HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1895-4-19, Page 3APiiu, 19, 1895
Tow ', Directory.
Mssivfa tt Orronati,—Sabbath Servioes
at 11 a m and 8;80 p, m, Sunday Seliool
at 2:3Q p m,. Rev, John Roes, B A,
KNox-Onunox.—Sabbath Servlces at 14
a m and 6:3Q p m. Sunday School at
2:30 p M. Rev, D. Millar, paetor,
ST, Jotidt's Cxanpx,—Sabbath„ Servioes
at 13 a m and 7 p m, Sunday School
at 2:30 p, M. Rev, A. K, Griffin, hloum.
M aznonrer Oriunox.—Sabbath Service!)
at 10;30 a m and 6;30 d m, Sunday
School at 2:30 p m, Rev. G, H,'Cobble-
diok, M A, B 13, pastor.
Rotas OAenoxro Oxonon,—Sabbath
Servioe third Sunday in every month, at
10;80 a m, •Rev Joseph Kennedy,
Sim/moss Anur.—Sorviae at 7 sod 11
it in and 3 and 8 p m on Sunday and
every evening m the week at 8 o'clock, at
the Garraolie,
Oun FELLOWS' LODGE every Thursday
evening, in Graham's biosis.
Maoism LODGE Tuesday at or before
full moon, in Garfield blook.
A 0 IT W LODGE on the Ord
Friday evening of eaob month, in Blas.
hill's block.
0 O F Lonna 2nd and last Monday
evenings of each month, in Blaehill's
I 0 F, 2nd and Iaet Friday in Odd
Fellows' Hall.
L 0 L let Monday in every month
in Orange Hall
Soars or Samosa, let and 3rd Tues-
days of each mouth, in Odd Fellows'
K. 0. T. lvf. LODGE, 1st and 3rd Thera.
days of each month, in Vanetone block,
Hoorn OMMtoLE, and and 4th Friday even.
inge inBlaehill's
PosT Orrroe.—Office hours from 8 a.
m.to 6:30 p. m.
Holmes' blook, will be open from 6 to 8
o'clock p. m. Wednesdays and 3:30 to 5
and 6 to 8 Saturdays. Mies Dolly Shaw,
Tows Oooxon,.—W. H. Kerr, Reeve ;
W. H. McCracken, Robert Graham, R:
Leatherdale and B. Gerry, Councillors;
F. S. Soott, Clerk ; Thomas Kelly,
'Treasurer ; D. Stewart, Assessor and J.
T. Rosa, Collector. Board meets the let
Monday in each month.
Sanaa', BOARD; Rev, Ross, (chairman)
Dr. McKelvey, Dr. Graham, A. Reid, A.
Hunter and J. N. Kendall ; Seo. -Trees.,
Li. Ross. Meetings 2nd Friday evening
in each month.
PUBLIC SonooL Tzeomias.-J. H. Cam.
eron, Principal, Miss Braden, Miss
Downey andMiss Cooper.
Boron or HEALTn.—Reeve Kerr, Clerk
Scott, A. Stewart, T. Farrow and J. N.
Kendall. Dr. Tt 6Naughton, Medical
Health Officer,
Fall wheat in this vioinity is looking
remarkably well at present.
John Treble purchased 34 mores of the
old Westoott farm from John Willie, for
the sum of $2,000.
A reward of $200 is being offered by
tbe1xeber Council for the conviction of
the guilty party tubo set fire to the Main
street Methodist cburoh,
John T. Wescott is offering a reward of
65 to the person informing him of the
guilty party who broke the windows in
the stare at the North end.
T. A. Brown, who taught the Exeter
Public schoolfor four years, has been
appointed teacher of music in the Strat.
ford Publio schools at a very remuner-
ative salary.
Workmen under the supervision of
contractor Wm. Howard have been busily
engaged in clearing away the ruins left
by the recent destruction by lire of the
Main Street Methodist church.
A meeting of members and pew hold-
ers of Main Street Methodist church was
held in the Opera Hall a few evenings
ago to discuss the pros and cons relative
to onion with the James street ohuroh,
when it was decided by vote not to unite
and that they would rebuild.
The following offioere were eleoted in
connection with the orieket club :—Hon.
Pres., Dr. Lutz ; President, W. G. Bis•
sitt ; Vioe•Pres., E. E. Ward ; Secretary,
P. L. Bishop ; Treasurer, E. Elliott ;
Committee, Dr. Hyndman, jr., I. R.
Carling and 0. B. Moreland.
Harry Samwell, the son of our esteem-
ed fellow citizen, Geo. Samwell, died in
London, last week, aged 32 years and 8
months. The deceased had long been a
sufferer from paralysis and the pall to
come home was a welcome summons
from phyeioal pain and suffering.
Willie Howard, son of E. S. Howard,
had an experience wbiob almost proved
fatal. The little fellow was playing in
the engine room of the planing mill,
when his olothiog caught in the grinding
stone gearing, and was slowly wound
around the shaft, when his screams
alarmed Will Howey who ran to the
rescue and just as the boy was being
turned around the second time, extricated
6^x o de ritelx.
Hilton Holmes wass home for Easter.
W. T. Dickson, of New York, eon of
Jailer Dickson, is visiting in town at
Ground has keen broken for the found-
ation of Jonathan Miller's new livery
barn on East street, and the stone work
for the base was begun last week,
On Sunday, 08th inet., the Oddfellows
of Goderioh will attend Divine sorviee in
a body, probably at North Street Metho•
dist church, to commemorate the 78th
anniversary of the Order.
bit'. Wurnook has a superb oleander in
its first bloom. The flowers are a lovely
pink, and in clusters as large as many
roses, being between six and seven inches
iu etroumferenae, and the fragrance
Albert Mahaffy, 13, A., a Goderioh
Collegiate Institute boy, has just finished
his theological course in the Presbyterian
College, Montreal, winning the highest
awards of his year—slit gold medal and
the McKay scholarship of 860.
Mrs. Wyatt, on the 22nd of March, laid
an information against A. Smith, ,jr.,
under the Charlton Act, in behalf of her
daughter Eliza. The defendant appear-
ed before police magistrate Sanger Wed-
nesday afternoon of last week, both par.
ties being rrpreeonted by counsel. An
interview was held by tine interested
parties, and it was announced that the
matter was to be ended by as immediate
marriage ceremony. The license was at
once prooured and the marriage duly
solemnized the same day.
An amusingpittle opaurrence happen•
ed on Weet•et, during the remit lire, A
stove in a eeeond storey was in urgent
need of removal to the road and what
did some muscular beings do but plait it
up and toss it out. It landed with a
crash on the sidewalk, Shortly after a
straw mattress was carefully., lowered by
a rope in the hands of several gentle
Mr. Brown, of the parmona,Cambria
line of boats, was in town last week look.
lug up matter's for the owning season's
trellis, He met a number of the buei'
nese men of the town in the town clerk's
case, with a view to getting their assist..
ante fn anapplioation to the Government
for a mail subsidy for the line along the
East shore of the lake. While there will,
no doubt, be ample trade for the two
boats during the tnid-Summer months,
it is not expecbed that business will pay
fpr both throughout the season, unless
with the help of a mail conirant, and, as
this t
1:e wo lid be it convenience and an ad•
vantage bo business men all alone; the,
line, it was agreed by the meeting that
the it
might very properly be
aekecl to consider the matter favorably.
CILio ton.
Ierael Taylor, who is looal agent for
the Confederation Life, has also been
appointed agent for Blyth.
IL was decided to put furnaiesand von•
tilators in the Public school, and for this
purpoee the Board will ask the Town
Council for an additional grant of $400
this year.
Mr. Freeman, who is employed at
Stapleton, had bit watch stolen a few
days since, from ea nail where be had
hung it. A strong euspioion as to the
guilty party exists.
Geo. Swarte, of town, has bought out
Martin's hotel, Seltford, and takes pot.
session on the let of May. G. D. Find-
ley, of town, has bought a hotel at 0o-
bonrg, and removes thereto.
The ladies of the W. C. T. IT, and oth•
ere, to the number of 21, held their final
meeting at the residence of Mrs. S. Crioh,
on March 20th, and finished up their:
sewing for the Winter. After making
two quilts, two shirts, a pair of pants,
and repairing other garments too numer.
one to mention, they sat down to tea,
and later on in the evening, all having
spent the time profitably and pleasantly,
they departed to their homes.
C:xnra.dtacxx Newt.
A. B. Cowan, of Galt, fell in with a
Drew of Chatham toughs and was beaten
and robbed.
A. lodge of the Daughters of Rebeokeh
was instituted in Woodstock last week by
a delegation of 20 from St. Thomas.
Travelling peddlars will hereafter have
to pay a license fee of $75 for the privil-
ege of selling their wares in the town of
Assistant Chief Engineer Hamel of the
Public Works Department at Ottawa is
tinder suspension fur alleged shortage in
his accounts.
Mrs. Barbour, of Stratlrallan, relebrat•
ed her 00th birthday on April 1st. She
is still quite active and attends church
every Sabbath.
Wm. Smith, of East Nissouri, has in
hie possession an ahnanao printed 45
years ago. It corresponds with the al-
manacs of the present time,
Francis Northey, one of the engineers
on the Hamilton Waterworks, died end-
denly while stooping to turn on the water
in front of the pnmping•house.
ours.—Ml cases of organic or sympathetic
heart disease relieved in 30 minutes and
quickly cured, by Dr. Agnew's Cure
for the Heart. One dose convinces.
Sold by G. A. Deadman.
Jae. O'Keefe pleaded guilty to the in•
diotment of stealing certain articles from
Priegle's house and two overcoats from
the Methodist church, Guelph. He was
sentenoed to two yeare, leas one day, in
the Central Prison.
There are only three Canadian entries
for the big Northwestern Breeder's stake
at Chioago in August—Thos, Crooks',
"Gertie B." ' J, 0. Boyd's, 'Lord Fer-
guson," and H. Scott's, "Bryson." Ger-
tie B. and the Simooe horse will start in
the 2,20 trot, $5,000 stake. The meeting
will start on August 17.
A New York despatch says :—The trot-
ting team, Don Lowell, 2,148, and Egg
Nogg, 2.248, recently purchased by Geo.
H. Ketoham, of Toledo, for„Walter Win•
ace, Brighton, Eng., were shipped for
Southampton last week on the steamer
Lebo, of the North German Lloyd line.
T. 0. Murman, superintendent of the
Ketcham farm at Toledo, went across in
charge of the trotters,
Robert J., the pacing champion, is re.
ported to have wintered splendidly in
California, and to -be in a fib condition
now to go inside of the two -minute mark.
Fantasy is improving every day, and e
material reduction in her record is looked
for. The defeat of Robert 3, by Joe
Potation is explained by 0. 3, Hamlin,
as the result of a let up in hie work,
whereby he put on a great deal of fat.
B. Taylor, Esq., merchant, Welland,
says : "Stark's Powders have a great
reputation about here as an immediate,
as well its a permanent cure for Head-
ache, Dilionsness, Neuralgia, Liver and
Stomach Complaints, Costiveness. I
know of people who have been long and
great sufferers, who have tried almost
everything, and have been oared by them.
We have used them in our awn family
with remarkable anomie." Two prepay
atione in oath box. Sold by all medicine
dealers at 25o a box, 5 boxes $1. Nice to
The case against John Cass for man -
laughter, and Alex. Knitting as an accts•
cry, came up for hearing at Guelph, on
eiday afternoon of lost week, before
nation Rose, The crime which they
were charged with was the result of a
arroom quarrel last Novemhor, when
ns deceased, Johnston, a farmer near
neigh, who was on his way to the lura•
sr woods, got into a trifling altercation
t Bnrsoh's hotel with Cass, which led to
lows, and in the clinch that followed
ohnstol fell underneath Cass, and never
gained oonsoiousnees, Keating ie
tarred with being an aooeesory for in.
erfering with othere, who endeavored to
eparato the combatants, The medioal
'finesses at the inquest who held the
Det mortem on Johneton'e body, testified
tat his skull was of unusual thinness.
ftee hearing the evidence of the orown
nil Dr. Coven's Ieebimony, His Lord•
dp held that Cass had hot used undue
olenoe to defend himself, and directed
hat a verdict of not guilty be entered.
oth prisoners were then discharged.
A boy of twelve years had a death an
funeral notice of a companion inserted
The London Free Prsse, presumably as
The losers of a purling match at Ilam
ilton 'Phistle rink not only had to buy
cord of wood, but had to salts. hold .of th
bucksaw and out it into stove lengths.
Winnipeg will have a firet•iltes pro,
feesionalthig season. Portage 14 Prairie
le alto coming to the front in Northwest'
ern. rut, and will have the services of a
l8ngllsh professional in '05,
'1lxEAtrtyrstr Gusto its A DAs,—Soul
American Rheumatic Cure for liheurna
tiem ani( Neuralgia radically oures in
to 8 days. Its action upon the oyster
is remarkable and mysterious. it. re
moves at once the cause and the diens
immediately disappears. The first dos
greatly benefits, .76 cents, Warranted
by G. A. Deadman,
The scheme to harness the Taaohin
Rapids by building a dam parallel wit
the shore 3,500 feet long, and by bundle
an engine house containing seventy-two
turbine wheels, is again mauled, and it i
stated the Lachine Rapids Hydraulic
Land Company will apply for a charts
to the next Parliament.
Last fall Ajax was in a very bad shape.
ENNA! Beeby toe" and falling of the sole
in his left forefoot, His foot had been out
away to within about two inches of the
coronet. Now, however, Trainer Camp-
bell has grown out an entirely new foot
on him. He is in good bodily health and
there seems to be a first-rate chance that
he will train,
The grape growers of Essex have e
soheme wbiob promises to revolutionize
the grape trade in that county. It is
proposed to form a fruit exchange of a
joint stock company, composed principal•
ly of grape growers, who will handle the
entire crap of the district. The company
will be formed with a capital stook of
Christopher Kean, of East Zorra, has
in his possession a Lntheraa Bible,
printed in 1552. It belonged to his an-
ceators in the old country over bwo hun-
dred years ago. It has the births, mar-
riages and deaths written in it of the
family of that time. He has also en un-
broken record of their family from that
time to the present.
Robert Blair, of Bolingbroke, owns a
cat wbiob killed a large eagle. Die eagle•
ship attacked the oat with the intention
of carrying him off as hie prey and sue-
oeeded in raising him from the ground
several times, but the resistance and
pluck of "grimalkin" made him champion
of the field.. The eagle when killed
measured six feet from tip to tip.
One short puff of the breath through the
Blower, supplied' with each bottle of Dr.
Agnew's Catarrah Powder, diffuses this
Powder over the surface of the nasal
passages. Painless and delightful to
use, it relieves instantly, and permanent-
ly cures Cabarrah, Hay Fever, Colds,
Headaches, Sore Throat, Tonsilitis and
Deafness. 00 cents at G. A. Deadmau's.
A very singular incident happened dur-
ing the sickness of the late I. J. Walsh,
of Lyndoeh. At one lims he was deliri•
pus and asked hie attendants when the
minister and the hearse were coming.
After a little cessation in bis wanderings
he remarked that there were 69 riga io
the procession. Strange to say at the
funeral two or three parties oarefully
counted the rigs more than once and
there were just 69—so that he had really'
seen the vision of his own funeral pro-
cession. This. is from a very authentic
Will to tar Line
fDUYAI•, NAff, Nno.nsUi.t+ii,
Colin McLean and Gibson Pelton
oconpy two adjoining farms in West Ox-
ford. They have lived there for upwards
of forty years and have always been gond
neighbors until the other day their long
period of tranquil and hitherto peaceful
life gave place to strife of a mild nature,
the culmination of which was a settle•
went of the differences in the Woodstock
police court. Their neighborly relations
were broken in this way :—The dividing
line between the two farms ie an ordinary
rail fence. It appears, however, that it
was built in rather an ordinary that
and this was what caused the trouble.
Towards the farther end of the fence it
became necessary for the builders to
deviate from the straight line and a mall
jog was left. This was made in favor of
the McLean farm and in the small space
there grew a monster elm tree which
when out into above lengths would furnish
a goodly acquisition to the farmer's wood-
pile. Had the fence been built straight,
the elm in question would have been
found situated on the Pelton farm.
Quite natnral,then, that the latter should
consider his rights to the tree. The
hired man one day espied the tree, and
with hie keen edged axelaid it low, and
with the assistance of young Patton, drew
the wood to the hoose unbeknown to Mr.
Pelton, sr. The plaintiff on visiting the
glen and finding his favorite elm laid low
and carried of bodily, of course wanted
satisfaction and interviewed the police
magistrate. After bearing the evidence,
the magistrate decided to dismiss the
moo and an amicable settlement will
likely he affected.
13ebween Now York and Liverpool, via
Queenstown,every Wednesday,
As bbo ebnamsre of tole line carry only a
ibriotly limited number In the FMK, and
sttootn oanm a000 imodablons, intending
peseongers are reminded bbab an early apo
pllatttdou for bertha is neaegeary at tide sew
son,. For plane, rates, eto„ apply to
W. H. Kerr,
Agent, Bi•useele.11
Electric Light Plant
The undersigned has decided
tooffer for sale the Brussels
Electric Light Plant. A just-.
class investment can be shown.
Easy terms ; good reason for
selling ; full particulars cheer-
fully furnished on application.
25 et8,,
Woks. and
$1.00 Bottle.
One Dent a dose.
It 1s sold on a guarantee by all druggists.
It euros Insipient Consumption and se the
beet Cough and Croup Cure.
5001 119.5,55. BOX, Druseist, ttrussele.
British Columbia
Riled Cedar Shingles
AND --
North Shore
Pine and Cedar
Brussels Planing JYIills
.Also Doors and Sash of all Pat-
terns on hand or made to order
at Short Notice,
Estimates Furnished for all
kinds of Buildings. Workman-
ship and Material Guaranteed.
When you want a Stove, Tin
or Granite -ware. or Hard- ,
ware, Paints & Oils,
Hardware Store
Where fou will, from
this date, get a
Offal) Cash Purchases.
Fine Roman, Artists' Can-
vas in Stock.
The best
$1,00 TRADE
Corset In
the Mari et.
New Spring Dress Goods,
Prints and Ducks.
A. Strachan.
Any Amount of Money to Loan
on Farm or Village Pro.
perty at
6 & 6i Per Cog, Yuiarl ,`
Straight Loans with privilege' of
repaying when required,
Apply to
A. Hunter,
Division Don't Clerk, Brussels.
Modern !
Featherbone Corsets must not
be confounded with those which,
were made five or six years ago,
The Featherbone Corset of to -day
is as far removed from the old
style, as black is from. white.
New W 11 Pa p E ars.
10,000 Rolls to Choose from.
Prices to Suit Purchaser.
Lovely Patterns from 5o. up.
Elegant Borders to match
at Half the usual Price.
Beautiful sets in Sintelare and Embossed
Silks suitable for Drawing Rooms, &0.
Call in and see thein. A discount of
10 per cent. on all goods purchased
between now and March 1st,
W. Roddic
Boot & Shoe Store,
1:31.V YV SS HiLE.
limas Sewed Free of Charter
Opposite the 4aen'soto1, - Brussels,
A Full Stock of Fresh Groceries, Flour, Bread,
Crockery and Glassware always on Band
Produce taken at Highest .,d!Icbr 1ttet .Prices in
Ea than'- e, but nv Ci'edit _wenn,
Commissions of all kinds
Promptly Executed.
Nomombor the Bread and Other Trion in pro ortiorl
Special Bargains TUESDAYS nul WEDNESDAIa
of o.-e'lweek,