The Brussels Post, 1895-4-26, Page 3111lit 26 .$95
Town D xootory.
Ozonoo,.-,Sabbath .Sorvioeo
at 11 a m and 6190 p.m. Sunday 802ool
at 2:80 p m. ROY, Jobe Ross! 13 A„
Brox CHpacn.- .Sabbath 8ervigee at 11
a m and 6:80 p tp, Sunday Sgbool at
2:80 p m, Rev. D. Millar, paetgr.
ST, JenN'o Cuenca, --Sabbath, Seryioee
at 11 a In and 7 p m. Sunday School
at 2:80 p, m, Roy. A. K, G'rriil'in, ingum.
MIYtheni'lT Onuaelt,—Sabbath Servioee
at 10:80 a m and,6:90 p m. Sunday
School at 2:80 p In. Rey. G, H, Cobble.
dick, AI A, B D, pastor.
RONAN CATHOLIC .Charon, -Sabbath
Service third Sunday in every month, at
10:80 a in. Ray Joacpb Kennedy,
SALVATION A INV.„ -Service at 7 and 11
a in, and 8 and B p m on Sunday and
every evening in the weak at 8 o'oloak, at
the barraoke,
Oen FELLOWS' Dorm every Thursday
evening, in Grahame blook.
31AeoNIO L0000 Tuesday at or before
lull moon, in Garfield block.
A. 0 U. W Lanes on the 8rd
Friday evening of each month, in Bias
hill's block.
0 0 F LODGE 2nd and last Monday
evenings of eaoh month, in Blaehill's
T 0 F, 2nd and last Friday in Odd
Fellows' Hall,
L 0 L lot ldonday in every month
in Orange Hall.
SONS OD SCOTLAND, gat and 8rd. Tues-
days of each mouth, in Odd Fellows'
H. 0. T. M. LODGE, let and 8rd Thurs.
daya of each month, in Vanetone blook.
Hot:E•CIUCLE, 2nd and 4th Friday even-
ings in Blaehill'e Hall.
POST WHILE.—Of oe hours from 8 a.
no. to 6:80 p. m..
Holmes' blook, will be open from 6 to 8
o'Olook p. m. Wednesdays and 8:80 to 6
and 6 to 8 Saturdays. Miss Dolly Shaw,
Tows CODNOfn•—W. H. Herr, Reeve ;
W. H. McCracken, Robert Graham, R.
Leatherdale and B. Gerry, Councillors ;
F. S. Scott, Clerk; Thomas Kelly,
Treasurer ; D. Stewart, Assessor and ' J.
T. Rose, Collector. Board meets the lat
Monday in eaoh month.
SCHOOL BOARD.—Rev. Ross, (chairman,)
Dr. McKelvey, Dr. Graham, A. Reid, A.
Hunter and J. N. Kendall ; Seo.-Treas.,
• R. Ross. Meetings 2nd Friday evening
in each month.
PUoiio SDnDOL TEACHERS. -3. H. cam-
eron, Principal, Mies Braden, Mies
Downey andMiee Cooper.
Bunn or HEALTH.—Reeve Herr, Clerk
Scott, A. Stewart, T. Farrow and J. N.
Kendall. Dr. McNaughton, Medical
Health Officer.
How does the bread that mother bakes
Give strength when I am weak,
Make for my body dimpled flesh,
And scarlet for my cheek ?
How does the milk that Daisy gives,
White as drifted snow,
Change to drops of crimson blood
That through my body flow ?
How does the air, the pure, sweet air,
Blowing gently by,
Laugh right merrily in my voice
And sparkle inmy eye ?
Ont near the gate is a towhead playing ;
Oat in the fields is an old mule braying ;
Keep up your courage—We'll shortly go
Spring isn't far 1
Ont on the road is a lightning.rod drum.
mer '
Climbinga fence, a book agent—a hum.
mer ;
Keep up your courage, for soon you'll strike
She isn't far I
Under an oak site a maiden awaiting ;
Back of the oak rune a river a -swishing ;
Keep up your courage, for soon you'll go
fishing --
Spring isn't far l
Found in the desk of Charles Dickens
after his death.
When the lessons and teaks are all ended,
And the school for the day is dismissed,
.And the little ones gather around me
To bid me goodnight and be kissed,
Oh the little white arms that encircle
My neck in a tender embrace.
Oh, the smiles that are halos of heaven,
Shedding sunshine and love on my face.
And when they are gone I alt dreaming
Of my childhood, too lonely to last ;
Of love that my Heart will remember
When it wakes to the pulse of the past;
Ere the world and its wiolsednese made
A partner of sorrow and sin,
When the glory of God was about me,
And the glory of gladness within.
Oh, my heart grows weak ae a woman's,
And the fountains of feeling will . flow,
When I think of the paths, steep and
Whore the feet of the dear ones must
go ;
Of the mountains of sin hanging o'er
them ;
Of the tempeate of fate blowing wild
Oh, there is nothing on earth half ae holy
As the innocent heart of a child.
They are idols of hearts and of house
bolds ;
They are angels of God in disguise
His sunlight atilt sleeps in their tresses,
Hfg glory still beams in their eyes.
Oh, those truantsfrom earth and from
They have made me more manly and
And I know how Jesus could liken
The kingdom of God to a ohild.
Seek nob a life for the dear ones,
All radiant, as others have done,
But that life may have just as much
To temper the glare of the sue ;
I would pray God to guard ,them from
But my prayer world bound back to
myself ;
Ah, a eerapb may pray for a sinner,
Butte sinner meet pray for himself.
Ville twig is 00 easily banded ;
I hays .banished the role and the rod ;
T have taught them the goodness of
They have taught me the geodoess of
My heart is a dungeon of darkness,
Where 1 shut them from breaking .a
My frown; is eullioient oorrootien,
1y loge ie the law of the school.
I shall leave the old house in the oautumn,
T`o traverse fla threshold no mre ;
Ah 1 how I obeli eigh for the dear ones
That meet me earth' morn at the door,
I shall miss the good night and the
And the gush of their innocent glee,
The group of the groan and theiiowore
That are brggght every morning to me,
I shall mise them at morn and at eve,
Their song in the school and the street,
I shall mise the low hum of their yoioee,
And the tramp of their delicate feet.
When the Weans and tasks are all ended
And death 'lays the school is dismissed,
Nay the little ones gabber around me
To bid me good -night. and be kissed.
You can take a piece of china that's been
broken by the maid,
And can pntthe thing together if you know
the mender's trade.
You can mend the thing so neatly that no
due will ever know
That it has e'er been ebattered by an nn-
ooneidered blow.
You can take a heart that's broken by
some'lmall, flirtatious girl,
And can mend the fractured pieces till
they're smooth as any pearl.
Ay, so that the heart's possessor feels as
sturdy as an oak,
And forgets that e'er it happened that his
heart was ever 'broke.'
Yon can fall from a bicycle and make
piecee of your nose ;
You can break your oolor.bone, or you ME
fracture all your toes ;
You can crush you arm in splinters ; you
can smsah your either leg
And the doctor be will fix it till We whole
as any egg.
You can smash an ocean record, but that
ieoord still is there,
You can break a trotting record with a
rapid little mare,
And leave the old one standing just ae
whole, quite ae complete,
Aa when it sent the jookeys, a.huzzaing
through the street.
But, alas 1 if you are angry, and have
angry words to say,
Beware, a broken silence, or you'll surely
rue the day,
For a silence that is broken by the women
or the men,
Is the thing that oan't be mended, can't
be rendered whole again.
General Newt..
A Brooklyn Bridge policeman saw a
man, apparently 27 years old, climb to
the center cable and jump into the river
Saturday. The man disappeared be.
neath the surface of the water and never
came up. He left behind him a brown
sap of tweed material. He asked a
number of men in Park Row to go out to
the bridge • and see him jump, some of
whom went and witnessed the fatal
plunge. Steve Brodie, whose brother
Dan was to have accompanied the man,
said : His name is James Duffy, and be
came from county Caven, Ireland, where
be bas a mother and two sisters. He was
a steward on one of the White Star
steamers. He came to my place, and
said he was going to jump off the Brook•
lyn Bridge. I gave him some advice,
but be said be was desperate and bad no
money. He offered me some pawn tick-
ets for a night's lodging. I gave him
some money. Ha came around Saturday
morning at 11 o'clock, and again said he
intended to jump. Duffy walked to the
middle of the brides, climbed over the
railing, and taking off his collar and neck.
tie threw them in the roadway. The
boys told him to put the things in his
pooket; but he replied that he would never
use them again and jumped. Duffy is the
seventeenth person that has leaped from
the Brooklyn Bridge.
Another horrible discovery was made
Sunday in a room in the steeple of
Emanuel Baptist church, San Francisco,
where the mutilated remains of young
Minnie Williams were found Saturday.
The ohuroh has bean desecrated by a
second murder, the victim being another
young girl, Blanche Lamont, who had
been missing since the 3rd inst. She
had been strangled to death, her clothes
bad been torn from her person, and her
body was almost nude when discovered,
her shoes and stockings were missing.
The itnprinta of the assassin's finger
nails were plainly visible on the murder -
girl's throat but there was no indica.
tion of further violence. Shortly after
the discovery was made Dr. Geo. Gibson,
pastor of the thumb, was taken into
custody by the police. No charge was
made against him, but he will be held
until the mystery is fully cleared. Mise
Lamont was last seen alive in the com•
pany of Theo. Durant, a young medical
student, and assistant superintendent of
the Sunday eohodl in connection with
the defiled place of worship. Durant,
who is said to have bean engaged to be
married to Miee Lamont, is euepeoted of
Having taken the life of the Williams
girl, who is known to •be a warm friend
of Miss Lamont. They were members
of the ohnrah, which they frequently at-
tended together, and were also in the
same Sunday school -class, Since the
disappearance of Blanche Mise Williams
often said that she knew that her cont.
panion had met with foul play, This
statement reaohed the ears of some of
the members of the church; and the girl
was naked for an explanation, but she
declined to reveal the nature of her in-
formation, and the matter was dropped.
The police are now inclined to think that
Durant, knowing that Mies Williams
was in possession of sufficient evidence to
prove hie guilt in oonneotion with the
disappearance of Mise Lament, =clad.
ed to decoy her into the .church and
Mimeo her forever. One of the most
damagingwitneseee against the medical
student is Chas. Hill, who resides across
the street from Em anuel Baptist church.
Shortly after' 8 o'clock Friday night he
saw a man and a woman standing near
the street corner, They chatted to.
gather for some time, and finally started
up the etreet towards the ohuroh, When
the church was reached the man naught
the girl by the arm and half dragged her
to the gate leading to the pastor's stud
After a few minutes' eonvelsatiols th
couple pawed through the garden an
finally entered the church through a aid
doer. Till ie positive that the man open
ed the door with a key and waeappareot
Iy tltomughly familiar with the Ferman
uspecting that something was wrong he
waited outside fora few mfnuber, but
hearing no outory, goneluded that the
couple were membere of the thumb, and
went to hie home. The desoripbion giv-
en of the man who,acoompauied the ,girl
tallies exactly with that of Durant. A
thorough search is being made for him.
C;tLn adian News.
Hon. Mr, McGreevy' has applied for a
recount in the Quebec West election.
Rev. James Henderson, D. D,, has as.
cepted a call to Graoe Methodist church,
Nev. Dr..
Wild says y he likes London eo
much that he will Bell his farm atl3vonte,
and spend the remainder of his day
The unemployed Canadian Pacific
workmen have selected Lacombe, Alberta,
as a suitable locality for their proposed
farming colony.
During the poet winter a very import-
ant trade has been opened up between
Southern Manitoba and the Northern
United States in fat cattle.
The 26th Battalion, of St. Thomas,
who have received invitations to cele.
brate the 24th of May in London and in
Windsor, have deoided to go to Wiudsor.
urze.—All oases of organic or sympathebio
heart disease relieved in 30 minutes and
quickly cured, by Dr. Agnew'e Cure
for the Heart. One dose convinces;
Sold by 0, A. Deadman.
The Ontario Goverument has deoided
not to assn licenses to local option muni-
cipalities, on the ground that it would be
taken by the temperance organizations
as a backward step.
A six.year.old eon of Anthony Moyer,
of Elmira, died suddenly recently, and as
there were suspicions that his eohool-
mates had ill.treated him an inquest was
ordered. The jury found that death oc-
curred from an injury to the liver.
Cause unknown.
RHEnmarrstl CURED IN A DAY.—SOnth
American Rheumatic Cure for Rheuma-
tism and Neuralgia radically cures in 1
to 3 days. Its action upon the system
is remarkable and mysterious. 11 re-
moves at once the cause and the disease
immediately disappears. The first done
greatly benefits. , 75 cents. Warranted
by G. A. Deadman.
A tramp a000mpaniad by a little boy
footsore and weary, arrived at the G.T.B.
station, Woodstook, a few nights ago and
applied to the operator for a night's
lodging. They were on their way from
Lamont, Que., to Dakota, and tramped
from Hamilton einoe Sunday, the little
fellow, who was only seven years of age,
tramping along by hie father's side the
entire distance. They propose following
the rails all the way and hope to reaoh
Dakota without boarding a train unleea
assisted or given permission to do so.
The sympathy of the employees was
aroused and they were made comfortable
in the elation for the night. They pro.
needed on their long tramp again neat
One short puff of the breath through the
Blower, supplied with each bottle of Dr.
Agnew's Catarrah Powder, diffuses this
Powder over the surface of the nasal
passages. Painless and delightful to
use, it relieves instantly, and permanent-
ly curse Oatarrah, Hay Fever, Colds,
Headaches, Sore Throat, Tonsilitis and
Deafness. 60 cents at G. A. Deadmau's.
There was an amusing scene at the
Grand Trunk depot, London, a few even-
ings ago, and those who witnessed it had
a hearty laugh. The evening train on
the Stratford branch was pulling out of
the depot yard, when a lady with a band
box and grip in her hand rushed hurried-
ly out of the ladies' waiting room and
cried for the train to stop. Constable
Logan signalled the•brakesman who was
standing on the rear platform to pull the
bell rope, which he did, and the train was
soon stopped. A most unconcerned wit-
ness of these movements was a passenger,
who was also standing on the rear plat.
form. Constable Logan courteously as-
sisted the lady to the oar, thinking the
wanted to take it for the north, but he.
was mistaken. Aa she reached the car
steps she called to the uneonwrned pas.
tenger, "John, kiss me before you go."
John same down and put his arms tender-
ly around his wife, for sash she proved to
be, and kissed her several times. Then
he went bank to his position on the. plat-
form, and. the wife turned smilingly
away, after taking her band box and grip
from the genial oonstable and waving a
farewell to her husband. The railway
officials looked bewildered for a moment
or two, when the ludicrous side of the
piotare presented itself, and they laughed
with the by-etanders as the train pulled
out. John and his wife had evidently
bad a little "tiff" and the latter repented
as she saw the train start.
a W l to Stu XGirx e
R47i'AL mmr..S'TEAMSlues.
esbweeit New York and Liverpool, via:
Quconstawn,ayory Wednesday,
A8 the eboamora of tine line (parry only a
etriotly lhnlbed number la the alta' sad
5Eeo0n 0AI1IN acoorn,nodabloue, lntentling
paseeugeys ere reminded tbab an early ap.
piloabion for berths le PROEbbary at this sea.
sou, E'er plans, rates, ate., ate ply to
W. H. Kerr,
Agent, Brussels.
' I 610 -,�1• t FRESH-
jy�itltl ��i��rf: Cl-�AR
G " o:
r6 ' , SiCIN,
An Agreeable Laxative and NERVY; TONIC
Sold by Druggists or sent by Hail, 280., 60o.,
and 81,00 per paokage, Samples free.
1000 NO Tho b'avorite TOOTH PoWOE3
Yon the Teeth and Breath, Zea
Sold by JAS. COC, Draasist. Ib russela.
Electric Ugh Plant
The undersigned has decided
to offer for sale the Brussels
Electric Light Plant. A first-
class investment can bo shown,
,Easy terms ; good reason for
selling ; full particulars cheer-
fully furnished on application.
Any Amount of Money to Loan
on Farm or Village Pro-
perty at
6 i& 6i Per Cent,,Yetsri ,
Straight Loans with privilege of
repaying when required,
Apply to
A. Hunter,
Division court Clens, Brussels
British Columbia
Red Cedar Shingles
North Shore
Pine and Cedar
Brussels Planing Ifills
Also Doors and Sash of all Pat-
terns on hand or made to order
at Short Notice.
Estimates Furnished for all
kinds of Buildings. Workman-
ship and Material Guaranteed.
J. & P. AMENT.
When you want a Stove, Tin
or Granite -ware, or Hard-
ware, Paints & Oils,
Hardware Store
Where you will, from
this date, get a
OfFaII Cash Purchases.
Fine Roman, Artists' Can -
Vas in Stock.
The best
Corset in
the Market.
New Spring Dress Goods,
Prints and Ducks.
A. Strachan.
Upon having Featherbone Corsets.
Refuse all substitutes.
See they are stamped thus:
•-.�'`� r�\`,\\�':\��`i� art
PATENTED SEPT. 3rd, 1884. No. 20110.
New Wall Papers.
10,000 Rolls to Choose from.
Prices to Suit Purchaser.
Lovely Patterns from Go. up.
Elegant Borders to match
at Half the usual Price.
Beautiful sets in Sintelare and Embossed
Silks suitable' for Drawing Rooms, &c.
Call in and see them. A discount of
10 per cent. on all goods purchased
between now and March 1st.
Wo Rod ick,
SS�'L" S.
.4pm--IS HERE !
And so is our
Large Stock of -
Carts and
Call in and see them and get Prices,
E.) JITSS Hi�it5•
Opposite the Nee Hotel, - Brussels.
A. Full Stock of Fresh Groceries, Flour, Bread,
Crockery and Glassware always on hand
Produce taken at Highest Market Prices im
.Exchange, but no Credit Given,
Commissions of all kinds GOODS DELIVERED
Promptly Executed. IF REQUIRED.
Remember the Prean and Other Prices in Proportion,
Special Bargains TUESDAYS and WEDNESDAYS of oaoh week,