The Brussels Post, 1895-5-10, Page 1Vol. 22. No. 48.
The undersigned fs prepared to Iusurs an
eines of Village nroeorty at the lowest rates
to the following drotolaos egmpaniee,
"Lnaen&hire," of Man4henter,
Oupital 8 Million Pouuds'.fithling.
•'511n," of London,
Established A.D.1710. - Capital 7 Million
"Wellingiofi Mutual," of, Guelph,
Established 1040,
Also 820,000 05 Loan ou good Parra security
at 5i and 0 pee Dent, loo 5 or 10 years.
J. A. Creiglltolx.
The Highest Market Price
be paid in Cash for any
quantity of Wool, delivered
at our Flour and Feed
Store, Brussels.
Beaker 8b Van Stone:
The undersigned will keep
on hand a constant s.upply
of White Fresh Lime suit-
able for all Building and
Plastering purposes.
Also North Shore Pine
Lath and White Brick for
D, .fro Lowry,
(s O
o C3
• 0 0 •
cV rti
42 'w
O in • C0 0
0 a'cuw
o m em
o 0 P v co
6.,e a
a 04 • C9 2
m sT
e. 0
O q 6.1
• m
re m
re ce
01st O
f+1 2
1ledernCo Competition
Sharpens prices strongly in your favor.
Itis to your advantage to call and inspect
Goods and got Prices before purchasing
elsewhere. I will not be Undersold. My
*took ie complete and have• bargains for
you all the year.
Dress Goods, Dsoks,,,
Prints, Ginghalhs,
Lawns, ()opens,
Muslius, 184009,
Hose, Gime,
Art Mullins, Lace Curtains,
Shirtiugs, Flannelettes,
Corsets, Ladies' Vests.
My stook of Gent's Furnishings is com-
plete at very Low Prices.
In the Grocery Department my stook
is complete. Teas and Coffee a Special-
ty. They are the Best that can be had.
My 25 tent Tea in Bla4k and japan is the
talk of, the country. Canned Goode of all
kinds of the Best Brands always in stock.
Pure Spices of all' hinds,
highest Prleo fee Buller and 13g7S..
.,._ A
B R'CJ S S E LS, ONTARIO, FR I:C7AY-, MAY 1,0, x.895 -.�. .—.�
BiUBsels Council,
The monthly meeting of Brussels Coen.
oil was held last Monday evenlug, All
the members of the Board were present.
Minutes of last regular and special
rn00tings read and passed,
Aecouuts were presented as follows: ---
IL Jamas, Piro Dept $ 0 50
Herald, publisltiug Auditors' Ab -
street, 5 00
Mrs, Thos. Stewart, ehariby 7 00
Joo, Shaw, Auditor 6 00
7. Y, 0, Kirk, Auditor 0 00
J. 1', Ross, salary. as 001100tor • . , , 45 00
D. Stewart, salary as Assessor 45 00
T• Kelly, salary es Treasurer, die., 45 00
Geo. Beapy, street improvements1 25
Mrs. Lee, charity ? 00
Mrs. 'Williams, charity 11 18
Mrs. Wallaoo, charity 3 50
Mrs. Cooper, ollsilty 1 50
Jno, Wright, salary 30 00
Mrs. Lee, rent 0 00
Mrs. Williams, rout 8 00
Mrs, Wallace, rent . •8 00
Toronto Globe,advertisiug .. 5 28
Toronto Mail, advertising 5 04
Moved by 13. Gerry, seconded by R.
Leatherdale that the above accounts be
paid. Carried.
Moved by Graham, seconded by B.
Gerry that Court of Revision be held on
Monday, June 3rcl, at 7:80 o'clock, p. m.
The Property Committee wereinstruot-
ed to ascertain cost of necessary repairs
to Fire Hugine and report at next meet-
Progress was reported cencelming the
newly organized Band, who expect to bo
in. shape to play by the 24012.
It was decided to order a car of pine
plank from W. Milne's mill in Muskoka.
James Belly addressed the Council
relative to Halliday street. The -hatter
was laid over for future consideration.
After reports from Committee ou
woollen factory the Council adjourned.
It is intended to have the annual drill
and militia camps this year as usual.
A unmber of members, headed by Col.
Tyrwhitt, have organized a rowing club.
The County Council of Welland peti-
tions praying for the adoption of an alien
labor law.
A special train to take M. Ps. to Re-
gius Northwest Fair this summer is
among the possibilities.
In reply to Mr. Laurier, the Finance
Minister acid that this session there
would be no supplementary estimates.
It is regarded in London as doubtful
that Major-General Herbert, Commander
of the militia in Canada, will return to
1215 post,
Mr. Larke has submitted to the Synod,
N. S. W., Chamber of Commerce a
scheme for laying a Pacific sub -marine
cable from Canada to Australia.
Mr. Coatsworth recently presented the
petition of the W. C. T. U. of Canada,
praying that the Parliamentary franchise
be granted to women same as to men.
I0 is not the intention of the Govern-
ment to farther revise the voters' lists
this year, it being intended to introduce
an act to make legal the lists as last re-
The Auditor -General's report shows
that Rev. Manley Benson, formerly of
Toronto, received $1,110 for Iecturing in
Europe for immigration purposes from
June 23rd to August 23rd, 1893:
Mrs. Odell, of Quebec, whose lrusbaud
is asking' for a divorce, petitions Parlia-
ment not to take any action on the di
vorce application until the civil snit be-
tween her husband and herself, now
pending before the courts, is decided.
The Sir .john Thompson memorial fund
amounts to $30.000. The trustees have
been appointed and the trust deed is be.
lug prepared. As soon as the deed is
signed the a a mount subscribed will be
handed over to the trustees for invest-
ment by th&Finanoe Minister,
Standing committees of the Commons
have organized and eleoted chairmen as
follows o Private Bills, Davieou • Public
Accounts, Baker (Miseisci uoi) ; Banking
and Commerce, Wood (Weettnoroland)i-
Standing Orders, Mills (Annapolis) ; Pr
vil0gos and Elections, Girouard (Jacques
Cartier) ; Expiring Laws, Henderson ;
Agrioultcre, Sproule.
A large deputation was here from
Kingston, 9110117 object being to ask the
assistance of the Government in dredging
the harbor to such an extent as to allow
latae omit to go to the site of tho propos-
ed new smelting works. The matter is
an important one for Hingeton, as it is
said 500 mon will be employed in the
snteltin'g works if they go on.
Considerable consternation was caused
Here by the report in the Toronto Star
that throe Cabinet Ministers are involved
in scandals, that Lord Aberdeen is cog-
nizant of grave misconduct on the part
of 000 of theme, and that sensational
developments will follow scrutiny into
the preliminaries to a recent big railway
deal. Ministers refuse to talk on the
It is said on good authority that the
reply of the Manitoba Government to Ot-
tawa will be:--"Thmt inasmuch as this
Legielatote was eleoted tosupporbNation.
al Schools it must adhere to that policy
on account of which it was returned to
power, and that before this Government
can give any other answer than that the.
National Sohool system is to be main-
tained it must discover afresh the atti-
tude of the people of Mauitoba upon this
In the House of Commons 14fr, Mo.
Mullen showed up 80100 transaobions of
the Government connected with a loan of
$800,000 to the Prederioton de 81. Mary's
Bridge Company, the interests of which
was largely 1n arrear, and for which Mr.
Foster had made, no demand. The fact
that Mr. Temple was connected 'with the
favored company arid had given up his
constituency to Mr. Foster was Itlso
brought out. The debate waxed ,;hob.
Mr, Martin 6e
earibed hew ots tlrn ins o
of wheat at "
Fort William eked
his stipend
Out to between 495,000 and 030,000 a
Hon, David Mills is going to male
'complaint as to the way to which th
reading room is conducted, The burgs
of his complaint will be that oiu•bai
members take out of the reeding' mom
certain papers and leave then in varlou
parts of the House, Where portions wh
• desirebe800.031em cannot do so. UM
complaint will be wolf founded, but it i
matter referring more tattle officials 0
the reading 1'001 than to the Govern
Xis Martin gives notice of a bill to
aend the Northwest Terr•itoriee Act,
Its object is to permit any member of the
Northwest Assembly to resign his seat
and become a candidate for the Comons.
A doubt exists on this point now, hence
Mr. Martin's bill. Messrs. Oliver and
Mullein, members of the Assembly, are
at present candidates for representation
of Alberta in the Commons.
Mr, McMillan had: on the paper a series
of questions relating to the old Carling
brewery property, They were nine in
number, and the information contained
in the replies given to thein may bo sum-
mariv,od 1n the statement that the prem.
ises are now the property of Inc). Christie ;
that 'the Gbvernment holds it for militia
warehouse purposes, under a be year
lease, and that them is no agreement to
purchase it.
The Dominion estimates, which were
presented to Parliament, show a total on
consolidation fund account of $36,834,498,
a deorease of61,215,498. On capital ea.
count the estimate is $4,400,959, an in•
crease of $1,215,498. The grand total of
the estimated: expenditure le $41,248,417
making a deorease as compared with the
previous year of $467,195. These are
the figures which appear in the summary
statement, but a moments thought will
show that they are entirely misleading,
and that the claim of economy which
they set up is not bourne out by the facts.
The Minister of Finance for the purpose
of showing a deorease, has made a corn.
parison, not between the original esti•
mates of 1894 5, and the original esti.
mates of 1895.6, but between the original
and supplementary estimates of the form•
er year, the original estimates of 11394.5
showed an amount chargeable to 001-
solidet.ed fund of $37,321,606.09, Mine
this year the amount is $86,854,458.38, a
deorease of $487,347.84, and not of$1,-
689,698.91, se claimed by the Minister of
Finance. Tinder the tread of capital
account the increase ie stated as 51,215,-
498,01, principally due to the redemption
of debt, 'but it is actually 51,692,373.01,
for, while last year the original estimate
was $2,715,586.60, this year it is 04,408,-
959.61. The total original estimate in
1894-5 was .$40,038,892:62 while this year
it is 541240,417.99. It comes down,Ao
this, that instead of being a decrease of
$457,195, there is in reality an immense of
• s
Tho annual meeting of Brussels Public
Library was held in the Beading Boom,
as per statute, last Monday, the Presi-
dent, Rev. Ino. Ross, B. A., in the chair.
After the minutes of the last annual
meeting were read and adopted A. Hunt-
er, Se0retaty•Treasurer, presented the
annual report. Prom it the following
particulars are gleaned :-
08080995, 77XPh501Tnan,
Bal. on hand -.548 20 Rent, light and
Members' fees,.. 4060 heat 8 20 74
Legisl've great 25 00 Salaries 59 81
Municipal 7500 Books, not ac-
70ve'inn classes 2800 tion s8 00
.l;ntertainme'ts 24100 Books, notion 10 00
Other steams .. 15500 Magazines, pa-
pers, &o 5080
Potertainore'ts 128
Miscellaneous 30 28
Bal. on hand 2250
S55 80 �. 6155se
A. Reid and A. Strachan certified to
the correctness of the accounts as audit-
On motion the report as read was re-
ceived and adopted.
The Librarian's report showed that in
the Library there were :—
ODA 98
Piotlou ,,,.,,,.,
General Literature
Poetry and Drama
Religious Literature
galenas & Art
Voyage & Travel
Works of Reference
NO 011 7020. I05n81)
rebels 1811 - 1084
New books added during year, 183 ;
total members, 101. The Reacting room
has 5 dailies and 9 tveslcly newspapers on
its files ; 11 magazines and 8 periodicals
and has been well patronized. During
the Winter the evening classes taught by
Principal Cameron and the shorthand
class insbrnated by Rev. D. Millar were
sources of profit to those engager} in the
respective studies.
Owing to the change fu the Act re.
spading what were formerly known as
Meohanips' Institutes are now palled
Public Libraries. The mode of prooed-
urs is somewhat changed also and among
the new things fs a demand of 100 mom,
bets on the roll to claim the full Govern-
ment grant. Tho election of office bear-
ers is also changed.
The following thirteen gentlemen wore
eleoted on the Board of Management for
the current year :--J, H. Cameron, A.
Couslay, J, A. Stewart, G. P. Blair, Jim.
As. Pox, W. H. Kerr, Rev. A.
If, Griffin, 13, Gerry, T. Fletcher, Jas.
Moore, A. R. Smith, and T. Farrow.
Monday next, at 4 p. m., the Board will.
meet to , oloot a President, Seoretar'y,
Treasurer and Librarian.
Unanimous and hearty votes of thanks
were passed to Miss Shaw for her ener-
getic efforts as Librarian ; to A. Hunter,
who for so many years has efficiently
server} as SesrotaryTreasttrer ; and Rev.
J. Ross, the retiring Preeidout, for his
services in the chair.
Meeting then adjourned.
George Johne was found dead fu a
gully baok of the old Museum at Niagara
Falls Centro, Ont. His throat was out,
and the arteries es in hie
were also
cut. It is a ease of saioide, as iettors
found on the person of the dead man ex,
Grey townebip 00821011 0111 nth inet,
Mies Lottie Hill was visiting at Clinton
fora few days ting week.
Relit, Inglis: is away this week at Arnn
Prior combining business and pleasure.
Wm, Kerney fe home from Toronto,
where he has been attending Wycliffe
College and the University.
Erre, Hutchinson, S0„ had the mie.
fortune to fall a few weeks ago and break
her arm. Sho is getting along as well as
could bp expected,
The young ,gent from Ethel, who was
so neatly bitten some time ago by a arose
dog at a house on the 8111 von„ will be
g1ad to Rev, En If. Smit andow that hW A f Belleg has been . and Montreal Oallegee, respectively;
arrived home last week fortheir Summer
vacation, They are eons of Trueman
Joe MoDonald had his left hand seri,.
ously injured by getting it naught in the
gearing of a straw cutter. He had to
have a portion of the little finger anvil -
bated and he has endured a greet deal of
pain since the accident,
Robert MoKee and family and Jas. A.
Frain and family, both of Gerrie, and
formerly of Grey township, have removed
to Balmoral, Mauitoba, where the latter
will go into storekeeping. We wish both
families happiness and prosperity.
J. M. Knight was visiting in tbie lo.
oality for a week. He is now looated in
Petrolia, where he purchased a harness
business some time ago. Mr, Knight ap-
pears to be well pleased with Lambton
County. He says the rise in the price of
coal oil has helped to liven things up in
his town.
BROUGHTON 75. Gnnr Towiesterr,--After
a long delay .this ease was •decided by
Judge Faloonbridge on Monday of this
week, the following being the statement
of , the ease in brief :—Judgment on
motion by plaintiff for interim injuno.
tion restraining the final passing of a
drainage by-law, turned by consent into a
motion for judgment. Held, that the
defeote or irregularities in the. by-law
have been cured by registration and pub.
lioation of notice of such registration,
and the section of the municipal act in
that behalf applies, though the debentures
have not been issued. Bickford v. Chat.
ham, 16, S. C. R., 235, followed, Held,
also, that in so far as the by-law purport-
ed to charge and assess Iande lying out-
side of the township of Grey the by-law
was ineffectual- The defendants, the
Township of Grey, submitting to amend
their by-law so as to omit the assessment
of all lands outside that, township affect.
ed thereby. The action will be dismis.
sed without oosbs, Mabee, Stratford, for
the plaintiff. Garrow, Q. C., for defend.
ants, the Township of Grey. G. G. Mc-
Pherson, Stratford, for defendants, Town-
ship of Elma.
Perth County.
The Stratford Canton has already re
ceived several invitations for May 24th
and July 1st. .
P12111 .Rupert, an old man who takes
care of the drill shed, Stratford, has dm -
appeared suddenly.
W. Patterson of N. Eastbope showed
the Stratford Beacon a hen's egg that
measures 6s81 inches,
I. W. Laird, late Principal of the St,
Marys public schools, has opened out a
general store in Atherton, Ont.
Dr. 0. W. Thompson, of Granbon,
leaves this week for England to take a
postgraduate course in .the London Medi-
al Hospitals.
The Driving Park Association, Mi1-
verton, intend giving on the 24th of May
series of races, Horses, wheels aid
mei will compete in the arena.
Tha Stratford Beacon says that A. S.
MaCutobeon, of Linwood, a prominent
armee, has left for the other side owing
o financial pressure. He had a 200 -acre
arm. His mother is the chief creditor.
The Stratford' Turf Association has
closed a contract with Hepusr Bros., of
iehigan, to give a balloon ascension on
ach of the days of the races on June 11th
2th and 13th,
Misses Huber and Laughlin, formerly
arses in the Stratford hospital, reoent-
y passed their examinations and were
warded diplomas from the cancer hos-
ital in New York.
The Dominion voters' list for South
erth has been printed and are now in
e bands of the revising officer. There
re on the lists 120 more voters than were
n the lists of 1801, the figures being 9,026
against 5,906 in 1891.
The Dominion voters' fist of North
5rth for 1894.95 shows a decrease of
7, as compared with the list of 1891.
very townehip shows a Targe degrease—
eon's being 115 and Mornington's 104
and even Listowel and Stratford have
filen off. The only gain is in the village
Milverton, and that only numbers five.
While a number of children were
thered around a bonfire kindled by
ys on Church street, South, lit. Mary's,
e little 9.year-old daughter of Daniel
Dir aooidentaliy passed too (lose to the
aze and her clothing naught fire and in
moment she was enveloped in flames,
ie pteeenee of mind of a neighbor who
apped the little one up smothering the
5, saved her from mere than slight in.
Last week the Mitchell Geld Cure
tub sent two more victims to drink
wn to Oakville to take the treatment.
is oieb was organized about one year u
o by Fred. DAVIS, of Seaforth,and since
t time 13 unfortunate mon have been
t to take the treatment. This chub
9 done more practical 050095ratme e
rk ih twelve mouths in the vicinity of f
tohell than has all the temperance 1\
animations in that town. I
The Elmo, Township Council for some e
o past has Leen bringing to bear their p
nenee upon the Ontario Government t
neighboring municipalities with a
IV to wonting their co-operation iii an a
rt to deepen the Maitland river by P
aging it from its source to it9 outlet at t
derrch, more espeoially through Elmo, v
Grey townships. 'their chief object t
o so deepen the river r ve throe h those
p w
nellipe as to atloid a good and sats• al
nt outlet for the several big .trtnnioipal `T
fns running into it, b
is t
W . H. KERR-, Prop,
People We Know.
Mrs, A, Somers has been seriously 1
'Nerdy McLennan Sundayed iu Bre
Mies Teenle Menzies was visiting
Clinton this week,
Mies Downey is back to her position i
the Public School.
Mrs, Donald'Sinclair is still in a ver
poor stats of bealtb.
W. IV, Burgess and wife, of Mitchel
were in town this week.
Mee L. Driver, of Rochester, is visitin
under the parental roof.
Mee. Warwiok was visiting her eon,
D. Warwick, V. 5, this week,
Mrs, T. Hayoroft and children a
visiting relatives in Grey township.
Mrs. Ferris is the guest of her daughte
Mrs. J. A. Stewart, Turnberry street.
D. .Ross and wife were visiting R. W
Roes and wife at Wroxeter this week.
M;es Wooks, of Belmore, is visitin
her eieters, Mrs, Zilliax and Mrs. Brigh
fn town.
A. Dodds and wife, of McKillop, war
enjoying a holiday visit with relatives i
James Maxwell fell while shingling hi
verandah and got quite a shaking up by
the tumble.
Postmaster Farrow bas been bothered
during the past week with a couple of
Job's comforters on hie neck.
Dr. Cavanaugh, of Owen Sound, was
in town for a few days this week, He is
well pleased with his new home.
Principal Cameron and Robt. McAl-
pine wheeled to Seaforth last Friday to
hear the Scotch eon0ert and recital.
Mre. T. Hall, of Henfryn, formerly of
Brussels, will remove to Toronto, where
she bas purchased a cigar store, so it is
Mrs. Rothwell and daughter left Brus-
eels on Wednesday for Cen-
tralia where they will visit
before o e returni o
n, to Bay city,
Fred. Downing leaves this week for
Detroit where be will take a position
on a steamer running from Cleveland to
Mackinaw. He will be away all Summer,
As Rev. Mr. Hunt, of Exeter, who took
part in the organ recital, at Seaforth, in
St. Thomas' church, was returning home,
bis pocket book in some way dropped
from bis pocket, and he bas not yet found
it. It oontained about $150 in oasb and
other valuable documents.
Thomas E. Hays, of MoKillop, met
with a very unpleasant miohap recently.
He was in Seaforth and left for home
about five o'clock. He was driving bis
spirited bay driving mare. When turn.
ing the corner a mile North of Seaforth,
the horse got frightened at something,
and making a sudden start, Mr. }lays
was unable to control ber. She ran at
fell speed until opposite the gateway
leadiug to Thos. Govenlook's residence,
when she bolted off the road, upsetting
the buggy, and throwing Mr. Hays out.
She then ran up Mr. Govenlock's lave to
the barn, and crashing through a gate
fell down, when she was secured. The
buggy was badly demoralized, but the
horse was not much injured. Mr. Hays
was 000siderably shaken up, but was able
to walk home and will soon be around
again all right.
011010011 GN1JIl:i-
The London Conference of the Medea.
diet' church will meet in Stratbroy on
June 681,,
The ay meeting of Wiagbam Dis-
trict, Methodist church, will be held in
Wingham, on May 14 and 15.
Rev. T. W. Covens, of Walton, will
occupy the pulpit of the Methodist
church, Brussels, nest Sabbath.
Huron Presbytery will meet at Clinton
on the 14th inst., and Maitland Presby-
tery at Wiogbam on the 21st inst.
Bev. R, Paul preached at Palmerston
last Sabbath for Rev. F. E. Nugent,
whose eldest daughter died ou Saturday.
Mre. Large, the well-known missionary
to Japan, bee been re palled, and is now
visiting her sister, Mrs. Detlor, at rTorth
Day, Provincial Sabbath Sohool
Secretary, will spend from the 5th to the
12th of July in Sabbath school work in
Iu the thumb transfers appears the
name of Rev. A. W. Tonga, of Milverton,
formerly of Blyth, who goes into Niagara
Last Tuesday evening Rev. G. H. Cob-
bledick gave his teethes ou "Rambles iu
Scotland," at Atwood, under the anspiaes
of the Women's Auxiliary of the Metho-
dist church.
Rev. M. Oobbledick will preach M.
worth League anniversary sermons in the
Southside Methodist church, Stratford,
nest Sabbath. He will also deliver a
lecture on the Monday evening following,
The following are the representatives
from the congregation of the Methodist
church to the Official Board :—J. Down-
ing, A.. R. Smith, H, L. Jackson, T.
Moore, A, Conley, D. A. Lowry, and T.
Rev, R. Hail, of Lnoknow, and pastor
of the Ashfield circuit of the Methodist
church was suddenly stricken with partial
paralysis of the brain, and for some days
was in a very ar11108) condition, but good
hopes are note entertained of hisreeovery.
At the Higher Religious Iestruotion ex-
aminations of the Presbyterian church
held lately Mrs. Neil Richardson gained
a ail ver medal and Mrs. Tufts a diploma
n Senior Church History, and Agnes
Richardson a diploma in the Shorter
Rev. R. S. G. Anderson, M. A., Wrox.
ter, gave an expeediigly interesting and
u0tructive leo1nre in Melville church last
fanciest evening on Missionary work in
radia, The country with its varied seen.
ry and climate, its 270 millions of poo -
le, their languages, customs, mate dis-
inotions, occupations and morals were
sr0fully described and also the mission.
ry work being done by the Canada
roebyterian in Central India, the lee.
user's statements being rendered more
ivid and intelligible by the pictures
on the as s
nva .
The attendance
1' a end
as fair, err but
,to merit of the teeters
10ald haus seemed a crowded house.
170 appropriate anthems were rendered
y the choir.
St 8. GONXANIION.—The annnai District
Sabbath School Convention, inoind-
ing all the Sabbath subools in
the townships of Grey and Morrie, Walton
and Brussels, will bo held in Melville
ohureh in this place on Tuesday, May
28th. There will be three 80051005 and
ax Ilett program which will be an-
nounced later, Provincial Secretary Day
has been invited. Talk it up.
The change of Conference boundaries
this year in connection with the Metho.
dist thumb, is likely to geese a re•ed-
justmout said to be in the interests of
several circuits, It is proposed to take
Sharpn appointment from Holmesville
oirouit and add it to Bayfield, which is
then to oome off the Mission Fund and
be self-sustaining. Zion appointment, at
present connected with Victoria St.,
Goderiob, itis proposed to associate with
Holmeeville, Jackson's appointment,
now belonging to Blyth, it is proposed to
add to Walton. Turner's appointment
now belonging to Ontario St., Clinton,
and Alma, belonging to Seafortb, it is
propose to asssoiate with Loudesboro,
put a married man and a young man on
the circuit, and give Londesboro and
Kilburn preaching twice a Sabbath.
Ethel and Henfryn will likely be divided
as formerly. These are a few of the
changes spoken of. It may happen that
none of them or all of them will be made,
but they are nevertheleos, under con-
Cavite: Jinn News..
Dmbro is to have a Board of Trade.
Berlin and Preston report a building
Judgment was given in the appeal oases
of Rev. C. W. Wye at Kingston, dismiss-
ing the appeal without costs.
Zahn Gunn, of North Oxford, has a big
goose egg. It weighs three quarters of a
pound and '125s
n nucha by
C. A. Dedrick, of Port Rowan, has
a three.legged ehiaken. It is about a
year old, of the brown Leghorn variety
and lays regularly.
Arthur Holmes has received his new
engine and boiler with whiob he intends
to commence operations in hie brick and
tile yard Milverton.
Dr. Chas. A. Seers, with Parke, Davis
& Co., Walkerville, has. it is paid, come
into a fortune of 5200,000 by the death of
a relative in the old country,.
Application has been made to the
Postmaster -General to have the Brant-
ford postoffice kept open for business on
holidays from 10 a. in. until 2 p. an.
Jesse Freeman, a Chatham negro, con-
cealed himself in a coal ear at the Cen-
tral Prison by an ingenious dodge and
made his escape from the inetitntion.
Newry succeeded in passing all He
candidates, 33 in number, at the recent
oounty promotion examinations, the
majtaking above the average mark.
Hiccoughing, whiob continued for 30
weeks, was the strange ailment that pois-
ed the death of Andrew Lingo, of Oarle-
ton Place, on Saturday morning last, at
the ageority of 78.
Because at the time of his election he
was "chief', of the fire brigade at the
"outrageous salary of 550 per annum.
the court at OsecedeHall unseated Mayor
Barnes, of Rat Portage, and ordered a
new election,
Miss Seraphine Cenette and Del phis
Chapnt, two employees who -jumped from
the fourth storey of the McDonald to.
bacoo factory at Montreal during the re-
cent fire, died in the Notre Dame Hospi-
tal last week.
A valuable vow bslongiug to Jobo
Diemeter, of Egremont, died the other
day under peonliarciroumstances. Dap -
pears the animal swallowed a 3 -inch wire
nail, which pierced the stomach and
remelted the heart, causing death.
Thousands of dead fish, chiefly poker.
el, are strewing the beach for six or
coven miles along the east side of Pelee
Point. The deaths from some mune is
enormous, and the residents on the Point
will have to bury the refuse on the,beeob.
While arranging some bananas in the
window, one of the clerks in Geo. Ger..
don's store, Woodstock, laid his band up.
on a
y ge tarantula.The
dangerous spsoimen of the spider family
was captured and found to measure
bout three and a half inches in length.
Alexander 0. G. Wilkie, the bookkeep.
r for Wilmot D. Matthews, of Toronto,
anada, who is said to be short $40,000
n his s000unts, after eluding the autbori.
les for more than a month, was arrested
aturday night in a billiard hall in Nadi -
on street, Chicago, and is held for ex.
Amos Green, Oxford Centre, has a
ulberry salon set last Spring whiob
measures 4 feet and 5 inches in length,
iso a plum graft with two branches, the
uallest of which measures 4 feet 4 and
inches. Robb. Malcolm, of Obterville,
as erown'an apple graft in six months
a length of 72 inches.
A letter in the Mail says there are over
0 phvsioians in Toronto who do not
eke $2 a day. The legal and medical
rofessions are all crowded, the writer
ye and the sons of farmers should stick
their real business in life instead of
rowding into the professions in which
ere 1s n0 room except at the top.
Sunday afternoon E. N. Smith, ornwanosh, school teacher of Seotien No.
Cuirass, aged about 21, was drowned
}tile bathing in a pool in Muskeegon
eek, 5 miles enuth of Teeswater. The
ung man was swimming in the pool
en he suddenly sank and never tote
gain, Itis supposed that he was seized
th cramps.
About 3 o'clock Moudav morning fire
discovered in the office and store -
use of 4. P. Ross, General storekeeper
Exeter. The alarm was given and the
e brigade were soon on hand and pour.
in two etreama, whi0ll kept the fire
Mined to the inside of the building,
1011 was not damaged meth. The
58) 0088 badly damaged. The lase will
heavy but is pretty' well covered by M-
atto. The place runt set on fire as
ore were a lot of rags and brooms
crated with th nilspread all around the
re and some barrels of coal oil in the
re room, bet the oil in the barrels did
E ignite, If it had there would Itaeo
n a fearful fire.
30 a