The Brussels Post, 1895-4-26, Page 1010
gb'e Woods Mot
•- '-00 0U 3040100)—,.—.
(in time for the party mails) at
47010 lost" Steam I'ubllriliia Hous08
fl'yoluoo OP $nnaOnrPTION,^0100 dollar a
yoar,ln 010800, The:date to w sob every
sub@erlption is paid is denoted by the date
on the address label.
AnvnnTlerna RATE]. --The following rates
Will be ( erged to those wile ad'extise by
anon1 mt. a Mo, 1 5 Me
Ono Oolnmu-.$00,00 $82.00 $20.00
Halt + 05,00 20,00 I 12,00
quarter, " 20.00: 12,001 8.00
aclghth 7 12,00_ $,00 5.00
Went Dente per line for first insertion, and
throe cents per line for each subsequent 1n.
sertlon. All advertigements measured OA
Nouparoi1-12 lines to the inch.
Business Oarde, eight lines and under, $6
per annum, •
AAdvertieemeute without speeiflo-ciirce-
tibns, will be inserted until forbid, and
Charged sword ingiy,
Tustruebl0ns to dbange or discontinue. an
advertisement must be left at the counting
room of T10 POST net later than Tuesday
el each week This le imporative,
W. P1. n'Eft ,
Editor and Proprietor.
The Provincial Oonventiou of the
Knights of the Maooabeee completed its
labors by the eleotion of the following of -
flora at Sarnia on April 13th :
Provincial Finance Keeper—A. E.
Bates, Ham iIton.
Provinoial Ohaplain—Rev. J. H. Sham
herd, Coldwater.
Provinoial Physician—Dr. E. Mallory,
Provincial Sergeant—F. L. Landgon,
Provincial Blaster -at Arms—O. W.
McCrae, Thesealon.
Provincial M. of G.—Dr. W. A. Crow,
Chesley, and S. H. Meth, Victoria Har-
Provinoial Sentinel --W. 0, Olemie,
Sault Ste. Marie.
Provinoial Pioket—G. L. Morey, Kirk -
Representatives to the Supreme Tent
—S. -W. Truesier, .Camlaobie ; H. Fer-
min, London ; Rev. J. H. Sheppard,
Coldwater ; Dr. A. E. Mallory, Oolborne.
Alternates—W. D. McPherson, To.
ronto ; E. H. Hollingsworth, Bar River ;
L. S. Leven, Toronto ; A. E, Bates Ham-
Ottawa was chosen as the neat place of
Animal meeting of the Synod of Mandl -
ion and London atWoodstock.
The annual meeting of the Hamilton
and London Synod of the, Presbyterian
Church opened in Knox church, Wood -
stook, Monday night. The Moderator,
Rev. Dr. Battisby, of Chatham, presided,
preaching the annual discourse to the
Synod, and taking as his text Judges 1:8,
he delivered a very able and impressive
address upon the sabjeot of "The True
Method of Church Extension." He dealt
at considerable length upon the three
heads upon which he founded his sermon
first, the nature of the church's work ;
second, the need there is for this work,
and, third, the possibilities of such work.
At the conclusion of the Moderator's
address the clerk, Rev. Mr. Cochrane,
called the roll, and the delegates proceed-
ed to elect the Moderator for the ensuing
year. The choice fell on the Rev. J. L.
Murray,, of Kincardine, whose election
was received with loud applause. Mr.
Murray is a native of Oxford county,
having been born near the village of Em-
The session opened Tuesday morningat
10.30. After devotional exercises the clerk
read the minutes of the previous meeting.
Rev. Dr. Cochrane presented a report
of the committee which visited Wingbam
to adjust the difficulties between Mr. Mc-
Quarrie and Mr. Gordon. The matter
had been amicably arranged.
Reports of the Buxton Mission Com-
mission and Brantford Ladies' College,
were presented.
Rev. Drs. McMullen and Fletcher were
appointed to draft a resolution regarding
the death of the late Dr. King.
The Monroe case was next taken up.
Mr. Monroe was suspended from the
Presbyterian church in 1879, and had en-
deavored every year since to secure rein-
statement. Last year the Synod laid the
matter on the table, and the Committee
did not touch it. Mr. Henderson moved
that the case be now taken up and dispoo.
ed of. This provoked a great deal of dis-
cussion, and at last Mr, Monroe was al-
lowed to address the Synod.
An adjournment was had before the
conclusion of the discussion which fol-
During the' afternoon the Synod was
addressed by the Rev, J. Fraser Campbell,
missionary to Central India, and the Rev.
Dr. Robertson, of the North-west mis-
sions, on matters pertaining to their sep-
arate fields of labor.
Dr. Hamilton gives . notice of the fol-
lowing motion on the Manitoba school
question :—"That this Synod views with
deep concern the proeent opposition be-
tween the legislation of the Dominion
Government and the Legislature of Mani-
toba, regarding the Educational Act of
1890, and hereby expresses its sympathy
with the position taken by the representa-
tives in the Manitoba Legislature against
any interference by the Central Govern-
ment with the educational matters of the
A party of London North ladieo ie go.
ing to camp out in the woods near Spring-
bank some time during the coming sum -
mar, and the girls are going to wear
bloomers to their hearts' content while in
Stack's Powders, each package of which
contains two preparations, one in a round
wooden box, the Cover of which forms a
measure for one dose, end immediate re-
lief for Costiveness, Sick Headache and
Stomach, also Neuralgia and all kinds of
nervous paina, and another in Capsules,
((root k to } of one ie an ordinary dose)
which mote on the Bowels, Liver and
Stomach, forming a never failing petted
treatment for all Head and Stomaob 00113 -
plaints, They do not, as most pills and
so many other medicines do, lose their
effect or produce after constipation, they
are nice to take. 25 cents a boa at all
medicine dealers.
WiPg Of? OTH€�f''FINIS ',
Economy may be as 03131100 ae soots•
.`lever 0001588 a man of insobriety when
11e slips on your Orange peel.
Never talk rate's, It shelve a lack ei
knowledge of human} nature,
13eoagee a woman troste a man i8 no
sign that tie ebould be trusted.
A nickel makes more noise in the oon.
tribution box than a dollar bill,
A men may wino woman on "moon-
shine," bat be cant maintain her on it:
A man never learns how to step on
the task of adversity with Comfort to,
Endeavor so to live that when you
Come to die even the undertaker will be
Many a man who is wailing for 0 -
chance has been standing on the wrong
Oupid is a brave little footpad, w110
never attempts to "bold up" one victim
Truth is mighty and will prevail unlose
superior induoemente are afforded the
other way.
If we thought of ourselves as others
think of ue, we would it up nights
wondering what we were born for.
"Folly is joy that is destitute of wig.
dom," but a delinquent subsoriber oauseth
suffering in the House of a newspaper
Foreign h`aofs and Fanales.
The Vatican Contains 208 etairoases
and 1,100 different rooms.
The Mint can turn out 170,000 ooins of
any denomination in a day.
London pays 42 per Dent. of the income
tax of England and Wales.
Over fifteen million visits are paid
every year to London pawnbrokers..
The annual coal bill of the P. and 0.
line of steamships exceeds £600,000.
The Duchess of Marlborough sends to
New York for most of her donee.
Great Britain makes over one hundred
and thirty thousand bioyoles a year.
Only 30 per cent. of the robberies com-
mitted in Loudon lead to a oonvietion.
The number of divorce eases in the
Scottish courts during 1894 is returned at
On a Clear day the coast of France oan
be seen plainly from the heights of Do-
Dean Hole declares that for one silly
young woman there are fifty silly young
The applioation of eleotrieity to the
smelting of iron is being experimented
with in Sweden.
During the last ten years the average
production of wine in France has been
700,000,000 gallons.
The bill to repeal the laws directed
against the Jesuits was passed by the
German Reichstag.
The late Lord Granville held that the
Duke of Argyle's oratory was well on a
level with Mr. Gladstone's.
That maga is such an inferior creature
after all 7
That the person who chews gum in
public is a lady ?
That this world was made for your
special benefit?
That you would be really happy if you
had everything you want ?
That your baby boy is really the bright.
est ohild ever born 7
That we will all wear immense bustles
again if fashion commando it 7
That the troubles you worry over are
half as serious as yon think them 7
That St. Valentine was elected as the
patron of all lovers because he lost his
head ?
That our professions will help us muoh
if our lives do not Dome upto them ?
That an education of mind and heart
makes a woman any lees the good house-
keeper ?
That we can give money to the Lord
acceptably, while our legal debts remain
unpaid ?
That any two mothers will ever have
the same ideas about the bringing up of
obildreo 7
That men really believe ons -half of
the "Smart" things they say about
women 7
That your granddaughter will smile at
your finery as you do at your grand.
mother's 7
That it is really so much harder to say
the pleasant thing than the disagreeable
one ?
That a teste for neatness, tidiness and
general snugness, lessens one's taste for
things intellectual 7
That the world would be as wicked as
it is if Satan were as indolent in doing
evil as many Christiane are in doing
good ?
That the time will ever come when an
editor doee notireceive every day, on an
average, three important letters, requir-
ing an answer, but without a signature ?
That the average man will know what
to do with himself when the millenium
comes ?
Facts About Child Saying Work in
Any person sending children begging
may be sent to gaol for three months or
fined $100.
Any saloon -keeper who gives or sells
liquor to •a boy under 18 years of age,
is liable on conviction, to a penalty of
Any parson found guilty by a justice
of the peace of giving or selling tobacco
to a boy tender 18, must be fined $10 and
the sum may be inoreased to $50.
The keeper of a licensed pool or bil-
liard room who allows boys ander 16
to frequent hie premises, may be fined
$10 by any justice of the peace, half the
fine to go to the informant,
Every child between the ages of 8 and
14 must attend school, exeept caroused for
some good reason.
No buy under 12 yeare and no girl
ander 15 years can be employed in any
Any monieipal eounoil may pass a by.
law preventing the posting of indecent
placards or pictures on the walls, femme,
streets, or in public places.
Any munimpal council may pass a by-
ylaw prohibiting boys and girls loitering
on the streets after nine p. m.
Any person founduilty by two justices
of the peace of commuting any indecent
ant, may be fined 650 and sent to gaol for
six months.
Any person who leads a girl from the
paths of virtne is liable, on correlation, to
two years' imprisonment.
Any person who criminally assaults a
girl ander fourteen years of age is liable
eimprioonnlout for lite and to be whip.
Any person who Belle orglvos a pistol or
air.gup, or Sells ammunition therefor, 10
a boy under 16 years 08 hero, is liable, on
oonvletiOn to a penalty Of $20,
Charitable lnetibutions or 33001et105
wishing to piano children in good family
homes will be Whited, on applioatioll to
J. J, Kelso, Eqpt, 02 klegleoted children,
Christian men and women willing to
give a home to a 110m51000 ohild, are
urgently requested to a end in their names,
Proper manufaobure of mayonnaise le
an art almost akin to china painting,
In making hotel and caterer's chicken
these days, first get your cold pork.
Beware of beef of a dull, deep color.
Return it to the butobert and get your
money beak.
A Chinese dish suooesefally reQroduoed
in this country is broiled ham with hon-
ey ono..
It is a gastrommnio proverb that neither
the nibbler nor the glutton appreciates a
The average run of terrapin cosh $00
a doses, while oanvae•baok (bloke are
worth $5 a pair.
Fieb oan never be too fresh. No food
more quiokly.spoils than members of the
finny tribe.
Gladstone will eat none but stale
bread, and is a groat believer in the
efficaoy of it and milk ae life -prolonging
Itis Claimed by a musical journal in
Italy that vocal eapaoity disappears in
families where meat is eaten.
A new alleged remedy for insomnia is
ordinary white onions, sliced and eaten
raw an hour before retiring. Of course,
some sufferers may prefer to lie awake.
It has been oomputed that the Duke of
Portland makes £30,000 annually by his
stud farm: at. Welbeok.
Sir Henry Ponsonby knows—probably
more than do the Queen's ohildren—the
family secrete and diplomaoiee.
The Obineee emperor is small and deli.
oate. He looks like a lad of 10 or 17 and
opeakelike a youth of that age.
Mrs. Henry M. Stanley has a fad for
oolleoting parasols, and hae gathered a
great many of them for her cabinets.
The average mortality among British
troops in India is 16 per 1,000, while in
England it is only 7i per 1,000.
An eyewitness of Mooshir Pasha's
"march of blood" through Armenia says
7,295 lives ware saorifioed and many vil-
lages burned.
The authorities at the British Museum
are about to open a new gallery, which
will be devoted to the exhibition of coins,
medallions and medals.
At one of the largest London hospitals
upwards of 5,000 applications have been
made to enter the Nursing Training
Home during the last year.
The Suez Canal would have proved a
ghastly failure but for the dredging ma-
chinery of an English inventor, which
appeared at the critical moment.
The municipality of the city of Geneva
have established an artificial geyser, or
jab of water, at the entrance to the port,
which is the highest in the world.
Beraud, the artist, whose skeiehee of
street life in Paris have become so pop-
ular, does all his work in a cab, which,
drawn up to the curbstone, forme lids
Lord Randolph Ohurohill, next to the
younger Pitt, bonnie chancellor of the
British exchequer at an earlier age than
any other statesman of the present cen-
Resoar ne Sox Hones.—Distreesing kid-
ney and bladder diseases relieved in six
hours by the "Great South American
Kidney Cure." This new remedy is a
great surprise and delight on account of
its exceeding promptness in relieving
pain in the bladder, kidneys, bank and
every part of the urinary passages in
male or female. It relieves retention of
water and pain in passing it almost im-
mediately. If you want quiolc relief and
ore thie is your remedy. Sold by G. A.
Deadman, druggist.
B. Taylor, Esq., merchant, Welland,
says : "Stark's Powders have a great
reputation about here as an immediate,
as well as a permanent cure for Head-
ache, Biliousness, Neuralgia, Liver and
Stomach Complaints, Costiveness. I
know of people who have been long ••and
great enfferere, who have tried almost
everything, and have been cured by them.
We have used them in our own family
with remarkable success." Two prepar-
ations in each box. Sold by all medicine
dealers at 25o a box, 5 boxes $1. Nioe to
We are unloading this week
one car load of Giant Prolific
Sweet Early Dent Ensilage Corn.
Farmers and others requiring a
good, reliable Seed, for Dither
Green Feed or Ensilage,purposes,
can be supplied at once either at
our Mill or at Storehouse No, 1,
at Lowest Possible Price.
Stewart 8 Graham,
Millers and Grain Dealers,
1111{OAR k'0R SEItVIOE,—,TII3
nderelgnpd will keep for sortie,/ on
Lot 0, Qoig. A, Orery the imported Qbester
white b 001', 1111108 P 011ier." PedlOroo may
bo seen on ap lioation, ;i'erms, 31.00 to be
p aid at the time of service with privilege
of returning f neeeesary,
Jar4118 ELLIOTT,
00.54m Proprio tor,
The andereignod will keep for service on
North Halt Lot 20, Oen, 7, Morrie, a snow
bred Tamworth Soar, recently Pg
from the well known breeder,hioa, , Terms,
Also a id ab time
White Roar, Terme,
R1getoreturning paidattimeorsorricolvithpriv.
Rage 1f f if 8, W AL1�1E, Proprietor.
17nLot o_0 Conr, 0, Mo Morris, tll he lt!here' br red Un-
proved. wblbe Yorkshire Boar "selected;'
Brod from J.10, Brothdnr's - sweepstakes s01v
at Cilimagpe lair. Terme, 51.00 to be paid
at the time or 0011,100 with privilege or re-
turning if necessary, Pedigree may be seen
on application,
ROBT. 1110H07,
Vudersigned will keep for eorvioe on
N%Lot 20, Con. 7, Morrie, the thoro'-bred
Durham bull, "Lord Melville," No, 20840.
Pedigree may be seen on application.
Terms, $1.20 to insure.
86•Bm Proprietor.
Sanson, --I have purohaoed a fine
young Jersey Ball from Bret -aloes -butter
stook,. I expect to keep my other Jersey
Bull also. For farther partroulars enquire
at my Drug and Book /Store Brussels,
-Undersigned will keep for service on
&rot 8, 0on. 7, Grey, the thoro'-bred improved
Large White Yorkehlre boar,Mollie ton
Morel," bred from imported steak, byyl.E.
Bedtbour, Burford, Ont. Terms -41,00 to be
paid at time of eervio0 with privilege of
returning if necessary. Pedigree and stook
may be. see 11 on applies tin.
87-4 Proprietor.,
Certain in its effects and never blisters.
Read proofs below
110050. Cameo Henderson co., 110., F`eb, 01,'01.
Dr. R. J, out eo.
Dear Sirs—Please send me one of your Horse
Books andoblige. ,ed agreat .teatofyour
Hendon's Spann Oure with Cod success it 1a a
an Occult Fpovle and once
Ther. had
keep a bottle on hand all thetime.
YomBtrniR Ones. Power,.,
Dr, D. J. lrssoALL Co.
CANTON, Re., dna
Dear Stra—I have used several 1,ettles of your
•'Hondnll'5 spavin Ouro" withmuch success. I
think It the best Liniment I ever used. Dave re.
moved one Ourb, one Blood opavin and AYrted
tiro Bono Spnvino. Have recommended it to
several of my irleude who are much pleased with
and keep 1t. Respectfully,
E. R. RAY, P. O. Dox WS.
For Sale by all Druggists, or address
Farmers Attention
Hove 600 Bushelsof the Best Dutch Seedier
Farmers in the Vicinity of Brussels who in-
tend redoing Flax during the coming Season,
which they aro prepared to deliver in quan-
tities to snit Flax Growers, Can be got at
the Brussels Flax Mill; W. H. MoCraoken'e
Grocery, Brussels ; • and Wm. Neal's store,
Walton. seed given out at 81.60 per bushel
and on tho usual terms. Order early and en-
sure a supply.
S1O P>C+ 1 . TON
Will be.p aid for Flax grown from this Seed
if of good growth, harvested in the proper
season, and delivered at the Flax Mill as
soon as tit for threshing.
Wo will rent a number of good sod Fields
for the purpose of growing Flax.
N. B.—Fanners S10 strongly advised to sow
their. Flax on good land, well plowed and
harrowed, not on low lands, and the yield
will be from a tun to a ton and a halfmore
per acre. Flax grown on 10w land will not
grow thele to give the weight.
W. Bright, J. & J. Livingston,
City Milililery
—AN D— Goode.
Misses Roddick d Smith,
Have just returned from the City
where they have inspected all the
Latest Styles and Shades, and
have made large and very select
We are in a position to cater
to the wants of the most Fastid-
ious Tastes. Bring along your
old Straw and Felt and have it
done over to look like new at a
small cost.
Misses loddiok &Smith,
Two More South of Fitandard Bank,
APRIL 26, 1.896
Unti..0 C,k' SaEMESEPAI a!>atl ya,e
A Co -partnership has been formed between S. WILTON,.
of Brussels, and '. TURNBULL, of Mitchell,
ilncler the title of
TURh0,,, BULL,
Who will carry on the Stove and Tinware
Business in Brussels in the old stand of
Messrs. Ballantyne & Wilton.
They have a First -Class Stook of Dairy Cans,
Milk .Pails, Milk Pans, 6-c., Sap
Bucketsand Spites.
STOVES °F Mlle Best Manufacture
and at Close Prices."
Graniteware, Shelf Goods, Whips, Brushes
and a tip-top range of Cutlery always kept.
Coal Oil and Machine Oil of Purest Quality.
A Specialty made of Eve Troughing
and Iron Roofing.
As both members of the firm are practical Tinsmiths they
feel assured they can give satisfaction in every
Department of their work.
The Patronage of the Public Solicited.-
— 'AT
We have just Received
a large Consignment of Hats and Caps ill all
the leading Shapes and Shades for Spring
and Summer wear.
Call and see our Balmoral
Cap, the Newest thing in the Market.
Prices Better than Ever Before.
Spring Suitings
Are also coming to Hand.
Prices Bight ! •Myles Right
Satisfaction Guaranteed
Tic Leads utter & Clotllicr,
Brussels aid Wrozeter,