HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1895-5-10, Page 66 snsentassi 0 Ely NxnRstIJ . t mmlit r11eT+1eIIIDp•-+^^ .EVERY FRIDAY 1WOBNING ti n . ) at time for the early mails "Vie Post" Steam Publishing k(oese, Tvasuxaar Sr„ Bacs801,0, ONT. Tnnlve ' Or SonaanIrl'ro0,-.One dollar a year, io &draftee, The..dateto which every enheeription is paid is denoted by the date on the address label, AnVana¢e*N° Reins, -The following tato will be charged to those who advertise by theyear .•- y si AUR 1i•$, 0Mo 4 m One (lolunlu 000.00 59600 520.00 gall 96,00 00.00 ,13,00 Qcarter' 50,00 12,00 8,00 Eighth 10.00 8.00 6,00 Eight dents per line for first insertion, and three omits per line for each subsequent in- aertlou. All advertisements measured as 240011a10i1--18linea to the inch. Business Curds, erg ht. lines end under, 50 per annum. Advertisements without specific) dim - Nona will be inserted until forbid, and charged: accordingly. lnetructlerl0 to•°hallge of discontinue au advertisement must bo left at thecounting room of THE•Pos'r not later thou. Tuesday of each week. This is imperative. w. xa. Ii1Gnit, Editor and Proprietor, After Many Yeas. A STRANGE TALE TOLD BY A WELL KNOWN MINSTREL. 'roe Painful Remits of a0 Injury 80acely ed Many Years Ago -Was '1 rented in the Best ,taspititls o0 Pwo Continents. but 1'r0 imince11 Irt,inrablc-,t Fellow I'alluat rehired Out the Road. to He• cov era•. From the Owen Sound Times, The marvellous efficacy of Dr. Wil. limns' Pink Pills has again been demon- strated in this town. The Times referred to the astonishing cure of Mr. Wm. Bel - rose, a well known citizen. This was fol- lowed a few weeks ago by the remarkable cure of Mrs. Monnell, of Peel street, whose life had been despaired of by her- self and family and friends. A few days ago the Times reporter was passing along Division street, when it was noticed that a new barber shop had been opened by Mr. Dick Cousby, a member of a family who have lived in Owen Sound for nearly half a century. Knowing that Mr. Cons - by had been seriously ailing when he came from England, a few months previ- ous, and at that time bad little hope of recovering his health, the Times man dropped in to have a chat, and before the conversation proceeded very far, it was evident that there had been another miracle performed bythewonder-workingwonder-workin g Pink Pills. "Well, let us start at the beginuing of Mr. Cousby, when the mytroubles," said Y. probing in Times beganlartioulars. rbg f r o 1 1 "Twenty-one years ago I loft school here and joined a minstrel company. Since that time I have had parts In many of the leading minstrel companies as come- dian and dancer. In the Spring of 1887 I thought I would try it Summer engage- ment and took a position with Hall & Bingley's circus, then playing in the Western States. One morning during the rush to put up the big three -pole tent, I was giving the men a head, when the centre pole slipped out and in falling struck me across the small of the back. While I felt sore for a time, I did not pay much attention to it. After working a week I began to feel a pain similar to that of soiatio.rheumatism. For a year I gradually grew worse and'fmally'was laid up. This was at Milwaukee. After. some time I went to St. Paul and under. went an electric treatment, and thought I was cured. I then took an .engagement with Lew Johnston's Minstrels and went as far west as Seattle, About three years ago I made an engagement with .Bowes and Farquharson to go on a tour through Europe in the great American Minstrels. Before Sailing from New York I suffered from pains between the shoulders, but paid very little attention to it at the time, but when I reached Glasgow I was scarcely able to walk. I remained in this condition until we reached Manchester, where I obtained temporary relief from a doctor's prescription. For; two years the only relief I had was by taking this medi- cine. In May of 1893 while at Binning- ham I was taken very bad and gradually got worse all Summer. An engagement was offered me as stage manager for On• sley's Minstrels and I went out with them, but in three months'. time .I was so bad I had to quit. All this time I was consulting a physician who had been recommended as a specialist, but without any relief. Hydropathic baths and other similar treatments were resorted to with- out avail. Finally there was no help for it and I went to Manchester; and on Dec. 12t11, 1893, went into the Royal Hospital, where the physicians who diagnosed my case pronounced it transverse myelitis, or chronic spinal disease. After being in the hospital for live mouths I grew worse, until my legs became paralyzed from the hips down. Dr. Newby, the House surger on, showed Inc every attention and be- came quite friendly and regretfully fu - formed me that I would be an invalid all my life. For a change I was sent to Barnes Convalescent Hospital, Cheadle, having to bo carried from the hospital to the carriage and then on t0 the train. After a week there a patient told me of a cure effected on himself by the use of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills Being thoroughly discouraged I asked for my discharge and I was sent back to Manchester, where I began taking PinkPille. After the use of a few boxes I recovered the use of my lege sufficiently to walk several blocks. I then concluded to start for Canada and join my friends here. I continued taking the Pills, constantly getting stronger. I have taken 130 other medicine since I began the use of the Pink Pills, and I have no doubt as to what cured me. I now feel as well as ever and I am able to take up the trade of liarbering, at which I worked during the Summer months When I remember that the doctors told me I would be helpless all ray life, 1 can- not help looking upon my cure ae a mire sole." As Mr, Cousby told of the wonder• fol cure, bio good-natured countenance fairly shone with gratitude. Heir; so well known here' as a straightforward, respect- able citizen that The Times need say nothing in his behalf. His . plain, un• varnished statement would go for a lac With everyone who knows him. These Pills are a positive cure for al THE BRUSSELS POST troubles arising f0oln a Vitiated condition Of the blood, or w shattered nervous Sys- tem. Sold by all Healers 9r by avail, from Dr. Williams' Medicine Com al1Y, Brookville, Out., or Solleueotady, N X„ at 110 gouts a box, or six boxes for f2.00, There are numerous ii s ioas and sub.• stittinedagain st whichlah the public is Cautioned, MARKETiNQ AND SELLING CHEESE. During the next fortnight the various cheese markets in Western Ontario will meet to reorganize and to matte q' arran g g mute for the disposal of anotherseaeon's s been t product, he one in use atU the various System"all markets It is a decided Improvement on the old method and .as it rule' has given good satisfaction.. At one or two of the mark- ets lost season, the regulations conneotsd with this system were disregarded by some oflthe buyers and sellers, causing dissatisfaction and a feeling that it would be better to do away with the system al- together and allow every member of the market to Bell hie ahem when and where he pleased,, after the manner of the old "hole and comae.' method.: It ie sincere. ly hoped that no retrograde step pf this kind will be taken. It would be better to have the "Call System" even if the regu• lotions were broken a few times, than the old method. If, however, reasonable regulations aro adopted and the system is properly looked after, there peed be no. breaking of rules. By tire "GallSyetrem" cheese are sold upon their merits to the highest bidder. Such a method is there• fore of, benefit both to buyer and seller. Last year representatives from the various cheese markets in Western On- tario met in the Association's office, Lon- don, to discus(' the rules and regulations governing the selling of ohoese. Two of the subjects'disouseed were, that of have ing the obeese markets in the West oon- trolled'by one central organization and compelling faotorymen who joined to sell on the market only. Though there was considerable opposition to adopting plane of this kind, yet a good many thinge•oan be said in their favor. If a central or- ganization could be formed or have the markets come' under the control of the Western Dairymen's Association, there would be more uniformity in the meth- ode of selling and the rules could be better enforced. A member of this central or- ganization could sell his cheese on any of the markets and if he could not get a satisfactory offer on hie own market could offer on any other market under the oontroi of the Assooiation without any extra charge. In this way compul- sory selling on the markets could be ad- opted without injury to anyone. By such a co-operation the time for holding the various markets could be arranged with more consideration for the buyer, who is compelled to attend all the mark- ets. There will be eight cheese markets in Western Ontario during the present sea- son, as follows :—London, Ingersoll, Woodstock, Brantford Listowel Stet. f Burne, Newmarket and Stratford. This is perhaps too many for the district -rep- resentedand means that if the -buyer wishes to be represented at these plsces- and the salesmen usually expect it -his time will nearly altogether be taken up in attending markets. Therefore this increase in the number of markets, though it will benefit the faotorymen near these various centres, and will less- en the Dost of selling, will on the other hand, cause considerable extra expense and loss of time to the bayere,nd shipper. Though it may not bepossible to have the markets brought under one control just at present, yet It is hoped that there will be more co-operation among the vari- ous markets, as to arranging time of meeting. It will pay faotorymen to look a little outside of themselves in this mat- ter and endeavor to economize by arrang- ing a suitable time for meeting and by not meeting any oftener than is necessary. Where markets are held in adjacent towns and where railway connections are suitable two markets could be held on the same day. The railwa y connections be- tween Ingersoll and Wo odotock are such that both these markets could be held on the same afternoon without incon- venienoe to the faotorymen who attend. Experience teaches that it would be in the interest of faotorymen to sell their cheese at the highest marketprice when ready for shipping. Salesmen who adopt the plan of selling every two weeks as a rule fare better than those who are an. oustomed to bold for a higher price. By so doing the cheese are continually going forward leaving the market freer for the newer .goods. A great many salesmen hold their cheese, not so much to get a higher price as to see how much neigbor. ing factories are going to sell for, and then if a sixteenth more can be gotthey are delighted, and if only the souls price ie obtained there is a feeling that no one oan grumble. This kind of thing is diffr• cult to overcome. But if the majority of our salesmen would make up their minds to sell whenever the cheese was ready, the trade would be better regulated, better weights would be obtained, the patrons of factories would be better satiafied in getting their .money regularly and less blame would be attached to the salesmen if they happened to make a mistake in selling. PIGS AND THISTLES. A lie known that fe mnet either hide Or die when the troth gots on Its track, Christ 10 *till reao1ing Out a helping band to those who are down. Tho' smiles that count for Christ are those that begin in the heart. Comparing oureolves with somebody eLae won't Make our sinning an Y safer. . It harts the cause of Christ to point to the Or0e8 with a frown on the faro. The more a man loves God the lees it hurts him when, he isn'ttreated right, The devil has Hover been able to put a man who was all for God in it hard place, When a man 0000 too great to do enaali things, be becomes too small to be groat, The devil's rope is around the neck of the man who thinks becan drink Or let it alone, There are some aommunitieo In whioh Solomon would have been considered smart. Tho devil keeps many in homage, be- sides he can matte a rope 01 eand look like en iron noble. A stone thrown straight at the devil is pretty apt to bit some politi0an square in the face. Otioittdiaoo News. John. Munroe, of Bennington, boasts of 16 healthy lambs from eight ewes. Wm. Curtis, of Embro, caught a 10 Ib, pike. in Mud Branoll the other day. The office of the Bowmanville States- man was destroyed by fire last week. Ald. Barber, of Guelph, one of the lead. ing cattle dealers of the west, died on Thursday. The Kincardine Board of trade has been considering the feasibility of an electric railway to Teeswater. „ The Detroit Free Press says the ad- vent of Beatty Line boats and the C, P. steamer, Alberta, at Windsor will prob- ably lead ab a war of rates between the Canadian and United States steamers running to northern lake porta. Irwin Bell, of Blythaewood, Essex county, had, prior to Thursday of last week, a long beard. It got tangled with a revolving shaft, and before the machine could be stopped the whiskers were gone and his chin badly torn. McGill University has reoeived a do- nation of 35 acres of land on the top of the mountain at Weetmouth for the establishment of an observatory, arbor- eum and botanical garden. Prof. Pen. Ballow leaves shortly to study establish- ments of this kind in Washington and San Francisco. About 4 p. m., Tueaday,as train No. 5 from the South was nearing Paisley. Engineer Prins noticed a dog just ahead on the track, and when very close the dog sprang from the track only to reveal the faot that a child named Oormack, about three years of 'age, had been hehiod it. The engine struck the child on the head, knooking it from the wheels, but indict- ing instant death. The driver stopped. the train and went back, finding the body unmutilated. Coroner MoLaren was notified,d and after viewing the remains considered an inquest unneaesary, 0.8 no blame could be attached to the driver. st'ok eof which Iag C 6 Powders P each a0 t contains preparations, two re aratione, one in a round v wooden hos the cover of whioh forma a measure for one dose, and immediate re- lief for Costiveness, Sick Headache and Stomach, also Neuralgia and all kinds of nervous pains, and another in capsules, (from to I of one is an ordinary dose) which acts on the Bowele, Liver and Stomach, forming a never failing perfect treatment for all Head and Stomach some plaints. They do not, us most pills and so many other medicines do, lose their effect or produce after constipation, they are nine to take. 25c a box at all medi. Cine dealers. t When the wicked hold office the devil riles the town. An oath on the lip is the devil's door- plate. The devil likes to see people play at religion. The spider probably thinks that the bee is a fool. The man who stifles his liberty chokes hie religion. The missionof trouble is to show OS that we need God. The man who walks with God must do So with clean feet. The devil soon runs from the man he can't discourage. Women oan be the devil's beet friend or hie worst enemy. When Jesus reached the masses be first prayed all night. To know some people is a standing in• citation to be good. The man who rides a hobby will not be. liove that the world is big. What the church needs, is not better preaching, but better pra0tioe. No man makes a wronginveetment who gives as much as God expeote. God and the ealoo1 keeper are never on the same side of any question, Too many people are trying to be Chris. tions without the help of Christ. a A cLEOD'S System Renovator —AND masa TESTED REMEDIES SPECIFIC AND ANTIDOTE For Impure, Weak and Impoverished Blood, Dyspepsia, Sleepleesneee, Palpate, tion of the Heart, Liver Complaint, Neur- algia, Loss of Memory, Bronchitis, Con. enmption, Gall Stones, Jaundice, Kidney and Urinary Diseases, St. Vitus' Dance, Female Irregularities and General De. bility. LABORATORY GODERICH, ONT. J. M. MoLEOD, Prop. and Manufacturer. Sold by JAMES FOX. Druggist Brussels. F�m°+mdp iP ra g, n o c m t�Mira o m +i, o e s'.g.-41-.4g �ee9p� ameg•3sa'.`td0s-0,Naaeaw R" 3 C� �" o'f!`0113bc wade «. 8Ie gE„agO �C�-..u'�,.y p S g e� •, ,vtq7�'aaZ P,4Eyo to�W�EmA�'Cn v C Na y 4' o n�°,0b,9,�,w O -.p 4 0 1896 'RD OATi' FOB SBE`Y):CE.—THE Uxi 0rsl nod will Imp for eorvloo on d P g Lot e, oar, 0 ams the imported'Pedigree may White boar, "111pp1na1e Chlei;" Pedtgreo may 1i aid, nit thea time 01 service 2014811 00101001e0 of returning 1 neoosearv. d'AMES 17LTI07'd, 96.21 m Proprietor,. TAMWORTIi AND CHESTER WHITE BOAliS F01 SERVICE. The undersigned will keep for service on North Half Lot 09, 00n, 7, Morris, a thorn' biedTamworth Boar, recently p0nil aeed from the well known brooder, Jno, 13e11, Am+ bor. Also a Chester White Boar. Terms, $1.00 to be Haid attime of eorvloo with priv- ilege of returning i; necossarv. 80-11 3, WALKER, Proprietor. BOAR FOR SRR-IOM.—THE Undersigned will keep for Service on Lot 20, Con. 0, Morris, the thorn' bred im- proved White Yorkshire -Boar "Selected," prod from J, kl.Brothoar's 'sweepstakes sove at Chicago Fair. Terme, 51.00 to bo paid. at the tone of service with privilege of re- turning if neeessary..Poligree may be seen au application. 13OBJ}.NICHOL, • SEED COasp'`N ' BULL FOR S;LRVIOE.—THF Undersigned will keep for service on N 5 Lot 9S, Con. 7, Morrie, the thorn' -bred Durham bull, "Lord Melville," No. 20849.: Pedigree may bo seen on application. Perms, 81'0 to insure, JOHN 130110, 136 8m - Proprietor. V OUNG JERSEY BULL FOR J.. Snuvron, I have purchased a fine young Jersey Ball.from first-class butter. stock. I expect to, keep my other Jersey Bull also. For further particulars enquire at' my Drug and Book Store, Brussels. G.A. DEADMAN. We are unloading this week one ear load of Giant Prolific Sweet Early Dent Ensilage Corn. Farmers and others requiring a good, reliable Seed, for dither Green Feed or Ensilage purposes, can be supplied at once either at our Mill or at Storehouse No. 1, at Lowest. Possible Price. Stewart & Graham, Millers and Grain Dealers, BRUSSELS. BOAR FOB SER'VIOE.—THE Undersigned will keep for service on Lot 8, Con, 7, Grey, the thoro'-bred improved Large White Yorkshire boar, "Mollington Morel," bred from imported stook, by -J. E. Bedthour, Burford, Ont. Terms -$1.00 to be paid at time of service with privilege of returning if necessary. Pedigree and stook may be see u ou applioatin. HUGH LAMONT, 87.4 Proprietor. THE MOST .SUCCESSFUL REMEDY FOR MAN OR BEAST. Certain in its effects and never blisters. Read proofs below: KENDALL'S SPAVIN CURE. Bos52 Carman Henderson 00., 111, Fob.ei,'DL Dr. R. 5.1450011 . bo. Dear Sire-Plenee send me ono of your Horse Books and oblige. rhave with agreat deal of your wonderf Cure one got a mares it Is o na d ftSrlemedicine. I five battlamuret{rat. 1 nOccult Baonh, and ave time coxed her. 1 keep a bottle on hand all the time. YourstrnlT, Pewxtu.. KENDALL'S SPAVIN CURE.. Cerro, ffio., Apr.;02. Dr. B. T. Uaem.la Co. Dear Stra-I have used several bottles of your much success. I thinkit the beat Liniment I1th everr used. 01000 re- toualone. Curb, ,,no li4wd genie and kilted wo Bane e Spnvrna. Have recommended 1t to several of my friends who are much pleased with nnd800911. Reepeotfullvp, 0,n.Rsr, P.O,Box ale. For Sale by all Druggists, or address Dr. 21..0. KF.2TD4LZ 000IPd lt'Y m4000U000 FALLS. VT. Farmers Attention FLAX ! J. & J. LIVINGSTON Have 000 Bushels of the Best Dutch Seedier Farmers in the Vicinity 00 Brussels who in- tend raising Flax during the coming Season, which they are prepared to deliver in quan- tities to suit Flax Growere.- Cam be got at the Brasses Flax Milli W. H. Mcoraoken's Grocery, Brussels ; and Wm. Neal'e store, Walton. Seed given out at 81.60 Per bushel andon the usual terms. Order early and en- sure a supply. S10 PER TON Will' be paid for Flax grown from this Seed if of good growth, harvested in the proper season, and delivered at the Flax Mill as soon as fit for threshing. We willrent a number of good Sod Fields for the purpose of growing Flax. N. B, -Farmers are strongly advised to slow their Flax on good land, wellplowed mud harrowed, not on low lands, and the. yield will be from a ton to a ton and a half more per acre. Flax grown on low land will not grow there to give the weight. W. Bright, J. & J. Livingston, MANAGER. PROPRIETORS. Cily N1�Vi�er➢ --AND— Fancy Goods. Spring HATS &CAPS C. Ross' We justhave-Received. a large Consignment Invent of' Hats and Caps in all g la the leading Shapes and Shades .for Spring and Summer wear. Call and see our Balmoral Cap, the Newest thing in the Market. Prices Better than MI= Before. OUR — Spring g S nitin S Misses Roddick Smith, Have just returned from the City where thoy have inspected all the Latest /Styles and Shades, and have made large and very select purchases. We are in a position to cater to the wants of the most Fastid- ious Tastes. Bring along your old Straw and Felt and have it done .over to look like new at a small cost. ' inn Roddick & kith, Two Doors h of Standard Bank, '15i cu TIHI t cr tr 10tl Lia otru,1 gyri to rel 11ir dent Pet frdeoid ons raise years Th{ trop t taAtn! 30.,l }lam Th the _I) the 0 now Ore el Th erect the of Lvi cora) \ort Th edfr was l A: ed in an a. M ' log:rat il carni Are also coming to Hand a i Prices Right ! Styles Right/! h Satisfaction Guaranteed. ! ; Regi Li to cu' , ' span' heals day. Ai TR° Loali111 1111Ior &. i eco, r,�i he yi .. PP 1.I7 aril S 1 On ane Brussels and Ixi'rozeter. At !node Live A nst Th fines as a the Ct. III i. Otte :Jioc lauild 17nir Ti }eel `lac "A• of Atopr T de0' lPl An Quantity of Potatoes panted. `d � aie bg Daisy Churns, Wa§king Machines, Wringers, Tin Pails, Fence Wire, Lane's Pat- ent Barn Door Hangers, &c., Cheaper here than any other store. OPICRaWC+ Farmers who require Plows, Turnip Seed Drills, Gang Plows and Horse Hoes, Should give me a call as I keep p the best in the market. I have, three different manufacturers make of Plows. TERMS LIBERAL, J. H. T HOM^�S� ON° MEN FRITlth�l s Confederation . ife, of Toronto. oo Established ly r mtv4.6 � ,,CJ0 a, m 010 0 IR or Me r, 0 Cu 0 0 perfection itself, The Policy Contract issued by this Association is UNCONDITIONAL, ACCUMULATIVE, AND AUTOMATICALLY NON -FORFEITABLE. It leiives nothing further to be desired. Bates and full infor- mation furnished on application. TA II. IcEn,Ii► Agent, Brussels. a tge one' tale h p' and; woe plea rnc>{ � ill it, I .,tai l *If ;ilia ',for T bee airier • 111' hist real old , wit