HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1895-4-19, Page 6-R'a'z BBM 4d lid O.,!4L$
APRIL 19, 1695
Vjt N,1115S.C16 V,A16.t
+--I9 ?9 2L ul8D—,--
(iu &line far the oarig ?pails) at
"The Peat" Stomp rubllsbing Uousp,
TDnNDllany ST„ BnusapLa, 021T.
Tama olr snn,onirTrow.-One dollar a
year, in advance, ,411e;}date ,to ivhiolr every
ouboortptieu is hila is denoted by the date
on the address label.
ADyiln is:no Ilo too,-Tbe following rates
will be ellarged to those who adyortiee by
they ear:-
9 0
BPAOMT—' I l Yn.: I ii me.-, m
air - $00.004 '090.00 520.00
air 00.00 2020 22.00
�]tarter " I 12.00 28,00 S 00
ightli __- �
Eight 001120 per lino for first insertion, and
three cents per line for each eubsequont in.
002240n, All:acivertisements measured as
Nonpareil -12 lines to the incl,
Business 0ards,.eight lines and under, $5
per annum.
Advertisements without sericite direo•
tions, will be inserted until forbid, and
charged accordingly.
Instructions to obauge or discontinua an
ativertisemeot must be left at the counting
room' of Trim Posy' not Tater titan Tuesday
of each week This is imperative.
W. II. 3M36.11113,,
Editor and Proprietor.
Seven Years of Suffering.
The following interesting statement
liaa been handed us by W. 1I. AleCraoli.en,
the esteemed Ooiirt Deputyof Court
Maitland. We are sure the information
ws give will be read with , interest, not
only by our many readers who are For.
esters, but by all our eabsoribera '—Up
to the present it has been the good for-
tune of the Independent Order of Ferest•
ere to and each year's history of the Qr.
der better than any preceding year.
Notably le tote true of 1894 ; the record
shows a higher gain than any other year.
Allowfn for deaths and lame, the net
gain in mse
membership is 15,151. The total
membership stood, on 31st December, ab
68,408. Another fact, equally gratifying,
is thatalthough the Order is 1100' in the
20th year of its history, an agewhen the
death rate might reasonably be expootod
to be inoreasing from year to year, the
death rate for 1894 wee 5.39' per 1000, as
against 5.47' for 1898. Though the Order
is a year older than it wile twelve months
ago, yet, owing to the influx of new mem-
bers, the average age today is 34.82 as
against 85.81 last year ; in other words,
we are growing younger as we grow old-
er. We know of no fraternal organiza-
tion where the average age of members
le SO low. It is an Order of young men,
for young men. One of the most grati-
fying foots in tjre year's history is the
rapid growth of the Reserve Fund. Af-
ter paying out all death claims and sick
and other benefits, amounting to $511,-
182.30, the Order has inoreased the re-
serve by 5208,357.32, and stands now at
$1,255,188.87. This rather oontradiots
the assertions of fiaanolal journals that
have been predicting all along that the
reserve could not continuo to grow,
Four years ago we were told the end had
been reached, growth would cease, and
the demands on the reserve to pay claims
would wipe it out. As a matter of fact,
the growth for 1894 of the reserve, shows
the largest increase in its history. Dur.
ing 1894 the Order has been greatly ex-
tended both in America and Great Brit-
ain, the new organizations of the Order
for the year being 4 High 0ourts and 376
Subordinate Courts. Tbe Subordinate
Oourte instituted show an average of over
one per day, and the rate is increasing.
Equaily gratifying is the fact that the
utmost harmony prevails throughout the
whole Order. The membership have the
fullest confidencein the administrative
ability and high integrity of Dr. Oron-
byatekha, the Supreme Chief Ranger,
and his colleagues on the Supreme Ex.
eoutivo. The 26Iiigh Courts are work-
ing cordially and heartily with the Su•
preme Executive. The2,000 Subordinate
Courts are doing their work better than
ever. And the letters of thanks, publish-
ed from month to month, show that the
fraternal spirit of the Order is not only
professed but practised. Tbe Executive,
too, make the pardonable boast that there
is nota single claim in dispute or unpaid.
The 337 claims were paid, on an average,.
inside of 10 days after death. A showing,
such as the above, is oertainly cue to as.
sure the members of the strength and
permanence of the Order, as well as of
the efficiency of its management. And
also one well fitted to inspire the public
with the fullest confidence in the I. 0.
F., when it appeals for support, and pre•
Bente the benefits is offers in oonneotion
with membership.
Neuralgia Made Ills Life Miserable -
litany Remedies Were Tried to Vain
--At Last Relief Came -now no Ob-
tained it.
From the Canadian Evangelist, Hamilton.
A member of thestaff of the Canadian
Evangelist in conversation recently with
Robert Hetherington, who lives at 32,
Railway Avenue, found him very out-
spoken in his admissions as to the benefit
he had derived from the use of Dr. Wil-
liams' Pink Pills and anxious that their
good qualities should be widely known.
He is so thankfal for the good he reeeiv
ed from them that he says he considers
it his duty bo let others know what Pink
Pills have done for him. Mr. Hetherington
was a severe snfferer from neuralgia for
about seven years. It bothered him very
much in the head, arms and logs, and the
pain was often so excessive and the sore.
ness so great that he could scarcely walk.
He tried, as a matter of course, to find
relief, and in doing so tried many so-cal-
led remedies, but none of them were of
any benefit to him. In August last his
attention was Called to Dr. Williams
Pink Pills, and he determined to give
them a trial, and procuring a supply be-
gan their use. In about two weeks he
found himself much relieved and found
the pains disappearing, and after using
Pink Pills for a few weeps longer every
vestige of the pain bad disappeared, and
he was as well as ever. Mr. Hethering-
ton has refrained from making any public
statement before, for the reason that he
wished to be convinced that his cure was
complete, and he is now satisfied upon
this point. In reply to a question Mr.
Hetherington said he was satisfied that
his present condition was dne to the use
of Pink Pills. Before beginning them
he had discontinued other medicines, and
when he found them helping him, had
continued their ase until he felt that he
was fully eared. He further remarked
that he now felt like a new man. "For-
merly,"said he, "when I got up in the
morning I was so stiff and tired that I
could hardly walk, while now I get up
feeling fresh and ready to go to work. I
have not felt any of the parrs since last
September, and I wouldn't again suffer
for one day the pains I formerly endured
for the price of 25 boxes of the Pills."
Mr. Hetherington is not the only mem-
ber of the family who has experienced
the beneficial results of Pink Pills. One
of his daughters, a grown-up young
woman, who was quite ill for a month or
six weeks, and after a course of Pink
Pills is again fully restored to health.
Dr. Williams' Pink Pills have a re-
markable efficacy in curing diseases aris-
ing from an impoverished condition of
the blood, or from au impairment of the
nervous system, snnh as loss of appetite,
depression of spirits, anwmia, chlorosis
or green sickness, general muscular
weakness, dizziness, loss of memory,
locomotor ataxia, paralysis, sciatica,
rheumatism, St. Vitus' dance, the after
effects of la grippe, scrofula, chronic ery-
sipelas, etc. They are also a specific for
the troubles peculiar to the female system
correcting irregularities, suppressions
and all forms of female weakness, build-
ing anew the blood and restoring the
glow of health to pale and sallow cheeks.
In the case of Hien they effect a radical
cure in all cases arising from mental
worry, overwork, or excesses of any
nature, These pills aro not a purgative
medicine. They contain only life giving
properties, and nothing that could injure
the most delicate system.
Dr. Williams' Pink Pills aro sold only
in boxesbearing the form's Mode mark and
wrapper (printed in red ink.) They are
never sold in bulls, or by the dozen or
hundred, and any dealer who offers
substitutes in this form should be avoid-
ed. Ask for Dr. Williams' Pink Pills
for Pale People and refuse all imitations
and substitutes.
Dr. Williams' Pink Pills may be had
of all druggists or direct by mall from
Dr. Williams' Medicine Company, Brock-
ville, Ont, or Schenectady, N. Y., at 50
cents a box, or six boxes for $200.
0:ansadiam T e
Galt has purchased a new fire brigade
team for $250.
The will of the late Ool. Allan Gilmour
of Ottawa was probated on Saturday.,
The estate is valued at $1,452,000. De-
ceased was unmarried. The bulk of his
estate is left to Sohn Manuel, a connection
by marriage. There are several charit-
able and other bequests.
0. Spencer Milliehamp, paying teller in
the Bank of Toronto, shot himself through
the head in the bank offices on Saturday
afternoon. Is the absence of any known
motive for suicide the friends of the de-
ceased think the sad event may have been
en accident.
One of the most brutal jokes ever per-
petrated was inflicted upon an old colored
man named James Anderson, or "Uncle
Jim," ae beds popularly styled, at Wind.
mor on Wednesday. He and anumber of
other colored men were in the saloon of
the Walker House about 9 o'clock, when,
as Anderson obarges. Joe Howard, a
young man, filled the old. man's soft bat
with live coals and slapped it on his bald
head, pressing it down as he did so, Un -
ole Jim, screaming with pain, climbed it
off at once, but his scalp was badly burn-
ed. He has laid an information against
Howard. Anderson says it was no joke,
but spite on Howard's part.
The Medicine Hat News says :-Early
on Sunday morning, Nancy, the grizzly
bear that has been on exhibition near the
C. P. R. depot the past six years, was
taken suddenly sink, and lay in a coma-
tose state in her pen until Wednesday
morning. The symptoms exhibited
would indicate poisoning. On Wednes-
day morning, to relieve her sufferings, an
Indian named "Man Who Flies," was in•
otruoted to kilt her. During her oaptivi•
ty here, Nancy has had an eventful
career. Travellers regarded her with
wonder as a Highly prized curiosity, and
many an honest dollar have these tour•
iets contributed to the "Bear Box" on
Nancy's pen, the proceeds of which were
devoted to the Medicine Hat General
Hospital. Thus bas the poor dumb brute
been for years an unconscious benefactor
of suffering mankind.
Tots OnAN012 Oaumc.-The Orange
Order, under the jurisdiction of the
Grand Lodge of Ontario West, has made
good progress during the past year. One
new oonuty lodge lies been instituted,
palled the Manitoulin County Lodge,
embracing ail the lodges on the 110,11.
toulin Islands. Two new district
lodges have been formed ; one in the
county of Lincoln, to be known as Mer.
rilon Dietriot Lodge, and the other in
the county of Parry Sound, to be known
as the Dietriot Lodge of lfurk's Palle,
During the year nineteen new primary
lodges have been organized, being an in-
oreaee of nine over the previous year.
The initiations numbered 1,089 ; certifi.
oatee deposited, 714 ; reinstatements,
180 ; expulsions, 67 ; deaths, 142, show.
ing a very handsome increase in the
of the Ordor• The
next anual meeting of the Grand Lodge
will be held in London on the first Tues.
It is in the (eland of Formosa that Dr,
itolfay, one of the host suogessful of
Canadian mitiela lariee, has been, carrying
cm agreat work. The probabilities are
that if the island 18 annexed by japan
Dr, MolCay's missionary .enterprise will
be extended rather than curtailed, for the
d'alianese Government sa far more liberal
Jo its treatm000 of ()Martian missionaries
than the Obinese Government has been.
-Hamilton Spectator
Samuel Nellly, who has ;melded at Pt,
Stanley the past 00 years, says that the
hushes has never beau blocked with 000
SO late any season as it has this one.
He has seen the harbor freeze up and
clear of ioe four different Mmes daring a
Winter. At present the harbor is full of
• that
ioe, The prospects are h t boats
will not get out to the liebing.grouude till
the middle of April. Last season's stakes
were driven before Chia time.
Stark's Powders, eaohpaokageof which
contains two preparations, one iO a round
wooden box, the cover of which forme a
measure for ono dose, and immediate re-
lief -for Contivenesa, Sick Headache and
Stomach, alae Neuralgia and all iambi of
ne022008 pans,' and another in capsules,
(from } to 4 of one 10 an ordinary dose)
which acts on the Bowels, Liver and
Stomach, forming a never failing perfeat
treatment for all Head and Stomach oom
plaints. They do not, as most pills and
so many other medicines do, lose their
effect or produce after constipation, they
are nice to take, 25 oents a box at all
medicine dealers.
Mrs. Nickerson has issued a writ
against the widow of the late W. 0, Edo -
Laud, Woodatook's well.knotvn million.
airs, olaiming $20,000 damages for the
alienation of her husband's affentions. 1
At a mass meeting of MoCarthyites,
held at Cayuga, to nominate a candidate
in opposition to Hon. Dr. Montague, Jeff,
McCarthy, a member of Dalton Mo.
Oarthy'e firm at Barrie, wail the unani-
mous choice.
Remus tat Sox Hovne.-Distressing kid.
ney and bladder diseases relieved in six
hours by the "Great South American
Kidney Cure." This new remedy is a
great enrpriso and delight on aocount of
its exceeding promptness in relieving
pain in the bladder, k,dpeyo, back and
every part of the urinary passages in
male or female It relieves retention o
water and pain in passing it almost im
mediately. If you want gni0k relief an
cure this is your remedy. Sold by G. A.
Deadman, druggist.
By the death of Rowland Clegg Hill,
third Viscount Hill, which occurred in.
England on Saturday in his 02nd year,
hie son, the Honorable Bowland Richard
Clegg Hill, late proprietor and editor of
the Paris, Ont., Star-TrauSoipt, becomes
the heir to the title and estates. The
present viscount is still living in Paris,
where for several years he conducted the
8ter•Tranocipt. Ile is 32 years of age
and is married, his wife being Annie
Edith Irwine, a lady of Irish birth. Ire
ie quite popular in sooial and sporting
Minim being an enthusiastic cricketer.
His wife is o, deoidedly clever woman of
moth originality, whose contributions to
her husband's paper raised it deoidedly
above the level of most provincial papers.
Tbe home of the Hills in England is
described ase splendid mansion. The
first Viscount Hill was Rowland Hill,
British general (1772.1842). He was the
nephew of Rowland Hill, (1744-1888),
who, although a olergymau of the Chnroh
of England, did much work among the
Methodists, and was one of the most
noted preaobere of his day. The first
viscount entered the army at 18, served
at the siege of Toulton as aide•de-camp
to three successive generals, was in
Egypt in command of the 90th regiment
and in the expedition to the Weser, and
in 1808 arrived in Spain with the rank of
major general. He took port 1n the
memorable advance and retreat of Sir
Sohn Moore and rendered important
service in covering the einbarkabion of
the British army at Coraona, 1809. In
the subsequent campaign in the Penin-
sula be distinguished himself, particu-
larly at Talavera, Arrays de Molimos
and Almarez. Hie services were re-
warded by the thanks of Parliament and
his elevation to the peerage in 1814 as
Baron Hill of Almorez and Hawiistone.
He closed a brilliant military career at
Waterloo, where he commanded a devis•
ion of the allied armies. In 1828 lie was
appointed Commander in Chief of the
British forces, a post he 000upiei till 18.
42, when upon resigning, be was appoint-
ed a viscount. He pos.essed almost
every quality of a great commander and
was Dolled the"right arm of Wellington,"
who bore fregent testimony to his strata
getie skill and high military capacity.
His personal qua'ities rendered him
perhaps the popular soldier of his time
in the British service.
f day in Fobroary, 1890. There are 92
- primary lodges and hour county lodges
d working under the Orange Grand Lodge
• of the Northwest Territories with a
membership Of about 700.
- FLAX 1898
Save o, limited number of bushels of the
For Farmers lu the vicinity of Oranbrooa
who intend raising Flax during the oomiva
season, which they are prepared to deliver
in quantities to suit flax growers.
Can bo got at the Cn0Nnitee 2 FLAN MSL.
Seed given out on the usual teams. Order
Early end ensure a supply.
For Flan. grown from this seed$111 e'er
Ten will be paid, if of good growth, harvest-
ed in proper season, and delivered at the
Flax Mill ae soon as flt for threshing.
We will rent n. number of good Sod fields
for the purpose of growing fax.
JI'roprletorn Eraitbrook Flax 91111.
'Undevoignnd w11) keepfor Hwiee on
Waite boar, tabef"Pe11remay
be seen on application, Terme, $1.00 to be
Paid at t11e time of eei'vloe with privilege
ofret0281 ng i n000seary.
05.01m Proprie tor,
The undersigned will hoop for
service on
North half Lot 20, Con, 7, Morris, a theme'
bre'Pa,nwosilaorta recently nu chased
from the well known breeder,to•
leer, Also a Chester WhWbita ]boar. Terms,
51,00 to be paid at time of service with priv-
rixilege of returning if ueeeasar0.
09.20 8. WAI,1i101t,Propriotor.
Undersigned will keep for service on
Lot 20, Con, 0, ,Morris, the there bred Du.
proved White Yorkshire Boar "Selected,"
bred from 3,12, Brethqurt 'sweeppstakes Bow
at Obiga10 Fah•, Teruo, 01.00 tobo paid
at .the time of Be1'Vie° with privilege of io-
ruraiugif n000ssarr: Pedigree may be eoou
on applieabioa,
1�▪ pp(2Undesignad will keep ter 'Seryl no on
Durham 2020111, Lrd Morris, lvibo "U1 No. 20849
Pedigree may be seen on applieatian.
Terms, 81.21 to insure.
JOHN I201311,
80•3m Proprietor.
Snnvlou. i have purchased a fine
young Itdo1ptt▪ tock. Iexpecfrom
my other butter
Bull also, For further partieulare enquire
at my Drug and Book Store, Brussels.
Undersigned will keep for service on
Lot 8, Con. 7, Grey, the thorn' -trod improved
Large White Yorkshire boar,Mollin too
Morel," bred from imported stook, uyl. E.
Bedthour, Burford, Ont. Terme-81,00 to bo
paid at time of Berrioo with privilege 00
rotoruin g if necessary. Pedigree and stook
may be Been ou applim,tl u.
87-4 Proprietor.
Sold in 110uesels UyA
f,. . 013,t 0=N,
We are unloading this week
one car load of Giant Prolific
Sweet Early Dent Ensilage Corn.
Farmers and others requiring a
ggood, reliable Seed, for either
Cfreen Feed or Ensilage purposes,
can be supplied at once either at
our Mill or at Storehouse No. 1,
at Lowest s Possible ossible Price.
Stewart & Graham
Millers and Grain Dealers,
• • B1tt(SSELS.
Certain in its effects and never blisters.
Read proofs below:
80512 Carman, Hondorson Co., Ill., Feb. 24,'04.
Dr. R. J. 111eSPALr. Co.
Book,] Sire -Please
d obiR�Ihaveusseed a neat year Rome
grant dein of your
Iiendnll's Spavin Cura with
keo dotne. Ieocddnsmoros•tlaa
ultSpi,Vmand five bottles cured her. 1
keepa bottle on hand
all the limo.
Yoia9 truly, Coda. roman
Dear Stra-I have used several bnttiee of your
think it th best LiNment I ever used.. Have re-
moved one Curb, one Blood 0pnvin and kilted
two Bone SUnvb,e, /lave recommended it to
several of my friends who are much pleased with
arta keep it. Benue S. R`ay,�
RAY, P. C. Box US,
CANTON, 5o., Apr.9,12.
For Sale by all Druggists, or address
1 Dr. D. J. IC.1%NDALL 001E..PANY,
Farmers Attention
F" Ls A X !
Have C00 Bushels of the Bess Dutch Sped for
Farmers in the vicinity of Broads who in-
tend raising Flax daring the coming Season,
which they are prepared to deliver is quan-
tities to suit Flax Growers. Can be got at
the Brussels Flax Mill ; W. H. Mo0raoken's
Grocery, Brussels ; and Wm. Neal's store.
Walton. Seed given out at 01.80 per bushel
and on the usual terms. Order early and en-
sure a evpply
Will he paid for Flax grown from this Seed
if of good growth, harvested in the proper
season, and deli b r t thelnFglax Mill as
won We will relit a number ofood Sod. Fields
for the purpo00 of growing Flax.
N. B. -Farmers are strongly advised to sow
their Flax on good land, well plowed and
harrowed, not on low laude, and the yield
will be from a tun to a ton and a half more
per acre. Flex grown on low land will not
grow there to give the weight.
W. Bright, J. & J. Livingston,
The East Huron License Com-
missioners will meet at the
'cris•ON O.
Friday, April 19th, '94,
At 1 O'cslorlC 1.3. r.
To take into consideration the
Application for Tavern
Licenses for 1896-96.
A Co -partnership has been formed between S. WILTON,
of Brussels, and J. TURNBTULL, of Mitchell,
under the title of
Who will carry on t1s Stove and Tinware
Business in Brussels ih the old stand of
The number of Hotel Licenses
granted last year in the Biding
was 22.
The number of Applications
this year are $8, J. A. Duncan,
Arlington House, Pordwicb, for
hotel license, being the only ap-
plicant not licensed last year.
J.ittsgxowN, April 2nd, 1805.
Messrs. Ballantyne & Wilton.
They have a .First -Class Stock of Dcuiry Garbs,
.71filld Fails,. ,Milk, Pans, "e., Sap
:Buckets and Spites.
STOVES OF the Best Manufacture
and at Close :Prices.
skiv, . Graniteware, Shelf Goods, Whips, Brushes
(;y and a tip-top range of Cutlery always kept.
CoalOil and Machine Oil of Purest Quality,
A Specialty made of Eve Troughing
and Iron Roofing.
As both members of the thin are practical Tinsmiths they
feel assured they can give satisfaction in every
Department of their work.
_The Patronage of the Public Solicited.
We have just Received
a large Consignment of ?:fats and Caps in all
the leading Shapes and Shades for Spring
and Summer wear.
Call and see our Balmoral
Cap, the Newest thing in the ]Market,
Prices Better than, Ever Before.
Q Uf0' J1102-
Spri g ;° : . its F :, , s
Are also coming to Hand.
Prices Right ! -. Styles Right !
Satisfaction Guaranteed
Tile Leathua Halter & Mier,
Brussels and `Monter.