was offered ; for selections 71/6o, and for one factory, The. No sales were ef- fatted on the board, but several Sales were made on the area after the boded. In. Remelt, May 7, -•The Ingersoll cheese markets opened today for the season with a good attendance of both buyers and salesmen. :The market opened dell, at 7o, but before the close was brisk, at no to 7, o. The sales were as follows ;-- 128 -128 at leo ; 100 at 7 3/16o; 1,097 at no. The rules governing the market for 1894 were adopted for 1895. EAer BOFFAL0, May 7. -Cattle -ire ceipts, all consigned through since last report, but there were nine or ten loads held over from yesterday.' Market dull and flat, with but little enquiry for any kind. Hogs—Receipts, live oars, but with those held over from yesterday there were 23 cars on sale ; market dull, but about eteady for Yorkers and pigs Yorkers, $4:65 to $4,70 ; good mediums, $4.75 to $4,80; common to good heavy ends, $4.25' to $4,50 ; rougb, $4 to $4.25 ; pigs, $4,65 to $4.76 ; stags, $3.25 to $3.- 75. Sheep and lambs-Beaeipte, three cars of State lambs, but about 14 loads bell over from yeeterday'e trade ; market about steady, but slow for all grades, Sheep --Choice to best handy waders, $4.25 to $4.30 ; fair to good, $8 to $4.20 ; common to fair, $2,75 to $8.40 ; woolled sheep, fair to best, $3.50 to $4.- 60 ; olipped lambs, Sanoy heavy, $6.15 to $5.25 ; good to choioe, $5.25 to $6.35 ; fair to good lambs, $4 to $4.75 ; Spring lambs, common to choice. $3.50 o $9.50 ; woolled iambs, fair to best, $4.25 to $5.60. John Swan & Sons, Ltd., Liverpool, in their report of April 20, say Sapplies of fat cattle have been heavy all round this week. Trade was steady at about last week's rates, fat cows meeting the dearest trade of the season, There have been more cattle bought to go South. Amerioan supplies have not been quite so large, and they made about last week's prices. There has been a sharp advance in the price of cattle in the States. Fat sheep have been shown in fairly large numbers. Trade quieter and prises would fall about le 0d on an average. Fat lambs, if of good quality, continue to sell at high prices ; secondary, °beeper. The beet class of fat calves met a good trade ; all others cheaper. Owing to the favorable change in the weather, all class- es of More sheep and cattle met an im- proved demand, and a satiefactory clear. anoe effected at hardening prices. Milk cows in smaller numbers, and met a bet. ter trade, at from 20s to 30s adeaooe. Beet beef, 7s Od per stone ; best mutton, 8d to 8:}d per lb. THE PE'OPLE'S COLUMN, BRUSSELS POST OFFICE Savings Basle takes Deposits from 51,00 to 91,100 and allows 01 per omit. interest. T. FARROW, Main Postmaster. STRAW WANTED, -I WILL buy four or live learle of clean wheat or oat straw it price is antis rut tory. (4. A. IM ADMAN, Druggiet, Bookseller, &o. AGENTS WANTED WHO DE-. stun to darn from $18 to 925 weekly'. It can be done selling our hardy, guaran teed, Canadian growth Nursery Stock. Salary or oomminaion paid weekly. lOxelusive terri- tory. Handsome outfit free. Write us at Once for terms. 17, 0. GRAHAM, Nursoryman, 41.14 Toronto, Out, STONE ! STONE 1 Any quantity Of Buildin- g, Corner, Rubble. Sill and Bridge Stone for Salo, Quarried and ready for loading at Brussels Quarry, For price and terms apply to J110. MI1'CHIrLL, 27.10 Box1GO Brussels. .FOR SALE. -THE UNDJ4R- Jt.' eI°NSD 000ere for Rotel covered buggy nearly now ; 1 set single harness • a quantity of bemloelc lumbar, different lclnds; also a quantity of elm, squared and un squared, from la to 24 poet long, will square fram. 10 to 12 imams. Apply to 'WM. MARTIN, 42.2 Vlore. Street, ltrusael9, COURT OP REVISICiele TOWNSHIP OF GREY. Notion is hereby given that the Muoinlpat Council of the Corporation of the Township of Grey County of Heron, will ,meet as Court of Revision at LONG'S H0T7t1L, ORAN- BROO]t, on d1UNl1AY, n(ay 2701r, 1805, at 11 n. m. Parties interested will govern themselves a000rdtngly. WM. SPI5NOA, Clerk, BULL FOR SERVICE. -THE unde•aignea will keep for sOryiee 'on Lot 7 Con, 0, Morrie, the tnoro'-bred.Duir- ham buil elterl Robin," Terme-91,20 to b0 paid on December let, 1805. 41- m 011100, LPB oprietor, A. G. o0 7 Coott. 0. BLL li'OR SERVICE. -THE undersigned will keep for service 'on Lob 15, Con; 4, Grey, a flora' bred Short Horn line, Orulekabaok Strain, purokase1 trona Thos. Ondmare, a well known brae dot, Tnaksrsmibli. Pedigree maybe soon On ap• plioatlon, Terme 81.00 to Memo, 42.2 JleGeMrl0Hk7LL, Proprietor. NAY 10, 1896 PURE HELLEBORE Insect Powder �1rQR� Currant Worms 9 ' Fox's Drug Store OProemTE QUEEN'S HOTEL, LEGAL AND CONVEYANCING. 'pe L. TAYLOR, BARRISTER, .fi r• Solicitor and conveyancer. O011ee. Mons made, Oillee-Vanstono'eBlaoa, Brue. eels, 21.2m_. AAT M. SINCLAIR, • solicitor, conveyanoer,Not they Pub. 110, &e. Otllae-'Vaostoee're Bleak, 1 door north ef-Central Hotel, Private Runde to Loan.' G• F. BLAIR, BARRISTER, . Soltoleer, &e, (late of Garraw & Pronrlfoofe Otboe, (9olerioh.) Oibce over Gillles & Smith'eBank, .Brusels. Money to Loan, 47 DENTAL. TIE. DAVIDSON Boner Graduate Toronto University, Licentiate Royal college Dental. Surgeons. Crown and Bridge work a apeeialt Moder- Barrett's barber shop, tionAssured. ut berry 6 , Brus- sels. VETERINARY. TD. WARWICK, t/ • Honor Graduateof the Ontario Veterinary 005lege, Is prepared to treat all climaxes of domesticated animals In a com- petent scanner. Particular attention paid to veterinary dentistry, calla promptly at- tended to. O10ee and Infirmary -Four chore north of bridge •Turnberry et„ Bente: e. MEDICAL CARDS.' T A. MoNAUGHTON, M. D. • 0.ar.,L,.R.O:P„ lOdinbnrgb, 21.0, P. S. Ont. Residence and °Moe in Wilson's Block; corner of Mill and Turnberry Ste. JM. ARMSTRONG, M. D. • Pbyeielan, Surgeon, Acoonoher, eta Graduate of Toronto University Medical Faculty, Member of College of Physicians and Surgeons, Ont. OFFICE -Next door to McDonald & Oa„ Walton Ont. BUSINESS CARDS. H. MoCRACKEN, • stills Grocery, lurnberrygstreet, Brus Office TN. BARRETT, Tonsorial Artist, Shop -Next door south of A. M. McKay* OO'e hardware store.. Ladies'aud ehildrens hair nutting aspeoialty ROBERT CUNNINGHAM • INSURANCE, FIRE AND MARINE. GUELPH. WELLINGTON MUTUAL IN- eurnooes offacted0on 11t Town and 3'erm Property at very low retch, J. A. ORRIGHTON, 15.9in Agent, Brussels, A HUNTER, Mark of the Fourth Division Cour Co. Huron, Conveyancer, Notary Public Land, Loan and insure nee Agent. Panda invested and to loan. dolleotfons made Ofiloe In Smale'e Block, BruseolS MISS O'CONNOR, R. T., Piano or Organ. Will instrumental Wi gh wsTues Tues- day and Wednesday of each week, Rost - donee on Princess Street, Brussels. rip A. x&WRJNR, M. 0. S. M. • Organist in St. John's Church, Bin s eels, and pupil, in the Art ot Teaching of A. W. Thayer, n Ius.0oo., New York, will give lessons to plums either on piano or crgan, at hie parlor over A.R. Smith's store, Brue- eele, Vocalleesono also given. Terms mod- erato, AUCTIONEERS. tz_EORGE KIRKBY, Licensed Auctioneer. Wee conduct radon reasonable tempts. Farms and fain stocka specialty. Orders left at Tun POeT P ubliehiug House,Brueoels, or gentto Walton P. O., will receive prompt attention, TO S. SCOTT AS AN AUCTION. • Ens, wil sell for bettor prtoes, to bettor men, be lees tinge and lees ;Margret than any other Auctioneer in Haat Huron or he won't °barge anything. hates and orders Dan always be arranged of this-oilloe or by personal application, REAL .ESTATE. 'WARMS FOR SALE-tTHE UN - sale add tor® 4 easy terrmsg in Panneoipls, of Morris and Grey. F 5, 360lJT,Braseels COMFORTABLE BRICK House for Sale Or to Rent onTurn- bony Street, Brussels. Immediate passage - ion, Good stable, well, eietern, 4 8010 or laud, fruit trees, dm, Ala° pasture 01100 aorta lot 12, c011.10, Grey. Living stream on farm, Apply t0 M115, 1t. WALIi.1;li, 41 No, 81, John Street, lirussell, IOUSE AND LOT FOR SALE. Tbo. Subscriber effete her bonso. and lot on John Street for aide, There are 8 W ter, &n, Tlinere home, t neve otrlandlrwith fruit trees end currant bushes, Gino a good Stable. Rol' terms and 0o0ditiona of sale ripely to 41105, THOS: HAYOROF'L, 07.2m . ' Brussels.