HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1895-5-3, Page 74.
MAY a, 1896
..19:forestIng Octal About Our OW:LOU:M.
try, rent Britain, the 111:1101
mad &fl Rants or the Olobe, llonlionsed
Aliened rev Hay, lltenalng.
All ber•roorea North Oxferd will be
blood at 0.30 p.m, hereafter'
Lendon's rune of taxation hes been 62red
ab 009.10 mj11 on the dollar,
Londoners espeot lio have the eleettie
road to Springbiesk complete by May
Mr. Lame Chevalier, thief of the Pro-
vinciel revenue police in Montreal, is
James W. Dobson, a deserter from the
'Quebec Dragoone, was arrested at Winni-
Hamilton will employ experts to adviao
in the matter of waterworks improve-
Mr. T. H. Hooking, a Winumeg news
paper man, formerly of Listowel and
• Guelph, is dead.
1 There has been a rapid advent:0 in cattle
in the live stook markets in Torouto during
the past two or three weeks,
H. M, S. Pelican has arrived at Halife,),,
from Bermuda, to fla out for the New-
undland Fishery proteatiou service.
A. mac named Turner oomnittted suicide
at Straitholair, Man, by taking a dose of
strychnine. He was maritally deranged.
Mr. W. M. Parker of the Sandwich
hatchery has placed a million whitefish
fry in Lake Ontario, off Hatnilton
At midnight on Friday a fire started
in Tamworth, Out., and before it was
got under control both sides of the main
street were in ashes.
A monument to the founders of Montreal
will be inaugurated on May let. Meyor
rlleneuve and Lieutenant•Governor Chap.
lea, will be present.
An escort of B. Battery men have left
'Quebec: for Winnipeg to take charge of
Paymaster Dobsou, who deserted from
•Quebee some time ago,
Judge Wurtele on Thursday,in Montreal,
decided to take into coneideration the.ap-
pointment of It eonuniesiOn to enquire into
sanity of Shortie,the Valleyfield murderer.
Adelard Wilfrid, a single young man,
attempted to jump from a 0. P. 11, train
near Rochelaga, but was caught and dreg-
ged under the wheels and killed almost
The London Trades and Labor Council
have taken steps to have a standard rate of
wages by-law for municipal contracts
brought before the City Conceit at an early
On Saturday the City of Toronto, a splen'
4id new eteamship, built for the North
Shore Navigation Company, was success.
fully launched at Owen Sound, in the
presence of a large company.
Thomas Russell, aged 15 years, was
.arrested at London for placing a tie on the
L.&1".S.R.R,, in front of a train. He ad-
mitted the act, and said he did it for the
purpose of stopping the train and getting a
A number of prominment cattle men
form Eastern Canada have arrived at
• Winnipeg looking for cattle for English
hipment. Prices have gone up owing to
i the American scarcity and there is keen
e -competition.
eThe Province of Brltieh Clolumbie having
' applied for the assistance of the mounted
el. -pollee in quelling the Indian uprising m the
Lower Kootenay, word has bean sent to the
police to be In readiness to not should they
e be notified from Ottawa to do so.
At the meeting of the Hamilton license
commissioners Chairman Proctor told a
bleputanian of temperance) people that no
reductions would be made in the number -of
licenses, but the board was willing to re -
<molder the situation on Stuart street.
The balance sheet of the aoclitore of
• Benetton thews the assets of the city
to be 03,658,911.32, and the liabilities $3.-
i 160,2560.92, leaving a balance of nearly
,, 4500,000. The debentures, not inoluding
tom/ improvements, amount to $3,052,518. -
se The seven-yeer•old daughter of Mr. 10.
° Thomaa, a painter, residing in Ottawa, met
• with her death in a peculiar manner on
•a Thursday afternoon. While attempting to
Nr enter the house through a window the eah
, lei], striking the little girl across the neck,
and choking her.
I • In response to a large delegation of tem-
perance workers, who aeked for increased
. restriction.. on saloons, the London License
1;4 Commissionere decided that it would be
after the next session, pending the Govern-
, j beat not' to disturb the existing hours until
• menta deolaion.
•,‘ Owing to existing treaties between Great
Britain and Austria, and Great Britain and
,e the Cierman Zoilverein, Canada has now to
••) give to Austria and Germany the same
•t tariff aoneemlons as she hue agreed to give
• to France. This le the edditioual logisla.
• 1. tion that is necessary before the French
treaty can go into force.
•••l; It is stated upon authority that the
•Foreign Office refuse% to accept Niaaragua's
' reply to the British ultimatum.
Tremendous prices are being paid in
London for prime poultry. A gooae or
o pair of ducklings cost a guinea (about
ia elated that the life of the Prince of
Wake ia insured to three million two
hundred and laity thousand pouncle.
j The Queen has deoided to discontinue the
sadly drewingerooms, and will 1n uture
bold four drawitig•rooma after Easter.
Kethleen, the ()Meet daughter of Mr.
Michael Devitt the Irish leader, is dead.
Devitt hoe just arrived in Australia
from rIngland.
Pat/tithe containing 70,000 names have
already been presented in the British Par-
t litunent against the proposal to dimatablish
the \Vele) Ohurch.
, The ostrich which some time ago wee
•given to the Queen by a South African
Queen died On 'inesday in the Zoological
gardens, London,
iy edition, IG will be printed in the cla
news language,
!nommen:a of till ogee bo beid
An international 0900410a of multi
Londeu next July, There will he At the
Marne tune a %magma of onapotiere end of
musical inetrument Atakora,
gB 13 1-1 S 1ST 14 16 eosT,
pe. heti climoyered the Ninth Polo, and that fit
ie situated en a ehain of reoenteine,
eel An intereatieg Latin letieripbton has been
in tacovere at cow. e, lino, It givee
an Reeeent of the defence ef the town in 40
B, 0, by Pompey'e party 4040 ;feline
A despateh hue been received front Gen.
mil Sir Robert Low, Stating that Mr.
Roberteon, the British agent, and the rot
of the garrion of the Obiteal fort, have
been relieved,
4.gTeeia cablegram from Kinoton,
Jamaica, seri that it Spanish warship
closed the nano British steamer Ethelred
into Port Antonio on Wedneeday, (treating
great, excitement,
Printreee day, the anniversary of the
(leech of Benjamin Dieraeli,Eari of Beacene-
field, who died in Mil, was generally oh.
eerved in England on Friday, Tile use of
the primrose mu: not as eatensive sensual,
Ie ie reported in London tinit Primo
Alfred, elicit:4 son of the Duke of Edin.
burgh, fe likely to be betrothed to the
young Queen Withelmine of Holland, lie
10 two)] ty•one years of ego, and else le
By the recent seccesolon of the Rev, W.
Poneonby to the earldom of Beasborough,
four clergymen are now 132.41E41 peers, The
others are the Marquis of Normanby, the
Earl of Scarsdale, and Lord Plunket the
Archbishop of Dublin.
• Recruiting in Scotland for the British
Arne hes greatly improved during the last
year or two, A loading Scottish journal
states that bad trade and the ooal strikea
hove done more for reeruiting 10 the °Dun.
try than all the promisee and blandishments
of the reorniting stir put together.
Efforts are soon to be made in London to
raise money to aid in the onetruction of
the proposed ship canal from the Bay of
Macey to the Mediterranean. It is not
thought the project will be popular in
Enghind,which has hitherto believed she hati
had control of the Mediterranean through
posseseion of the fortress of Gibrelter. The
proposed canal would, of mune, end this
John L. Sullivan saved e. woman's life et
Boston by beating out a fire that had oaughb
her clothing.
Mrs. Parnell,the mother of the late Irish
leader,was seriously assaulted by highway.
men at tiordentown, N.J.
Charles Kbox, of New York,well known
as the maker of hats bearing his name, in
dead. He was seventy.seven .years of
Many rivers in New Hanapshire,affected
by recent rains, have risen ao high as to
necessitate the shutting down of many
In Minneapolis on Saturday Judge Sea-
gram° Smith refueed to grant a new trial
for Efarry Hayward, oonvioted of the mus'.
der of Katherine Ging.
At San Francisco the Coroner's jury
charged Theodore Dement with the murder
of Minnie Williams, one of the girls killed
in Emanuel Baptise Chapati.
Rev. Robert M. Patton, a minister of the
Disciples' Churah, Somerset, Pa., wets
crushed to death by a passenger train on
the B. & 0. Railroad, near Oaoselman.
The ear accountants at their annual
meeting at San Francisco elected as Preai-
dent James Osborn, superintendent of the
oar service of the fanadian Paoifio, Mont.
The San Franoisco eoroner's jury on
Friday rendered a verdict charging Durant,
the dental student, with the murder of
Minnie Williams, whose body was found
in the churolt
The historic old town of Lexington,Masen
where the first gun of the revolutionary
war, "the shot that was heard around the
world," was fired one hundred and twenty
years aga,on Friday observed the annivers-
ary of the battle.
The theory that Saturn's Satellites locat-
ed in the innerring travel faster than those
in the outer ring is confirmed by the
photographs made at the Allegheny
Observatory, and the computation of their
velocity by Professor Keeler.
It ie stated that the discipline is so lax
in the Dannemora State prison that parties
of prisoners often go away for hunting
trips, twill a couple of weeks at a time,
and on their reborn present the deer they
have shot to the warden.
The announcemene•was made at New.
port, R. I., that the Prince of Wales will
visit America thio summer. A prominent
society man has received a letter from Bog -
land announcing thee his Royal Highness
will attend the cup nos and spend several
weeks at Newport.
The lives of two workmen were instantly
smelted out, three others were fatally in.
jured and one seriously hurt by the fall of a
derrick in the garde of tbe South Chicago
Shipbuilding 00. Those killed were Harry
Blake and. Patrick Harvey, foreman of the
iron workm. Those fatally injured were
John Conley, ,T, J. Hand and Wm. Mo
Gallion, who has died shim.
Cemmerioal summaries from the 'United
States report a fair but by no means exten,
sive moventent in trude. .An encouraging
item is that at Fall River several large mills
have advanced wages 10 per Cent., restoring
the prime paid previous to the reduction in
September, 1893. Labor troubles are numb
lees serioue than it week ago, and labour la
in much more general demand,which means
an increased enquiry for a large number of
produote. Cotton mills are more ac•
Dive and there is a beer demand for wool,
The speculative markets have been very
active for several daye, aotton, oil, and
wheat having increaoed beyond the ex,
port price. In this connection storim of
combinations are pretty general. Beef
has also taken a phattomenal rim, one
which oironmetances are nab considered to
The Czar has refused to abolish the law
prohibiting Jewa from living within fifty
mem of the Rueldan frontier,
Steam streetraelways are more 00010100 1n
Italy than in any other oountry. There
are now nearly 2,000 miles of such linen
The sailors in the Spanish fleet oontri.
bitted a day's pay to the relief of the
families of tho men who were lost in the
Rehm Regent°,
The Czar hansejeeted a petition which
was recently presented to him by journallate
and literary matt in favor of a modification
of the press laws,
The king of the Belgians offers a prize of
Aloe for the beet plan of supplying Brim.
eels with drinking water, The competition
is open to all the world,
A Framer journal declares that the Attar.
eltists hive arranged to make an attempt
to assassinate Provident Faure oh the
occasion of hie visit to Havre.
A daughter of Sir Roderick Cameron was sin
robbed of a box containing jewele and A
t money worth X400 in the Victoria Street tee
Station, London, England. Li S
The Ounardere Campania and ',amnia 14 g
have beau added to the Bat of subsidized
ewe/tore held at the disposal of the Ad- L
miralty to be rood in Oese of war at any bile
ti AUel
With view Ett fostering British trade I Vit
With Japan, the Britith Teed° journa I T
will beaus in thatoomitry it regular quarter- rum
t is feared that the measures France is
ing in the matter of the cattle trade
Is the United States will bo likely to
barren Canadian shippers,
plot has been diecovered to dethrone
Knag of Corea in favor of Itis nephove,
lino You. The conepirators, including
huh Yon, were promptly arrested.
ergo proportioce are being assumed by
butter export trade of the Britteli.
Malian (mimics. From July Id February
torte alone shipped 20,000 000 pounds
he Paris Figaro ourreney to a
that De, anoint, the Arabia explorer,
The occupation of Corea by Japer' le
already beginning to 0110550 the country,
Au electric railway has been planned frorn
the capital to the Han river, Which lies
hree miles away.
Tatay,a fieeport of the Philipp ine Islands,
and eapit.al of the Preview a Celamianee,
has been destoyed by fire, two thousand
houses having been bunted, One person le
reported to have been killed.
• Peat is being sumeesfully used as fuel for
eogines iu thine parts of Continentalleurope.
Experiments are being made in Germany.
to extract gas from peob,in which a a:mold-
able amount of energy is stored.
Arrangemente are being made for trying
aluminum launehee on e large scale in the
French navy. The Aluminum Company at
Neuhatisen, Switzerland, has been given an
extensive order for necessary material.
In reply to the representations of Sir
Phillip Currie, the Britian Ambassador at
Conetantiuople, the Turkish Government
has promised to instruct the proviucial
Governors to abstain from oppressing the
The Postmaster -General for British Ceti.
tral Africa announces that arrangements
have been completed for the inatitution
before the end of next month of a parcel
post between India, Aden, and Zanztbar,
and the British Central Africa Proteotor•
A Hungarian noble has just turned Pro.
testant to be able to separate from his wife,
a oymbalplayer, whom he saw in the Vienna
Orpheum two years ego, and married after
a fortnight's acquaintance. All the count's
relations are Roman Catholics.
Out of 253,171 recruits incorporated Into
the German army in 1893, there were 617
who did not know how to read and write,
or 24 in 10,000. In France, daring the
same year, among 343,661 conscripts, 22;
096 did not /now how to read and write,
or 643 in io,000.
Berlin has direct telephone °emulations
with 250 looatties, Communication by this
means has reached a higher state of devel-
opment in Germany than in any other
country. The capital alone has 22,070
subacribers, nearly as many as the whole of
.A new association of French manufac-
Wren and meohants has been formed in
Paris. The chief objects of the new society
are the development of industry and
commerce and the promotion of commercial
relations with all foreign countries by
Means of congresses, meetings, and publi-
A Frenchman name Rulliere, who boasts
that he is a son of the dynamiter Revachol,
and is supposed to have assisted bis alleged
father in murdering the hermit of Chun.
bleu, has been condemned to eight years'
penal servitude for having attempted to
murder the manager of tt. mine at Villere,in
the Loire.
The Government has offered to Umar
Khan an asylum in India for himself, his
family and hie suite, on condition of his
absolute surrender,and has also guaranteed
that the tribesmen and their villages shall
be spared if they offer uo further opposition
The British expedition is continuing its
march to Chitral.
Ex -United States Consul Waller Was
recently tried by a French court-martial at
Tamatave, and sentenced to twenty years'
mprisonment for having acted ae a spy in
the interests of the Proves, and now the
authorities at Washington are protesting,
first, that the charge is groundless, and,
second, that the French had no authority
to try the ex-Oonsel by courtamartial.
Close to the little village of Auadol, in
Bessarabia, a very valuable and interesting
disoovery of old thins has been made. In a,
0110 place alone ten pounds of gold coins
were found, !neatly belonging to the reigns
of Alexander the Green and his father r
Philip of Macedonia, Most of these aoin.01
are in perfect preservation, and have been
selling for as much ae 50 rubles ou the
Sense Items Of Inteneet for tbe Busy
0148111ese PLO,
Slime the Aunt of the year bar silver has
London from 2Sid, to 34d.
per ounce. •
Tho total depoeits in Dominion Savings
Banks amount to 542,029,000, As oompered
with C.41,700,502 year ago.
Another advance le reported ba Bribleh
coneole, They are selling at 100 046 to
1055, the highest prima on record.
The money market at Toronto b. firm ab
4/,; to 5 per cent, on °all. At Montreal
rates ou cell are higher at 4 to 44 per
The oil markets are motive and higher.
Crude le up to 02,50 in Oil Oity, the high.
est prim in 20 yore. Refined has adobe.
ed several cents per gallon.
Prices of wheat he Toronto continue to
bold, there being salee at 70 to 72e., or an
advanoe of about 25o, per bushel from the
low prices of last autumn.
The feeling le that wheat in Chicago is
going higher. It ie partly owing to thie
feeling and partly to the advance in many
other produets, that speculators are buying
wheat in anticipation of a rise,
New post offices were opened in Ontario
on April let as follows :—Audley, Ontario
Go. 1 Celyon, Stmooe Co. ; Hardwood Lake,
Renfrew Co. t Landbank, Bothwell 0o, ;
Mandeville, Muskoka ; Whitney, Nipissing.
While loans and discounts of the New
York associated Banks increased from $456,.
000,000 to $481,000,000 within a year, the
deposits of fame banks decreased from
$563,000,000 to $503,000,000 during the
same period.
There has been an active demand for
provisions of late, with stooke of pork and
bacon very much reduced. Live and dress-
ed hogs are higher, the former aelling at
$5.25, and the latter at 56.25 for choice
There ia a decrease in wheat for the week
of nearly two and& quarter million% but the
visible supply in the United States and
Canada ie 70,487,000 bushels, as against
62,217,000 a year ago, and 76,000,000 two
years ago.
The foreign coal shipments from Nanainto
for the month of March wereas follows: -New
Vancouver Coal Co., 24,144 tons; Welling.
ton 20,377 Sons; Union 25,066 tons, show-
ing an increase of 1,500 tone over the Feb.
ruary shipments.
The London Economist of April 6 says 1
It ie very evident that the reign of a 2 per
cent. bank rate is likely to continue for
some time to come. And market rates,
now that the dividend and other payments
have been made, have fall= sharply.
A000rding to a return prepared by
Consul -General Riley, the deolared exports
from Canada to the United States for the
quarter ending December 31 show the sub-
stantial increase of $428,299. The total
exports for the whole province were $4,•
373,453 OS against 53,945,053. During the
period' named there was exported from To-
ronto $743,109, as against $439,541. Am-
heratburg, Belleville, Brockville, Chatham,
Clifton, Oollingwood, Fort Erie, Goderioh,
Hamilton, Itingeton, London, Morrisburg,
Orillia, Pore Rowan, Stratford, and Wind-
sor show inereases, while the decreases
were from Guelph, Ottawa, Palmerston,
Port Hope, Sarnia, Port Stanley, Si.
Thomas, Prescott, Sault St. Marie, and
Wallaceburg. The oity of Ottawa shows a
decrease of nearly $200,000, chiefly in
The improvement previously noted in
wholesale circles at Toronto continues.
There has been a. further advance in matte.,
bog produces, and beef. The high prices
for hides has resulted in a better tone to
the leather trade, and, in sympathy, %small
advance is reported iu boots and shoes,
The sentiment prevailing seetna to favor an
improvement in general trade in the future,
but aside from the advance in commodities
heretofore noted there is as yet little evid-
ence of a practical character that is very
encouraging. The earning power of money
bows little increase, and the demands for
*ands for new enterprises are limited.
ransportation companies make no better
eturns, and the movement of general
erchaedise probably tams short of that of
the past few yams at this particular season.
Eon ever, the higher prima that now pre-
vail will help stimulate produation, which
net lead to a better demand for money.
tacks of goods on hand are enhanced in
clue, which MAR increased profits to
radespeople. . . The dry goods trade, as
ell as groceries and hardware,has improv -
d partly to more seasonable weather, and
&Nay to the optimistic sentiment that
retails. All aeasoneble goods are in
emend. Money is Erna. In New York
fes are they au 14 to 2 per cent for call
ans, and in London the market is firmer
per cent. The Bank of England dis•
tint rate is unahanged at 2 per cent.
'ding exchange 10 limn with no change
rates. . . Investment securities are
that better in tone. Thera is a fair
mead for small iota of bank stook.
Frederick Harrison, who says he has ,
been a resident of Hawaii for seventeen r
years,has written a letter to the London t
preinsfrom San Francisco, complaining of
the treatment, to which British subjects e
have been subjected in Hawaii. He says r,
that when the plane of the revolt were
prematurely discovered the Government
made wholesale lumina, and the prisoners I re,
were tortured Man attempt to make them le
give information.
Soiuo severe Strictures en the Volunteer
Easter Review.
A despatch from London says :—Tirs
past week hoe been mainly remarkable for
a considerable display of amateur, moldiers
and from it has arisen a smell tempest
which may result in permanent good to
the auxiliary forces. The British volun-
teers, whose great yeaely period of training
is at Easter, are divided into two parties—
those who are desirous of doing serious
eoldiering, and these who prefer making
their annual holiday a sort of pima°. This
year the bulk of the volunteer regiments of
the London district wets taken to Wind-
sor, whore with the Guard battalions
from Aldershot camp, some paltry
manoeuvres were carried out, and on
Baster Monday there was a big review in
the presence of the Deko of Connaught,
youngest son of the Queen, the general in
command itt Aldershoe ; Prince Christian
of Schleswig-Holstein ; Lord Methuen,
commander of the Thames district ; and
other War Moe officiate, and all the Royal
servants from Wiudsor (Jostle.
The Times, in a leading article on the
subjeut, takes the Duke of Connaught and
the other military °Etiolate sharply to task
for ordering " M1011 a burlesque of real
soldiering," Waning the display as " four
dive of tnis-spent rehearsing, for a Royal
The cotnment of the Timm has led to
ranch correeponclence on this sabjeat, the
writers, in a number of Instances, thank -
big the Times for its outspoken criticism of
the military offiolala responeible for the
trooev,i07 at 'Windsor, and sning that the
entices -es are m the interest 01 the volun•
Her Body Found Near a Pence.
A despatch from Brookville says; --Mies
Lily Stephenson, of Frankville, 18 years of
age,left her home in the village on Tuesday
evening about 4 o'clock for a walk along
the creek, intending to come back for tea.
She did not return as expected, and about
o'clook a Beard.' was instatuted, which
proved unavailing, until 8 °Voter on
Thuretitcy morning, when her body was
found in the corner of a fence about one
hundred and fifty yards from Frankville.
No signs of violence or foul play could be
found on her body. She was in her stock-
ing feet, and had an underskirt fastened
mound her throat. Deceased was a daughter
of the lite Rev. Mr, stapheisoe, rector of
St. Pater's, Brookville. tier brother, the
Rev. L. B. Stephenson, is the Church of
England rester at Frankville, with whom
the lived.
An Inadvertence.
Salvation lass (to young mail who has
been paying great, attention to the speek-
ere). Aro you saved ?
Yoneg man. 150 I'm a reporter.
Salvatioa lase. Oh, I beg your pardon
As to Ancestry,
Aristocratic Fether-- And your twos,
Aspiring Srouth—Oh, 1 have nnn. Xhad
father and mothet, mid so did all their
eople before them.
Some of the tops with which ()Memnon
•amuse thotnselves ate AG large ite bauble.
It takes three Men to spin one, and it cies
d t h a
o n ta may e ear several
hundred yards. A ---------------------------
11enging osid whims go by destiny,
scatters 'enjoyment who enjoys 0011011,
Life hue no Mooing like it preeleol, friend.
Who gives a trifle meanly is Meaner than
the brills,—Lavaer.
Love looks net with the eyes, but with
the mied.---Shalsespeare,
Every man 105 volume if you know how
to read him.—Uhanning.
TheP0 on he uo high oivility without, a
deep Moran ty, —Emerson.
Prodigality is the vine of a week nature,
as avarice Is of a strong one. -11, Taylor,
To be happy is of far less onsequence
to the worshippers of fashion than to appear
so, —Colton.
Blessed le the man that has found his
work, One monster there le le the world—
the idle 1200. —Carlyle.
By gambling we lose both our time and
treasure, two thinge most precious to the
life of a man.---Levater.
The most happy man is he who knows
how to bring into relation the mad and the
beginning of his life. --Goethe,
The fault.finder—it is hie nature's plagne
to spy into alums; and oft his jealousy
shapes faults that are not.—Shakespeare.
Too Much for Him,
Mrs,Wielswire—Did you mail that letter
I gave you Friday ? The one addressed to
Mary Potts.
Mr. Wickwire—Why—ex.—my deur—
Pm glad you didn't, because wo had a
quarrel Saturdey—Goodness gramons 1
what'a the matter with the man?
For Mr. Wickwire, in his revulsion of
feeling, had oome as near Minting as an old.
fashioned man eau.
For Twenty-five Years
After the Grip
No Strength, i§do Arribit(ork
Mood's Sarsaparilla Cave Perfect
The following letter is from a, wellistoWP
berehant tailor of St George, N. B.:
"0.3. Hood &Co., Lowell, Mass.;
"Gentleman -1 am glad to say that Ifootro
Sarsaparilla and Ildott's Pills have done me a
great inlet good, I had a severe attack
the grip in the whiter, and after getting over thre
fever I did not seem to other strength, and hati
00 amb$tion. Hood's Sarsaparilla proved to bo
just what I needed. The results were vent
satisfactory, and I recommend this medicine tal
sawn° are offileted with rheurnatLim or other.
Hood's' Cures
affiletIons caused by poison and poor blood. X.
always keep Hood's Sarsaparilla in my house
and use it when 3000 tonic. We ifiso keep
Hood's P1110 unhand and think highlyof them."'
2. W. timmataw, St. George, New Brunswick. 1
Hood's plus are purely vegetahle, and do
tot purge, pain or gripe. Sold by all druggiata
He hazardeth much who depends neon,
learning for his experienee.—.Roger Asthma
The pansy can be grown black, white
and all the intermediate shades, the only
deficiency being in the scarlet and allied
1:yste cf tio
The latest dieeovery in the soienti-
ile world is that nerve ()entree located
in or near the base of the brain con-
trol all the organs of the body, and
when these neve centres are
deranged the organs which they
supply with nerve fluid, or nerve
force, are also deranged. When it
is remembered. that a serious injury
to the spinal cord will eause paralysis
of the body below the injured. point,
because the nerve force is prevented
by the injury from reaching the para.
lyzed portion, it si11 be understood
how the derangement of the nerve
centres will cause the derangement
of the various organe wbioh they
supply with nerve force; that is, when
a nerve centre is deranged or in any
way diseased it is impossible for it
to supply the same quantity of nerve
force as when in a healthful condi-
; hence the organs whioh depend
upon it for nerve force suffer, and are
unable to properly perform their
work, and as a result disease makes
its appearance.
At least two-thirds of our chronic
disease. and ailments are due to the
imperfect action of the nerve centres
ht the base of the brain, and sadirons
a derangement primarily originating
in the organ iteelf. The groat mis-
take of physicians in treating these
gieeasee le that they treat the organs
mod not the nerve centres, which are
the cause of tbe trouble.
The wonderful cures wrought by
the Great South American Nervine
Tonic are due alone to the feet that
this remedy is based upon the fore-
going principle. It cureeby rebuild-
ing and strengthening the nerve
eentres, and thereby increasing the
supply of nerve force or nervous
This remedy has been found of
infinite value for the cure of Nervous-
ness, Nervous Prostration, Nervous
Paroxysms, Sleeplessness, Forgetful-
ness, Mental Despondency, Nervous-
ness of Females, Hot Flashes, Siok
Headache, Heart Disease. The firet
bottle will convince anyone that it
store is oertain.
South American Nervine is with-
out doubt the greatest remedy ever
discovered for the cure of Indigestion,
Dyspepsia, and all Chronic. Stomach
Troubles, because it acts through the
nerves. 11 gives relief in one day,
and absolutely effects a permanent
etre in every instance, Do not
allow your prejudices, or the preju-
dices. of others, to keep you from
using this health -giving remedy. It
is based on the result of years of
scientific researeh and study. A
single bottle will convince the newt
. t
startAge1nt for Ilrussels