HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1895-5-3, Page 4T lli+a BRUILLL-$' lAx B, 1895 New Advertisements, Yisit•--rales, Olathe. Local—].t, Leatherdale. FOr Sale -Win. Martin. Wail Paper --W. Roddick. Lpoal--•Past Publishing Souse. Bull for Ssrvioe—John Mitchoil, . FRIDAY, 1114,17 s, 1895. Mole syr; -o r th. The chopping mill has closed after a Very burly: Beason. The boys of the village are again on the move with their bikes. Miss Laura Terry has gone to Listo- web to learn the dressmaking. Mr. Wood, our general merchant, is still an apprentice—at cycling. Geo. Elliott has taken up his abode In his residence near Molesworth, Rev, itIr.'Kippen, of Tara, spent a few days visiting his sister, Mrs. P. Orerar, Wm. Stevenson, of Listowel, spent hie holidays among old acquaintancoe in this vietnity. Mise McNeill has returned and bas re- sumed her duties. We areglad to see her again in our midst. James MaNeiah has gone to Luther to commence work on his farm, which he recently purohased. John Melte and J. Armstrong, students of the Listowel High School, spent Sun- day at their respeotive homes. H. Bennett has taken up his residence in his new residence, which ho recently purohased from Mr. Ronalds. Mr. Lee bas taken up his residence in our midst. Mr. Murray, bis first hand in the factory, is also with him. J. MoOormiok 000upied the pulpit of the Methodist ohuroh on Sunday, owing to the abeenoe of Rev. Mr. Robinson. Geo. Reid, formerly teacher in No. 10, spent his holidays in this vicinity. Mr. Florence also holidayed in this part of the world. Crunbroo1. The regular quarterly communion ser. vice will be held in the Whitfield Metho• dist ohuroh next Sabbath morning. Weiss' sale last Friday afternoon was largely attended. Mr. Weise left for Ber• lin on Tuesday, where he intends reaid• ing. • A. few families, formerly belonging to Knox ohuroh, Brussels, purpose uniting with the Presbyterian church here, so it is said. F. Raddatz has put up a new style of fence. Under the frame work for the wire is a solid foundation of masonry. It makes a substantial fence that is not uncommon in Germany. -.:'`CARD oy TBANxs.—I hereby desire to ctender my beat thanks to the many who aided us en the morning of the fire in saving our property. Your valuable aid .is duly appreciated. A. Manua. Sonoon REPORT.—The following is the standing of the pupils in the junior de. partment of Cranbrook public school for the month of April :—Sr. 2nd—Lynn Mitchell, Willie Alderson, Roy Smalldon, Minerva Ennis ; Jr. 2nd—Minnie Cam- eron, Coverdale McDonald, Duncan Mc- Nichol, Phillip Dames ; Sr. Part 2nd— Susie Reymann, Janie Love. Effie Fox, Willie Seel ; Jr. Part 2nd—Tilly Baker, Willie Forrest, Etta Smalidon, Garfield Long ; let Part 2nd—Jimmy McNichol, Earnest Hunter, Flossy Seel, Alfred Mitchell ; Sr. let—Willie Long, James Carter, Florenoe Gaelar ; Jr. lst--Mag- gie Fox. Willie Brown, Tillie Zimmer, Willie Fox. Average attendance, 84. Mise MOLAOnLm, Teaoher. DISASTROUS Fine.—Last Monday morn- ing, about 1 o'olook, fire was discovered in east end of the Weiss hotel and with a strong wind blowing the little blaze was fanned into a mighty flame the hotel soon being levelled to the ground. Northward the fire swept burning the abed and large barn and westward destroying the store of Mrs. Ritohie, the store of A. McNair and then, despite all that could be done, the comfortable briok veneer residence of Mr. McNair fell a prey to the devonting - element. The progress of the fire was stayed here on account of the brick wall and the storehouse close by was not burn- ed. There is said to be an insurance of $1800 on the hotel property, which is held by W. Welsh, of Listowel. Mra.Ritohie's insurance was cancelled a abort time ago but the most of her goods were removed. Nearly the entire stook in the McNair store was destroyed. It was expected that the fire could be prevented from getting to this building and when it caught the smoke was so dense it was hazardous to life to enter. Mr. McNair's loss on store and contents is estimated at $4,600 to $5,000, insured for $2,000 in the Eoonomiaal, Berlin. There was $1,000 on house and contents, loss $1,100. How did the fire start 7 There had beenno fire in that portion of the building for a day or so and the general impreesion is that it is a oRSe of incendiarism. A. rig was heard driving away, at a rapid rate e few minutes before the fire was discovered. The fire started between the siding and inside wall, where a board was off. The license was cancelled on May let and goeaip affirms that 3114 fact may have something to with the incendiarism. An investigation may throw a little light on the perpetrator of this distardly work. 011511Ea8 CAUefT. All the mail matter was saved from the poatof ice in Mr. McNair's store but about $150 worth of postage stamps were burn- ed. Mr. McNair, who is the township Treasurer, made a rush for the safe and got out the municipal records and left the door of the safe open expecting to get batik but the fire and smoke prevented.— The hotel was 20x80 feet and was built many years ago by the late James Tusk, who had a log house on the same gronod previously, and was one of the pioneers of this locality. The store adjoining was 21x89 fent and for several years was run by R. W. 'Puok, now of Shelburne. Mr. MoNair'e store was one of the oldest buildings in the village and was built of loge by Jno. Lsckie, of Toronto, in the Fall of 1866. Mr. Leoitie kept store here for 5 or 6 years and before removing to Brussels told out to T. Leadbeater, who Dame from Lindsay. The new purohaeer carried On bueiness until 1874 when he too went to Brussels and Mr. McNair suooeeded and has continued there from that date. Previous to this he bad taught SO110o1 in Grey tovvnehfp for 15j yearn. Li 1882 Mr MaNair's brick residence was put up,—There is 16 aoree of land belong. ing to the hotel,—Mise Jennie McNair bed one of her eyes injured by a flying cinder and for it bitneshe suffered great) frpnl it,—Mie, Ritchie moved heretoolvf. to the Foresters' Hall and Mr. Mo'Nair the pgetotllpe and whatever goods be bad to the atone underneath, next door to Long's hotel --The men worked luso hero, 5e in the removal ,of perishable property, care iDg water, to,, and tbewomen were nota whit behind them in their effort.— Mr. Weiss had sold the most of hie house.. hold etfeots the Friday previous but lost some bedding, clothing and the like and some say had a close call for hie life.--. Dlr. Welsh, owner of the hotel property, was here on Tuesday.—Mr. McNair will rebuild in the near future, He has 2 aoree of land and had the brink and part of the necessary lumber on hand for a new store he contemplated erecting. The family is now residing in part of William Perrie'e residence.—The village' has had many visitors since Monday morning to see the ruins. -Had it not been for the shade trees and a favorable wind the buildings on the South side of the street would have certainly been doomed as there is no fire protection outside of pails and wilting hands.-Muob sympathy is felt for those burned' out. The re -organization' and election of of- deere Inc bus Classic City Gun Club, of Stratford, took place the other evening when the following officers were oleoted; -F. Clegg, president; J. Rutherford, vioe•president ; E. Brown, captain ; M. Gotby, seoretary-treaeuree. It is the club's intention to enforce the game laws. 1 8 9 5 1 8 9 5 STANDARD BM TROTTING HOU FOR SERVICE. SCOTT & WARWICK begtoandounce to breeders of T rotting Stook and Road gorses that their Stallion, "Coernntaa" will eerie a limited number of good bred road mares. We also offer as a prize to the breeder of the first colt from this sire that trots one-half mile in one miunte and thirty seconds, trial to be seen by either or both of us, .520,00; and to the breeder of the first colt from this sire that goes in the 2.30 list we will give 800,00. PEDIOREI: 07 "000TDnER."—Hie airs is Stranger, who Is the sire of Banana 2:14, and seven others in the 2.20 list. At fourteen years of age he has eight colts in the 2.20 list, a showing no other horse bas. lie is the sire of nineteen horses in 2.30 list: His dam was Goldsmith Maid, 2.14, the greatest race mare the trotting horse world ever saw, who now holds the world's record at 10, 17,18 and 19 years of age. Stranger, sired by General Washington, he by General Knox; dam, Lady Thorn 3.18k, full. sister to Mambrino relation. Thorn, dam is Catabn by Jay Gould ; dam, western Girl, 9.27. Cebolo, a 1u11 brother to "Costumer," got a mark at six years of age of 2.181. Robert J., the holder - of the world's pacing record, 2.011, dam is by Jay Gould. Breeders will see that "Costum- er" by breeding, is gilt edge, and ought to satisfy any person. SCOTT & WARWICK, Owners. 5th Line, Morris, BOY WON Joseph John England, of Irish descent, was the teacher in the Wrestling Department. Below you will read of the success of one of his pupils when put to the test. About 19 years ago one bright Summer afternoon, on the old Cricket ground in the town of Clinton, there were met together a number of sports and after a friendly game of cricket a dis- pute arose between J. M. and T. J. over wrestling, whereupon a youth whose trips were learned at school on the 5th Con., Morris, stepped forward and threw five men (one after the other) every one heavier than himself, and then Jamie you rushed about cheering lustily for Sandy, then of the Manchester House. But before the contest was over how anxiously you watched the Black- smith, whose name is forgotten, but he then used to work in T. Tipling's shop, how he tried to avoid the Joseph John England Trip, but finally made up his mind to take the risk—conse- quence was he came down like a thousand of brick. Why do SMITH & MOLAREN sell five times the quantity, yes five times, more Readymade Clothing than any other store in town, and have for the last fif- teen years ? Simply this, they have learned their business. Buying large, clearing lines from the manufacturer can most cer- tainly buy from 25 to 40 per cent. less than small dealers. Just drop in and see the hun- dreds of Men's, Youths', and Boys' New Spring Suits stacked on our tables and Prices Lower than ever. SMITH McLAREN. .1131:v tie. Two of Jas. Woore'e children are down With scarlet fever.. Communion will be celebrated in Trill, ity church on Sunday morning. Charles Shane and Mies Berrie Hap, oR Goderiob, Sunblayed in town. Rev E Higley pur h sed anis a driver one day las eb t week from Dendstlad. Bros. for a reasonable figura. Our football olub is practicing nightly in the park. We expect to hear of sever: al matches on hand in the near future, The farmers in this eeotion aro about through with their Spring seeding, the beautiful weather for some time past having been in their favor, On Monday evening J, 9, McKinnon, D. D. H. 0, R., drove over to Brussels and visited the members of the 0, O. 11. of that town in bis official capacity. On Wednesday a.emall frame dwelling belonging to James Dodds, situate North of the village, was destroyed by fire. Ab the sound of the fire alarm the engine and oompany were soon at work keeping it from spreading to other buildings, there being a strong wind blowing from the South at the time, The Best is the Chaapast1 JAMBS W.wxna offers 20 890.00 buggies at 585,00 eaoh; 2 $80.00 buggies at $75.00 eaoh; 1 $75.00 buggy for $65.00 ; 1 565.00 buggy for $56. The balanoe of this epaoe FREE to any party to explain how they can sell first•olass Buggies, Carta and Waggons cheaper than Jas. Walker, or do Repairing, Tops, Trimming or Painting. I have the largest stook in the County. Can't be Undersold moo- FLA )( 1895 CAMERON BROS. a 1 number )lav limited nu be el :bushels the Save d of y BEST {TUTQII SEED er— ror iit9 Farman raising F'lexx during 90 oobm' ug season, which they aro prepared to deliver In quantities to suit flax growers. //"" Can be got at the Onsimno0x FLA . )BILL. t,,•tecd-• gluon cub on the usual terms,,, order Baily and ensure a Ripply, For Flex grown from dile coed $10 I'pr Ton will be paid, if of good growth, bat'vcst- ed to proper, season, and delivered et the Flax gill as soon as 3t for threshing, Wo will rout a number of good sod fields for the purpose of growing flax, - CAMERON BROS., Proprietors Cranbrook Flax 30111. FIRE I FIRE ! The undersigned ie prepared to Insure' all kiude 01 Village property at thelowest rates in the following llrst•olass companies, viz. t "Lanenshire," of Manchester, capital: 3 Million .Pounds Stirling. ''Sun," of Londpn, Established A. D. 1710, - OaWSital 7 Million Dollars. "Wellington Mutual," of Guelph, Iletablished 1840. Also 820,000 to Loan on good Farm security at 21 and. 0 per cont. for 5 o 10 years. 93.4 ef. A. Creighton. LIME! LIME! The undersigned will keep on hand a constant supply of White Fresh Lime suit- able for all Building and Plastering purposes, Also North Shore Pine Lath and White Brick for Sale. D. Lowry, BRUSSELS. �•.' �%/ The Expert in designing nod udjmuing r�r� � e py 1 r ,l p• f TRUSSL'S and AYPLIA.1'CPSto.,., RV i I�IIED i. f' C D:014111ED 01340 autres people will visit personally IA/INGHAM, Brunswick House, Tuesday, May '14th. K I N CA R D a ,Queen 's Hotel, Wednesday,May 15th. 'CLE NTCN, Rattenbury House, Thursday, May 16th: GODER@CH, Albion Hotel, Friday, May 17th. EXETER, Acheson's Hotel, Saturday, May 18th. E o MCC EUCEICCCCCOD Vim lD"F7 a ''I. S. Fr.,.a Lucy 2 Lrt7 Cti. 12a.m t:. rvF• troo. g 1f,7.,R''11"gt to, Ont. S1EtL9Y11 8010 .I1p, Te be Coral of R,pturet drpands_simply,o ti,e purchase end noting of (�f,Et LASS Mi"!!UU i` tt'58 G7 III' veewdovico. Lrgglseturd loch ed leaeoe•fon m every cane. '1'3,55 weer urs shook) sec it end be fitted 10 aeons:bite it n `'1 E Po 3 y•, r C Ran be rdicved, and of en cptireIJ•rind, h,• nv chmdrd treata,ese as Y � 43 82 r' s-. eed byrne. Credonti•la t'rnru the c�neral puska and- celebrated surgeons all over 3115 hind. Send for Book of bona fide Testimonials, free on application. To CHAS. CLOTHE, Esp., Toronto, Ont. Dean SIR 1 beg' to state that the appliance you made for my brothers knee gave hill, immediate relief, and he IS now able to wale without crutchay. The swelling is gradually going down. Yours sincerely, ADA GooLD. Enderby, B.C. �L. ry Fee." 131. PARKER. Pastor of the River I•lehert, N.S., Baptist Church, whose son was afflicted with White Swelling, and was completely cured by my appliance, may he referred to. S.cnrr Riven, N.S. DEAR Me. CsbruE: 1 fid it my duty to inform you that after being away from home three months, and on my return 1 founds marked improvement in n y child's feet. .By the fine you specified n cure, I am sure they will be per- fectly nal ural. Yours truly, ALEXANDER Louc. A FEW BRIEF STATEMENTS Your new device retains my Rupture with ease. J.V, WALau, St. Catharines. You only, gave me relief from ✓ 0 a severe double Ruptute by your r new device, A cure is certain. Jso. KRuupe, Sebringvillc. As the success In ouerooming RUPTURE and all DEFORMITIES depends so much In the personal examh,atlon of the case, this Is an opportunity of consulting the 'sad of the largest Institution In this line In Canada, of 24 yoara exporlence. GREAT BARGAINS IN Having purchased the Wall Paper stock of jas. Poz and combined it with nay own, I have now the Largest, Cheapest and Best Display ever made in Brussels, Special Bargains Given during this Month To save trouble of moving in connec- tion with the erection of new store. You can save Dollars by dealing with me in Wall Papers, Borders and Window Shades. Paper Hanging done in First-class Style. W. F ODDiCK. Tin .hop. JOS. BALLANTYNE, PRACTICAL TINSMITH, Wishes to inform the Public�. that he has opened a shop. Over Hunter's Iaraware More Where he will be prepared to supply all kinds of Work in that line, •111■0"—" EAVETROUCHINC promptly AND ROOFING Attended to The Best Makes of Furflaccs Supplied and Properly put in, All Made-up Work can be had in the Hardware Store. All Material and Work- manship Guaranteed. nem JOS, ALLANTYNE, BRUSSELS Hardwire In this department a full line of Builders' Hardware of all descriptions, Carpenters' Tools, Black and Bright Fence Wire, Barbed and Twist Wires, Trus and Buck Thorn Wires and fencing tools. BICYCLES. Have you seen the GENDBON Wheel ? Our High Grade Wheels are the Highest Possible Grade and. strictly up to the times in every detail. They are light they are speedy ; they are hand- l'I.. 11.0 some ; they are strong ; they are the most perfect Wheel for the money. BICYCLE REPAIRS kept in stock—Steel Balls, Handles, Whistles, Oilers, Wrenches, Pant Clips, Rubber, Cement and Bicy- cle Oil. Oils in 1• American Water White Oil, Silver Star Coal �tOC t Oil, 4 qualities of Machine Oil, Cylinder Oil, Seal Oil, Best Harness Oil, Castor Oil, Raw and Boiled Paint Oils, Neat's Foot Oil, Hard Rubbing 0i1, Furniture and Carriage Varnish, White Lead and Dry.Colors of all kinds. Paint Brushes of all kinds. A large assortment of Artist's Tube Colors and Brushes. Benzine, Gasoline and Turpentine. .L l wr�„e. The Largest Assortment of Tinware to (� choose from. Dairy Cans with Splash Rib and Ventilator Covers, Heavy Milk and Strainer Pails, Cream- ery Cans, Milk Pans $1.00 per dozen. Daisy Churns and Churns of the old style. Butter Bowls, Butter Prints and Ladles. Eve -Troughing at anytime. House Cleaning Materials,_ bRstine• in Colors and in We have a full line of Ala - White. White Wash brushes, Paris Whiting, Mixbd Paints in all Shades, Carpet Felt, Carpet Stretchers, Carrot Tacks of all kinds. y, (Y reech Loading Guns, Muzzle Loading Sporting Goods - Gine ; Revolvers, 22, 82 and 88 calibre ; B Cartridges, Powder, Shot,•Caps, Gun Wads, and Cartridge Shells. Dip Nets, Fishing Lines and Hooks, Fish Worms and Fly Baits in Varied Colors. CO j' _e Now in Stock -Domestic Coal, Steam Coal v J -d Royal Smirking Coal. A,000 Cedar. Fence Posts for Home or Shipping Supplies: A car load of 2xx and 8xxx Pine Shingles, Roofing Felt and Pitch. Portland Cement, Water Lime, Calcined Plaster and Hair for Plastering. Bo GERR'YA BRUSSELS.