The Brussels Post, 1895-4-26, Page 112 Pages, Vol. 22. No. 41. RUSSELS, ONTARIO, FRIDAY, APRIL 26, 1896 The Tuezday Last April 30 ;Settler' 1895 e" p cads, El WILL -LEAVE TOTONTO •AT 9.00 P. M. (should sufficient business offer) CO: Manitoba and the North-west A through Colonist oar will be attached to the 0. P. 1ty. Paoico Express, leaving Torou- to,1'2.2c, noon, daily except Sunday during. April, See your nearest Agent, T. FARROW, AGENT, BRUSSELS. AN) Sl ,A4 0 • at re t-4 O O yo. 0C11� o ao0i 0 00 0) ro • r0 l ei 0 N cia Ce :, �u -00 -, P.o Aso o d Wapo.89) .m. `s accO .25 ato'o' azrora d 44•11 :Li at al i m o w m CO rd cell m 0) _0 W • 10 0 0 Blodern Competition Sharpens prices strongly in your favor. It is to your advantage to call and inspect Goods and get Prides before purchasing elsewhere. I will not be Undersold. My stock is complete and have bargains for you all the year. Drees Goode, Prints, Lawns, Muslina, Hose, Art'Mnslins, Shirtings, Corsets, Duoks, Ginghams, Oupous, Laces, Gloves, Lace Curtains, Flannelettes, Ladies' Vests. My stook of Gent's Furnishings is com- plete at very Low Prices. Groceries. In the Grocery Department my stock is complete. Teas and Coffee a Special- ty. They are the Best that cion be had. My 25 cent.Tea in Black and Japan is the talk of the country. Canned Goods of all kinds of the Bost Brands always in stook. Pure Spices of all kinds. Highest Price for Butter and Eggs. J. G. SKENE Dou'� SIioiit 1 It will soon be known I am tak- ing all -kinds of Photos, Cray- ons, Pastells and Water - Colors. Pictures taken as natural tts,life of Fathers, Mothers, and Babies, Grandfathers and Great -Grandfathers, and Gentlemen with their Ladies. Pictures of your houses andstook, ' Lawns, Groups, Pio-nic Par- ties, in fact all kinds of out and indoor work in the Highest 'Style of Art. H.R. BREWER ARTIST, BRUSSELS. DOMINION PARLIAMENT, otof Mr. ado the ate or. Mr, ted the. N ho en. ur- re- n„ the the on - et, in - at it - 110 all he n. a ed o• o. 0.e es to le nt 1/0er y re The (tattle schedule forme the subje several notions of motion given by Mploolr, Sir John °aril y has not sic far in tale appeara�iloe in Parliament. Mr, foster has token the room in House of Commons occupied by the 1 Sir John 'Thompson, The returning ef(ieer's count in V Otero took plane at St. Antoine, Geuffrion's official majority le 101. A deputation of cattle shippers tvai upon the Government to urge that space allowed to animate shalt be 2 f 8 melees; inetead.of 2 feet 6 inches, T matter was promised ocnsideration, Madam Laurier will hold .three ev ing receptions rat the Beeson House d ing'the session and will be .happy to naive her friends from 8:80 to 12, p. on Thursday, April 2iith, and on fleet and mooed Thursdays in May. Mr. Kemp, the English expert on cultivation of oysters, who is now o neoted with the Fisheries Departure has left for the east. EN will super tend the planting of an oyster bed Tracadie, and afterwards look for en able locations for oyster beds at vario points in the Lower provinces and along the Atlantic coast, The Government .has, ordered t Northwest Mounted Police to take a oe sus of Alberta, N. W. T. This has be done with a view of considering the a visability of having the district divid into two electoral divisions. The pop lotion of the riding is about 25,000. D'Alton McCarthy proposes to inlr docs three bills. One amends .the ale tions mot so as to make its provisio against corruption more stringent. A other amends the Not Teethed not by giving the Assembly power deal with the dual language and Senora Sohoole questions. Ths most imports is the third, which proposes to depri the Government of the day or the pow to control the dates of bye -elections, b providing that when a vacancy ono" the Speaker shall forthwith issue his warrant for a writ, and the Clerk of the Crown in Chancery shall, after a certain number of days, issue the writ. This is the system as practiced in England. Major R. McLennan has given notioe of four bills. Ooe is to amend the rail- way act by preventing the Government giving contracts to foreigners. The others fire to amend the dairy produce ant, to make the Government liable for defaulting Government contractors, and to compel railway companies to issue second.olass tickets from all points and to all places for which they now give first -clam fares. A statement of the superannuatione and retiring allowances in the civil ser- vice during e th1894 year was as presented to Parliament. It shows that the super- annuation allowauces were $22,710, and the retiring gratuities $2,021, making a total of $25,341, A statement of the unforseen expenses from July 1st, 1894, was presented in the House. The amouut so expended is $16, 254. • Dr. Bergin gives notioe of a bill to amend the Dominion franohise act. Mr. Corbould ie evidently after Sir Hibbert Tupper as to the dismissal and reinstatement of James Fitxeimmous, Deputy Warden of the British Columbia Penitentiary. He has given notice of questions and a motion for papers. Mr. flint gives notioe of the following resolution: That in the opinion of this House the manufacture, importation and sale of intoxicating liquors in Canada, except for anaramentai, scientific, manu- facturing and medical purposed, should be prohibited by law. The County Council of Elgin petitions for an amendment to the Railway Aot to compel companies to put in more effect- ive cattle guards. A deputation from Kincardine, con - abating of Mayor Tolmie, Lt: Col., Scott and Aid. Moffatt saw Mr. Ouimet in reference to u grant for harbor improve. ments. The Senate restaurant proprietor this year. has introduced the innovation of waiters in knee breeobes and powdered wigs. The dignity of the Upper House is thus extended to the "ba5emont" in quite an appreciable manner. At a meeting of the Executive of the Pr • Gallery Geo, Simpson, of the obs, was eleoted secretary in the place W. J. Healy, who is not a member of s gallery this year. The annual meet. g of the gallery to elect odious takes oe on the 27th, inst. The probable length of the session is e'of the. principal subjects dismissed. bile all agree that it is likely to be a el one, , tt is not generally 411 g Y thought g at itwill beuver long Y one. At an e it will in all likelihood Y , hood la t s about ee months, or until the middle of July. The Liberals were never in better Icing brim than they are to -day and recent viotoriss in Veroberes and An. onish make them not only hopeful but Bain that they will be placed in power enever the people get an opportunity doing so. he Conservative members of the use are already talking of it very short slop, with the pr0epeote of another one ore the general elootion. he Ottawa Journal soya there are a hints that the hours of the paella - bury sittings may be changed this see. n. Namely, that instead of the House Commons meeting at 8 o'clook p. m„ sitting till afternoon and late into the hht, the House shall meet at 11, a, m. sit continuously till 6 p. m. In this e the committee meetings,whioh are at sent held in the mornings, would be d in the evenings. F GI of th in pia on w liv th rat the ilgl the big ser wh of T Ho Sea baf 80m me sin of and nig and nae pre lel Bev, Mo. Tully, pastor of the Presby torian church in Mitchell, has received an anonymous letter, telling him that fn. a few weeks the Presbyterian and Metho. diet churches, the two leading oliurob edifices of the town, would be reduced to ashes. Since receiving the warning note .Sir, Tully found a strange key feet in one of the door lode of his ohwwh. W.K4'H' Wh; HAY EX.PEC e; Straw lrato. A1ay flowers, Early ouions. Freckles and sun burn. Cheese faotory 10111, wagona. Lots of fun with the biayole oinb. Queee'a Birthday celebration talk. The etreot watering Dart on its rounds. A Dominion election shortly after Parliament closes. La grippe to retire from active busi- ness until next Fall. + The prion of bioyolos, to take a tumble,, as well as the green rider. Our local clubs to bold their own against all competitors this Summer. The contract to be let for the new school house and work then rushed ahead.' Trout fishing and the usual fish yarns of "the whopper that slipped off the hook." Fourth Division Court. The reinter session of the Fourth Di- vision 000,8 was bald in B'ruasels on Wednesday afternoon of this week before His Honor Judge Doyle. The following tvere the cases on the docket :— F. 8. Scott, assignee, vs. Jno. Illailroy —Action on account. Verdict for De- fendant, G. F. Blair vs. Geo, Banner—Action on amount. Verdict for Plaintiff. McDonald vs, Neable—Aotiou on prom- issory note. Judgment for Plaintiff by default. Jaokson vs. Bishop—Ament garnishee. Judgment for Plaintiff. Canadian Bank of Commerce vs. Wiese & Hanofer, interpleader—The Judge df - rented that brink seized by bailiff be sold on May 14th, at 11 a. m,, and the money retained to abide the deoisfon of the Court. The usual judgment 5ummouee5 were heard and orders made. PILESLYTERI,AN MISSIONS. The olosing session of the nineteenth annual meeting of bhe Women's Foreign Missionary Sooiety, Presbyterian oburob in Canada, were held in the Central Presbyterian church, Toronto, Thursday. Despite the faot that kindred societies in the United States and elsewhere suf- fered during the past year both as regards finance and membership; owing largely to therevailin p g depression, the reports presented by the officers of the Woman's' Foreign Missionary Sooiety of the Pres- byterian ohuroh showed an advance in every deportment and branch. There- fore the outlook for the current year is most encouraging, and the ladies are con- fident that at the next annual meeting they will be able to again report ad - van cement all along the line. The following officers were sleeted for 1895.6 :—President, Mrs. Ewart ; 1st vice pees., Mrs. MaoLaran ; 2nd vioe- pres., Mrs. McLennan ; Bed vice pees., Mrs. G. H. Robinson ; 4th vine pees., Mrs. Ball ; foreign seoretary, Mrs. Hat, vie ; home secretary, Mrs. ,Shortreed recording secretary, Mrs. Playfair; oor- responding secretary, Mrs. Campbell ; secretary of supplies, Mr. Jeffrey; some. tory of publications, Mrs. Telfer ; treas., Mrs. McGaw. The last-named is the only new officer, and she was elected to the office to fill the vacancy caused by the retirement of Mrs. MacLennan, The estimate of the funds necessary for the work of the foreign committee dur- ing the Doming year was $40,108, divided as follows t—Already paid to foreign missionary committee, 914,822, 81,200 to be paid as usual through Dr. Reid to the foreign Iniesionary oommibtee (eastern distriot), half of which will be devoted to woman's work in Trinidad, and the re- mainder to similar work in the New Hebrides ; $15,000 to the foreign mission- ary committee to meet salaries and other expenses in connection with the work as they become due. ;t was decided to hold the next annual meeting at Peterborough, and at 5 o'clock the assemblage adjourned. People We Xnow. .Mrs. Bishop Ward has been on the sick list. Mildred Scott has been ill with la grippe. Mundy McLennan was in town last Monday. Mise Alice Campbell has taken a situ. ation in London. A. Hunter went to Toronto on a busi- ness trip on Thursday. Mr. Beattie and Miss Maggie were visiting as Clinton this week, Miss Dolly Shaw was visiting at Clin- ton for a few days this week. Jno. Downing and. Fred• were in God. erioh for a few days this week. Robert Dickson and wife are visiting relatives and friends at Goderioh. Airs. McLennan and ohildren, of Lon- don, are vieitiug relatives in town. Mrs. Prudence Mooney hits been quite poorly during the past few months. Adam Walker, of Toronto, is visiting his brother, Jos, Walker, carriage build- er. Mrs. W. H. Kerr is on the eic'c blab with la grippe and pleurisy, bub is im- proving, Rev. W. E. Kerr, wife and son, of Wroxeter, are holidaying fora fern days in town. W. Taylor, General agent for the Oen. federation Life Asaociabion, was in town last week. Mica Jennie Forbes has go.Ie to Ches. terfield, Brant County, where she will take a position. Inspeotor Robb las been visiting the Public schools in this locality, making Brussels his temporary headquarters. 0. E. Turnbull, formerly of Brussels, was chosen lst'Viee-President of Norfolk ctreef Methodist church, Guelph, Ep- worth League. The Kingston Whig mentions that Fairy Morgan, well known here, is suf• faring from over -worts, and oomplete, nervous prostration is likely to prevent her resuming work. Mrs. 1lement.and daughter, of Lon are visibing Mrs, .Joe Ballantyne and family of W, Mibobell, Grey., 1t, M. D1olt'eon;is visiting in De this week. Mr. Diolcson purposes tinning hie legal 000050 All Mlob schools next Fall. Jno. Shaw attended a Masonic L of Instruction et Clinton Tuesday of week. His son, Dr. J, W. Shaw Worshipfol Master of Clinton Lodge. Dr, McTaggart, of Detroit, a son of postmaster MoTaggart, at Ohiselhursb, has joined the bensdiots,'bis wife being a Mies Jackson, of the Qity of the Straits. Mies Downey woe unable to leave her home ab Freelton, for school opening on Monday, owing to the illness of her mother, Miss Joan Ross supplied the. vacancy. W m., Taylor will work his farm, 12th con. Grey, Ode season, and may move hie amity there for convenience. The grocery in Brussels will he continued as usual, Mr. Smillie being in charge.. Misses DoraSmithand Edith Boat- man, and Duncan Stewart and Jas. Dun- canreturnedto their studies at Seaforbh Collegiate Institute last Monday, after enjoying their Eaeter'iholidays at home. "'Ile following from the Ingersoll Ohron- iole, refers to a young man well known to many residents of Brussels —"0. A. Dutton has returned from the Detroit College of Medicine, where hg, has been studying for the past seven months. He took the highest average and stood first in anatomy, histology, materia medics and therapeutics." Mr. Dutton is a brother to Mrs. G. A. Deadman, of this town. At the annual vestry meeting of St. Paul's church, Kirkbon, held on"April 15th, it was moved by John Robinson, er., and seconded by, Robt. Oreery, sr., and carried nnanimously :—"Resolved that we express our hearty thanks to the incumbent, Rev. H. D. Steele, for his faithful service as our pastor during a period of five years and a half ; and we deeply regret that bis incumbency with us t5 to terminate in the near future" Tbe Misses Steele were the recipients of an address and a purse from the Ladies' Aid. Rev. Mr. Steele is father of H. Steele, of the Garfield House, Brussels. don, Elder Stewart attended a meeting the the Synod at Woodstoolr Net week. The Wingham Times of last week say trait —Rev. G. II. Oobblediok, of Brussel con- preaohed Sabbath Sohool anniversa igen eer1one in the Wingham Method! ohurah, on Sunday last, The mornin edge service was especially to the scholars an last was illustrated and made plain to th , is juveniles. There was a large attondano also all the evening service, the discours being to the teaoher5 and parents. 'Tb rev, gentleman is 0 forcible speaker, an his discourses were greatly appreciate b hie m na to b a• e r Y ti Y s. Rev. llir. McKay, ofLucknow, 000upio Melville ohuroh pulpit last Sabbath ao preaohed ewo excellent discourses. Tb sermon in the morning was on "Th Churob,of God," and his prinoipal divi cions were ;—(1) The state the ohurc was in when Christ loved it ; (2) Th saorifioe He gave for it ; (3) Te end 13 had' in view. In the evening the rsveren 'gentleman chose his text from Ezekiel dealing with "The doom of the im eni tent," (1) God deals first in mercy ; (2 deals in judgment, Egos Cnuncu.—A oongregational meet ing was. held in this church last Monday afternoon, Rev. D. B. MoRae, of Oran brook, in the ohair, for the purpose o discussing the gnestion of union with Melville Presbyterian church. After go ing into the subject quite fully a motion toward the object aimed at was carried and Thos. Streohne, G. A. Deadman; and John Strachan were chosen as Som. misaioners to represent Knox church ie meeting a delegation from Melville con- gregation as to formulating a basis of union. If satisfactory terms are arrived at, the proposed terms would be referred to the Presbytery for ratification. Ser- vices will be held in Knox church as usual next Sabbath. Additional Local News. W. . KERR, Prop. of littelruorxAL.--Last Wednesday Time.. 0. Whiting, of Henfryn, formerly of a: Brussels, and Miss Mary I7, Jaokeon,. of a, Elmo, were united in marriage at Vlotoria y Cottage, Brussels, by Rev,. R. Paul The. groom is employed on the G. T, 1b, at g Henfryn section. May happiness attend d them. e NuwspArnee Awn EDITOO5.-.,.The Wo- e men's Globe, Thursday of last week, was e a grant paper. There were 40 pages e crammed full of advertisemeute and mosb d interesting matter. Ib takes the ladies d to do it. -'-The office of the Bowmanville. Statesman was destroyed by fire Monday d night.—Tbe Toronto Globe will erect a d handsome structure on the old site, but e will extend only half way to.Jordan. e street. 'The out is put down ab $21,000. —W. A. E. Moyer, son of the proprietor h of the Berlin Nowa, was married last e week to Miss Wagner, of Hanover.—Thee Western Watchman, a Roman Catholic d paper of St. Louis, Mo„ edited by Rev. , Father Phelan, says that the Ohristiau Endeavor and Epworth League are 2) honeycombed with immorality, and that their gatherings for downright vicious- . nese and depravity have never been equal- led since the horrible saturnalia of Greene and Rome.—The death occurred in Buff. f alo, on Thursday of last week, of J. H. Hooking, formerly of the firm of Hacking • Bros„ who at one time published the Listowel Banner. He was a brother of ex -Warden J. A. Hacking, and Cy. Haok- ing, of Listowel. Mr. Haoking was formerly connected with the Winnipeg newspapers and printing offiaea, but re- moved to Buffalo about four months ago. He was a native of Liebowel, Ont., and at that town and also at Guelph he was connoted with the management of news- papers. Removing to Winnipeg Mr. Hacking became aonneoted with the job department of the Free Press. Ho leaves a wife and several children, including a son in Winnipeg.—The Mitohell Advo- cate has celebrated its 30th birthday, under the same management. ENTERTAINMENT. --TDO repeat Sabbath Sohool entertainment in the Town Hall on Tuesday evening abtraoted an audience of nearly 400 persons who were, we be- lieve, well satisfied with the musical end literary bill of fare presented. The or- ohestra, H. L. Jackson, conductor, played as well as ever and that is saying a good deal ; recitations and readinge were well rendered and deserved the applause so. corded ; the vocal selections were of a high order and from the first, a nioely sung Kindergarten song by Gertie Mal- com, to the closing solo, by Miss Lily Gordon there was an excellency not al- ways found in towns the size of Brussels. The duett, "Tbe sicking ship," was a splendid number well rendered and the solos by Misses Sample, Smith, Wilson, and Gordon equally deserving of praise. Six little girls gave the "Good night" drill in first Wass form, two of the origin. el 8 being absent through removal and illness. W. Roddiak's 16 soldier boys acquitted themselves admirably. Leslie Kerr was substituted for Fred. Pybos, re. moved. The Building of the Temple was given better than last week and is not only a nicely arranged piece but is most instruobive and profitable to those who desire to seek after good. It represents the various gifts and graces necessary in Cbristian character, and as blocks are built up, bearing the name of each, upon the fuuudation—Jesus—each person re- oitea appropriate seleotions of poetry or Soripture, interspersed with song. The girls and young ladies taking part wore crewel and the boys sashes each bearing the name of the oh/tractor represented. The illumination of the temple, with a dove on the pinnacle, gave a fine effect with the lamps in the Hall turned down. The following persons took part :—Chap- lain, Rev. G. H. Cobbledick ; gentleman teacher, Nelson Gerry ; lady teacher, Misses Braden and Minnie Moore; master builders, W. Bawtinbeimer, Will. Lowry, W. R. Mooney and J. J. Ball ; Peace, Thur- so Gerry ; Good -will, Clara Crawford ; Truth, Minnie Sharp ; Faith, Florence Hunter ; Strength and Stability, S. B. Wilson and Will. Bezel] ; Trust, Georgie Howe ; Virtue, Dora Nott ; Temperance, Reuben 1iIindes ; Patience, Carrie Hing. Ston ; Brotherly Love, Dalby Kendall ; Hope, Lizzie Loatberdale ; Joy, Ellie Ainley ; Love, Maggie Backer ; closing recitation, Minnie MoNaughton, The Temple Building is worthy of an evening to itself and all who took part did credit to tbemsolves. 'Without specifying any further we will add the program as pre. sented :—Opening hymn, "The Lord's oar Rock," ; Prayer by Rev. R. Paul; Orchestra ; Recitation, "We'll just make a farmer of Jim," Norah Maunders; solo, "We little children are busy," Gertie Melsom ; reading, "Scotty Airlie on a bin ole ' G F. Blair solo,"When When 'tis moonlight," Mise Lizzie Sample ; ereci- tation, "Bill the Engineer," -Mise Kate Barrie; solo, "The sonI'll eer forget,"" Mise sella Smith; duett, "The sinking "hip," Walter Wuke and Alex. Ross ; "The building of the Temple." • Orohes- tea ; recitation, "The old folks longing," 3. B. Wilson ; solo, 'atm pardon (tame too Into," Miss Kate Wilson ; "Good Night Drill"; reading, "Samantha Allan doing the "rose" act," T. A. Haw- kins; ; "Ie Life worth living after all 0" Miss Lily Gordon ; Orobe"bra ; "Sword Drill," "God Save the Queen." Rev. Mr. Cobblediok and Councillor Gerry moved and teoonded a vote of thanks to all who had assisted in the annivereay entertoin• mens, making 'special mention of the ladies and gentlemen not aonneoted with the Methodist church or Sabbath Sohool., Mrs. H. L. Jackson, Miss Tillie Kneohtel Miss Lizzie Sample, lMlies Belle Smith and T. A. Hawkins rendered good sorvioe as accompanists. Every person taking part in the program was admitted free to this repeat entertainment, and yet at 10o and 50 to children the peooeeda amount- ed tonearly $122. The total receipts for the anniversary were $74.50, with a few tickets yet unreported, The anniversary was -a great 5120ae05. On Saturday the City of Toronto, a splendid new steamship, unlit for ale North Shore Navigation Company, was successfully launched in the presence eta large company. • CHURCH. (AMIE.;. There was service in the R. 0. church last Sabbath. Rev. R, Peal will preaoh at,Hensall next Sabbath. Rev. S..Jones, a well-known Presbyter- ian divine of this town will be 88 years of age next birthday. The ladies of the new St.Paul's church, Woodstock, realized about $500 from their talent soheme during the past year. A program in connection with St. John's Sabbath school is in course of preparation and will be presented in the near future. Last Sabbath Rev. Jno. Ross, B. A., of Brussels, preached an anniversary sermon to the Odd Fellows of Lueknow and locality. Rev. D. Petrie and wife, of Wingbam, left on a three months' trip. to the Old Country last week. We wish them a pleasant visit. The Wingham District meeting in con- nection with the Methodist ohurab, will be held in Wingbam on the 14th and 15th of May. The Conference will be held at Strathroy next June. Last Sabbath evening Rev. J. W.Pring, of Bluevale, preaohed a splendid sermon on "The Goodness of God," in the Metho- dist church, Brussels. Rev, R. Paul tools the morning service. Rev, A. Stevenson, )ho has been re- siding in Listowel since bis resignation of the Molesworth obarge some two or three years ago, has accepted a call which has been tendered him by the Presby- terian congregation at Danville Que. He intends removing to his new appoint- ment in about a week. The members of Western Star Lodge, No. 149, I. 0, 0. F., Brussels, will attend the Methodist ohuroh in a body next Sabbath moraine at 10:30 o'clock, when Rev. G. H. Oobblediok will preaoh a special sermon bearing on the anniversary of the Order. The subject in the evening will be "The Book of Job." The General Conference appointed the special committee of the Guelph Confer. enoe and W. G. Smith and W. J. Fergus. on, Isaac Hord, H. L. Rice, J. E. Carson, L. H. Youmans and John Rutherford to be a oommissiou to allocate the assets and liabilities of that Conference, and the above commission is coiled' to meet in the Norfolk street Methodist church, Guelph, at 11 a, m„ on Tuesday, May 21st, for the transaction of business oom• muted to its charge. The following ladies from this`' county are mentioned in the list of delegates es who the nineteenth ne eenth annual meet- ing of the Presbyterian Woman's Foreign Missionary Sooiety, oonvened in the Central Presbyterian church, Toronto, last week :—Mrs. H. I. Strang and Miss Polley, Gederioh ; Mrs. Jas. Watson, Mos. 'Telford, and Mrs. J. R. Lyon, Sea - forth ; Mrs. Irwin, MMItss R. MoTaggart, Miss LeslieClinton ; Airs. McLoughlin, Gorrie ; Miss Saunders, St. Helene. Bev. J. L. Murray, of Kincardine woe eleoted Moderator of the Synod of Ham- ilton and London at Woodstoolr last week. He is well known in Oxford county and was born on a farm not far front the vil- lage of Embro. He remained on the homestead until he had completed hie earlier edtt1atio0 in the nubile schools rat Woodstook. Shortly after finishing his course at Woodstock be further pursued his studies in Knox College, Toronto, and also in the University. Later he took a theological course in the Princeton Semi• nary, New Jersey. Mr. Murray gradnat• ed from the seminary in October, 1868, ME ordained and inducted into the Pres- byterian chumb' in Baltimore, where be preceded Rev, Dr. Mackay, now of Chat. mere ohueoh, Woodstock. From this he was translated into the ollurob at Wood- ville, where he succeeded the Rev. Dr. McTavish, formerly of Woodstook. Seventeen years ago he was oallsd upon, to succeed Rev. J. Fraser, M. A„ to the pastorate of the Presbyterian °Unroll in Kitioardine, his present charge. RHUBARB. Ma. Mownog, of Gilohist tC Monroe, Montreal, was visiting the local cattle buyers on Wednesday. THE Ball Jubilee singers will sing in Brussels Town Hall oh Monday evening, May 20th. Particulars later. THE Telegraph Company is arranging to replace the present short telegraph poles in Brussels with longer ones. W. Ron nrox has purchased Jas. Fox's stook of wall paner and will oombine it with his own. Look out for advt. next week. Ie G. A. Dead man's Advertisement con- cerning spectacles in speaking of cross eyes it should read ten years instead of two. R. HENnnseoN'S watering ;met made its first appearance this season on Wednes- day, as the dust on Main street was quite unbearable. JADES McALsr2E 1105 a first•olass photo. stoup of the 190 delegates to the Sons of Scotland Conventlou, held at Niagara Falls, last week. THERE was a half holiday in Miss Braden'a department of the Public School on Wednesday as Division Court had to be held in the Town Hall. Dews de MANTLE Mocnee.—Miss R. Holmes has oponed a dress and mantle making shop in the rooms over E. 0, Dunford's tailor shop, Brussels. BRUSSELS Cheese Factory will com• mence 'operations for this season one week from next Monday, May 6th. The outlook 41115 year is very favorable. CLINTON Record says :-R. Roach has a string of fast horses in training at Brussels, among them W. W. Farran's "Aokmond Jim" and "Texas Sack." Wong 00 .t Peau.—Ac active boy of 15 years of age wants a job with a farmer for the Summer. Has worked at farm• ing. Apply at Ton POST Publishing House. IN the fire at Seaforth last week Jas. Laird, formerly of Brussels, was the leasee of the billiard room burned and the own- er of the tables. He was insured for $900, but accepted $800 in full of his claims. Llrpnovosreees.—The Orange Hall has been newly shingled.—RobertArmetrong, John street, is building a wood shed and making internal improvements to the kitchen and 'stairway in his :residence.— Win. Martin has erected a kitchen to the South side of his residence, Flora street. —The bricklayers are at work at noun• oilier Lsatherdale's house sod new stable. Simone has been lively at the G. T. R. during the past week. The outgoing freight consisted of 4 oars of salt; 4 oars of wheat ; 4 cars of potatoes; 1 oar cedar poste ; 1 car of cattle ; 2 oars of hogs ; 104 oases of hen fruit, Messrs. Basket tC Vanstone received a. oar of ensilage corn ; D. A. Lowry n car of lime ; Mes- srs.Gand Cardiff cE Beat a con• element n of for implements p o Spring work • and B. Garry a oar of attain coal. Dry goods have been coming in at a lively rate and our merchants are evidently counting on a big trade. BRUSSELS BAND.—The following are the officers chosen in connection with the re- organized Band :— Jas. Jones, President ; R. N. Barrett, Vice -President ; Jas. Ballantyno, Secretary ; Chas. Sager, Treasurer. The instruments are being distributed, and the intention is to have the weekly concerts in operation next month. W. Grewar will probably ae"um5 the leader- ship, There is material in Brussels for an A 1 Band. The first practice will be held on ]friday evening. 12 PAGES.—This week THE POST 0p. pears with 12 pages instead of 8, to afford the bueiness mon an opportnnibyofspeak. ing to the public concerning Spring offer - NO. It will pay everybody to give this issue a specially careful perneal, as it may save dollars to you by aeoertaining where to go for Fortieths. Business men do not advertise merely "For the fan of it," but do so with the assuranoe of mak. ing their spooialties known and thereby nttraot trade to the town. Our march. ants have oboios stooks and are prepared to ostler to the wants of all. Something interesting will be found oh every one of the 12 pages of THE POST. Read it and Dee.