The Brussels Post, 1895-4-26, Page 11,A;PRIL 26, 1,8 ►
entereatingItenta About Our Ulm Country
Great Britain, the tuned 13tetees old
All tarts or the Globe concerted and
Mooned ter Eaey Beading,
The American Government will establish
a Conular agency at Brantford.
.A aft anent of fresh lith from British,
Columbia to England hat met with a ready
MC, George Betts of Chatham blew his
brains out with a gun while temporarily.
Mr. Patrick llfoAndrews of Hamilton, 18
dead from a dose of muriatic acid taken in
The Finance Committee of the City Coun-
cil of Kingoton, Ont„ has fixed the rate of
taxation for this years* 173 mills,
The Montreal Building Insppector is de.
molishing the, new St, Johne French Prea-
byterlan Churoh,ae it is regarded as unsafe,
The unemployed Canadian Paolfio work.
men have selected Lacombe, Alberta, as a
suitable locality for their proposed farming
The steamer Numidian which arrived at
Halifax on Sunday from Liverpool, brought
70 orphan boys,destined for Western
In the Dominion Government Savings
Bank, the balance on deposit on March 31
was 517,097,755, while a month ago it was
The international Radial Railway Co
gives notice in the Canada Gazette of an
application to the Dominion Parliament
for a charter.
Theweather throughout Manitoba con•
tinuesto be very favourable for seeding,
and the majority of the farmers now have
their crops in
During tho past winter a very important
trade has been opened up between Southern
Manitoba and the Northern United States
in fat cattle.
The boot and shoe manufacturers of
Montreal have deoided, owing to the ad-
vance in the price of leather, to increase
the price of footwear.
The citizens of Chatham intend to cele-
brate its inooporation au a city on Domin-
ion day. They will invite the Governor-
General to be present.
Mr. Matthew Miller was overpowered by
gas in the King street sewer at London
and suffocated. Two other men working
with him had narrow escapes.
Twelve of the most dangerous convicts
in the Westminster,. B. 0., Penitentiary
have been transferred to the Stony Moun-
lain Penitentiary in Manitoba.
Newspaper slot machines are being tried
in the Hamilton street cars. The machine
contains a bundle of papers, and as a oent
is dropped in a paper comes out.
Mrs. H. A. Davies obtained a verdict at
Hamilton for 55,000 damages against
Bracey Bros., & Co., for the lose of her
husband, who was killed while thawing out
Three Canadians of Fort Erie, Ont., are
hard at work digging up the ruins of the
fort, searching for a oheet of gold said to
have been buried by Major Buck during
the war of 1819.
Mr. Joseph Bourgue contractor, of Hull,
Que., has been served with notice of an
notion, charging him with giving bribes to
offioials,of the Hull corporation for the
purpose of obtaining civic contracts.
Mrs, Mack, a lady from New York, em.
ployedaeclerk by Morrison, the alleged
stamp counterfeiter, at Hamilton, has
been token into custody at the instance of
United States secret service officers.
The trade and navigation returns will
allow that during the last three months of
1894 the exports of Ontorio and Quebec
to the United States amounted to $934,000
more than for the same period in 1893.
Mr. Denis Duvernay,of Montreal, aeeie•
tent clerk of the private Bills Committee of
the House of Commons, ie dead. He was
fifty-eight years of age. He was the last
member of the famous Duvornay family.
The local papers in Kinestou, Ont., are
calling attention to the foot that for some
months the oity has been deluged with
books, painphleta, and prints of a moat
immoral nature, which are sold by the
A Halifax despatch says the warships
Pelican, Buzzard and Cleopatra are expect-
ed from Bermuda next week. After
'-remaining a few days they go to New.
foundlond on fishery protection service.
The Tourmaline, now at St. John's, will
be relieved by the Pelican.
George Keefer, oonsulting, engineer of
the company which is reclaiming lands on
the Kootenay River, between Kootenay
Lake and the international boundary line,
has arrived at Nelson, B. C., and reports
that the Kootenay Iniians have driven oil
all of the company's men by force of arme.
The Board of Trade of British Colmnbia
has forwarded to the Dominion Government
a resolution asking that the sum of $425,-
000, the amount of damages claimed by the
Britieh Columbia sealers from the United
States, be placed in the estimates, should
the Imperial Government not advance that
Mr. Hayter Reed,Deputy Superintendent
of Indian Affairs, reports that tranquility
and prosperity have oharacterieed the lob
of the Indians of Canada during the past
year. He is disappointed, however, to
observe a want of that energy and progress
in the Indians of the older provinces which
aro such striking features of Indian life in
the West.
Mr. Justice Killeen gave judgment at
Winnipeg in the matter of a bylaw passed
by the municipality of Louise prohibiting
the male of intoxicating liquors. The
,fudge held that the by-law was illegal,
and an order was made that it be gnashed
without costs. This is in accordance with
a recent decision of the Supreme Court,
and some ten municipalities to Manitoba
are affected.
0110AT nitITAnt,
Great Britain has recognized the Re.
public of Hawaii,
Sir Thomas Powell Buxton hat been
appointed Governor of South Australia, to
euooeed the Earl of Kintore.
Recently telephonic communication was
held between the coast of Scotland and the
Tale of Mull without the use of wires.
The Prinneoe ofWalom has abandoned her
contemplated journey to Denmark, and
4,.. instead she hoe a family party at 5andring
!J ham,
Lord Roaebery is still suffering from in-
' termittent .attaoke of insomnia, and his,
physfolans eontlnue to advise him to go
It is announced that the marriage of
Lord William Beresford to the widowed
Deolio s of ,Marlborough, will take plane
The British Museum has withdrawn
from.publie use in the library the works
in Ito oolleotion of which Oooar Wilde ie
the author,
A wealthy English woman has married a
colored man, who, previous to thio anion,
had made his living as 'a clog dancer in
variety hells.
A deepatoh from Glasgow says that
William Henderson, the leet survivor of
the fouadera of the Anchor line of steam,
ehips,is dead,
A great deal is being said in Loudon in
favor of selling eggs by woight. Shop-
keepers do not look on the proposal with
any great favor.
There promises to be a good market for
Canadian horses in England. On Thursday
sixteen Canadian horses "cold from one
hundred and twenty to two hundred dollars
What is known as the nursery tricycle is
becoming common in London. It has two
eeate^one for the mistress and one for the
maid and the baby, There are two Sets
of pedals,
The London Speaker, which is reputed to
be an inspired Government organ, deolaree
that the French evacuation of Tunis must
precede or accompany the English evacua-
tion of Egypt.
Sir Henry James has introduoed in the
House of Commons a bill imposing a penalty
for the utterance of any false statement
regarding the character or conduct of any
candidate for election to Parliament.
The Canadian Gazette says that Lord
Bosebery intends to [signalize his return to
Parliament, after his illness by the intro-
duction of a bill to enable colonial judges to
sit with the Judicial Committee of the
Privy Council.
Answer to the Britieh ultimatum to
Nicaragua has been received at the Foreign
Office. It is understood that the reply is
so satisfactory that the action which the
Government threatened to take will not
now be taken.
The Welsh national eisteddfod has been
fixed for the first week in July at Llan-
dudno. The chief ohoral prize will be
51,000 the second 5350, and 5250 is offered
for the best cantata. A. ohoir of 300 voices
is being organized for the event.
James W. Scott of The Chicago Times -
Herald died of apoplexy at the Holland
House, New York.
President Cleveland has filled his income
tax paper for fifty thousand dollars, the full
amount of his salary.
Seventy years ago Manuel Garoio sang in
opera in New Y ork. London papers note
the fact that he ie still teaohing music there
The New York Senate passed the bill
extending the time for the completion
of the New York Canadian Paoifie Rail-
The Rev. Father Pendia, the Canadian
missionary, end head o1 the repatriation
'scheme, is seriously ill at Lake Linden,
The Delaware Canal at Easton, Pa., has
been badly damaged by high watdr and
will probably be closed to traffic for two
John liuffmann, arrested at Buffalo on
charges of theft, preferred trom SD. Cathar-
ines, will return to Canada without formal
extradition proceedings.
The Protestant Episcopal Diocese of
Maryland will inherit between 5200,000
and $$300,000 from the late Mr. Everefield
Frazier if hie will ie sustained by the
Mr. Charles Baxter has arrived in San
Francisco from Samoa on hie way to Eng-
land, having with him for publication the
manuscripts of Robert Louis Stevenson's
last works.
James Duffy,an ex -steward on the White
Star Line,jumpedfrom the Brooklyn bridge.
He turned over several times as he went
down,end struck the water on his side. He
never rose.
In the ease of Daniel Werling, of Pitts-
burg, Pa., who murdered his wife last
April, a pardon is to be asked, on the
ground that the man was rendered insane
by the Keeley treatment.
New York furriers claim that the smug-
gling of valuable furs by the agents of a
Quebec furrier across the Canadian border
has coat the United States Government
550,000 a year for the last three years.
Prof. Jas. E. Keeler, of the Allegheny
observatory, aunounoes that the ring of
Saturn is made up of small bodies,and that
the satellites of the inner edge of the ring
move more rapidly than those of the outer
Copt, Mahan, of the U,S. aerator), whose
ship. the Chicago, is going out of commie•
Bion has been offered special duties
in conneation with the Naval War Col-
lege in Washington, which he will ao.
The jury in the suit of Chau. W. Mo.
Keever to recover damages for the lose of
his daughter's life from the Atlantic Avenue
Railway Company brought in a verdict in
Brooklyn, N. Y., on Saturday for four
thousand dollars.
Perry, the noted train robber, ty nth five
other inmates of the Mattewaj aState
Asylum, clamped from that institution at a
late hour last night. They assaulted a
keeper, and escaped through the souttle.
The names of the men are McGuire,
O'Dounoll, Quigley and Davis, All were
dressed alike.
Chief Justice Fuller, in the United States
Supreme Court, read the final decision in
the income tax naso.• It was held that the
tax on rents or landed investments or on
the income from Stato,county, or munioipel
bonds was unoonstibutional. Justice
Field road the opinion of the minority,
declaring that the whole law of 1894 is null
and void.
Rev. I. J. Lansing rammed President
Cleveland of immoderate drinking in an
addrese at the New England Conference at
Salem, Mase., recently. bir. Cleveland
took the mutter up and pitched into the
clergyman as a eoandalmonger, and several
of tho President's political opponents re-
pudiate the rev, gentleman's statements,
Mr. Longing has withdrawn hie offensive
charges with apologies and regrets'.
San Francisco is ['hooked at the s000ud
murder of &young woman in the Emmanuel
Baptist Church. On Friday the mutilated
romaine of Minnie Williams wore found in
the mbtister''c room, and yesterday morning ban a mono than passing interest for us.
Ole holy of hianeho Lntnent was found fn 1 "lti mid ocean," says a 000011t authority;
the small room of the steeple. The Gwo "sunk to n depth of sometimes two thou•
Mies Lamont near the ehuroh, feeuspeotcd
bat the pelloe are enable to find bile, r
Our oomineroial advices from the Vatted
Statue revert a slow but advancing better
movement in general trade. There is More
4pe0u104o4 and an Memo/fug demand for
goods, while greater activity prevails in
money markets, In some eetablishinents
wages are inereaaing, but in other direo.
tione strikes are reported as having a retro•
grade effect, Retoil trade has improved
this month. Prices of many commodities
evince o tendency to advance, and advices
to the same effect are received from Brit-
ain, The chief activity is in cotton, meats,
and petroleum, prude oil having advanced
to the highest price in /seventeen years,
Shoe manufacturers are putting up prices,
and orders are more liberal, The Wee of
wool are large but prices show no improve-
ment, and this caueea vigorous competition
with foreign goods; the oheap grades are
in the largeot demand.
Floods have done great damage in
Southern Hungary,
The Russian Government is enforoing the
ediet of 1893 against the Jews. •
There la great fear that Japan will be
afflicted with a cholera epidemic tide
The appeal of Mme. Joniaux, the Bel.
gion poisoner, for a new trial, has been
The volcano Ruapepo, near Auckland,
New Zealand, has recently exhibited great
The Czar of Russia has deoided that his
coronation shall take place in Moscow next
It le reported that all is confusion in the
city of Pekin, and the trouble threatens to
oulminate in a panic.
The Hungarian village of Toplitz , a well
known health resort, has been almost
totally destroyed by fire.
A deopatoh from Simlo says it is believed
that "(Imre Khan is negotiating with the.
Britieh force for terms of surrender.
The unemployed of Melbourne recently
held a mass meeting, and called upon the
Government to provide them with work.
Elizabeth Viererbe has died at Wind.
barge, Germany, aged. 93 years. She bad.
been housemaid in one family for 79 years,
M. Zeidenhuret, a Dutch pianist, is caus-
ing a sensation in Paris, where he is being
compared to Rubinstein, Be- will: shortly
appear in America.
Col. Beattye and three men of the Chit-
ral expedition rere killed and two officers
and seventeen men wounded in an' attack
on some hill villages.
The St. Petersburg police have discovered
a plot to assassinate Governor•General von
Schouveloff, who was lately Russiaaan Am.
baseador to Germany,
Charles Shervington, an English soldier
of fortune, has resigned the commander•in-
chiefehip of the Malarrasy foroee, and will
leave Madagascar at once for England.
1.i•Hung•Chang, while regretting the
defeat'of China, thinks that the cause of
civilization will be advanced by it in the
East, and is therefore not altogether regret-
table. .
There are disquieting rumors in Chrie-
anta of impending war between Norway
nd Sweden.
A new diamond -bearing district has been
discovered on the west coast of Tasmania..
The geological features of the ground re•
eemble those of the Kimberley fields in
South Africa.
The sudden advent of warm weather in
Germany has led to a rapid rise of the
Rivers Elbe and Oder and their tributary
streams, resulting in the inundation of
large districts,
The Spanish Government has purchased
the cruiser built at Kiel for China but not
delivered because the Chinese Government
failed to pay for it. The cruiser will be
sent to Cuba.
Cholera has broken out in the lazaretto
on the Island of Kamaran, off the west
coast of Arabia, in a bay of the Red Sea.
Thirty persona have been attacked, and
there are several deaths daily.
Architects are already at work on build-
ing plans for the Paris Exposition of 1900,
the total expense of which is expected to
be about 520,000,000. The bill asking for
the nem:eeery appropriations will be intro-
duced in the Chamber early in June.
Mr. H. D. Neill of Brantford, who has
Hust arrived in New York, says that in
avana, where he has been for some weeks,
the situation was extremely uncomfortable,
especially to foreigners. He was followei
by the Government spies, who hounded his
every movement. The war or revolutionary.
movement was growing rapidly, and is
undoubtedly extending over the whole
island, and the Spanish recognized the foot
only too well.
811001e Fell. at Hen are Mostly imparted
front the Land.
The report brought early in the month
by several vessels to San Francisco that the
eequelie of an earthquake had bean exper
enoed in the middle of the Pacific is at
leaetquite credible. Professor John Milne,
of the Imperial College of Engineering,
Tokio, who is considered one of the great
eat living authorities on earthquakes and
kindred phenomena and has devoted tape•
dol attentionto those of Japan and the
Pacific ocean, gives a number of examples
of earthquakes felt on board ship. Since
his residence in Japan he has, indeed, made
point of questioning sea captains and
others who have traversed the Pacific as to
their experience in this respect, and has
Mum been able to collect important data,
Sometimes the sensation recorded has re-
sulted from an earthquake nn land, the
molioa of which has been imparted to the
adjacent waters and thus spread over the
ocean. At other times the movement has
beau in the earth beneath the ocoau's
"My fren'o," Bald BrothorGardner at the
close of regular busiueea at tho last meeting
of the Limekiln (Sub, "I hey a matter on
my mind I wish to spoke to yo' about, I
am as yo' know, a strong advocate of edde.
oaahun, but 1 hov been pained to oboarve
dat some of yo' hov got things mixed up..
TV 'pear to go en de ideah dat de use of
big words makes up fur yo'r look in every
thing else, Fur inetanoe, I was in a Wood-
yard de odder day when Sir Ieamo Walpole
cum in dor to order 60 canto wort of wood,
He didn't see me, 'but when dal woodyard
man menshuned eunthin' 'boob de great
railroad strike Bruddor Walpole replied
dot de articulashun of de comprehensive -
nese exceeded his mos'aanguino deviashun.
De woodyard man didn't eay puffin' to dat,
but he did a heap of looking at Sir Isaac.
I would now like to ax de brudder what he
meant by dem worde R"
"I meant dat it was de biggest strike
I eber heard of," replied Sir Isaac as he
arose in his plane.
Illustrating What iia Meant,
Latter day speakers of English aro get
ting to bo very wordy and pompous in the
use of our language according to the die"
tinguiebod linguist, Professor Whitno y
and ho thinks we 0000 to get book to the
modesty and eimpliaiby of oar anoostere,
Thisadvioeof Profesoor Whitney is no doubt
timely, But in advieing us not to uec big
wordo and to be clear, pure and simple in
diction be employs the following words:
"Avoid all polyeyllabioal profundity, ppm.
Prue prolixity, and ventriloquial verpidity.
Shun double endentre and prurient pees.
fly, whether obscure or apparent. In other
words, speak truthfully, naturally, oloarly,
use purely, but do not e large words."
A StndY in Construction.
A teacher in oue of the lowest grades of
a oity school was endeavoring to impress
upon her pupils the foot that a plural sub -
job takes a verb in the plural,
Remember this, she said, girls are, boys
are; a girl is, a'boy is. Now do you under-
stand it?
Every hand in the room was raised in
Nell, then, continued the teacher, who
"An' why didn't you say so,fn plain can give mea sentence with glele—plural,
words?" .remember?
"Dunne." Thie time out one hand was raised, and
"No, I reckon yo' don't t onleea it was that belonged only
a pretty little mise
Yo'g p Y
ff. showed.
atshow o .
owanted to
d I
YPieria, ma am aha said with all the aseud
Anter yo' wast away dat Woodyard mon anus of primitive reasoning, "I can give a
said it aline made him tired to do bizness sentence. Girls, aro my hat en straight,
wid a oull'd man who had swallered a wheel
barrer. Yo' paralyzed him wid yo'r big
worde, but he knowed dot de ramifioashun
of de combinaehun didn't percolate de con -
n guinity. I see Brudder Giveadam Jones
n one of de back benches. I happened to
be in a bakery de odder eavenin' when
Brudder Jones walked in arter hie loaf. De.
baker predicted dat flour' must riz, an'
Brudder Jones aquar'd off at him an' replied
dat owing to de condolence of de ginerel
corporashun of affairs in Europe dor was
hardly a possibility of de extinguishment of
sioh a diafranohieement. I should like to
ax Brudder Joaee what he really meant by
his languidge?"
' 1 meant dal flour woudn't go up,"
replied Brother Jones.
Oh, I sue, an I'ze glad to know it t De
baker stood dor wid hie mouf open fur five
m1'nite arter yo' had gone out, an' he finally
turned to me an' axed if yo' had eber had a
rani' pin driv' frew yo'r skull. Seems to
me dal if yo' had wanted to 'sprees yo'r
opinyun dot flour woudn't riz yo' could hey
did it in a few piain words an at de same
time preserved dat baker's good opinyun.
From this time on ebery time yo' go in dar
he's gwlne ter be ready to jump fur de back
doah if yo' make a moshun, fur he believes
yo' to be half crazy. I notice Elder Toots
ober by de stove. When de elder oum to
me de odder day to burry fo' el,illin's, he
stated hie errand in mighty plain English,
an not one of de words was ober a foot
long. Dat same night jest outside my
butoher shop ldiskibered de elderargyfyin
wid a strange cull'd man who hod sum up
yerefrom Vargionylookin' fur ajo00. When
he dun axed de elder if he nowed whar he
could find work, de latter waved his right
arm an his left arm an got right alas up to
dao pore man an replied d,t de similarity
of de bizness torpidity had annihilated de
ponderosity of de otreurnapeckehun, an
his advice was fur de man to dissipate to
some mo' inculcated locality. Brudder
Toots, what was yo'r 'zaot meanie' on dal
Reckoned he'd better go 11 eat, gab,"
replied the elder.
"Dat was it, eh ? Well, I reckon he
went dar. Leastwise soon as yo' turned
yo'r back be started off on a run in de
middle of de road, an he trabbled like a
man who wanted to git sumwhar mighty
sudden. A few eavenin's since Brudder
Waydown Bebee had a leetle party at his
cabin. Quite a number of us were dor wid
our wives. When all de invited guests had
areeve, Brudder Bebee stood up in de
middle of de room an' put his hand on hie
heart an' hoped dab de pertinacity of de
occashun would inoulate eaoh puma to feel
perfeckly hostile an segashus doorin' de
cave's'. Brudder Bebee, am I right in
'epoain' yo' meant dat we should all feel
perfeckly at home an' purceed to injoy de
festivities of de 000ashun?"
"Yes, sal," replied Brudder Bebee.
"I so understood it an' put my feet on de
lounge an' spit on de floor, but mos' of de
rest of 'em kept lookin' around as if day
spected de floor to drop frew into de cellar.
I could name 50 odder instances which hey
cum under my observashun doorin' de past
y'ar, but dese am 'uuff fur my purpose. I
want to eay to yo' in a kind an' fatherly
apeorit, quit it ! When yo' kin string big
words together oordin to de books, dey go
boomin"long like so many Dannon balls, an
whareber day strike a fence dat fence has
got to oum down wid a smash, but when
yo' don't hitoh 'em together properly dey
am as apt,to kick backward as to elute
forward- I like to go to an auction of
household goods an' h'ar de auctioneer dia.
plain dat, °win to de trausmigraehuh of do
depths. This last phenomenon was evident. - affiliation, he will prevaricate de assiduity
ly that which the narrators at San Francisco an' rash things frow, but I nebber go home
had observed. They all felt eouviuced an' try it on de ole woman. If I did, she'd
thab the earthquake was in the bed of the
ocean. "The disturbance was accompanied
by a loud roar, coming apparently from the
sea, which became covered with a mass of
white foam and subsequently roan in num•
oroue geyser -like columns." Mr, Milne
gives several instances of this kind of
oommotion, though the shooks felt at sea
aro mostly imparted from the laud. As our
readers are aware, the submarine earth•
quake is one of the enemies that those who
lay gables have to provide against, and in
view,of our lnterest in the gable system
soon, it le hoped, to bo eatabliehed in the
Pacific, the item of newt recently published
girls had been Mende. I)r, George Gtbaon
pastor of the ohuroh, was taken into
custody, and a young modified student,
wand fathoms, the sable has little to feet"
haloes from tho not impossible, oentingency
Theodore .Durant, who was last mien with ,
of eartliqualco,"
grub fur de rollin' pia wid one hand and de
bootjook wid de odder, and I'd have to
bombeatioate myself ober de ga'den fence to
rave my life, Let big words alone. Speak
to de pith Say leetle. Stick to what yo'
know, on' let de white man take keen of de
rest. We will now contaminate de ewer.
gently of do propinquity an adjourn •do
tneetin' fur one week.
Nothing to Live For.
Friend—I hear that Mr. Bdaeter, the
oldest inhabitant, fa eiok.
Doctor—He is, and I fear that I can do
nothing for him. He cannot remember a
winter to match this one, and he seems t o
have lost all interestin life.
For . Twenty-five Years
food's Cured
Others Failed
Icres uta In the Neolt-flunchee £.I
Gane New.
Sangerville, Maine.
'C. I. Hood & 00., Lowell, Mase.:
"Gentlemen:—i feel that I cannot say must
.tu favor of Hood's Sarsaparllia. For eve years
I have been troubled with scrofula inmy neck
dud throat, Several kinds of medicines wiilcl%
(tried did not do moony good, and when /coma
meowed to take Hood's Sarsaparilla there were
large bunches on my neck so sore that I could
Hood's Pariia Cures
not bear the slightest touch. When I bad taken
ono bottle of this medicine, the soreness had
gone, and before I had finished the second the
bunches had entirely disappeared." BLAF0DE
.e.TwooD, Sangerville, Maine.
N. B. If you decide to take Hood's Sarsapa•
rills do not be induced to buy any other.
Wood's Pills cure constipation by restos:
'liethe peristaltic eel -tenet the alltncntaracans►
A contract has been made for the cony
struotion of the railroad from Keneh to
Aseouan in Egypt, to be completed by the
end of 1897. There will than be a aontinu•
oue line from Alexandria to the First'
The Difference.
Ctotomer—Fifty. cents for filling this
prescription? Why, at tho drug store down
the street they charge me only a quarter.
Druggist -••That's all its worth at that
store, ma'am. They put about fourciente;
worth of drags In the bottle and then fill
it up with water. I put in the Same drnge
and 411 the bottle with the finest aqua
Sura, Thanks. Anything else?
11 has often been contended by
physiologists and men of science gen-
erally, that nervous energy or nerv-
ous impulses which pass along the
nerve fibres, were only other names
for electrieity. This seemingly plaus-
ible statement was accepted for a
time, but has been completely aban-
doned since it has been proved that
the nerves are not good conductors of
electricity, and that the velocity of a
nervous impute) is but 100 feet per
second—whish is very much slower
than that of electricity. It is now
generally agreed that nervous energy,
or what we are pleased to call nerve
fluid, is a wondrous, a mysterious
force, in which dwells life itself.
A very eminent specialist, who
has studied profoundly oho workings
of the nervous system for the last
twenty-five years, has lately demon-
strated that two-thirds of all our
ailments and chronic diseases are
due to deranged nerve centres within
or at the base of the brain.
All know that an injury to the
spinal cord will cause paralysis to the
body below the injured point. The
reason for i',,i+ 1a, that the nerve
force is t).«d by the injury from
reaching 1141 psralysod portion.
Again,whon food is taken into the atomaoh troubles,
A; DEADIVAY Wholesale and Itotitil Agent for larltssels
stomach, it oomea in ooniaoti *Raw"
numberless nerve fibres in the wa11a
of this organ, which at once send a •
nervous impulse to the nerve centres
which oontrol the stomach, notifying
them of the presence of food; where.;
upon the nerve centres send down a •
supply of nerve forge or nerve fluid,
to at ones begin the operation. of.
digestion. But let the nerve centres
which control the stomach be de-
ranged and they will not be able to
respond with a sufficient supply of
nerve force, to properly digest the
food, and, as a result, indigestion and'
dyspepsia make their appearance.
So it is with the other organs of the
body, if the nerve centres which con.
trol them and supply them with
nerve force become deranged, they ,
are also deranged.
The wonderful sn000ss of the
remedy known as the Great South
American Nervine Tonto is due to
the feet that it is prepared by one of,
the most eminent physicians and+
specialists of the age, and is based
on the foregoing scientific discovery..,
It possesses marvellous powers for
tho cure of Nervousness, Nervous;
Prostration, Headache, Sleeplessness,'
Bestleasness, St, Vitus's Dance, Men-,
sal 1 espondoney, Hosteria, heart
Disease, Nervousness of Females,
Hot Plashes, Sick Headacho. It is
also an absolute specific for all