The Brussels Post, 1895-4-26, Page 7vial, 20, 1896 Tile 130,001°8 Story, LONG HOURS AND OQNSTAN`1' STANDING BROUGHT ON RIDN77'Y TROUBLE, Foetid to gull Wont nnll reared./ lint lite Weald 8t vo to Drop Jails ',Erode -Ow Ile at Last FOunla a (lure. IrrO/n the Stratfar dB esoen, Among the residents of Stratford there ie probably none better known or more highly reepeoted than Mr. James A. Smith, the Ontario street tonoorial artist. Mr. Smith is also well known in Toronto, in•which city he worked for several years in a Yonge street bather shop. To are• porter of the Boon, who is a oustemer of his, the affable barber recently told of hie recovery from a late very severe ill- ness. 1 .neee. Be had, he said, for eome yore, been affiiebed with a weak back, so mush so that at times if he otooped he oould. riot regain sm upright position nnnesieted, and as for lifting anything, that was out of the question. "For years," to use Mr, Smith'e own words, "ipoold not oarry a ecabtle-full of coal" He bas, so the physicians whom he consulted bold hint,' disease of the kidneys, but they failed to ogre him. I -Ie grew weak at length and rapidly lost fleoh. Quite frequently he would be obliged to give up work for a week and take to his bed. He lost hie appetite, was pale and so unnerved that he could nob possibly hope to continue longer ab his trade. "Customers of the barber shop," he remarked, "do nob oare to be shaved by a man whose hand trem- bles." He had been in bed for some time undergoing treatment when one morning his wife said to him, "Jim. I've gotta new medicine I want yon to try," It was Dr. Williams' Pink Pille she had. He ob- jected to more medicine, as invalids will do, but at length as'sensible men woolly are, be was guided by his wife. Bub mind you," he said,"I had, no faith in the pills ; I only took them to please my wife." It was fortunate he did so, for he was soon bank at work and after taking. several boxes of the medicine was 'strong, er than he had been for several yehrs. Within two months after beginning to take Pink Pills he felt like a new man and had gained over twenty pounds in weight. There is certainly no healthier looking man . m the oiby to day than Mr. Smith. "Since his restoration to health by Dr. Williams' Pink Pilis he bas recommended the remedy to many of his friends and has yet to hear of a oase where the remedy faithfully tried was found wanting. In oases like that of Mr. Smith, Pink Pills furbish a speedy and efieotive oars, es indeed they do in all oases dependent upon a poor or watery condition of the blood or impair- ed nervous forces. Dr. Williams' Pink Pills cure when other medioines fail. Bold by all dealers or sane by mail post- paid at 50 cents a bok or six boxes for $2.50, by addressing the Dr. Williams' Medicine 00•, Brookville, Ont., or Scbe. neotady, N. Y. Under no circumstances are the genuine Pink Pills sold in bulk, but only in boxes,, the wrapper around' which is printed in red ink and bears the fell trade nark, "Dr. Williams' Pink Pills tor Pale People." Pills offered in any outer form, no matter what color, are worthless fmitatious, west waren. tleonsea, License Commissioners McQnarrie, Sloan and Stevens met in the office of Inspector Paisley at Clinton, and granted f. the following licenses for 1805.96 Cntxxox,—Isaac Rattenbury, Charles Milne, J. 0. Miller, Bell & Mason, S. Pike. The application of R. Mason was left over for e week, wheu it wif.be con- sidered. Shop license --J. W. Biter. Gont.nrna,—Thos. Tilt, J. W. Marsden, John Martie, D. McCormack, William Craig, Wm. Babb, Smits Bros. Shop License—W. L. Horton. Wrvontai.—A. Roe, J. H. Dnlmage, John Dinsley, Fred. Korman, Jon ' Sweets. Baiexa,—J. Tmigh, John McCaughey, John Bonnett. Astrnnann,—Jos, Mellottgb, Salah Black, Dungannon ; John McDonald, Alex.` Young, Kintail ; R. J. H. DeLong, Port Albert. Oormonae.--Wm. Robertson, Dunlop; Henry Martin, Salbford, the application of John Carroll being left open for a week. Hui,ener.Jaoob Rentz, Auburn ; Jno. Bell, Londeeboro, WAwmmosn E.—Joseph Nixon, White- church. Waw.uaosli W,—Andrew McAllister, Belfast. Wholesale Breweries--Jneob Kuntz, Auburn ; Jarvis & Co., Baltford, Sons of Neotlaull fu Session. Tho annual meeting of the Grand Camp 5, 0. S. was held at Niagara Falls on Tuesday and Wednesday of last weak. The reports showed good progress aucl a generally healthy condition of the finan- ces. Tho Grand Chief's report referred to the national insurance features of the as- sociation, advocating a`ehnngo of the in- anranco system from level to graded eye - tent, pointing, out the feeling for the re atoration' of sick benefits, alluding to the progresa the association has mado since organization in .1870, the present status being 151 camps. A graded assessment Ma adopted by the Grand Camp. The Grand Medical Examiner's report showed that out of nearly 2,000 tai tiatione for the :last two years there have been only two deaths. The Grand Soorotnty'e report suggested the extension of rho as-: sedation . to the sister Provinces, also the adoption of au official journal. It was approved of, but referred back for detail- ed report. Tho Grand Treasurer's report showed as follows :---Beneficiary fond balance on Nand, lath of April, 1804, $4,180.08 ; receipts, during year, $28,045.05; interest on seine, $180,85 ; total $88,884.48. 13x- peeeee—Choake for 88 bonofloiaries, 828,- 000 and 10 per. cont. for reserve fund, $5,001.87 ; interest to reserve fund, $107.- 00 ; total 920,090.77, leaving a balance of $4,234.00. .The general fund shows.a deficit of $585.51. • The reserve fund shows to its credit $7,480.55.' The ohango of anuunl to biennial meet. file of -Grand Camp was passed after a spirited discussion. The election of officers was as follows Ohief,Col.Campbell,Mi1- ton; chieftain, Alex. Fraser, Toronto; se0,, Capt. Robertson, Toronto ; treasir,. or, Alex, . Hay, Toronto ; chaplain, Bev. Bro. Binnio ; medical exatninerl De. Wylie, Toronto l marshal, J. D. Paving - elope, Fot'eat; standard-bearer, Dr, Me- Jl'aul, Stapler ; eenior guard, Bro. Me.. Lean, Oshawa ; jerticr guard, Bro, Stewart, Sonya ; trustooe, Bros, paet chiefs Wingfield, Mc0rao and IIIeLoan. Russell, only eon of J. 0. Smith, Lank. et, of thie town, is dangerously ill, John I,ivlugatone left last week for. phioago, where he will poen hie /midi. cal atudiee, W. Somerville has been appointed agent in Seaforth for the Phoenix fire Tneurnnee Company. Arthur Forbes received a severe injury to his aye while working et the fire on Tuesday morning of Iaet week. Son. MacKenzie Bewail, premier of Canada. hae promised to honor Seaforth with hie presence en July 12th. Mr, kaeomore, of the Collegiate Ineti• tete, attended a convention of the On- tario Edueabional Association, in Toron• to, last week. Mae. A, Campbell, son of Dr. Camp, hell, of this town, who has been spending his first seselon in Jefferson Medical Col- lege, Philadelphia, has retained home. Our Turf Club decided to hold a two days' rase meet on July let and 2nd. The club w111 have six ramie on the pro- gram, and purses to the amount of $1,• 800 will be offered. The following are the officers of the jaulor Beaver f oroeea olMb for 1885 ;— Hon. piss., Geo. Jaekeon ; Hon. vices, pros„ M. Morrie; pees., Harry Jackson vice -pros„ Jno. Smith ; esu.-treas., A. D. Sutherland ; opt., Geo. Boyd ; commit. tee, Attie Bethune, Alf. Box, Thos. John- ston, Wat. Payne, Jae. (Hannan, P. Mul- cahy, Jno. Sutherland. Pine. --The most disastrous fire that has visited Snatorth for some time ac. burred early Wednesday morning of last week, when the Commercial hotel,_ bit. tiara and sample rooms in the rear were completely destroyed, and the Bank of Commerce block badly damaged by fire, smoke and water, So completely did the lire do its work that only the foundation of the billiard room and the bore brick walla of the hotel were left .standing. Shortly after two o'clock some of the oo. oupante of the hotel were awakened by smoke, and on arising, found that the building to the rear was all in flames. In the excitement and hurry it was some time after that before the fire alarm was sounded, and in consequence the fire- men remen were at a deoided disadvantage, as the dry frame building became a most rapid prey to the flames, end it was one mass of flames before the water began to play on it. They then directed all their attention to the hotel and surrounding buildings, but although unable to save the hotel, the adjacent buildings were got well under command. There was a strong wind blowing from the north-east and sparks were flying thiok onto the roofs of the buildings to the south and on tLoee across the street. At one time it looked ao though the fire would camper and the entire oorner was in imminent danger, and it was only the bard and un. tiring work of the firemen, assisted by others, with palls, that saved the building from destruction. Several times the woodwork of the Bank of Commerce block caught fire, but was promptly ex- tinguished. So rapidly did the fire spread in the hotel that very little of .the furniture was gotten out and several of the boarders lost part of their clothing. The priva'e rooms of the bank upstairs Were badly damaged, , mostly by smoke and water, although most of the clothing was removed. The furniture and fixtures in the rooms occupied by J. 0. Greig woe also damaged by smoke and water ; , while Levi Wolper, who also lives up• stairs, will be a heavy loser, mostly from smoke and water. In the bank the water played havoc with the ceiling and walls. R. Logan's bank in the north corner: of the hotel bnilding, was completely de. moliehed, but everything portable had been carried out, save the contents of the vault and sate, and, as these were fire. proof, the contents were not damaged. To the south 0, Wilson's grocery and E. Dawson's liquor store ware badly smoked and soaked with water. John Smith's carriage shop tons also eoorahed and he will lose oonsiderable by the re. moval of his stuff. A. Davidson had an insurance of $7,000 on bis buildings, while Mr. Bishop had • $2,000 insurance on the furniture. Tha other losers except Messrs. Logan and Greig, had more or less insurance. The origin of the fire at present seems a mystery, as there had Mem no fire in the billiard room, where the fire started, for a couple of days. About two o'clock the hostler at the hotel stables had gone to the stable to get out a rig, but no fire was visible then. Night. watchman Gillespie had also been in that viaininity only a short time before the fire broke out. The firemen deserve great praise for the bard, brave work which they did, and bad they been 1e=s willing and worked leas efficiently, the results would have been much more serious. Perth Qounty. At an exeoutive committee meeting of the Sons of England Benevolent Society, held at Toronto, among the district dope. ties for 1895-6 named was Thomas Jaok• son, Clinton, for Parth, Huron and Bruce. The following resolution was passed by L. 0, L. 618, St. Marys : Moved by Bro. Dr. T. J. Hall and seconded by Worship, fat Bro, Robt. Stewart :—"Whereas the Legielature of the Provinoe of Manitoba in the year 1800 passed no act national. izing the schools of the Province ; and wbereas the said sot was deolared by the Privy Council of the empire to be within the right of the said Legislature to peas ; and whereas rsuontly a remedial order 'has been served upon the Government of the Provinoe of Manitoba, which if not obeyed by said Government will be fol. lowed by remedial legislation initiated by the Federal Government, as promised by Sir Chas. H. Tapper and Hon. Mr. Cal- mat ; now, therefore, be it resolved (1) that we, the members of L. 0. L. No. 618, in regular meeting assembled, do protest most earnestly against the Feder- al Government in any way interfering with the ecbool laws of the ,Province of Manitoba; (2) that we piedge onrselvet 10 vote against aid worlrfor the defeat of any candidate, who will not openly pledge himself to Vote against any Government wbiohmay at any time attempt interfer- enee with the Manitoba school laws. , Two boats of the Merchants' Line will ply between Port Stanley and Montreal during the ooming summer. They will leave Port Stanley on Wednesdays and Saturdays, and, returning, leave Mont real on Wednesdays and Fridays. T USS g1.4 COST ?lrttntao ketttt .'ewe's., t onacnere atpeob to haus the el=otrei road to Springbank template hY ANY 24. The vordiot in the anew of Lily Stoph. own of Frankville Was death from ex• poaurewindow, when - Jthe sash fall , 13, Hooking, a Winnipeg newspaper man, formerly of Listowel and Guelph, ie dealitd. A tle girl at Ottawa named Phnom was trying to get through at ' an her andsha wee oltolsed to death. Philip Id. I?ettingill, a farmer livingon the ellen ,of Labe Ontario, near Welling- ton, Wee found in his barn, Friday, with a part of hie head blown off, A Leicester ewe belonging to Robert Leobherland, South of Egmondvlllo, the other day gave birth' to five lambs. A11 the lambs wad ewe are alive and likely to live, The Provincial Government has grant. oda subsidy of $2,000 a mile for thaoon- etraobion of a railway from Tilsonburg to Port Burwell, a distance of 16 miles. It will be constructed at. once. A number of p,ominent cattle men from Radom Canada have arrived at Winni- peg looking for eatble'for Onglishship. meet. Prioee have gone up owing to the American soaraity and there is keen competition, Thomas Russell, aged 15 years, was arrested at London for planing a tie on the L. & P,•8. R. R„ in front of a train. He admitted the sot, and said he did it for the purpose of stopping the train and getting a ride. R. B. Miles, of Tilsonburg, is annouuc- ing his intention to give to every blood relative, free gratis, 100 aures of good prairie land in the Northwest Territory, under certain conditions as to cultivation and settlement, the offer to continue open for six months. In reponse to a large 'delegation of temperance .workers, .who asked for in. creaoed. restriotions on saloons, the Lon- don London License Commissioners de- oided.that it would be best not to disturb the existing hears until after the next session, pending the Government't;de.. cieion. Arnold Monday, a Carrick, Bruce Co.. farmer, has just had two fingers out of in a straw cutter. Within twelve months bis daughter has broken her arm, his son has died, he has loot $4,000 in a lawsuit, his wife met with a serious accident, and, Monday himeelf, on a previous occasion, was struck by a piece of timber and nev- er fully recovered. A young man named Planta wooed and won the hand of a Tavistock maiden, purchased a marriage lioenae and eagag. ed a clergyman to tie the nuptial knot one evening recently at hie home on Yonge st. But alas for his hopes 1 The girl's father heard of the proposed mar- riage and to prevent it looked his daugh- terin barroom on the evening in ques- tion. Meanwhile the wedding guests ar- rived ; the minister came ; but no bride. The anxious bridegroom then learned the reason of the girl's non=appearance, Phil, osophized a while and then deoided to celebrate anyway. The guests did so to such an extent and with`such•effect that Chief Winterhalt was called in about midnight to disperse Ube merrymakers. KRIM Two Tuesday More .1ori1 23 Settlers' ANI, 3Q 8'' soul 7 1395 WILL CRAVE TO'I'ONTO At 9.00 P. M. (eliouid endletent bseinOss offer) for Manitoba and the North-west A thrnngh colonist Oar will he abtachod to the 0. P, By, i'acine Exproaa,. leaving 7. oron- 80pr,12,il20,coon, daily exaspt Sunday during A See your nearest Agent, T. FARROW, AGENT, )3IIUSSELS. $‘25 REWARD Will be paid to anyone producing a "MONARCH" bicycle that has brokendown in any way through the fault of material or work. manship, excepting an accident. Send in the Wheel and get the money, P. R. WRIGHT. 6 and 8 Adelaide et. West, Toronto. A full stock of repairs kept in Toron- to and can be procured on the Shortest Notice. A. M. McKAY & Co-, BRUSSELS. Entailers I keep i11 stock a First - Class Range of -- Parlor Suites, Bedroom Suite Sideboards, Cupboards, Tables, Chairs, Lounges, &o., &o. • And all Sole at Close Figures, PICTRE FRAMO A Specialty and a Choice Stock of Mouldings always kept. ''jj,,,X yam,, • 4:.4144,011,.: a l' UNDERTAKING. All orders left with us carefully attended to. Caskets, Collins, Robes, &c., always in stock, Good hearse in connection. A nice assortment of Window Shades and Cur- tain Poles all sold at Very reasonable prices. We are prepared to order or manufacture any line of Furniture not in .stock to suit our customers. Personal attention given to the Repairing Department, Do G.HOGG Furniture Dealer and Undertaker. FREE OF CHARGE We make D0 charge for Testing,` your eyes by means 01 ourset of Trial Lens which contain Glasses for every form of defective sight We will, if desired, supply you with i¢CIA LES Fitted Scientifically, varying in price from 40c. to $10,00. In fitt- ing Spectacles we carefully measure distance between the 11 ils f the oyes and give a frame of proper measurements so that the can- tre of the glass comes opposite the centre of the eye. This is ver important but too often neglected. When necessry we order then made specially. Beware of y S ectacl e Pedlars r Who not only? charge exorbitant prices for inferior goods but you may ruin your sight by wearing ill-fitting Glasses. The eye is too delicate an organ to be trifled with. Not only this, but if any Spectacle we sell is not satisfactory we are here to snake them so. A Peddler gets your money and you may never see him again; Do not suppose because yon can read well with certain glasses when first put on that they are the best kind for you ; many have bought such, only to find that they tire the eye after a few hour's use, showing that certain muscles are being over -taxed, and if their use is persisted in serious results may follow. We have Graduated at the Optical Institute of Canada and are prepared to supply Spec- tacles for Myopia or near -sight, Hyperopia or far -sight, Preelyopit, or old -sight, Astigmatism, &c. • Can also straighten Cross-eyes or squint if under two years of age, by the proper fitting of Glasses. Please remember we will charge you nothing to test your sight any day that I have no previous engagement. G. A. DEADMAN, Druggist, Bookseller and Graduate Optician. FOOT .BALLS. I .have recently ordered an assortment of Foot Balls with best Scotch Rubber, viz. : No. 3 Match, No. 4 Practice, No. 5 Associa- tion, No. 5 Regulation and No. 5 Oxford Match. Prices right. WALL PAPERS. We are still in the field with First-class Paper Hangings at greatly ,Reduced Prices. G. A. Deadman, Druggist, Bookseller and Graduate Optician. wassainemstommzimmusimprzosar We have been appointed sole agents in Brus- sels for the Nese York Standard Pattern Sheets, Magazines, Delineators and 'Cata- logues, and will keep a stock on hand in- cluding all styles, and being added to each month as the new styles are issued. After the lst of May we will have the monthly sheets which we will be pleased to hand to any who may call for them. The Standard. Fashions and Patterns are improved on 'all others and are up to date as to style and fit. They are the most popular wherever used. OUR SPRING STOOK OOK Is complete, including Dress Goods, Prints, Ducks, Corsets, Hosiery and Gloves, PARASOLS. The Best Range and the Cheapest Parasols we have ever shown. Our Stook of 'Boots and Shoo Cannot be excelled in the town as to price„ style, variety and Quality. Readymade Clothing. Suits to Order. Very Cheap. Hats and Caps to Suit All, Styles Bight and Prices Popular. We shall be pleased to have you call and lock through our stock and see if there is anything you want, Yours truly, AStrachan,