HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1895-5-10, Page 5lyre 10, 1895.
"Mr 31131E 3IC 311:
t 'aren s
Read It T.
Spring is Here. Time's Short. Business is Brisk.
Every dayadds to our Shopping Crowds and Spring .
y moods are moving. They go to the Tune of our
Low Prices, There's a splendid enthusiasm all over the store. The jor of Spring is fully antti-
cipated in the rich provision we have made for every want of an Appreciative Public..
We Address ourselves Specially to the
1 TT
With Clothing Talky We'vegot G-ood and we want to
a� g something let you know it, see
A good Blue Serge suit, well made, well trimmed, perfect fitting, for $3.50.
A dandy Tweed' suit, all wool, first-class linings, " $5.00,
A handsome dark pattern Tweed suit, 'first-class in every respect, worth $12,00 for $3.00,
A handsome Black Worsted morning coat and vest, all pure wool, well made and bound,
complete finish for $10.00.
Ke Cl C
Men's odd Pants, well made, with top and hip pockets, only $1.00.
Children's, 'Boys' and Youths' Suits, in all sizes, one of the largest stocks in the County,
at Popular Prices. See them. Pro
Everybody expects to appear at their best for Spring, and we are making great efforts to
assist them do so at the very smallest outlay.
Clothing is our B 0 ®i" D E PA Ri M E N 1 •
We can Boot any and every class and size of foot, from the Smallest, l's, to the Largest, 1
Variety. Ladies see our Dongola Kid Oxfords, hand turn soles, at $1.25.
Don't forget every other Department is replete with the Latest and Best Dress Goods,
broidery, Table Linen, Towels and Towelling, Muslins,Shakers, Corsets, Gloves, Hosiery, &
l's. Endless
Prints, Em -
. istricl geltrs.
Fire broke out in the stable of the
Mason Rotel on Thursday evening of last
week, and quickly destroyed it and other
frame buildinge to the North. On the
requisition of the Mayor and Connell,
and also of an insurance agent, an in-
quest was held by Coroner Dr, Shaw an
Saturday afternoon respepting the burn-
ing of the stables, and on the evidence
presented to the jary Isaao Brownlee was
committed for trial on a obarge of arson.
Joseph Townsend, who was lying asleep
in the loft, and was badly burned, is ly-
ing in a critical state, which may result
Rev. 11 B. and Mrs: McRae visited
friends at Blyth on Monday.
Alex. Hunter and wife, of Brussels,
were in the village on Monday.,
()moron Bros. are negotiating to rent
the property in connection with the re
cantly burned hotel.
Work of excavation for the new school
begioe today (Friday) and .the masons
will be at work next week.
R. F. Cameron, Knox College student;
is supplying the pulpit of Rev. D. Perrie,
Wingbam, during his absence in Soot -
A. MoNiobol iti having his house, West
of the village, moved aorose the road,
Rumor says that the hoose now occupied
by Mr. McNichol will shortly be 000npied
by a younger couple.
—The origin of last week's fire, and what
is to be done with this vacant property ?
—Who oatobee the biggest fish, fish to be
ebown as no fish atones will be taken ?—
How'hoed' two young men who went
East on undo h
S afternoon of oma that
evening ? Never mind boys, the next
'time bbe girls leave you in that
way and
• go with another fellow don't stay and
talk to the old folks but just get mad and.
, leave, Never wait for a "second invita-
tion" take the "firsts,
1t+ t'Itet.
Our sidewalks are badly in need of re.
J. M, Davies was home for a few days
last week
Alton Willis expeate to leave for Trout
Creek this week.
Wtn, Heys has taken a situation with
Mr. Murray, a blaakemibh, of Atwood.
An engineer from Galt is putting the
new engine in its place at the grist mill,
A football club has been organized het°,
we believe, and no doubt will give a good
amount • of itself.
Fred. Laird returned from Detroit last
week. $e will boon beable to add M.
D. to bis name.
The annual meeting of the members of
the Institute wag postponed until Tun -
day eveuing of next week.
Louis Balmier spent Sunday near'
Jamestown. 1•Iib brother Georgelives
there and Louis often goes to see him.
The telephone Co. offer great enoour-
agemant to those who plant ebade true
near their wires. They trim the trees
gratia every year and in the very latest
While driving vo Whitfield's church
last Sunday morning Mr. and Mrs.' (Rev.)
Waddell were thrown out of the baggy.
When near the grist mill the bores shied
and upset the buggy.
The boys turned oat on Tuesday night
of this week and assisted J. W. Fogel to
raise the frame of the uew shed at the
Presbyterian church, There was very
little excitement and everything passed
off quietly.
BIC orritz-
Miss Holloway, of Ethel, was visiting
at Robb. gathers' one day this week.
Ex•Connoillor Proctor's health is im-
proving and he is now able toget about.
Mrs. Mason, of Wawanosls, is visiting
at her parent's, Geo. Jobnston's, this
Mrs. George Peacock and Mrs. Joe
Breolcenridge and family were visiting
at Ethel this wee h.
Quite a number of the farmers in the
neighborhood of Jamestown are through
seeding at present.
Sunday school will start next Sunday
in Joboston's church at 9:80 o'olook. All
are invited to attend.
Louis Eokmier, of Ethel, Sundayed at
Wm. J. Johnston's, Ise con. Seems like
a special attraction for Lon.
Miss Annie Hughes, 7th line has been
in poor health for sometime but we hope
she will soon be fully metered.
There was no preaohingservice at Jack-
son's church lash Sabbath as the quarter.
ly communion was held in Blyth.
Macy Morris township farmers are
greatly improving their farms by the
erection of substantial brink houses and
large bank barna
Morris township Council did not meet
on April 27th but will bold their meeting
on May 271h, Court of Revision business
will also be attendedto.
George Johnston, who has been seri-
ousl ill t
with inflammation of the bowels
for the last week is,we are
pleased to say,
recovering nicely at
present. -
The Misses Hall, evangelists of Guelph,
assisted Rev, 16. A. Sbaw in the quarter-
ly' services at Soneltiee last Sabbath
morning, Mise Lydia- preached an ex-
oellenb discourse. The sisters will bold a
series of revival meetings in Belgrave
Methodist church.
Drab.—Lash Sabnrday .the messenger
Death called Duncan, eldest son of an.
bort McCallum, 8111 line Morris away
from time. He Wee 42 years of age and
unmarried. His illness was of abort
daration and was eald to be deolioe. The
funeral tuok place on Monday forenoon,
Rev. Ino. Rose of Brussels officiating.
Interment was made in Bruseels oeme-
Aseaeson's Roxr.—Assessor Watson
furnishes Tula Pon with the following
particulars ooncereing Morrie :--- No,
sores of land, 64,620 ; No, of aores clear-
ed, 42,949 ; childrsti from 5 to 10 yeare
of age, 714 children from 16 to 21 years
Of age, 837; total value assessed property,
$17087.81 ; personal property, 88,400 ;
persons from 21 to 00 yeare of age, 1464 ;
No. of 'lays statute labor, 8,170 ; No. of
dogs,124 ; No. of bitches; 4 ; total popu-
lation, 2,840 ; cattle, '0,827 ; ebee , 4,014 ;
hogs, 2,629 ;, bane, 1,856 ; land'under
wood, 5,619 ; swamp, 8,147; orchard, 691;
atonal boilers, 7 ; Amies of fall wheat,
Improvements have been made along
the fronts of Peter and Win. Jackson's
farms by chopping off the small under-
growth, which will be burned as goon as
Willie Duosan, the 1.2•year-old son of
James Duosan, 4111 line, is ltsveloping in.
to a veritable disciple of Isaac Walton.
Last Monday he naught two fine trent,
each -of which weighed a pound. One
of them was 13 inches long sad the other
12 inches,
SenooL REPORT.—The following is the
standing of pupils in S. S. No. 4, Morris,
according to marks obtained during the
month of April :—Fifth class—Taylor
Pipe, Frank Cloakey. Se. Fourth—Rob'.
Maunders, Lyon Pipe, D+ttie Davis, Mil-
lard Cardiff. Jr. Fourth—Norah Mann-
dere, Ida Mooney, Maud Hoggard, Willie
Cloekey, Lulu Davis. Jr. Third—John
Clottkey, Willie Johnston, Geo. Innes,
Jas. Tones, Joe Patch. Sr. Second—
Milton Sharp, Earnest Mooney, Richard
Cardiff, Myrtle Nichol, John Moss, David
McCutobeon. 'Jr. Second, Class 1—
Bertha Nichol, Clara Mooney, Pearl Pipe,
Geo. Davie. Jr. Seoond, Class 13.—Mabel
Nichol, Nelson Maunders, Willie Platt,
David Walker, Willie Ames, Jessie Green-
slade, Minnie Mooney, Charlie Barrie,
Lizzie Davis, Ethel Pipe, Jas. Hoggard.
J. Part Second—Citrrrie Speirs, Minnie
Walker, Mabel Pipe, Bertha Sharp.
April monthly exam,—Fifth Class—Tay-
lass—Tayfor Pipe, Frank Cloakey, Sr. Fourth—
Robt. Maunders, Lyon Pipe, Ettie Davis,
Millard Cardiff. Jr, Fourth —Norah
Maunders, Maud H.oggard, Ida Moonsy,
Willie Oloakey, Jas. Donnelly, Lulu,
Davis. Miss 0. A. HALT+1DaY, Teaoher.
U Lu ovule,
The Misses Richardson were visiting at
Burgess' last week.
Miss Annie Budd, 8rd line, is visiting
Mrs. R. McPherson,
Joe Pugh hat traded lie Wilkes'colt
for a beautiful grey mare.
John Messer has gone to Hawksville to
make cheese this Summer,
Miss Oruiakshank, of Morris, was visit.
ing ha sister Lizzie this week.
Molienzia Messer, who le learning bo
be a druggist, is home el present.
Walter Smelts, of Goderiou, was visit-
ing at Mrs. Stowe's for a feu. days.
iiir. Whitehead, merchant, of Walker-
ton, was visiting Mr. Craig last week.
Miss Leech, daughter of Edward Leech,
is visiting her father and uncle at present,
Rev. A. T. Hartley preached a very
good ssrmou on Sabbath observance last
Mrs. Proctor, of Morris, was visiting
Iter parents, Mr. and Mrs. Stewart, on
Will. Gray, tailor, has had a boat made
and now you see Will. every evening gall-
ing on the river.
Mrs. Rae, of Llma, daughter of ibtte,
Thyne, is visiting friends and relations
in and around Bluevale.'
Mrs. Stowe, who bas been, visiting het
daughter, Mrs. Semite, of Goderioh, since
Easter Dame home on Saturday.
Mise Sadie Leathern, who hue been.
visiting her brothers for. the past few.
weeks,, left for her home last Monday,
The Bargees young people took a drive
to Teeswaber one moonlight night last
week. Theyreport,having,e geed time,
Mies Leckie, of Wroxeter, was visiting
Mrs. Joe Pugh last week.
kir. Applebee was in town attending
the Quarterly meeting on Sunday.
Mia; Mary lnlcDooald, of lliorrie, was
visiting her aunt, lire, Pattoreoo, on
Joe Burgess, who has been in Ottawa
all Winter, came home last week. Ha is
looking splendid.
RIC olrase. svorat.
Miss Laura Terry spent Sunday at
Miss A. Glass returned to her home
this 'geek.
Jas. Murray, jr., Pinkerton, is renew-
ing aegoaiutatioes in this vicinity.
The Molesworth tailors are very busy
at present. Good work insures trade.
Reports say that in the near future we
will have a doctor residing in our midst.
Inspector Robb visited our school this
week and reports everything in good
The Molesworth obsess factory opened
May let. The flow of milk is not very
great yet, but is on the increase.
T. Edgar has purchased a bioycle.
We have now sixteen wheels in our vil-
lage, but only eight bicycles,
D. Stewart's family had a pleasant
surprise the other night, when their son
Robt., of Neepawa unexpectedly walked
Molesworth school 'spent Arbor day
piling wood under the eave of the school.
The idea may be to make the trustees
put on eavetroughs. Where there is a
will there's a way.
Aaoidents are becoming oommon.
Peter Scott, while ou his way to town,
broke a doubletree and tongue. His
horses were thrown into the ditch, and
P e'er himself had a narrow escape.
Mrs. S. Lougbeed met with a serious
aeoident the other evening. While
milking her cow another
cow hooked her,
throwing Mrs. S. to the ground.. She
was badly bruised about the bead and
arms. However, she is on the mend,
Joseph McDonald had the misfortune
to gei his hand ought in a outtfog Bae.
It wile so badly lasoerated that ampu-
tation of sena of the fingers was neces-
sary. The operation was not performed
in time and serious results are autinipat,
ed. We hope to hear of his recovery.
Mr. Mahn has moved into the brick
hotel. Mr. Fisher will remain is town.
Quite a number of pupils of Walton
school will write at the coming exam-
Wm. Pollard was Gloated represents.
Give to the Distriob meeting of the Metho-
dist church to be held at Wiugham next
Thos. Waghern, who was sucoesefu 1
in passing the final examination at To.
ronto Veterinary .College, purposes hang-
ing out
ang-ingout his shingle in. Walton,
Be neon.—Tho 4th quarterly official
ineetiug on the Delwood circuit (Rev. W.
Ohtewell pastor) was held at the Carmel
church on Saturday, Ilio 4111 of. May.
The Meeting was very harmonious and
lbasanb and the
o a
best we have had for a long time.
bIt After
routine business was disposed of the fol-
lowing resolution was brong(tt forward
and carried by a standing vote :—"Moved
by Bro. E. H. Smith, seconded by Bro. Lindsay that seeing the present Confer- I R S
c C S
encs year is fast drawing to its close and
the work of the circuit nearly finished, •
Be it resolved that we, as a Quarterly THE
Official Board, desire to return Our sin. OR1231NAL
oere and heartfelt thanks to our dear
friend and pastor, Rev. W. Ottewell, for KIDNEY
his earnest and untiring zeal in the P;LL
Master's work. He hits not shunned to
clealare unto us faithfully and fully our
duty toward God and man, and also for
bis varied and determined efforts for the
temporal welfare of the circuit. Many of
us have seen and passed through severe
sickness and great afflictions, either per-
sonal or in our families, and our dear
pastor has proved himself to be a friend
indeed. We would also hereby kindly
and earnestly state that if the Conference
deems it best and right (which we pray
it may) to send him to us for another
year, we shall heartily welcome him and
his family to remain. with us and we as a
Quarterly Board by this pledge ourselves
to do our utmost to sustain and uphold
him in his work among us. —While we
deplore (in consequence of so many deaths
and removale) our growing weakness as a
circuit, yet we will thank God for His
mercies unto us in the past and looking
unto Him take courage and press for-
ward." I may also say that Bro. Otte -
well has been called, on over thirty oc-
casions, to officiate at funerals during the
time he bas been with us, which is less
than two years. E. H. Smith, Recording
Steward, Selwood circuit.
T. D6wsoN, Manager Standard Bank, Brad-
ford, Ont., says, Cl ase's Kidney•Liver Pills are a
grand medicine for dieKidneysand Liver.
go11V. P. CARRS6R, ug McCaul Sb, Toronto, r8.
presenting Montreal Star says, Chase's Pills act
like magic for the relief of head -ache, bilious attack
and constipation. Sold everywhere, or by ma,7 on
000°151 of 50100, t0 EBMANSON, BATES & CO.
A. am belonging to J. 11. Schmidt, of
Milverton, gave birth the other day to a
pair of healthy, well.developed calves.
011't Silout!
It will soon be known I am 'tak-
ing all kinds of Photos, Cray-
ons, Pastells and Water -
Pictures taken as natural as Iife
of Fathers, Mothers, and
Babies, Grandfathers. and
Great -Grandfathers, and
Gentlemen 1Vith
their Ladies.
Pictures of your houses and stock,
Lawns, Groups, Pic-nie Par-
ties, in fact all hinds of out
and indoor work in the
Highest Style
of Art.
� �
Hahn BaN num
�. g
SCOTT At We11e WICK beg to announce to
breeders of Trotting Stoop and itoa,l Horses
that their Stallion 'Cosrotroi" will serve a
limited manner of.. good bred road mares.
We also offer as a prize to the breeder of the
Ant that from this sire that trots ane -holt
mile in one miante and thirty seconds: trial
to bo soea by either or both of us, .0.20.00
and to the breeder of the drat cult from this
sire that goes in. the 0,3,1 hat we will give
PhDIGR1ax oil, "O0aTnrro0."--Ris sh'e is
Stranger, who is the etre of Halloos :1:114, and
seven others in ,the 940 list. At ioartecn
years of age he has eight solus ,n the 2.20 list,
asbowiugno other se has. He is the etre
or nineteenhomesin :,SO list, 1010 dale Nag
taoldemitlt 'bald, 2,1.4, thegrentoat rape mare
the trotting horse world ever saw, who now
holds the world's r000rd at 111,17,15 and 10
ysarsota50, Btraugm•, sired b,v t.eoo0siiii
LYashington, hs hY G Fetal 1Lu0s dam,
Lady ittche Barn e.tgi, full sister be tiambriuo
Patohen, !'b o5tu,uer'a" duan lq C,ttabn by Jay
Gould; dam,. Weston eirl, 2,27, Lobate, a
In rot in to Costumer, got a matt: at six.
years of age of 3,1St. itobert J , the holder-
of the w in:eng em:mg r'ecor'd, 2.01.1, dam is by
Jay'}chid, Breeders will gee that"Oebbum•
or;'bybreeding,l9 gilt sdgo, and ouglttto
satief yany parson.
5001T si W4awfon,.