HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1895-5-3, Page 8We have the agency,
fee no les tet a
26 Bicycles,
Inolnding the Whitworth, Hyslop,
Regent; Badge, Fleet', Spartan, Tile
'loyal Mail, Cupid, Creseene! Ohlltlea
Pet and Junior, whioh includes
several kinds of the same melte,
Wo owl give you a men's Safety
Bioyalo with Puouulatie Tires, new,
$50.00 Cab..
I 'have a second hand English
Wheel, sold last year for 967,00,
used verlittle, whioh I will sell
to-. 945. 'Don't bey till you see
',vial we can d0.
Druggist, Bookseller and
Graduate Optician,
eculemIIN EXTENSION w. 0. & B.
'll'1'aine leave Brussels Station, North
Tana South, as follows :
"flail .m.Mixed. 45 a.m.
laavreS 11:50 tem.l 6:54Mail aseepen.
eased 9:00 p.m. Express 9:49 p.m,
vont ` t.etbs 0q terns.
A shiel's among ye Lakin' notes,
An' faith he'll prone it.
TROUT fishing.
Fnaea fish are once more on the market.
Uousom meeting next Monday evening.
BIcreem-O carries the palm this -Spring.
SEND US the ne ws. It is always wel-
Gnome Cnooxs made a delivery of fruit
Otreee for a nursery on Tuesday.
THE Qusen'e Birthday will be three
seeks from Friday of this week.
R`. C. Dusaonn has added a stook o'
',hate to his tailoring establiehment.
JAS. Fox bas fitted up the Central tele-
eihone office in fine shape with new paper
and paint.
Jso. ConaLE1, D. Ross and Jae. Oilyee
'leave put up new fences at their respect.
?ave properties.
WATCH out for the new advts. of Meser•'.
�TJilton & Turnbull, and Messrs. Smite
4£ MeLaren next week.
A FINE new bread van has been put cm
ahe road by Baker Barkley. It was built
shy carriage maker McGuire, Mill street.
THE =meeting for D. A, Lowry'a new
-'residence, corner of Turnberry and Queen
- streets, is done and the masons will corn.
-emends work on the cellar walls.
Dense & MANTLE MAKING.—Miss R,
Biolmes has opened a dress and mantle
'making shop in the rooms over E. 0.
.unford'e tailor shop, Brussels.
germ a number of ladies in town are
-learning to handle the bicycle. We have
:not heard whether the bloomer costume
vile be adopted this season or not.
Tan newly organized Band bas begun
.eraatiee. New music has been purchased
• ,and we expect to soon see the weekly
alien air concerts resumed as in other
SEABEE PINE is having the interior of
ole residence on Mill street remodelled.
'Two square bay windows and a verandah
xis also being built, thereby increasing
'Zee room and improving the appearance.
o'S"TATISTICS OF AssEssxnxT, 1895.—Total
-names on the roll, 450 ; Total value of
"Meal property, $259,125 ; Total value of
''Personal property, 932,450 ; Income,
113,90'1; Total Valuation, $295,475; Doge,
3; Bitches, G; Population, 1106; Cattle,
tel ; Sheep, 7 ; Pigs, 40 ; Horses, 186 ;
• 17tirths, 12 ; Deaths, 5 ; Steam Boilers,
DIED.—On April 23rd, hire. Leopard
"Meyers, of Manvers, Durbam Co., entered
auto rest, after a short illness, at the ad.
we,noed age of nearly 90 years. Deceased
"was the mother of Kra. John Downing, of
Brueeels. The old lady had been blind
::or the past 5 yearn. Mr. Meyers died
about 5 years ago. The funeral took
•5 80e on Thursday of last week.
Bemenzs CnStETEBL'—The undereigned
exisbe0 to notify all concerned that he
-will be at the cemetery on Wednesday
afternoon of each week during the Sum•
rime for the purpose of fixing up graves
se plots, straightening headstones or do.
-Ing such other work as owners of lots
may desire. Terms reasonable. If in-
etru0tionsare sent bv mail address me
Bracelets P. 0. Bonr. AIuismnoNo,
Pew•ELL s Pex s.—The Minister of Ed.
',creation bee given hie decision in favor of
'the Powell plans for the new school
itooe, with seine necessary alterations.
The School Board met on Wednesday
mvenin" and decided to telephone Mr.
Powell" asking him to Dame to Brussels
time the neoeeeary changes might be made,
tl¢o apeeffications prepared and tenders
asked for. The work will be pushed
:along at a lively rate so that the building
-will he completed as early in the Fall as
Ono Fnnaowe' ANNUAL Reponx,—The
-amens' report of the Grand Secretary,
Independent Order of Odd Fellows, for
Sipe year ending Deo. 31st, 1894, is most
eshataotory, ehowing that the Order,
mot withstanding the prevailing depree• h
mote in commercial business, is still en. r
aoy-ing increasing prosperity. The net d
decrease in membership for the year wae T
1,104, within a trifle of the beet ainoe 18• G
79, and 12 subordinate lodges have been t
instituted with every prospeot of aeverst ti
ertber additions in the near future, the s
total membership in good standing being
21,662. During the year, 8,000 brothers, G
156 widows and 27 children have received t
sick benette and relief a,'.nunting to
'$79,555.44. The total mime paid for R
murrent expenses was 975,84 •.05, making 0
'tectal diehureements $155,;00,09, the b
eevetage cent per member for all purposes fr
!being $7.17, The total average receipts to
ver member was 99.34, making the total T
•roceipte $202,515.47. The fends of the a
',Society are as follows- :—General benefit fe
.•rtd, 9764,064,45 ; widows and orphans n
ed'997,086, and contingent fund, $17. fe
1.55 ; total, 9800,967. The Rebekah 'R
Atoll alto oontinnes to prosper, having df
elect' 786. members during the year, 0
b increase of meets of $743.57.
baton* Star Ledge, 33ruaeels, meets
50wory Thursday evening in their fine
bn'eedige'Reom, Graham: block.
Howe & Oo'0. WW1 advt. next weep.
Tele week 0o
nesIlei M oGraoke1 es.
i a o hi a
oat ,af oft s to 0 0 0
ported a 1 4 K
Tarr 10110100 and cattle rnerket is bright-
ening up Butter and eggs ape low,
AUhresns. Orates 4 DAUUEM 4119906 a
doubly denksd oar of hogs on Thursday.
WATSON Amen has completed a eon•
Motet of felt, tar and gravel roofing at
DoN''r forged to have your promisee
Weaned up and ready, for the Inspector
by May 15th.'
GnANneook hes been the magnet this
weep for Brueselitee to see the 00100 of
Monday morning's fire,
:.Cum Dry goods storesoommenoed aloe-
ing at 7 p. ne. on Wednesday, May, let.
Early closing>will be kept up ell through
the Sommer,
HATS.—D. 0. Ross has the nobbiost
and eheepeet stook of straw bats in Bres•
sale, Gall and see them and got the pride
before you buy elsewhere.
Weer about the early closing of busi-
ness places ? Listowel and other towns
are working it again this season. Where
all observe the rule there is very little; if
any, loss.
AN invitation has been reeeived by the
local ohuroh choirs to Oahe part in the
annual 011010 excursion and concerts.
The demonstration will beheld in London
next Jnly.
It ADAMS, Of Londeaboro', h0.8 diepoaed
of the Parker terrace, Mill street, to W.
Riley, of Grey, for the sum of $4.00.
Mr. Adams got control of the property 3
years ago.
Tian Minister of Education has express•
ed his opinion that the School Board
has a right to pay the law expenses of
the recent Trustee protest. The question
was referred to him after the account for
$25.00 wae presented.
Tanen are now ten horses in training
on Brussels track- "Saranac," owned
by J. Dulmage, of Wingham, is the latest
edition. The track is in prime condition
and next week the equines will be put
down to solid training.
BALL Jmsirne SINGERS will appear its
Brussels Town Hall on Monday evening,
20th inst. They give a fine entertain•
ment of plantation songs, &o. Admis-
sion fee the popular prices of 10c. and
150.' • See bills and posters.
Woro has been received from the West
of Alex. Ferguson, of Nickel Lake, ILam-
loope, being burned to death. He was a
brother of James Ferguson's, Grey, and
an uncle of Jen. Ferguson, of Ferguson &
Halliday, of this town, and had been in
the West for 22 years. He was not mar-
ried. The particulars of his decease are
not to hand yer.
DIED.—Henry Spence, of Goderioh, died
on Sunday evening, aged 76, after a
rather long illness. The deceased was
an old soldier. and retired many years
since, when he' ;ing the rank of Sergeant
Major in the ,loyal Artillery. During
bis service he was actively employed in
the rebellion of '38, and had many hard
experiences during the early portion of
bis long term under the old flag. The
funeral took plane Wednesday afternoon
from his late residence to Maitland ceme-
tery. A widow, three daughters and on
son survive. Deceased was a brother -in
law to Mrs. Robb. Dickson, Brussels
Simon Grant, Grey ; and J. R. Grant,
Winnipeg, and enjoyed theltigbestesteem
of all who knew him.
ing are the numbers of candidates for
various examinations in East Huron
Clinton 112 35
Seaforth ... , 40 50
Win gbam61 38
Brussels 48 34
Blyth 33 12
Wroxeter48 19
Fordwiclt26 13
Total 563 201
LlvmosTON Boos. flax mill, at Palmer.
ston, was destroyed by fire last Sabbath
and about 91,400 to 81,800 worth of tow
stored there consumed, No ineuranee.
The mill will be rebuilt at once.
meeting of the Mechanics' Institute will
be held in the Reading room next Mon-
day, May 6th, at 4 o'clock p. n1. As this
is the meeting for the election of officers
and for the reception of the annual re-
ports, it is hoped that there will be a
good representation of members. The
Institute is now well patronized, but
with the number of volumes of valuable
and interesting reading matter already on
hand and which are being added to .con•
tinntlly and the large number of current
periodicals containing the best literature
of the age, which is available no where
else in town, the membership should be
extended until itinoludee the whole read-
ing public of the community. Fix the
date in your mind—Monday next, 6th of
May, at 4 p. m.
Bnuasgrs TOAOx.—Everything is hum-
ming at the Driving Park these days.
Dick Roach, the well known trainer, who
has won the red ticket so many times,
has a string of ten horses in training with
more to follow. The horses already here
are :—"Saranac," record 2,251, owned by
Jno. Dulmage, Wingbam ; "Reddy,"
2,299, owner B. Dunlop, Kansas ; "Rom.
or Jr." record 2.40, owner Robt. Wilson,
Seaforth ; "Walter B." and "Zelda,"'
owned by J. Adams, Kincardine ; "Tem.
peat," owned by R. Logan, Seaforth ;
"Livery Girl," owned by A, Forbes, Sea -
forth ; +'Luoknow 13oy," owned by J. R.
McIntosh, Luokuow ; "Texas," owned by
Joseph Webber, Egmondville ; and
"O'Donnell," owned by Jas. O'Leary,
Brussels. In addition to the above P.
Scott bas "M, A. 0." and "Costumer" in
arness with W. F. Acott holding the
ibbons, and Richard Williams makes the
est fly with his neat trotter, "Livery
om." "Zelda" is a full sister,to "Miss
allele", George Roe's fast mare. The
rank is in pinky.pink condition and fast
me is counted on by the very likely
tying in training,
Tan RONALD 19NGINE,--The Toronto
lobo gives the following pertiotilare of
he recent teat of the Ronald steamer in
hair city :—Yeeterday afternoon the
onald fire engine was tested, The test
f the day before proved unsatisfaotory
muse the water at the slip wap so filthy
om eewnge'that it opneed the boiler to
am and rendered good work impoeeible.
he engine was moved farther Westward
nd found better water. Five hundred
et of hose was attached to an if inch
ozzle and the extreme dietanoo of 246
et was thrown—a magnificent' stream
onald's guarantee wae to throwexbreme
atanee of two hundred and twenty feet,
ne thousand five hundred feet of hose
next attached and stemmed into one
le Inc& flaxzie, Thie stream wag stead.
ily kept up to 200 feet—often 260—and
its extreme distance was 276 feet. Ron -
ald's guarantee in tbls teat wae, extreme.
throw 250 teat, tiles in both 00000 eegee4.
ing Lie guarantee by
2a feet. Mr. Ron.,
ells/ ated if the aommtatee had
given bit» smooth bore 0ubbe0 hose that
be asked, be wield have exceeded Shia
work by 20 feet. Ootton lams was used
it ie rough and corrugated ineide, offer.
legl, It vett' an0011 greater rosietance, bo.
ebbe the hose was very orookedly Jaid,
which meet also retard greatly the flow
of water, As to Moaning, the engine
oleo beet its owl, guarantee by several
minutes, The Makers claim for this
machitte—°blas best in the world." 0011-
05 exiarte of high authority preenb
seemed toexprese thomelvee in this way.
So do lbs jndgee at the World's Fair
when they awarded it the first prize and
gold medal
Business Locals,
OLovnn and Timothy seed at Baehr &
Fon sale, one baggy, good as new. I.
C. 'Bollards.
Onoven, tilnuthy and turnip seeds at
HAtttess, harness, all Muds, and very
cheap. I. 0. Richards.
Fuss garden seeds,glover and timo-
thy et McOraoken's.
Steri bate made over obeaper than
ever by Mrs. Hinder], Mill street.
TIPTOP stock of ohildren's wagons at
Tea POST Booketore,
SUMMER lap rug found on the Oth line
Morris. Enquire at Tan POST,
28 rms. Redpath's granulated sugar for
$1.00 for oaeh only at Thomsons.
Fon value in boots and shoes dome 50
use. Repairs sown cheap. I. 0. Rick-
BRING IT Hoene—The person who bur.
rowed R. Lestherdale'e carpet sbretoher
is asked to return it at ONCE.
WH/TE BONANZA OATS for seed at Tay
for & Smillie's. The earliest in the
market, as tested at the Model Farm last
Hene's Clover Root, the great Blood.
Purifier gives freshuese and clearness to
the complexion and cures constipation.
25 oto, 50 oto and $1.00. Sold by James
Fox, Druggist, Brussels.
Conan and get a set of harness before
the prices go up. Leather and material
are going ne in price so we will have to
raise the price of harness soon, I. 0.
Pawunr Plows. Hugh Williams & Son
are the Agents for the well known Fleury
plow . They also keep all the necessary
repairs. t,..lI at Williams' Livery Stable,
Samoa's mare is sold on a guarantee.
It cures incipient consumption. It is
the beet oough oure. Only one cent a
does. 25 ate, 50 ate, and $1.00. Sold by
James Fox, Druggist, Brussele.
A REmARICABLE Oune.—J. W. Jenison,
Gilford, spent between $200 and 9800 in
consulting doctors ; tried Dixon's and all
other treatments but got no benefit. One
box of Chaae'e Catarrh Cure did me more
good than all other remedies. In fact I
consider myself cured, and with a 25
box at that.
Mos. T. S. HAWKINS, Chattanooga,
Tenn„ says, ''Shiloh's Vitalizer "saved
my life." I consider it the best remedy
for a debilitaed system I ever used.
For dyspepsia, liver or kidney trouble it
excels. Price 75 uta. Bold by Jas. Fox,
Druggist, Brussels.
dose ; one box 25e. One pill relieves
constipation. One box cures an ordinary
case. One pill taken weekly neutralizes
formation of oriel acid in the blood and
prevents Bright's kidney disease and
diabetes. True only of Dr. Chase's
Kidney- Liver Pills.
Perth OOltnty,
L. J, Allen, a middle aged man, of the
Allen House, Oneida, N. Y., was found
dead in bed at the American House,
Stratford, at 7:30 Saturday .morning,
when the night porter went to call him.
He registered as H. Johnston, Buffalo, N.
Y., and was assigned to room 20. The
door was broken open, when it was found
that life wae extinct. It is evidently a
case of suicide, as from the tone of a let.
ter to his mother in Oneida, N. Y., he ap•
peered to be in trouble, arising from
financial difficulties. The letter wound
up by stating, "Don't fret about me,
mother, I will be all right." On his per-
son was found $185 in bills, a gold watob
and chain: 1n the drawer of the wash•
stand was an empty eight -ounce bottle,
containing a poison, which he had evi-
dently taken, and then went and lay down
on the bed with his olotbes on, in which
condition he wae found.
A German, aged about 20 years, com-
mitted euioide at the house of Tobias S.
Warren, of Oapac, Mob., Friday. Be
had hired out the previous day to work
on Warren's farm, situated eight miles
from that town. Mr, Warren arose early
and went to the barn. When he Dame
book he saw the man standing in the
parlor, bent over, and blood flowingfrom
a wound in his throat, and a razor in his
hand. Mr. Warren rushed toward him
and said, "Why have you done this 7"
He answered, "Trouble." "What was
the trouble ?" "A girl scrape." "What
is your name ?" "William Manse, and I
live near Stratford, Ont. He said he had
a father and mother living in Ohioago.
Then he said, "I must die." Those wero
hie last words, and lie fell to the floor.
Aphyeioian was summoned, and with the
aid of others succeeded in sewing up the
wounds, but he survived only a few
minutes, Upon examination of his
clothes two pocket books were found, con-
taining about $3.60 ; also the photograph
of a young lady. In a valise was a suit
of ololhee and other minor effects.
Menem—H,ILLETT.—At the residence of
the bride's mother, Seaforth, • on
April 24th, by Rev. J. Galloway, Mr.
Harry Martin, of Blyth, to Mee
Lizzie, only daughter of the late
Sergeant E. E. Hallett.
MoOIUeoN—Lienueez,-At the residence of
the bride's father, on April '24511, by
Rev. A, Henderson, M. A., Mr.
David, son of Mr. John Morrison,
Newry, to Miss Elizabeth B., young.
set daughter of Mr. Thomas Line.
ham, of Elm,.
Meeoo—Fneene—In Stratford, on April
18th, at the residence of the bride's
father, by Rev. D. S. Hamilton,
Mies Lizzie, daughter of Mr, Alex,
Frame, of the Perth Mutual Ins.
Co., Stratford, to Rev. ti. E. Mason,
pastor of the Hotviek and Turnberry
Congregational oburehee, Huron Oo.
AJ T4XD.42tr-! 134XIC OF C4X4.7l4,
€is xs
� - of
.e,��, �zGJ xe72
ASSETS, (Seven Millie!' Dollare) $7,000,000
CAPITAL (Au6borized) $2,000,000
elgenoies in all prineipai pompe tea Ontario, Qneheo, llfattitoha, United States t61ngian4
dd'rswi4;6' D . dPt'f'r1I:
A General $inking Business Traneaoted, Farmere' Notes Disomunted,
Drafts Issued and collections made on all points.
Interest allowed on depooite of $1.00 end upwarde from dot of deposit to date o£
withdrawal and oompounded half yearly.
Every facility afforded Oustolnere living at a distance.
R U S /CJS.E3I s,
Transact a General Banking Business. Drafts Bought and Sold on
all points in Canada, United States and Great Britain.
Interest Allowed' on One Dollar and Upwards at Current Rates. Interest Com-
pounded Twice a Year, Being Added to the Principal at tbo end of the Monthe of
October and April. Special Arrangements made for Time Deposits.
`Ye effect to write Insurance in old English or Canadian Companies, or 10 Mut.
nal Companies 8a 155815. be 11Ceirell,
C0RT15—Rr0IIARDsoN.—In Listowel, on
the 170b ult., by Rev. R. W. Wil.
Name, Mr. Frederick J. Curtis, to
Mies Bessie Richardson, both of At.
SPBNCE.—In Goderioh. an April 28th,
Henry Spence, aged 76 years.
PATTEnsoN: In Bluevale, on April 23rd,
Margaret Patterson, wife of John
Patterson, aged 75 years.
Anttemnoxs.—In East Wawanosh, on
April 23rd, Edward Armstrong, aged
81 years.
WEST.—In Listowel, on the 24th ult., E.
Annie West, aged 41 years. and 1
Seeenoeeone In Listowel, On bhe nth
ult., Olive Dickson, beloved wife of
Samuel 13. Stevenson, aged 32 years
and 9 days.
TENoINoe.—In Listowel, on the 28rd ult.,
Albenyer, beloved wife of Robert
Jennings, aged 64 years, 7 months
and 18 days.
HEwzmr.—In Walton, on Monday, April
29th, 1895, John Hewitt, aged 72
years, 2 months and 13 days.
CALDER.—In Grey, on April 25th, Thomas.
Calder, aged 55 years and 2 months.
ReosnAN.—In Petrolea, on April 28th,
Samuel GeRiordan, aged 26 years.
MErnns,—In leftovers, Durham Co., on
April 23rd, Doretby, relict of the late
Leonard Meyers, aged 89 years and
8 months.
Mnesaarr.—At Litchfield, Sherman Go.,
Nebraska, on April 20th, Mary MJe-
shall, formerly of 14th eon., Grey,
aged 70 years, 6 months and 15 days.
03RV3030 ,.S 3.e:ARe=exerS.
Fall Wheat............ 75 78
Spring Wheat 75 78
Barley,. 40 45
Peas 58 60
Oats 31 00
Butter, tube and rolls 12 18
Eggs per dozen 8 9
Flour per barrel3 00 8 50
Potatoes 55 40
Hay per ton 7 CO 00
Hides trimmed 3 CO
Hides rough 2 2,i
Salt per bbl., retail 1 00 00
Sheep skins, each 20 40
Lamb skins moll .... 15 40
Apples per bbl.... ..... _ 1 52 1 25
Hogs, Live 4 75 5 00
Hogs, Dressed 0 25 00
John Swan and Son, limited, Edin-
burgh, in their weekly report of April 10,
say :—Supplies of fat cattle all over have
not been quite so large this week. The
cold weather has helped to maintain
prices, but the prices current in the South
country markets prevent Englishmen
from buying to any extent. Pat cows
and bulls dearer. There have been fewer
sheep in Edinburgh, trade for which was
barely so good. In Glasgow numbers
have been augmented by large arrivals of
State sheep, whioh have made about 15 to
2s apiece less money. Fat lambs if good
melee highprices. Fat calves made sags -
factory prices, while pigs sold rather
dearer. Store cattle wore a small show
in Edinburgh this week, but owing to the
high prices asked trade was quiet, and a
clearance could not bo effected. Milk
Cows, unless good quality, cheaper. Best
beef, 78 66 to 85 per atone ; best mutton,
Br7,_d,, to Bed per lb.
BAST BUFFALO, April 30.—Oattle—Re•.
oeipts, ware all consigned through, and
there were only about two cars on offer at
the central yards, one of whioh cement
too late for yesterday's market. No
trading to -day up to noon outsideof a few
lots to butchers. Market dull and weak.
Hogs—Receipts, 8 oars. 1VIarket dull and
slow. Yorkers, $4,96 to $5 ; good to
choice heavy, $6 to $6.10 ; common to,
Jewry ends,. $4.66 to $4.76 ; rough, $4.26'
to 94.50 ; pigs, $4.90 to $5 ; stage, 93,25
to 94. Sheep and Jamba—Receipts, 2,000
head, Market barley steady. Sheep—
Choice to best wethers $4.60 to $4.00
good to Choice, $4.66 to $4.90 ; fair to
good mixed, $4.16 to $4.75 ; common to
fair, $2.90 to 93.25 ; culls, 92 to 92.75 ;
clipped sheep, ,fair to best, $3.05 to $4.
Lambs—Fancy heavy, 95.50 to 95.60 ;
good to ohoice, $5.96 to 96 ; fair to good,
$4.90 to 90 ; spring lambs, common to
choice, $8.50 to 99 ; clipped lambs, fair
to hest, $4.50 to $5.66.
Tenoosro, Ont., April 30.—Offeringe all
told were lighter at the Western Cattle
Yards today, which had the tendency to
stiffen prices for butchers' cattle. Thee
Elbow an advance of about 140 per lb.,
Other linos were steady, except hogs
which are off about to per lb. There
wore 24 carloads of stuff i11 whioh Se.
chided 100 sheep ani lambs, 628 bogs and
about 60 calvee, In butehere'cattle there
was a etiffneas created by lighter offerings
and slightly better quality of the stuff on
offer. Baying by local dealers was fairly.
active, so that with the demand from out-
side everything wassoontaken. Prices
were 14c per lb. firmer. Some lots of
fancy butchers' cattle, weighing on an
average of about 1,060 to 1,100 lbs. each,
sold for 4ec per 1b. ; medium to good
butchers' cattle sold or from 87Ac to -890
per lb. ; common cattle, 290 to 3o per lb.
Of export cattle hardly any of the right
kind were he Mr. McIntosh, of Mont-
real, picked lip one carload, and a few
other odd lots were taken. Prices . are
nominal, at from 50 to 5io per lb, It ie
expected there will be quite an offering of
export cattle next Friday, on account of
the opening of navigation at Montreal.
Joseph Wilson is expected from Winni-
peg with a train load.of cattle picked up
through Manitoba. In hogs there was a
weaker feeling, choice hogs having drop-
ped about sec per lb. Top quotations to-
day for prime bacon hogs were from 50 to
890 per lb. weighed off the ears. L1 sheep
and lambs offerings were light and the
result was that the feeling was firmer.
Good grain -fed yearlings Bold at from 5}o
to 690 per lb. In calves this market was
a little batter, because of lighter offerings.
Prices ranged from $2.60 to $3.75 per
head. Only extra choice veals going
higher. Be stockers and feeders not
much was done. Quotations range from
290 for thin stockers to 40 per lb. for half
fat feeders.
Savings Bank takes Deposita from
81,00 to 5 1,000 and allows 8i per cent.
interest. T. FARROW,
87-3m Postmaster,
man t0 earn from 010 to 020 weekly.
It can be done Belling our bardy,guarantoed,
Canadian growth Nuroery Stook. Salary or
04)mm138lon paid weekly. Exclusive terri-
tory. Handsome- outfit free, Write us at
once for terms.
E. 0. GRAHAM, Nurseryman,
41-14 Toronto, Ont,
Any quantity of Building, Corner, Rubble.
Bill and Bridge .Stone for Sale, Quarried
and ready for loading at Brussels Quarry.
For price and terms appl y to
07.tf Box 100 Bxneie.
nem} offers for Bale 1 covered buggy
nearly new; 1 sot Bingle harness; a quantity
of hemlock lumber, different kinda; alsoa
quantity of dim, squared and unog,ared,
trom 7e to 24 feet long, will scum from 10
to 12 inches. Apply to
42.2 Flora street, Brussels,
We bavo secured a limited supply of
this popular variety for the Ruse of our pat.
rons and others who desire it. This corn ie
000008need the best in the market by all ex-
tensive growers and especially by Robb.
-0ieland, of Elma, in whose factory Sb tons of
cheese were made by 27 patrons last season,
eking this variety exclusively. Ordure left
at rhomson's Grocery will be duly attend-
ed to, Order early before the stock 1s all
taken up.
Ohaesomaker. AUCTIONEERS.
STAY 3, !.$9
Wall Papel' f
If our understanding is oerreet
you want to buy from the Big.
gest Sboolle and at the Lowest
Prices, and we mean tomeet
you on bhoselinee and we think
the way to do it lies in the
very direotion we have taken,
viz, :---
Pox's Drub Store,
1U• Solicitor and cone eyanoor. Oolleo-
boas mado. Offie—yaneton°'s Bloee, Bruo
sole. 51-3m
• Si'atneeedoolie, &e. OBee—VusoBok, ,Notary r
north of central Hotel, Private Funds to
Solicitor, idfderProudfoot'sc odeoh,)Omover
Gillies & Smith's Bank, Bruesele.
Money bo Loan. 47
DR. DAVIDSON, Graduate Toronto University,
Licentiate Royal College Dental Surgeons.
Grown and Bridge work a Bps/deityy. Moder-
ate Pees. Satiefaotn
loAssured, Ofilce over
Barrett's barber shop,. Turnberry 55,, Brus-
ea • Honor Graduate of the Ontario
Veterinary college, ie: prepared to treat all
disoaeea of domesticated animals in a com-
petent manner. Particular attention paid
to veterinary dentistry. Galls promptly at-
tended to. Office and Infirmary—Four doors
north of bridge •:'urnberry et., Brussels.
• C.M., U. R. O.P., Edinburgh, M. 0. P
8, Ont, Residece and outdo in Wileon'e
Block, corner of Mail and Turnberry Sta.
M. D.
Graduate oiTorooVivrsiyMedcal
Faculty. Member of college of Physicians
and Surgeons, Oat. Oiuron—Neat door to
MaBonald & Oo„ Walton Ont.
at kis Grocery lurnb r of Mania
at els.
R.Tonsorial Artist- Shop Next door
south of A. M. Moloy & Co's hardware store.
Ladles' andohildrens hair cutting a-epeiaity
6171t1140E CO, ldetablished 1540, In-
surances effected on all Town and Farm
Property at very low rates.
10.3m Agent, Brussels.
Clerk of the Fourth .Division Cour
Co. Huron. OOnveyaroer, Notary Public
Land, Loan and Insurance Agent. Funds
invested and to loan. Collections. made
()lice in Smalo'e Block, Brussole
rgitinaesPiano oOrer Wlvisit Wgim Tuday
and Wednesday of each week.. Resi-
dence on Princess Street, Brussels.
rp A. HAWKINS, M. 0. S. M.
• Organist in 8t. John's Church, Brim
sets and pupil, in the Art of Teaching,of A.
W.'hhayet, Mns,Doa.,New Pork, wilgive
lessons to pupils either on piano or organ,
at his parlor over A.R.'8ntith's store,Brus-
sela Vocal lessons also given. Terme mod-
undersigned will knelt for eervieo
en Lot 7 Com. 0, Morris the tboro'-brat! Bus-
t nm bull "Rod Rabin." Terms—$1.25 to be
p aid on December 1st,1899.
41.8m Proprietor. Lot 7, Don. 5.
undersigned will ]veep for service on
Lot 15, Con, 0, Grey, a there' brad Short
Horn 1fu,1, Cruickshank drain, purchased
from Then,.0udmore, a well known brs0der,
Tuokersmilh. Pedigree may bo seen On ap-
psio48 2 t, Terms,
33140. MITCHELL Proprietor,
Mortgage Sale.
Under and by Virtue of thooert eon•
tamed in a oortalu mortange (Mavted will be
pro deed at time of anti) there will be offer-
ed for Sale by'Pnhlfa Auction at QUERRIN'e
HOTEL at the village of ETHEL, iu tho
Towusklp of Grey, on
TUESDAY, MAY 7111, 1895,
At 1 O'olock p.m , the following Janda, viz.: .
Lot No. 210 in the Gbh Concession of the
Townehlp of. Grey, in the County of Huron,
containing ,mei blushed aoroe more or lee,
There is said to be on the property a fair
dwelling hong°, frame barn and stable, to-
gstheo with orchard and considerable clear'
ing and the property is on a good road and
within aconvenient distanoo ufEthel,
TERMS OF SALE.—Ton Dor cent. of the pur-
chase money on day of Bale,. and 0ueleiont to
make u11 one half within ten days thereat/fr.
Terme tor: balance made known at sale,
Gated at Bruesele, April Melee.
A. HUNTER, Agent far Vendor,
Licensed Auctioneer. Sales conduct
ed on reasonable terms. Farms and farm
stook a specialty. Orders left at Ton Pees
PubllehingHouse,Brussele,or eentto Walton
P. 0., will receive prompt attention,
.L' • BM, win soli for better priooe,to
better men in leas time and less abarges
than any other Auctioneer In Haat Huron
or Ito won't Olaargo anything. Dates and
orders can always he arranged at this oflloa
0r by personal application.
DERSIONED has several good FarmBor
sale and to rant, easy terms, in Townshipps
of Morris and Grey, F 8. SCOTT. Brueel°
V. House for Sale or to Renton Turn -
berry street, Brussels, Immediate prangs-
-ion, Goode stable, well, olateen, 4 acre et
laud, fruit trees, dee Also pasture of RIO
acres lot 12, eon, 10, Grey.Liviug stream on
farm, Apply to
41- No, 81, John Street,
A- The eubeeribee offers her house and
lot on Sohn Street for sale. There are 8
rooms lu.tile houa0, woodshed, hard and soft.
water, &a. There ie 4 sem of land with fruit
trees and iirraut bugling, also a good stable.
For terms and conditions of stale a nlq to
97.2m Brunetti.