HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1895-4-19, Page 8IWe have tho agency for ho leee than 2$ Bicycles, Inohiding the Whitworth, kXyelop, Regent Iiud e,Fleet, Spartan,!The Royal Mail, Cupid, ()moon e! Child's Pet andJunior, which inaludos aevetal kinde oe the Pomo make, We oan give you a mau'e Safe y Bieyele with Pneumatic Tires, new, for $50,00 Cash. T have a soma thud Euglinh Wheal, sold last year for $87.00, used very little, which I will sell for $4G. Don't buy till you see what wecando. Ca'. A, DEADMAN, Druggist, Bookseller and Graduate Optician. GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY. 000328EEN EXTENSION W. O. & D. Trains leave Brussels Station, North and South, AB follows: Goma Sola, CoINo SMITH. Mail - 8:04 a,m, I Mixed 0:45 a.m. Express,....11:00 am, Mail .. - 515 p.m, limed 0;00 p.t*t. Express ,..... 0:48 p.m, Natal - d'.etvs rtins3 A ohiel's among ye takin' notes, An' faith he'll went it. Tee C1 EA1f is to the front again. D. STEWART is about tbrough amseesing. FOURTH ]division Court next Weducs- day. 0. P. R. MANITOBA exnureione on W'd- neaday of next week and also on 30th inst. BoAao of Health will meet next 11L,n. Clay evening at the Council Cbamber, at 8 o'olook. THE Commercial Hotel fp Seafo'di was destroyed ,by fire on' Wednesday morning. OLEAN up your yard and premises. The Sanitary Inepeetor will call on jou in a few days. A i0110ESEN3Ax(YE of the Toronto G''be was in town this week making a coves for that journal. THE Spring freshet has passed neer without doing much damage, exceptin,; to fences along the river. ATTEND the entertainment in the T •wn Hall next Tuesday evening, at 8 o'ch ok. Admission only 10 dente. TEE plate glass has arrived to rep",ee' windows in I. 0. Richards, Jno. Down• ing'e and Jae. Irwin's store fronts. Bowlike new in aonneotion with the mail bag robbery, although it was rum. oared that Cole had been arrested in the States. Tiro new fence along Turnberry street embankment, North of the bridge, is be. lug built this week. The County pays for 100 feet of it. . _, M Sesola. 13A000n 4 YA0511'0oe ship led tt d e)ble looked ear of live hogs on �luxs. day, 1tE 1 Au dt 't tors' s abstract. p f Brussels! uP ala a013O0l Board 1 std neoounta fur 1894 appears In this issue. Thio mill � dam is being raised byMeesre, I,r Stewart f4rabaill so as to utilize the water by their mill, (Irmo br000b lost in Brussels last Sun. day evening. Pinder will oblige by lean• log it illi THE Pool Publishing house, Mismse% Wrxmn & TuoNIMLL have been awarded the 8Ontraet or platting ful'naee in the basement of the new eohool house at Oraubro0k. R. I ationneox has removed hie water•. tank to G. Edwards' factory where water will bo pumped from the liver for street watering purposes. FOoENAN WATT was in. Toronto this week testing a Ronald Fire Engine, It satisfactory the pity will likely purohaso, making two Renalde cold this Spring to Toronto. T11E lust football match of the eeaeou waa held on Viotoria Park, Tuesday evening between the Public. School team and 11 boyo non.pupils. The latter won, sante being 1 to 0, BOTANICAL S00IETY,—T11o8e irtereete31 in organizing 0. .Botanical Booiet,y in Bruseele are invited to meet at the Drug onday sad of Tnr on & 00 for emove J. D. 11 the ed by Darter est in oases ati0235 w theere s lot- ev we a g ar- ty ta For a igni- p attar r f B who ureelf p you'd t Barre 2 store of 0. A. Deadman, on M evening next, at eight o'clock. LAST week W. M. Sinclair (lispo his conveniently sooated cottage, berry street, to Messrs. Johnst Coohrano, of Brussels, reeeiviug $8 it Mr Siuolair tend family will r to the commodious residence of Roneld, where they will oeoupy ha house. Tran schedule of convictions is8u the Clerk of the Pone for the q ending in Meech is one of the small the history of the County—only 14 in all. Eight of theee were for viol of the liquor act, but convictions bad in only three ; aside from these fines aggregated only $19. Max 15.—In response to nnmerou term ezpreesive of scarcity of moo have extended the time for payin enrages on subscription to THE P Wednesday, May 15th, and hope by data all will have ample opportuni square up. The printed address shows the date the paper is paid to. instance, a paper marked Jan. '90, Piss it to be paid to Jan. let, 1890, n 1890. Wel,.V6 bad no response n kind from many of our subsoribere are the furthest behind. Place you in oar positi •n and enquire how fare if your debtors served you the way. 3, SODDEN HEATH.—In re'erenoe to the sudden demi a of John V. Croaker, of n Exeter, wbn,e death was reported in last s week's Poem the followingpartioulars are 0 gleaned from hie brother.in.law, B. Ger- f ry, of Bruse Is. Mr. and Mrs. Crooker were visiting their nephew, Ohas. Brooks, st of Mitchell, and were intending to return et to Exeter on Tbureday. Monday night, 10 between 9 and 10 o'clock, the men were fr in the stable attending to their horses for the night. Mr. Crocker said he wonder- ar ed bow much longer they would need to to blanket their horses and as Mr. Brooks li was replying he heard something fall and re in going to see wbab i8 was found his sitar silent in death. The body was to moved at once to the house and a pby- pe Dian Bent for but nothing could be done an the vital spark had fled. Heart fail. m ure was said to be the cause of death. On The mday, after a short service by It Rev. Dr. Williams, the remains were taken to Exeter for interment, Mr. Crocker was born in England and on coming to this country lived for several years in the looality of Bowmanville and came West to Exeter 25 or 30 years ago, way an excellent mechanic. Mrs, ocker and one son, John H., of Shel- rne, survive. There was onedacghter, r0. A. Staffer, of Oshawa, who died in bruary, 1894, leaving a hnsband and 2 Wren. Mre. Crocker is left in cone - table circumstances and will continue reside in Exeter, Mr. Croaker was 62 re of age and for many years held mberehip' in connection with the thodist 011nroh. His unexpected death s a sad surprise to the community, as was enjoying his usual good health the evening of hie decease was quite erful. The bereaved are assured of cera sympathy, )3RtT8t 1;, ,t8 POST APRIL 19, 1895 Orchestra, "Molt and Tim Polka"; The Building Of the Temple," intredue. tug 26 or 80 eharttetere, The pr000843 of t 1' behnll a• yerP 1 amounted t Y o v• over t GO li l whiab will be devoted to Sabbath eobaol. purposes, In response to many regueets the 0091'8m will be repeated lathe Town Hell nest 'Tuesday evening with new vocal and literary selections, in wbieh lulls Barrie, Miee Wilson, Mise Telly Gordon, of'Luoknow, Mies Lottlo 11111, prof, Hawklne, A. • Hoes and 0. F. Blair, have kindly °mutant0cl to aeaiet. Admission to all parte of the 111211 only 10 cents. Business Looals, Bvruuron pine shingles at bottom prim, B; Gerry. 00081311 and 7.'imothy Beed at Backer & Vanstone'a, Chorea, timothy and turnip seeds at. Thomson'e, 81An8rise, Harness, sail ltinde,, land very cheap. T. 0. Richards. 1fnmon garden seeds, Olovel' and timo- ehy at 11To0raoken's. A um load of,xx and xxx pins shingles for sale at B. Gerry's. `1'noxlte and satchels, good assortment. and cheap. I. 0,ltiohards. Sritr hate made over cheaper than ever by Mrs. Hinder, Mill street, TIr•Toastook of Children's wagons at Tun PosT Bookstore. 28 LDS. Redpath's granulated sugar for $1,00 for oash only at Thomson'a. WALL Paper 1 Wall Paper I Cheaper than ever at Ruddick's. See advt. WRITE BONANZA OATS for seed at Tay- lor & Stnillie's, The earliest in the market, as tested at the Model Farm last year. Boors and shoes °heap. All styles. Come and see them. Repairs of shoes and rubbers done obeeply, I. C. Rioh• arde, Loon HEnn.—The largest stook, baud- eomest patterns and lowest prices in wall papers and window shades in the ()aunty 6 Roddiok'e, Omen and see our immense stook of beautiful wall papers in full seta, also window shades in endless patterns and olors. Very cheap at Roddiok's. FLEIIay Powe.—Hugh Williams & Son re the Agents for the well known Fleury Iowa They also keep all the necessary epaire. pall at Williams' Livery Stable, reseals. ]8 no's Clover Root, the *rent Blood- uritier gives freshness and clearness to he sem"iexion and cures constipation. 5 u,n, n,) etg and ;1.00. Sold by Jamas ox, Draggiet, Brussels. Wevren Degas has again rented the orth hundred aures of the A. K. Robert. on farm; Morrie, and will take in a few olte-to grass. He oleo wants a boy for arm work for six months. DoreT be deceived, Don't buy old oak but come and examine the immense o01t of new goods al Ruddick's, Over ,000 rolls to piok from, all the way om 5o. to $2.50 per roll. H0o8E-0LEANINa time ie here, and s0 e Roddiok & Wake. We are prepared do anything and everything in aux ne at the shortest notice and most aeonable rates. Jetta go to Roddiok'e and see those vely silk embossed parlor and hall pa- re. Beautiful ingrains, with coiling 3 friezes to match. Gilts, sintelaree oro0ooee and leather finish. SHmon's care is sold on a guarantee. aures incipient consumption. It is vi ALTH000H gentle Spring is very back- re ward the streets have dried up quite nice- 0i ly, and preparations are being made by as not a few in gardening. Qurrn a number of people appear to be interested in the idea of having a close in Botany orgenized in Brussels. Hand in your names so that organization may be proceeded with. WATCH LOST.—Lost between Black's school and Frank McCracken's Morris township, a carved, gold tilled, open He faced womb, with Elgin movement, gold Or attain and drop attached. The finder be will be suitably rewarded by leaving 111 same at this office. Meentemen L.—Wednesday afternoon Rev. IL, Paul tied the matrimonial knot between Chas. N. Wake and Mies Annie, youngest daughter of Samuel Rivers, of Brussels. The bridesmaid was Miss Lucy Hoare and Richard S. Rivers, of Luoknow, supported the groom. Mr, and Mrs. Wake took the afternoon train for Fe chi for to yea me Me wa he a short wedding trip. They will continue and to reside in Brusselsthe sin G. W. Bnow1, of Windsor, was in Goderich on Tuesday of last week cam. pleting arrangements for putting his boat service on between Windsor and Port Arthur. He will run two steamers this year—tbe Carmona and Cambria. The Carmona will be officered by Capt. Jas, P'oot Engineer, F. White, Pers. er. H. Brown and Stew- ard, J, Pierce r and the Cambria by Capt. Neil Campbell, Eu. "inner john Dor au, Pureer Jobb MILean, and Steward C. Harris. The boats will begin running early in May, and will be at Goderioh on the up trip every Wednesday and Satur- day and ou the down trip every Sunday evening and every Wednesday evening. PDEBENTATrON.—Thureday evening of last week the members cf Miss Maggie McNanghton's Sabbath school class, Methodist church, repaired to her home, Princess street, when Charlie Bendall read the following address and Jobe Finn presented Mee MsNa0ghton with a handsome oak book table :— Brussels, April 11th, 1895. To 1Iivs Maggie McNaughton : DEAD TEACHER,—We have many times wished to show our appreciation of your kindness to 08. Although we have not given you the attention in the clues and the encouragement we should and often neglected the study of our lessons which =them the work the more difficult for you, still we attend knowing that with alt our faults you will welcome u8 to yotir Blade. We have long felt that you have been hind and patient with t10 in the class when we were de- serving of reproof, 140 this evening we wish to show, in a tangible form, our a5 preciatio 1 of your labor of love for us, and present you with thi• table me a slight token of the gratitude 5 , bear to you ail our teacher, We feel satin after life there will be pleasant ;,,emeries of the old Sunday School close, and we now trust that you may be long spared to be Waite, with us, and when life's journey is over B Ge may me all meet in the land to whioh to Th you are pointing u8, S. S. BETENTAIptsExT,—Last Monday evening the anniversary entertainment of the Methodist Sabbath eohool was held is the Town Hall, when the building was packed to the doors. The program was an enjoyable one and, on the whole, was well rendered, Special mention deserves to be made of the "Good Night Drill," by the little itiris, in night dress- es, night cape, cendlee and dolls. It was cutely done and wa0 fittingly concluded by Beatrice Howe blowing oat bet Dandle and climbing into a trundle bed on the platform. Miss Braden and Miss Tilly Bnechtel, who drilled the little girls, are to be congratulated on their Bacons, Equally good was W. Roddiok's 16 soldier boys, in their military drill and sword exercise. The boys sang one verse of "The Maple Leaf." The Building of the Temple conc'uded the program. While the officers and teachers are grateful to all for their assistance they wish to re- turn their thanks to Miss Rate Wilson and Vias Bate Barrie for their excellent rendering of solo and recitation, Space will not permit of extended comment on the various numbers rendered. The program was a8 follows :—Opening hymn. "Tell i8 to Jesus" ; prayer, by Rev. G. B. Cobblediek ; Orchestra, "De Molay Commandery,Mara11" ; recitation, "Bitty Gray," Mildred Scott ; chorus, "•1esu0 bide us thine," Primary elan •, recitation, "A Complaint," Herbert Mitchell ; quanta, "There's a wideness fu Ged'a mercy," busses Smith, W. Wake and S. I3. 5/illon ; recitation, "Smiting the It di," Myrtle Nott ; solo, "Anellor- od," ]flies Bete Wilson ; reeitailon, "The Crucifixion," S. B. Wilson ; Orchestra, "Home Fevm'its Waltz," ; "Good Night Doll Drill," by Pearl Leatherdrtle, Eva Donbow, Ruby Plum, Elle leuneton, Mil- dred Scat, Ella Pybuo, Beatrice Howe. and Pear) Lowry ; recitation, "The Man that never works," Robbie Wilboe ; male quartette, "Swing dose Gates Ajar," W. A, Conley, I3. L. Jaoltson and N. try ; recitation "Nearer. My God ee," Miss Minnie McNaughton ; drill, by Arthur McNaughton, Ira , Fred. and Hilton Hunter, Harry W1i. LEAT1rEuou,o, sword Signed in behalf Gerry ' of elm n1ase,r Fon, JoBN JI one. Bliss llloNaaghton, although token by surprise, returned thanks to the boys for thole kindness and expressed her good wishes for their future. 'Cite evening rptI very plan:r,rly spent and highly eajoyel by the buys, 1loottey, Fred. Gilpin, George and Mi11- ard Cardiff, 1. Sheep, Fred, Pettis, ROnben Hindes, Dolby Bendall, Herb. and G. Gnuningham, Thoe. Agar and Arthur Finn ; reeff tion, "The (Lomhlg Girl," North Maunders ; solo, "Dear Heart," Mise Ball Smith ; recitation, "The Actor's Story," Miss Bate Barrio; 8T4,1t 4 „t.f 134.. Q, ii4 4D4, .egaz.+ sax mp HEAD °M OE. , ,- TORONTO, ASSETS, # (Seven Million Dollars) # $7,000,000 CAPITAL (Authorized) $2,000,000 It,pauoiea:in all principal paintts On Onte'ia, Queb,o,Afatlztoba, United States r0•07tplan4. a MAMAS avow. A C4eneral Banking Business Trausnotec1. Femora' Notes D100011064 Draftsleaned and Colleotione made on all points, SAVINGS BANK' DEPARTMENT. Interest allowed' on deposits of $1.00 and upwards from dal of deposit to data pf withdrawal and compounded half yearly,, SrucrAL ATTHNTroN erv1N To TUE 0003Eemra32 Or' 'FARMERS ' SAMS N03808, Every faoilityafforded Customers living at a dietanee. BEST VALUES, J. A, STEWART M484000. PERI'i80T SERVI017, LOWEST PRICES, GILL/ES & 6crda£uiit{n1TrYne6•ly rdarJ..,�ramW ariifacf"mlmt S AT---�,mp BRtJ SS]LS "oxsDregStore, Tran8aet a General Banking Business. Drafts ,Bought and Sold on Oarosrrn QUEEN'S HOTEL, all points In Canada, United States and Great Britain; V/aJi Paper 1 If our understanding 80 e0rr00t you want to buy from the Big. gest Stooks and at the Lowest Prices, and we mean to meet you 012 thosellnse and we think the warn to do it lies in the very direction we have taken, 888, EXCLUSIVE STYLES, LARGEST ASSORTMENT, FARMERS NOTES DISL0UNTED, SALE NOTES AND MORTGAGES A SPECIALTY. Interest Allowed on One Dollar and Upwards at Current Rates. Interest Com- pounded Twioe a Year, Being Added to the Prinoipal at the end of the Months of Ootober and April. Special Arrangements made for Time Deposits. '11'0 01reet to write insurance In *111 English or Canadian Companies, or In Met - nal ' Companies am may be desired. AGENTS 0011 OANAAA AND UNITE1 STATES 1 TUB CANADIAN BANE Or GOM M:Ron Oneen1N.—In Atwood, on April 8th, the wife of Mr. George Chapman of a eon. Wauw'IOE.—In Brussels, on April 15th, the wife of Mr. J. D, Warwick, V. S„ of a son. Moons.—In Brussels, on April 12611, the wife of M. M. H. Moore, V. S., of a daughter. WA,cE—RIVEns,—On April 17th, at Vic- toria Cottage, Bruesele, by Rev. R. Paul, Mr. Cbae. 18, Wake to Mies Annie Rivers, all of Brussels. =2272% AR1f8TItONG.--In Grey, on Sunday, April 7113, 1895, Joseph Armstrong, aged 67 years, 9 months and 28 days. Bon.—In Grey, on Monday, April 15811, .1895, Raohel, second daughter of Richard and Eliza Roe, aged 29 years, 1 month and 9 days. Tricousoi,—In Galt, on April 3rd, Robert Thomson, brother to Mrs. Robert Walker, Brussels, aged 78 years. THODIaoN,—In Fergus, on April 6th, T, W. Thomson, brother to Mrs. Robert Walker, Brussels, aged 65 yeare. Farms, April 261h.—Household Furni- ture, &c. At Oranbrook. Sale commen- ces at 1 o'clock. Wm. Wiese, Prop. Geo. Birkby, auc. 73RV'02S Z,6 MAR$fITS, the best cough care. Only one oent a Fall Wheat dose. 25 ata., 50 ata. and $1.00. Sold by Spring Wheat James Fox, Druggist Brussels. Barley. Ir you are a stranger in town and are Peas in yo ins wh be need of a suit of olothee, pante or vest, n can't help but see some of the walk- advts. around who will direct you to ere style, quality and low prices are to had. SMITE & MoLAnEN. PASTURE.—Parties desiring good pasture and water the coming season kindly leave their names with us as early as poo• Bible. Only a limited number of head of stook teen be taken. Stewart & Graham, Brussel. BE sure and see Roddick & Wake about your Houee•oleaning, Painting, Paper -banging and Kalsomining. Work done at the very shortest notice. Com meet unnecessary, the old reliable Rod- dick & Waite. Mae, T. S. HA3EIN0, Chattanooga, Tenn„ pave, "Shilob's Vitalizer "saved my life." I ooneider it the best remedy for a debilitaed system I ever ' used?' For dyepeneia, liver or kidney trouble it excels. Price 75 ate. Sold by Jas. Fox, Druggist, Bruesele. N00000TS AND T80 RESIILT,—Negleot cold in the head and you will surely have catarrh. Neglect nasal catarrh and you will as surely induce pulmonary disense or oatarrh of the stomach with its die. gusting attendants, hawking, spitting, blowing, &o. Step it all by using Dr. Chase's Caterth Cure, 25 Dente a box aures. "SHOWY Journeys on a Long Road" is the characteristic title of a profusely illustrated book containing over 0110 hen - drod pages of oharmingly written desorip- tione of enmmer resorts in the country north and west of 011ioago. The reading matter is new, the illustrations are new, and the information therein will bo new to almost everyone. A copy of "Short. Journeye on a Long Road" will be sent free to anyone who will enclose ten Dents (to pay postage) to Goo. 73, HEArronn, Gonerel Passenger Agent Chicago, Mil- waukee & St. Paul Railway, Chioago, 111. 34231143200x, BATES & U0,—Gentlemen— About three or four weeks ago I had an attaok of Robing piles. I tried two or three different remedies recommended by druggists as "the beet and only cure," eta,, eta., but gob no relief. About the time I was beginning to despair of find- ing any relief, with some slight misgiv- ings I bought a box of your Pile Onre, which, I am pleased to say, gave .me al- most instant relief and a permanent ouro. I consider your Ointment a God- send. ALI'J DEAN, Orillia Feb. 10111. aontix7 . PA'rranaoo.--In Molesworth, on the 4811 inst., the wife of Mr. Patterson of a d augh ter. 1157318.—In Elms, on April 6th, the wife of Mr. James Holmes of ;a son. Bolin,—Io Bruseele, on .April 5111, the wife of Mr, George Robb of a dangle. ter, hlonn8OON.—In Maleillnp, on April 511, the wife of Mr. Robt. Morrison of a b o e 1 1) names, -In 210I Mop, on April 14th, the wife of IlIr.. Albert Dundas of a son. NlcttorsoN.—In IbloKillop, on Feb. 25th, the wife of Ibtr. Joseph Nicholson of a eon, Oats 51 32. Butter, tubs and rolls ... 13 00 Eggs per dozen ......... 8 00 Flour per barrel......... 3 00 3 60 Potatoes 80 855 Ray per tou 7 00 00 Hides trimmed 3 00, Hides rough 2 2 Salt per bbl., retail 1 00 OU Sheep skins, each 20 40 Lamb skins mole 16 . 66 67 65 67 40 46 58 80 Apples per bbl........... 1 52 1 26 Hogs, Live 4 50 4 75 Hogs, Dressed 5 26 00 T0no32To, Ont., April 16th.—Market quiet. Wheat—Several care of winter sold west at 700 ; 2 oars of No. 1, hard, G. T. R., via Sarnia, sold at 54e, and North Bay lots held at $So, with 84o bid. Flour—Straight rollers, Toronto freights quoted at 28.15 to $3.25. Pena—Export. ere quoted No. 2 at 67o, G. T. R. west, aud 55o C. P. R. wool ; offerings light. Oats—White sold west at 38o to 35ec, and 2 oars sold at 134o ; mixed quoted west at Hee. Barley feed—Quiet, at 43o to 44o weal. and 44e to 45o east, accord- ing to location ; heavy No. 2 gnoted at 47o to 480. Rye—Car lots wanted at 50o, Lo32noN April 16.—American beef in England has not followed the advanoe in America, but has recently actually de: creased in price. Ease BinrinALO, N. Y., April 16.—Oat- tle—Receipts,all consigned through, and very little at that ; market very quiet. Pogs—Reoeipts, about 3,500 head ; market ruled very dull and slow for light geodes; Yorkers, $5.10 to 96.15 ; good mediums, 96.35 to $5.40 ; good to choice heavy, 95.40 to $5 50 ; rough, $4,- 50 to $6 ; pigs, $5.10 to 25,15 ; stags, $3.- 50 to 94.25. Sheep and lambs—Reoeipte, 4,400 head ; market remains very dull for ell but the right kind ofbandy Iambs; sheep, choice to best wethers, $4.40 to $4.50 ; good to choice, $4,50 to $4.90 ; common to fair, $2.75 to $8.40 ; culls, $2 to 92,65 ; slipped cheep, fair to best, $3,25 to $4,50 ; lambs, for wethere, $6.40 to $5.50 ; good to choice, $5.70 to $5.85 ; fair to good, $4 to 44,50 ; culls to com- mon, $3.25 to $3.75 ; spring lambs, coin. mum to 0110100, $3.50 to $8.50 ; clipped lambe, fair to best, $4,25 to $5.25. Toner/am, April 18, Because of light- er offerings there was quite a firmer feel- ing at the Western cattle yards twday. Everything sold early. Buying for ont- side markets was not so brisk, so that loaal butchers mane in for a .batter imp- whioh ply. Receipts 1,530 lambs and sheep, 622 hogs, and nearly 200 calves. In' butcher's eat. tie offerings were light and the demand rather botier. Ail worth buying sold early. Baying for Montreal was not so brisk, only 8 0011800310 being taken, Prices wero about ec per pouted better than they were on last market day. Good to choice butcher's cattle sold at from Sio to 49e per pound, according to quality. The demand for Easter beef has been good, and the supply rather light, which has had the offoot of firma ins the market, Common cattle did not doso wan e3 good ones ; they ranged. from 290 to 3jo per pound, Of sheep and lambs not many were offered, and the market was firmer. Good grain -fed yearlings sold for 50 to 59e a pound ;. and more are wanted. Sheep wereonly goiet, and not many are -wanted, Those disposed of today sold at from $4 to $0 per bead, 0000rding to quality. For ex port cattle buyers were looking out for a few head to -day, but saw none of the right kind, and they were unsupplied. In hogs, there wee a firmer feeling. As high as 590 per pound weighed off oars, was paid for one or two choice lots of long, lean bacon hogs, the ruling prices for that kind being from $4 to $5 per cwt. All kinds of bogs were firmer. Stores were fetching from 94.70 to 94.80 per cwt., weighed off the oars ; thick, sat bogs, $4.80 to $4:90 and $5 per cwt. In Delves offerings were heavy and the feel- ing barely steady. The general range of prime was from $3.50 to $4.50 per head, with selected veale going up to 86 $7 and $8 per head, THE PEOPLE'S. COLUMN. BRUSSELS POST OFFI0E Savings Bank takes Deposita from 91.00 to 91,000 and allows of per sent, interest, T. FARROW', 87.8m Postmaster, Q'tEED OATS AND BARLEY.—A Limited number of bushels of white oats for sale for seed. 96.2 JOHN 18N1GHT, Lot 17, Oen. 12, Grey, HOUSE AND LOT FOR SALE. The subsorieer offers her house and lot on John Street for sale. Thee are 8 rooms in the house, woodshed, bard and soft water, &e. !'here is f acre of landwith fruit trees and currant beetles, also a good stable. For terms and conditions of sale apply to MRS, THOS.HAYOROPT, 37.2m Brussels; STONE ! STONE ! Sill undtllBridgeN Stoned for Sale Rubble, In and ready for loading at Brussels Quarry. For pride and terms apply to JR 0. 1I21.0.Hp1LL, 37.8f Box 100 - Brussels, fT\FIRE SHIN G OUTFIT FOR Sale.—The undcreigued offers for stale his Abel Engine and Separator, both in good working order. He will also dieposo of his shingle mill. Reason for selling, ill health. A bargain will be given. For further particulars as to price, terms, &c„ apply to RICHARD MITCHELL. 5•tf Lot 16, Con. 0, Grey, or Craubrook P 0 NTHITE FLINT SEED CORN. 'We have secured a limited supply of this popular variety for the ,use of our pat- rons and others who desire it. This am is pronounced the beet in the market by all ex- tensive growers and eepooially by Robb. Cleland, of Elms., h1 whose factory 80 tons of cuestas were made by 27 patrons last saloon,, using this variety exclusively. Orders left, t OGrocery will duly .rder ayethe sok is all taken up. NEIL S. McLAUGHLIN, Obeesemaker, NOT/CE LEGAL AND CONVEYANCING. •9y-^�1 L. TAYLOR, BABRISTER•� �t- lb• Solicitor and Conveyancer,. Celled. Lione made, OIBco_VanetoncesBlool, Brae.. 001st 21-8ni M. SINCLAIR; v T • Solicitor, 0onvoyaneer.No tory Pub - lie, &e. Office—vanotoce a Block, 2 door north. of Central Hotel, Private Punch] to Loan. G• F. BLAIR, BARRISTER, Solicitor, &c, (late of Ga'r•ow & Proudfoo6'5 O111oe, Goderloh.) Oilioe over Gillian di Smith's Bank, Bruesele. Money to Loan. 47 DENTAL. DR• DAVIDSON, Honor Graduate. Toronto University, Licentiate Royal College Dental Surgeons. Crown and Bridge work a. specialty, Moder- ate Foes; Satisfaction Assured. Officee over Barrett's barber shop, Turuberry Bt„ Brus- sels, VETERINARY. T _ D. WARWICK, Honor Graduate of .the Ontario Veterinary: College, is prepared to treat alt potent mavnor. Parrticuianri attention paid to veterinary dentistry. Callspromptlyat- tended to. Oilioe and Infirmary—Four doors north of bridge 'rurnberry at., Brueeois,. MEDICAL CARDS. �T A. MONAUGHTON, M. D. S. Ont.' Rat.esidence and Edinburgh, ge int Wileon'e Block, corner of M41 and Turnberry Ste. JM. ARMSTRONG, M. D. Yhyeioian, Surgeon, Acoouoher, eta, Graduate ronto University Medical Member College bsiioens and Surgeons, Out. Orman—Next door to Mononald & Co„ Walton Out, BUSINESS CARDS. VYH. MotRAOKEN, • oyer steBarrasabhsGrce,Juruberryret, rue RN. BARRETT, NTonsorial Artist- Shop—Next door eoubll of A. M. McKay 8; Co's hardware store. Ladies' and ohildrons hair cutting a Specialty ROBERT CUNNINGHAM 1NSIII,A808, FIRE AND MARINE, GUELPH. WELLINGTON MUTUAL IN- suraneea IIeffected 0on Established ownd Parm Property at vary low rotes, 16.8m J. A, CREIGHTON, Agent, Brussel s. ALEX. EUNT7 R, Go, Huron of Qorvoyaneor, th Notary Public Land, Loan and Insurance Agent, Funds invested and to loan. Collections made Office in Smale's Block, Brussels ISS O'CONNOR, R. T., Teacher of instrumental mimic on Piano or Organ. Will visit Wingham Tues- day and Wednesday: of each week. Resi- dence on Princess Street, Brussels. rr1 A. HAWKINS, NI. O. S. M. J.. • Organist in St, John's Church, Brno Bois, and pupil, in the Art of Teachin of A. W. Thayer, Slue ,i]oe„Neto York, .will stye lessons to pupils either cm piano, or organ, 01. cate, solleoo'itoees. Voasns alsgfen.Te ns md- Is hereby gioen.this is t dnyof April 1800, re the estate 0f the 1aee Alexander Bruce, of AUCTIONEERS. Bluevalo Huron County, Ontario, who died 8th Marc, 1805; that all creditors d nth- -- 0211-- 0211haviug mid claim against the Estate are re- 7 EORG�E KIREBY, [mired to present the same on or before the lot day of lydy noxi, with their names, ad- Liconsedenetionter, Sales conduct e andfallext, nlais ed reasonable arms. Forme and farm stock a specialty. Ordure left at Tun Pon Publishingliouse,Brussels, or sent to Walton p. 0., will receive promp6 attention, That the Exeoutors will not be liable for the same to any porson of whose claim they have not had acid notion.; And that all parties indebted to the said Estate must be prepared to pay the same on or befero the acid date, Payments must be made -at the poet ulnae, 8luovale, or sent to the addroee below, W BnneE,l Executes, \V, ei. haven, Address, 210 Border 86„ Toronto. April 4, 180 .__....—._ _.... • ol'tg go Salem tinier and by virtue of the fiowers'con- tained in a eertai0 mortgage (which will be produced at time of sato) there will bo offer- ed for sale by Public Auction at tIERRIN'8 100TEL at the Vil]aga of MUM, in the Township of Grey, on TUESDAY, 1114 111411 71b, 1805, A61 O'clock p.m , the following ]ands, vi Let No. 20 in the rah Coneeesion of the Township of Grey, In Go County of Buren, containing 000 bnodred acres more or loss. Thorn In said to be on the property a fair dwelling house, frame barn and-ateble,:' to- gether with °rebind and considerable alone ing, end the property ie ona geed .road ,and within aeetvonfei8dietetic. of mho', TENS a 010 tiAr,E,—Ton Der cant, of the 011130010000y ou day of sale, and eull;ol0nt to maim u,. one half: within ted days thereafter. Toms ffor balance matte known at Salo. Dated at ]3rnsoals, April 18, '05. Ar HUNT 10.0 HUNTER, for Vendor. J.. .t S. SCOTT AS AN AUCTION- • nand will 5011 Por bettor priooe, to hotter en, in loss time and lase chargee Ulan any otbor Auctioneer iu East Buren or he won't 'charge anything. Dates mid orders con 11way0 he arranged at this olllae or by personal application, REAL ESTATE 'WARMS FOR SALE ...-7.'HE UN. DnnoroN15n has several good Farms for Salo aud.to rent, easy terms, in Tewnebippe of Morris and Grey. F S. 800TT,Bruseels, 11AR111 TO RENT,—THAT DE— entnnLl1 MSS farm ou the 7th COs. of Morrie, Lot 15, 70 acres of lfret-ol 58 pasture 121t11 spring emelt relining tbro113113 6110 farm. Apply to JA6]E8 8AALE, of the Clinton Marble Werke, or 8001N DOUGLAS on alljoinitlg tam, 17-3 .iARA FOR SALE OR TO It1NT,—H, 4' Lot 20, Oon, 8 Morris, and B. 4 of n t Lotsee nitoo, 332018 0 lleetn[lt,MO ,os neoai On alio pl06 bIl,, aro a Or101130es barn with atone ambling and implement house, also log dwelling house anti milord. Good Good for grain or stotok fain, plena of 8001'.3, 101,00110 00 116, 18 ,ly `t TO 8LINB0N , 0fgt, British Canadian Loan Co., Toronto.